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What to buy to speed up your computer - a blog about information technology: software, hardware, internet, services, tips. Physical activity to speed up metabolism

How to spend as little money as possible, but increase the performance of your computer as much as possible? Let's figure it out.

We will not consider all kinds of programs and tricks that allow you to speed up Windows work. It's free, but you will spend a lot of time. And the result will be insignificant (the increase will be only a few percent, except for advanced cases with a cluttered OS, when only reinstallation will help).

We will talk about hardware - about possible ways to upgrade your computer.

SSD drive
If you have Windows installed on the HDD, you're in luck. Because you can buy an SSD and install the operating system and programs there. After that, your computer will start to work much faster. You will immediately feel it. For example, the OS will boot in just 10-15 seconds. Programs will start and run faster.

You need to buy an SSD drive with a capacity of at least 120 GB (they cost from 3 thousand rubles). If you work with a large number of programs or often play games, take solid state drive with a volume of 240 GB and above (from 5 thousand rubles).

Installing an SSD in system unit- this is simple operation. But if you want to replace the HDD with an SSD in a laptop, then you have to tinker. If you have an Apple MacBook and you live in Ukraine, it is better to contact the service center (http://macuser.ua/servis). It's safer that way.

There is not much memory. The more, the better (within reason). Unfortunately, memory is now expensive (8 GB DDR4 costs from 5.5 thousand rubles), so try to wait for the price to drop.

Try to buy memory sticks in pairs. If there is already one, buy another exactly the same (all indices in the title must match). Two identical memory sticks will be able to work in dual-channel mode, which will give a small performance boost compared to memory sticks operating in single-channel mode.

video card
Another good way to increase productivity. First of all, it is recommended for those who have a video processor built into the central processor.
But usually gamers need to replace the video card with a more powerful one. Another plus of this method: the old video card is easy enough to sell.

We will not recommend a specific model. Most importantly, make sure that motherboard there is the right slot for installing the card, and the power supply will draw the power of the video card.
And yes, today we do not recommend buying new video cards: they have risen in price again, and the number of available models has decreased. Better to wait.

This method rarely used. The fact is that it is more difficult to sell an old processor than a used video card. Besides new processor must match the current motherboard. If this is not the case, you will have to buy a new motherboard and, possibly, change the memory (for example, DDR3 to DDR4). And this is half the system unit.

New HDD usually does not give an increase in speed (unless you have an old and slow hard drive). But it helps indirectly, allowing you to unload other sections of the SDD and the old HDD.

If you don't have an SSD, we suggest you start upgrading from there. This is the best way to increase the speed of your computer for relatively little money. Buying memory or replacing the video card is also a good option.


Perhaps the surest way in which you can adjust your iron levels is to switch to proper nutrition. Eat foods rich in calcium. These are primarily dairy products. Excess calcium intake interferes with iron absorption. Include rice in your daily diet. Rice groats perfectly removes excess salts and trace elements from the body, including iron.

Since vitamin C and B vitamins contribute to better absorption of iron, avoid or limit the combined consumption of foods containing the above vitamins and iron. For example, refrain from apple or citrus fruits as an accompaniment to meat dishes. Eat foods rich in sugars.

For the treatment of chronic excess of iron, its deposits in organs and tissues (siderosis), use drugs from the groups of hepatoprotectors, complexing agents, as well as zinc preparations.

Reduce iron levels with special medications. To speed up the removal of iron from the blood, use a specific heptapeptide. When interacting with drugs to remove iron from the body, the action of the latter is accelerated by about 8 times. But remember that drugs can only be used as prescribed by the attending physician.

To increase the iron content in the blood, use hirudotherapy. Small leeches, sucking blood, reduce the level of hemoglobin.

In addition to the above, to reduce high iron levels in the blood without the use of medications, use the old proven method - bloodletting (phlebotomy).


  • increased iron content in the blood

An excess of iron in the body is no less dangerous than a deficiency of this element. An excess of iron is more expressed in problems with internal organs and in other body problems.

