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Letters for applications in order. Excerpts from the new guest on the design of text documents. Requirements for document preparation for two-sided copying

Applications are designated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A (with the exception of the letters E, Z, Y, O, CH, b, Y, Ъ). If all the letters of the Russian alphabet are exhausted, numbering continues using two-letter symbols - AA, AB, AB, AG, ..., AE, AYU, AYA, BA, BB, BV...

It is allowed to designate applications using letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of the letters I and O.

Applications are designated by letters of either the Russian or Latin alphabets.

The word “application” is not abbreviated either in captions or in links to the application.

& Example – APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B etc.

...in accordance with Appendix M...

If there is only one application in operation, it is not numbered.


Various illustrations can be used in the thesis - diagrams, diagrams, drawings, maps, photographs, etc.

All illustrations given in the work must be referenced.

Illustrations are designated by the word “Figure” and can be numbered if there are several illustrations. Rules numbering of illustrations see on p. 43.

The word “drawing” is not abbreviated either in captions or in references to the illustration.

It is allowed to use illustrations in color.

& Examples... in accordance with Figure 1.4, ... shown in Figure 5.

All illustrations are placed immediately after the text where they are first mentioned, or on the next page, aligned to the center of the line without any paragraph indents.

Write the word under the illustration « Drawing » , put it number(if there is one), a space, a dash and after another space - Name illustrations.

Options signature illustration:

- font– bold size 12 pt;

- paragraph alignment– in the center of the line;

- interlinear spacing – single without paragraph indents before and after the paragraph;

Without paragraph indentation first line;

- word hyphenations illustrations are not included in the signature;

After the name don't make a point.

& Example signature illustration

Figure 3.1 – Dynamics of labor costs

Actually the illustration itself and its designation separate from the previous and subsequent text one blank line, single line spacing, 14 pt font size.

& Example design of a picture in the text

"Scheme is an image that usually conveys symbols and without observing the scale, the basic idea of ​​any device, object, structure or process and showing the relationship of their main elements. The designation of schemes and general requirements for their implementation are established by GOST 2.701-84. The rules for the execution of algorithms, programs, data and systems are established by the GOST 19.701-90 standard.”

Diagram is a graphic image that clearly shows the functional dependence of several variables, a way of visually presenting information given in the form of tables of numbers. The basic rules for performing diagrams are established in recommendations R 50-77-88.

The choice of diagram type depends on the tasks that the diagram is intended to solve. It should be quite simple and clear. The best tool for creating charts is a spreadsheet. Microsoft Office Excel. This program offers various standard types of diagrams, each of which has its own subtypes.

For most scientific disciplines, applications are an important component of research papers, especially theses and projects. They clearly demonstrate the quality of the research conducted and allow you to assess the level of your preparation on the research topic. Therefore, the selection of materials for the application section should be carried out carefully and scrupulously, since the assessment of your work depends on this. In addition, after selecting the necessary data and materials, they need to be properly formatted. When preparing diploma supplements, you should rely on GOST 7.32-2001, as well as methodological recommendations of the university or department, since they may differ due to the specifics of the scientific discipline.

Applications: what to include?

This section should contain information that details and clarifies the sections and subsections of the thesis, explains the algorithms or the author’s research methods. But this information cannot be included in the main text for various reasons (large volume, not standard format presentation). Here is a list of materials that are commonly used as applications:
. Tables (more than 2/3 of an A4 page)
. Graphs and charts
. Calculations and formulas
. Description of experimental instruments and equipment
. Methods and instructions developed by the author
. Illustrative material of an auxiliary nature (drawings, diagrams, plans, maps, photographs)
. Reference materials (samples of enterprise documentation, financial statements, etc.)

Basic design rules:

1) Applications are most often a continuation of the thesis, but can be issued as an independent document.

2) In the content of the work it is necessary to indicate that an application section is available (after the list of sources).

3) There is a relationship between the application and the text of the diploma, which can be traced in the form of links to the application materials. Applications are placed as they are mentioned in the text.

Example: In the structure of the consolidated budget, the republican budget occupies about half (see Appendix A).

4) If applications are a continuation of the diploma, then it is necessary to separate the main text and graphic materials. To do this, in front of the applications section, place a sheet of paper on which the word Applications is written (the position on the sheet may be different, as well as the spelling: Applications or APPENDICES).

