Home / Internet / Effective ways to make money on glopart. Reviews and opinions. Scam or good service? Working and earning money with the Glopart service is always and for everyone

Effective ways to make money on glopart. Reviews and opinions. Scam or good service? Working and earning money with the Glopart service is always and for everyone

Well: “Earnings from affiliate programs up to 1000 rubles per day” . There have been no materials from Glopart for a long time. Many users know how we feel about them. This course could not be ignored, since it was very actively advertised and caused a huge stir. There are currently several unfinished projects. At the time of the drain, the product was blocked on Glopart. Whether it was blocked due to complaints or whether the author himself removed it from sale is unknown, but most likely the material was blocked due to complaints, since the salesperson is working. Whether the theme works or not, whether it’s possible to make money - check for yourself. The author does not tell anything new, he only retells the old. Sent the material anonymous userwith comment:

Material may be removed at the request of the copyright holder!

Course Description:

Study the materials carefully. It won't take you much time, and you'll figure it out very quickly. All lessons are step-by-step and practical - even a schoolboy can handle it!

Register in the CPA network and select offers. We will work with offers that do not require paid actions (subscription and registration). This will give the maximum effect for your earnings!

Earn money using free ways. Start making money on affiliate programs within 2-3 days after training, using the most effective free methods of promotion!

The download link for this material is available only to registered users of the site. Registration on the site is free and will not take much time. If you already have an account, you can log in.

The material is provided for informational purposes only!

I welcome everyone again! In this article we will talk about how to make money on Glopart. Using my personal account as an example, I will show you how you make money on Glopart and share with you my experience about this wonderful service, which will be good for both novice Internet entrepreneurs and people experienced in this matter.

But first, a few words about the service. Service Glopart allows
host various types of information products that do not violate the rules established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the own rules of the Glopart system. But how can you make money on Glopart? Earnings on Glopart are available in three types.

The first type is when you create your own information product, upload it to the Glopart service, undergo moderation, and then you can receive payments in automatic mode. In other words, your product is advertised on the Internet, people who buy your product pay and download it, and all this happens without your participation, for which the service takes a commission, usually no more than 10% of the cost of your product. But that's not all! Also, if you check the box in the settings, then partners will be able to connect to you who will sell your product for a commission, mainly from 30% to 70% - these are the most optimal deductions for which partners are willing to undertake to promote your brainchild.
The second type of earnings on Glopart is the most optimal for a beginner, since it does not require any creation of your own product, and all you need to do is work as a partner of any product you like from the Glopart catalog. Advertise it in all permitted ways, and as far as I remember, only SPAM is prohibited there, and receive your commissions. You don’t have to worry about payments, because all payments and settlements between participants are made by the Glopart service itself.
The third way to make money on Glopart is an affiliate program of the Glopart service itself. By attracting new members to the system, you will receive commissions if they purchase a paid account in the system. Read more here. But I will say for myself that this method is automatic and the least profitable.

It is best to combine all three ways of making money on Glopart, since in this way you will get a fairly good and stable income. But if you don’t have your own product, or you don’t know how to make it, then start in the Glopart service as a partner, any of the products in the catalog.
Advertise your affiliate link wherever you can and get traffic that will convert into sales. Here I can recommend you an excellent course in which you will find the answer to the question of how to make money on Glopart, and not only on Glopart, but also in any of the affiliate programs, of which there are a lot on the Internet. After studying it, you will get your first sales from any affiliate program you like. The course of my colleague Evgeniy Vergus, you can read more about it here.
Payments to Glopart occur every Friday. You can order payments yourself, or enable the auto-withdrawal function so you don’t forget to order a payment the day before on Thursday. Money can be withdrawn to WebMoney and this is the most optimal way, because here the commission is 3%, and when withdrawing to a Qiwi wallet or Yandex money, the commission is already more noticeable in the amount of 7%.
Let's summarize. You can and should make money on Glopart, because there are very favorable conditions here, both for partners and for sellers of goods. I recommend starting your activities on this site, since at the first stage, you don’t need to invest money on the service. Glopart has a very simple and intuitive interface that can be navigated even by those who don’t understand anything about making money online.
And now a short briefing on how to work with affiliate programs on Glopart:
First you need to go through the registration process, it is standard, enter everything as required by the service, and after registration we go to the Glopart product catalog.

