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What is Open Graph or how to attract traffic from social networks. What is Open Graph or how to attract traffic from social networks Clumsy page id

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Open Graph is a protocol that creates appearance external link on a social network

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Why do we need Open Graph microdata?

The protocol was originally developed for Facebook, but is now used in many other social networks. The simplest example of how Open Graph works is links to Google and Yandex on a VKontakte page:

The site independently pulls out any picture and text, most often the first one that comes to hand. No one wants to leave such a link on their wall and click on it.

What happens if you use the Open Graph protocol:

  • in the preview of the link, the user sees a relevant image or video;
  • the post can be accompanied by appropriate text, slogan and description;
  • the publication looks like a full-fledged independent object.

Thus, using the protocol makes the link to your resource on social networks attractive. The user is more likely to click on such a link, since he immediately sees what awaits him after going to the page of your site.

How to set up Open Graph microdata: from theory to practice

In order for Open Graph to work, you need to enter additional meta data in the tags And .

Main Open Graph Tags

  • Tags for video:

    Here are the main tags for video files:

    We indicate the prefixes used.

    write the title of the video video url specify the path to the video player or file a well-known meta tag, but here we don’t have to limit ourselves to 160 characters write the video screensaver URL video upload date in ISO 8601 format age limit 18+ video type you need to indicate which codecs are available for the video format

    These are not all available tags. A more complete list can be found on the official OpenGraph website.

    You can also find additional settings for each social network separately (Facebook, VKontakte, Google+,

    Rough, inelegant, clumsily made.

    Origin of the word tacky

    From the Russian word “blunder” (to do roughly, haphazardly).

    Ownership of the word clumsy

    General slang.

    An example of using the word tawdry

    You need to give up this tacky style.

    The house turned out to be tacky.

    I wouldn't do such a tacky renovation for myself.

    In the large square window, in front of which stood a sewing machine - a Chekhov desk - Isaac Ilyich was pasting up a clumsily painted and painted sign.

    But despite all the differences, the shoots were extraordinary in their grace and cuteness, and so significant that even those that were made with feigned carelessness, clumsily, clumsily, were distinguished by greatness and seemed, albeit freaks, but charming freaks.

    The fever also gripped Britain, flooding the nation with scarab tie pins, winged teapots, lurid stereo photographs of toppled obelisks and tiny mantelpiece-sized noseless sphinxes made of soapstone.

    Our entire capital with a huge iron baking sheet on which pieces of baked meat lay, a tall lurid clay pot with cloudy mead, a pole canopy above us from which dried bear paws hung, and, finally, our hunched dark silhouettes, similar to the shadows of conspirators - all this took on some kind of gloomy, primitive flavor.

    What lurid shepherds and shepherdesses in the manner of Boucher and Lancret grinned and frolicked over the windows.

    Threads, whole lurid flowerbeds of flickering electric light bulbs were at one with the naphtha flashes of the lower-class establishments, and because of them everything around flickered, trembled, and shook.

    In the engine room, mechanic Stepanovna, a portly lady with clumsily applied makeup, was working her magic on engines and other technical equipment.

    The new opus of the dubious aristocrat promised to be cleaner than the previous ones: the picture on the tawdry, brightly colored cover depicted a furiously racing steam carriage of the latest design - with a smooth and bloated bow, like the bald head of Mop Thrower, and a narrow stern.

    On the table in the office stood a bulky and unnecessary writing instrument: a tall inkwell with a sandbox, a cutting knife, a glass for quills, a heavy blotter, an ashtray - all gray stone with tacky bronze.

    Having found herself in the world of luxurious mansions, she gave birth to a sickly son, in whom the aesthetic impulses suppressed by so many generations of Grieux and Halletts blossomed in a regrettable color, turning into a passion for Rossini’s operas and things that he, in the simplicity of his soul, attributed to Italian origin, to tawdry rosaries, to the clothes of Capri peasants and to the canvases of Domenichino.

    Felsner-Imbs, with a black piano and mountains of yellowed sheet music, with a goldfish and an hourglass, with countless photographs of famous artists and musicians, with a porcelain figurine in a porcelain tutu, frozen on the toe of a porcelain ballet shoe in one of the classical ballet poses, drove into vacated apartment, without even changing the faded wallpaper in the living room and the tacky floral wallpaper in the bedroom.

    Consent to the marriage was wrested from the father, the words of the wedding ceremony were muttered over clasped hands in the twilight of a Franciscan church with tacky gilding, and behind were two witnesses, Albert and Absalom.

    We cannot remain indifferent to manifestations of bad taste, be it an empty, vulgar book or a tawdry, mediocre picture produced en masse supposedly to decorate new apartments, a bad film or a hastily tailored television program, an elaborate dress style or a poor, ugly rug.

    He drew small, tawdry pictures of Vienna, the well-known sights of the capital, such as St. Stephen's Cathedral, the opera, the Burgtheater, the palace in Schönbrunn or the Roman ruins in Schönbrunia Park.


    Tag is one of the important elements of HTML and is intended for creating links. Depending on the presence of the name or href tag attributes sets a link or anchor. An anchor is a bookmark within a page that can be specified as a link target. When you use a link that points to an anchor, you are taken to a bookmark within the web page.

    To create a link, you need to tell the browser what the link is and also specify the address of the document to which you want to link. The value of the href attribute is the address of the document (URL, Universal Resource Locator) to which the transition occurs. The link address can be absolute or relative. Absolute addresses work anywhere and everywhere, regardless of the name of the site or web page where the link is registered. Relative links, as their name suggests, are built relative to the current document or site root.




    Activate a link using a key combination.

    Sets the coordinates of the active area.

    Offers to download the file specified in the link.

    Specifies the address of the document to go to.

    Identifies the language of the text in the link.

    Sets the name of the anchor within the document.

    The relationship between the referenced document and the current document.

      The relationship between the current and referenced documents. Sets the shape of the active link area for images.

      Clumsy, clumsy (to stick around?), awkward, clumsy; rough finishing, clumsy work: that is, female. property, quality adj. A clumsy guy, but his hands are busy. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

      CLUE, oh, oh; at. Roughly, unskillfully and tastelessly made. A. drawing. | noun tackiness, and, female Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      - [related in origin to ch. blurt out, original meaning. which - spank, clap, thump; throw something viscous, wet, soft; then - do it roughly, at random; clumsy, roughly, clumsily made represents... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

      tacky- Original. Suf. derivative from the noun blunder (cf. dial. on o(b)lyap, o(b)lyapom “at random”), formed from blunder “to do rudely, at random”, pref. forms to blurt out, cf. make a blunder. Clumsy, clumsy as a result of akanya and... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

      tacky- This word, which means made rudely, tastelessly, comes from the verb blurt, which originally meant to spank, throw something wet. Then the verb blurt out acquired the meaning of doing at random. And from this verb it’s not far from... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Krylov

      Adj. 1. Deprived of proportionality of parts and details, made roughly, tastelessly (about objects). 2. Having rough shape; ugly (about the face, about facial features). Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova