Home / Reviews / Shares in Lukoil oil. Name of the new Lukoil share

Shares in Lukoil oil. Name of the new Lukoil share

  1. General provisions
    1. This document defines the policy of JSC "Original" (hereinafter referred to as the Company) in the field of processing and confidentiality of personal data of Visitors of the website www.original-group.ru (hereinafter referred to as the Site).
    2. This Policy has been developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data.
    3. The Policy applies to all processes carried out by the Company and related to the processing of personal data, both with the use of automation tools, including on the Internet, and without the use of such tools. Such processes may include collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction of personal data.
    4. By voluntarily providing the requested personal data on the Site, the Visitor agrees to their collection and processing for the purposes and in the ways provided for in this Policy. The visitor can use the Site without providing any personal information.
    5. The Company automatically receives and stores non-personal information obtained through the browser in the server logs. These may include IP address, browser type, cookie information, and the address of the requested page. The Company may use this data to collect information about the actions of Visitors on the Site, to improve the quality of its content and features. The Company does not in any way associate this non-personal data with any personal information received from Visitors.
    6. The Company does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Visitor, relying on the conscientiousness and reasonableness of the Visitor.
  2. Purposes of information processing
    1. The main purpose of this Policy is to ensure the protection of information about Site Visitors, including personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure. The purpose of the Policy is also the proper fulfillment of the Company's obligations to Visitors.
    2. The Company carries out processes related to the processing of personal data for the following purposes:
      1. When providing services - in order to properly fulfill the obligations of the Company to the Visitors, the proper provision of services, the acceptance and processing of orders for the provision of such services, as well as in any other cases related to this action.
      2. When communicating with Visitors - for the purpose of timely communication with Visitors and providing them with any necessary reliable and complete information related to the activities of the Company.
      3. When receiving feedback from Visitors - in order to obtain information about the loyalty and satisfaction of Visitors, its further research and processing, as well as for the purpose of conducting research of any categories.
  3. The composition of the processed information
    1. Personal information: name and surname of the Visitor, phone number, e-mail; messages and requests of the Visitor.
    2. Non-personal information: IP address, browser type, cookie information, address of the requested page.
  4. Principles of personal data processing

    The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

    1. Legal and fair basis for the processing of personal data.
    2. Processing of personal data in accordance with specific, predetermined and legitimate purposes.
    3. Prevention of combining databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes that are incompatible with each other.
    4. Compliance of the content and volume of personal data with the stated purposes of processing.
    5. Accuracy, sufficiency, relevance and reliability of personal data.
    6. Legality of technical measures aimed at the processing of personal data.
    7. Reasonableness and expediency of personal data processing.
    8. Lawful and reasonable period of storage of personal data.
  5. Conditions for the processing of personal data
    1. The processing of personal data is allowed in the following cases:
      1. The processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the Visitor to the processing of his personal data.
      2. The processing of personal data is necessary for the administration of justice, the execution of a judicial act, an act of another body or official subject to execution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings.
      3. The processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of the Agreement to which the Visitor is a party.
      4. The processing of personal data is necessary to protect the life, health or other vital interests of the Visitor, if obtaining the consent of the Visitor is not possible.
      5. The processing of personal data is necessary to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the Company or third parties, or to achieve socially significant goals, provided that the rights and freedoms of the Visitor are not violated.
      6. The processing of personal data is carried out for statistical or other research purposes, subject to mandatory depersonalization of personal data. The exception is the processing of personal data in order to promote goods, works, services on the market by making direct contacts with a potential consumer using means of communication and within the framework of the Company's activities.
      7. The processing of personal data is carried out, access of an unlimited number of persons to which is provided by the Visitor, or at his request.
      8. The processing of personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. The company processes personal data on its own and means. If the Company transfers the processing of personal data to third parties, the Company shall be liable to the Visitor for the actions of such third parties. Third parties process personal data in accordance with this Policy and are liable to the Company.
  6. Processing of personal data
    1. Collection of personal data.
      Automated collection of personal data is carried out when the Visitor sends a request through the Site. The composition of the information required to send a request is specified in clause 3.1. of this Policy.
    2. Storage and use of personal data.
      Visitors' personal data is stored exclusively on duly protected electronic media and processed using automated systems, except when non-automated processing of personal data is necessary in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3. Transfer of personal data.
      The Company guarantees that the personal data of Visitors is transferred to third parties only in the manner prescribed by this Policy.
      In other cases, the Visitor's personal data is not distributed or transferred to third parties.
      If the Visitor consents or when the Visitor specifies, it is possible to transfer the User's personal data to third parties, but representing only the Company's counterparties.
      It is possible to provide personal data of Visitors at the request of state bodies, which is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  7. Protection of personal information
    1. Protection measures.
      To protect Visitors' personal data from illegal or accidental access, collection, storage, use, transfer, blocking or destruction, as well as from other similar actions, the Company takes technical, organizational and legal measures, of which this Policy is a part.
    2. Confidentiality of the information provided.
      The Company undertakes and obliges third parties, in case of transferring the right to process the Visitor's personal data to them, to maintain confidentiality with respect to the Visitor's personal data and not to use personal data without the Visitor's consent, except as provided in this Policy.
  8. User rights
    1. The visitor always has the right to receive information about the processing of personal data about him, including containing:
      1. confirmation of the fact of personal data processing;
      2. legal grounds for the processing of personal data;
      3. the purposes and methods used by the Company for processing personal data;
      4. the name and location of the Company, information about persons (excluding employees of the Company) who have access to personal data or to whom personal data may be disclosed on the basis of an agreement with the Company or in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
      5. processed personal data relating to the relevant Visitor, the source of their receipt, unless a different procedure for the provision of such data is provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
      6. terms of processing personal data, including the terms of their storage;
      7. the procedure for exercising by the Visitor the rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
      8. information about the performed or proposed cross-border data transfer;
      9. the name or surname, name, patronymic and address of the person who processes personal data on behalf of the Company, if the processing is or will be entrusted to such a person;
      10. other information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. The visitor has the right to receive the information specified in Article 8.1. of this Policy, an unlimited number of times.
    3. If the Visitor believes that the Company is processing his personal data in violation of the requirements of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" or otherwise violates his rights and freedoms, the Visitor has the right to appeal against the actions or inaction of the Company to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data or in court .
  9. Company Responsibilities

    In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, the Company is obliged to:

    1. provide the Visitor, at his request, with information regarding the processing of his personal data and specified in clause 8.1. of this Policy, or provide the Visitor with a reasoned refusal;
    2. in the event that the personal data of the Visitor is received by the Company not from the Visitor, the Company is obliged to notify the Visitor in any way before processing such data and provide him with information about the person who provided such personal data;
    3. take measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations stipulated by this Policy and the Federal Law "On Personal Data";
    4. when processing personal data, take the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures or ensure their adoption to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution of personal data, as well as from other illegal actions in relation to personal data;
    5. at the request of the Visitor, clarify the processed personal data, block or delete if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing;
    6. maintain a Register of Visitors' requests, which should record Visitors' requests for personal data, as well as the facts of providing personal data on these requests;
    7. ensure the lawfulness of the processing of personal data. If it is impossible to ensure the legality of the processing of personal data, the Company, within a period not exceeding ten working days from the date of detection of illegal processing of personal data, is obliged to destroy such personal data or ensure their destruction;
    8. if the Visitor withdraws his consent to the processing of his personal data, stop processing personal data and destroy personal data within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of receipt of the said withdrawal. The Company is obliged to notify the Visitor about the destruction of personal data.
  10. Foreign users
    1. The Company is obliged to make sure that the foreign state to which the transfer of personal data is carried out provides adequate protection of the rights of the Visitor, before the start of the cross-border transfer of personal data.
    2. Cross-border transfer of personal data on the territory of foreign states that do not provide adequate protection of the rights of personal data subjects may be carried out in the following cases:
      1. the presence of written consent of the Visitor to the cross-border transfer of his personal data;
      2. provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation;
      3. provided for by federal laws, if necessary in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state, as well as ensure the security of the sustainable and safe functioning of the transport complex, protect the interests of the individual, society and the state in the field of the transport complex from acts of unlawful interference;
      4. performance of an agreement to which the Visitor is a party;
      5. protection of life, health, other vital interests of the Visitor or other persons if it is impossible to obtain consent in writing from the Visitor.
  11. Restriction of the Policy
    1. The actions of this Policy relate exclusively to the Site and do not apply to actions, mobile applications and third party websites.
  12. Procedure for putting into effect and changing the Policy
    1. The Policy comes into force from the moment of its approval by the General Director of the Company and is valid indefinitely, until it is replaced by a new Policy.
    2. This version of the Policy is the current version and is a public document. The Company has the right to make any changes to the Policy at any time. In case of making changes to the Policy, the Company is obliged to notify the Users of this by posting a new version at the same address, but no later than 10 days before the entry into force of the relevant changes.

The promotion is over!

Buy Lukoil engine oil with a promo sticker, register a promo code on the website, take part in the quiz, get a guaranteed gift and win prizes. The action takes place only in Tyumen.

Terms of action

    Buy at least 1 canister of the Lukoil promotional assortment with a promotional sticker;

    Receive a receipt for your purchase and keep it until the prizes are awarded;

    Find a unique promo code on the sticker, consisting of 12 characters;

    Register a promo code on the promotion website lukoil-masla-promo.ru, indicating: promo code, name, surname, number mobile phone and address Email(you can register only one code for the entire period of the promotion);

    The mid-level prize draw will take place every week. Mid-level prizes will be given to participants who score the maximum number of points in the quiz;

    Additional information about the conditions of participation and holding the promotion can be obtained from the official rules of the promotion or by calling hotline: 8-800-505-47-19.

Products participating in the promotion:


    Engine oil "Lukoil" Genesis Advanced 10W40, 4 or 5 liters;

    Engine oil "Lukoil" Genesis Advanced 5W40, 4 or 5 liters;

    Motor oil "Lukoil" Genesis Armortech A5B5 5W30, 4 or 5 liters;

    Motor oil "Lukoil" Genesis Armortech VN 5W30, 4 or 5 liters;

    Engine oil "Lukoil" Genesis Claritech 5W30, 4 or 5 liters;

    Engine oil "Lukoil" Genesis Glidetech 5W30, 4 or 5 liters;

    Motor oil "Lukoil" Genesis Polartech 0W40, 4 or 5 liters.


    Motor oil "Lukoil Lux Synthetic" 5W-40 SN / CF, 4 liters;

    Engine oil "Lukoil Lux Synthetic" 5W-30 SL / CF, 4 liters.

LUKOIL LUX semi-synthetic:

    Motor oil "Lukoil Lux Semi-synthetic" 10W-40 SL / CF, 4 or 5 liters;

    Engine oil "Lukoil Lux Semi-synthetic" 5W-40 SL / CF6, 4 or 5 liters.


Guaranteed Prize

  • Replenishment of mobile in the amount of 200 rubles (30,000 prizes).

Main prizes (drawing among registered participants of the action)

    Sports tour with Denis Glushakov (1 prize). The tour includes: transfer of the winner to Moscow and back, accommodation in a hotel for one night, meeting with Denis Glushakov at the Otkritie Arena stadium;

    Tour at the Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix and a master class at the Sochi Autodrom race track (1 prize). The prize includes: the winner's transfer to Sochi and back, two nights' hotel accommodation, a ticket to the Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix at Sochi Autodrom, and a master class for the winner at the Sochi Autodrom race track.

Intermediate Prize

  • Certificate for the Sportmaster store, with a face value of 3,000 rubles (55 prizes).

Action organizer

LLK-International LLC

Promotion terms

Action territory



8 800 505 47 19

hotline working hours according to Moscow time: from 09:00 to 19:00 (working days). the hotline does not register codes.

Briefly about conditions and registration ✓

Lukoil: promo 2018 at www.lukoil-masla-promo.ru

BUY A CAN OF LUKOIL engine oil with a promotional sticker

REGISTER CODE on the website www.lukoil-masla-promo.ru


Name of the new Lukoil share:

"Turn on sport mode!"


  • Period of the Promotion: from March 15, 2018 to July 06, 2018 (inclusive), including:
  • The term for the acquisition of Promotional Products: from March 15, 2018 to June 30, 2018 (inclusive).


The Organizer of the Promotion is LLK-International LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer").

Takes part:

LUKOIL Genesis 4 or 5 liters:

  • Genesis Armortech 5W40
  • Genesis Armortech A5B5 5W30
  • Genesis Armortech VN 5W30
  • Genesis Claritech 5W30
  • Genesis Glidetech 5W30
  • Genesis Polartech 0W40
  • Genesis Advanced 10W40
  • Lux 10W-40 SL/CF
  • Luxe 5W-40 SL/CF6.

Location: Russian Federation



Guaranteed prize of 200 rubles per phone

SPORT TOUR with Denis Glushakov

Exclusive tour with a football player around the stadium, visit to the museum, dinner at the restaurant

Tour at the Russian Grand Prix “Formula 1” and a master class at the Sochi Autodrom race track

Certificate for 3000 SPORTMASTER for participation in the quiz

To participate in the promotion:

Purchase at least 1 (one) canister of Promotional Products and receive a cash receipt for the purchase of Promotional Products. The cash receipt must contain the following required fields:

  • check number
  • date and time of purchase

The cash receipt must be kept during the entire period of the Promotion. The Organizer has the right to require the Participant to provide the original Receipt to confirm the fact of purchase of the Products.