Internal organs

Excess iron can be congenital in nature, which has been given a separate name - hemochromatosis. In this case, iron is deposited in the heart muscle, as in some other organs, which leads to lipid peroxidation. In response to the condition, the affected organ, that is, the heart, actively produces connective tissue, which disrupts its structure and normal operation. The heart is the vital motor of a person, respectively, a violation in its work can manifest itself as a variety of heart diseases. Dangerous risk of developing coronary heart disease. The harm done to this organ is manifested in heart rhythm disturbances, headaches, weakness, dizziness, and so on. Also, an excess of iron can lead to sudden cardiac arrest.

It is worth noting that an excess of iron is more common than in women, but this applies to the period before menopause. Up to this point, women experience physiological blood loss, so up to a certain time, men are more likely to experience heart problems. However, after the onset of menopause, women, figuratively speaking, “catch up” in this matter, and heart problems due to an excess of iron are almost equally common in both.

However, the heart is not the only organ that suffers from an excess of iron. The liver is severely affected, which is expressed in symptoms similar to hepatitis. This means that a person will experience an increase in the liver, icteric staining of the skin and tongue, the patient may experience itching.

Excess iron complicates the course of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and can also lead to the development of cancer of the lungs, liver and intestines. Moreover, against the background of too much iron, rheumatoid arthritis often occurs.

It turns out that in large quantities, iron has a bad effect on all structures of the body, causing new diseases and worsening the course of old ones. Hemochromatosis, although rare, can lead to even more serious consequences.

Other problems

If the initial excess of iron may not cause the development or complication of diseases, it can give a person discomfort. For example, because of this, skin pigmentation is observed, which is especially noticeable in the armpits and palms. A person's appetite decreases, which contributes to weight loss. Nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation - all this may indicate that there is too much iron in the human body, which significantly complicates life.

Moreover, an excess of iron can cause hormonal disorders - this can affect not only appearance person, but also on his character. By the way, this factor can cause depression, which upsets not only the person himself, but also his relatives.

The iron bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans oxidizes ferrous iron to ferric:
4Fe2++ 4Н+ + 02 ->¦ 4Fe3++ 2Н20
This bacterium is very similar to T. thiooxidans, it is viable at a pH of up to 2.5, but it receives energy not only due to the oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds, but also due to the oxidation of Fe2 + ions. This iron bacterium lives in acid mine waters containing sulfides of various metals, including pyrite (FeS2). It has been established with certainty that acidophilic iron bacteria are capable of a chemoautotrophic lifestyle.
Recently, thermophilic strains of thiobacilli that oxidize iron and sulfur have also been discovered. Strains of the thermophile Sulfolobus acidocaldarius can also oxidize ferrous iron. From soils containing anti-timonite, it was possible to isolate the autotrophic bacterium Stibiobacter senarmontii, which is capable of oxidizing Sb3 + to Sb5 + .
Leaching of metals from ores. The ability of some acidophilic bacteria that oxidize iron and sulfur to convert sulfides and elemental sulfur into water-soluble sulfates of heavy metals is used to leach poor ores to obtain copper, zinc, nickel, molybdenum and uranium. The leaching method is already used on a large scale to recover metals from rock heaps, but it may be possible to extend its application to underground mining. In the simplest case, water is passed through a thick layer of crushed stone containing ore [for example, pyrite (FeS2)] with associated sulfides of various metals, such as Cu2S (chalcocite), CuS, ZnS, NiS, MoS2, Sb2S3, CoS and PbS, and then collect the solution containing sulfates. After concentrating such a solution, the corresponding metals are precipitated from it.
The dissolution of heavy metal sulfides occurs due to the combined action of many processes: bacterial oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds (1) or elemental sulfur (2) to sulfuric acid, bacterial oxidation of Fe2 + to Fe3 + (3), and, finally, chemical oxidation of insoluble salts of heavy metals to soluble sulfates and sulfur (4):
FeS2+ 37202 + H20 -+ FeSO4+ H2SO4
S + I72O2 + H2O - H2S04
2FeS04+ 7202 + H2S04-+ Fe2(S04)3 + H20
MeS + 2Fe3+ -+ Me2+ + 2Fe2+ + S
Thus, the bacteria supply sulfuric acid and also regenerate Fe3 + ; both of these components are consumed when the ores are dissolved.
These transformations are carried out by Thiobacillus thiooxidans and T. ferrooxidans. The corresponding bacterial strains are unusually resistant to rather high concentrations of Cu2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Ni2+ and other heavy metal ions. Sulfolobus strains that oxidize sulfur and iron are also involved in the leaching process.
other iron bacteria. The most well-known and easily recognizable iron bacteria are also Gallionella ferruginea (see Figure 3.16) and Leptothrix ochracea. They can be found, for example, in drainage pipes and mountain streams among flakes and thick deposits of iron oxides. Until recent years, it remained unclear whether these bacteria are able to use the energy released during the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3 + and grow as autotrophs. Recently, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase has been discovered in representatives of the genus Gallionella; therefore, they are now classified as lithoautotrophic bacteria.
Bacteria oxidize not only iron, but also manganese. Chlamydobacteria Leptothrix discophorus is capable of oxidizing Mn2+ to Mn4+. However, it is not yet clear whether the energy derived from such oxidation is used for metabolic purposes.
Obligate chemolithoautotrophy. Obligate chemolithoautotrophy is an expression of the extreme degree of adaptation and specialization of organisms that oxidize inorganic substrates. In order to explain this phenomenon, several hypotheses have been proposed and tested:
It can be assumed that the tricarboxylic acid cycle is not necessary for the oxidation of the inorganic substrate (just as it is not needed for fermentation). Indeed, the reducing equivalents resulting from the oxidation of the inorganic substrate enter the respiratory chain. Only the synthetic functions of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (the formation of 2-oxoglutarate and succinate) should be provided. But for this, the enzyme 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase is not needed. The test showed that a number of obligate autotrophic bacteria do not have it. 2-Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase was also not found in many facultative autotrophic bacteria if the cells grew on a medium with an inorganic energy source. Thus, a mutant of a facultative autotrophic bacterium that has lost the ability to synthesize 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase would behave like an obligate autotrophic microorganism.
Since nitrifying bacteria, as well as bacteria that oxidize sulfur, sulfite and iron, have a “split” respiratory chain, it is possible that some obligate autotrophs have an irreversible step in the first section of this chain that makes its normal function impossible, namely the oxidation of NADH2 (this segment is used only for reverse electron transfer). This disruption of chain reversibility, possibly related to the regulation of enzymes, could serve to maintain the reducing power (NADH2) obtained at high energy costs.
It has not yet been possible to give a unified explanation for obligate autotrophy. It is possible that this phenomenon has different causes in different physiological groups of bacteria.


