Home / Mobile OS / Windows 10 safe mode on dell laptop. Asus system recovery. How to enter safe mode when the system boots

Windows 10 safe mode on dell laptop. Asus system recovery. How to enter safe mode when the system boots

Many users who switched to Windows 10 from Windows 7 (bypassing the eighth version) are perplexed: why did the developers remove safe mode from the system? It used to be the same: I pressed F8 before starting Windows and booted into safe mode. And now it doesn't work.

In fact, no one even thought of depriving us of such a useful tool. And there are even more opportunities to download it than there were. Let's figure out how to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10 and what to do if it does not open.

The easiest way to boot your computer into Safe Mode is to press the Shift key along with the "" button in the Start menu or login screen.

After the restart, we will be offered a choice of 3 actions:

  • Continue working in Windows 10 - return to normal mode, from which we just left.
  • Turn off computer.
  • Carry out troubleshooting. Even if we haven't broken anything yet, we should select this item.

In the next menu, select the section “ Extra options».

After - " Boot Options».

To enter safe mode, you need to restart the machine again. Click on the “” button on the next screen

After the restart, another menu will open - the last one. In it we have to choose one of three types of safe mode: simple or minimal (the minimum required set will be loaded system components), with support for network drivers (will allow us to access the Internet) and command line (in the form of a command console interface without a graphical shell).

Each item is associated with a specific key. It should be pressed to move to the desired environment.

Special download options in the Settings app

The second method is no more difficult than the previous one. Just a little longer.

  • Click " Update and Security».
  • Go to the group " Recovery" and near the item " Special download options"In the right half of the window, click " Reboot now».

Windows will restart and your monitor will display the same blue background menu as shown above. You already know what to do next.

Configuring boot in the System Configuration application (MsConfig)

With the application " system configuration» many are familiar with previous releases of Windows. This is one of the administration components with which you can control your computer's startup. Including switching it to safe mode.

To quickly launch the utility, press the combination Windows + R on your keyboard or run the application “ Execute» from the Start menu. Enter the name of the application executable file in it - msconfig, and click OK.

" In the list " Boot Options"check the box next to " Safe Mode" and select the desired launch type with the switch - " Minimum" (simple), " Net"(with loading network drivers) or " Another shell"(interface in the form of a command console). Click OK.

In the window asking you to restart your PC now, click "".

After setting the “Safe Mode” flag in the MsConfig utility, the computer will start in it by default. To restore normal booting, you must uncheck the box.

Use this method only if you are sure that safe mode is working. Otherwise, you have every chance of getting an unbootable machine!

BootSafe program

B free program BootSafe created in order to make it as easy as possible for the user to switch between different Windows boot modes. It has only one window, 4 switches and a couple of buttons.

The switches are designed to set the boot type operating system. Including:

  • normal mode (normal startup);
  • safe mode minimal (minimum safe);
  • safe mode with networking (network);
  • safe mode width command prompt only.

Button " Configureonly" saves the setting for later startup of the computer, and " RestartWindows» – immediately reboots it into the selected mode.

Using BootSafe before you are sure that Safe Mode works has the same consequences as checking the box in Msconfig!

Command line

You can also switch between Windows 10 boot modes using the command line. This method will help you out not only if the graphical shell malfunctions, but also if the system does not start completely, since the command console is among the recovery environment tools.

We looked into the Windows 10 recovery environment when we opened Safe Mode by rebooting while holding down the Shift key. If you forgot what it looks like, scroll up this page.

So, to boot the machine in one of the safe mode options, enter the required instruction into the command line (run with administrative rights):

  • Minimal (simple) safe mode : bcdedit/set(current)safebootminimal
  • With network driver support: bcdedit/set(current)safebootnetwork
  • With the console interface: first the first command in this list, then - bcdedit/set(current)safebootalternateshellyes

To immediately restart your computer, in the same window, follow one more instruction - shutdown /r/t 0

As in previous cases, all 3 commands determine the default way to start Windows, that is, the system will boot in the specified mode constantly. To cancel the setting and return to normal boot: the following instructions: bcdedit /deletevalue (current) safeboot.

If you switched to the command line interface, in addition run the command bcdedit/deletevalue(current)safebootalternateshell.

How to get back the menu of different boot options

If you want to regain the ability to quickly switch to safe mode by pressing F8 before the system starts, as was the case in Windows 7, follow the following instructions in the console:

bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

The window for additional boot methods in Windows 10 will look the same as in the “seven”:

However, due to the fact that the startup time of the “ten” compared to the “seven” has noticeably decreased, it will be extremely difficult to catch this menu. After all, the period of time when the system responds to pressing F8 has also been reduced several times.

I don't know about you, but I don't really like this method. Modern computers with disks marked according to the GPT standard, they load in a matter of seconds. It is impossible to press any key on them before Windows starts, since it starts almost simultaneously with turning on the machine. In this case, there is another solution: we can make the menu open on its own and not close until you tell it what exactly you want to load.

To enable this option, you will need the command line again. Follow the instructions there:

bcdedit/set(globalsettings)advanced optionstrue and reboot.

Before each new start of Windows 10, you will see this picture:

However, this menu is already familiar to you. To enter normal mode, you will have to press Enter each time; to enter safe mode, press F4, F5 or F6.

Have you experimented? Did not like? Then we will return everything to its place. To mark the first command (black screen of additional launch options, as in Windows 7), follow these instructions:

bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard

To check the second one (Windows 10 startup options on blue screen), run another one:

bcdedit/deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

After restarting the PC, no additional menus will open.

How to restore Windows 10 Safe Mode if it's not working

The reasons why a computer or laptop fails to boot into safe mode are various “tweaks” to speed up or decorate Windows, as well as user experiments with system registry. It is in the registry that the keys responsible for launching the safe mode are located. Even their partial damage leads to the fact that the latter stops opening, while the normal one continues to work properly.

Safe mode keys are stored in the registry section HKLM/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/SafeBoot. This section consists of two subsections: Minimal And Network. I think you understand what each of them is responsible for. When you select the minimum (normal) secure mode, the system reads data from the first. When choosing the option to load network drivers, use the second one. An additional parameter, AlternateShell, is responsible for opening the command line interface instead of Explorer; Windows takes the rest from the Minimal section.

The fact that all safe mode parameters are stored in one place, and not scattered throughout the registry, allows them to be easily and quickly restored in case of damage. To do this, you will need a copy of them, made on another, working PC, running Windows 10 of any version.

How to get it:

  • Launch Registry Editor ( RegEdit.exe) in a “healthy” system. For this it is convenient to use system application « Execute».
  • Find the branch mentioned above (HKLM/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/SafeBoot), right-click on the SafeBoot folder and select the command " Export».
  • Save the file under any name, without changing the extension that will be assigned to it by default (.reg), and then transfer it to the “sick” system.
  • After clicking OK in the confirmation window, the SafeBoot keys are imported into the system and safe mode will restore its operation.

    That's all. Happy experimenting!

If your operating system has stopped loading, errors or viruses have appeared in its operation, then only safe mode will help you cope with them (in English it sounds like Safe Mode). Use this boot option to debug the system. Unlike normal OS startup, in safe mode a number of functions are simply disabled, which allows you to access system files and find the problem. In this article we will look in detail at how to enable safe mode in Windows 10, what it is and why it is needed at all.

Safe mode is a special option for starting the OS Windows family. With its help, you can do things that cannot be done in normal mode, for example, fix problems with the system starting or its operation. Safe Mode provides only basic functions, services, and programs. Only the basic driver components that are needed for Windows operation. As soon as the system starts in safe mode, you will see the corresponding messages on the PC desktop. Sometimes the video driver does not load, as evidenced by incorrect monitor resolution.

What is it needed for

Using safe mode, you can often boot the system when the normal option no longer works. For example, one of your drivers is “broken”. The system tries to boot and when it comes to a non-working component, it crashes. In safe mode, this driver simply does not load - you can log into the system and fix it. You can look for a problem using the method of elimination. You need to turn off various components one by one and try to restart the PC in normal mode until the source of the failure is found. Just turn on and off various programs and drivers, and when it comes to the faulty one, Windows will boot again and the problem will be solved.

Activation methods

After we understood what safe mode is and why it is needed in general, it was time to move on to the instructions for activating it. In past Windows versions it was easier with this. Previously, to enter Windows Safe Mode (up to version 10), you just had to press the F8 key while the computer was turning on. In the last Windows edition This feature has been disabled by the developers. Now it’s more difficult to get to the settings, but there are still 5 ways to do this. We will look at each of them in detail.

Options for running Windows 10 in SafeMode:

  • via reboot;
  • using the msconfig utility;
  • using the command line;
  • special download options;
  • using a flash drive or Windows disk.