Find the 12-digit Promo Code, which is located on the Promotional sticker, the Promo Code format is approved by the Organizer.

Full rules:



1.1. Promotion under the code name "Turn on the sport mode!" is aimed at attracting the interest of an indefinite circle of individuals / potential buyers to products under the trademark "LUKOIL" (hereinafter referred to as the Products) - motor oils specified in clause 1.2. of the Rules, marked with a special sticker with information about the Promotion printed on it, which has a protective layer containing unique code(hereinafter referred to as the "Promo code"), implemented in the cities of the Russian Federation specified in clause 1.6. of the Rules (hereinafter referred to as Promotional Products).

1.2. To participate in the Promotion, it is necessary to purchase the following Promotional products within the terms specified in the Rules:

LUKOIL Genesis 4 or 5 liters:

  • Genesis Armortech 5W40
  • Genesis Armortech A5B5 5W30
  • Genesis Armortech VN 5W30
  • Genesis Claritech 5W30
  • Genesis Glidetech 5W30
  • Genesis Polartech 0W40
  • Genesis Advanced 10W40
  • Genesis Advanced 5W40 LUKOIL Lux Synthetic 4 liters:
  • Luxury synthetic 5W-40 SN/CF 4l.
  • Luxury synthetic 5W-30 SL/CF 4l.

LUKOIL LUX Semi-synthetic 4 or 5 liters:

  • Lux 10W-40 SL/CF
  • Luxe 5W-40 SL/CF6.

1.3. The Organizer of the Promotion is LLK-International LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer").

Location: 119180, Moscow, st. Malaya Yakimanka, 6. Postal address: 119180, Moscow

Moscow, st. Malaya Yakimanka, 6. Bank details: account number: 40702810759000004971

Petrocommerce of PJSC Bank FC Otkritie. C/s: 30101810745250000727. BIC: 044525727.

1.4. The Operator of the Promotion is LLC "Havas Sport and Entertainment" (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator").

Location: 107143, Moscow, st. Verbnaya, d. 8, building 1

Bank details: account 40702810600001442008 JSC Raiffeisenbank C/C

30101810200000000700 BIC 044525700

1.5. Period of the Promotion: from March 15, 2018 to July 06, 2018 (inclusive), including:

1.5.1. The term for the acquisition of Promotional Products: from March 15, 2018 to June 30, 2018 (inclusive).

1.5.2. Registration on the promo website of the Promotion www.lukoil-masla-promo.ru (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) as a participant in the Promotion in accordance with Section II of these Rules is carried out from 00:00:00 on March 15, 2018 to 23:59 minutes 59 seconds June 30, 2018 (Moscow time).

1.5.3. Determining the winners of the main prizes from July 02 to July 06, 2018. The names of the winners will be published on the Website no later than July 13, 2018.

1.6. The promotion is held at retail outlets that sell, among other things, the Organizer’s Products and at filling stations of PJSC LUKOIL in the following cities of the Russian Federation: Tyumen, Omsk, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Tomsk, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Moscow, Tambov, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Krymsk, Vologda, Yaroslavl, Perm, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Stavropol, Nizhny Novgorod, Magnitogorsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Pyatigorsk.

1.7. Active individuals who have reached the age of 18, who have purchased Promotional products and performed the actions specified in Section II of the Rules, are allowed to participate in the Promotion.

1.8. Employees and representatives of the Organizer, employees of retail outlets selling the promotional assortment, affiliated persons, family members of such employees and representatives, as well as employees of other legal entities involved in organizing the Promotion are prohibited from participating in the Promotion.

1.9. The Promotion is not a lottery, gambling or gambling.


2.1. In order to become a Participant of the Promotion (hereinafter referred to as the “Promotion Participant”) and get the opportunity to receive Prizes (clause III of these Rules), it is necessary to perform the following actions in the aggregate and in the specified sequence:

2.1.1. Purchase at least 1 (one) canister of Promotional Products and receive a cash receipt for the purchase of Promotional Products. The cash receipt must contain the following required fields:

  • check number
  • date and time of purchase
  • purchase name/product list
  • quantity of goods purchased
  • TIN, name and address of the outlet (hereinafter referred to as the "Receipt").

2.1.2. The cash receipt must be kept during the entire period of the Promotion. The Organizer has the right to require the Participant to provide the original Receipt to confirm the fact of purchase of the Products.

2.1.3. Find the 12-digit Promo Code, which is located on the Promotional sticker, the Promo Code format is approved by the Organizer. During the period specified in clause 1.5.2 (hereinafter referred to as the “Promo Code Registration Period”) register the Promo Code on the Website. To register, please fill out the following form:

  • Full Name
  • Mobile phone number (required field)
  • E-mail address
  • Consent to the processing of personal data

2.2. The Participant has the right to register for participation in the Promotion only once during the entire duration of the Promotion. In case of detection of re-registration, the Organizer and/or Operator of the Promotion has the right to cancel all Accounts Participant and refuse to issue Prizes.

2.3. In case of successful registration of the Promo Code, the Participant of the Promotion receives:

2.3.1. 200 rubles to the mobile phone account specified during registration (hereinafter referred to as the “Guaranteed Prize”).

2.3.2. The opportunity to participate in the drawing of one of the two main prizes (hereinafter referred to as the “Main Prizes”): Sports tour with Denis Glushakov Tour at the Russian Grand Prix Formula 1 and a master class at the Sochi Autodrom race track

2.3.3. Opportunity to participate in the Quiz to win one of the intermediate level prizes (hereinafter referred to as the "Middle Level Prize").

2.4. Conditions of participation, rights and obligations of the Participant of the Promotion:

2.4.1. The participant has the right to take part in the Promotion only on his own behalf. The Member must use a mobile phone number whose SIM card is registered to the Member. A Participant of the Promotion is an individual who has entered into a contract for the provision of services mobile communications, according to which such person is a subscriber of the corresponding mobile communication network using the mobile phone number specified during registration. If the mobile phone number is issued to a legal entity, a participant in the Promotion is an individual who constantly uses such a mobile phone number.

2.4.2. In order to avoid abuse, if the Participant of the Promotion enters 3 (three) incorrect numbers of the Promo Code on the Website in a row, the Participant will be blocked from participating in the Promotion for 24 (twenty-four) hours.

2.4.3. If, after blocking for 24 (twenty-four) hours, the Participant of the Promotion repeatedly enters 3 (three) incorrect numbers of the Promo Code on the Site in a row, then the Participant will be blocked from access to participation for the entire period of the Promotion, with the possibility of challenging this decision only by writing in the feedback section. links on the Promotion Organizer's website.

2.4.4. The Promo codes registered by the Participants of the Promotion are checked for authenticity by the Operator in accordance with the existing base of generated codes.

2.4.5. In the event of a dispute about which person a particular mobile phone number is registered to, the Organizer has the right to demand from the person proving that the mobile phone number belongs to him, documents confirming the registration of the mobile phone number to this person, including without limitation: contract on the provision of mobile communication services, according to which such person is a subscriber of the corresponding mobile communication network using this mobile phone number.

2.4.6. The Participant of the Promotion is obliged to register the Promo Code in the format in which the symbols of the Promo Code are indicated on the package, without indicating any symbols (including spaces) that are not part of the Promo Code, or any other additional information. Mistakenly entered Promo Codes or Promo Codes containing extraneous characters are not taken into account by the Organizer when registering for the Promotion.

2.4.7. Promo - the code specified in paragraph 2.1.3. of the Rules may be registered within the time limits specified in clause 1.5. of these Rules only 1 (One) time.

2.4.8. One Participant during the entire period of the Promotion can register no more than 1 (one) Promo code from 1 (One) phone number.

2.4.9. One Participant during the entire period of the Promotion can receive only 1 (One) guaranteed prize and 1 (One) main prize.

2.5. The right to participate in the Promotion is not associated with the payment of a fee by the Participant. The prize fund is formed from the funds of the Organizer of the Promotion.

2.6. If one Participant wins a prize worth more than 4,000.00 rubles, the Operator acts as a tax agent and is obliged to calculate, withhold and transfer to the budget the amount of personal income tax at a rate of 35%. As a tax agent Operator

withholds the amount of tax from any funds payable by the Operator to the Participant. If it is impossible to withhold the calculated amount of tax from the Participant, the Operator is obliged, no later than one month from the end date of the tax period in which the relevant circumstances arose, to inform the Participant and the tax authority at the place of its registration in writing about the impossibility to withhold tax and the amount of tax.

2.7. By participating in the Promotion, the Participant of the Promotion accepts and agrees to these Rules and gives his consent to the processing of his Personal Data provided by him to the Organizer and / or Operator of the Promotion as part of the Promotion, including by collecting, systematizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying, using and destruction of this data by the specified persons, as well as the transfer of this data to the specified persons for the purposes of the Promotion, including for publication for advertising purposes and / or in connection with the recognition of the Participant of the Promotion as the winner. This consent is provided by the Participant of the Promotion for the entire duration of the Promotion, as well as for a period of up to one year from the date of expiration of the Promotion. In addition, the Participant expresses his consent to receive information, advertising and other messages via e-mail, and a mobile phone provided by the Participant when registering an application for participation in the Promotion.

2.8. Participants have the rights and bear the obligations established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as these Rules.


3.1. The Promotion Organizer forms the Prize Fund at its own expense, which includes the following prizes:

3.1.1. Guaranteed Prize

3.1.2. Grand Prizes

Main prizes:

Sports tour with Denis Glushakov 1 pc.

Tour at the Russian Grand Prix Formula 1 and a master class at the Sochi Autodrom race track 1 pc. The main prize "Sports tour with Denis Glushakov" is carried out at the expense of the Organizer of the Promotion and includes the transfer of the winner from the place of residence to Moscow and back, accommodation in a hotel for one night, organization of a meeting with Denis Glushakov at the Otkritie Arena stadium. The Organizer informs the Winner of the possible date of the tour, depending on the schedule of Denis Glushakov. The Grand Prix Tour of Russia Formula 1 and a master class at the Sochi Autodrom race track are paid for by the Organizer of the Promotion and include the transfer of the winner from the place of residence to Sochi and back, accommodation in a hotel for two nights , a ticket to the Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix at Sochi Autodrom, as well as organizing a master class for the winner at the Sochi Autodrom race track. Dates for organizing the tour - September 30 - October 01, 2018. The participant must choose the main prize in which he wants to take part (put a tick in a special field) on the promo site of the Promotion.

Prize Type The total number of prizes to be awarded. For the entire period of the Promotion, pcs.

Certificate of the Sportmaster network with a face value of 3000 (three thousand) rubles 55 pcs.

3.1.3 Intermediate Prize (for winning the Quiz)

3.2. The drawing of the main and prizes and prizes of the middle level participating in the Promotion takes place on the following dates:

3.2.2. The mid-level prize draw takes place according to the following schedule:

3.3. Prizes are awarded to individuals registered as Participants of the Promotion, who have completed all the actions and meet all the requirements stipulated by the Rules.

3.4. The Organizer of the Promotion has the right to adjust the timing of the Promotion, in case of early exhaustion of the guaranteed prize fund.


4.1. Determining the winners of the Promotion to receive the Guaranteed Prize is carried out as follows:

Each Promo Code registered by the Participants of the Promotion, in accordance with the terms of these Rules and within the period specified in clause 1.5.2, is the winning one. of these Rules, in the cities specified in clause 1.6. Rules.

4.2. Determining the winners of the Promotion to receive the Main Prize is carried out as follows:

4.2.1. The list generated for the corresponding period contains codes with serial numbers assigned to them by the system. The system assigns serial numbers automatically depending on the time of registration of the code.

If the number of codes is even, then the formula has the following form ((N/3)*7/11)+1 = the serial number of the winner.

If the number of codes is odd, then the formula has the following form ((N/2)*7/11)+1 = the serial number of the winner.

Where N is the number of registered codes.

4.2.3. When determining the serial number of the winner, only integers, no remainder, rounded down.

4.2.4. The winners of the intermediate level prizes are determined based on the results of the Quiz held in accordance with Section V of these Rules. The winners are the participants who scored the maximum number of points for the correct answers to the questions of the Quiz, depending on the date and time of the passage.

Quizzes according to the schedule:

4.2.5. All winners of the Promotion are sent an SMS message with congratulations and information on receiving the corresponding prize.

4.2.6. In order to receive the Main Prize, it is necessary to provide the Organizer/Operator with a copy of the passport, a receipt for the purchase of the Promotional Product, and also sign a receipt for receiving the prize in the form provided by the Operator.

4.2.7. To receive mid-level prizes, you must provide a receipt for the purchase of the Promotional Product.


5.1. To become a Quiz Participant, you must:

5.1.1. Register the code from the Promotional Products on the Site during the period specified in clause 1.5.2.

5.1.2. Upload a receipt confirming the purchase of Promotional Products in the appropriate form on the Site.

5.1.3. After downloading the check, click the "Pass the Quiz" button on the Site page.

5.2. The purpose of the Quiz is to collect points.

5.3. Quiz Mechanics:

To pass the Quiz, the Participant must answer 20 (twenty) questions with 3 (three) answer options. When passing the Quiz, the correctness of the answer to the question and the speed of the answer to each question are taken into account.

