Home / Internet / Anemic discussion thread php. Multithreaded computing in PHP: pthreads. What are pthreads

Anemic discussion thread php. Multithreaded computing in PHP: pthreads. What are pthreads

It seems that PHP developers rarely use concurrency. I won’t talk about the simplicity of synchronous code; single-threaded programming is, of course, simpler and clearer, but sometimes small use parallelism can bring significant performance improvements.

In this article, we'll take a look at how multithreading can be achieved in PHP using the pthreads extension. To do this, you will need the ZTS (Zend Thread Safety) version of PHP 7.x installed, along with installed extension pthreads v3. (At the time of writing, in PHP 7.1, users will need to install from the master branch in the pthreads repository - see third party extension.)

A small clarification: pthreads v2 is intended for PHP 5.x and is no longer supported, pthreads v3 is for PHP 7.x and is actively being developed.

After such a digression, let's get straight to the point!

Processing one-time tasks

Sometimes you want to process one-time tasks in a multi-threaded way (for example, executing some I/O-bound task). In such cases, you can use the Thread class to create a new thread and run some processing on a separate thread.

For example:

$task = new class extends Thread ( private $response; public function run() ( $content = file_get_contents("http://google.com"); preg_match("~ (.+)~", $content, $matches); $this->response = $matches; ) ); $task->start() && $task->join(); var_dump($task->response); // string (6) "Google"

Here the run method is our processing, which will be executed inside a new thread. When Thread::start is called, a new thread is spawned and the run method is called. We then join the child thread back to the main thread by calling Thread::join , which will block until the child thread has finished executing. This ensures that the task finishes executing before we try to print the result (which is stored in $task->response).

It may not be desirable to pollute a class with additional responsibilities associated with flow logic (including the responsibility of defining a run method). We can distinguish such classes by inheriting them from the Threaded class. Then they can be run inside another thread:

Class Task extends Threaded ( public $response; public function someWork() ( $content = file_get_contents("http://google.com"); preg_match("~ (.+) ~", $content, $matches); $ this->response = $matches; ) ) $task = new Task; $thread = new class($task) extends Thread ( private $task; public function __construct(Threaded $task) ( $this->task = $task; ) public function run() ( $this->task->someWork( ); ) ); $thread->start() && $thread->join(); var_dump($task->response);

Any class that needs to be run in a separate thread must inherit from the Threaded class. This is because it provides the necessary capabilities to perform processing on different threads, as well as implicit security and useful interfaces (such as resource synchronization).

Let's take a look at the class hierarchy offered by the pthreads extension:

Threaded (implements Traversable, Collectable) Thread Worker Volatile Pool

We've already covered and learned the basics of the Thread and Threaded classes, now let's take a look at the other three (Worker, Volatile, and Pool).

Reusing Threads

Starting a new thread for each task that needs to be parallelized is quite expensive. This is because a common-nothing architecture must be implemented in pthreads to achieve multithreading within PHP. Which means that the entire execution context of the current instance of the PHP interpreter (including every class, interface, trait, and function) must be copied for each thread created. Because this has a noticeable performance impact, the stream should always be reused whenever possible. Threads can be reused in two ways: using Workers or using Pools.

The Worker class is used to perform a number of tasks synchronously within another thread. This is done by creating a new Worker instance (which creates a new thread), and then pushing tasks onto that separate thread's stack (using Worker::stack).

Here's a small example:

Class Task extends Threaded ( private $value; public function __construct(int $i) ( $this->value = $i; ) public function run() ( usleep(250000); echo "Task: ($this->value) \n"; ) ) $worker = new Worker(); $worker->start(); for ($i = 0; $i stack(new Task($i)); ) while ($worker->collect()); $worker->shutdown();

In the example above, 15 tasks for a new $worker object are pushed onto the stack via the Worker::stack method, and then they are processed in the order they were pushed. The Worker::collect method, as shown above, is used to clean up tasks once they have finished executing. With it, inside a while loop, we block the main thread until all tasks on the stack are completed and cleared - before we call Worker::shutdown . Terminating a worker early (i.e. while there are still tasks to be completed) will still block the main thread until all tasks have completed their execution, just that the tasks will not be garbage collected (which entails represent memory leaks).