5) Numbering of appendices: they can have their own numbering, or a continuous numbering that runs throughout the entire text of the work, including the appendices section.

6) Each application corresponds to a separate page, on which the word Application is written at the top in the middle, as well as its number. Also, under the word Appendix, a title written in capital letters is indicated on a new line.

Appendix A

Structure of budget revenues of the Simferopol region (2012)

Advice: carefully study the methodological recommendations of your department, as the design may vary. Position of the word Appendix on the page (in the upper right corner or in the middle), spelling - Appendix or APPENDIX, letter and numeric designation of applications.

7) According to GOST, capital letters of the Russian alphabet are used to designate applications, but there are exceptions: E, Z, I, O, CH, L, Y, Ъ. In addition, you can use letters of the Latin alphabet (exceptions I and O). If you have exhausted your alphabetic supply, you can designate applications with Arabic numerals.

Tip: In the application section, you should not be guided by the principle that more is better. It is better to select really necessary information that reveals the essence of your research. It is recommended to include 8-10 appendices in your diploma.

8) One application in the text is designated as Appendix A

9) If the text of the application is very voluminous, then it can be divided into smaller parts (sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs). Within each application they are numbered. The letter designation is placed before the number.
Example: Appendix B 1.1

10) One application may consist of several sheets, then you must indicate:
A) if there are 2 sheets, then the end of Appendix B is indicated on the second sheet;
B) if there are more than 2 sheets, then on the second and subsequent sheets you must indicate the Continuation of Appendix B, then on the last sheet do not forget to indicate the End of Appendix B.

Hello friends! Today we will talk about the design of diploma applications in accordance with GOST. Specifically, we will look at questions such as:

  1. What is a diploma supplement?
  2. How to arrange it according to GOST?
  3. Where and how is it located?

We will also consider other questions that will help you overcome the barrier to protection. First, let's look at the following question....

What is a diploma supplement?

An appendix is ​​a section of a thesis project that includes material that does not fit into the main body of the text because it is too large.

It is also an excellent addition to your thesis project. Usually the student himself thinks about what points it will consist of. But I still advise you to coordinate them with your supervisor.

It includes the following materials:

  • Volumetric calculations and tables
  • Graphics - drawings, diagrams, models, etc.
  • Sources of information - reporting, orders, codes, etc.
  • Additional materials that were used during the study - answers, questionnaires, questionnaires, etc.

I think everything is clear here. In general, the application includes all large materials that do not fit on a sheet of A4 paper.

Particular attention should be paid, as this plays a big role in the diploma, making it more understandable.

Registration rules

  • And so, the application in the structure of the diploma comes after the source of literature. In most cases, it is not filed with the diploma, but placed in a separate folder, but if it is allowed to be filed, then separate it from the diploma with a blank sheet of paper.
  • If the materials do not fit into the standard A4 sheet format, then GOST rules allow the use of other formats - A3, A1.
  • The page number is placed in the upper right corner. Each application starts on a new page. In the middle it says “APPLICATION”. If one does not fit on the first sheet, then it is transferred to the second and added - “CONTINUATION OF APPENDIX”, and on the final sheet - “ENDING APPENDIX”.
  • If several graphic materials should be placed in one, then they should be numbered so that each illustration is separate.
  • Applications and the text of the diploma project are linked in capital letters of the Russian alphabet. In extremely rare cases, it is allowed to use Latin and Arabic numerals.

Exception letters of the Russian alphabet: Ъ; b; Y; Yo; ABOUT; Z; J and Ch
Latin exception letters: I and O

  • The text can be divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs.
  • Headings are designed in the same style.
  1. Make it readable and understandable.
  2. Decipher all symbols for tables, figures and diagrams.
  3. Do not forget and indicate it in the content of the diploma
  4. Do not pour water, only the most necessary materials.
  5. Stick to one format. Ask your university department.

Example: how to properly design drawings, diagrams and tables

"Appendix A"

Then, from a new line, from a paragraph - “Table A.1 - results of the completed production plan of the ShZMK LLC plant for 2016 -2017.” Let's imagine that the table does not fit. What to do? We move it to another page and label it “Continuation of Table A.1.” We finish it and mark the final page as “End of Table A.1”

The application may also contain drawings; they will be designated “Figure A.2”

Registration in the table of contents of the diploma

What do you need to know in order to correctly prepare not only the main part of the diploma, but also not to forget such structural elements as applications?

