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Early pension provision for employees of power plants, power trains, and steam power plants. Early pension provision for employees of power plants, power trains, steam power facilities The right to early retirement for employees of diesel electric power plants

The heating networks include a boiler shop (formerly a boiler room). Can employees of this workshop (boiler room) enjoy the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Section XIII of the List2!

According to current legislation, the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Section XIII “Power plants, power trains, steam power facilities” of List No. 2 is enjoyed by workers of boiler shops of power plants, power trains or steam power facilities according to the list of professions and positions provided for in this section. Thus, to resolve this issue, it is necessary to establish whether this section applies to workers in the boiler shop (boiler room) of heating networks.

The task of the power plant and energy train (mobile power plant) is to produce electrical energy. Heating networks are a system of pipelines (heat pipelines) for centralized heating, through which the coolant (hot water or steam) transfers heat from the source (boiler room) to consumers and returns back to the heat source. The heat source can also be a combined heat and power plant (CHP), which produces heat in addition to electrical energy.

The task of heating networks is to deliver heat from its source to the place of consumption. Heat consumers can be residential, public and industrial buildings. Thus, heating networks cannot be classified as either power plants or energy trains.

Heating networks do not apply to steam power facilities either. A steam power plant is a set of steam power plants and equipment (steam boilers, steam generators, steam engines, etc.) in which the energy of water vapor is converted into mechanical work. Steam is used for various technological and energy processes.

Taking into account the above, section XIII of List No. 2 does not apply to workers of a boiler room or boiler shop that is part of heating networks.

When considering the issue of early pension provision, sections XXIII and XXXIII “General Professions” of Lists No. 1 and No. 2, respectively, may be applied to employees of heating networks. Thus, Section XXXIII provides for boiler room operators (firemen) (on coal and oil shale), including employed on coal and shale.

Specialist GOPPZL N.A. Pushkareva

Early pension provision is assigned to employees in accordance with subclause. 1 and 2 paragraphs 1 art. 27 Federal Law dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions in Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Labor Pensions) depending on the profession (position) or work they are employed in.

List of professions (positions) and jobs, taking into account which the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension is granted in accordance with the specified subparagraphs of paragraph 1 of Art. 27 of the Law on Labor Pensions, contained in Lists No. 1 and 2 of production, work, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to preferential pensions, approved. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10.

The specified Lists on the territory of Russia are applied in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2002 No. 537.

Pension benefits for employees of power plants, power trains and steam power facilities are provided according to the list of professions and positions provided for in Section. XIII "Power plants, power trains, steam power facilities" of List No. 2 of production, work, professions, positions and indicators with harmful working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension (old age) on preferential terms.

Depending on the energy source, there are thermal power plants, hydroelectric and wind power plants, magnetohydrodynamic generators, nuclear power plants

A power plant is a set of installations and equipment used to produce electrical energy, as well as the necessary buildings and structures located in a certain area.

An energy train is a mobile power station mounted in a railway car, providing power supply to consumers remote from power systems. Energy trains can be significant in power and can consist of various workshops.

Steam power facilities are a set of installations and equipment (steam boilers, steam generators, steam engines, etc.) used to produce mainly hot water and steam.

Section XIII of List No. 2 has, as it were, four independent subsections. Subsection 1 applies only to workers in underground thermal power plants; subsection 2 applies only to underground hydroelectric power plants and hydroelectric power plants with turbine rooms located below the minimum tailwater level or built into the body of the dam. Subsection 3 covers workers working in sulfur recovery plants. The first subsection is general. It has no name or number and applies to employees of relevant professions and positions in power plants, power trains and steam power plants.

To resolve the issue of early pension provision for employees in accordance with this section, the power of power plants does not matter, as well as the fact whether the power plant is part of the district’s energy system or is a division of an industrial organization.

Pension benefits for boiler house workers, anti-corrosion workers, boiler operators

When the volume of heat consumption is insignificant, industrial boiler houses with a small number of boilers are used to supply heat to industrial organizations. Those working in such boiler houses enjoy the right to preferential pensions as employees of the steam power plant according to the list of professions and positions provided for in Section. XIII List No. 2.