Scoring algorithm:

  • The participant is given 8 seconds to guess 1 question. If during this time the Participant has not made his choice and has not clicked on the “Done” button, then he will be awarded 0 points for this question.
  • If the Participant gave an incorrect answer, then he receives 0 points for this question.
  • If the Participant gave the correct answer in 1 (one) second, then he receives 8 (eight) points for this question.
  • If the Participant gave the correct answer in 2 (two) seconds, then he receives 7 (seven) points for this question.
  • If the Participant gave the correct answer in 3 (three) seconds, then he receives 6 (six) points for this question.
  • If the Participant gave the correct answer in 4 (four) seconds, then he receives 5 (five) points for this question.
  • If the Participant gave the correct answer in 5 (five) seconds, then he receives 4 (four) points for this question.
  • If the Participant gave the correct answer in 6 (six) seconds, then he receives 3 (three) points for this question.
  • If the Participant gave the correct answer in 7 (seven) seconds, then he receives 2 (two) points for this question.
  • If the Participant gave the correct answer in 8 (eight) seconds, then he receives 1 (one) point for this question.
  • The final score of the Quiz is equal to the sum of the points scored for one passage of the Competitive Game.

5.4 Algorithm for scoring points for the Quiz:

  • The total rating of the Participant is the sum of points
  • The participant receives points only for the correct answers to the questions of the Quiz
  • The calculation of the points scored by the Participant is made by means of a special software Site online.
  • The software ensures that each time the user is presented with a different set of questions.
  • Based on the points scored by each Participant, the Quiz Rating is formed. Rating winners are published on the Site and updated weekly in accordance with the schedule specified in clause 4.2.4. Rules.

5.5. Participation in the Quiz implies familiarization and full consent of the Participant with these Rules.

5.6. The participant of the Quiz gives his consent, in case of victory in the Quiz, to provide detailed contact information (full name, detailed mailing address,).


5.7.1. Participants who score the maximum number of points in the Quiz Rating are awarded Prizes according to the number of prize places specified in p.p. 4.2.4. of these Rules.

5.7.2. In the event that several Participants score the same maximum number of points with the same time, the Winner is the one who first scored these points - the time for obtaining points is determined by the special software of the Site.

5.7.3. The Organizer of the Contest does not give the Winners the cash equivalent of the in-kind part of the prize.

5.7.4. If the Organizer considers the Participant to be in bad faith, the Organizer has the right to refuse to receive Prizes for such Participant, and the Organizer has the right to refuse to award the prize to the participant if the participant has not downloaded and / or provided, at the request of the Organizer, a receipt confirming the purchase of the Promotional Goods. In this case, the next participant in the Quiz in the ranking is recognized as the winner of the Quiz. A participant who has not fulfilled the requirements for participants in these Rules is considered dishonest.


6.1 Procedure for awarding Prizes:

6.1.1. Guaranteed Prize:

The Participant of the Promotion who has successfully registered the Promo Code in accordance with Section II "Conditions for Participation in the Promotion" of these Rules and is determined as the Winner in accordance with Section IV of these Rules, receives an SMS with a verification code to the mobile phone specified by the Winner during registration. After confirming the phone number, the participant will receive 200 rubles to the mobile phone account within 24 (twenty-four) hours.

6.1.2. Intermediate Prizes:

Participants of the promotion who became the winners of the Quiz in accordance with the schedule specified in p.p. 4.2.4. of these Rules, as well as providing a check to the organizer for the purchase of the Promotional Product, a Certificate with a face value of 3000 (three thousand) rubles of the Sportmaster network is sent to the e-mail address specified during registration within 72 (seventy-two) hours after the winners of each period specified in paragraph .P. 4.2.4 of these Rules.

Main prizes:

6.2.3. Within 10 working days after the determination of the Winners - Participants who became the owners of the main prizes, the Organizer or Operator of the Promotion will contact them and agree with them on the procedure for presenting the Main Prize, namely: With the Participant who became the owner of the main prize Sports Tour with Denis Glushakov, a possible date of the tour is agreed based on the schedule of Denis Glushakov and the Participant's ability to receive the prize on the date (s) proposed by the Organizer.

The choice of the winner's transfer method from the place of residence to Moscow, as well as the choice of a hotel for accommodation in Moscow (in the event that the winner does not permanently reside in Moscow or the Moscow region) remains at the discretion of the Organizer. The participant, who has become the owner of the main prize "Tour to the Grand Prix Russia Formula 1 and a master class at the Sochi Autodrom" race track, is agreed on the opportunity to receive the prize in the specified in paragraphs. of these rules dates.

The choice of the method of transfer of the Winner from the place of residence to Sochi, as well as the choice of a hotel for accommodation in Sochi (in the event that the winner does not permanently reside in Sochi) remains at the discretion of the Organizer.


7.1. The Organizer has the right to change the terms of this Promotion at any time by posting the relevant information on the Website.

7.2. The Organizer of the Promotion has the right to refuse to issue the Prize to a specific person, in the event that the information provided by such a person is found to be untrue, and/or the Participant of the Promotion otherwise fails to comply with the conditions of the Rules of the ongoing Promotion.

7.3. In case of refusal to receive prizes by the Participants, as well as in cases of refusal to issue a Prize by the Organizer, such prizes are recognized as unclaimed and the Organizer disposes of them at its own discretion.

7.4. The Organizer, at its sole discretion, may invalidate entries for participation, as well as prohibit further participation in this Promotion, to any person who falsifies or profits from any falsification of the application process for participation or the Promotion, or acts in violation of these Rules, acts in a destructive manner or acts with the intent to harass, insult, threaten or harass any person who may be associated with this Promotion.

7.5. If, for any reason, the Promotion cannot proceed as planned, including for reasons caused by infection computer viruses, Internet failure, defect, manipulation, tampering, falsification, technical failure or any cause beyond the control of the Promoter that distorts or affects the performance, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Promotion, the Promoter may, in its sole discretion, cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion, or invalidate any affected entries.

7.6. The Organizer has the right not to enter into written negotiations or other contacts with the Promotion Participants that are not related to the Promotion.

7.7. Additional information about the conditions of participation and holding the Promotion can be found on the Promotion website: www.lukoil-masla-promo.ru and by calling the hotline 8-800-505-47-19.

7.8 The responsibility of the Organizer of the Promotion and the Operator of the Promotion is limited to the value of the Prizes. The Organizer and the Operator are not liable for the obligations specified in these Rules in the event of force majeure circumstances determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.9. The Organizer does not compensate the expenses of the Participants for the use of the Internet and other communication channels (including, but not limited to telephone, facsimile, telegraph and teletype communications) for the purpose of participating in the Promotion. The Organizer does not compensate for any expenses of the Participants/Winners of the Promotion related to participation in the Promotion and the use of prizes.


8.1. Persons participating in the Promotion (hereinafter referred to as “personal data subjects”) must provide their personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, mobile phone number, email address, the information provided is personal data and is protected in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. Purposes of collecting personal data:

8.2.1. Personal data is collected for the purpose of organizing the Promotion, sending messages to participants that the Participant has become a Winner, sending participants prizes, promotional offers, communicating with participants, as well as for the purpose of conducting marketing analysis and preparing statistical information, performing the function of a tax agent (if necessary ), as well as for other purposes specified in these Rules.

8.2.2. Personal data provided by the Participant of the Promotion at his own will and in his interest, in accordance with the Rules of the Promotion, and are entered

Operator to a specially protected database.

8.2.3. The processing of personal data may be carried out by the Operator, as well as persons authorized by him, using automated data processing tools. The Participant has the right to obtain other information about the person who processes the Participant's personal data in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" by contacting the Organizer.

8.2.4. The right of access of the subject of personal data to their personal data:

- the subject of personal data has the right to receive information about the operator, his location, whether the operator has personal data relating to the relevant subject of personal data, as well as to familiarize himself with such personal data, both in writing (upon a relevant request containing number of the main identity document of the subject of personal data or his legal representative, information about the date of issue of the said document and the authority that issued it, as well as the handwritten signature of the subject of personal data or his legal representative), and orally by telephone.

8.3. Protection of personal information:

8.3.1. The operator having access to personal data ensures the confidentiality of personal data in the manner prescribed by law.

8.3.2. The Participant's personal data is stored in the database for 1 (one) year from the end of the promotion or until the Participant's request for their exclusion from the database.

8.3.3. The subject of personal data has the right to withdraw his consent by sending email To the operator of personal data of the promotion, indicating in the notification his last name, first name, patronymic, age and city, which the Participant reported for participation in the Promotion among his registration data.

8.4. The fact of registering the Promo Code on the Promotion website is an acceptance of the information service agreement with the Operator/Organizer free of charge for the Participant, confirms the Participant’s agreement with these Rules, and is also the Participant’s consent to provide the Operator with personal data, the location of their personal data, their processing (including the collection , systematization, accumulation, storage (including in the event of claims), clarification (updating, changing), use (including for the purposes of awarding Prizes, individual communication with Participants and providing information and / or advertising about the Goods - and / or Organizer), distribution (including transfer to third parties), depersonalization, blocking and destruction.Personal data may be transferred from the Operator to third parties engaged by the Operator on the basis of relevant agreements.

8.5. An essential condition of contracts concluded by the Operator with third parties is the obligation of third parties to ensure the confidentiality of personal data and the security of their processing.

8.6. The Organizer and/or Operator has the right to organize and conduct advertising interviews with Participants about participation in the Promotion, including for radio and television, as well as for other media, organize and conduct photo and video shooting in relation to Participants in connection with their receipt of Prizes , publish ready-made photo and video materials with the participation of the Participants of the Promotion, on the Site and on other information resources, as well as in the media without additional consent and without payment of remuneration.

  1. Address program for filling stations

KSSS Gas station number Address

1 1374 gas station No. 44/52 606406, Nizhny Novgorod region, Balakhna, st. Chelyuskintsev, 27B

2 1322 Gas station No. 71/52 Russia, 606440, Nizhny Novgorod region, Bor, Steklozavodskoe shosse, building number 6

3 1323 AAZS No. 72/52 606440, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Bor, sh. Steklozavodskoe

4 1324 Gas station No. 73/52 606461, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Bor, rp. Neklyudovo, st. Ozernaya, 3a

5 66001 Gas station No. 74/52 606472, Nizhny Novgorod region, urban district Bor, Kantaurovskiy s / s, on the left side of the highway N. Novgorod - Kirov, 28 + 900 km, account. one

6 1321 Gas station No. 81/52 Russia, 603430, Nizhny Novgorod region, Gorodetsky district, Slonovo village, Kumohinskaya village, 1 (Novaya street, 125)

7 1396 Gas station No. 83/52 Russia, 606524, Nizhny Novgorod region, Zavolzhye, st. Bauman, 3

8 1398 Gas station No. 85/52 606540, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Chkalovsk, st. Pushkin, 61 b

9 1399 Gas station No. 092/52 606400, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Balakhninsky district, 55 km of the highway N.Novgorod - Ivanovo

10 1404 MAZS No. 51/52 607650, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovsky district, 472 km +100 of the motorway N. Novgorod-Ufa, 0.6 km west of the village of Malinovka

11 9451 Gas Station No. 4/52 603022 Nizhny Novgorod, Sovetsky District, Gagarin Avenue, 23v

12 9452 Gas station No. 6/52 603093, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod district, st. Rodionova, 163A

13 1353 Gas station No. 10/52 603105, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Salganskaya, 31

14 1360 Gas Station No. 20/52 603057, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarina Ave., 31 A

15 1361 Gas station No. 21/52 603106, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Nadezhda Suslova, 21

16 9563 Gas station No. 22/52 603070, Nizhny Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod region, Sovetsky district, st. Vaneeva, 20 m south of GSK Tramplin

17 1362 Gas station No. 23/52 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnaya Sloboda, 10

18 1375 Gas station No. 027/52 603163, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, sh. Kazanskoe, 6a

19 1391 Gas station No. 77/52 607600, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Bogorodsky district, Berezovka village

20 1378 Gas station No. 0189/52 603105, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Vaneeva street, 110 V

21 1352 Gas station No. 9/52 603101, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Molodezhny avenue, 39

22 1355 Gas station No. 12/52 603108, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Kuzbasskaya, 1 a

23 94602 Gas station No. 13/52 603132, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Golubeva 55 meters from house number 3

24 1357 Gas station No. 14/52 603069, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Anhydrous, 14

25 1358 Gas station No. 15/52 603016, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Monastery, 19

26 1364 Gas station No. 26/52 Russia, 603108, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Kuzbasskaya, d.2B

27 1365 Gas station No. 27/52 603015, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, sh. Moscow, d.232 b

28 1383 Gas station No. 0188/52 603058, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Geroya Popov, 35 A

29 1349 Gas station No. 5/52 603137, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin avenue, 121A

30 1351 Gas station No. 8/52 603152, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Larina, 13 a

31 7429 MAZS No. 47/52 607650, Nizhny Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod Region, Kstovo, 3 km south of Kstovo

32 7297 MAZS No. 48/52 607650, Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovo, Magistralnaya street, near the Agat plant

33 1401 Gas station No. 50/52 607684, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Zhdanovsky settlement, st. Trunk, 1

34 105401 gas station No. 53/52 607686, Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovsky district, s. Fedyakovo, along the highway M-7