Attention! At the very bottom of the article there is a video instruction describing the process of entering the mode we need.

Use the reset key to get into SafeMode

This method is the simplest and most convenient, which is why we put it in first place. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. We do everything as with a normal PC reboot: open the “Start” menu and select the restart item, but at the same time hold down the “Shift” button. After this, the picture on the screen will change color and a notification will appear indicating that you need to wait a little.

  1. We will be offered several points. The first allows you to start the OS in normal mode, the second opens a new menu, and the third simply shuts down. We need exactly the second way. It's called: "Troubleshooting."

  1. In the next step, select “Advanced options”.

  1. Many different options will appear, but we need the boot parameters. Click on the item indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Everything is ready, you can now start Windows 10 in safe mode. All that remains is to restart our system. Click “Reboot”.

  1. We will have a screen with a choice of options. There are 3 safe modes at once, these are: simply SafeMode, with network and command line support. To select the one you need, press the corresponding number on the keyboard.

  1. Windows will reboot into Safe Mode.

  1. Voila! SafeMode is running, as evidenced by the inscriptions in the corners of the desktop. You can move on to solving the problem that is bothering you.

Launch using msconfig

The msconfig utility is a very useful and functional tool included in Windows. It is she who will help us visit safe mode if the previous method did not work for some reason. Let's get started.

  1. To launch the utility, we will use the “Run” tool included in Windows. This program is capable of running many useful functions, which many users are not even aware of. We launch “Run” by simultaneously pressing two Win + R buttons and enter “msconfig” in the window that appears, then press the key labeled “OK”.

Note: You can also find the Run tool through the Start menu or Windows search.

  1. The system settings window opens. There are 5 tabs in total, each of which contains different functions. We need the “Boot” section - this is where you can activate safe mode the next time you start it.

  1. First, let's select the operating system we want to run in easy mode. To do this, simply left-click on its name. In our case, this is just one record. In the “Boot Options” section, you need to check the box next to the “Safe Mode” entry. There are several variations of it, these are: minimal, another shell, recovery Active Directory and network.

  1. Safe mode booting can be supplemented with some options, such as disabling the GUI, boot logging, basic video, or displaying OS information. A little to the right there is the ability to set the SafeMode launch delay time.

  1. After you have finished setting up Safe Mode, you can click the “OK” button. The system will notify us that we need to restart the PC. This can be done later. We click "Reboot".

  1. Windows 10 will begin to reboot, but we just have to wait a little.

  1. Ready! Safe Mode is running and ready to troubleshoot your computer.

You can now exit Windows 10 Safe Mode. Revert your msconfig settings to initial position and start the system.

Using the command line

Let's describe another method for rebooting a PC or laptop into safe mode. This time we will use a more sophisticated method, namely the command line.

  1. You can launch it in different ways, but we will choose the simplest one. Left-click on the search button (the icon in the form of a magnifying glass on the taskbar) and enter the words “command line” into the search field. We should run the tool in administrator mode, otherwise we simply won’t have enough authority. To do this we call context menu and select “Run as administrator”.

  1. The program we need opens. Enter the following command into it (copy the text and paste): bcdedit /copy (current) /d “Your name”. Instead of “Safe Mode”, write anything (a name that is clear to you).

  1. This command will add to the “Boot” section of the msconfig utility new parameter, which will be called as you wrote it in quotes when entering it into the command line.

  1. Now you can reboot into safe mode through the entry you created. There is no need to change the boot option of the main system. Let's check how it works. Select the added mode and click “OK”. We will again be asked to restart Windows immediately or postpone the action.

  1. The computer will reboot and the next time it starts it will show two operating systems at once, one of which will be the one we created via the command line. We select it and go to reboot again.

  1. As you can see, everything works. We once again found ourselves in safe mode, which was activated via the command line.

  1. This function will be present on your PC or laptop on an ongoing basis. Now it will be much more convenient for you to reboot into safe mode (this may often be needed when debugging Windows). But after we fix the system, we need to disable safe mode and the second OS. To do this we launch again msconfig utility and go to the “Download” section.

  1. Select the entry we created and press the key labeled “Delete”.

After this, the unnecessary mode will disappear and the system will start automatically, without selecting it.

