Home / Instructions / 10r 02 1424 parkmaster is out of service. Do-it-yourself car parktronic installation. Installing sensors on the front bumper

10r 02 1424 parkmaster is out of service. Do-it-yourself car parktronic installation. Installing sensors on the front bumper

Getting Started self installation parktronics of the popular parkmaster line, it must be remembered that the instruction strongly recommends that all sensors of the system be installed in such a way that their front side is located strictly at an angle of 90 degrees to the ground surface.

The optimal height of the sensors above ground level is considered to be the range from 45 to 65 centimeters. If these conditions are violated, there is a risk that the sensors will pick up signals from the earth's surface and, thereby, give false information.

Based on the foregoing, a lot depends on the correctness of the markup, and in order to perform it as accurately as possible, it is recommended to pre-glue the bumper with adhesive tape or ordinary construction tape. Such a protective measure will not only make the marks much more noticeable, but will protect the bumper material from possible accidental damage.

The holes for the sensors are drilled using a special drill, equipped with a cutter, which is included in each set of the parking system. Before starting the drilling process, check whether the diameter of the cutter matches the diameter of the sensors. This is due to the fact that, depending on the configuration of the system, the sensors can be either 20 mm or 16 mm in diameter.

When installing each individual sensor, excessive efforts are not applied to it, especially for its front part with the output of the sensitive element. The sensor harnesses are pulled through the technological holes to the main unit, which can be placed either in the trunk or in the cabin. In the latter case, the block will not take up much space, but it will be much better protected from possible exposure to moisture.

The place for the liquid crystal indicator is chosen in such a way that the information given out by it is in the driver's field of vision when performing parking maneuvers. This may be the front instrument panel, rear-view mirror, front or rear glazing.

The parkmaster power supply is connected from + 12V reversing lamp (red wire) and the total "mass" of the car (black wire). This approach will allow the parking device to turn on only when the gear shift knob is in the "Reverse" position.

All connecting harnesses and wires are laid in such a way that they are as far as possible from the electrical wiring and other electrical equipment of the vehicle. Flanging of wires is carried out using the clamps included in the kit.
After the installation work has been completed, it is necessary to test the system's performance, which is easy to do using an ordinary wooden plank brought to the rear of the car at different distances.

Parktronic is an electronic automotive device, designed to determine interference during vehicle maneuvers in a confined space. Actually, this is a miniature car radar.

Sensors installed on the front and back parts, car emit an ultrasonic signal. If the signal stumbles upon an obstacle that has arisen, then it, reflected from it, returns back.

The parking sensors process the reflected signal and provide the driver with information about the interference that has occurred. Information can be provided to the driver by color change, sound, image. It can also be provided as a combination of several waveforms. For example, an image and a sound signal.

Parktronic - indispensable assistant in conditions of poor visibility, limited visibility, difficult maneuvering and parking conditions. Parktronic is especially useful for novice drivers who do not yet have driving experience. It will facilitate the management of a vehicle by parking sensors and experienced drivers.

Complete set of parking sensors and division of devices into groups

The standard equipment of the parking sensors includes

  1. Sensors for detecting interference. Depending on the model, the principle of operation, their number may be different. Typically, the standard equipment of the device includes from 2 to 8 sensors.
  2. Electronic control unit. Designed to process the signal received from the sensors.
  3. Means of displaying information. Speaker, LED, possibly LCD.
  4. Mounting wires.
  5. Fasteners.
  6. Accompanying documents. Description of the device, technical data sheet, installation instructions, manufacturer's warranty. The warranty is valid for three years.

The device is mounted both on the front of the car and on the back. It can be installed both on the front bumper and on the rear. The sensors can also be mounted in the view mirrors.

Types of parktronics:

Technical characteristics of parking sensors

For example, let's take specifications parking sensors built into the mirror:

  • operating range of the device from 0.3 m to 2.5 m;
  • waterproof;
  • operating voltage in the range from 9 to 16 V;
  • operating temperature from -45 to +80 C;
  • alarm, level > 80 dB;
  • the error in the readings of the sensors is 10 cm;
  • detection angle - 80 degrees, both vertically and horizontally;
  • sound signal;
  • digital display;

In this example, we showed what characteristics you need to consider when buying parking sensors. Of course, different models and settings are different. The choice of a device with certain characteristics depends, for the most part, on where the parking sensors will be installed in the car. We only note that interference by any device can be determined at a distance of 0.3 meters to 2.5 meters.

All models of parktronics can be divided into three groups according to their characteristics, and therefore, according to their cost.

To the first, we will include parking sensors that have a relatively low price and call this group budget.