Hello! At my site, the iron content exceeds the norm by 23 times, in terms of hardness - by 2 times, can you offer your cleaning technology? (location 9th km of the Kyiv highway). Sincerely, Elena Vladimirovna.


The concentration of iron in water

Dear Elena Vladimirovna!

Purification of water from iron is not an easy, although the most common problem. a. Iron gets into drinking water not only in natural conditions, but also as a result of corrosion of apparatus and pipelines. And in these cases, iron can be in ionic, colloidal and coarsely dispersed forms.

The less readily oxidized copper acts as a cathode, causing the iron to rapidly dissolve near the junction and occasionally leading to plumbing catastrophic failure. Figure 19 Galvanic corrosion.

If iron is in contact with a more corrosion resistant metal such as tin, copper, or lead, the other metal can act as a large cathode that greatly increases the rate of oxygen reduction. Since the reduction of oxygen is associated with the oxidation of iron, this can lead to a sharp increase in the rate of iron oxidation at the anode.

All this ensures high speed and completeness of oxidative reactions. Greensand has the highest absorption capacity and is effective in treating water with high concentrations of iron and manganese (up to 10 mg/l in total) in a wide pH range of 6.2–8.8. Backfill systems made of this material are used to purify water from wells of any depth. Hydrogen sulfide is oxidized to insoluble sulfates. The precipitates are filtered by the Greensand layer and accompanying filter layers. The sorbent is not affected by microorganisms, organic impurities, and does not require disinfection. Regeneration of the medium is carried out with a solution of potassium permanganate, followed by washing with source water.

Why purify water from iron

Galvanic corrosion likely occurs when two dissimilar metals are connected directly, allowing electrons to be transferred from one to the other. One way to avoid these problems is to use a more easily oxidized metal to protect the iron from corrosion. This prevents the iron from oxidizing and protects the iron object from corrosion.