35 1402 Gas station No. 065/52 607650, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovsky district, 433 km of the M-7 Volga highway

36 1403 MAZS No. 066/52 607650, Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovsky district, highway, about 1 km southeast of the reference point of the village of Opalikha

37 4232 Filling station No. 0186/52 603137, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin avenue, 232, A

38 1380 Gas station No. 019/52 603092, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, sh. Moscow, 237

39 1381 gas station No. 021/52 Russia, 603092, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, sh. Moscow, 352

40 8793 MAZS No. 37/52 606034, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Leninsky Komsomol Ave., 28A

41 8928 Gas station No. 38/52 606041 Nizhny Novgorod region, Dzerzhinsk, Gavrilovka village, 2, 7km + 700m of Gavrilovskaya road

42 8927 Gas station No. 39/52 606042, Nizhny Novgorod region, Dzerzhinsk, Gavrilovka settlement, 1, 7 km + 700 m of Gavrilovskaya road

43 8523 Gas station No. 41/52 606004 Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod highway, 2

44 1373 MAZS No. 42/52 606000, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Dzerzhinsk, 4 km of Severnoye highway, building 2

45 1372 Gas station No. 43/52 606030, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Dzerzhinsk, st. Popova

46 9436 Gas station No. 45/52 606004 Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod region, North-Western industrial area, 378 km of Moscow highway, 2

47 9442 Gas station No. 46/52 606034, Nizhny Novgorod region, 36 quarter of the Dzerzhinsky forestry, 378 km + 700 m of Moskovskoye highway, 1

48 1347 Gas station No. 1/52 603079, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Burnakovsky passage, 17

49 1348 Gas station No. 2/52 603028, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, sh. Komsomolskoe, 2

50 9447 Gas station No. 3/52 603074, Nizhny Novgorod, Moskovsky district, st. Burnakovskaya, 33

51 1350 Gas station No. 7/52 603038, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Kima, 339

52 1354 Gas station No. 11/52 603116, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, sh. Moscow, 34a

53 9449 Gas station No. 16/52 603011, Nizhny Novgorod, Leninsky district, st. July Days, 1b

54 9450 Gas station No. 17/52 603070, Nizhny Novgorod, Kanavinsky district, Meshchersky boulevard, 3

55 9448 Gas station No. 18/52 603139, Nizhny Novgorod, Sormovsky district, st. Gaugelya, 2a

56 1359 Gas station No. 19/52 603127, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Konovalova, 1a

57 1366 Gas station No. 28/52 603127, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Fedoseenko, d.61

58 1376 Gas station No. 033/52 603074, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Kuibyshev, 65

59 1368 Gas station No. 34/52 603028, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, sh. Komsomolskoe, d.3 in

60 1377 Gas station No. 0187/52 603044, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Geroev avenue, 72

61 1434 Gas station No. 48/35 160000, Vologda region, Vologda, st. Gagarina, 84

62 1427 Gas station No. 6/35 160019, Vologda region, Vologda, st. Chernyshevsky, 149

63 1431 Gas station No. 35/35 160000, Vologda region, Vologda, st. Kozlenskaya, 132a

64 1435 Gas station No. 60/35 160000, Vologda region, Vologda, st. Koneva, 32

65 1438 Gas station No. 78/35 160000, Vologda region, Vologda, st. Northern

66 8700 Filling station No. 101/76 150049 Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl, Myshkinsky proezd, 4

67 1430 Gas station No. 30/35 160000, Vologda region, Vologda, Moscow highway

68 1432 Gas station No. 37/35 160014, Vologda region, Vologda, st. Mudrova, 40

69 1437 Gas station No. 65/35 160000, Vologda region, Vologda, st. Konev

70 8702 Filling station No. 100/76 150033, Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl region, Tutaevskoe highway, 120

71 1484 Gas station No. 4/35 162000, Vologda region, Gryazovets, st. Volkova, 24

72 1618 gas station No. 21/35 160901, Vologda region, s. Molochnoe, Oktyabrsky village council, 15 km of the Vologda-Medvezhyegorsk highway

73 1436 Gas station No. 64/35 162000, Vologda region, Gryazovetsky district, 416 + 732 km of the Moscow-Arkhangelsk highway

74 1463 Gas station No. 19/35 162101, Vologda region, Sokolsky district, km 487 + 205m (right) Moscow-Arkhangelsk highway near the village of Barskoye Prigorodny village

75 1467 Gas station No. 45/35 162139, Vologda region, Sokol, st. Kalinina

76 8770 Gas station No. 110/76 Russia, 152127, Yaroslavl region, Rostov district, Nikolsky s / district, 193 km of the highway Moscow-Kholmogory near the village. Debolovskoye

77 8769 Gas station No. 111/76 Russia, 152127, Yaroslavl region, p. Debolovskoye, highway Moscow-Kholmogory, 193 km highway M-8

78 98 AZS-2 400105, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Volgograd, st. them. Marshal Eremenko, 49A

79 99 AZS-3 400120, Volgograd, st. named after Nezhdanova, 4b

80 100 MTAZS-4 400048, Volgograd, sh. Aviators, 1d

81 101 AZS-7 400050, Volgograd, st. March. Rokossovsky, 80a

82 102 Gas station-8 400062, Volgograd, 2nd Longitudinal highway, 12a

83 103 MTAZS-9 400111, Volgograd, st. Khabarovsk, 2 L

84 196 AZS-10 400020, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd Region, Volgograd, p.g.t. Sasha Chekalina, 2nd Longitudinal Highway, 88d

85 126 AZS-13 403530, Frolovo, per. Zelenovsky, 50a

86 68 AZS-15 404130, Volzhsky, st. Gorky, 1b

87 69 AZS-16 404105, Volzhsky, st. Karbysheva, 47b

88 84 AZS-20 403602, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Rudnya, st. Builders, 7

89 5227 MTAZS-21 403700 us. Elan settlement Elansky district, Volgograd region, st. Pionerskaya, 133

90 140 MTAZS-22 403870, Kamyshin, st. Volgogradskaya

91 146 AZS-24 404354, Kotelnikovo, st. Northern, 2

92 6070 AZS-25 404002, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Dubovsky district, Dubovka, Stepnaya, 14, road 647+800m

93 138 gas station-26 403560, st. Kletskaya, st. Komarova, 36

94 8771 AZS-27 Volgograd region, Kamyshin, northwestern residential area, No. 1

95 591 AZS-29 403805, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Kotovo, st. Oil workers, 17

96 592 AZS-31 403791, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Zhirnovsk, st. Lomonosov, 79

97 85 AZS-34 404260, Pallasovka, st. Staropoltavskaya, 2

98 3773 AZS-35 404002, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Dubovka, Trunk, 3

99 154 AZS-36 404420, Surovikino, st. Shosseinaya, 63

100 2539 MTAZS-37 403341, Russian Federation, Mikhailovka, st. Krupskaya, 148

101 90 AZS-38 403300, Mikhailovka, st. P. Morozova, 7

102 91 AZS-39 403300, Mikhailovka, st. Frunze, 107

103 94 AZS-40 403441, Serafimovich, st. Donskaya, 116

104 156 AZS-41 403120, RUSSIA, URYUPINSK, STR. STEMENKO, 67

105 157 AZS-42 403120, Uryupinsk, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 122

106 2443 AZS-43 400005, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, pr. im. Lenina, 63B

107 165 AZS-45 404462, r.p. Chernyshkovsky, st. Technical, 9

108 87 AZS-46 404210, p. Old Poltavka, st. Stepnaya, 12

109 128 AZS-47 403070, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, settlement. Ilovlya settlement, Razdolnaya, 6

110 163 AZS-50 403240, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Alekseevsky district, Alekseevskaya, Alekseevskaya-Novoaninsk highway, 2 km

111 105 AZS-51 400125, Volgograd, st. named after Nikolai Otrada, 25

112 593 AZS-52 403780, r.p. Krasny Yar, st. Railway, 1

113 594 AZS-53 403370, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, settlement. Danilovka settlement, 700 m to the north-west of the Danilovka settlement

114 107 MTAZS-55 400000, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Volgograd, st. Shuruhina, 66

115 3657 AZS-56 404111, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volzhsky, im. Lenina, 92G

116 72 AZS-57 404104, Volzhsky, st. Pushkin, 51

117 159 AZS-59 403901, p.g.t. Novonikolaevsky, st. Pervomaiskaya, 1b

118 187 AZS-60 400138, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Volgograd, st. them. Countrymen, 74B

119 109 AZS-61 404170, r.p. Light Yar

120 110 AZS-62 400048, Volgograd, sh. Aviators, 18a

121 111 MTAZS-63 400079, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Volgograd, st. 64th Army, 143a

122 112 AZS-64 400079, Volgograd, st. 64th Army, 50a

123 73 AZS-65 404143, Krasnoslobodsk

124 74 Gas station-66 404130, Volzhsky, Highway 6, 33

125 142 AZS-67 403870, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Kamyshinsky district, s. Sokolovka, 0.5 km. sowing Sokolovka village Volgograd-Syzran

126 137 MTAZS-68 404522, Volgograd-Kamensk-Shakhtinsky highway, 76 km

127 150 AZS-71 404060, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Bykovsky district, settlement. Bykovo settlement, 4 km. to the east from the Bykovo settlement

128 155 AZS-73 Surovikino, crossing. Volgograd-Shakhtinsky and Surovikino-Serafimovich highways

129 143 AZS-74 403650, p. Olkhovka

130 3580 AZS-75 403441, RUSSIA, Volgograd region, Serafimovichi district, Serafimovich, 65 km. 600 m.

131 151 AZS-79 404032, Nikolaevsk, Volgograd-Engels highway (187 km. Volgograd-Samara highway)

132 2470 AZS-83 400120, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, st. Motor transport, 1

133 129 AZS-84 403530, Frolovo, st. Frunze, 33a

134 2472 AZS-85 400074, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, st. Socialist, 43

135 207 AZS-87 404503, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Kalachevsky district, Kalach-on-Don, intersection of Kirova street and Volgogradskaya street

136 117 AZS-89 400081, Volgograd, st. Khorosheva, 65a

137 6073 AZS-91 403951, Volgograd region, Novoanninsky, st. Lenina, 221A

138 92 AZS-92 403335, Mikhailovka, Moscow-Volgograd highway 786 km

139 144 AZS-93 403870, Kamyshin, st. Ryazan-Ural

140 2484 AZS-94 403001, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Gorodishche, Andreeva, 16

141 2446 AZS-95 400009, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Volgograd, pr. im. Lenina, 116 A

142 2469 AZS-96 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Gorodishchensky district, the intersection of the third longitudinal and the highway "Volgograd-Saratov"

143 2444 AZS-98 400010, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, pr. im. Marshal G.K. Zhukova, 94A

144 413 AZS-99 400038, Volgograd, Gorky settlement, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, 75a

145 8814 AZS-100 Volgograd region, Svetloyarsky district

146 173 AZS-101 400022, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, st. Lazorevaya, 170a

147 130 AZS-102 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Ilovlinsky district, pop. Ilovlya settlement, access road to SS 873

148 177 AZS-103 403105, RUSSIA, Volgograd region, Uryupinsk district, settlement. p. Kriushinsky, tr. "Moscow-Volgograd", congress to h. Kriushinsky

149 597 AZS-104 403791, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Zhirnovsk, st. Polevaya, d. 2

150 182 AZS-105 400080, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, st. im.40 years VLKSM, 94B

151 198 AZS-106 403731, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Elan, st. Warsaw, 37

152 176 AZS-107 400012, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, st. March. Rokossovsky, 1r

153 183 AZS-108 404143, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Srednyaya Akhtuba, st. Suburban, 2A

154 199 AZS-109 403221, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Preobrazhenskaya, Stroiteley, 25

155 208 AZS-110 403955, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Novoanninsky, per. Cossack, 79B

156 211 AZS-111 404321, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, pos. October, st. Production, 9A

157 197 AZS-113 403990, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Novoanninsky district, settlement. Panfilovo settlement, tr. “Moscow-Volgograd”, 742 km + 470 m

158 508 AZS-115 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, bul. 30 years of Victory, 15

159 487 AZS-116 352629, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Kamyshinsky district, 549 km of tr. “Syzran-Saratov-Volgograd”

160 576 AZS-117 400078, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, pr. Lenina, 111a

161 577 AZS-118 400050, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, st. them. Parkhomenko, 57A

162 166 AZS-119 404462, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, settlement. Chernyshkovsky settlement, 184 km of the road “Volgograd-Kamensk-Shakhtinsky”

163 578 AZS-120 400050, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, st. them. Rokossovsky, 129D

164 2377 AZS-121 400080, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, st. named after Dovzhenko, 6

165 210 AZS-122 404354, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Kotelnikovo, at the intersection of Chkalova street and tr. "Volgograd-Rostov"

166 2378 AZS-124 403520, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, settlement. Vetutnev village, M6 highway, 822 km.