What are they needed for? How to properly format an application in a diploma? Now about all this in more detail.


A diploma, or, as they also say, contains the results of research conducted by a student - a future specialist in a certain field. It is assumed that he copes with the task independently. However, if any questions arise, there is a supervisor. He can not only provide guidance on the chosen topic, but also answer the question of how to complete the application in the diploma.

Please note that this is one of the parts of the explanatory note, which is not always mandatory. The fact is that there are a number of disciplines or topics that are predominantly theoretical in nature. They may not contain the kind of information that should be included in the appendices.

Their purpose is to provide more complete information about the research carried out in the work. This may contain various data that is relevant to the topic. They are not placed in the main part of the diploma because they can clutter up the work. Therefore, large tables or bulky diagrams, reporting documentation or any other materials are placed at the end of the diploma in the form of a separate section, which is called that way.

The structure of the diploma and the place of applications in it

The diploma has several components. Since our tasks do not include their detailed consideration, we will dwell on them briefly.

  1. Title page- this contains information about the author, director, name of the organization in which it was carried out, etc.
  2. Essay- mandatory brief accompaniment of the explanatory note, which contains brief information about the student's research.
  3. Exercise- sometimes called technical, some data about the object of study is provided here, this form is used in technical specialties. This part may be missing.
  4. Content- table of contents of the explanatory note, which includes the names of all structural elements. The page numbers on which the titles are located are indicated here. The last point usually contains applications.
  5. Conventions, abbreviations or abbreviations. Contains a list of these elements with explanations.
  6. Introduction- introduces the research presented for defense based on highlighting the relevance, purpose, objectives, object, subject, methodology, etc.
  7. Main part- consists of sections and other constituent parts. The results of the student's research are presented here sequentially. As a rule, it includes three sections with a corresponding breakdown into subsections, and in some cases into paragraphs.
  8. Conclusion or conclusions. Sometimes this may include practical recommendations.
  9. List of sources used- contains literature.
  10. Applications- a kind of continuation of the study. They represent a separate section, including materials necessary for a deeper discussion of the topic. It may sometimes be absent. If you are present, you should pay attention to how to format the application in the diploma.

What kind of information may be contained in the applications? In this case, the student must make a decision together with the supervisor. As a rule, recommendations for this section are determined by the graduating department, which makes decisions based on the specifics of its scientific activity.

However, here you should remember that it is necessary to complete the application in the diploma in accordance with GOST. Therefore, you should refer to the rules set out in it. For this type of work, GOST 7.32-2001 is used. Here in paragraph 5.12 there is information that appendices may contain those materials that are related to the research performed, but for a number of reasons are not included in the sections of the main part.

Traditional content

Using the generally accepted rules for writing a thesis, we note that the appendices include materials that go beyond the proposed format of presentation, which allow us to better understand the content of the work and the meaning of all actions performed by the author.

Typically this includes:

  • large tables and bulky calculations - these include those that exceed the format of a standard page;
  • graphic materials - drawings, models or diagrams that go beyond the A4 format are placed here;
  • background information: financial or accounting statements of the enterprise, internal documentation characterizing certain aspects of the organization’s activities (orders, codes, contracts, charters, etc.);
  • materials reflecting the methods and approaches used in the research part (questionnaires, questionnaires, answers and explanations for them, etc.).

Formal aspect. General provisions

Here you should pay attention to how to correctly format the application in the diploma. This issue is addressed in paragraph 6.14 of the above-mentioned GOST, which contains a number of rules.

1. The application can be issued as a continuation of the diploma. In this case, the information is located on subsequent sheets. Sometimes a separate edition may be needed. For a thesis, as a rule, a few are enough, but no more than 10.

2. It is mandatory that the main part of the work contains links to relevant applications. Based on the order in which they are mentioned in the explanatory note, the sequence of their arrangement is constructed.

3. Each subsequent application must begin on a new page. Even if the given diagram or table takes up very little space. It begins with the word “Application”, followed by its designation and name.

