Home / News / What is an iPhone without a fingerprint. iPhone without Touch ID - what kind of beast is it? Where did these iPhones without fingerprints come from?

What is an iPhone without a fingerprint. iPhone without Touch ID - what kind of beast is it? Where did these iPhones without fingerprints come from?

The box of the original iPhone is made with high quality. It should have stickers on the back with a description and information about the model number, serial number and IMEI. If these stickers are not present, then it is definitely a fake. You can check your iPhone without opening the box.

To do this, go to the Apple code verification system, enter the serial number from the sticker on the box in the appropriate field, and if it passes and the site page shows reliable information, then everything is fine with your iPhone. All printing on the box must be of high quality.

For the 6th iPhone, the camera should not be drawn on the front side of the phone sketch, and “iPhone” should be written on the side without any numbers.

  • The iPhone itself (we'll cover that later)
  • Envelope containing: a paper clip to open the Namo-card slot. Original instructions, and most importantly - Apple logo stickers, that is, apples, which are missing in many Chinese fakes.
  • Charger American or European standard wrapped. Thus, you may need a charging adapter, which is sometimes given out for free in a store when buying an iPhone, although there are exceptions with a Russian standard plug.
  • Original EarPods in a square glossy packaging with rounded edges and an engraved apple, in a wrapper. The headphones themselves can be distinguished by the metal mesh and the snow-white color of the headphones themselves.
  • Original Lightning cable, also wrapped. It can be distinguished by a thin base. In most fakes, it is more massive.

Appearance iPhone

Now let's look at the phone itself. What to pay special attention to?

  1. First, there must be film on the display.
  2. Secondly, take it in your hand and pay attention to the tactile sensations. How does the phone fit in your hand? Plastic fake to decide immediately. The body of the original iPhone is made entirely of aluminum. The weight of the original iPhone 5 is 112g, the iPhone 5s is 112g and the iPhone 6 is 129g.
  3. Look at back panel and on the inscription on it. The original iPhone never indicates the amount of phone memory, unlike a fake. Also pay attention to the font and text color, body color. In the photo on the left, the original iPhone 5s is on the left, a copy is on the right. It can be seen that the color of the back panel is different, it is darker for the fake, and the text color for the fake is gray, and for the original it is black. The text itself is the same, you can remember it. For other iPhone models, the text will be slightly different.
  4. Pay special attention to the camera and flash. The original iPhone 5 has a bright LED and does not have the characteristic yellow color for a fake.
  5. The camera of the original has a rim, well, or in other words, a halo, it is wide. Many fakes have a narrow chamber, no rim. In the photo, the original iPhone 5s is on top, and the fake is on the bottom; note that the flashes are almost identical.
  6. Let's take a look at the sides of the iPhone. There should be a slot for a nanosim card, I repeat for a nanosim card, not for a microsim card, as is often the case with Chinese fakes. The slot for we apply should be compact and made neatly and efficiently, without any gaps. Press the volume buttons and the lock button. The buttons should click a little, and the "+" and "-" signs should be poured, not drawn. The switch should move smoothly, with a click and not stick.

  7. Let's look at the bottom edge. iPhone bolts are real and small, as opposed to large and / or not real (plastic plugs) for a fake, but there are exceptions. The photo shows that the fake has more bolts.
  8. Let's move on to the front side of the iPhone. Look carefully at the turned off display, it should be dark, tinted and should not stand out much from the rest of the surface (in the case of a black iPhone). For fakes, the display is lighter and stands out well, this difference is clearly visible in the photo (a fake iPhone 5s is on the right, the original is on the left).

Software component

FROM appearance finished, now let's move on to the insides, more precisely to the software component of the iPhone.

Device price

It doesn't take an expert to figure out that a $200 iPhone isn't an iPhone at all. Do not be fooled by cheapness, buy in good salons, and use this instruction - this will save you from acquiring a fake. Buying a copy of an iPhone or its original is up to you, there are quite worthy copies.


Guided by this instruction, you can protect yourself from acquiring a fake. Remember that there are a lot of fakes, they are very high quality, the more items you check, the greater the guarantee that you will get the original iPhone. Be careful when buying.

Touch ID is a fingerprint scanner developed by Apple and used on the company's smartphones and tablets, including: iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4 etc.

Why is it needed? Touch ID is mainly used to unlock a smartphone or tablet. Whereas previously a password and PIN code were used to unlock, now all you need to do is place your finger on the fingerprint scanner, as shown in the image below:

However, Touch ID is needed for other purposes as well. So, for example, it can be used to pay for purchases, including with a regular store thanks to the payment system Apple Pay. The bottom line is this: you link a bank card (or several) to your iPhone, come to the store, choose a product, take out a smartphone when paying at the checkout, bring it to the payment terminal and put your finger on the fingerprint scanner, after which the goods are paid. It's even more convenient than using a physical bank card- Payment is instant. True, not all stores support Apple Pay yet, as well as the banks with which the system works, but in the future everything will change for the better.