167 2474 AZS-129 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd, st. Angarskaya, 131B

168 2476 AZS-130 403171, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Nekhaevsky district, Nekhaevskaya, at the checkpoint of the traffic police at the entrance to the station Nekhaevskaya

169 2478 AZS-131 403953, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Panfilovo

170 9059 AZS-132 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Volgograd, pr.im. Marshal G.K. Zhukov, 11

171 9071 AZS-133 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd Region, Volgograd, Historical St., 160

172 9064 AZS-134 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Volgograd, st.Istoricheskaya, 177A

173 9062 AZS-135 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Volgograd, Menzhinsky street, 15A

174 9060 AZS-136 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Volzhsky, Lenina, 1b

175 9063 AZS-137 RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Volgograd region, Volzhsky, Karbysheva, 59a

176 93 AZS-138 403402, st. Kumylzhenskaya

177 1060 74002 454000 Chelyabinsk, Artillery

178 1062 74005 454000 Chelyabinsk, Mira, ChMZ

179 1063 74006 Chelyabinsk, Mechanical, ChTZ

180 1064 74007 Chelyabinsk, Troitsky trakt, post GAI

181 1066 74009 454000 Chelyabinsk, Kopeyskoye Highway, CHPP-1

182 1067 74010 Chelyabinsk, AMZ, car service

183 1071 74014 454000 Chelyabinsk, meridian, Leninsky district

184 1073 74027 454000 Chelyabinsk Br. Kashirins

185 2190 74051 455000 Magnitogorsk, Proselochnaya, 26/1

186 2192 74053 Chelyabinsk region, Verkhneuralsky district, at the entrance to the city of Verkhneuralsk

187 2193 74054 455000 Magnitogorsk, Sovetskaya, 160/4

188 2674 74057 455000 Magnitogorsk, Northern crossing, 3

189 1081 74083 Chelyabinsk, Autocentre, Molodogvardeytsev

190 1083 74092 Chelyabinsk, Khlebozavodskaya, ChMZ

191 2243 74108 Magnitogorsk, Magnetic

192 2248 74111 Magnitogorsk, Pushkin, 8/1

193 2287 74168 Magnitogorsk, Magnitnaya street, 158

194 1090 74401 454000 Chelyabinsk, Truda street, Central Stadium

195 1094 74405 Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsky prospect “Youth”

196 1095 74406 Chelyabinsk, Br Kashirin, 40 years of Victory

197 1097 74408 Chelyabinsk, Komsomol.pr-t-Voroshilova street

198 1101 74412 Chelyabinsk, Blucher st. Vorovsky

199 1102 74413 454000 Chelyabinsk Chelyabinsk region, st. Yubileinaya, Central Market area

200 1104 74415 454000 Chelyabinsk, Kuznetsova-Blyukhera

201 1106 74417 Chelyabinsk, Pobeda-Zhilayaya Ave.

202 1110 74421 Chelyabinsk, ChTZ theater, Geroev Tanko grad street

203 1112 74423 Chelyabinsk, Dovatora-Tsehovaya

204 1116 74427 Chelyabinsk, Moldavskaya-Komsomolsky Ave.

205 1119 74430 454000 Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsky tr.

206 1121 74432 Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk, st. Tchaikovsky

207 1122 74433 Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsky Prospekt Truda Street (TsNTI)

208 1124 74435 Chelyabinsk, Dubravnaya (ChMZ)

209 2155 74023 Magnitogorsk, Agapovka settlement, Asfaltovaya, plot 2

210 2195 74055 Magnitogorsk, Shosseynaya, 60

211 2200 74060 455000 Magnitogorsk, Vokzalnaya, 19/1

212 2616 74107 456511 us. Bukharino settlement Sosnovsky district Chelyabinsk region

213 2280 74163 Magnitogorsk, Komsomolskaya street, 122

214 2707 02003 450580, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufimsky district, Uptino village, Tsentralnaya st., 1/1 (1448 road Samara-Ufa-Chelyabinsk km)

215 2711 02005 450103, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Kirovsky district, st. S. Perovskoy, 30

216 2726 02012 450001, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Sovetsky district, Oktyabrya avenue, 1/1

217 2729 02013 450032, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Ordzhonikidzevsky district, D. Donskoy st., 7

218 2651 02033 450024, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Demsky district, st. Central - st. Truth

219 2664 02073 Republic of Bashkortostan, Iglinsky district, near the village. Alatorka

220 8934 02096 643.450069, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Gvardeyskaya street, next to house 43

221 9509 02097 643.450900, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Zhilino, side of the highway "Yuzhny proezd" to Ufa with a bridge. transition through the river Ufa in the area of ​​the Stone crossing

222 9720 02098 Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Sagita Agish street 2/1

223 8933 02127 Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Kalininsky district, st. Industrial Highway, next to 118

224 9313 02129 450054, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Oktyabrsky district, intersection of st. Shafieva, etc. October

225 9312 02130 450099, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Oktyabrsky district, Marshal Zhukov street, 27

226 9311 02131 450106, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Kirovsky district, Stepan Kuvykin str., 43

227 9316 02132 450054, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Oktyabrsky district, Komsomolskaya st., 108, building a

228 9315 02133 450001, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Leninsky district, st. Akhmetova, 328

229 9314 02134 450018, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Kirovsky district, Samara-Ufa-Chelyabinsk highway, settlement Tsvety Bashkiria, Stolbovaya st., 1, building 1

230 9317 02136 453000, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufimsky district, s. Chesnokovka st. Aeroportovskaya, 1a

231 9318 02137 450017, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Leninsky district, Ufa-Zaton, 3

232 3462 02199 452410, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Iglinsky district, Iglino village, Gorky, 16/4

233 2750 02025 450045, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Ufa, Ordzhonikidzevsky district, 31 km. a / d Ufa-Birsk near the station Zagorodnaya

234 2546 63019 Samara region, Volzhsky district, 29 km of the road Samara-Orenburg

235 2547 63022 Samara, Novo-Sadovaya street 301a

236 2548 63023 Samara region, Volzhsky district, 26 km, road Samara-Buguruslan, pos. Satellite

237 9724 63047 Samara region, Krasnoyarsk district, motorways Moscow-Ufa-Chelyabinsk, 1047 km + 50 m.

238 64403 63054 Samara region, Samara, Kuibyshevsky district, st. Uralskaya 4

239 9811 63056 Samara region, Samara, Industrial district, Moskovskoe shosse, 264 A

240 64401 63058 446232 us. Preobrazhenka settlement Volzhsky district Samara region

241 2549 63046 Samara region, 1023 km. M-5 highways

242 42601 63053 Samara region, Novokuibyshevsk, Samara highway, 4

243 2612 16001 RT, Kazan st. Cosmonauts 46a

244 2613 16009 423532 us. settlement Pospelovo Yelabuga Republic Tatarstan

245 99602 16020 420054, Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Technical street, 25/1

246 2668 16049 RT, Nizhnekamsk, Aktobe street

247 3651 16054 RT, Naberezhnye Chelny, pos. 3YaB, complex 14, highway No. 1

248 3660 16056 Republic of Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky district, Vvedonsko-Slobodsky s / s, Elizavetino village, 770th km. road M 7

249 60002 16059 423800, Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Industrial zone, Metallurgical street, 31B

250 3955 16066 RT, Vysokogorsky district, pos. Biryulinsky, 34 km of the Kazan-Malmyzh highway

251 2653 16085 34km+650m. (left) a / d Kazan-Shemordan Pestrichinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

252 4121 16088 Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Rodina st., 7a

253 6458 16090 423800, Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Stroybaza district, 1058 km Moscow-Ufa

254 9342 16095 420126, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Aircraft building district, Fatykh Amirkhan st.

255 2615 16104 423532 us. Pospelovo settlement Elabuga district Republic of Tatarstan

256 2614 16105 Republic of Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky district, Naberezhno-Morkvashsky s / s, Desitydvorka village

257 9424 16109 420000, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Victory Avenue

258 9812 16111 Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Almetevsky tract, 1/5

259 39206 16112 Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Sovetsky district, Adel Kutuya street, 98

260 36002 16114 Republic of Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk, industrial zone

261 49212 16115 Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Fatykh Amirkhan, 1

262 9353 16116 Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Gavrilova, 19

263 36001 16118 Republic of Tatarstan, 818 km. highway M7

264 8996 16093 Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Tetsevskaya street

265 51601 16113 Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Tula

266 39208 16120 Republic of Tatarstan, 829 km of the highway Moscow-Kazan-N.Eovgorod-Ufa M-7 Volga (right)

267 2827 72303 Tyumen Region, Tyumen, Moskovsky Trakt St., 132-B

268 2828 72305 Tyumen region, Tyumen, st. Trunk, 30

269 ​​2830 72307 Tyumen region, Tyumen, Permyakova st., 11

270 2326 72310 Tyumen region, Tyumen, 317 km of the road Ekaterenburg-Tyumen

271 2873 72311 Tyumen region, Tyumen, street 30 Years of Victory, 34

272 3496 72312 Tyumen region, Tyumen, Chekistov street

273 3498 72315 Tyumen region, Tyumen district 13 km of the Tobolsk tract

274 2118 72320 Tyumen region, Tyumen district, 20 km of the Yalutorovsky tract, building 1

275 8181 72325 Tyumen region, Tyumen, st. Domostroiteley, 3

276 8308 72326 Tyumen region, Tyumen, st. Yamskaya, 159, building 1

277 8899 72318 Tyumen region, Tyumen, st. Roshinsky highway, approx. per. st. auto repair

278 482 421 394000, Voronezh region, Voronezh, st. Hilly, 62

279 8784 422 396324, Voronezh region, Novousmansky municipal district, 21 km of the Voronezh-Novovoronezh highway (right)

280 502 423 396310, Voronezh region, Novousmansky district, 518 km + 100m (on the right) highway “DON” М4

281 515 424 394050, Voronezh region, Voronezh, st. Geroev Sibiryakov, 20a

282 516 425 396900, Voronezh region, Semiluki district, Semiluki, stop. Tower

283 517 426 Russia, 396310, Voronezh region, settlement Otradnoe, st. Flower, 26

284 518 427 396310, Voronezh region, Novousmansky district, 37 km of the Voronezh-Tambov highway

285 519 428 396900, Voronezh region, Semiluksky district, 213 km of the road "Kursk - Voronezh - Borisoglebsk"

286 520 429 396310, Voronezh region, Novousmansky district, s. Nechaevka, 522 km of the road "DON"

287 4303 431 396310, Voronezh region, Novousmansky district, 531 km of the highway M4 “Don” (left)

288 3109 432 396321, Voronezh region, Novousmansky district, s. Rogachevka, 532 km - 700 cars M4 "Don"

289 3107 433 Voronezh region, Liskinsky district, 589 km (right) of the federal highway M4 Don

290 3104 434 397955, Voronezh region, Liskinsky district, 587 km + 500 (left) highway “Don-1”

291 33601 435 394000, Voronezh region, Voronezh, Ilyushin street, 17

292 3108 436 397700, Voronezh region, Bobrovsky district, 633 km + 150 (right) by car M4 “Don”

293 3105 437 397700, Voronezh region, Bobrovsky district, 633 km + 150 (left) by car M4 “Don”

294 3106 438 397900, Voronezh region, Liskinsky district, Liski, st. Chapaeva, 1a

295 3103 439 394004, Voronezh region, Voronezh, st. Leningradskaya, 29v

296 9462 440 396005, Voronezh region, Ramonsky district, pos. Sunny, st. Parkovaya, 7 (SEC GRAD)

297 9642 441 Voronezh region Verkhnemamonsky district 720km a/d M-4 Don on the right

298 9468 442 394088, Voronezh region, Voronezh, st. Kholzunova, 120

299 9641 443 Voronezh region Verkhnemamonsky district 720km a / d M-4 Don on the left

300 39607 444 Voronezh region, Semiluksky district, 210 km + 690 m (right) of the highway “Kursk-Voronezh-Borisoglebsk”

301 50001 445 Voronezh, st. Ostuzheva, 37

302 57013 447 Voronezh, st. Stepan Solodovnikova, 6

303 57014 448 Voronezh, st. Gramsci, d. 2 g

304 82404 451 Russia, Voronezh region, Ramonsky district, s. Devils, st. Mira

305 9258 500 393700, Tambov region, Pervomaisky district, highway M-6 “Kaspiy”, 363 km (right)

306 9336 501 392000, Tambov region, Tambov, st. Soviet, 194 G

307 9343 502 392000, Tambov region, Tambov, st. Chicherina, 5

308 9635 503 392000, Tambov region, Tambov, st. Proletarian, 174

309 32002 504 393115, Tambov region, r.p. Novaya Lyada, 17 km a/d Tambov-Penza

310 37601 505 Tambov region, Tambov district, s. archers

311 55601 506 Tambov region, Tambov district, 446 km of the highway M6 Moscow - Volgograd (Caspian)

312 61602 507 Russia, Tambov region, settlement Novaya Lyada, 16+850 km of Tambov-Penza highway

313 1917 Gas station No. 2 188350, Leningrad region, Gatchina district

314 1886 Gas station No. 74 Leningrad region, Gatchinsky district, near the village of Pizhma, b/n

315 3004 Gas station No. 85 Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, pos. Toksovo, 13 km +200 St. Petersburg-Matoks highway

316 3054 Gas station No. 103 Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, village. Agalatovo, highway St. Petersburg - Priozersk, 16 km.

317 2988 Gas station No. 104 Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsky district, Yanino industrial zone (St. Petersburg-Koltushi highway)

318 2987 Filling station No. 105 Leningrad region, Priozersky district, Priozersk, Leningrad highway, 129

319 3060 Gas Station No. 108 Len. region, Vsevol. district, Razmetelevsky volost, in the district of the village of Ozerki, at 26 km (on the right)

320 3059 Gas station No. 109 Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Razmetelevsky volost, in the district of the village. Ozerki, on the 26th km of the Kola highway (on the left)

321 3057 Filling station No. 111 Leningrad region, Tosnensky district, Yam-Izhora village, Moscow highway, 671 km.