Further, based on the proposed examples, it will be possible to better understand how to format the application in the diploma. To paraphrase the proverb, let's say this: it is better to see at least once than to listen to the same thing endlessly.

Regulatory aspect

Now a few words about the subtleties. So, how to format applications in a diploma? According to GOST, each of them has its own title, which begins with an indication of the type of information presented in it. That is, if there is a table or diagram, then this word follows, followed by the corresponding name. If other materials are posted, then the heading is simply indicated from the paragraph.

Application materials must be directly related to the provisions set forth in the work. To tie everything together, you need to know how to format links to applications in your diploma. Here's what you need to remember:

  • applications must have designations that will connect them with the text of the work - for this purpose they use capital letters of the alphabet, as a rule, Russian;
  • start with “A” and continue in order;
  • exceptions to this rule are the letters: ь, ы, Ъ, vowels: Ё, О and consonants З, И, Ч;
  • sometimes the use of the Latin alphabet is allowed;
  • in some cases, designation is possible using Arabic numerals.

All materials are prepared in unified system: The word “application” is written the same on all its sheets. This is done in full accordance with the department in which the diploma will be defended (Appendix A; APPENDIX A; APPENDIX 1, etc.). Headings are also presented in the same way. The word “application” itself can be located in the center of the top line or on the right side. There is no period after it.

Design of tables, figures and diagrams

A few words about the location and designation of these elements. It is known that in some cases it is impossible to do without them.

So, if you need to provide statistical data, and the table is large, then we already know where to place it. Since you already have some idea of ​​how to format applications in your diploma.

Example: "Appendix D". From the next line from the paragraph “Table D.1 - Results of financial activities of Zarya LLC for 2014-2015.” If it is large, then on the next page indicate: “Continuation of Table D.1,” and do so until it ends. On the sheet where it ends, you need to write: “End of table D.1.” In the example application, designated by the letter “G,” there may be not only tabular data, but also information of a different form. In this case, indicate: “Figure D.2” or “Diagram D.2”.

Sometimes it is necessary to label each page. If, for example, Appendix K has several figures, tables or diagrams, then you need to indicate at the first that this is “Appendix K”. The next one is “Continuation of Appendix K”, the last one is “End of Appendix K”.

Design examples

As already noted, all data presented in the work must be interconnected. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to once again remind you how to correctly format applications in a diploma.

The example is given in quotation marks, which do not need to be used in the text: “The organizational and management structure diagram of Vostok LLC is in Appendix B.” Based on this we get the following. APPENDIX B. The next line is “Diagram B.1, which is called “Organizational and managerial structure of Vostok LLC.” Considering that such images take up a lot of space, it is better to place them in the appropriate section. Moreover, you can arrange them there in both portrait and landscape formats.

It is clear that a clear example allows you to get a more complete understanding of how to prepare a diploma supplement. The sample below will allow you to verify this once again.


Table E.1 - Calculation of indicators relating to the use of resources of Zarya LLC for 2013-2015.


2013-2014 2014-2015 , %
1. Revenue from sales of products at comparable prices, thousand rubles.79705 83615 104,9
2. a) production personnel of the enterprise, people.383 384 100,3
b) wages, thousand rubles.
3. Material costs, thousand rubles.
4. a) fixed production assets of the enterprise, thousand rubles.
b) depreciation, thousand rubles.
5. Working capital of the enterprise, thousand rubles.
6. a) labor productivity (clause 1: clause 2a), thousand rubles.
b) products for 1 ruble of wages (clause 1: clause 2b), r.
7. Material productivity (item 1: item 3), r./r.
8. a) capital productivity (clause 1: clause 4a), r./r.
b) depreciation (item 1: item 4b), rub./r.9,592 9,881 103,1
9. Turnover of working capital (clause 1: clause 5), number of revolutions or r./r.4,978 5,147 103,3

The Role of Applications in Evaluation

Considering that this is the final part of the diploma, you should not take it lightly. After all, it is here that there is indisputable confirmation of the student’s skills - both as a researcher and as a practitioner.

The materials posted in the appendices explain individual provisions of the sections and can serve as confirmation that the author of the work, using certain analysis techniques, masters them and, as a future specialist, deserves an excellent mark and assignment of the appropriate qualifications.

At first glance, it seems that application, as well as props " Marking the presence of the application“It’s simply impossible to format it incorrectly. There is GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" (hereinafter referred to as GOST R 6.30-2003), which sets out the rules for preparing the details of organizational and administrative documents. And if there are any questions related to application design, then the majority turns to the text of GOST R 6.30-2003.

This fragment of the document may indeed clarify some points related to application design. But, unfortunately, all questions cannot be answered there. For example, it remains unclear:

  1. Where exactly in the documents should the “Appendix Availability Mark” attribute be placed?
  2. Is it always necessary to write “Appendix” on the first sheet of the application in the upper right corner, indicating the document, its date and registration number?

The answers to these questions can be found, but in other documents. Let's try to do this together.

Where should I place the “Application Availability Mark” attribute?

As you know, Appendix A of GOST R 6.30-2003 contains layout diagrams of the details of organizational and administrative documents. If you look at them, you can come to the conclusion that 21 the “Mark of the presence of the application” attribute must be in the range of 60-40 mm from the border of the lower field(See Figure 1). Actually it's not like that. The boundaries, which are marked with dotted lines in these diagrams, can be moved both up and down. Moreover, there are cases when registration of props « Marking the presence of the application"in the range of 60-40 mm from the border of the lower field can lead to disastrous consequences (see Example 1).

Imagine a situation where a letter of notification about an exhibition-conference is drawn up, consisting of two pages, and the text on the second page occupies no more than one-fourth of the total area of ​​the sheet. Accordingly, if props « Marking the presence of the application» placed in the interval of 60-40 mm from the border of the lower field, then there is a lot of free space between this prop and the text (see Figure above). It is in this free space that “cunning craftsmen”, both on the part of the organization that authored the document and on the part of the recipient organization, can, after training, add any text that will allow them to get their benefit. At the same time, the management of both organizations may not even know that any additions have been made to the text of the letter. Compare the two versions of the same letter shown on this spread.

So, to prevent anyone from adding any new text to an already signed document, It should be placed not closer to the border of the bottom margin, but after the text of the document. Moreover, the indentation should be 2-4 line spacing, the size of the indentation is fixed in the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003, which were published by the developer of GOST - the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Document Management and Archiving (VNIIDAD).

If you look again at the layout of the details of organizational and administrative documents (see Figure 1), you can note that detail 21 - “Mark of the presence of the application” and detail 22 - “Signature”located on the same level. However, the signature should be placed underrequisite “Mark of the presence of the application” at 2-4 intervals. This must be done so that no one can add another attachment to the document after signing the document.

Speaking of location “App availability mark” requisite, it is worth noting a number of other points. If you look at the fragment of GOST R 6.30-2003, published at the beginning of the article, you will see that GOST provides examples of design, where it is clearly visible that the props we are considering are located from the border of the left margin with an indent . However, there are no clear indications of this in the GOST text. But in the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003 they are, and this is what is written there:

Thus, we can conclude that the arrangement we demonstrated in Example 2 will be correct.

In which organizational and administrative documents can the “Stamp of the presence of an application” attribute be used?

The text of GOST R 6.30-2003 states that “App availability mark” requisite can be issued in letters (see paragraph 3.21 given at the beginning of the article). That is, if the letter contains any application, then this detail must be formalized without fail. Moreover, in cover letters, the main purpose of which is to send documents that do not have an address part, “App availability mark” requisite must always be completed (see Example 2).

Also props « Application availability mark", if necessary, may be present in the following forms information and reference documents: certificates, memos, explanatory notes, memos.

But there are types of organizational and administrative documents in which props « Marking the presence of the application» is not issued, because information about applications is indicated directly in the text. This is stated in the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003 and in the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Bodies executive power. Such documents, for example, include a protocol.

Props « Marking the presence of the application» is not issued in administrative documents: orders, instructions, instructions, resolutions and decisions.

Typically, if an administrative document has reference or analytical annexes (graphs, diagrams, tables, lists), then in the text in the relevant paragraphs of the administrative part there are links: “(Appendix 1)”, “(Appendix 2)” or “according to the Appendix 1", "according to Appendix 2". If the appendix to the administrative document is an approved document (regulations, rules, instructions, etc.), the following mark is made in the corresponding paragraph of the administrative part: “(attached)” (see Example 3).