What does TouchID look like?

It is easy to guess that Touch ID is integrated into the Home button, which, by the way, since the iPhone 7, is not physical, but has become touch-sensitive.

Touch ID Security

The built-in sensor scans the fingertip using a special resolution and recognizes the pattern of the finger, even if it is at different angles. The fingerprint image is located in a special processor zone, which is protected. Moreover, interestingly, this is not an image of the fingerprint itself, but its mathematical image, from which, according to Apple, the fingerprint itself cannot be restored.

It is also stated that each touch scanner ID is tied to a separate processor, that is, if the fingerprint scanner is moved from one iPhone to another, it will lose its functionality.

Rumors appear on the network every now and then that fingerprints are not only stored on the device, but also transmitted to separate server. Of course, Apple does not confirm such rumors, and no evidence of this has been given.

About the global benefits of Touch ID

Those users who follow the release of new mobile devices are probably aware that many companies are not averse to borrowing ideas from the same Apple. Touch ID is no exception.

The very idea of ​​using a fingerprint scanner on a smartphone is not new, but it was with the advent of Touch ID that scanners became widespread. If before we saw them only on flagship smartphones, today scanners are used even on budget devices!

Here is an example of a device, the cost of which at the time of writing is only 5-7 thousand rubles, and it is already equipped with a fingerprint scanner. True, this smartphone has a scanner located on the back of the case:

The smartphone is called DOOGEE X5 Max.

Touch ID has become a truly revolutionary technology for the entire iPhone line. From the moment when the technology was first presented at the presentation, unlocking the device has become not only safe, but also as convenient as possible. For Touch ID, there were a huge number of uses in addition to unlocking the gadget. In this article, we will explain what Touch ID is, how it works and where it is applied.

Touch ID is a fingerprint scanner used on the iPhone and other Apple products. Apple first added it to the iPhone 5S in 2013. Since then, for the past 5 years, this technology has been actively used in iPhones, iPads and even MacBooks.

Touch ID allows you to unlock your device with just a touch of a special surface. AT mobile devices this is the "Home" button, in macbooks - a key.

After its appearance, Touch ID quickly gained great popularity, because you no longer need to enter long passwords to unlock your smartphone for a couple of seconds. They put a finger and in a moment the device is available for use.

How Touch ID works and how it works

On the this moment There are two generations of Touch ID. They differ in the speed of reading data and therefore faster unlocking. The second generation has been built in since the iPhone 6S, and the unlock speed is really faster there.

The Touch ID sensor is built into the Home button and covered with sapphire crystal. This allows you to reliably protect the scanner from minor mechanical damage. The built-in sensor scans the fingertip and recognizes the pattern on it. In addition, it does not matter at what angle you put your finger: top, bottom, side - the device is easily unlocked. You can add multiple fingers at once to unlock the device with either hand.

What is Touch ID for?

Touch ID secures many processors and speeds up authentication. As we said, the first and main task is to unlock the device. You set up a passcode and set up the fingerprint scanner. When it is not possible to use Touch ID (wet hands, etc.), just enter the password. Touch ID helps with payment when using Apple Pay. When you want to pay in a store with iPhone, you'll need to double-tap the Home button to launch the Apple Pay app and Touch ID will verify that you're the one making the purchase. If yes, the payment will go through. If not, it will throw an error.

Next, Touch ID is used in App Store. When you first purchase an app (free or paid, it doesn't matter), the iPhone will ask you to place your finger on the Home button to confirm the action. If you uninstall an application or game and then install it, you won't need to scan your finger.

The last common use of Touch ID is logging into apps. Usually these are banking services, access to which is undesirable for unauthorized persons. When you enter such applications, the system asks you to enter a password or use Touch ID. The second option, as we have already seen, is much more convenient.

In addition, Touch ID allows you to confirm actions with iCloud. The most common usage scenario - if you want to view all saved passwords from sites - confirm the action with a fingerprint scanner.

How to set up Touch ID

For the best effect and to avoid further inconvenience, make sure your hands are clean and the button itself is not "smudged" with anything. Go to Settings "Touch ID & Passcode" and enter your password. Click Add Fingerprint. Next, lightly touch the Home button with one finger.

The system will need several such touches to fully read your drawing on your finger. Each time slightly change the position of the finger - the figure will show which area has already been scanned, and which requires additional touches. After everything is ready, the system will report success. In the same way, you can add a new fingerprint or use only one.

We recommend that you specify the names of the prints, if there are several. Since then when you notice that the system does not recognize the index finger well, it will be quite difficult to immediately understand which print to change.

