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1 to 8 3 disable all functions. "Hot" keys: general actions


How to enable the "All functions" menu item in the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 program

With the release of 1C programs on the Internet, developers faced new technical challenges, for example:
  • the ability to work in the program using a web browser,
  • opportunity to work on mobile devices with different screen resolution,
  • the ability to work, manage and enter information by touching the touch screen.

Significant reworking of the user interface was required: larger controls were made, more contrasting colors of controls, color highlighting of active controls, large fonts, indents between elements, usability was significantly redesigned to improve ease of perception.

As a result user interface(which was called "Taxi") was unified and simplified as much as possible, and to access all the main elements of the program, the "All functions" command appeared in the main menu of the command interface, which allows you to go to the list of all configuration objects and to the standard functions provided by the platform: registers, directories, constants, totals management functions, full-text search, posting documents, etc.

By default, after installing the 1C program, this item is not displayed in the main menu. This is due to the fact that the listed functions are not intended for an ordinary and untrained user.
However, if necessary, the user can independently enable the display of the "All functions" command.

So, if you don't have the "All Functions" button in your interface, then click Main Menu > Tools > Options.

In the window that opens, select "Display command" All functions ".

If there is no "Display All Functions" command in the options window

If you do not have such an item in the options window "Display the "All functions" command, then most likely you do not have enough rights. For security reasons, the developers have added a separate role that controls the user's ability to independently enable or disable this option. If you have an administrator, then contact him so that he can add such a role to you.If you are "your own administrator", then you need to go to the 1C Configurator, select the menu item "Administration" > "Users".

In the user list, select the user to which you want to add rights. In the user card on the tab "Other" we find the line "Mode "All functions", set the flag, click "OK".

Now this user can independently configure the visibility of the "All functions" command .

How to enable All functions in 1C, where to enable the "All functions" section in the 1C program, How to add the "All functions" command to the 1s 8.3 menu, How to enable the display of the "All functions" command in the 1C program interface, How to configure the display of the "All functions" item " in command interface 1C 8.3

Tags: How to enable All functions in 1C, where to enable the "All functions" section in the 1C program, How to add the "All functions" command to the 1s 8.3 menu, How to enable the display of the "All functions" command in the 1C program interface, How to configure the display of the All item functions in 1C

In this article, I will tell you how to customize the interface of the Taxi program for comfortable work, so that all the necessary buttons and the most necessary reports are always at hand.

1) Let's start with the most common question of my beloved clients, related to the lack of the "Operations" menu. Many accountants used it to search for reports, processing, documents that were sometimes very difficult to find in other sections of the program.

As such, there is no “Operations” menu in Accounting 3.0. Its analogue is called "All functions" and by default the display of this section in the program is not set. To enable it, you need to enter the menu, which opens with the orange button with a triangle in the upper left corner of the program. In the list that appears, select the "Service" section and open the "Options" section.

In the window that opens, check the box “Display the command“ All functions ”and fix the result by clicking the“ Apply ”button.

Now in the same Main Menu (orange button with a triangle) we see the section "All functions"

In which everything that we are so used to seeing in Accounting 2.0 in the "Operations" section:

2) Now let's consider the program's capabilities in terms of setting up the TAXI interface. For example, now my program looks like this:

Those. sections above. Open windows bookmarks below. Let's see how to change the location of all elements of the working window of the program. Again we open the main menu and find the section "Panel settings" there.

Then everything is simple. With the left mouse button, grab the section whose position we want to change and drag it to where we want to see this panel. For example, like this: I will raise the “Open Panel” to the top, and drag the “Partition Panel” to the left side of the window.

Click the "Apply" or "OK" button and voila, this is how our program began to look:

Perhaps it will be more convenient for someone to work this way.

3) Another tip for setting up the program. As a rule, each accountant has some sections or reports that he uses daily. Well, for example, OSV or OSV on the account. And it would be very convenient if they were always there, always at hand. This can be achieved in a very simple way, by placing the necessary reports in the "Favorites" section. We will find the balance sheet in the "Reports" section. Pointing the mouse at it, we see a gray star next to it.

By clicking on it, we will mark the selected report as "Favorites"

Section "Favorites"using the panel editor already known to us, we will place, for example, at the bottom of the working window of the program.

4) And one more "secret" for setting up the program interface. In various sections of the program there are documents that some never use. Well, simply because of the specifics of the organization. For example, in the "Purchases" section, documents related to EGAIS.