The reactions that take place under these conditions are as follows. The more reactive metal reacts with oxygen and eventually dissolves, sacrificing itself to protect the iron object. Cathodic protection is the principle behind galvanized steel, which is protected by the steel with a thin layer of zinc. Galvanized steel is used in items from nails to trash cans. In this strategy, sacrificial electrodes An electrode contains a more reactive metal that is attached to a metal object to inhibit corrosion of that object. for example, using magnesium, are used to protect underground tanks or pipes.

Filter for iron removal of water is a metal container with an appropriate filler - for example, the natural mineral glaucanite, coated with a layer of manganese oxide (Green Sand - green sand). To restore the oxidizing ability of green sand, a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is used in the filter for water purification from iron. The size of the filter depends on the performance of the water purification system.

Replacing sacrificial electrodes is more economical than replacing the items they protect. Figure 20 Use of a sacrificial electrode for corrosion protection. Connecting a magnesium rod to an underground steel pipeline protects the pipeline from corrosion. Therefore, the pipeline is forced to act as a cathode, at which oxygen is reduced. The soil between the anode and cathode acts as a salt bridge that completes the electrical circuit and maintains electrical neutrality.

Filtration system as a method of liquid purification

A similar strategy uses many miles of slightly less reactive zinc wire to protect the Alaska oil pipeline. Suppose an old wooden sailboat, held together with iron propellers, has a bronze propeller. Thus, if tin or copper is placed in electrical contact with sea water containing iron in the presence of oxygen, corrosion will occur. Because zinc is a more reactive metal than iron, it will act as a sacrificial anode in the electrochemical cell and dissolve.

  • If the ship is submerged in sea water, what will be the corrosion reaction?
  • How could you prevent this corrosion?
Suppose the plumbing to your house is made of lead, while the rest of the plumbing in your house is iron.

In addition, the filter for water purification from iron includes a system of automatic valves. Control valves provide efficient work iron remover filter during long-term operation.

Performance characteristics of a filter for water deironing based on the mineral glauconite coated with a layer of manganese oxide (Green Sand - green sand).

To eliminate the possibility of lead poisoning, you call a plumber to replace the lead pipes. He quotes you a very low price if he can use his existing supply of copper pipe to do the job.

  • Do you accept his offer?
  • What else does a plumber need to do in your home?
The deterioration of metals by oxidation is a galvanic process called corrosion. Protective coatings consist of a second metal that is more difficult to oxidize than the metal that is being protected.

Alternatively, a more readily oxidized metal may be deposited on the metal surface to provide cathodic protection to the surface. A thin layer of zinc protects the galvanized steel. Rigid electrodes can also be attached to an object to protect it.

There are other materials with catalytic and oxidizing activity used as backfills for deironing filters, but by the example of the above, you can get an idea of ​​the basic principles of removing iron in this way.

Purification of water from iron by ion-exchange method.

To remove iron by this method, ion-exchange resins - cation exchangers are used. Moreover, synthetic ion-exchange resins are increasingly replacing zeolite and other natural ion exchangers; in this case, the efficiency of using ion exchange increases significantly.

The main methods of iron removal of water

Corrosion is a galvanic process that can be prevented with cathodic protection. The paint keeps oxygen and water from coming into direct contact with the metal, which prevents corrosion. Paint is more necessary because salt is an electrolyte that increases water conductivity and facilitates flow electric current between the anode and cathode sections. The purification of iron and water for iron can take many forms. Iron causes an orange stain, and many times it will be accompanied by the smell of manganese gas and hydrogen sulfide.

Any cation exchangers are capable of removing not only dissolved ferrous iron from water, but also other divalent metals, in particular calcium and magnesium, for which they are primarily used. Theoretically, ion exchange can remove very high concentrations of iron from water without requiring the step of oxidizing dissolved ferrous iron to produce insoluble iron hydroxide. However, in practice, the applicability of this method is significantly limited.

Iron staining will be chocolate brown when combined with manganese. At a high concentration, iron will cause the water to have a metallic taste and a metallic smell. Water treatment for iron will depend on the form of iron and other contaminants found in the water.