Workers whose professions are provided for in this section have the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension, regardless of the structural divisions of power plants, power trains and steam power facilities. The structural limitation applies only to a certain category of managers and specialists.

For example, foremen and senior foremen of production areas acquire the right to early pension provision if they work in boiler houses, turbine (gas turbine) shops, dust preparation shops and fuel supply shops (subject to the use of solid fuel).


Section XIII of List No. 2 provides for energy production organizations, the largest of which are power plants, among which thermal ones are more common.

Thermal power plants (TPPs) differ in their energy purpose. There are thermal power plants that release one type of energy - electrical. Thermal power plants that supply both electrical and thermal energy are called combined heat and power plants (CHP). Industrial thermal power plants usually have local significance and are part of the structure of industrial organizations.

Thermal power plants used for heating and hot water supply of residential and public buildings in cities and towns are called communal (heating). There are also industrial heating CHP plants that supply energy to both industry and the population. Both industrial and heating power plants are an integral part of the energy system of the city (district). It should be kept in mind that to determine the eligibility of power plant employees for early retirement benefits, it does not matter what type of power plant they are.

Section XIII of List No. 2 provides for anti-corrosion agents. An early retirement pension in old age is assigned to them provided that they are employed in cleaning and coating containers. Sometimes there is a misconception that these workers must constantly, during a full working day, simultaneously perform the specified work. Meanwhile, work on cleaning the surfaces of containers and coating them is included in the tariff and qualification characteristics of this profession, therefore, depending on the specifics of production, such work can be performed by different workers who have the name of the profession “Anti-corrosion specialist”. Old-age labor pension is assigned early to anti-corrosion workers who perform only cleaning or only coating, or both, which in all cases must be confirmed by documents.

Section XIII of List No. 2 lists boiler operators. At machine-building enterprises there are workers who service hot water boilers. Can their profession be called “Boiler Operator” and can they enjoy the right to early retirement as boiler operators at power plants (steam power plants)?

The current legislation establishes early pension provision for boiler operators servicing boilers, through which the fulfillment of technological process production of thermal and electrical energy at power plants. The profession "Boiler operator" is provided for in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS; issue 9, section "Operation of equipment of power plants and networks, servicing energy consumers"). This profession is specific to enterprises in the electric power industry, therefore it is included in this issue of ETKS.

Maintenance of hot water boilers of other steam boilers is included in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “Boiler room operator (stoker)” (ETKS, issue 1), which in Sect. XIII List No. 2 is not provided. Workers in this profession may enjoy the right to early retirement benefits in accordance with Section. XXXIII List No. 2, if the boilers they serve operate on coal and oil shale.

Power plants can use coal and shale with varying percentages of free silica. If for the main category of power plant workers, when determining their right to early pension provision, the composition of solid fuel does not matter, then for other workers (mainly employed in loading operations), the specified pension is assigned provided that they work with coal and shale containing composition of free silicon dioxide from 5% and above. These workers include: loaders, car dumper operators, loading operators, excavator operators performing loading and unloading operations, as well as bulldozer operators and scraper operators when forming and rolling piles of coal and shale.

The right to early pensions for drivers of pumping and ventilation units, workers in the fuel supply area, and repairers of protective equipment

To determine whether operators of pumping units enjoy the right to early assignment of an old-age pension, you need to know that current legislation grants this right to those who are engaged in servicing feed pumps, which are usually installed in boiler-turbine shops to directly supply water to equipment these workshops.

Feed pumps are auxiliary boiler-turbine equipment designed to supply steam boilers with prepared water. Water is usually prepared in economizers (heat exchangers) by heating it with waste gases. Feed pumps are installed in rooms where steam boilers (boiler-turbine equipment) are located

Pumps that supply network water to hot water boilers should be distinguished from feed pumps. These are called network pumps. Workers servicing such pumps have the right to early pension provision in accordance with Section. XIII List No. 2 has not been established.