322 3056 Gas station No. 112 Leningrad region, Tosnensky district, Yam-Izhora village, Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, 671 km.

323 8714 Gas station No. 235 Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Novosaratovka village - center

324 9346 Filling station No. 241 Leningrad region, Tosno, Moskovskoe sh., 44a

325 1921 Filling station No. 1 St. Petersburg, Pulkovskoe sh., 42, building 5

326 1893 Filling station No. 6 St. Petersburg, Ust-Slavyanka, Sovetsky pr., 59, letter A

327 1883 Filling station No. 8 195197, St. Petersburg, Kushelevskaya road, 9, letter A

328 1920 Gas Station No. 11 St. Petersburg, Malaya Balkanskaya st., 21

329 1919 Filling station No. 13 196105, St. Petersburg, Vitebsky pr., 17, letter A

330 1918 Filling station No. 14 194291, St. Petersburg, Prospect Prosveshcheniya, 10, letter A

331 1916 Filling station No. 24 192102, St. Petersburg, Salova st., 74, building 1

332 1914 Filling station No. 33 196158, St. Petersburg, Moskovskoe sh., 13, building 4, letter A

333 1912 Gas station No. 38 St. Petersburg, Suzdalsky pr., 49, letter A

334 1911 Filling station No. 39 St. Petersburg, Olgino village, Primorskoe shosse, 45, letter A

335 1910 Filling station No. 40 192102, St. Petersburg, Bukharestskaya st., 12, letter A

336 1909 Gas Station No. 41 St. Petersburg, Piskarevsky pr., 30, letter A

337 1908 Gas station No. 42 St. Petersburg, Far East pr., 43

338 1907 Filling station No. 43 193318, St. Petersburg, Krzhizhanovsky st., 19, letter A

339 1905 Gas Station No. 45 St. Petersburg, Severny pr., 13

340 1904 Gas station No. 46 St. Petersburg, Babushkina street, 127, letter A

341 1900 Gas Station No. 51 St. Petersburg, Obvodny Canal Embankment, 34, letter A

342 1899 Filling station No. 52 St. Petersburg, Moskovsky district, Kubinskaya st., 90, letter A

343 1898 Filling station No. 53 St. Petersburg, Rozenshteina st., 37

344 1897 Gas station No. 54 St. Petersburg, Vitebsky pr., 10, letter A

345 1895 Gas station No. 57 St. Petersburg, Toksovskaya st., 2, letter A

346 1894 Gas station No. 59 St. Petersburg, Zanevsky pr., 75

347 1892 Filling station No. 60 St. Petersburg, Pulkovskoe sh., 37, building 1, letter A

348 1891 Filling station No. 69 St. Petersburg, Chernigovskaya st., 25

349 1888 Gas station No. 71 St. Petersburg, Zamshina st., 2, letter A

350 2588 Gas Station No. 73 St. Petersburg, per. Dekabristov, 9, lit. BUT

351 1885 Gas Station No. 75 St. Petersburg, Generala Khruleva St., 2, letter A

352 3011 Gas Station No. 77 St. Petersburg, Severny pr., 20, building 2

353 1884 Filling station No. 78 St. Petersburg, Moskovskoe shosse, 9, letter B

354 2092 Gas Station No. 79 St. Petersburg, st. Voroshilova, d. 10, letter A

355 3009 Filling Station No. 80 St. Petersburg, Dalnevostochny pr., 40


357 3007 Filling station No. 82 St. Petersburg, Kurortny district, Zelenogorsk, st. Lenina, 46

358 3006 Filling station No. 83 St. Petersburg, Sestroretsk, Primorskoe sh., 266 letter A

359 3049 Gas Station No. 84 St. Petersburg, Stachek Ave., 81, letter A

360 2999 Gas Station No. 91 St. Petersburg, Nastavnikov Ave., 1, letter A

361 2998 Gas Station No. 92 St. Petersburg, Khersonskiy proezd, 4, letter A

362 2997 Filling station No. 93 St. Petersburg, Industrialny pr., 46, lit. BUT

363 2996 Filling station No. 94 St. Petersburg, Ligovsky pr., 246, lit. T

364 2995 Filling station No. 95 St. Petersburg, Litovskaya st., 5, bldg. 2, letter A

365 2994 Filling station No. 96 St. Petersburg, Sverdlovskaya emb., 58, bldg. 4, letter A

366 2993 Gas Station No. 97 St. Petersburg, Marshal Zhukov pr., 49, letter A

367 2992 Gas station No. 98 St. Petersburg, Kozhevennaya line, 43, letter A

368 3023 Filling Station No. 100 St. Petersburg, Dobrolyubov Ave., 20, bldg. 6 letter A

369 3756 Filling station No. 113 St. Petersburg, Sofiyskaya st., 59, building 1, letter A

370 3725 Filling station No. 114 St. Petersburg, Kommuny st., 76, letter A

371 3763 Filling station No. 121 St. Petersburg, Oktyabrskaya nab., 46, bldg. 2, letter A

372 3767 Gas station No. 122 St. Petersburg, st. Malaya Balkanskaya, 55, building 1, letter A

373 3062 Gas station No. 123 St. Petersburg, Krasnoe Selo, Kingisepp highway, 57, letter A

374 3759 Filling station No. 124 St. Petersburg, Kushelevskaya road, 18, letter A

375 3755 Filling station No. 125 St. Petersburg, Pargolovo village, Osinovaya Roshcha, Vyborgskoe shosse, 416

376 3063 Filling station No. 127 St. Petersburg, Komendantsky pr., 43, bldg. 2, letter A

377 3760 Gas station No. 130 St. Petersburg, pos. Strelna, Volkhonskoe shosse, 4A

378 3853 Filling station No. 131 St. Petersburg, pos. Shushary, Moscow Slavyanka, 15, bldg. 2, letter A

379 3064 Filling station No. 132 St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Gidrostroiteley st., 3, letter A

380 3256 Gas station No. 133 St. Petersburg, Krasnoe Selo, Kingisepp highway, 24, letter A

381 3765 Filling station No. 135 St. Petersburg, Sedova st., 12, bldg. 2, letter A

382 3714 Filling station No. 137 St. Petersburg, Kolpino, Zagorodnaya st., 17, letter A

383 3781 Filling station No. 138 St. Petersburg, Sofiyskaya st., 1, letter A

384 3722 Gas station No. 139 St. Petersburg, Bogatyrsky pr., 17, letter A.

385 3715 Filling station No. 142 St. Petersburg, Shafirovsky pr., 10, bldg. 4, letter A

386 3066 Filling station No. 143 St. Petersburg, Lomonosov, Krasnoflotskoe highway, 18, letter A

387 3128 Gas Station No. 153 St. Petersburg, Dunaisky pr., 17, letter A

388 3132 Gas Station No. 154 St. Petersburg, st. Zheleznovodskaya, d. 1, letter A

389 3131 Gas station No. 155 St. Petersburg, Lakhtinsky pr. 2, letter A

390 3125 Filling station No. 156 St. Petersburg, Sestroretsk, Primorskoe shosse, 1, letter A

391 3129 Gas Station No. 157 St. Petersburg, Nauki Ave., 52, letter A

392 3127 Gas Station No. 159 St. Petersburg, st. Ordzhonikidze, 50, letter A

393 3126 Gas Station No. 160 St. Petersburg, Blagodatnaya st., 10, letter A

394 7141 Gas station No. 163 St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, st. May Day, section 1 (southwest of the intersection with Gostilitskaya st.)

395 7323 Gas Station No. 165 St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonievsky pr., ac. one

396 3984 Filling station No. 166 St. Petersburg, st. Karavaevskaya, section 1 (opposite d.2, building 1, letter A along Karavaevskaya st.)

397 3985 Filling station No. 167 St. Petersburg, Revolution Highway, 70

398 8698 Filling station No. 168 St. Petersburg, Piskarevsky pr., 46, building 1, lit. BUT.

399 7143 Gas Station No. 170 Saint-Petersburg, Moskovskoye shosse, plot 1 (south-east of bld.

400 9333 Gas Station No. 171 St. Petersburg, Engels Ave., 164

401 4260 Gas station No. 173 St. Petersburg, Marshal Zhukov Ave.

402 39605 Gas Station No. 174 St. Petersburg

403 6467 Gas station No. 175 St. Petersburg, pos. Pontoon, Lagernoe highway, section 1

404 3982 Gas Station No. 176 St. Petersburg, st. Rustaveli, section 1 (east of the intersection with Suzdal pr.)

405 4224 Gas station No. 177 St. Petersburg, Bestuzhevskaya st., section 1 (south of house 52)

406 7144 Gas station No. 178 St. Petersburg, Dvinskaya st., section 1 (southwest of the intersection with Scottish st.)

407 7147 Gas station No. 180 St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Gusarskaya st., section 1 (southwest of the intersection with Sapernaya st.)

408 7146 Gas station No. 181 St. Petersburg, Lomonosov (north-east of the intersection of Oranienbaum prospect and Aleksandrovskaya street)

409 4219 Gas station No. 183 St. Petersburg, Shkolnaya st., section 1 (opposite 128, building 1 on Shkolnaya st.)

410 4178 Gas station No. 184 St. Petersburg, Shafirovsky pr., section 1 (east of house 17., lit. G)

411 3981 Gas station No. 185 St. Petersburg, Magnitogorskaya st., section 1 (north-west of the intersection with Energetikov Ave.)

412 4177 Gas station No. 186 St. Petersburg

413 3987 Filling station No. 187 St. Petersburg, Polyustrovskiy pr. section 1 (south-east of house 4A along Polyustrovskiy avenue).

414 7339 Gas Station No. 190 St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, Demyan Bedny st.

415 3360 1 353243, Krasnodar Territory, Seversky district, town Chernomorsky

416 3361 2 Krasnodar Territory, Abinsk district, Kholmsky village, 207km + 600m Pavlovskaya-Novorossiysk highway

417 1274 6 Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Gelendzhik, 34 km of the highway Novorossiysk-Sochi, district of Bobrukova gap

418 3363 10 350000, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Mirny per., 1

419 1257 15 353521, Krasnodar region, Temryuk district, st. Golubitskaya, 8 + 700 m a / d T emryuk-Fontalovskaya

420 1258 16 353460, Krasnodar Territory, Gelendzhik, Svetly village, highway Novorossiysk-Dzhubga km43

421 3364 17 350072, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Rostovskoe shosse st., 40

422 3365 18 Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Fadeev St., 431

423 1259 19 353440, Krasnodar Territory, resort city of Anapa, Anapa highway, 10

424 1267 22 353740, Krasnodar Territory, Leningradsky district, Leningradskaya station, A/D Leningradskaya-Kanevskaya

425 3316 23 385009, Republic of Adygea, Maykop, st. Hakurate, 651

426 3320 27 385017, Republic of Adygea, Maykop, Shosseinaya st., 407, e

427 3377 35 385130, Republic of Adygea, Takhtamukaysky district, highway Krasnodar-Novorossiysk, Enem village

428 1268 36 352240, Krasnodar Territory, Novokubansk, FAD "Caucasus" a / d, d.143-700, building km

429 1278 37 354207, Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Dagomys village, Batumi highway, 34a

430 3366 38 350005, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Dzerzhinsky St., 94

431 3367 39 Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, km of the road Temryuk-Krasnodar-Kropotkin 158, post office No. 27

432 1269 40 352040, Krasnodar region, Pavlovsky district, Pavlovskaya station, FAD "Don" 1199 km

433 1273 43 Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Korenovsky district, Korenovsk, 1280 km FAD "Don" on the left

434 3374 44 353290, Krasnodar Territory, Goryachiy Klyuch, Krasnodar-Dzhubga highway 64 km on the left

435 3375 45 353290, Krasnodar Territory, Goryachiy Klyuch, Krasnodar-Dzhubga highway 64 km on the right

436 3312 48 Krasnodar Territory, Mostovskoy district, pos. Mostovskoy, st. Aerodromnaya, 1b

437 1264 53 352110, Krasnodar region, Tikhoretsky district, Yugo-Severnaya station, caucasus km, 49-700

438 1266 55 Krasnodar Territory, Timashevsky District, Timashevsk, the roundabout of the Krasnodar-Yeisk highway

439 3370 57 350000, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Sormovskaya-Starokubanskaya st., 1/7-131

440 1279 59 354340, Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Staronasypnaya st., 34/12

441 3399 64 353560, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Slavyansk-on-Kubani, Proletarskaya St. between Lenin St. and Yunykh Kommunarov

442 3748 70 353531, Krasnodar region, Temryuk district, Starotitorovskaya station, a/d

Novorossiysk-Kerch Strait km 89+350 m on the right

443 3389 108 Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Temryuk-Kropotkin Highway

444 3388 109 385100, Republic of Adygea, Takhtamukaysky district, Enem village, highway Krasnodar-Novorossiysk km 22+800

445 3394 110 353902, Krasnodar Territory. Novorossiysk, Sukhumi highway, SRZ district

446 3424 113 353730, Krasnodar Territory, Kanevskoy District, the central island of the Krasnodar-Eisk Kanevskaya-Chelbasskaya-Berezanskaya roundabout