Some time ago, our site talked about. Recall that these are devices that Apple itself restores (replaces some of the components with new ones) and returns to sale with a full warranty.

Recently, iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 models without (branded fingerprint scanner) began to appear on sale, the cost of which is much lower than even refurbished iPhones, not to mention new ones. So, for example, the cost of a restored iPhone 5s without Touch ID is about 10-11 thousand rubles from a seller from a well-known ad site versus 18-20 thousand for the same model, but when buying from an official Apple partner with Touch ID (at the time of writing) . The public is surprised - they say, how is this possible? We also tried to figure it out, searched and found something interesting.

The first option is to buy the iPhone 5 under the guise of the iPhone 5s. The first, as we know, did not have Touch ID, so it is likely that the seller went on a hoax, trying to sell the iPhone 5 to a potential buyer, especially since the devices are externally identical.

Second option. This is indeed an iPhone 5s that has been restored. For example, if a smartphone had a broken display, and a sloppy master changed it, he could touch the cable that connects the biometric sensor and the processor. If the cable breaks, Touch ID stops working, and its restoration is an extremely difficult and expensive pleasure. That is why the Home key in this case stops working as a fingerprint scanner and performs its direct duty - when pressed, it opens the desktop.

Finally, the third option is the most interesting. It is shrouded in secrets and whether it is true, we do not know.

On some network resources, the opinion is expressed that such iPhones are indeed produced at Apple factories as refurbished, but without Touch ID. At the same time, they are not officially delivered to us, because such devices can be called "gray". But the trick is this - these smartphones work with all SIM cards, they are activated, registered and updated in iTunes, they are not blocked. Sellers even allow them to be activated on the spot! The cost of such pleasure is 10-11 thousand rubles at the time of writing for the iPhone 5s. Wholesalers receive significant discounts.

What is this incredible generosity? On the Internet, we found an assumption that Apple is trying to increase the share of devices sold in this way, even if they are not officially supplied to us, but go through third parties. AT this case it does not matter, much more important - that the demand for such devices is extremely high and increases the overall iPhone sales which is extremely important for Apple. Again, without official information, this is just speculation and nothing more, but even if this is true, buyers will not get worse from this. On the contrary, it becomes possible to purchase an iPhone at a low cost. Well, it's up to you to decide whether it's worth buying, because we don't know the truth.

If you have your own assumptions on this subject, we will be happy to read them and publish them in the comments section of the article.

touch ID is a fingerprint scanner developed by Apple Corporation. Currently installed in iPhones 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, and iPad Air 2, iPad Pro, iPad mini 3, and iPad mini 4 tablets. Apple claims Touch ID deeply integrated in iOS 7 and newer: the sensor allows users to unlock their smartphone, as well as make purchases in the App Store, iTunes Store and iBookstore using one of five fingerprints.

At the moment there are 2 types of sensors:

  • Touch ID 1st generation (iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus)
  • Touch ID 2nd generation. (iPhone 6s and later)


Apple patented fingerprint unlock in 2008.

One of the first smartphones equipped with a fingerprint scanner was the Motorola Atrix, introduced on January 5, 2011, although this smartphone did not have the fingerprint scanner as deeply integrated into the operating system.

In 2012, Apple acquired AuthenTec, a fingerprint technology company, for $356 million. Since then, the appearance of a fingerprint scanner in Apple products has been expected.

On September 3, 2013, rumors appeared on the Web that a fingerprint scanner would be one of the components of the iPhone 5s.

On September 10, 2013, at Apple's presentation, Phil Schiller, Apple's vice president of marketing, introduced Touch ID to the public.


Touch ID is built into the home button, covered with sapphire crystal, which has good scratch resistance. In addition, this glass acts as a lens. Around the sensor is a metal ring that allows you to detect touch and activate Touch ID without pressing the button directly.

The capacitive CMOS sensor built into the gadget scans the fingertip using a resolution of 500 ppi (the size of one pixel is 170 microns), after which it recognizes the pattern, even if the finger is at different angles. According to Apple, the sensor reads information from the subcutaneous layer, which, however, does not create additional difficulties in use. The CMOS Touch ID sensor is a set of microcapacitors that creates an image with a relief of the applied finger, that is, its fingerprint. The technology was developed by AuthenTec.

The sensor is integrated with a switch that registers pressing the Home button.

The mathematical image of the fingerprint is stored in a special zone of the Apple A7 CPU, protected using technology similar or compatible with the ARM TrustZone.


Before you can start using Touch ID, you need to create a backup password. Without it, it is impossible to unlock the iPhone 5s after a reboot or if the device has not been used for more than 48 hours. This additional protection sets a time limit for intruders who try to bypass Touch ID in any way.

