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Dropbox (Dropbox) - cloud file storage. Save files from Dropbox Dropbox how to download files

This article describes error messages related to file syncing in Dropbox. These errors may appear in the Dropbox folder on your computer, as well as over the Dropbox icon in . Select the appropriate error from the list below to find out what to do next.

Before you start, please note:

  • This article discusses individual errors and how to resolve them. If your bug is not listed, check out our .
  • If the Dropbox app doesn't open, it says you have outdated version, or throws an "OperationalError" or "BrokenTempDirError" error, the problem may be .
  • Dropbox works best when it's the only app accessing the Dropbox folder. Using multiple Dropbox apps on the same computer or other sync apps that interact with Dropbox is not supported.

Sections in this article:

"File in use"

Dropbox cannot sync files that are "locked" (or in use) by other programs. When Dropbox skips such a file during sync, a notification appears in the Dropbox menu (in ) that the file is in use.

Programs lock files to avoid conflicts that may arise when using files from multiple locations at the same time. For example, Microsoft programs Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) usually blocks files that are open in them.

  • How to fix this problem: When you're done with the file, save it and close the program you were working with it in. Dropbox will then sync the file immediately.

"Dropbox can't install the update so sync will stop soon"

If the DropboxUpdate.exe process is disabled, you'll see the error message "Dropbox can't install the update, so syncing will stop soon."

The DropboxUpdate.exe process is a helper process that checks for new versions of Dropbox. In addition, it starts when you install Dropbox and turns on every hour after it completes. If a new version is found, this process updates automatically.

It must be running on every computer that has Dropbox installed. If you want to use Dropbox on your computer, don't disable this process.

Dropbox needs internet access. If the DropboxUpdate.exe helper process doesn't have access to our servers to check for updates, Dropbox will stop syncing files and you'll see the message "Dropbox can't install the update, so syncing will stop soon". This error can be fixed in three different ways:

  • How to fix this problem: if you have made changes to your firewall or antivirus program To keep the Dropbox program running, try making the same changes to the DropboxUpdate.exe process.
  • How to fix this problem: Download and install the program again (your Dropbox will be updated to the latest version, and folders and files will not be affected in any way).
  • How to fix this problem: Make sure that the DropboxUpdate.exe process has the necessary Internet access for updates.
    • Depending on the configurations, sometimes it is necessary to add the DropboxUpdate.exe process to the list of exceptions that can block its actions
    • If you are using a corporate or working network, for this you will need to contact your IT administrator.

"Access denied" and "Access error" errors

While using the desktop app, you may encounter "Access Denied" and "Access Error" errors if Dropbox was unable to sync some files.

Permissions determine which users (or programs) can access files on your hard drive. If Dropbox doesn't have file permissions, it won't be able to sync them.

Use the menu below to view instructions on how to troubleshoot file permission issues on your specific operating system. If your device is managed system administrator, ask him to follow the instructions below.