How to login via F8

The good thing about the described methods is that if one of them doesn’t work, the second one will help, the second one doesn’t work, then the third one. But how to fix this annoying misunderstanding and revive Windows 10 safe mode when booting using F8? Let's deal with this issue, and the command line will help us with this again, naturally, launched in administrator mode.

In order to return the launch of the mode we need using F8, we need to make some changes to the “Tens” registry.

  1. Launch the command line with administrator privileges. To do this, enter the phrase “command line” into the Windows 10 search located on the left side of the taskbar. Click on the found entry and select “Run as administrator”.

  1. Paste the following contents: “bcdedit /deletevalue (current) bootmenupolicy” (without quotes) and press Enter. If we did everything correctly, the message “Operation completed successfully” will appear.

  1. Now you can close the window and restart your computer. As soon as the system starts, click the F8 key until you get into the Windows startup settings mode. From here we can select the safe mode we need. Select it using the arrow keys on your keyboard and press Enter.

To cancel booting Windows 10 into Safemode by pressing the F8 button, you need to open your favorite command line again and paste the code “bcdedit /set (current) bootmenupolicy standard” into it (don’t forget to remove the quotes). After pressing Enter, the system will no longer respond to the F8 key.

Special download options

To complete the picture, we will describe another option for starting Windows 10 in safe mode.

  1. We need to open system settings. To do this, expand the notification center and click on the “All settings” item.

  1. In the window that opens, look for the “Updates and Security” item and click on it.

  1. Next, find and click “Recovery”.

  1. Click the “Reboot Now” button. Be careful, the computer will restart, save all data and close the programs.

The computer will offer us a choice of boot mode, which we described in detail in the section “Using the reset key.” Then simply select the item (activated by pressing the number button on the keyboard) and go to safe mode.

Using the installation distribution

If the system does not start, applying one of the above methods, naturally, will not work. But even in such a case, we have an option - you need to use Windows 10 installation media. Moreover, what it will be - a DVD or a flash drive - does not matter at all. Follow our instructions.

  1. First you need to acquire the same carrier. You should not download Windows 10 via torrent or from third-party resources. The “Ten” image should be taken exclusively from the official Microsoft website. We will help you with this: a little lower you can download the program, which automatic mode will download the image and create a bootable USB flash drive. After the media is ready, insert the flash drive into the USB port of the computer or, accordingly, the disc into the DVD and boot from it.

  1. This is the first stage Windows installations Here we just need to click “Next”.

  1. Now click on “System Restore”.

  1. Next, select the “Troubleshooting” item (navigation is carried out using the arrows on the keyboard, selecting with the Enter button).

  1. At the next stage, select the “Command Line” tool.

  1. Enter an operator like this in the black window: “bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal” (don’t forget to remove the quotes) and press Enter.

  1. Reboot the computer. You can use the mechanical reset button, there will be no harm. Our Windows 10 will start again, but in safe mode.

When the system is fixed, you can turn off safe mode and return the boot to its original state. To do this, again in the command line, enter “bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot” without quotes and press Enter.

If the process will be carried out from the command line under running Windows, do not forget to run the utility as an administrator.

This concludes our story about how to launch Safe Mode in Windows 10. We tested all the methods described in this manual on our PC and each of them worked for us. Depending on the situation, the hardware, or the degree of damage to the system, everything may be different, but in any case, one of the methods we have described will definitely help you.


There are two ways to enter safe mode on classic Acer laptops and on Aspire series devices. The first method concerns the case when the laptop works with errors, but still boots. The second is intended for the situation when the system does not start at all, errors and other troubles appear. Let's consider both methods in relation to the operating room Windows system 10.

Method one

If you can boot your Acer laptop, then turn it on. Wait until the download completes, and then enter the word “MSCONFIG” in the search bar for all programs.

Open the found utility. The “System Configuration” window will appear on the monitor, in which you need to go to the “Download” tab.

At the bottom of the window, you need to check the box next to the “Safe Mode” line, save all changes, and then restart the laptop. If you think that your inept actions can cause harm to the device, seek help for professional setup and repair of laptops; our specialists are ready to help you in any situation.

After these manipulations, the device will automatically boot into safe mode, as you wanted. Once the need for this has been exhausted, you will have to open MSCONFIG again and return the System Configuration window to its original form.

Method two

If the device does not boot, then you need to find boot disk with Windows 10. Make all the settings as before installing the OS. Language settings do not need to be changed.

In the next window, you need to click on the “System Restore” line, as shown in the photo.