We do not need these documents and we can remove them from the desktop. To do this, in the editable section in the upper right corner, click on the gear and in the menu that appears, select the item "Navigation settings"

In the window that appears, we see two columns. On the left are the commands that can be added to our desktop. And on the right, those commands that are on our desktop. We find the EGAIS section on the right column and click on the "Delete" button

Accordingly, documents that are in the right column can be added to the desktop by clicking the "Add" button

5) And finally, for those who do not want to get used to the Taxi interface. You can change the interface to the one that was in the first versions of Accounting 3.0.

In the "Administration" section we find the item "Interface"

Here, the developers offered us a choice to change the program interface to the one as in previous versions 8.3 and similar Accounting 7.7. Selecting the one we are interested in appearance program, it will have to be restarted.

This is how the program with the previous interface will look like.

For interest, let's see what is the interface, similar to Accounting 7.7.

Well, I don't know, I don't know. I'll probably go back to my usual "Taxi".

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you today. I hope that some information will be useful to you in working with the program.

The "All functions" menu in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3 is designed to display all documents, directories and other program objects in a single window. It often helps you find what you can't find in the program. But with the menu "All functions" there is one standard problem- by default it is not displayed, so now I'll show you how to fix it.

The question will be considered using the example of the 1C "Enterprise Accounting" configuration (basic), but everything shown applies to any 1C configuration.

Once again: why you need the "All functions" menu

Any 1C configuration, as you should know, is built on a single 1C:Enterprise platform. If you forgot or don't know how platform differs from configuration, read . The configurations themselves are quite complex and contain lots of documents, directories, registers (what are registers) and much more that is necessary to work in them. Of course, everything that is in the program is quite well organized into sections, subsections, menus, and so on, but often there are so many possibilities that they simply do not fit into any menus.

In addition, some features of the program are rarely needed, so they are not displayed in the public menu. But if they are in the program, then somewhere all this must to be, right? For this, in 1C 8.3 there is a service menu "All functions".

The "All functions" menu in 1C 8.3 contains not only rarely used configuration components, but in general EVERYTHING that is in the program!

There is only one snag left, indicated in the title, which is why you got to this page of the site from the search.

Why is "All functions" not displayed in 1C 8.3?

Indeed, the creators of 1C hid this menu by default. Why? It is hard to say. Perhaps they thought that an ordinary user does not need access to all program objects and that those that can be found in the program sections are enough?

In my opinion, this is a dubious concern, since it is ordinary users who most often wonder "...why isn't the All Functions menu displayed?" You, like any other user, can fix this situation for yourself in your own 1C database. It is in the database, since the settings shown below, which allow you to show the "All functions" menu in 1C 8.3, refer to the database, and not to the configuration as a whole. So if you have, for example, 3 1C bases, then in order to display All functions in each of them, you need to perform the following steps in EVERY base.

In fact, everything is simple here. Let's get started.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

How to display "All functions" in 1C 8.3

In order to show the "All functions" menu, we need to go to the "Options" menu and put only one checkmark there, as shown in the figure below. The "Parameters" menu itself in 1C 8.3 is standardly opened from the Main Menu / Service. You can also access it from the quick launch bar in the upper right corner of the program (key icon). Either way, the window shown in the figure below will open.


I think the picture needs no explanation. Check the box "Display command All functions", save - you're done! You do NOT need to restart the program, all changes are applied immediately. But again, let me remind you that the setting will apply ONLY to the current open database!


I did everything, but it didn't work!

If you did everything right, but nothing happened, then the display this menu FORBIDDEN in the rights of the user under which you entered the database. In this case, you need to either change the rights of the current user in the Configurator, or create a new user with such rights (it is better, of course, to change the rights of an existing user).

If this is not your personal base, but a working one, then it is best to contact a specialist who will perform all the settings for you.

Where are "All functions" in 1C 8.2?

In the 1C 8.2 configuration there is no such menu, but there is an "Operations" menu. Go into it and you will see a list of program object types. The Operations menu is never hidden, so version 8.2 users don't experience the issue discussed in this article.

You can also see the solution to the problem of displaying a hidden menu described above in the video.

The video tutorial shows how to enable the All functions menu in 1C Enterprise 8.3

Applicable for platform 1C Enterprise version 8.3 and does not depend on the specific configuration. An example of enabling the menu All functions is given for the Accounting Department of the Enterprise.