This group is characterized by the fact that there are usually two, sometimes three sensors in the kit. They are most often installed on the rear bumper. The viewing angle of such devices is small, there are dead zones, that is, areas that the device does not “see”. For example, a parking sensor with two sensors does not detect interference that is in the middle of the sensors.

The next group, which we will call the middle one, includes parking sensors already with 4 or 6 sensors.

They are also mounted on the rear bumper. Parktronics middle group most of the shortcomings are gone. belonging to the budget group. Such parking sensors, of course, are more expensive.

The third group is the highest. In a set of such parking sensors, there can be 8 sensors, and 10.

They are installed on both the front bumper and the rear. That is, they give full review driving conditions in front of and behind the vehicle. Such systems are, of course, expensive. But they are reliable.

Installation of parking sensors

Installing sensors on the front bumper

The parking sensors control unit is usually placed in the trunk. Installation of parking sensors, of course, is better to start with the rear bumper. But we will first describe the installation of sensors on the front bumper, and then on the rear. Consider how the parking sensors are mounted with two front and two rear sensors.

Before installation, it is recommended to remove the bumper from the car. Naturally, it needs to be cleaned and washed. It is possible that the bumper already has factory markings for installing parking sensors. If it is missing, we will make the markup ourselves. It should be noted that the sensors are installed at a height of at least 50 centimeters from the ground. We mark the installation locations of the sensors so that they are at an equal distance from each other, from the edge of the bumper.

Sensors should not run into the license plate and its molding. Then we take a drill with a thin drill and make holes in the bumper. With a special cutter, it is included in the parking sensors kit, we expand the holes. We insert sensors into the holes. We fix the wires of the sensors with clamps. They are attached to the bumper. The sensors must be at right angles to the ground.

If the bumper of the car is concave, then sensors with a special corrective housing are used. Then we start the wires in the salon. It is better to drive them through the engine from the right side. In the cabin, the wires are passed through the glove box. The wires go to the control unit through the side rack. To do this, remove the seal from it and pass the wires through the resulting cavity. In the trunk, we connect the wires from the front sensors to the control unit. We remove the rest of the wires under the skin.

Mounting sensors on the rear bumper

The actions are the same. as with mounting sensors on the front bumper. Only previously in the trunk compartment we shift the trim. The wires leading to the sensors can be passed through the rear lights.

The device must be grounded. To do this, there are grounding points on both sides of the trunk. An alert device, such as a display, is installed at the front of the vehicle. Most often on the left side. It must be borne in mind that the parking sensors work from the network direct current. Therefore, during installation, you must follow the wiring diagram.

Usually such a scheme comes with the device itself. Do not confuse the "plus" and "minus" circuits, the device will not work or distortion will occur. The kit does not come with a mounting wire for wiring around the car. Therefore, you will have to buy it yourself. You will need to buy a wire to connect the power, to connect the warning system. Corrugation for protecting wires, electrical tape, fasteners, in particular, clamps.

An approximate wiring diagram for parking sensors is shown in the picture below:

All work on installing parking sensors takes no more than 3 hours.

Parktronic testing

The most reliable test of the parking sensors is testing it on a special stand. In such a test, you can fully check its performance in a variety of modes. If you check the parking sensors yourself, then it is better to do this on a well-studied route, where you know all the obstacles, for example, when parking near your house. Check how he reacts to interference on different distances. How it behaves when the environment changes. For example, when appearing near a car. But it's better not to be lazy, take it to a car service and drive it on the stand.

You can find more information about working with specific parking sensors at the following links:,).

The cost of parking sensors and the cost of installation

The cost of parking sensors, depending on the model, configuration, manufacturer, ranges from 900 rubles to 11,400 rubles. The price is also affected by the region in which the device is sold.

Prices for installing parking sensors range from 1000 rubles. For example, such a price for installing parking sensors is valid in the Republic of Mari-El.

Separately, parking sensors are practically not sold. The product is almost always sold with installation. That is, the cost of installation is included in the price of the product. In Moscow, parking sensors for the rear bumper of the PARKMASTER brand can be purchased with installation at prices from 5300 rubles to 6100 rubles. Naturally, the price depends on the modification, configuration of the product. There is a benefit to this. Along with the installation, you also receive a guarantee from the company that produces the installation. Within 3 years you can count on warranty service and repairs.

Along with the rear bumper, the parking sensors suffered. Of the four, only two sensors remained intact. The other two were broken, and even their wires broke. I didn’t really want to buy a new parking sensor, but there weren’t many exits. Separately, the sensors are sold at some inhumane prices and can cost five hundred rubles. And this despite the fact that the parking sensors with four sensors from the Chinese Gearbest or another store cost 10-11 US dollars. Of course, a parcel from China will have to wait about a month. Yes, and reviews on Chinese sites are often very full of stars, even when there is a lot of negativity in stores in other countries for such products.