We go to the Leaders of the Week, as shown above in the screenshot. Next, we select a product that has a high conversion rate of at least 15% and appeared no later than 7 days ago. It is desirable that the product should not cost more than 1000 rubles, and with deductions of 400 rubles. Click to become a partner.
Next we move on to our affiliates

By clicking on an affiliate link, two links drop out, one to the landing page, and the other to the payment page, we take the first one and advertise it in accessible ways.
I also recorded a course with more detailed instructions on how to choose an affiliate product, watch and use it to increase your income on the Internet:

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you have information that can be useful to other people, and for which they are willing to pay money, you should not waste your time writing articles for meager money.

It will be much more effective create your own course and start. The course can be recorded in various formats: videos, diagrams or text documents.

In this article we will get acquainted with popular service Glopart, which is the best platform for posting copyrighted goods and their subsequent sale, we will look at the project’s interface, and then we will highlight several important recommendations that will help you achieve success in information entrepreneurship.

How to earn money on the official Glopart website

Registration in the service is simple, telephone numbers or personal data with confirmation of documents are not required, the interface is similarly uncomplicated. It will be enough go to the official website of Glopart and click on the “Try for free” or “Join” button below.

In this service, you can earn money in several ways: offer your product (training course) for sale through Glopart, sell other people’s products presented in the catalog and receive interest payments from this, and, of course, you can earn money by...

P.S. Yes, now there is still an opportunity for freelancers to earn extra money on Glopart, providing services necessary for clients (promotion of groups or channels, creating landing pages and much more). Well, what - you can, of course, use it to search for such performers with, but it’s convenient when everything is at hand. Therefore, pay attention to this innovation (see below for more details).

Is it better to see once than to hear a hundred times? If yes, then watch the video to jot down the installation information for Glopart:

If you plan to place your product or several products (courses) on this site, then I advise you to watch the video for the “young fighter course” for authors:

If you want to sell other people’s courses from the Glopart catalog, then you would be better off familiarizing yourself with the “young fighter course” for partners:

Personal account and overview of the Glopart interface

If you have watched the video, then it’s time to go through the interface of the official website in order to use it confidently and get the most out of cooperation with Glopart.ru .

So, after logging in and going to your personal account, you can immediately see the window statistics, where the results will be displayed when sales are made. Each individual block corresponds to one of four trading stages:

  1. Man first clicks on advertising and ends up on the sales page, where information about the product, its advantages and disadvantages is provided;
  2. The number is important unique visitors, since the same person can click on an advertisement several times;
  3. Number of orders– when a visitor to the selling page ordered an information product and went to the payment page;
  4. Payment– the final stage, after which the seller earns money and the buyer receives the goods.

Glopart statistics are updated every second, so when you launch a new information product for sale, the service allows you to instantly track the results: the number of products sold, the number of clicks, and so on. Statistics must be able to analyze, for example, a large number of orders, but a low number of payments often indicates an inflated price, despite the high quality of the salesperson, who gives a good conversion.

To manage the official Glopart website, a menu has been created in the form of a dark strip, which can be divided into right and left parts. The right one is used to control personal account, in it you can find balance, number messages and some other useful attributes:

Balance is shown by default in rubles, but when you move the cursor to it, the amount will also appear in dollars (if you trade not only in the Russian, but also, for example, in the American information space).

Messages It is advisable to always browse: the creators of very good courses often offer to take their products for promotion, sell them and earn up to 70 percent of the cost. A drop-down list among the already specified sections opens a link to Settings, where you can buy a Premium account, add a number mobile phone, change personal data or watch video instructions for operation.

If you go to “Withdrawal”, you will find that minimum threshold to withdraw money is equal to one hundred rubles - it can be easily collected when trading even if the rates are not the most successful, so no difficulties are expected in this regard. Payments are made within 72 hours from the date of application, the limits are clearly stated: no more than 15,000 rubles to wallets in the QIWI/Yandex/ / system; You can transfer no more than 60 thousand to cards at a time; you cannot request more than 300,000 rubles per day and 600,000 rubles per month (however, only top users can achieve such income).