The Worker class provides several other methods related to its task stack, including Worker::unstack for removing the last stacked task and Worker::getStacked for getting the number of tasks in the execution stack. A worker's stack contains only the tasks that need to be executed. Once a task on the stack has been completed, it is removed and placed on a separate (internal) stack for garbage collection (using the Worker::collect method).

Another way to reuse a thread across multiple tasks is to use a thread pool (via the Pool class). A thread pool uses a group of Workers to enable tasks to be executed simultaneously, in which the concurrency factor (the number of pool threads it operates with) is set when the pool is created.

Let's adapt the above example to use a pool of workers:

Class Task extends Threaded ( private $value; public function __construct(int $i) ( $this->value = $i; ) public function run() ( usleep(250000); echo "Task: ($this->value) \n"; ) ) $pool = new Pool(4); for ($i = 0; $i submit(new Task($i)); ) while ($pool->collect()); $pool->shutdown();

There are a few notable differences when using a pool as opposed to a worker. First, the pool does not need to be started manually; it starts executing tasks as soon as they become available. Secondly, we send tasks to the pool, not put them on a stack. Additionally, the Pool class does not inherit from Threaded and therefore cannot be passed to other threads (unlike Worker).

It is a good practice for workers and pools to always clean up their tasks as soon as they have completed, and then manually terminate them themselves. Threads created using the Thread class must also be attached to the parent thread.

pthreads and (im)mutability

The last class we'll touch on is Volatile, a new addition to pthreads v3. Immutability has become an important concept in pthreads because without it, performance suffers significantly. Therefore, by default, properties of Threaded classes that are themselves Threaded objects are now immutable, and therefore they cannot be overwritten after their initial assignment. Explicit mutability for such properties is currently preferred, and can still be achieved using the new Volatile class.

Let's look at an example that will demonstrate the new immutability restrictions:

Class Task extends Threaded // a Threaded class ( public function __construct() ( $this->data = new Threaded(); // $this->data is not overwritable, since it is a Threaded property of a Threaded class ) ) $task = new class(new Task()) extends Thread ( // a Threaded class, since Thread extends Threaded public function __construct($tm) ( $this->threadedMember = $tm; var_dump($this->threadedMember-> data); // object(Threaded)#3 (0) () $this->threadedMember = new StdClass(); // invalid, since the property is a Threaded member of a Threaded class ) );

Threaded properties of Volatile classes, on the other hand, are mutable:

Class Task extends Volatile ( public function __construct() ( $this->data = new Threaded(); $this->data = new StdClass(); // valid, since we are in a volatile class ) ) $task = new class(new Task()) extends Thread ( public function __construct($vm) ( $this->volatileMember = $vm; var_dump($this->volatileMember->data); // object(stdClass)#4 (0) () // still invalid, since Volatile extends Threaded, so the property is still a Threaded member of a Threaded class $this->volatileMember = new StdClass() );

We can see that the Volatile class overrides the immutability imposed by its parent Threaded class to provide the ability to change Threaded properties (as well as unset() them).

There is another subject of discussion to cover the topic of variability and the Volatile class - arrays. In pthreads, arrays are automatically cast to Volatile objects when assigned to a property of the Threaded class. This is because it is simply not safe to manipulate an array of multiple PHP contexts.

Let's look at an example again to understand some things better:

$array = ; $task = new class($array) extends Thread ( private $data; public function __construct(array $array) ( $this->data = $array; ) public function run() ( $this->data = 4; $ this->data = 5; print_r($this->data) ); $task->start() && $task->join(); /* Output: Volatile Object ( => 1 => 2 => 3 => 4 => 5) */

We see that Volatile objects can be treated as if they were arrays because they support array operations such as (as shown above) the subset() operator. However, Volatile classes do not support basic array functions such as array_pop and array_shift. Instead, the Threaded class provides us with such operations as built-in methods.

As a demonstration:

$data = new class extends Volatile ( public $a = 1; public $b = 2; public $c = 3; ); var_dump($data); var_dump($data->pop()); var_dump($data->shift()); var_dump($data); /* Output: object(class@anonymous)#1 (3) ( ["a"]=> int(1) ["b"]=> int(2) ["c"]=> int(3) ) int(3) int(1) object(class@anonymous)#1 (1) ( ["b"]=> int(2) ) */

Other supported operations include Threaded::chunk and Threaded::merge .