From the Select Action menu, select Diagnostics. Then, in the window that opens, click on the “Advanced options” button, and then select “Command Line”.

A black window will open. In the specially designated space you need to enter the command “bcdedit /setadvancedoptions true” and press “Enter”. After that, close the window and click “Continue”.

The device should reboot. Boot the laptop in normal mode (not from a disk), and a menu for selecting boot methods will appear on the monitor.

Select the mode you need and get to work. To disable this feature, you need to boot from disk again and enter the value “bcdedit /deletevalueadvancedoptions” into the command line.

Question from a user


Tell me, I can’t get into safe mode on my HP laptop.

The Windows 10 OS is installed. I tried the F8 button - it doesn’t work, I tried to create a bootable USB flash drive - but the laptop does not start from it. Tell me, is there a 100% working method?


Good day!

In general, in case of various problems with Windows, it is often necessary to load it into safe mode . For example, your OS has stopped loading, a black screen appears in front of you, a critical error has appeared, a driver conflict, etc.

But it’s not always possible to enter it (like the user who asked the question) - often the computer/laptop simply does not respond to your pressing the F8 button (previously this was the basic button for calling up the boot selection menu).

In this article I will look at several ways that you can enter safe mode in different versions of Windows.

If Windows boots

Method number 1 - using msconfig

To change the download type - open system configuration : to do this, press the Win+R button combination, then in the line "Open" enter the command msconfig and press Enter.

Next, open the tab, and check the box next to the item "Safe mode" . By the way, please note that there are several boot options: minimal, another shell, with network support, etc.

Save the settings and restart your PC or laptop. Windows should start in safe mode. To make Windows start booting normally again, use the reverse procedure (uncheck the

The method also works in Windows 8 and Windows 10. Simply hold down the Shift key and restart the computer using the button in the START menu (in Windows 8 - on the desktop).

Next, the computer will begin to reboot and a window should appear in front of you asking you to select one of the action options: in our case, select "Troubleshooting" , then in "Diagnostics" choose "Additional parameters"(see photo below).

Then you need to open the section .

And restart your computer.

Actually, after the reboot, you will be offered several safe mode options to choose from: with boot network drivers, with command line support. Selection buttons: F4, F5, F6.

Method number 3 - using F8 (for Windows 8)

In general, according to the developers of Windows 8 OS, you can enter safe mode using the same “old” key F8 (on parts of PCs/laptops - Sfift+F8 ). But the problem is that Windows 8 OS boots faster than older OSes. Because of this, the user simply does not have time to press the key in time.

Especially if you have a modern PC with an SSD drive and UEFI instead of BIOS. On older PCs with HDD and classic BIOS, you can press the F8 key, and this method works quite well!

If Windows won't boot

If, instead of the usual desktop, you see a black screen or the appearance of some critical errors, or the PC immediately freezes and becomes “dead” as soon as the desktop appears and you do not have time to activate another type of boot, then you need to have a bootable CD|DVD disk , or a USB flash drive.

If you don’t have a flash drive, I’ll provide a link to the current article just below. If your flash drive was not recorded ahead of time, and you do not have a second working PC, you will have to turn to a neighbor/friend for help ☻.

Large instructions for creating bootable USB flash drives for installing Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 (UEFI and Legacy) -

Next you need to boot from this media. To do this, you need to go and configure the BIOS accordingly, or call the BOOT menu (note: boot menu with media selection) . These topics are extensive and I will not dwell on them in this article; below I will provide links to my instructions.

How to enter BIOS on a computer/laptop -

Hotkeys to enter the BIOS menu, Boot Menu, recovery from a hidden partition -

How to configure the BIOS to boot from a flash drive or disk (CD/DVD/USB) -

Then follow the following path: Select Action/Diagnostics/Advanced Options/Command Line .

Then you need to enter the command: bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal and press Enter. Next, close the command line and press "Continue". The computer should boot into safe mode - mission accomplished...

Note! If you need to boot Windows in Safe Mode with Networking, use the command:
bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network

On Windows 7

Also relevant for Windows XP

In Windows 7, to open the menu with boot options - just after turning on the computer/laptop press several times in succession F8 key- until you see the Windows Advanced Boot Options screen (example below).

If the F8 key does not work for you, or for “unknown” reasons you still cannot log in, you can resort to one method. Wait until Windows starts loading and at this moment press the reboot button on the system unit - RESET (on laptops you need to hold down the power button for 5-10 seconds).

