Home / Office / Accounting info. Adding external processing to the database 1c 8.3 external report

Accounting info. Adding external processing to the database 1c 8.3 external report

Go to the top menu Service->->.

The external processing directory list form appears. Click on the button in the top menu Add.

The form for adding a new object will appear. Press the open button and select the file with necessary processing. After you have chosen desired file, if necessary, specify the processing name (Name field). After that, you need to click OK to save your changes.

After that, the directory element creation window closes, and you get back to the list form, in which the new processing is already present.

That's all! The process of adding processing to the configuration is now complete. To subsequently open this processing, go to the old path: Service->Additional reports and processing->Additional external processing.

For BP 3.0, ZUP 3.0, UT 11, ERP 2.0.

There are several types of external processing for 1C: Enterprise 8. In this tutorial, I will show you how to attach bulk modification and fill specific object processing.

For the first case, let's add processing for filling out the stock list reference from Excel.

Go to the appropriate section of the program:

It is necessary that the sign of using additional reports and processing be set, follow the hyperlink to the list of external objects:

Click on the list Create:

In the dialog box that opens, select the desired file with processing:

The card of a new external object in the program has been filled out, it remains only to configure accommodation(sections of the program from which processing will be available):

As a location, select an arbitrary section (or several):

Write and close the external object card:

Now let's open the processing from the interface:

The list is empty, click Customize list:

We choose our processing:

Now it is available for selection. To open processing, you need to click Run:

Now let's see how processing is added to fill (modify) specific objects. For example, let's take external processing that attaches scans to selected elements of directories or system documents. The beginning of adding such processing does not differ from the previous version. The difference is that in this case the location is filled in automatically (and not by the program section, but by the types of base objects):

If desired, the placement list can be adjusted ( do not add additional placement, but remove the excess):

To accept the change, the external object card must also be recorded.

In order to use the processing, you need to go to a specific object of the base (from the list of placement), click Fill in the command bar and select the command:

Download universal object processing 1C 8.3.

In a normal application of the platform version 1C 8.2 and 8.1 (on regular forms) had such a wonderful treatment as "Universal selection and processing of objects." It greatly simplified the lives of programmers and program administrators.

The same 1C processing for a managed application appeared (8.3 and 8.2). Prior to this, in 1C 8.3, it was necessary to get by with typical processing of a group change in details, but it does not solve all the tasks that are required in the daily work of a user or 1C programmer.

Search and selection of objects

After downloading the processing, we can run it as an external one. Who does not know, this is done through the menu "File" - "Open". The processing window will appear:

On the first tab, we must select the object with which we are going to work. And so, in the field "Object of search" the document "Implementation (acts, invoices)" is already selected. This is because this object has already been selected before. Processing can remember.

By clicking the "Filter Settings" button, we can set the filter for almost any field of the object:

If these selections are not enough, you can select the desired objects using an arbitrary query. To do this, move the "Selection mode" switch to the appropriate position.

After all the settings, the objects need to be selected. Click on the "Find objects" button and see the result of the selection:

Element Handling

Let's go to the "Processing" tab:

Separate overview Worthy, perhaps, only the first three treatments. The work of the rest is clear by name and they do not require settings.

Arbitrary algorithm

Processing "Arbitrary algorithm" allows you to write a program of actions on objects in the internal language of 1C. Processing requires programming skills and its description is worthy of a separate article. With its help, you can do practical actions on objects:

Setting props

Processing "Installing details" allows you to change the details of the selected documents or directories, as well as information registers. Pretty useful, and sometimes just necessary processing. For example, let's replace the document currency in the selected documents:

It should be noted right away that processing can be performed immediately, or you can save the setting. This setting will be displayed in the processing tree.

Object renumbering

Processing "Renumbering of objects" accordingly allows you to renumber documents or change reference codes. Processing provides a rich set of actions. For example, you decide to change the prefix of the documents that you selected:

Now let's see what we can do with the saved settings. It turns out that we can execute in one package by transferring to the "Selected Processing" window:

Now we can sequentially execute the selected settings by clicking the "Run" button.

Source: programmer1s.ru

In the top menu go to Service->->.

After that, the directory list form will appear. In the top menu, click Add.

The window for adding a new report appears. We press the button Open.

Select the file with the desired report and click Open. After adding the file, if necessary, change the name of the report (the way it will be displayed in the list). Click OK.

As a result, the new report appears in the list.

After that, the report can be used, the addition is completed. To open this report later, also go to Service->Additional reports and processing->Additional external reports.

For BP 3.0, ZUP 3.0, UT 11, ERP 2.0.