In the last section of this article, we will look at synchronization in pthreads. Synchronization is a method that allows you to control access to shared resources.

For example, let's implement a simple counter:

$counter = new class extends Thread ( public $i = 0; public function run() ( for ($i = 0; $i i; ) ) ); $counter->start(); for ($i = 0; $i i; ) $counter->join(); var_dump($counter->i); // will print a number from 10 to 20

Without the use of synchronization, the output is not deterministic. Multiple threads write to the same variable without controlled access, which means updates will be lost.

Let's fix this so that we get the correct output of 20 by adding timing:

$counter = new class extends Thread ( public $i = 0; public function run() ( $this->synchronized(function () ( for ($i = 0; $i i; ) )); ) ); $counter->start(); $counter->synchronized(function ($counter) ( for ($i = 0; $i i; ) ), $counter); $counter->join(); var_dump($counter->i); // int(20)

Synchronized code blocks can also communicate with each other using the Threaded::wait and Threaded::notify (or Threaded::notifyAll) methods.

Here is an alternate increment in two synchronized while loops:

$counter = new class extends Thread ( public $cond = 1; public function run() ( $this->synchronized(function () ( for ($i = 0; $i notify(); if ($this->cond === 1) ( $this->cond = 2; $this->wait(); ) ) )); $counter->start(); $counter->synchronized(function ($counter) ( if ($counter->cond !== 2) ( $counter->wait(); // wait for the other to start first ) for ($i = 10; $i notify(); if ($counter->cond === 2) ( $counter->cond = 1; $counter->wait(); ) ) ), $counter); $counter->join(); /* Output: int(0) int(10) int(1) int(11) int(2) int(12) int(3) int(13) int(4) int(14) int(5) int( 15) int(6) int(16) int(7) int(17) int(8) int(18) int(9) int(19) */

You may notice additional conditions that have been placed around the call to Threaded::wait . These conditions are critical because they allow the synchronized callback to resume when it has received a notification and the specified condition is true . This is important because notifications can come from places other than when Threaded::notify is called. Thus, if calls to the Threaded::wait method were not enclosed in conditions, we will execute false wake up calls, which will lead to unpredictable code behavior.


We looked at the five classes of the pthreads package (Threaded, Thread, Worker, Volatile, and Pool) and how each class is used. We also looked at the new concept of immutability in pthreads, made brief overview supported synchronization capabilities. With these basics in place, we can now start looking at how pthreads can be used in real world cases! This will be the topic of our next post.

If you are interested in the translation of the next post, let me know: comment on social media. networks, upvote and share the post with colleagues and friends.

Threaded discussion

A threaded discussion is an electronic discussion (such as one via e-mail, e-mail list, bulletin board , newsgroup , or Internet forum) in which the software aids the user by visually grouping messages. Messages are usually grouped visually in a hierarchy by topic. A set of messages grouped in this way is called a topic thread or simply "thread". A discussion forum, e-mail client or news client is said to have "threaded topics" if it groups messages on the same topic together for easy reading in this manner. Moreover, threaded discussions typically allow users to reply to particular posting within a topic"s thread. As a result, there can be a hierarchy of discussions within the thread topic. Various types of software may allow this hierarchy to be displayed in what"s called Threaded Mode. (The alternative being Linear Mode, which typically shows all of the posts in date order, regardless of who may have specifically replied to whom.)


The advantage of hierarchically threaded views is that they allow the reader to appreciate quickly the overall structure of a conversation: specifically who is replying to whom. As such it is most useful in situation with extended conversations or debates, such as newsgroups: indeed, for really complex debate, it quickly becomes impossible to follow the argument without some sort of hierarchical threading system in place.

Another benefit is in the more subtle appreciation of community in hierarchically threaded systems. As responses have to be made to specific posts, they are also made to specific individuals. Threaded conversations therefore tend to focus the writer on the specific views and personality of the individual being responded to. This occurs less in fora where the latest comment is just inserted into the general pool.