447 3957 120 353600, Krasnodar Territory, Starominskaya district, Starominskaya village, Alexandrovskaya street, quarter 065

448 3729 121 354000, Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Plastunskaya st., 68

449 4161 152 353700, Krasnodar Territory, Kanevskoy district, Novominskaya station, along the Krasnodar-Eysk highway km148+70m (right)

450 3325 155 385141, Adygea Republic, Takhtamukaysky district, urban settlement Yablonovsky, Turgenevskoe highway st., 32

451 7079 156 354375, Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Urozhaynaya st.,

452 8729 159 385228, Republic of Adygea, Teuchezhsky district, Tugurgoy village, Shkolnaya st., 5

453 7172 163 353831, Krasnodar region, Krasnoarmeisky district, Novomyshastovskaya station, Prikubanskaya street, 2.2

454 7315 169 354392, Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana settlement, st. Defenders of the Caucasus

455 7330 170 354340, Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Lenin St., 276

456 7426 171 354008, Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Vinogradnaya st., 105

457 8747 178 353440, Krasnodar Territory, Anapa district, Anapa, Simferopolskoe sh., 92

458 8742 180 353375, Krasnodar Territory, Krymsky district, Kievskoe village, AD Krymsk-Dzhiginkakm 20 + 450m on the left

459 8738 182 353425, Krasnodar region, Anapa district, Yurovka, Krymskaya village, 69

460 8912 187 353200, Krasnodar region, Dinskoy district, Dinskaya station, Krasnaya, 119b

461 8796 188 353793, Krasnodar region, Kalininsky district, Starovelichkovskaya station, along the road Kalininsk-Novotitarovskaya, 6 km + 122 on the left

462 8782 189 352080, Krasnodar region, Krylovskaya district, Krylovskaya station, Promyshlennaya st., 3

463 9430 192 352544, Krasnodar Territory, Tuapse district, Olginka village, FAD M-27 Dzhubga-Sochi 30+660 left

464 9086 193 353422, Krasnodar Territory, Anapa district, Vinogradny village, Novorossiysk - Port Kavkaz-FAD M-25, 63+800 m on the right

465 8911 194 353380, Krasnodar region, Krymsky district, Krymsk city, highway Krymsk-Dzhiginka km 6+600m on the right

466 9334 208 3500059, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Novorossiyskaya St., 3

467 9335 210 353182, Krasnodar Territory, Korenovskiy district, Korenovsk city, a/d Maykop-Ust-Lab-Korenovsk street, 129+550 on the right

468 9379 211 352240, Krasnodar Territory, Novokubansky district, Novokubansk, Otradno-Olginskoye-Novokubansk highway, on the left - Armavir 32 + 900, on the left

469 9378 212 353440, Krasnodar region, Anapa district, Anapa, Lenina street, 182

470 9385 213 352544, Krasnodar Territory, Tuapse district, Bzhid village, on the left, highway M-4 “Dom”, km 1441+920, on the left

471 9431 215 352720, Krasnodar region, Timashevsky district, Medvedovskaya station, Shosseynaya st., st. one

472 39201 219 353320, Krasnodar Territory, Abinsk district, Abinsk city, A / D Krasnodar-Novorossiysk km 87

473 39601 220 Krasnodar Territory st. Pavlovskaya, highway Starominskaya-Leningradskaya-Pavlovskaya, km 77-790 (left)

474 9745 221 353211, Krasnodar region, Dinskoy district, Novotitarovskaya station, highway Krasnodar/Yeisk 15 km+600, left

475 9748 223 Russia, Krasnodar Territory, highway Temryuk-Kropotkin 159

476 9746 228 Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Festivalnaya street 22

477 9753 229 Krasnodar Territory, Ust-Labinsky district, Ust-Labinsk, on the Temryuk-Krasnodar-Kropotkin highway, km 213+800 (right)

478 9755 231 352330, Krasnodar Territory, Ust-Labinsk district, Ust-Labinsk, part of the Voronezh south-east

479 39202 234 353485, Krasnodar Territory, Gelendzhik, s. Arkhipo-Osipovka, Lenina street 165 a

480 57401 236 Krasnodar Territory, Belorechensky District, Yuzhny village, Tsentralnaya st., 32

481 64601 237 Krasnodar region, Armavir Northern residential area 17

482 58201 251 Krasnodar region, Abinskiy district

483 64404 261 Krasnodar Territory, Novokubansky district h. Bolshevik, within the FAD Caucasus km 140+700

484 57402 262 Krasnodar region, Gelendzhik, Ostrovskogo street, 149

485 57403 263 Republic of Adygea, Takhtamukaysky district, highway A-146, 1-3 km, on the right

486 62801 264 Krasnodar region, Slavyansky district, Petrovskaya stanitsa, Otkryvaya st., 6

487 69401 266 Republic of Adygea, Takhtamukaysky district, Novaya Adygea village, st. Turgenev highway, 1/3

488 91802 273 Krasnodar region, Slavyansky district, h. Korzhevsky, along the highway “G. Temryuk - Krasnodar - ^oro^™ - the border of the Stavropol Territory" km 35+100 on the left

489 94005 275 Krasnodar region, Kushchevsky district, st. Kushchevskaya, st. Transportnaya 32

490 114401 276 Krasnodar Territory, Armavir, st. Lazurnaya, exit to FAD M-29 CAUCASUS

491 114602 277 Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, st. Uralskaya 131/1

492 123002 278 350053, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, intersection of st. Red Partizan / Western Bypass

493 118601 282 Krasnodar region, Tuapse district, Shepsi village

494 125603 291 Rostov region, Aksai district, 1074 km of the M-4 motorway on the right along the mileage

495 125605 293 Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Proletarsky district, Sholokhov avenue, 10

496 125606 294 Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Zheleznodorozhny district, Portovaya street, 238/2

497 125607 295 Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, st. Malinovsky, 35

498 125614 302 Rostov region, Bataysk, Samara highway, 25 a

499 125615 303 Rostov region, Myasnikovsky district, (about 1000 m from the traffic police post of Rostov towards the south along Malinovsky street)

500 125616 304 Rostov region, Myasnikovsky district, 20 km + 680 m of the highway Rostov-on-Don - Taganrog

501 125617 305 Rostov region, Myasnikovsky district, 20 km + 680 m of the highway Rostov-on-Don - Taganrog

502 126204 360 346707, Rostov region, Aksai district, 1074 km. motorway M-4 “DON-2”

503 128201 364 Rostov region, Aksai district, SHPK collective farm “Zarya”, field No. 51

504 129004 365 Krasnodar Territory, st. Tbilisi, st. October, 141D

505 3135 3 Moscow region, Lyuberetsky district, Kotelniki, Novoryazanskoe highway, building. ten

506 3136 201 Moscow region, Noginsky district, 35th km of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod highway, M-7 Volga-1

507 3137 202 Moscow region, Naro-Fominsky district, 42 (41+400 m) km of the Moscow-Kyiv highway

508 3138 203 Moscow region, Domodedovsky district, 44 km. Kashirskoe highway

509 3139 204 Moscow region, Mytishchi district, 38 km of the Moscow-Dubna highway

510 3141 206 Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, Gabovsky s.o., settlement of the Ostankino state farm (10 km of the Lobnya-Rogachevo highway)

511 3145 401 Moscow region, Pushkinsky district, 36 km of the Yaroslavl highway (left side)

512 3143 405 Moscow region, Khimki, in the area of ​​23 km, Leningradskoe shosse

513 6418 411 Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, 18 km of the Moscow-Minsk highway

514 3165 412 Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, urban settlement Novoivanovskoye, 19 km FAD M-1 “Belarus” left side

515 3408 416 Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, 39 km of the highway “M-1 Belarus”, building. one

516 6420 417 Moscow region, Mozhaysky district, village. Artemki, 121 km of car Moscow-Minsk, (left side), 39

517 6421 418 Moscow region, Mozhaysky district, village. Artemki, 121 km of car Moscow-Minsk, (right side), 40

518 3148 423 Moscow region, Khimki, sh. Leningradskoe, d.30

519 3174 424 Moscow, Moskovsky village, Kyiv highway, 28th km, vl. 2, page 1

520 3168 425 Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, 25 km of the highway "Baltic", vl. 1, built. 2

521 3173 426 Moscow region, Domodedovo district, 35th km of the Moscow-Domodedovo airport highway

522 3172 428 Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, 25 km of the motorway "Baltic", (left)

523 3189 430 Moscow, Marushkinskoe village, Kyiv highway, 32 km, vl. 3, page 1

524 8159 431 Moscow, Marushkinskoe settlement, Kyiv highway, 39th km, vl. 2, page 1

525 6423 441 Moscow region, Odintsovo, 25 km of Minsk highway

526 5023 456 Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, s. Rogachevo, 34 km of the Klin-Dmitrov highway

527 8755 472 Moscow region, Lyuberetsky district, Oktyabrsky settlement, st. Lenina, building 60 (31 km Novoryazanskoe highway)

528 9719 478 Moscow region, Lyuberetsky district, pos. Tomilino, 25 km Novoryazanskoe highway

529 44002 482 Moscow region, Istra district, Dedovsk, Volokolamsk highway, 36 km., right side

530 54403 484 Moscow region, Voskresensk, st. Vokzalnaya, 39

531 3218 501 Moscow, MKAD, 51-52 km, vl. 12

532 3217 502 Moscow, sh. Dmitrovskoe, 104

533 3247 505 Moscow, sh. Dmitrovskoe, 159A

534 3134 506 Moscow, st. Ostashkovskaya, 34

535 3124 507 Moscow, st. Sheremetevskaya, 47A

536 3156 509 Moscow, st. Khoroshevskaya 3rd, 9, bldg. 1, page 1

537 3155 510 Moscow, per. Mitinsky 1st, 12

538 3179 511 Moscow, prosp. Olympic, 5, building 1

539 3222 517 Moscow, st. Podolsky cadets, 36

540 3221 520 Moscow, st. Grayvoronovskaya, 1

541 5024 521 Moscow region, Mytishchi district, Sgonnikovsky district, Ostashkovskoe highway, building. 1-a

542 3220 523 Moscow, Volgogradsky prospect, vl. 37

543 3215 525 Moscow, sh. Volokolamskoe, 22

544 3213 527 Moscow, st. Vargi Academica, ow. 13, p. 1

545 3176 528 Moscow, Azovskaya street, vl. 32B, p. 1

546 3212 529 Moscow, st. Kozhukhovskaya 7th, 7

547 3208 532 Moscow, st. Svobody, 99

548 5026 533 Moscow, st. Dokukina, ow. 2

549 5028 535 Moscow, Dezhnev Ave., vl. 5

550 5035 542 Moscow, sh. Altufevskoe, ow. 52A

551 5037 544 Moscow, st. Sorge, d. 23, building. one

552 5047 554 Moscow, st. Upper fields, 24, bldg. 3

553 5058 565 Moscow, sh. Schelkovskoe, ow. 102A

554 5071 579 Moscow, st. Rowan, ow. 20, op. one

555 5087 595 Moscow, prosp. Leninsky, ow. 164

556 5088 596 Moscow, st. Tulskaya M., ow. 54

557 5089 597 Moscow, sh. Warsaw, ow. 24A

558 5094 602 Moscow, Kolomensky Ave., vl. 3A

559 39402 615 Moscow, prosp. Andropova, ow. 22/30A

560 60604 617 Moscow, Elektrolitny Ave., 14

561 62201 618 Moscow, pr. 3rd Silikatny, 6

562 62405 619 Moscow, Dobrolyubov Ave., 2

563 62403 620 Moscow, sh. Dmitrovskoe, d. 65, built. four

564 75801 621 Moscow, st. Quarry, 4

565 61001 622 Moscow, Trikotazhny Ave., 5

566 62404 623 Moscow, sh. Yaroslavskoe, d. 1, building. one

567 66202 624 Moscow, MKAD, 28 km, vl. 2

568 65603 625 Moscow, st. Communal "Chechera", Chechersky proezd, opposite vl. 92- 94 (SWAO)

569 84802 629 Moscow, Pokrovskaya st., vl. 26, p. 1

570 91401 630 Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, vl. 140

571 1029 Gas station N 405 a/d Ekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk 178 km, Ekaterinburg, 620000

572 1032 Gas station N 408 Lenina street, 1a, Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, 623100

573 9054 Gas station N 410 a/d Perm-Yekaterinburg 171 km, Achitsky district, Sverdlovsk region, 623230

574 1034 Gas station N 411 road Yekaterinburg-Perm 28 km, Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, 623100

575 1036 Gas station N 413 road Yekaterinburg-Perm 29 km, Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, 623100

576 1037 Gas station N 414 Plekhanov-Lodyzhensky St., 58, Asbest, Sverdlovsk region, 624260

577 1039 gas station N 416 Barabanovskiy tract, Kamensk-Uralsky, Kamensky district, Sverdlovsk region, 623400

578 9082 Gas station N 418 Posadskaya st., 85 Yekaterinburg

579 9055 gas station N 423 st. Cherepanova, 33, Ekaterinburg

580 9079 Gas station N 428 Vladimir Vysotsky str., 49, Yekaterinburg, 620000

581 9073 Gas station N 430 Yekaterinburg, Understudy of the Siberian tract micro-n "Kalina"

582 1047 Gas station N 432 Petrova st., 67, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region, 624090