Iron in water can exist in four forms. Ferrous Iron - Iron is referred to as red colored iron. Iron iron is rust and is the result of the oxidation of iron. This form of iron can be filtered out. organic iron. Organic iron is sometimes referred to as jelly iron or rose water. Organic iron is iron combined with dissolved organic matter in water. This iron is held in solution with organic materials that are chemically bonded to the iron. The water will be clear and will have color if the iron concentration is high enough. Sometimes this iron starts to oxidize and form a suspension in water, creating another form of iron called colloidal iron. Colloidal Iron - Colloidal iron will look like red-water iron, but it cannot be easily filtered. The iron precipitated and turned into iron-containing iron, but the resulting molecules did not stick together. As a result, the iron particles do not form large enough pieces to settle to the bottom of the container or be retained by normal filtration. To test if you have this type of water, collect a sample in a clear glass container. Shine a flashlight beam through the water and see if you can see the light beam in the water. Then give water overnight. If, after installing overnight, you can still see the beam of light as it travels through the water, and there was no material settling on the bottom of the container, chances are very good that you have colloidal iron.

  • Black Iron - Black iron is often referred to as pure water.
  • This form of iron dissolves in water.
  • Like any dissolved material, it is not visible in water.
  • Dissolved materials cannot be filtered.
  • They must be removed through chemical changes.
Cast iron can be removed in two ways.

First of all, the use of ion exchange for iron removal limits the presence of ferric iron, which quickly “clogs” the resin and is poorly washed out from there. Therefore, any presence of oxygen or other oxidizing agents in the water passing through the ion exchanger is highly undesirable. This also imposes a limitation on the range of pH values ​​in which the resin is effective.

The most common way is to use a water conditioner. This method can be used at almost any iron level. The second way to remove ferrous metals is a two-step process called oxidation filtration. The iron is first oxidized by using either oxygen, chlorine, or potassium permanganate. Oxidation causes the formation of ferrous iron from ferric iron. The ferric iron is then removed by filtration. This method is usually not used at very high iron concentrations because the filter media will require more frequent flushing when possible.

In many cases, the use of ion-exchange resins for iron removal is impractical, since, having a higher affinity for cation exchangers, iron significantly reduces the efficiency of removing calcium and manganese ions on them, and carrying out general demineralization. The presence of organic substances in the water, including organic iron, leads to the rapid overgrowth of the ion-exchange resin with an organic film that serves as a nutrient medium for bacteria. Therefore, ion-exchange cation exchangers are usually used for iron removal only in those cases when additional purification of water is required for this parameter to the lowest concentrations and when simultaneous removal of hardness ions is possible.

Drinking water treatment

This method may also require the use of some kind of pH adjustment since the iron will not oxidize below pH. There are several types of oxidation filtration systems in use today. There are many brand names for this type of system, but they require minimal flow from a well pump to operate on a Venturi. This thread must be tested before this type of system can be used. good systems consist of 3 parts - Venturi tube, air outlet tank and filter tank. The air outlet tank removes any undissolved air. If the air is not released, there will be a lot of spitting on the faucet. When iron in oxygen-containing water comes into contact with the surface of the medium, it oxidizes. The resulting ferrous iron is attached to the media before it passes through the filter. These systems do not work well with low pH or low alkalinity water because they will spit out manganese from the environment. This manganese can reach toxic levels. Chlorination systems - Chlorine is introduced into the water. The water is then directed to a holding tank so that the iron time is oxidized to ferric iron. The ferric iron is then removed by the medium in the filter. Any excess chlorine can be removed with carbon.

  • Air - The oxygen in the air is used to oxidize the iron.
  • Air can be introduced by any number of methods.
  • The most common method uses a venturi to supply air.
  • Therefore, the system is called an air injection system.
Ferrous iron can be removed by any of the common media used in backwash filters.

Ph.D. O.V. Mosin

If your computer is running slowly, we will tell you a few simple ways how to speed it up.

Reasons for a slow computer


As soon as your computer is infected with viruses, they begin to use its resources for their own purposes. For example, they can send spam emails through your computer, record and send your actions, passwords. Thus, computer resources may not be enough for your running programs and viruses at the same time.

If you notice slow computer performance, check which application consumes them the most, also check your computer for viruses, such as antivirus

Damaged disk

A slow computer may be caused by a malfunction in your hard drive or SSD drive a. For example, some data may not be read the first time during system boot or operation, and when trying to read corrupted data, the system starts to slow down.

Check method hard drive read our article for errors. If the drive cannot be recovered, it will need to be replaced.


When overheating, the system automatically reduces the power of the processor or video card. Overheating usually occurs when the computer's cooling system becomes clogged.