As a result, the PC will restart, and you will see the Safe Mode menu (it appears automatically). But in general, use this method to enter without. mode - not recommended (to avoid additional problems ☻).

On a laptop

In general, the laptop enters safe mode in the same way as described above (use the method depending on your Windows OS).

Asus laptops: the recommendations above are relevant (F8 or Shift+F8).

Acer laptops: everything above is relevant. True, there are some models (old) where there was a rather unusual method: Ctrl+F9.

Lenovo laptops : As a rule, when loading, just press the F8 button (for Windows 7). If you have Windows 8, 10 - use the option with the command msconfig.

HP laptops (entering non-Windows mode)

If the options suggested above do not work, try the following:

  1. Turn on the laptop;
  2. Immediately press the Esc button until the startup menu opens;
  3. Press the F11 key (system recovery begins);
  4. Next, start Windows in safe mode (similar to method 2 at the beginning of this article).


Please note that on laptops the F1-F12 function keys may be disabled in the BIOS (or they can be used by simultaneously pressing the Fn key (F-key)) . We are talking about HotKey Mode (and others like it). This is why sometimes on laptops it is impossible to enter safe mode in Windows 7 by pressing the F8 button.

Setting up laptop BIOS in pictures -

Thanks in advance for additions.

Best wishes!

You can launch ASUS system recovery using a standard utility in the Windows kernel. Once you click on “Done”, the PC will shut down and this process will begin. Before you start restoring ASUS using the method described above, you should remember that there are times when Windows does not boot at all. By the way, this mode is needed specifically in order to run Windows in conjunction with basic services. Accordingly, you do not have to install drivers for the connected hardware. If all the procedures described above did not bring a positive result, then you will have to turn off Boot Booster.

Click YES and find yourself in the Windows XP operating system itself. We will assume that we have sorted out this OS. A window will appear again informing you that Windows 7 is running in safe mode. Click Yes to continue. In the Run line, type msconfig and get into the system configuration. We are interested in the Download tab.

Also, in this way you can remove viruses, reset your password, fix errors (including the blue screen of death), restore the system, etc. If the Windows logo appears or the screen goes dark, you failed. P.S. This method does not work on Windows 10! But in in this case you need a DVD or bootable flash drive (they can be burned on any PC or laptop). The first option is suitable in cases where the OS is working normally, and the second option is suitable if the PC or laptop does not turn on. Burn ERD Commander live CD (or equivalent) onto a bootable USB flash drive/disk, launch it through BIOS (the keyboard works there) and restore.

How to boot a laptop into a secure system?

If you cannot access the menu, then most likely the problem is that the manufacturer has assigned a different default key combination.

Setting up special boot options

This method is for the lazy - just force shutdown the laptop. Recently, one person contacted me; he successfully updated his Windows 7 to Windows 10, but after the update, the drivers for his video card and TV tuner were lost. Blue screen death is a protective reaction of Windows to incorrectly working code, that is, the system was automatically protected by a blue screen from a malfunctioning TV tuner driver. Hairy Girl video here. Download Modem Connection Sound here. Many people are familiar with the situation in which Windows does not load on a laptop. You should not be afraid of turning off applications necessary for the correct operation of the Windows OS. After loading the safe mode of the laptop, a black screen of the laptop is observed with a missing screensaver, with the inscription “safe mode” at the top of the screen.

After these manipulations, loading can be done using hot keys.

Sometimes a shortcut key combination may not work because it is disabled by the system itself. In some cases, it can be connected, but to do this you will need to log in to the system normally.

At the bottom of the window, in the “Download Options” field, you must select the items “ Secure Boot" and "minimum". After agreeing to all the above settings, you will be prompted to reboot. It can be confirmed, or it can be postponed.

The settings for this computer state work by default. They include working Windows launch programs, programs for a computer mouse, monitor, keyboard, hard and removable drives, and system support services.

You don't need to boot your system to use it. In the “Select an action” section, click on the “Diagnostics” item. Then, on the “Diagnostics” screen, select “Advanced Settings”. Rebooting the system will lead the user to the already familiar diagnostic screen with a selection of options using the “F1-F9” keys.

After this, Windows 8/Windows 8.1 will be downloaded according to your selection.

If you need to activate the buffer format of a running OS, then it is better to use the following method. To do this, you will need the “Options” button on the sidebar. In the next step, the diagnostic program will present several boot options.