Touch ID was originally used only to unlock the smartphone and identify when making purchases on iTunes and the App Store. With iOS 7, Apple is preventing third-party developers from using fingerprint sensor functionality in their iPhone 5s apps and accessories. In description operating system iOS 8 announced the removal of this restriction, and the sensor began to be used to confirm purchases in payment system Apple Pay.

Encrypted biometric information is stored, according to Apple, only in the so-called Secure Enclave. Thus, the device does not store a fingerprint image, but its mathematical image. At the same time, Apple claims that it is impossible to recover a print from this image. It is located directly on the Apple A7 processor, which complicates the task of conditional attackers who will try to get fingerprint data. The Secure Enclave is a Touch ID-optimized version of ARM's TrustZone technology. Moreover, each individual Touch ID scanner is tied to a specific processor. This means that when moving the sensor from one iPhone to another, the scanner will lose its functionality.

In September 2013, a group of hackers Chaos Computer Club managed to bypass fingerprint protection on new iPhone 5s. According to hackers, in order to access someone else's iPhone, it is enough to get a clear fingerprint of its owner, for example, on a window pane. Further, this print is photographed with high resolution (2400 dpi), the image is processed in a photo editor and printed with a resolution of 1200 dpi on a laser printer on thick paper. Then the print is filled with liquid latex, which is removed after drying. It turns out a "facsimile" of the fingerprint of the real user of the device. Put on the attacker's finger, it is perceived by Touch ID as a fingertip of the real owner of the smartphone. After that, a number of people were able to successfully repeat the unlock iPhone data way, but many noted that this process is associated with a number of difficulties. In particular, obtaining a high-resolution image of a print is very difficult. Moreover, special equipment and expensive chemicals are needed.

It is believed that the prints are still sent to a remote server. So, in September, the Anonymous hacker group accused the National Security Agency of collecting fingerprints from iPhone 5s owners.


Edition new york magazine believes that up to now, ordinary users have not been interested in fingerprint scanning technology, since people preferred ordinary passwords. Only businessmen used biometric methods to protect their data. However, according to the magazine, it is Touch ID that can be the technology that will bring fingerprint scanning to the masses. In addition, journalists believe that if Apple opens access to Touch ID to third-party developers, the latter will begin to actively experiment with the scanner.

new york magazine also notes that CMOS sensors can fail over time. However, the authors admit that Apple could have found a way to significantly increase the life of the sensor. Moreover, even with a failed sensor, access to the device can be obtained using a password. In addition, the article admits the possibility that fingerprints can still be forged.

ZDNet suggests using Touch ID for two-factor authentication, which can only be hacked if the attacker knows the password and has a fingerprint. Forbes believes that if two-factor authentication using Touch ID becomes available in the future, this will be a significant security improvement.

Forbes notes the fact that fingerprint images are only stored on the device and not in a centralized remote database as highly positive. In the same time, new york magazine expresses concern that various intelligence agencies, such as the US National Security Agency, may still somehow have access to the fingerprints of Touch ID users.

newspaper columnist News Denis Podolyak writes: “The idea of ​​such a module is not new. Another thing is that previous attempts to use the scanner in mobile devices were far from ideal: fingers were “read” every other time, often the procedure had to be repeated - as a result, people refused this, in general, quite an important function. And now, we can say, the ideal embodiment of a fingerprint scanner: it is invisible, works quickly and correctly. Let's hope that Apple will allow you to use Touch ID to work with third-party applications.

Buying an iPhone 6 without Touch ID. What's the catch? Is it worth buying?

I found a completely new, original, working iPhone 6. Everything is new - complete set, box, sealed, etc., not even activated. But one problem - Touch ID does not work. Of course, the price of this phone is cheaper than usual (2 times cheaper). I don't need this fingerprint scanner, I'm only interested in one question - is it really a regular IPhone 6, but without touch id, or is there some kind of catch? Should you buy such a phone?

Ivan malygin

What are you downs!!! This is a phone on which the screen was broken and so Touch id was damaged.
And on every iPhone (starting with 5s), Touch id is tied to its own board, and therefore the screen and the home button have been changed on this phone. I myself bought such a telephone, it has been working for 6 months

iPhone with/without touch id. What is the difference?

I plan to buy an iPhone 6 plus, of course, I'm looking for a more profitable option in all respects. Recently, on Avito and Yulia, I came across very attractive prices for this phone. But it confuses me, why is it so cheap? Who's been buying? What do you say?

Paavo Siljamaki

touchid is a sensor that goes directly to the phone board. And to replace the touch means to replace the board itself, and this is more expensive. therefore, they sell without a working touchid (they won’t scan a print), and the button itself is fully working, it is pressed, etc. these are unofficial phones, or rather they are official, IMEI breaks through and so on, but there is no such line of phones "without touchid". just like that, some "craftsmen" change the battery there if necessary, the case and sell