You can determine the temperature of the components using the program Everest, when run, it will show the temperature of the processor, system and disk.

In case of overheating, you need to either clean the cooling system yourself or contact specialists.

Out of disk space

The habit of saving all documents, photos and videos on the desktop of the computer leads to the fact that the space on the system drive C runs out and the computer starts to work more slowly. In some cases, it may not turn on at all.

Solving the problem is very simple, just move all your data from the desktop to another drive, for example, to D, and the space will be freed up. You also need to remove unnecessary programs to free up disk space.

If you want to get even more extra space on your system drive, read our article,

Installed a new operating system on an old computer

If you installed the latest operating system on a 2005 computer, it simply may not have enough resources to work. We can advise you to change the computer to a new one.

Disk fragmentation

In new Windows versions, disk defragmentation is done automatically, if you have an old Windows, you need to do this procedure every six months to speed up your computer. You can start it by going to the properties of your disks.

Installing faster components

You can also speed up your computer by adding more random access memory or more powerful processor. Installing a newer SSD drive instead of a hard drive has a very noticeable effect on the speed of your computer. See operating system on the HDDs and SSD.

Using these simple tips, you will notice that your computer has become much faster.

If you know other ways to speed up your computer, write in the comments.

Hello friends. Well, probably we all try to squeeze the most out of our computers. I have to enter that it works as quickly as possible, websites open faster, programs and games work faster. And probably we are all angry when the page scrolls jerkily, the tabs in the browser switch with a delay, and the programs open for a couple of minutes.

You will probably say: “Well, you are behind the times, there are no such computers anymore, but everything flies on modern ones.” Maybe, but still we are almost always not satisfied with the speed of our computer and we always want something more. And so I decided to write an article about how to speed up a computer, I already wrote a similar article, but in today's article I would like to talk in more detail about how to overclock a computer and not only by software, but also by overclocking the processor and replacing some components.

Let's start from the very beginning, in my opinion. effective way.

Add RAM - set the speed

This is advice from my own experience. I have seen many times how when adding RAM, the speed of the computer increased significantly. I used to have 512 MB of RAM, I was not very fond of computers then, and I had enough, well, enough, Windows XP worked, although it did not fly. But when I realized that I needed to change something, I bought another 1 GB RAM bar. The increase in speed was very large. Now on this computer and Windows 7 works well.

So if you do not have a lot of RAM in your computer, say 512 MB or 1 GB, then it makes sense to increase it, especially since it is not very expensive. I understand that new computers are probably no longer built with this amount of RAM, but still there are many old computers that have the right to a second life. And in this way speed up old computer can be very effective.

Install a new video card and release the integrated one

Another good way to make your computer run faster is to install a new graphics card. The fact is that old computers, and not very old but budget ones, usually work with an integrated video system. In this case, the graphics processing load falls on the central processor, and this slows down the entire operation of the computer, and even normal games cannot be played. Therefore, this problem is solved by installing a second video card. You can install even not expensive, in the region of 300-400 UAH. (1200 - 1700 rubles)

overclock processor

Just take it and disperse it, but be careful :). Thought to write it here or not, but decided to write anyway. I have a processor Intel Celeron, don't laugh :). Its standard frequency is 1600 MHz, but for more than a year now it has been overclocked by 10 percent, it was also 15. Now it operates at a frequency of 1760.0 MHz, here is a screenshot from Everest.

I overclocked it with the help, more precisely, by increasing the frequency of the system bus in the BIOS menu. more than 15% overclock failed. After I further increased the system bus frequency by a few points, the computer simply did not start. I had to reset the BIOS settings, closed the contacts on the motherboard, after which I did not overclock by more than 15%. There, the campaign can be more, but you need to increase the voltage on the processor. But since my computer can be said to be an office one, I did not find such an item in the BIOS.

Although it was a long time ago, you need to try again. I can write about this in a separate article, subscribe to. I forgot to say about the gain from overclocking the processor. Well, I did not notice a strong increase in the speed of work, but it seems to work faster.

Be careful and don't do anything like that. And if you do, it's at your own risk. It is possible to turn the processor into a brick.

Software tools to help

Do not ignore the software tools that can speed up your computer. Do not forget about the same defragmentation, garbage cleaning, etc. I wrote about all this in the article, the link to which is above.