583 9081 Gas station N 437 Deryabina-Repina-Gurzufskaya St., Ekaterinburg, 620000

584 1054 Gas station N 439 Siberian tract 8 km, Yekaterinburg, 620100

585 39209 Gas station N 445 Frontovykh brigades street, 19a, Yekaterinburg, 620000

586 3291 Gas station N 447 Volgogradskaya st., 206, Yekaterinburg, 620000

587 8713 Gas station N 448 a / d Ekaterinburg - a / p Koltsovo 11 km, 4, Ekaterinburg, 620000

588 8739 Gas station N 449 a / d Yekaterinburg - a / p Koltsovo 9 km, 5, Yekaterinburg, 620000

589 9084 Gas station N 452 Chernoistochinskoe highway, 64G Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, 622000

590 3248 Gas station N 453 Artinskaya st., 22b, Yekaterinburg, 620000

592 5228 Gas station N 455 a / d EKAD 30 km - Sadovy settlement, Ekaterinburg, 620000

593 920 Gas station N 456 Driver's passage, 10, Yekaterinburg, 620000

594 922 Gas station N 458 Polevskoy tract 12 km, Ekaterinburg, 620000

595 923 Gas station N 459 Trudovaya st., 31, Yekaterinburg, 620000

596 9050 Gas station N 460 850 m in the direction N-W from the road Ivdel-KhMAO, village Pelym, Sverdlovsk region, 624582

597 925 Gas station N 461 Trudovaya st., 22, Yekaterinburg, 620000

598 1025 Filling station N 462 Krestinsky str., 40, Yekaterinburg, 620000

599 2082 Gas station N 463 Elizavetinskoe shosse, 60, Yekaterinburg, 620000

600 2085 Gas station N 465 Lenina street, 8, Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, 632123

601 2565 Gas station N 467 Moskovsky Trakt st., 8, Yekaterinburg, 620026

603 9469 Gas station N 470 Lenevka village, Prigorodny district, Sverdlovsk region, 620000

604 2567 Gas station N 471 Kalinina street, 26a, Revda, Sverdlovsk region, 623200

605 2568 Gas station N 472 microdistrict Zeleny bor-2, 53, Polevskoy, Sverdlovsk region, 620000

606 7015 Gas station N 475 Pekhotintsev str., 8, Yekaterinburg, 620000

607 7014 Gas station N 476 Varshavskaya str., 5, Ekaterinburg, 620000

608 7013 Gas station N 477 Bazovy per., 30, Yekaterinburg, 620000

609 7012 Gas station N 478 N. Onufrieva st., 23, Yekaterinburg, 620000

610 7010 Gas station N 480 a/d Yekaterinburg-Perm 132 km, Klenovskoye village, Nizhneserginsky district, Sverdlovsk region, 620000

611 8183 Gas station N 481 road Yekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk 30 km, Sysert district, Sverdlovsk region, 620000

612 8970 Gas station N 482 road Yekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk 31 km, Sysert district, Sverdlovsk region, 623040

613 8735 Gas station N 483 road Yekaterinburg-Kamensk-Uralsky 2 km Kamensky district Sverdlovsk region

614 9263 Gas station N 484 road Yekaterinburg-Tyumen, 105.8 km right side

615 9051 Gas station N 485 road Yekaterinburg-Tyumen, 105.8 km left side

616 9053 Gas station N 486

617 9080 Gas station N 487 Hidroliznaya St., Ivdel, about 1200m eastward from CPS No. 15

618 9254 gas station N 488 understudy of the Siberian highway, Yekaterinburg, metro station

619 9471 Gas station N 489 Molozhezhnaya street, 19 Malaya Laya settlement, Gornouralsk municipal district, Sverdlovsk region

620 9485 Gas station N 491 Losiny village, Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region, 620000

621 8184 Gas station N 492 highway Serov-Severouralsk-Ivdel 89 km + 500, Severouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, 620000

622 9472 Gas station N 493 Koltsevaya st., 6a, Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region, 620000

623 87403 Gas station N 496 Sverdlovsk highway, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, 622000

624 9529 Gas station N 498 Bluchera st., 91, Ekaterinburg, 620000

625 87401 Gas station N 499 37 km +250 m a / d "Serov - Severouralsk - Ivdel" on the left Karpinsk

626 1055 Gas station N 1 Solikamskaya st., 303, Perm, 614047

627 1056 Filling station N 10

628 816 Gas station N 101

629 1057 Gas station N 102 a/d Gornozavodsk-Chusovoi, Gornozavodsk, Perm region, 618820

630 1058 Gas station N 103 Karagay village, Perm region, 617210

631 102402 gas station N 104 Perm region, Perm region, South bypass of the village of Yakunchiki

632 833 Gas station N 106 Chernovskoye village, Bolshesosnovskiy district, Perm region, 617192

633 834 Filling station N 107 Volzhskaya str., 31, Gremyachinsk, Perm Territory, 618280

634 836 Gas station N 11 Tsentralnaya st., 11a Lobanovo village, Perm Territory, 618032

635 837 Filling station N 110 Dorozhnaya st., 17, Cherdyn, Perm Territory, 618601

636 838 Gas station N 111 highway Kosmonavtov, Tchaikovsky, Perm region, 617740

637 839 Filling station N 113 Leonov St.-Verkhnemullinskaya St., Perm, 614036

638 842 Gas station N 118 st. 2nd Kazantsevskaya-Cosmonauts highway, Perm, 614000

639 844 Filling station N 12 Promyshlennaya st., 82, Perm, 614055

640 846 Gas station N 121, Turai village, Kungursky district, Perm Territory, 617431

641 847 Filling station N 122 Geroev Khasan str., 76a, Perm, 614000

642 848 Gas station N 123 Ekaterininskaya str., quarter 225, Perm, 614000

643 849 Gas station N 124 Kombaynerov str., 41, Perm, 614000

644 850 Gas station N 125 Speshilova str., 106, Perm, 614000

645 851 Filling station N 126 Kaluzhskaya st., Teplaya Gora township, Gornozavodsky district, Perm Territory, 618870

646 852 Gas station N 127 Ushakov St., Perm, 614000

647 853 Gas station N 128, area of ​​treatment facilities, Krasnokamsk, Perm Territory, 617060

648 2512 Gas station N 129 a / d Perm-Yekaterinburg 83 km, Nevolino village, Kungursky district, Perm Territory, 617450

649 855 Filling station N 13 Ulyanovskaia st., 138, Vereshchagino, Perm Territory, 617240

650 856 Gas station N 130 building 16, Svetly settlement, Osinsky district, Perm region, 618120

651 866 Filling station N 14, Savichi village, Sivinsky district, Perm Territory, 617120

652 817 Filling station N 145 Kueda settlement Perm region 617700

653 869 Gas station N 149 Parkovaya st., 16, Perm, 614000

654 870 Gas station N 150 Makarenko str., 29, Perm, 614000

655 871 Filling station N 151 Trukhina st., 83, urban settlement Polazna, Dobryanka, Perm Territory, 618703

656 872 Gas station N 152 Repina st., 2, Lysva, Perm Territory, 618960

657 873 Gas station N 153 Tsimlyanskaya str., 50, Perm, 614000

658 4312 Gas station N 16 Bratskaya str., 104, Perm, 614000

659 880 Gas station N 160 Filippovka village, Kungursky district, Perm Territory, 617405

660 882 Gas station N 162 Karpinsky str., 4, Perm, 614022

661 883 Gas station N 163 Yablochkova str., 36a Perm, 614000

662 885 Gas station N 165 settlement Divya, Dobryanka, Perm region, 618720

663 2514 Gas station N 166 Vseobucha street, 128 Solikamsk, Perm region, 618500

664 886 Gas station N 17 Karl Marx St., Berezniki, Perm Territory, 618400

665 887 Filling station N 18 Uralskaya st., 17, Yayva settlement, Aleksandrovsky district, Perm Territory, 618340

666 4315 Filling station N 19 Sviyazeva st., 11, Perm, 614000

667 888 Filling station N 2, Gaivinskaya str., 103, Perm, 614018

668 890 Gas station N 20 Vseobucha st., 95b, Solikamsk, Perm Territory, 618500

669 891 Filling station N 21 Lenina st., 110, Chernushka, Perm Territory, 617800

670 892 Gas station N 22 Kommunarov st., 143, Lysva, Perm Territory, 618960

671 894 Gas station N 23 Zlygosteva str., 97, Osa, Perm region, 618120

672 895 Filling station N 24 Traktovaya street, 14, Oktyabrsky settlement, Perm Territory, 618860

673 897 Filling station N 26 Shosseynaya st., 2, Ilyinsky settlement, Perm Territory, 617020

674 898 Gas station N 27 Yarino village, Dobryansky district, Perm region, 618610

675 899 Filling station N 28, Zalesnaya village, Dobryanka, Perm Territory, 618710

676 900 gas station N 29 Yusva village, Perm region, 617270

677 902 Gas station N 3 Tsiolkovsky str., 5, Perm, 614017

678 903 Gas station N 30 Gorkogo St., 120, Chastye village, Perm Territory, 30916

679 4313 Gas station N 31 Pozharnaya st., 20, Perm, 614000

680 904 Gas station N 32 Yurla village, Perm region, 619200

681 4314 Gas station N 33 St. Blochnaya st., 23, Perm, 614000

682 906 Gas station N 35 Siberian tract 4 km, Kungur, Perm region, 617470

683 908 Filling station N 37 Karl Marx str., 108, Suksun settlement, Perm Territory, 617540

684 909 Gas station N 38 Traktovaya street, Orda settlement, Perm region, 617050

685 910 Gas station N 39 Olkhovaya st., 3, Uinskoye village, Perm Territory, 617520

686 911 Filling station N 4 Geroev Hasan St., 51, Perm, 614010

687 8743 Gas station N 40 Verkhnemullinskaya str., 140, Perm, 614000

688 914 Gas station N 42, Gorodskaya st., 2, Krasnokamsk, Perm Territory, 617070

689 915 Gas station N 43 Filatovskaya str., Berezovka village, Perm Territory, 617460

690 916 Filling station N 44 Sovetskaya str., d./1/11, Tchaikovsky, Perm Territory, 617740

691 919 Gas station N 45 highway Kosmonavtov, 164, Perm, 614065

692 924 Gas station N 46 Lenina st., 115, Barda village, Perm region, 618150

693 927 Filling station N 47 Dokuchaeva st., 29, Perm, 614031

694 928 Gas station N 48, Goldobina st., 2a, Kungur, Perm Territory, 617470

695 929 Gas station N 49 Takelagnaya st., Solikamsk, Perm Territory, 618500

696 930 Gas station N 5 Tikhaya St., 25, Perm, 614007

697 933 Gas station N 52 a / d Kungur-Solikamsk, Gubakha, Perm Territory, 618290

698 934 Gas station N 53 Novozhilovo village, Berezniki, Perm Territory, 618400

699 935 Filling station N 54 Lysvenskaya str., 103, Chusovoy, Perm region, 618260

700 7392 Gas station N 56 Nestyukovo village, Perm district, Perm region, 618030

701 937 Filling station N 57 Promyshlennaya st., 9, 2, Tchaikovsky, Perm Territory, 617740

702 938 Gas station N 58, Polovinka village, Okhansky district, Perm Territory, 618115

703 8900 Gas station N 59 Tsimlyanskaya str., 13, Perm, 614000

704 942 Gas station N 62 Perm-Kungur highway 46 km, Kukushtan settlement, Perm Territory, 619042

705 945 Gas station N 65 Solikamskoe highway, Krasnovishersk, Perm region, 618550

706 946 Gas station N 67 Artamonovo village, Perm region, 619001

707 947 Gas station N 68 Permskaya st., Nytva, Perm region, 617050

708 948 Gas station N 69 Bolshoy Bereznik village, Chernushinsky district, Perm Territory, 617824

709 4316 Gas station N 71 highway Kosmonavtov, 318, Khmeli village, Perm district, Perm region, 614000

710 102201 Gas station N 73 Perm, north-west of Vostochny bypass, 91

711 955 Gas station N 75 Startseva str., 140, Perm, 614083

712 956 Gas station N 76, Lyangasova street, 135, Perm, 614038

713 958 Gas station N 78 Perm tract, Kungur, Perm region617470

714 90602 Gas station N 79 1300 m south of the village of Dubovoe Kungursky district Perm Territory

715 960 Gas station N 8 Kuibysheva st., 169a, Perm, 614084

716 961 Gas station N 80 a / d Perm-Kazan, Ocher, Perm Territory, 617140

717 962 Filling station N 82, Komunisticheskaya str., 6, Chernushka, Perm Territory, 617800

718 963 Gas station N 83 Rosy Luxemburg str., 78, Dobryanka, Perm Territory, 618710

719 967 Gas station N 88 a/d Solikamsk-Krasnovishersk 6 km, Solikamsk, Perm Territory, 618540

720 968 gas station N 89 Kueda village, Perm region, 617700

721 969 Gas station N 9 Dzerzhinsky str., 48a, Perm, 614005

722 103001 Gas station N 91 a/d Perm-Kazan, village Marchugi Perm region

723 973 Gas station N 94 Sivashskaya str., 14, Perm, 614042

724 975 Gas station N 96 Avtozapravochnaya st., 1, Kudymkar, Perm Territory, 619000

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