Operators of pumping units, who also service all other pumping units (water intakes, etc.), located in various workshops of power plants, do not enjoy the right to early pension provision.

The description of the work of the profession “Ventilation and aspiration unit operator”, which is provided in this section, along with work on servicing ventilation and aspiration installations, filters, cyclones, includes work on servicing smoke exhausters. The performance of all these works by these employees, including servicing smoke exhausters in boiler shops and departments, gives them the right to early pension provision, regardless of the structural divisions of power plants or steam power facilities they are employed in.

When considering early retirement for fuel delivery drivers, keep the following in mind. The fuel supply system itself is provided for in the structure of those power plants and steam power plants that operate on solid fuels: coal, peat, shale. Fuel supply operators of such farms, in accordance with ETKS (issue 9), perform work on servicing conveyors, fuel feeders, shakers, elevators, sandblasting units, augers, scrapers, exhausters and other fuel supply mechanisms.

Fuel supply operators acquire the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension, subject to the use of solid fuel.

Of the repair personnel, the right to early pension provision is enjoyed by those workers who are engaged in the repair and maintenance of boiler, turbine (steam and gas turbine) equipment, fuel supply equipment (provided they work on solid fuel) and dust preparation and the measuring and automation equipment that ensures its operation. These workers include mechanics, electricians and electricians of all types. In ETKS (issue 9) for workers engaged in the repair and maintenance of boiler equipment and dust preparation equipment (boilers, valves, gearboxes, fans, dust feeders, etc.), the profession “Fitter for repairing equipment of boiler rooms and preparation shops” is provided; for workers engaged in the repair and maintenance of fuel supply equipment (car dumpers, crushers, feeders, etc.) - “Fuel supply equipment repairman”; for workers engaged in the repair and maintenance of turbine equipment - “Fitter for the repair of steam and gas turbine equipment”, “Fitter for the repair of hydraulic turbine equipment” and “Fitter for the repair of reactor-turbine equipment, for workers engaged in the repair and maintenance of measuring instruments and automation (ammeters, voltmeters, sensors, flow meters, etc.) - “Electrical fitter for repair and maintenance of automation and measuring instruments of power plants.” This list cannot be exhaustive.

When considering the issue of early pension provision for workers in these professions, it does not matter in which structural units (shops, departments, areas) of power plants, steam power plants or power trains they are employed. The main condition for assigning them a pension according to List No. 2 is their employment in the repair and maintenance of the equipment specified in this section.

If this equipment is intended only for unloading coal and other solid fuels and is part of a transport section, then it cannot be classified as fuel supply equipment.

In accordance with the Standard Project of Labor Organization in Fuel and Transport Shops of a Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plant, developed by the USSR Ministry of Energy, the structure of the fuel and transport shop includes a transport section (for example, a railway section) and a fuel supply section (with a fuel warehouse).

If workers of the fuel supply section, in addition to supplying raw fuel to the bunker, perform work related to unloading incoming fuel, timely and uninterrupted preparation of it for transportation (crushing, removing foreign objects, etc.), then in this case car dumpers, crushing and milling machines, electric pushers, defrosting devices, carriage scales, reloading cranes, bulldozers (in the fuel warehouse), fuel rollers and other equipment and mechanisms, the repair and maintenance of which are provided for in the tariff and qualification characteristics (ETKS, issue 9) provided for The professions “Fuel Supply Operator” and “Fuel Supply Repair Fitter” relate to fuel supply equipment.

Repair and maintenance of relay protection and automation equipment (relays different types, rheostats, lamps, transformers, etc.) are included in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “Electrician for repair of relay protection and automation equipment.” These works do not give the right to early pension provision in accordance with Section. XIII of List No. 2. At the same time, such workers may acquire the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension if they are constantly engaged in the repair and maintenance of equipment listed in section. XIII List No. 2. This circumstance in each specific case must be confirmed by relevant documents issued by the administration of the enterprise (power plant).