  1. Click the Dropbox icon in the notification area.
  2. Sign out of Dropbox.
  3. Press the keys at the same time Windows + R.
  4. Dial cmd and press the key Input, to open command line.
  5. Copy and paste the following commands, one at a time, into the command prompt. Click Input after each command.
    • If your Dropbox folder is not located in C:\Users\YourUserName\Dropbox, please change the first command to display the correct address. For example, if your Dropbox folder is located in the D:\Dropbox directory, the command should look like this: icacls "D:\Dropbox" /grant "%USERNAME%":(F) /T
    • The rest of the commands will remain the same regardless of the location of the Dropbox folder.
    • Depending on the size of your Dropbox folder, this process may take some time. Wait until the C:\ prompt appears again after each command is executed. icacls "%HOMEPATH%\Dropbox" /grant "%USERNAME%":(F) /T icacls "%APPDATA%\Dropbox" /grant "%USERNAME%":(F) /T
  1. Click Start, select All programs.
  2. Select dropbox.
  1. Click on the Dropbox icon in the menu bar.
  2. Click on the gear icon and select an item Sign out of Dropbox.
  3. Launch Terminal (See /Programs/Utilities/Terminal).
  4. Copy and paste the following commands one at a time into the Terminal. Click Input after each command.
    • When you enter the first command, you will be asked to provide the password for this computer (not the Dropbox password). Please note: when you enter a password, the corresponding field of the Terminal remains empty. After entering the password, press the enter key.
    • Please note that we are assuming that you have not moved your Dropbox folder. If you've changed the location of your Dropbox folder, change all mentions ~/Dropbox /Volumes/OtherPlace/Dropbox, you need to replace ~/Dropbox in the commands below /Volumes/OtherPlace/Dropbox.
    • When you see the Terminal prompt again, this means that the current command has been completed and you can move on to the next one. If individual commands return an error or don't complete within an hour, try restarting your computer and running them again.
    sudo chflags -R nouchg ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox ~/.dropbox-master sudo chown "$USER" "$HOME" sudo chown -R "$USER" ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox sudo chmod -RN ~/. dropbox ~/Dropbox chmod -R u+rw ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox
  1. Restart the Dropbox app by double-clicking the Dropbox icon in the Applications folder.
  1. Right-click the Dropbox icon in the menu bar and select Go out.
  2. Open Terminal and paste the following commands there:
    • Please note that we are assuming that you have not moved your Dropbox folder. If you've changed the location of your Dropbox folder, change all mentions ~/Dropbox in commands to the full path to the Dropbox folder. For example, if you moved the Dropbox folder to the directory /Volumes/OtherPlace/Dropbox, you need to replace ~/Dropbox in the commands below with /Volumes/OtherPlace/Dropbox.
    • When you see the Terminal prompt again, this means that the current command has been completed and you can move on to the next one. If individual commands return an error or don't complete within an hour, try restarting your computer and running them again. sudo chown "$USER" "$HOME" sudo chown -R "$USER" ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox sudo chattr -R -i ~/Dropbox sudo chmod -R u+rw ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox
  1. Internet In chapter Applications.

"Permission Denied" or "Rejected by Server"

If you see a "Permission Denied" or "Rejected by Server" message, first try logging out of your account in the Dropbox desktop app and then logging back in. If that doesn't help, your settings may be protected or inaccessible due to lack of permissions. In this case, you can delete the settings using the administrator account.

Use the menu below to view instructions for your specific operating system.

  1. Log out. To do this, click on dropbox icon gear icon and select from the menu Sign out of Dropbox.
  2. Press at the same time Windows Key + R, then type cmd and press the key Enter. This will open a command prompt window.
  3. Copy and paste the following commands into the command prompt (one at a time); inserting the next command, each time press enter key. Please do not type these commands manually, but copy and paste them. If they are typed in error, it can damage the system. They can also be inserted as follows: hover over the desired location, right-click and select Insert. icacls "%HOMEPATH%\Dropbox" /grant "%USERNAME%":(F) /T icacls "%APPDATA%\Dropbox" /grant "%USERNAME%":(F) /T icacls "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Dropbox" /grant "%USERNAME%":F /T icacls "%PROGRAMFILES%\Dropbox" /grant "%USERNAME%":F /T
  4. If your Dropbox folder is in the wrong location C:\Users\YourUserName\Dropbox, please change the first command to display the correct address. For example, if your Dropbox folder is located at D:\Dropbox, the command should look like this: icacls "D:\Dropbox" /grant "%USERNAME%":(F) /T
  5. The rest of the commands do not need to be changed. Please note that depending on the size of your Dropbox account, this process may take some time. Wait until C:\ appears again.
  6. Restart Dropbox. To do this, click Start, select All programs, and then dropbox.

Note: if you don't see dropboxin the All Programs section, you can restart the Dropbox program by typing %APPDATA%\Dropbox in the Windows Explorer and double clicking onDropbox.exe.

  1. Sign out of Dropbox. To do this, click on dropbox icon in the notification area, then click on gear icon and select from the menu Sign out of Dropbox.
  2. Launch Terminal (See Programs/Utilities/Terminal).
  3. Copy and paste the following commands into the terminal (one at a time); inserting the next command, each time press enter key.
    • Do not type commands manually.
    • When you enter the command, you will be asked to provide the password for this computer (not the Dropbox password). Remember: when you enter a password, the corresponding field of the terminal remains empty. After entering the password, press enter key.
    • note: We're assuming you haven't moved your Dropbox folder. If you changed the location of the Dropbox folder, change all references to ~/Dropbox in commands to the full path to the Dropbox folder in quotes. For example, if you moved the Dropbox folder to the directory /Volumes/DifferentPlace/Dropbox, you need to replace ~/Dropbox in the commands below "/Volumes/DifferentPlace/Dropbox". sudo chflags -R nouchg ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox sudo chown "$USER" "$HOME" sudo chown -R "$USER" ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox sudo chmod -RN ~/.dropbox ~/Dropbox chmod - R u+rw ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox
  4. Launch the Dropbox app. It is in the folder Programs.
  1. Close the Dropbox app by hovering over the icon in the menu bar, right-clicking and selecting Go out.
  2. In the terminal window that opens, paste the following line: sudo chown "$USER" "$HOME" sudo chown -R "$USER" ~/Dropbox ~/.dropbox sudo chattr -R -i ~/Dropbox sudo chmod -R u+rw ~ /Dropbox ~/.dropbox
  3. If your Dropbox folder is in the wrong location ~/Dropbox, correct all of the above commands so that the address is correct.
  4. Restart Dropbox via the menu Internet In chapter Applications.

Dropbox has recently been updated to version 1.4.20

The developers of the cloud service for data synchronization Dropbox have released new version programs. The updated program version 1.4.20 corrected some shortcomings and omissions, in particular, the lack of an icon in the operating Windows system 8 and Ubuntu 12, as well as a few other minor bugs.

Download latest version programs you can . But the main feature of this update is support for selective file synchronization (Selective Sync). You can also now get public links to files and folders from other directories as well. The main updates of this program:

1. You can now selectively synchronize files and folders.
2. A new mechanism for assigning public access by files to dads.
3. Reduced memory consumption and increased program performance.
4. Stop and cancel synchronization.
5. Updated program settings menu.
6. Correction of errors of old versions.

AdditionSelective Sync

Dropbox's "Selective Sync" feature allows you to customize the folders that you want to sync with your computers. You can find the function settings in context menu under Preferences/Advanced/Selective Sync. Here you can select the folders that will be downloaded to your computer and synchronized.

New mechanism for making files and folders public

Another method for converting folders to public is the option in the context menu "Get Shareable Link". In older versions of the program, you could make any folder publicly available to other users, or you could place a file in the "Public" directory and take a public link to it, by which it would become available to any user. But the second method was tied to only one directory and, using it, it was possible to get links to specific files, and not to all. New way allows you to get a public link to any of your Dropbox folders.

You can now get a link that, when opened, will allow anyone to read the contents of the shared folder in the Dropbox web interface. You can undo this action through the menu in your Dropbox account under "Sharing/Linked Items". The ease of use of Dropbox is the key to its popularity and millions of users. When working with this service on its website or in a computer, you do not need to worry about almost anything. Neither about its settings, nor about whether it's time to update it - everything is done in the background, and you only receive notifications about this or that action. Dropbox has clients for Windows, Linux, MAC, and can also be used to work with files on mobile devices - iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry.

Save traffic with

Dropbox developers have made every effort to reduce the amount of information transferred. Using the Dropbox app can increase traffic, especially if the amount of files you sync is large. How does this happen? If changes are made to a file, Dropbox will only transfer the portion of the file that has changed. And this already saves your traffic and increases the transmission speed. New Feature LAN Sync will greatly speed up the synchronization of files and folders between your computers. As I said, Dropbox just copies these files by local network. That is, even if you have a very slow Internet connection, you can still quickly update all the files in your Dropbox folder.

In the program settings, you can define the maximum speed of downloading files or the speed of downloading them. This can be done in the program settings, in the “Bandwidth” item.

Non-standard use of Dropbox

During the existence of the service, many ways of using it have been invented: from hosting sites to synchronizing Skype, QIP and other email clients. To get this result, you need to specify in the settings of these programs that the message history will be stored in a folder that will be located in your main Dropbox folder. This must be done when installing programs. That is, if you want to synchronize already installed Skype, ICQ and other email clients, then just reinstall them by changing the path to the specified folder. Also your Dropbox will work great as an addition to security system A PC that can be organized using your webcam and a program that will save pictures from the camera when motion is detected in the frame. If you specify the “Dropbox” folder as the folder for saving screenshots, then you can remotely view the pictures taken by the webcam and make some decisions about it.

Dropbox - Free Hosting with DropPages App

I have already talked about different ways of using the DropBox service, mentioned non-standard ways of using this service. Therefore, next we will look at how Dropbox hosting is used for simple sites. This can be done using the DropPages app. Sign in to http://droppages.com/ using your Dropbox account.

The DropPages service was created recently, and the essence of its work is that with its help you can get a site at your site name.droppages.com, and the files of your new site will be on the Dropbox service and, accordingly, in your folder on your computer.

It's easy to do. You must have a Dropbox account and have the Dropbox app installed on your PC. Next, go to the Dropbox folder and create a new folder in it with the name of your site "site_name.droppages.com":

Then you need to make the folder public (right-click on the folder “Dropbox -> Share This Folder…”) with the server [email protected]

After a while you will receive a confirmation to your mail. After the letter, you can go to the address of your site and start working with it. That's all the work. How it works? It was always possible to create an html file on Dropbox, make it public and get your page. Your new site can be conditionally divided into folders "Content", "Public" and "Templates".

The “Content” folder contains the content of the site in .txt files. In the "Public" folder are css and js files. The "Templates" folder stores the html templates for your pages. On the server at http://droppages.com/themes, there are several ready-made templates that are ready to use. At the moment there are three of them.

Upgrading your site account will allow you to sync up to 1 GB of data and create sites with any domain name. Once the update is complete (this may take a few minutes), you can start working on the site or sites. Also at [email protected] you can contact the technical support of this service. Thus, all files of your site will be in the site folder on your computer, which will be synchronized with Dropbox. That is, your backups will always be available to you at any time. See how much easier it has become for you to manage the site - you do not need to log into your FTP account, there is no need for a login and password, and working with the site is almost always in your mind. Here is an example of the simplest index.html file that you can create in one minute to test the site.

Efficient use of the DropBox cloud service

DropBox, in addition to its main purpose - storing files, has many more additional tools that make it much more efficient and easier to use. And this despite the fact that the ease of use is preserved. Therefore, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the materials in this series of articles - there will be a lot of interesting things, but for now, let's look at a few features of DropBox first, and you will find out what other uses this service has. To store files on the network is the most convenient, in my opinion, and modern solution.

DropBox File Hosting

As soon as you upload any file to the "Dropbox" folder on your PC, it is automatically placed in your account on the service. A novice user in a free account is determined to use the volume virtual disk in 2 GB. By default, all information is transferred to your personal storage, and only you can reassign the path of their storage - to other folders that you need. Or in the folders that are automatically created along with the "DropBox" - these are the "Photos" and "Public" folders. You can enter your "chest" from any computer or mobile device on the site, or if the program of the same name is installed on it. Using your web interface, you can rename and move files, you can create new and change old folders, delete temporarily, restore deleted files and delete them permanently. You can download your files one by one or in folders. Folders will be downloaded as zip archives. All changes you make will be reflected in the Dropbox folder on all your mobile devices and computers, accompanied by text tray notifications.

DropBox file sharing

If you have organized a public folder and sent invitations to friends and acquaintances, then they have access to this folder and can share files. The link to publish the file is in the context menu. To get it, right-click on the file and select "Share this folder ...". Please note that the link is direct, so another user of this public folder can not only download the file from this link, but also open it in their browser. For those users who do not have their own file hosting and use file exchange services, this is a good find. The service updates all files in the shared folder with invited participants in real time, while it saves all intermediate versions of files and remembers when changes were made to them and by whom. Users of the shared folder also have the ability to add comments right in the process of work - all notifications about them will be delivered to the mail. Of course, the membership can be changed by the group administrator - the user who created the public folder.

DropBox - transfer large files

I experienced this problem myself - if the file is more than 1-1.5 gigabytes, then any, even a free file sharing service, has problems sending it. It even happens that after an hour of waiting, the download is simply reset. I don’t have such problems with Dropbox - even backup files weighing 8-10 GB are transferred to me in just 15-20 minutes, and in the background, that is, your download does not interfere with you. After a complete download, you will receive a tray message, and your new file in the "" folder, instead of a blue icon, it will receive a green checkmark. Now you can get a share link for this file in the public folder.

DropBox - Backup & Sync Files

Not taking the opportunity to connect your computers into a single network using Dropbox means ignoring all the possibilities of the service. After all, this is the whole point - you can work with the same files on all your combined computers or mobile applications, and you do not need to suffer with file transfers by other, less effective ways. The Dropbox client controls all the changes made in the local Dropbox folders of your PCs, mobile phones, and on the server at the same time. As soon as a file is updated on one device, the same files are immediately updated on all your other computers. When you make changes to part of a file, only the changed parts of the file are transferred, not the entire file, so the transfer of information is very fast. The program works with files in the background, and when synchronization ends, the file or folder is marked with a special checkmark in a green circle. By hovering the cursor over the Dropbox icon in the tray, you can see what is currently happening in the program - whether the files are being synchronized.

Recovering deleted files

All deleted files in Dropbox end up in the trash. They can be restored from the basket within a month. This condition is met for a free account. For paid users, the time of using the basket is not limited. Also, any files can be deleted permanently. In the menu item "Events" on the service, you can view the entire history of changes - when they were made. This feature also works for every 30 day change. Can be refunded at any time early version file. And one more good opportunity - there is a function of subscribing to account news via RSS. This is very useful, as Dropbox often surprises you with some free features and add-ons.

DropBox media for your websites

Many users, especially bloggers and website owners, have problems uploading mp3 files so that users can listen to them online. And, by the way, by placing an audio player in swf format on your hosting in Dropbox and having direct links to audio files at your disposal, you can make listening reliable, without brakes and interruptions.

Virtual USB Drive and Dropbox

All information, all data, all programs and applications that can be launched from a USB drive (flash drive) can also be launched from Dropbox. We all use DropBox in different ways - some use DropBox to store information and publish it on websites and forums. You can use DropBox in this way - save the settings and configuration of programs, in particular, your browsers, in order to be able to synchronize settings between PC and mobile devices. Also a good use is to download torrents remotely. For example, install the Dropbox program on your computers, share the folder and configure the program to automatically download files from this folder. Now you just need to save the torrent file to a public folder, and it will immediately start downloading. This method will save you a lot of time. There are also third-party apps like Airdropper that can enhance the Dropbox experience.

From the site site, you can download the contents of the entire folder if both of the following statements are true:

  • The total folder size is less than 20 GB
  • A folder contains no more than 10,000 files

To download the entire folder directly from the website site:

  1. to site site.
  2. Find the folder you want to download.
  3. Click the icon (ellipsis) to the right of the folder name.
  4. Click Download.

Your browser will download the folder as a single zipped file (in ZIP format). You can find this file in ZIP format in the folder where your browser usually downloads data (this is indicated in its settings). The file will be named the same as the folder itself, only at the end it will add .zip.

To access the contents of a ZIP file, open it and unzip it.

Most operating systems are able to unzip ZIP files without requiring the installation of an additional software. But if suddenly you cannot open the file, you can find an archiver program on the Internet.

Please note: if you have Mac computer, and you downloaded a ZIP file larger than 4 GB, the macOS Archive Utility may not be able to decompress the contents of the ZIP file. If this happens, you will need to use another program or Terminal to extract the contents.

What should I do if I see an Open button instead of a Download button?

If you see a button Open instead of a button Download, it means that the folder is already synced with your Dropbox folder on your computer. Click the button Open to open this folder on your computer.

Dropbox is a great service that allows you to store your data in a safe place, sync it between your devices and be able to access it from anywhere and from any computer. Dropbox is just like a regular folder on your computer, with one magical exception - any file you put in Dropbox is automatically sent to the cloud for greater security.