If you want to withdraw money instantly, you must pass account verification. Verification is only possible if you have been working for Glopart for at least three months, have a Premium account (this applies only to course authors, partners can get by with a regular page), earn 30,000 rubles or more per month, and no one is looking after you doesn't complain. Of course, verification involves downloading passport scans and verification cell numbers. The administration notes that verification increases trust in you from other users of the project, but this has practically no effect on profitability.

Tools for making money on Glopart.ru

The left side of the menu allows you to manage not your personal account, but Glopart interface generally. There are five main sections that open the way to almost any page on the site:

  1. IN Catalog lists all the goods that are in at the moment time are sold through the Glopart platform, and you can view both the entire list and individual categories. It is advisable to refer to the Catalog if you want to promote other people's products(see the explanatory video just above), having the necessary equipment for this (advanced website, subscriber base, or other).

    There is a special button to add your own product. Please note that absolutely all products uploaded to the server are checked by moderators, so you shouldn’t send obviously low-quality information courses (in addition to being rejected, you will receive a “reprimand”). After checking the product by the administration, it will be displayed in the “My Products” list.

    When you move the cursor to the “Catalog” section, a list with several tabs appears. The first, already indicated – “My products”, the second – “ Trending».

    The second tab contains courses that are very popular and bring good money. It is advisable to take goods for promotion from here. As you can see, statistics, conversion rates and other important indicators are indicated:

    If you analyze products by popularity over a 24-hour period, the results do not always give correct forecasts; it is better to use products that are among the “Leaders of the Week.”

    The remaining two tabs of the drop-down menu of the “Catalogue” button – “Verified”, “Calendar” – are not of particular importance either for the course author or for the partner. Therefore, let's move on.

  2. Chapter " Partners"(from the main menu of Glopart) similarly breaks down into several sub-tabs:

  • Next is the section “ Services", created for promoting products or affiliate networks through the service, as well as for placing orders for freelancers from bloggers or course authors. The tabs are as follows:

    1. My services are those methods of promotion that you personally offer and published in the general catalogue;
    2. Ordered services – which you ordered from other users. They are divided into four types: “Pending”, “Active”, “Completed” and “All transactions”;
    3. Services provided – division in the same way;
    4. Tasks – . If you know how to create sales pages and do this work efficiently, if you have the ability to attract subscribers to groups on social networks (not by cheating, but naturally), here you will find good opportunities to make money.
      Examples of tasks: recruit subscribers for a YouTube channel (payment - 150 rubles for every 10 people), attract 50 partners to a group on VK for 500 rubles, make a website according to certain rules for 1000 rubles, and so on.

  • Chapter " Orders» allows you to analyze all orders of your goods that were made during a certain period of time, and also (in the “Finance” tab) get acquainted with the history of withdrawal of earnings from the project.
  • « Statistics" - this is more detailed characteristics transactions performed with your course. In the section you can analyze the share of traffic that comes from your own advertising, from the activities of partners, and so on:

  • So, we have analyzed the interface of the Glopart project, now we will give some tips that will help you earn much better money and become a more successful information entrepreneur.

    Are you planning to sell your courses here? Great, but there are a number of things to consider.

    1. As we wrote above, you only need to create and upload to Glopart quality information products. Even if your course is moderated and the administrators do not notice any flaws, complaints from the first buyers will not only lead to the removal of the product from sale, but will also cause sanctions and fines to be imposed on you.
    2. The main factors influencing the success of trading a particular product are: sales page And price. The user initially pays not for the course itself, but for its “cover,” the image that the salesperson forms in his memory. Trading pages are created according to special rules that must be followed. You can either study the process of creating good pages yourself, or simply order it from specialists (you can also use my scanty ones). In sales, everything is important: the width of the text (as in a newspaper, where the text does not stretch in long lines over the entire canvas, but is built in narrow, narrow columns), font, availability of watches (remaining until sale...), shape of the “Buy” button, and so on. It is advisable not to write a very high price: even ideal courses should not be sold for 700 rubles - few people will decide to take the risk. At a price of 150-400 rubles, information products sell very well (of course, if you have your own audience or a subscription base with which you work on trust, you can inflate the cost).
    3. Don’t try to grab everything for yourself - increase interest payments so that the people who help you sell courses can make good money from them themselves. This will attract a huge number of partners and bring significant capital into your hands. It is very important to demonstrate at first high conversion, so it is not advisable to upload goods to Glopart if you have neither your own base, nor friends who are ready to sell and promote, nor money to pay for it.
    4. Sometimes products sell well even without promotional materials, but if you have them (it’s better to make banners) – very good. Advertising is also created according to the rules, do not try to waste time on it if you don’t know how necessary knowledge and skills.
    5. Don't forget about mailings– an ideal way to quickly recruit partners. Feel free to write letters to service users asking them to trade your information products - this will benefit both you and your partners. You can withdraw money immediately after reaching the minimum threshold, or after accumulating any amount. There is nothing particularly to be afraid of: Glopart does not deceive its customers, reviews prove this.

    P.S. It is difficult to give advice to partners, because there can be a lot of options for attracting customers - your own website, a group on VKontakte, a channel on YouTube, email newsletters, traffic arbitrage and much more.

    Arbitrageurs are also “with a mustache”, and those who will try to monetize their project, a group on a social network or an email newsletter with the help of Glopart, understand that they should initially focus on the topic of the course and its “success indicators” (based on sales of other partners ), well, once you start your own sales, it’s worth using the statistics that the service provides.

    In general, you just need to go register on the official website, study training videos and try, try, try.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    Many earning courses for which we write reviews and testimonials are usually sold on the service Glopart.ru. But not everyone remembers that the Glopart service itself is not only a payment aggregator, but also a convenient tool for making money.

    Moreover, on the Internet you can find many conflicting reviews about the Glopart system. Some argue that everything is fine, the system pays. Others say that Glopart is a breeding ground for scammers and is itself a scam.

    So is it possible (and necessary) or not to make money on Glopart? What do you need to do to earn money, and what amounts should you expect?

    Today the Detective shares his own experience with readers. Therefore, read our objective review of the Glopart.ru service and draw your own conclusions!

    Glopart.ru. What is it?

    A long time ago (more than 10 years ago), when the information business had just begun to develop in Russia, Valery Struchin decided to create a service - an analogue of the foreign one Clickbank, through which sellers can accept payment for their courses and trainings, as well as find partners to advertise their own products.

    This is how it appeared Glopart— service for instant payment acceptance and affiliate programs.

    Now let's delve into the essence in more detail.

    What is information business? This is a business built on selling information to other people. Those. everything related to education, trainings, seminars, webinars, courses, methods, instructions, etc. - This is an information business. It doesn’t matter whether you teach how to make money or how to cross-stitch, whether you talk about losing weight or treating prostatitis - all this will be considered an information business. And the more the Internet develops, the more the sphere of such business develops. People want to learn and want to do it online (that is, in the comfort of their home at a time convenient for them and without looking up from the screens of their gadgets).

    If you sell something on the Internet, especially if we are talking about information business, then sooner or later you are faced with several tasks:

    • How to optimize payment acceptance (so that people can pay in different ways, and you withdraw all this money in one way - for example, to your card);
    • How to automate the purchase and sale process and the process of receiving the product by the buyer (so as not to manually send access to each buyer);
    • Where to find an additional source of traffic (for example, so that people bring you clients, and you would give them a percentage of the cost of your product).

    And here the main difficulties begin in the form of bureaucracy, collecting all kinds of documents, etc. for connecting payment aggregators, such as Robokassa. Of course, if you have been in the information business for a long time and receive fairly large sums, then you can simply legalize your business and easily connect online cash registers. But if you, for example, are a beginner and are just trying to launch your first projects?

    Plus, connecting payment is often accompanied by complex technical settings, which also clouds the life of beginners.

    And it is Glopart that comes to the aid of beginners! Because this service took care of everything obligations to connect payment aggregators(with accompanying paperwork). You don’t need to register an individual entrepreneur, etc. You just need to register on Glopart: everything is already set up for you and for you. Just add your own product to the system and you will receive a personal link to your payment form. Place this link on your website - and you're done!

    This is what your payment form will look like:

    Moreover, both information businessmen and sellers of physical goods accept payments here.