Assignment of pensions before the established age for those working with measuring instruments and mechanics servicing heating networks

Measuring instruments are control and measuring instruments for generating a signal of measurement information in a form accessible to the observer. These include: pressure gauges, sensors, tachometers, various converters, etc. In accordance with the ETKS (issue 9), work on maintenance and repair of instrumentation at power plants is included in the characteristics of the work of the profession "Electrical fitter for the repair and maintenance of automation and equipment measurements of power plants".

Workers of this profession engaged in repair and maintenance control and measuring devices that ensure the operation of boiler, turbine (steam and gas turbine) equipment and fuel supply (solid fuel) and dust preparation equipment may enjoy the right to early pension provision according to List No. 2 (Section XIII).

Along with mechanics, electricians and electricians, crane operators (crane operators) can also take part in repair work. It should be remembered that only those who are engaged in the repair of boiler and turbine (gas turbine) equipment enjoy the right to early pension provision.

How can one establish the right to a pension in connection with special working conditions according to List No. 2 (Section XIII) for mechanics servicing heating networks?

By Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated 08/09/91 No. 591, Section XIII of List No. 2 was supplemented with the profession “Fitter for servicing heating networks.” Workers of this profession acquire the right to pension benefits provided that they are constantly engaged in servicing underground pipelines, chambers, channels to the points of demarcation with subscribers.

When determining the right of these workers to preferential pensions, it is necessary, on the basis of documents, to establish their permanent employment in the maintenance of underground pipelines, chambers and channels, which are equipment of underground heating networks. This circumstance can be confirmed by a passport for the heating pipeline. If in this document If it is indicated that the heat pipeline is pass-through, allowing it to be serviced in underground conditions, then it should be considered underground.

The second condition for providing pension benefits to workers of the specified profession, which also must be confirmed by documents, is the maintenance of underground pipelines, chambers and channels to the points of demarcation with subscribers. The heating network is serviced by several organizations, starting from the place of heat production and ending with its use directly by the subscriber. The section of the underground heating network from the heat producer to the point of demarcation with the subscriber is serviced, as a rule, by employees of the heating network organization or employees of other organizations licensed to service underground pipelines. The section of the heating network from the points of demarcation with the subscriber to the place of direct use of heat is serviced by employees of organizations that are heat consumers. It is possible to determine which organization services a particular section of the underground heating main based on the act of delimiting the balance sheet ownership of the heating network.

Taking into account the above, we can say that mechanics servicing heating networks engaged in servicing pipelines and other equipment of a heating network owned by a subscriber (heat consumer) do not enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 2 (Section XIII).

The issue of preferential pension provision for mechanics servicing underground heating networks is being considered in the same manner.

Early pensions provided to nuclear power plant engineers. Benefits for those working with liquid fuel equipment

Currently, nuclear power plants employ specialists holding the position of “Lead Nuclear Power Plant Turbine Control Engineer.” Can they be granted an old-age pension early?

Section XIII of List No. 2 provides for the position of “Nuclear Power Plant Turbine Control Engineer” with code 22460.

Granting employees of nuclear power plants the right to early assignment of an old-age pension in accordance with the specified section of List No. 2 is due to the fact that not in all cases, employees of turbine shops and other divisions of nuclear power plants engaged in the operation, repair and adjustment of turbine equipment related to technological equipment, may enjoy the right to early pension provision in accordance with Section. XXIV "Nuclear Energy and Industry" List No. 1. The main condition for the early assignment of an old-age pension under this section of List No. 1 is permanent employment in work in conditions of radiation hazard.

Depending on the type of turbine equipment, work on its operation, repair and adjustment can be carried out under conditions in which there is no radiation hazard. Under such circumstances, there is no basis for the early assignment of an old-age pension (under Section XXIV of List No. 1) to nuclear power plant employees engaged in these jobs. Such employees, including turbine control engineers at nuclear power plants, are granted the right to early pension provision in accordance with Section. XIII List No. 2.

Engineers for the control of turbines of nuclear power plants working in conditions of radiation hazard, as well as other workers employed in these conditions, are granted an old-age pension early in accordance with Section. XXIV List No. 1, since this section includes workers, managers and specialists without indicating the names of their professions and positions.