Summing up

Using the "All Functions" menu in 1C 8.3 or the similar "Operations" menu in 1C version 8.0 - 8.2, you can access absolutely all the features of the program. If the All Features menu is hidden, display it as shown in the article.

Important: It is also worth bearing in mind that some configuration objects may NOT be designed to be opened just like that. There are few of them, but they exist. You will understand this if, when you try to open something from the general list of objects, this something will issue a warning. This is normal and is NOT an error.

Do you want to know why this happens and how the program works in general? Then pay attention to the presented on the site

Each 1C solution based on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform has a wide range of capabilities. However, there are universal tricks that can be used in any configuration. With this article, we open a series of publications in which 1C methodologists will talk about the universal capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. Let's start with one of the most important methods for improving work efficiency - with the description of "hot" keys (actions from the keyboard, as a rule, are performed faster than similar actions through the menu using the mouse). Having mastered hotkeys, you will simplify the performance of frequently repeated actions.

Table 1


Keyboard Shortcuts

How the program works

Create a new document

Open an existing document

Open calculator

Opens the calculator

Show properties


Open message box

Close message box


Open scoreboard

Opens scoreboard

Open Help

Opens help

Call help index


Calls the help index

Hot Keys: Global Actions

Global actions are actions that you can perform in any state of the program. At the same time, it does not matter what this moment opened in 1C:Enterprise. The main thing is that the application should not be busy performing any task.

Global actions are actions that can be called anywhere in the running 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. Regardless of what exactly happens in the running configuration, the meaning of global actions does not change (for example, pressing Ctrl+N will always bring up the dialog for creating a new document).

Table 1

Hot keys for global actions


Keyboard Shortcuts

How the program works

Create a new document

Opens a window that prompts you to select the type of new document to be created in various formats - for example, text, spreadsheet or HTML

Open an existing document

Opens the standard "Open" dialog box, accessible via the "File/Open..." menu.

Activating the search field in the command bar

Sets the cursor to this field

Open calculator

Opens the calculator

Show properties


Depending on what the cursor is placed on, opens the corresponding property palette of this object or element. Useful when working with tables, text, HTML, etc.

Open message box

Allows you to open a previously closed message window. It is often useful when a window is accidentally closed and you need a message from it. Please note: as long as the system has not entered anything in the message window again, old messages are saved even in a closed window

Close message box


Closes the message box when they are no longer needed. Please note: the combination is chosen so that it is easy to press with one hand

Open scoreboard

Opens scoreboard

Open Help

Opens help

Call help index


Calls the help index

"Hot" keys: general actions

General actions- actions that have the same meaning in different configuration objects, but the behavior of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform changes depending on where exactly you use one or another common action. For example, pressing the "Del" key marks the current element of the directory for deletion if you are in the list of directory elements. Or deletes the contents of the current cell of the spreadsheet document if you are editing it.

table 2

"Hot" keys for common actions


Keyboard Shortcuts

How the program works

Deletes the element under the cursor (the current element) or the selected group of elements


Allows you to add a new element

Saves the active document

Printing the active document

Calls the print dialog for the active document

Printing to the current printer


Initiates direct printing of the active document to the printer assigned in the system by default (without opening the print dialog)

Copy to clipboard


Copies the required element or the selected group of elements to the Windows clipboard

Cut to clipboard

Ctrl + X

Cuts the required element or the selected group of elements to the Windows clipboard. It differs from copying in that the copied element or group is deleted after hitting the buffer

Paste from clipboard

Shift + Ins

Pastes the current data from the Windows clipboard to the location marked with the cursor

Add to clipboard as a number

Shift + Num + (*)

Used for numeric values

Add to clipboard

Shift + Num + (+)

Used for numeric values. Addition operation with data on the clipboard

Subtract from clipboard

Shift + Num + (-)

Used for numeric values. Subtraction operation on clipboard data

Select all

Cancel last action

Ctrl + Z

Redo undone action


Find next

Find next highlighted

Find Previous

Find previous selection




Select all

Selects all available elements in the active document

Undo last action

Ctrl + Z

Undoes the last action

Redo undone action


Allows you to undo "Ctrl + Z", in other words - to return what you did before pressing the undo last action

Opens a dialog for setting search parameters in the active configuration object and performing this search

Find next

Finds the next element that matches the parameters specified in the search settings

Find next highlighted

Finds the next element corresponding to the one you selected (for example, where the cursor is located)

Find Previous

Finds the previous element that matches the parameters specified in the search settings

Find previous selection


Finds the previous element that matches the one you selected


Opens the Find and Replace Values ​​dialog (where allowed)

Collapse (tree node, spreadsheet group, module grouping)


Used where tree nodes marked with "+" or "-" are available

Collapse (tree node, spreadsheet group, module grouping) and all subordinates


Collapse (all tree nodes, spreadsheet document groups, module groupings)


Expand (tree node, spreadsheet group, module grouping)

Ctrl + Num + (+)

Expand (tree node, spreadsheet group, module grouping) and all subordinates


Expand (all tree nodes, spreadsheet document groups, module groupings)

Ctrl + Shift + Num + (+)

Next page


Fast paging of the active document

Previous page

Ctrl+Page Up

Turn on/off boldness

Used where text formatting is supported and possible

Turn italic on/off

Turn on/off underline

Skip to the previous web page/help chapter

Used in HTML documents

Skip to the next web page/help chapter

Abort the execution of a data composition system report

Hot Keys: Window Management

This section combines common "hot" keys for all windows and forms of the "1C:Enterprise" platform.

Table 3

"Hot" keys for window management


Keyboard Shortcuts

How the program works

Close active free window, modal dialog or application

This combination can quickly complete the entire configuration on the 1C:Enterprise platform, so use it carefully

Close active regular window

Closes the current normal window

Close active window

Closes the currently active window

Activate next normal window


Allows you to activate the next window among those opened within the configuration. Pressing in a cycle while holding down the Ctrl key allows you to scroll through open windows "forward"

Activate the previous regular window


Allows you to activate the previous window among those opened within the configuration. Pressing in a cycle while holding down the Ctrl key allows you to scroll through open windows "back"

Activate the next section of the window

Activates the next section of the current window

Activate the previous section of the window

Activates the previous section of the current window

Call the system menu of an application or a modal dialog

Allows you to see the system menu of operations (minimize, move, close, etc.) above the program window or an open modal dialog

Call the window system menu (except for modal dialogs)

Alt + Hyphen + (-)
Alt + Num + (-)

Allows you to see the system menu of operations (minimize, move, close, etc.) above the active window

Call main menu

Activates the main toolbar with buttons for the current window. Thus, you can select actions without using the mouse.

Call context menu

Displays a context menu above the currently active element. Similar to clicking the right mouse button on it

Return activity to normal window

Returns activity to a regular window after working with context menu. Attention! In any other case, Esc will close the active window.

"Hot" keys: form management

Here are collected "hot" keys that simplify and speed up work with various forms that are created in configurations written on the 1C:Enterprise platform.

Table 4

"Hot" keys for managing forms


Keyboard Shortcuts

How the program works

Go to next control/default button call

Navigate between controls on the form "forward" (see Tab)

Calling the default button

As a rule, various forms have a default button assigned (it is different from the others - for example, it is highlighted in bold). Using this keyboard shortcut allows you to from anywhere open form activate default button

Move to next control

Navigate between controls on a forward form

Move to the previous control

Navigate between controls on a form "back"

Activates the command bar associated with the active control/form

Activates the main toolbar with buttons for the current form. Thus, you can select actions without using the mouse.

Navigate through controls grouped together


Using the cursor keys, you can quickly move between grouped controls

close form

Closes the current form window

Restore window position

If some parameters of the form window are lost, this combination allows you to return everything back

"Hot" keys: work with the list and tree

The "hot" keys of this section will help you work efficiently without using the mouse in numerous lists and trees that are actively used in various configuration objects on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

Table 5

"Hot" keys for working with the list and tree


Keyboard Shortcuts

How the program works

Opens the element on which the cursor is positioned for editing. The key is similar to the "Edit" action on the standard form button bar



Refreshes the data in a list or tree. This is especially true for dynamic lists (for example, a list of documents) when auto-update is not enabled for them.


Creates a new list item using the current item as a template. Similar to the "Add by Copy" button

A new group

Creates a new group. Similar to the "Add Group" button

Removing a line

Direct removal of the current element. Attention! Use this combination with great care in dynamic lists because deletion cannot be undone.