    The second task is automation of the purchase and sale process and delivery of the product to the client— also solved on Glopart. In special settings, you specify a link to download the product or instructions for receiving the goods - and the service automatically sends this data to the client after payment.

    Well, the third task - attracting partners- also solved with the help of Glopart. When adding a product to the service, you can set up an affiliate program. After this, the product goes to a special Directory for partners, available to all Glopart users. Thus, people who know how to sell and who are interested in your product can become your partner, receive special affiliate links to advertise the course, work with them and receive a percentage of sales (and all this happens completely automatically!).

    So how can you make money on Glopart?

    You can make money on the service in several ways:

    1)As an author(salesman). If you have your own course/training/service/physical product, etc., then you can connect payment to it through Glopart, and also add the product to the partner catalog. Thus, interested partners will advertise your product, and you will receive money from sales.

    But there are a few but:

    • If you are new to the service, then it’s unlikely that top partners will immediately rush to promote you. They don’t know you, they don’t know how high-quality your material is, how well the course sells, whether the site converts well, etc. Therefore, at the initial stage it is necessary to interest partners. A best way to interest - to show that the course is selling and selling well. It turns out that if you yourself do not drive traffic to your product, then it is unlikely that anyone else will do it for you.
    • There are good courses on how to make money on Glopart. Because people buy them the most. The second most popular topics are learning foreign languages ​​and losing weight. There are significantly fewer partners on the service who want to work with other topics. But you can try searching.
    • It is not profitable to sell physical goods through an affiliate program. Why? Because partners are not ready to work for small accruals, and if you set large accruals, then there is a risk of being left without profit, because every physical product also has a cost.
    • Sometimes launches fail. This is fine. You can invest a lot of effort and time into creating your own course, developing a website, etc., but in the end no one will buy it from you. But this no longer depends on the service, but on how competently you prepared the launch of sales.

    2) As a partner. If you don’t have your own product, but you know how to sell (that is, drive traffic), then you can simply choose any course you like from the product catalog and sell it, receiving a commission on each sale.

    The main stumbling block in this matter is salesmanship. Without him, affiliate programs, alas, are impossible. That’s why many newbies come to Glopart, mindlessly spam affiliate links on social networks or on e-boxes and wait for money. But there is no money, because an ineffective sales strategy was chosen. There won’t be any (money) until you learn how to work with traffic competently.

    3) On the service's referral program. Glopart, among other things, also has its own referral program. The mechanism is simple: you attract clients to the service, they register, pay one or another tariff - you receive a certain percentage from their payment.

    4) As a performer. Another feature of Glopart is Services module. A unique version of a freelance exchange.

    If you know how to provide services that may be in demand among information businessmen (for example, creating selling websites, mailing lists, developing banners, etc.), then you can place your services in a special Services catalog. People will order services from you, and you will receive money for it.

    Review of Glopart.ru. Detective's personal experience

    The detective has been registered on the Glopart service for several years. And during this time I tried myself in different roles. We share our experience with you.

    Result: Some launches went well, some failed. For example, for a product about weight loss there were only 2 sales (at the same time, a lot of time was spent on creating a course, website, etc.). Other courses went very well. For example, by selling a copywriting course, Detective earned over 100 thousand rubles in 2 weeks.

    Conclusion: The method is working, potentially profitable, but labor-intensive. And there are not always guarantees that your efforts will pay off. Especially if you don't know how to sell.

    2)As a partner. Detective liked working as a partner more, because he doesn’t have to spend time and effort on creating a course, website, etc. And there are practically no risks that sales won’t go through or that the efforts won’t pay off. After all, you can choose products from Leaders of the week, in the end. All of them are in great demand and have good conversion rates.

    Over the years, using different methods of advertising affiliate products, our team earned completely different amounts per month. At the best time: from 60 thousand rubles and above, at not very good times - 10-20 thousand. But still, not a bad increase in salary, would you agree?

    Here, for example, is a report on work on affiliate programs from March to June 2019:

    Have there been any problems with withdrawing funds from the Glopart service? No, there were no problems. Money is easily withdrawn to electronic wallets or cards. Sometimes there are problems with the arrival of an SMS with a confirmation code. But after a while the service releases and everything becomes fine. Funds arrive quickly and in full.

    Where do negative reviews about Glopart come from?

    If the service pays consistently and you can make money on it (and earn quite decent money), then why are there so many negative reviews about Glopart online?

    The detective identified several reasons:

    1)The main source of negative reviewsbuyers of courses on Glopart. Many people believe that this service is a breeding ground for scams and that many bad courses are sold here, which are never moderated by anyone.

    But we have several counterarguments to this statement.

    Firstly, earnings courses are a specific thing. No one, not even the seller of the best courses, can guarantee you that you will earn money by following his methodology. Why? Because 70% of success still depends on you: depends on how you think, how much effort and imagination you put in, and much more. One person will shoot, ten others will fail. This is fine.

    When buying courses to make money, people often forget that everything depends on them, and they expect mountains of gold. Immediately. But it doesn't work that way. Alas. Hence the immediate feeling that you have been deceived, heated up, etc.

    Secondly, what some courses are good, some not so good,does not speak at all about the quality of service. Because Glopart is, one might say, a store. And the store is specific. Some kind of bookstore. Agree, if you buy a book in a store, read it and don’t like it, you don’t think that the store is to blame for this and don’t run to return the book and demand money.

    It’s a different matter if the book turned out to be damaged (pages were torn out, for example) or if you bought a book with one cover, but inside it turned out to be something completely different. Then yes: this is a marriage and it’s worth going back, sorting out the problem and demanding money.

    However, the Glopart service always meets customers halfway and helps to return money if the course is not suitable or does not work for some reason.

    It is also worth remembering the strict moderation on the service. They also ask for documents, and can start to get into the bottle and not miss your course until you complete it. Therefore, persecution on the topic “glopart puts everything on sale and does not moderate products” unfair.

    2)Negative reviews about Glopart are left by new partners who don't know how to do anything. Newcomers come to the service without a single idea of ​​how to make sales. They poke their noses in intuitively, commit ridiculous actions, and wait to be paid. But they don’t get paid because they haven’t sold anything. But such people tend to believe that they are D’Artagnans, and there are villains around them. Therefore, they naively believe that the service robs them, hides sales, and takes the money for itself. Ridiculous!

    3) Competitors leave bad reviews about Glopart. Well, everything is clear here: everyone is trying to take their place in the Sun. There is no escape from this, unfortunately. Be sure at the end of such a negative review there is a link to an analogue with a postscript: but there is an analogue and everything is much better there, register! Here, however, the interest is understandable.

    Our review of Glopart. Results

    What is the Detective's opinion about the Glopart service?

    Let's remember about benefits service:

    • A convenient tool for setting up payment and affiliate programs and working with affiliate programs.
    • It really pays. Large selection of withdrawal methods.
    • You can potentially make very good money, but you need to learn how to sell.
    • Several types of earnings on one service.
    • Prompt support service that always meets the needs of the client.

    From shortcomings Glopart can be distinguished:

    • Stinging service commission.
    • Periodic bugs in the system.
    • I would like more variety of topics among the courses, and not just earnings.

    Conclusion: The Glopart.ru service is a convenient tool for making money in the information business. With the exception of some bugs, it works stably. But the amount of possible earnings on this service depends entirely on you. It is simply impossible to guarantee anything here.

    We make money on warehouses with the helpGlopart!

    This service has today recovered a little from its bad reputation and tries to publish only working courses. Back in 2016, after the restructuring of Glopart, it was difficult for me to place my product there. But here I myself am to blame, since I used a video from YouTube, I was too lazy to describe the registration process. 😊 This year I corrected myself and passed moderation the second time

    Now my course already has 177 partners, essentially sellers. True, out of all of them, only 2 people sold them. And maybe these are warehousers, although maybe I'm wrong.

    Why are warehousers needed and what to expect from them?

    1. If you have a good product, you will receive a plus in your karma and your credibility will increase. For example, Roman Puzat’s courses are also lying around in pools and people chip in to buy them. But then some, realizing that this topic is interesting to them, go to his Webinar for a lot of money. Sharing is a kind of PR. Just what it will be depends on the quality of your course.
    2. Among them may be you and me, because we all want freebies! Why pay 15,000 rubles when you can chip in a crowd of 60, 100, 200 rubles! Another question is whether a person will use the material received, study it thoroughly, and most importantly, apply it? I currently have a bunch of different courses lying around on my computer, of which I have studied only a small part. So I’m thinking about going through all this junk one of these days and removing it. In addition, for the last 2 days I have been downloading courses on advertising and information business, opening an individual entrepreneur. All this is absolutely free and without any fees! The courses are already for 2018. I hope I will be able to study and implement at least some of this!
    3. People stupidly make money from organizing fundraisers! How does this happen? The man saw the course on the same Glopart and organized a fundraiser for the product. Then he bought it and gave it away. But as a rule, the organizer takes a little more money than necessary. Like he takes the commission for himself. Then he keeps the course and anyone can buy it for the same 60 rubles. But there are people who stupidly give these courses away for free and cut off part of the income from the warehouseman.

    As a result, something like this happens:

    1. An information businessman launches his course, but loses 10–20% due to warehousers and another 10% due to free providers.
    2. The fund organizer earns from the author’s course sometimes 50–80 times less than the author, plus he loses money because of people who give it away for free. But he still makes money on other people's brains.

    This is how the evolutionary chain turns out!

    As an author, I naturally don’t like the fact that someone else is making money from my courses, but nothing can be done; it’s almost impossible to protect information on the Internet. And this time it became completely funny, the warehousers decided to take the course that they had already bought from me before! 😊 True, these were warehouses from another site. From this I conclude that they do not even stupidly analyze their own competitors. Okay, let’s wait there are 4 more people left and 300 rubles will come to me minus all commissions.

    How to earn money from warehouse workers from three hundred rubles to 10,000 rubles per month and more?

    The scheme is as simple as two pennies! 😊 In my opinion, this year there have been even more such sites; people have sensed that they can freely receive paid courses for free and also make money on other people’s intellectual property. And all the time!

    Action plan:

    1. We create our own course, the main thing is not a dummy, so that it is functional. For example, how to make money on the same Glopart or about making money on the site or how to make money from warehousers. Everyone has heard about making money on websites and knows that some people make money. But this is the whole point: only a few make money. From the outside it seems that everything is beautiful and the topic is working. In reality, it is difficult to succeed here. But you can sell training courses quite successfully! 😊
    2. After creating the course, proceed to creating a landing page, it can be made using free program You can master Mobiris in 24 hours! True, you will have to buy a domain and hosting by investing about 150 rubles. Then you upload the site to hosting, attach a domain and everything can be uploaded to Glopart. To make it without investments, you can use platformalp.ru - 14 days free! This is a sales page builder! Build your Landing Page in a day!
    3. Now that the product and course are ready, let's go to Glopart! Before this, you need to upload your course to Yandex or Google drive, preferably Google, because what if the buyer is from Ukraine, then he cannot download the course from Yandex. There will be a connection affiliate program, you can either not connect it, or set a small percentage, for example, 1-5%. Well, what sane person would deal with a product that costs, for example, 300 - 1000 rubles. There's not even enough for advertising. Naturally, the one who connects is most likely a warehouseman, or a school student who doesn’t understand anything about sales.
    4. Well, then all you have to do is wait for the fish to come and swallow the bait! I think this will happen within 1-2 weeks. I was able to make a couple of sales in the first week without investment.

    Essentially the cover and page should be on top level, and of course the text! After sales occur, you can delete the course in 2-3 weeks. Or just enter the name of your product into the search and see if there are any pools created for your course. If there is, then wait and let them buy it, and then you can delete it. Next, create a new, simple but working course with a good cover. In principle, you can turn off an affiliate program on glopart; in general, it’s not necessary, you’ll only lose money

    It is not necessary to set the price at 300 rubles, take it higher, put it at 1000, or take a chance and set it at 8,000 - 10,000 rubles! In this case, you can earn a regular monthly salary by releasing a new course for warehouse workers every month! 😊Plus there are a lot of folds and you can buy 3 folds from you, which is already 30,000 rubles, taking into account the commission, of course, less!

    In my opinion, this is a good way to make money! The main thing is to go through moderation and that’s it. I’ll tell you one trick: on the sales page write what your course is actually based on. And as soon as you go through face control, immediately erase it. Well, everyone, fish and live happily! Good luck!

    Best regards, Maxim Obukhov!!!