So, once you start using Dropbox, you get the following perks:

  • The files in the Dropbox folder have backup and stored in a safe place
  • You can work with these files from any computer or smartphone
  • You can easily share these files with other people

So how do you use Dropbox?

Dropbox basics

Save files to Dropbox

Let's start with how to save files in Dropbox.

Add current data to Dropbox

But what to do with existing documents, photos, music? In general, with everything that is dear to you. You can use Dropbox for all files, not just new ones.

Everything old can also be transferred to Dropbox and stored there. How to do it? Very simple. You can drag and drop any files into your Dropbox folder and they will be safe and accessible from any device.

And if you don't like dragging and dropping files, then right-click on the file, select Copy, then go to the Dropbox folder, right-click there again, and click Paste.

Dropbox takes care of syncing and storing your data. While the files are being uploaded to the server, you can continue to use your computer as you please. All processes take place in the background. As soon as you see a green checkmark next to the files you put in Dropbox, you can be sure that your files are backed up and accessible from any of your devices.

Access files stored in Dropbox

To use the data you store in Dropbox, simply click on the Dropbox icon on your desktop or the Dropbox icon in your system tray (lower right next to the clock).

When you click on the icon, your Dropbox folder will open and you can work with files just like you would with files in a regular folder on your computer.

Access your files from any computer with Dropbox

If you have to work on someone else's computer, you can work with any of your data that is stored in Dropbox. Head to Dropbox.com and sign in with your details. You will see the contents of your dropbox folder and you can get started!

Share your data with other users

If you right-click on any folder inside your Dropbox folder, you'll see Dropbox in the drop-down menu, and inside that, Shared. Enter the emails of the people you want to give access to this folder. Once they accept your invitation, they can work with the data in this folder just like they would with their own. This Dropbox option is useful for collaborating on documents, sharing photos, and more.

Use Dropbox but don't forget that only 2GB of free space is provided to you for free. You can get an extra place both for money and by performing various actions, for example, inviting friends.

Now you know the basics of how to use Dropbox. But there are many more cool things you can do with Dropbox. Below we provide links to articles on other ways to use Dropbox. And below you will learn how to use Dropbox on your mobile phone.

Let's now see how to use Dropbox on your iPhone. To get started, download and install the app from the Apple Store as usual. To find the application, just search for Dropbox, it will be difficult to make a mistake, I think. After that, click on the icon to launch the application.

This is the Dropbox welcome screen. If you already have an account, select the appropriate option.

The picture shows the My Dropbox screen where you can see all your folders and files. Click on any file to view it.

For example, you can view pdf like in this example. Navigation is carried out as usual. Now let's try uploading a new file to Dropbox. To go back to the main menu, click "My Dropbox".

Click on the camera image below. This will allow you to upload a new photo to your account.

You can either take a new photo or video and immediately upload it to Dropbox, or use the ones you already have on your phone. We are using the second option, so click Existing Photo or Video.

You go to your usual photo album. Select and click on the picture you want to save to Dropbox.

The photo will start uploading immediately. Once the process is complete, you can access the photos from the My Dropbox screen. In addition, it is now available from your online account and from your computer.

It is very important when the files that you store on your personal computer would also be duplicated, up to date, somewhere on a third-party data store. There are expensive offline devices that connect via a computer network (NAS storage) or external drives. However, you always want something free and reliable. And very important, you can call the condition of the possibility of access to these files from anywhere in the world. From here, of course, follows the decision to use some kind of cloud storage service.

Perhaps, dropbox service is one of the most popular cloud storage and file sharing services for ordinary Internet users. Naturally, there are other similar services, but Dropbox has been around for a long time and is the most successful cloud service on the Internet.

Among other well-known in Russia cloud storage services you can call Box.com, "Yandex.Disk", Google Drive, SugarSync, CloudApp and others.

How to start using the Dropbox service?

  • To start using this service, you need to go to Dropbox.com and create a new account.
  • After that, download and install a special client program for your operating system. Set it up for your convenience.

Now, in more detail, we will analyze how to implement all this.

Registering a new Dropbox account

When registering a new user, you will need to provide the following information:

Installing the Dropbox client software on your computer

Setting up the Dropbox client

To configure the program settings, select the [Settings] item in the context menu of the startup icon.