The use of modern turbine equipment at nuclear power plants requires highly qualified workers involved in its operation (management), in connection with which the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.03.97 No. 240 “On approval of the List of positions of employees of nuclear energy facilities who must obtain permits from the Federal services for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision for the right to the list of positions of employees of nuclear power facilities, instead of the position "Engineer for the control of turbines of nuclear power plants", the position of "Leading engineer (engineer) for the control of turbines of nuclear power plants" is included. Nature of work and working conditions of workers. at the same time, they have not changed, only the requirements for the functions they perform have increased. This List fully applies to employees of nuclear power plants, since in accordance with the Federal Law of November 21, 1995 No. 170-FZ “On the Use of Atomic Energy”, nuclear power plants are objects using nuclear energy.

IN in this case We are talking about one category of workers who, due to the nature of their work and working conditions, are established by current legislation with the right to early assignment of an old-age pension in accordance with Section. XIII List No. 2, when their work takes place under conditions not associated with radiation hazards. To determine the right to early pension provision in accordance with this section of List No. 2 of specialists whose position according to labor documents is listed as “Leading engineer (engineer) for the control of turbines of nuclear power plants” and who is employed in performing these works, it is necessary to establish the identity of these positions in in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2002 No. 516 “On approval of the Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation.”

Fuel supply operators, as well as mechanics, electricians and electricians who service and repair fuel supply equipment that runs on liquid or gaseous fuel, do not enjoy the right to early pension provision under this section of List No. 2.

Where liquid or gaseous fuel is used, it is supplied by pumps, the maintenance of which is the responsibility of pumping unit operators. Workplace Pumping unit operators are located directly at fuel oil pumping stations (farms). Maintenance of supply pumps located directly in production shops (boiler rooms, turbine rooms, etc.) is carried out by boiler operators and steam turbine operators. Operators of pumping units at power plants and steam power farms do not enjoy the right to early, preferential pension provision under this section (with the exception of those employed at feed pumps).

As a result of the introduction full automation fuel supply, working conditions have significantly improved and the nature of the work of workers involved in managing this process has changed. In accordance with the ETKS (issue 9), the profession of such workers is called “Automated fuel supply mechanic”. Workers in this profession do not have the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension.

Currently, at many thermal power plants, in order to improve the organization of work, fuel supply shops are combined with transport shops (fuel and transport). Such an association does not deprive fuel supply operators, as well as mechanics and electricians, of the right to early retirement benefits if they service fuel supply systems.

The right to pension benefits for a power unit driver, an employee of mobile power plants and boiler houses, and a thermal power plant specialist

At power unit power plants, each power unit has its own control panel. In connection with the emergence of such power plants, the profession “Power Unit Operator” was introduced into ETKS. For workers in this profession, an old-age pension is assigned according to List No. 2.

To provide remote areas with electricity, as well as hot water and steam, mobile power stations and mobile boiler houses are used. If no difficulties arise when resolving issues of preferential pension provision for workers of mobile power plants (energy trains), then when determining the right to early assignment of an old-age pension for workers servicing boilers of mobile boiler houses, there may be certain difficulties, primarily related to the name of the profession of these workers .

Mobile boiler houses are equipped with boiler cars and auxiliary equipment cars. These boiler houses can operate on solid fuel, liquid or gaseous fuel. If the nature of the workers’ work and the parameters of the boilers they service correspond to the tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “Boiler Operator,” then the worker is assigned this profession. The pension for a boiler operator is assigned according to List No. 2, regardless of what fuel the boilers they service operate on.

Workers servicing boilers of mobile boiler houses, who, by the nature of their work, are assigned the profession of “Boiler House Operator”, do not have the right to early assignment of an old-age pension. Boiler room operators (stokers) who service the boilers of mobile boiler houses operating on coal and oil shale are assigned a pension according to List No. 2 (Section XXXIII).