A disadvantage of hierarchical threading over flat threading is an increased level of complication, and such a view therefore requires an increased level of comfort and sophistication on the part of its users. It is therefore not surprising that its takeup has been heaviest in some of the oldest and/or most sophisticated of online communities, such as Usenet, CIX or Slashdot. Web chat and comment systems are, by comparison, younger and open to a wider audience, and as such hierarchical threading is only recently becoming commonplace in such arenas.

Imposing a tree hierarchy also tends to fragment discussion within a topic: it no longer becomes possible to post a message responding to or summarizing several different previous posts. Instead, every previous post must be responded to individually. It is arguable that this leads to a more confrontational debating style in fora that use hierarchical threading. However, true though that may be, if a direct threaded reply is no longer possible due to volume of replies to the desired post, users are now often using quotes by the person they are responding to in order to keep the conversation on track and flowing smoothly This is recommended by most message board communities in the event that the threading has reached its otherwise comprehensive limit.

Open thread

An open thread refers to a blog post where readers may comment and discuss any topic that they choose. They are usually more useful on popular blogs with large amounts of traffic; they are often used when the author of the blog has no subject matter to post on or when there is a lull in posting.

Open threads are also used to break up the monotony of posts on the main pages of blogs. Comments may build up on content-oriented posts; therefore, authors use the open threads so page load times won't be slowed down.


*Yahoo! Groups [ http://groups.yahoo.com/], MSN Groups [ http://groups.msn.com/] and Slashdot [ http://www.slashdot.com/] all offer web-based forums that feature threaded discussions.

See also

*Scholarly Skywriting
* List of blogging terms


*Dartmouth. (2003). [ http://www.dartmouth.edu/~webteach/articles/discussion.html "Taking discussion online" ]
*Wolsey, T. DeVere, [ http://www.readingonline.org/articles/art_index.asp?HREF=wolsey/index.html "Literature discussion in cyberspace: Young adolescents using threaded discussion groups to talk about books] . "Reading Online", 7(4), January/February 2004. Retrieved December 30, 2007

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  • Barh Azoum

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I recently tried pthreads and was pleasantly surprised - it's an extension that adds the ability to work with multiple real threads in PHP. No emulation, no magic, no fakes - everything is real.

I am considering such a task. There is a pool of tasks that need to be completed quickly. PHP has other tools for solving this problem, they are not mentioned here, the article is about pthreads.

What are pthreads

That's it! Well, almost everything. In fact, there is something that may upset an inquisitive reader. None of this works on standard PHP compiled with default options. To enjoy multithreading, you must have ZTS (Zend Thread Safety) enabled in your PHP.

PHP setup

Next, PHP with ZTS. Don't pay attention to such a big difference in execution time compared to PHP without ZTS (37.65 vs 265.05 seconds), I did not try to generalize the PHP settings. In the case without ZTS, I have XDebug enabled for example.

As you can see, when using 2 threads, the speed of program execution is approximately 1.5 times higher than in the case of linear code. When using 4 threads - 3 times.

You can note that even though the processor is 8-core, the execution time of the program remained almost unchanged if more than 4 threads were used. It seems that this is due to the fact that my processor has 4 physical cores. For clarity, I have depicted the plate in the form of a diagram.


In PHP, it is possible to work quite elegantly with multithreading using the pthreads extension. This gives a noticeable increase in productivity.

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The mother of a good friend of mine lost her suitcase on a flight from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and she had a further flight to warmer shores, and now she was already at the resort - without a swimsuit, sandals and with only a T-shirt from her hand luggage. For old times’ sake, I gave her a couple of tips on what to do and where to run, and today I decided to write everything I know on a given topic here.

To explain where I am so smart, let me remind you that at one time I worked in ground services for several airlines, including dealing with certain issues related to luggage search. Well, plus my own flight experience, of course. However, because I left the aviation service industry several years ago, perhaps some nuances might have changed - if so, I will gratefully accept comments on the topic and correct the information in the post.