Is it always necessary to write “Appendix” on the first sheet of an application?

Is it always necessary to do on the first sheet of the application in the upper right corner inscription « Application» indicating the document, its date and registration number? At first glance it seems yes. But that's not true. Therefore, many people make mistakes when they put this label on all applications indiscriminately.

Let's consider cases when inscription "Application" indicating the document, its date and registration number should not be affixed.

Firstly, it is inappropriate when you are sending any an independent document that does not have an address part, together with a covering letter .

However, if it is not a covering letter that is sent, but, for example, a notification letter or an invitation letter, and the attachment includes additional materials that were specially prepared for this letter, then the above inscription must be placed on the attachment.

Secondly, you shouldn't do it inscription « Application» on a document approved by an administrative document. It is when designing such applications that mistakes are most often made. And look what happens: there are options when the necessary information is missing (Example 6) or when it is duplicated (Examples 7 and 8).

Possible options for incorrect registration are not limited to this. However, the rules for drawing up annexes to administrative documents are regulated using the example of decrees and orders of the President Russian Federation in the Model Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies.

From the above, we conclude that the approved documents must contain the requisite “Document Approval Statement,” which is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, and not the inscription “Appendix No.” with the data of the administrative document. But if the application is of a reference or analytical nature (i.e., not approved), then in its upper right corner the inscription “Appendix No.” should be written indicating the relevant document, its date and registration number.

How should applications be designed?

At application design The following simple rules should be followed:

  1. Applications Always are issued on standard sheets paper, and not on letterhead documents.
  2. Since applications are not registered separately, they should not contain the details “Document Date” and “Document Registration Number”. After all, the date and registration number of the document to which the application relates can be seen in the upper right corner on the first page of the application in the inscription “Appendix...” (see Example 5) or in the details “Document approval stamp” (see Example 9).
  3. The title to the application text is printed in a centered manner; there is no period at the end of the title. The name of the application type (the first word of the application title) is highlighted in capital letters and can be printed in space (POSITION, LIST, LIST, etc.) . The line spacing between the first line of the title and subsequent lines can be increased by 6 pt.

    The title of the application is located under the inscription “Appendix...” or the attribute “Document approval stamp” and is separated from them by two to four line spacing.

  4. The margin sizes, fonts and line spacing when printing applications are identical to the sizes used when printing document texts.
  5. The application sheets are numbered independently, starting from the second sheet. Page numbers are placed in the middle of the top margin of the sheet. In this case, the number is written in Arabic numerals without punctuation (dots), without indicating the word “page” or its abbreviated versions “page.” or with." and dashes.
  6. Organizational and legal documents - instructions, rules, regulations, regulations approved by administrative documents and which are appendices to them - must be signed by the head of the structural unit who developed this application. Other applications, if necessary, may also be signed by an authorized official. If the application is not signed, then it is advisable to end it with a horizontal line located in the center of the text at a distance of approximately 3 line spacing. The length of the line should be several centimeters. This simple trick will protect you from adding any text to the end of the application after signing the main document (see Example 5).

Here is an example of the correct design of the first page of the Regulations on a structural unit, which is an appendix to the administrative document (see Example 9).

* * *

Concluding the article, I would like to note that if questions arise related to the preparation of documents or the organization of work with them, it is better to look for answers in several regulatory documents or sources, rather than stopping at just one. This is the only way to get the most complete answer to your question.

1 Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation: Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003. - VNIIDAD. — 2003.

2 The location of some details, which should be issued only in specific areas of the document page, are indicated directly in the text of GOST R 6.30-2003 and the above-mentioned Methodological Recommendations. Such details include: “Document approval visas”, “Note on the execution of the document and sending it to the file”, “Note on receipt of the document by the organization”, “Identifier electronic copy document."

3 If there are several applications, they are numbered, i.e. the inscription “Appendix” must include the sign “No” and the serial number of the application (see Example 5).

4 Exceptions are independent documents that do not have an address part, are sent with a covering letter to a third-party organization (see Example 4) and are indicated in the letter as attachments. These documents are prepared in a standard manner, i.e. according to the rules applicable to certain types documents.