The enterprise includes a thermal power plant as a workshop. How is the issue of pension provision for managers and specialists of such a thermal power plant (chief of the thermal power plant, his deputies, shift supervisors, foreman of the thermal power plant) resolved?

It should be kept in mind that to determine the eligibility of power plant employees for early retirement benefits, it does not matter what type of power plant they are. Therefore, employees of thermal power plants can enjoy the right to early assignment of an old-age pension in accordance with List No. 2 of the List of professions and positions listed in section. XIII "Power stations, power trains, steam power facilities."

The issue of early pension provision for managers and specialists (supervisors and production foremen) of power plants, including thermal ones, is being resolved ambiguously. They are granted the right to early assignment of an old-age retirement pension depending on which power plant shops they work in. Thus, the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension according to List No. 2 is enjoyed by shift supervisors of boiler houses, turbine (steam and gas turbine), boiler-turbine, dust preparation shops, fuel supply shops, subject to the use of solid fuel, as well as heads of boiler shops and their deputies. Production foremen acquire the right to pension benefits if they supervise work at sites in boiler houses, turbine (gas turbine) shops, dust preparation shops, as well as in fuel supply shops, subject to the use of solid fuel.

Among the repair foremen of thermal power plants, including those who do not have a shop division, the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension is enjoyed by foremen and senior foremen for the repair of equipment (boiler, turbine (steam and gas turbine) and dust preparation) at the places of its installation, as well as fuel supply equipment in the places of its installation, subject to the use of solid fuel.

As for production foremen of thermal power plants (in addition to those mentioned above), as well as chiefs of thermal power plants, shift supervisors of thermal power plants who do not have a shop division, they do not acquire the right to early pension provision established in accordance with Section. XIII List No. 2.

Pension benefits for repairmen of thermal power facilities, dust and gas collection equipment, and electrical machines

Can they exercise the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Section. XIII of List No. 2, repairmen and electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment in the thermal power shop of a metallurgical plant, engaged in the repair and maintenance of gas cleaning equipment for dust and gas collection installations in the open-hearth shop of a steelmaking plant?

In accordance with section. XIII "Power plants, power trains, steam power facilities" of List No. 2, the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension is enjoyed by mechanics, electricians, electricians of all types engaged in the maintenance and repair of boiler, turbine (steam and gas turbine) equipment, dust preparation equipment, fuel supply and the means that ensure its operation measurements and automation.

The equipment listed above is intended to ensure the operation of power plants or steam power plants of enterprises (organizations).

Dust and gas collection equipment (installations) of metallurgical production are not equipment of power plants or steam power facilities specified in the List, therefore, workers engaged in the repair and maintenance of this equipment installed in the open-hearth shops of metallurgical enterprises are entitled to early pension provision in accordance with Section. XIII List No. 2 is not used.

The issue of early assignment of old-age pensions to employees of metallurgical enterprises engaged in the repair and maintenance of dust and gas collection installations in thermal shops of steelmaking, as well as to employees involved in the operation of these installations, is considered in accordance with subsection. Section 2 III "Metallurgical production (ferrous metals)" of List No. 2. Thus, this subsection provides for operators of dust and gas collection installations, as well as mechanics and electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, to whom an old-age pension is assigned early, regardless of what equipment of these They repair and maintain workshops.

Taking into account the foregoing, repairmen and electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment engaged in the repair and maintenance of gas cleaning equipment for dust and gas collection units in the open-hearth shops of steel production at metallurgical plants can enjoy the right to early pension provision in accordance with subsection. Section 2 III of List No. 2. It does not matter that these workers are included in the payroll of the thermal power shop.

According to current legislation, the right to preferential pension provision in accordance with position 2140000-18455 section. XIII of List No. 2 is used by mechanics, electricians, electricians of all types engaged in the maintenance and repair of boiler, turbine (steam and gas turbine) equipment, dust preparation equipment, as well as fuel supply equipment, subject to the use of solid fuel and the measuring and automation equipment that ensures its operation.

When determining the right to pension benefits of the specified repairmen, the name of their profession does not matter, but in each specific case, on the basis of documents, it should be established what equipment they service or repair.