You will then be prompted to select a download type. A lot of unnecessary text will appear with the available options. Among a fair number of items there will be “Boot Options” and “Safe Mode” with a bunch of options. This is what needs to be ticked.

Using the F8 key

Do this three times and then allow your PC to start normally.

Boot logging - Create a file called ntbtlog.txt that records all drivers installed during startup. Enable low resolution video mode (640×480) - Starting Windows using the current video adapter driver and selecting low resolution and refresh rate. Directory Services Restore Mode - Starts Windows in a mode that allows you to restore the directory service. But when reinstalling, all data is lost, which is undesirable for any gadget owner. There is another option that guarantees the laptop is turned on almost one hundred percent safely.

On personal computers this is done by pressing a few buttons on the keyboard.

Using safe mode, I was able to remove a Chinese virus that had been bothering me for a very long time, could not be removed, and always required administrator rights. I couldn’t log into Windows any other way. The computer turned on and that's it, black screen, no other options. Good evening, please help me I have a problem, problems starting Windows 8 after the latest updates. Reboot with Shift held and dribbling with F8... THANK YOU. Need help: Permanent msconfig error, expressed as follows: on the “general” tab, it independently switches to the “selective startup” option.

Lenovo 7 there are two prerequisites or it is necessary to restore the startup or change the hard drive. I chopped up my own computer with an ax and bought a new one. Bsod with error stop 0x0000007b (I tried changing the hdd operating modes in the BIOS, it didn’t help). In general, safe mode is the same as usual, only some services and programs on the laptop do not work.

There are several options available to initiate system startup in this format. This can be done using either a simple keyboard shortcut or a bootable optical/flash drive. Next, we will consider several methods in more detail.

We are talking about HotKey Mode (and others like it).

I turn on the laptop, the uterus logo appears and at the bottom there is the inscription “Preparing automatic recovery”, then “Computer diagnostics” and then “Troubleshooting”. 11, f5, etc. - after turning it on, try removing the battery without turning off the laptop, and then inserting it and turning it on as usual. The antivirus (it was Avast) hid all its icons from the panel and does not respond to requests, like it’s not working. Of course it is possible. I turned it off as you advised, then, as in the initial message, the blue light flashes and does not turn on. Then I clicked reboot and that’s it, I stopped logging into the system.

The same issue could have been resolved using Win 10 restore points, but unfortunately my friend disabled system restore.

After this, a window will appear asking you to install the operating system. Then open the “Advanced Settings” subsection. After this, the “Command Prompt” window should appear on the screen.

The operating system still loads only the most basic drivers and services.

But in the “top ten” it is best to use Windows Power Shell - a console borrowed from the Linux OS family. This tool allows you to run commands as an administrator and is much faster than the standard commander. Method with command line Works in any operating system from Microsoft (except XP). The company from Redmond did something adequate.

Usually the problem is solved by reinstalling the problematic operating system. In addition, this will help avoid loss of information. Two options will be considered here. These are, for example, antiviruses or programs that monitor the operation of the operating system. In this way, close all active running programs.

In general, Asus laptop manufacturers have their own concept of convenience and ergonomics. That is why the engineers deviated from the standard canons and assigned some crazy keys for low-level laptop control. Therefore, before trying to change the BIOS settings, you need to read the instructions very carefully.

How to start safe mode on an asus laptop

But there are situations in which loading all devices is undesirable. We are interested in loading safe mode. After some time, the desktop loads. Usually it has a black background and the labels necessary for work. The screen extension is reset to default.

For example, your OS has stopped loading, a black screen appears in front of you, a critical error has appeared, a driver conflict, etc.

The main thing is to do everything exactly according to the instructions. This advice is not without common sense, since fresh Windows always works better and faster. If you don’t know how to install, or you don’t have free time, then there is only one way out - take your laptop or PC to a professional workshop.

To complete this, you will need Windows Installer media. A menu will appear with a choice of further action, where you need to go to “Diagnostics”.

According to the manufacturers, this is due to the fast loading of the operating system itself. The System Configuration window opens. If you want to finish working with everyone open source software, click "Exit without restarting." The Select Action window appears. A list with possible parameters will appear in the next window.

You just need to find the inscription “System Restore” in the installer’s welcome window. A commander will appear there, into which we enter the text we are already familiar with (without quotes).