To add an external report in 1C:Enterprise 8.3 configurations in managed interface(on the example of Accounting 3.0) we will enter the corresponding section of the program:

It is necessary that the sign of using additional reports be enabled, follow the hyperlink:

In the list that opens, click the button Create:

After that, a dialog box for selecting a file with a report will immediately open, in which you need to select the desired file (in my case, this is a file with a plan-fact analysis of costs).

Now you need to set up accommodation(the place in the program where the report will be available):

Randomly select the desired section of the program from the list:

Now you need to record changes in the external report card:

Now open the report from the program interface:

The list is empty, click here Customize list:

In the selection form, we tick our report:

Now it has appeared in the list:

By button Run the report form opens:

Consider in this article step by step instructions to create external processing in 1C 8.3 in the managed application mode, respectively, we will use managed forms. And most importantly, we will learn how to connect it to the mechanism of "external processing" of 1C configurations built on the library of standard subsystems version 2.0 and newer.

The task will be the following: to create the simplest external processing that will perform a group action on the "Nomenclature" reference book, namely, to set the selected percentage of the VAT rate for the specified group of items.

To do this, we will immediately make the necessary settings in the program (the configuration 1C 8.3 is considered: “Enterprise Accounting 3.0” on managed forms).

Checking this box gives us the ability to use external processing.

Creating a new external processing in 1C 8.3 by example

Now let's go to the configurator. Select "New..." from the "File" menu. A window for selecting the type of file to be created will open. Select "External Processing":

A new external processing window will open. Let's give her a name right now. It will be offered when saving the processing to disk:

Let's add a new managed processing form. We indicate that this is the processing form and it is the main one:

On the form we will have two props:

  • Nomenclature group - link to the reference book "Nomenclature";
  • SelectVAT Rate – a link to the listing of the VAT Rate.

We create details in the "Props" column in the upper right window. Drag them with the mouse to the upper left window. The new details should immediately appear on the form below.

The sequence of details can be changed with the arrows "Up" - "Down":

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It remains to add the "Install" button. In managed forms, you can't just add a button to a form. Even if you add it to the structure of the form elements, it will not be visible on the form itself. The button must be associated with the command that it will execute. Go to the "Commands" tab and add the "Set VAT Rate" command. Create an action in the command properties. Select the command handler "On the client". A command can also be added to the form by simply dragging and dropping it into the section with form elements.

A procedure of the same name will be created in the form module. In it, we call the procedure on the server:


Procedure Set VAT Rate (Command)



In the procedure on the server, we will write a small query and actions related to setting the VAT rate:

&On server

Procedure SetVATRateOnServer()

Request = New Request;
Request.Text =
| Nomenclature.Link
| Directory. Nomenclature AS Nomenclature
| Nomenclature.Reference IN HIERARCHY (&Nomenclature Group)
| AND NOT Nomenclature.Deletion Mark
| And NOT the Nomenclature. This is the Group ”;

Query.SetParameter("Nomenclature Group", Nomenclature Group);
RequestRes = Request.Execute();
SelectDetRecords = ResRequest.Select();

While SelectDetRecord.Next() Loop

Report("Error writing object """ + SprNoobObject + """!
|» + DescriptionError());
End of Attempt;



We return to the "Form" tab, add a button to the form and associate it with the command:

As such, our processing is ready to use. To call it, in the "1C Enterprise" mode, you need to go to the menu "File" - "Open" and select the created file.

However, working in this mode is convenient for debugging processing, and it is not quite suitable for the user to work with. Users are used to having everything “at hand”, that is, in the database itself.

For this, the section "Additional reports and processing" is used.

But in order to add our processing there, we must first give it a description and tell the program its properties.

Description of External Processing Details

I will give an example of the contents of this function. It must be exportable and, accordingly, located in the processing module:

Function DetailOnExternalProcessing() Export

DataForReg = New Structure();
DataForReg.Insert("Name", "Setting the VAT rate");
DataForReg.Insert("SafeMode", True);
DataForReg.Insert("Version", "ver.: 1.001");
DataForReg.Insert("Information", "Processing for setting the VAT rate in the Nomenclature directory");
DataForReg.Insert("View", "AdditionalProcessing");

TabZnCommands = New TableValues;

NewLine = TabZnCommands.Add();
NewString.Identifier = "OpenProcessing";
NewLine.Usage = "FormOpen";
NewLine.View = "Open Processing";
DataForReg.Insert("Commands", TabZnCommands);

Return DataForReg;


To better understand which fields of the registration data structure you need to use, let's look at the details of the "Additional reports and processing" directory:

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Only one attribute does not match: “Launch Option” - “Use”. If you look at the code of one of common modules, then we will see how a bunch of these fields arise:

To determine which fields of the structure are required, you can first not describe it, just create an empty one, and then use the debugger. If you trace the modules when registering processing, it becomes immediately clear which fields are required and which are not.

Connecting external processing in 1C 8.3