Thus, boiler equipment and dust preparation equipment include: air heaters, smoke exhausters; fans; gate valves, valves and boiler manifolds; economizer coils; dust feeders; pipes; ball and shaft mills, etc.

Fuel supply equipment includes: car dumpers; coal feeders; crane trolleys; crushers; electric hoists; crane beams; hoists, etc.

Steam and gas turbine equipment includes: turbogenerators and their parts; heaters; turbine blades; dearators; oil coolers; gas turbines; heat exchangers, filters and other equipment.

A detailed list of the specified equipment is contained in the ETKS (issue 9) in the tariff and qualification characteristics for the professions “Fitter for repairing equipment of boiler rooms and dust preparation shops”, “Fitter for repairing fuel supply equipment” and “Fitter for repairing steam and gas turbine equipment”.

The equipment listed above is installed in the relevant workshops of power plants and, due to technological features, it is usually repaired at the places where it is installed. In this regard, repairmen are in the same conditions as the main workers of these workshops.

As for electricians who repair electrical machines, they have a different nature of work compared to the repairmen mentioned above. Firstly, electrical machines (rotors, collectors of electrical machines, stators of turbogenerators, ballasts, electric precipitators, etc.) are not the equipment specified in the position of section. XIII List No. 2.

Secondly, some operations for repairing electric machines are carried out not in the main workshops of power plants, but in more favorable conditions in specialized workshops.

The right to early retirement for workers of diesel power plants, insulators, and flaw detectors

Can they exercise the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Section. XIII "Power plants, power trains and steam power facilities" List No. 2 workers of diesel power plants?

A diesel power plant is a power plant equipped with one or more generators electric current driven by a diesel engine (internal combustion engine). This equipment is serviced by workers by profession "Internal combustion engine operator"

Workers of diesel power plants servicing internal combustion engines, including generators for generating electrical energy, in section. XIII of List No. 2 are not provided for and the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension is not used.

At the same time, the period of work of drivers, senior drivers and assistant drivers of steam turbines and internal combustion engines of stationary power plants with a capacity of over 500 kW and power trains (mobile power plants mounted in railway cars) at industrial enterprises, construction and transport until January 1, 1992 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2003 No. 239 "On amendments to paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2002 No. 537" can be counted towards the length of service giving the right to early assignment of an old-age pension according to List No. 2 .

In accordance with current legislation, the right to early pension provision under Section. XXVII List No. 2 applies not only to workers (according to the list of professions and positions provided for in this section) engaged in the restoration, reconstruction, construction, re-equipment of buildings, structures and other facilities, but also to workers who perform repair work on these facilities and equipment. At the same time, the legislation does not provide for which employees of which organizations acquire the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension under Section. XXVII List No. 2.

Thus, insulators for thermal insulation of Teploenergotsentral organizations, performing work provided for this profession in the ETKS (issue 03), when carrying out work on the repair of energy, hot water boilers, pipelines and other equipment of Teploenergotsentral organizations, can enjoy the right to early appointment old-age labor pension in accordance with section. XXVII List No. 2.

At power plants, together with electric mechanics and electricians who enjoy the right to early assignment of an old-age pension, flaw detectors work on ultrasonic and magnetic testing of parts and products. How is the issue of their pension provision resolved?

According to current legislation, the right of employees to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with subclause. 1 and 2 paragraphs 1 art. 27 of the Law on Labor Pensions is determined depending on the profession (position) or work they are employed in.

The list of professions (positions) and works, taking into account which the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension is granted in accordance with this law, is contained in Lists No. 1 and 2, which are applied in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2002 No. 537.

Work on inspection (examination) of parts and products using flaw detectors is provided for in List No. 1 (section XXII, subsection 5 "Other work", item 12205000-1754a). However, the right to early assignment of an old-age pension in accordance with this position is acquired by workers (regardless of the name of the profession and position) who are constantly and directly employed in portable radioisotope flaw detection (gamma flaw detection) installations for the X-ray examination of materials and products in industry and construction. The working conditions of these workers are characterized by exposure to ionizing radiation from radioisotope sources on the human body.