I removed the lining in the trunk and found the Acumen 10R-02 2576 parking sensors unit. Since it was installed about 8 years ago, there was no data on it. It seems to be a parktronic Parkmaster (Parkmaster), but the documents have not been preserved either. How to choose compatible sensors remained a mystery. Already, it seems, I was inclined to buy a new parktronic in Yulmart. But the parking sensors AutoExpert PS-4L Profi S and AutoExpert PS-4Z S looked quite different from mine, although they cost 1100-1300 rubles. It seems that Flashpoint FP-400C for 2000 rubles was more like ordinary Chinese parking sensors, and even 26 reviews were left on it, but it was embarrassing that 4 wires went to the display, and I have 5. If I was sure that the sensors would fit and the maximum will need to change the internal partronika unit, then I would take it. But I didn’t want to get involved with the installation of a new display, in which the only connection is suitable for the parking sensors unit.

I began to dig further on Chinese sites. In addition to the above simple parking sensors on Gearbest, I liked the video parking sensors for 8 sensors (four for the rear bumper, four for the front) with a camera on Ali

The price for such a video parktronic was very suitable (even a broken bumper will cost more). Moreover, it was possible to deliver this product with Ali faster - with the help of SPSR Express. I would still be sure, as this parking sensors, I would take it without hesitation, even if it cost more, but I had to wait a long time. I really like the fact that not only the picture from the camera is displayed on the monitor, but also the data from the parking sensors. But while there are too few reviews, all the more I would like to see not only reviews about successful delivery, but also about successful operation for at least 1-2 years.

The puzzle didn't fit together. I wanted to spit and buy in Yulmart, even if then I have to reinstall completely. But I decided to dig on the Parkmaster website. They have different series of parking sensors: CJ, DJ, FJ, XJ, ZJ, A, PRO, BJ, 05, 06. Judging by the comments after talking with representatives of Parkmaster, FJ, DJ, BJ, ZJ and others are compatible, while the landing the place is different. But there was no full confidence in this, especially after the photo comparing the connectors (chips) of the DJ and BJ sensors. In addition, on the official website, one sensor is offered at a price of 800-1500 rubles (at this point I want to swear)!

Among the current Parkmaster models, there was not one that looked like my old parking sensors. But there were a lot of models that looked exactly the same as in Chinese stores. Quite by chance I looked into the archive of models and found that the Parkmaster 06-4-A very much resembles my model. Of course, the Acumen 10R-02 2576 block is blue, made in Taiwan, but the display, wires and connections were painfully familiar.

At the same time, Parkmaster 06-4-A comes with sensors of the A series, but in addition, compatibility with sensors of the DJ and BJ series is declared. This gave hope that the Parkmaster 06-4-A was a reincarnation of the Acumen 10R-02 2576, also that the latter would be compatible with the Parkmaster A, DJ and BJ pickups.

Despite the fact that the Parkmaster 06-4-A model is in the archive of the Parkmaster website, there were several stores on Yandex Market offering it for 3170-4500 rubles. Fortunately, on the Avito bulletin board in my area I came across a new Parkmaster 06-4-A for 1200 rubles, the owner of which, after the accident, decided to sell the car and this parking sensor. Of course, there was a risk of getting into a non-working option and some left parking sensors. But I decided to take a chance. After the acquisition, I connected the ST1412 sensor, it seemed to show the distance normally. Then I connected 3 more. There were no errors. After painting and installation in the bumper check.

Have you bought broken or broken sensors for parking sensors? How did you choose the compatible one? Have you ordered parking sensors or sensors in China?

Update (April 15, 2017)
Sensors from Parkmaster 06-4-A connected to Acumen 10R-02 2576 parking sensors without any problems. But at the same time there were false positives. I tried to change the orientation of the sensors, but to no avail. As a result, driving with such a kit was not much better than without parking sensors at all.

I decided to replace the indoor unit Acumen 10R-02 2576 with Parkmaster 06-4-A, but there was a problem with the fact that the display connector is completely different here. And the display is connected only from the side indoor unit parking sensors. Yes, and the displays are slightly different, the number of contacts in the cable is different. I had to remove the old display and hang a new one, of course, while removing the trim in the cabin.

The power connector was also different, but in this case I decided to solder the plus to the old wiring, and fasten the minus with a nut to the body.

In general, there was no easy way. But at least the parking sensors now work.