In fact, the whole setup comes down to specifying an educational account in the service and the location of the folder that will be used for storing files. All the contents of this folder, regardless of the Internet connection speed, will be synchronized with the cloud storage virtual folder. In this case, the folder that you specify will be the root, and all the rest will be its children.

If you want the synchronization to go on continuously, you should check the boxes in the options window "Launch the Dropbox program when you turn on the computer" and "Enable synchronization over the local network".

What can't "pure" Dropbox do?

  • Link multiple folders. Only one folder is used, unlike other programs. You have to go for tricks.
  • Make a list of links to files in a separate category. However, many cloud services cannot do this.

What else can you use Dropbox for?

The use of the Dropbox service is not limited to storing and sharing files. With this mechanism, you can get many other additional and useful features.

Creation of a unified music library. If you are often on the road, but the Internet is always at your fingertips, then you can listen not only to online radio stations, but also to your favorite audio files. This music collection will always be synchronized with your PC or smartphone. The best part is that you can listen to music stored in Dropbox directly from the Dropbox website, thanks to the built-in online player.

Synchronization of programs and their settings. By choosing one of the folders that will be used on the computer to house all portable programs, many useful things can be achieved, such as password synchronization in the KeePass program. In addition to portable programs, regular programs are also great, especially if you can set up a different save folder in them.

To-do list. Instead of an offline application for keeping a to-do list, you can use and If none of the existing sites for online notes and to-do lists suits you and instead you use a regular offline application, such as OneNote from Microsoft, using Dropbox it too can be made available on any computer and give yourself access to notes and to-do lists.

To download new torrent files for the purpose of their further download from any computer in a program that is a torrent client (uTorrent, qbittorrent, Trasmission), you must force the folder from which the download of files with the .torrent extension will automatically start. And although many torrent clients have "remote administration", this method will not be superfluous.

Transferring large files. Mail services, until recently, did not have the ability to transfer hundreds of megabytes of files. Dropbox doesn't have a size limit on uploaded files.

Plugins, services and utilities for Dropbox

A person always lacks something, so you want to have the maximum opportunities from various services. Since the standard Dropbox profile is not replete with them, therefore, you will have to use other third-party programs and sites.

Printing files on the machine. Using a simple VBS script or applications such as Aloaha PDF Suite, Batch Files Printing, Batch Doc Print, SilentPrint, it is possible to set up automatic printing of documents moved to a specific directory on the user's disk. Now you have the opportunity to print texts from remote PCs and mobile phones.

Videodropper.com service allows you to download videos from YouTube directly to Dropbox for later offline viewing. To do this, you need to log in using your Dropbox credentials, and then copy the link to the YouTube video into the required field.

CloudShot is a utility program that can create screenshots (screenshots) with the ability to save the selected region, active window or menu. Integrates with Dropbox. The pictures are automatically uploaded to the Internet.

AirDropper.com fully shares files uploaded to Dropbox by the owner to other registered users.

DROPitTOme.com is a dedicated site that directly transfers files directly to the user's Dropbox. For reinsurance, you can transfer files only by specifying a password.

The Dropbox Plugin for Windows makes it easy to transfer files. With one click from the Explorer menu, any file can be moved or copied to Dropbox, and a public link to it will be automatically placed on the clipboard.

BackWPup is a plugin that automatically saves WordPress sites to Dropbox.

Dropbox Forms - Customizable Dropbox file upload forms that can be embedded directly into your website so visitors can submit necessary files to its owner.

Dropbox Automator is one of the most useful Dropbox plugins. Depending on the rules configured in advance, it can perform with different types files certain operations. For example, documents can be converted to PDF, uploaded to Google Docs, automatically sent to e-book, images uploaded to Facebook, Flickr, Picasa or processed (resizing, applying effects, adding text). Regardless of the type, any file can be automatically sent by mail, archived, uploaded to FTP.

Scan your computer remotely Using the Automatically Take Screenshots Software utility, you can take screenshots of the screen at specified intervals (10 seconds by default) and save them to a folder. Through Dropbox on another computer, this way you can find out what is happening on the first system.