Workers inspecting (examining) materials and parts at magnetic and ultrasonic testing installations are not exposed to ionizing radiation, therefore they are not included in List No. 1 (Section XXII). Magnetic testing flaw detectors and ultrasonic testing flaw detectors, including those working at power plants, are assigned an old-age pension on a general basis.

Early pensions for thermal power grid workers

Do they enjoy the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension under Section. XIII List No. 2 fire retardants working in Teploelektroseti organizations?

In accordance with current legislation, the right to early pension provision under Section. XIII List No. 2 is used by workers of power plants, power trains that produce electrical energy, as well as workers of steam power facilities, which is a system of equipment that produces steam and hot water for production and other purposes.

Heat networks are a system of pipelines (heat pipelines) for centralized heating, through which heat is transferred by hot water or steam from the source to consumers. Thermal power plants (TPPs) that generate electrical energy should be distinguished from heating networks

Electrical networks consist of electrical lines, substations, distribution and switching points connecting power plants with consumers of electrical energy. Electric networks, like heating networks, do not generate electrical (thermal) energy, therefore there are no grounds for granting the right to early assignment of an old-age pension (in accordance with Section XIII of List No. 2) to employees of organizations providing the transfer of electrical energy and heat to consumers. available.

At the same time, if Teploelektroseti organizations, along with their main functions, generate heat, then in this case, workers engaged in these works, including fire workers, can enjoy the right to early assignment of an old-age pension according to the list of professions and positions provided for in Sect. XIII List No. 2, as steam power workers.

Early pension provision for workers of power plants, power trains, steam power facilities Section XIII of List No. 2 Features of the early assignment of old-age labor pensions to workers of power plants, power trains, steam power facilities.

Early pension provision for employees of power plants, power trains and steam power facilities is provided according to the list of professions and positions provided for in Section XIII “Power plants, power trains, steam power facilities” of List No. 2 of production, work, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to preferential pension provision, approved . by resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10 (hereinafter referred to as List No. 2). A power plant is a set of installations and equipment used to produce electrical energy, as well as the necessary buildings and structures located in a certain area. Depending on the energy source, there are:

Thermal power plants;
. hydroelectric stations;
. wind power stations;
. magnetohydrodynamic generators;
. nuclear power plants.

It should be kept in mind that the type of power plant does not matter in determining the eligibility of power plant workers for early retirement benefits.

An energy train is a mobile power plant mounted in a railway car and providing power supply to consumers remote from power systems. Energy trains can be significant in power and consist of various workshops.

Steam power facilities are a set of installations and equipment (steam boilers, steam generators, steam engines, etc.) used to produce mainly hot water and steam. Steam is used in various technological and energy processes, including for heating and water supply of residential, public and other non-industrial buildings and structures in cities and towns.

To resolve the issue of early pension provision for workers in accordance with Section XIII of List No. 2, the power of power plants also does not matter.

Workers whose professions are provided for in this section have the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension, regardless of the structural unit of the power plant, power train and steam power plant in which they work. The structural limitation applies only to a certain category of managers and specialists.

When the volume of heat consumption is insignificant, industrial boiler houses with a small number of boilers are used to supply heat to industrial organizations. Employees of such boiler houses enjoy the right to preferential pensions as employees of steam power plants according to the list of professions and positions provided for in Section XIII of List No. 2.

This section provides anti-corrosion agents. An early retirement pension in old age is assigned to such workers, provided that they are engaged in cleaning and coating surfaces in containers. It is sometimes mistakenly believed that these workers must perform the specified jobs simultaneously for a full day at a time. Work on cleaning the surfaces of containers and coating them is included in the tariff and qualification characteristics of this profession, therefore, depending on the specifics of production, they can be performed by different workers, whose profession is called “Anti-corrosion worker”. An old-age labor pension is assigned to anti-corrosion workers early if they perform only cleaning or only coating of containers, or both, which in all cases must be confirmed by documents.