I'll start with this What you need to do to prevent your luggage from being lost:
1. Tear off all tags and stickers from previous trips from your suitcase, even small ones with a bar code, which are often glued separately to the suitcase itself - they can confuse the automatic baggage scanning and sorting system.
2. Hang a name tag on your suitcase (bag, box, package - in general, everything that you check in as luggage): you can buy a reusable option in advance or take a paper tag at the check-in counter - usually all half-decent airlines give them out without restrictions . And Emirates, for example, generally has excellent plastic tags on a durable cord that can last a very long time:

Old paranoids can do like me: I always have a reusable plastic tag from the Samsonite set hanging on my suitcase with my permanent home address, phone number and by email, and when I fly somewhere on vacation, I additionally hang up a paper note on which I indicate the dates of my stay in the new place and all possible contacts (the name and address of the hotel, its local telephone number, if any, and my first and last name, of course ).
3. At the check-in counter, make sure that your luggage is affixed with the baggage tag that the check-in agent prints out - with the city code to which you are flying and the flight number.
4. If you have several connecting flights, tell the check-in agent about this and specify to which point you want to check your luggage. In some cases, luggage will have to be picked up at one or another airport along the route, regardless of your desire: this applies, for example, to transfers between airports (Orly and Charles de Gaulle in Paris, Domodedovo - Sheremetyevo - "Vnukovo" in Moscow), separate terminals (terminals 1 and 2 in Frankfurt) or at the first point of arrival in the USA or Mexico - this is a customs requirement in these countries: suppose you are flying Moscow-Washington-Phoenix, a baggage tag is issued for all three segments to Phoenix, but in Washington, the luggage will need to be physically picked up, cleared through customs and checked in again. Also, if you are checking in a baby stroller that you were allowed to take before boarding the plane, or an animal, you will likely need to pick it up at a transit point. In general, in the case of a complex route with transfers, it is better to clarify the details of baggage movements in advance at the airline’s call center or, in extreme cases, at check-in.
5. Make your luggage visible: baggage delays are not always the fault of baggage handlers or failures in the sorting system. Sometimes another absent-minded passenger, tired after a long flight, will take from the luggage belt the same black Samsonite or nondescript sports bag as yours. Therefore, mark your luggage: hang a bunch of bright ribbons or a small soft toy on the handle, stick a large sticker on it, or simply give preference to an unusual color when choosing a suitcase.

What should not be checked in luggage?
Remember, all airlines and airports lose luggage. Of course, statistics are different for everyone, but even the most reliable airlines can lose or delay luggage, and even at the smallest airport, where a single baggage handler will transport a cart with suitcases directly from the check-in counter to the plane. Therefore, I advise you to always take in your hand luggage:
- important documents, including those that are not needed during the flight (for example, on my last trip to St. Petersburg I needed to change my license, and I took with me in my hand luggage a marriage certificate and all sorts of cards from a driving school)
- keys (in combination with a tag with your address, this can be dangerous)
- money, jewelry (no comments)
- expensive fragile equipment
- medications that you regularly take, in the amount required for the flight, and with a small reserve in case you have to look for an analogue in a foreign country or city. Prescription medications that cannot be purchased if your luggage is lost, take with you in the amount necessary for the entire trip.
- something that may be needed urgently upon arrival (for example, charger for phone
- something that has sentimental value for you personally: sometimes luggage gets lost forever, and if losing your personal diary breaks your heart, it is better to leave it at home or take it with you on the plane

An instructive story: during the time of my work at Lufthansa in St. Petersburg, a married couple from the USA came running to our office, wringing their hands - their luggage, which contained very important documents for the adoption trial, had not arrived, the trial was the next day. Of course, the airline is to blame for the loss of luggage, but who benefits from this? To avoid such a situation, it was enough to simply put important papers in your hand luggage.

So, you arrived and did not find your luggage on the baggage belt. What to do?
1. If you checked in your luggage something different from ordinary suitcases: skis, a cello, a wall-sized plasma panel, a baby stroller, a live marble dane, check if there is a separate point for issuing the so-called. oversized luggage or Bulky baggage - luggage similar to the one I described above is often loaded into a separate compartment and unloaded separately, manually. If your luggage is not found there either
2. Go to the baggage tracing or Lost & Found counter. There you will need to fill out a special form with detailed information about your luggage: route, appearance, a short list of contents, your contacts at your permanent place of residence and temporary stay. Also, in the baggage tracing service you are more likely to see a baggage chart like this:

It is according to this classification that your missing luggage will be coded and, so you understand, these two suitcases will be coded the same:

So feel free to add additional details in the description and don't skip the content clause. As a rule, when you first fill out a baggage delay report, you will be asked to indicate several items of contents by which your bag can be identified if there are no identifying marks on the outside and the bag will have to be opened (if the bag is opened, you will put notification about this). Bad example: T-shirt / book / wet wipes, good example: bright red bikini / catalog of Malevich reproductions / folding iron. After filling out the application, the baggage tracing service employee will give you a number in the format XXXYY11111, where XXX is the arrival airport code, YY is the arrival airline code + 5 digits of the application serial number: for example, JFKLH12345, if you flew with Lufthansa to Kennedy Airport in New York. Remember or write down this number - it will be the easiest way to find your application in future applications.
Using the same number you can check the search status YOURSELF (for some reason the link disappears: if it doesn’t work for you, google World Tracer Online and literally the second link - with the heading Baggage Tracing on the website worldtracer.aero - is what you need), because getting through to lost&found is often very difficult
3. Try contacting the office of your airline at the airport of arrival: sometimes (I emphasize - SOMETIMES!) if you have not flown home, but to a place of temporary stay (vacation, business trip), the airline can provide a set of toiletries (Lufthansa has it included an oversized T-shirt, a toothbrush and paste, a comb, small packages of shampoo and shower gel, a packet of washing powder, etc.) or make a small cash payment for minor expenses on the spot (spot cash payment).

What will happen next?
Your file (the so-called AHL) will go to the centralized baggage search system (World Tracer). All unclaimed items of luggage fall into the same search system, no matter whether they were found without a tag in the nooks and crannies of the baggage yard or remained on the baggage belt; for each of these items, a file of the XXXYY11111 format is also created, only of a different subtype - the so-called. on-hand report or OHD. If the data from the AHL and OHD files coincide (last name, description of the suitcase, route, etc.), both stations (where the loss of luggage was reported and where the unclaimed luggage was found) will receive a notification, and then it’s a matter of technology: re-checking and in case of success forwarding luggage to the desired city. Of course, a large number of self made- messaging, rejecting similar but not the same suitcases, plus replies to multiple ones phone calls- in general, the baggage search service staff never gets bored.
Approximate statistics: more than 90% of lost luggage is found in the first 3 days of search, 3% are lost forever.
What can you do?
1. If you have to buy anything urgently needed upon arrival (from a toothbrush to a business suit), be sure to keep your receipts for later compensation. However, you should avoid unnecessary expensive purchases; I’ll explain why later.
2. Following fresh steps, make the most detailed list of contents, preferably with color, brand and approximate cost each item, ideally in English (otherwise an airline employee will have to translate this list to enter into the system), contact the airline and send them this list, it will be added to the baggage search application. For the first 5 days, the search for luggage is carried out by the airport of arrival, then the search becomes the responsibility of the carrier airline (the airline that is indicated in the application number - remember JFKLH12345?), and after 21 days you can apply for final compensation.
3. If, after 21 days from the date of filing a statement about lost luggage, it has not been found, contact the carrier airline to demand compensation. If I'm not mistaken, the statute of limitations is 2 years, i.e. You can apply for compensation within two years from the date of filing a claim for loss.

Payment of compensation.
To pay compensation, you will need to contact the representative office of your airline with an application for payment, documents confirming the flight and the fact of loss of baggage (boarding passes, baggage tags, claim number for loss of baggage, payment details). If I'm not mistaken, in the Russian Federation a decision on compensation must be legally considered within 30 days. You may also be asked to estimate the cost of the contents and, if possible, provide receipts for the purchase of the suitcase and the items in it (I understand that this is unrealistic in most cases, but this is part of the procedure).
Previously, payments were made based on the weight of checked luggage - about $20 per kilogram. Later, the payment system was changed and the liability of airlines was limited to 1,000 conventional units (the cost of a conventional unit is calculated within the airline), which at the time of my work corresponded to approximately 1,300 euros. Those. even if you bring a receipt for the purchase of a Louis Vuitton suitcase made from a thousand Bolivian gecko skins and stuffed with diamonds, you won’t get more than 1,300 euros.