Move a line up


In lists where row reordering is allowed, allows you to move current line up. Similar to the "Move up" button

Move a line down


In lists where row reordering is allowed, allows you to move the current row down. Similar to the "Move Down" button

Move element to another group


Allows you to quickly move the current element (for example, a directory) to another group

Go one level down while expanding the group

Navigates inside the folder where the cursor was placed

Go one level up (to "parent")

Goes to the top of the folder you were in

Finish editing

Finishes editing the list item with saving changes

Cancel search

Interrupts the search

Expand tree node

Used where tree nodes marked with "+" or "-" are available

Close tree node

Expand all tree nodes

Change the checkbox

Inverts the value of the current element's checkbox (enables or disables it)

"Hot" keys: input field

Entry field- an actively used control in many places of configuration forms. "Hot" keys for the input field allow you to quickly perform frequently used actions on it. It is especially useful to use these keys where the configuration developer did not display the input field control buttons you need.

Table 6

"Hot" keys for the input field


Keyboard Shortcuts

How the program works

Similar to the behavior when editing plain text, it allows you to either add new characters when you type to old ones, or overwrite old ones with new ones.

Select button

Selecting the appropriate object associated with the input field (for example, selecting the desired document from the list). Similar to the "Select" input field button

Open button


Opens the form of the selected object in the current input field. Similar to pressing the "Open" input field button

clear field

Clear an input field from its current value

Working with typed text in the input field


Go to the beginning of the line

Go to end of line

Mouse Pointer Pressing the Up Button for the Adjust Button

Use adjustment if allowed in the input field. For example, changing dates, counters, etc. Similar to pressing the "up" button of the input field controller

Mouse pointer down button for throttling button

Use adjustment if allowed in the input field. For example, changing dates, counters, etc. Similar to pressing the "down" button of the input field slider

"Hot" keys: picture field

picture field is a standard element of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform for displaying graphic images. "Hot" keys will help, for example, comfortably view the image located in the picture field.

Table 7

"Hot" keys for the image field


Keyboard Shortcuts

How the program works

zoom in

Scales the picture

zoom out



Moving around the picture

Scroll up window size

Scroll down by window size

Scroll window size to the left

Scroll window size right

"Hot" keys: spreadsheet editor

This section grouped "hot" keys for a variety of spreadsheet documents. They can be very useful if you frequently edit data in such documents.

Table 8

"Hot" keys for spreadsheet editor


Keyboard Shortcuts

How the program works

Go to cell

Opens a dialog box for moving to a cell with column/row coordinates

Move through cells


Moves the cursor through table cells

Move through cells to the next filled or empty

Ctrl + (Up, Down, Left, Right)

Moves the cursor over filled table cells

Cell selection

Shift + (Up, Down, Left, Right)

Selects an area of ​​cells starting with the current one

Scroll up a page

Scrolling a spreadsheet

Scroll down a page

Scroll page left

Scroll page right

Go to edit cell content

Enables cell content editing mode

Toggle Editing/Entering Mode in a Cell

Go to the beginning of the line

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line

Go to end of line

Moves the cursor to the end of the line

Go to the beginning of the text

Jump to end of text

Setting the name of the current area


Sets the name of the current cell area

"Hot" keys: editor of text documents

"Hot" keys when editing text in text areas and documents can significantly speed up and simplify the process.

Table 9

"Hot" keys for the editor text documents


Keyboard Shortcuts

How the program works

Toggle insert/replace mode

Allows you to either add new characters when entering to old ones, or overwrite old ones with new ones

Go to the beginning of the line

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line

Go to end of line

Moves the cursor to the end of the current line

Select to start of line

Selects text up to the beginning of the line

Select to end of line

Selects text up to the end of the line

Go to the beginning of the text

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the text

Jump to end of text

Moves the cursor to the end of the text

Select to start of text


Selects from the cursor to the beginning of the text

Select to end of text


Selects from the cursor to the end of the text

Scroll up one line

Scrolling through a text document

Scroll down one line

Go to the beginning of the previous word

Skip to the beginning of the next word

Select preceding word


Quick word selection (characters separated by spaces)

Select next word


Scroll up a page

Scrolling through a text document

Scroll down a page

Select previous page of text

Paginate text

Select next page of text

Shift + Page Down

Remove selection


Go to line

Moves the cursor to the line with the number

Delete character to the left of the cursor

Deletes the character to the left of the cursor

Delete character to the right of the cursor

Deletes the character to the right of the cursor

Delete the word to the left of the cursor


Deletes the word to the left of the cursor

Delete word to the right of the cursor

Deletes the word to the right of the cursor


Marks the line you want

Next bookmark

Moves the cursor between bookmarked lines

Previous bookmark

Delete current line

Deletes the current line

Move block right

Shifts the selected block of text to the right

Move block to the left

Shifts the selected block of text to the left