Home / Security / Effective job search. Intensive job search course What you will get from attending this course

Effective job search. Intensive job search course What you will get from attending this course

Do you dream of remote work? Are you tired of sitting in the office and want to work from home or sitting in a pleasant cafe? Or maybe you want to travel, but at the same time not lose your job in your specialty? I have good news for you! Working over the Internet is absolutely real! Despite the frenzied development of technology in the modern world, for some reason, many still think that remote work is a scam for suckers, that there are no normal remote vacancies, that you can build a career only by working in the office, and the salaries of remote employees are many times less than office. All these are myths that have no logical justification.

Remote work is the reality of the modern world. Most large, reputable companies have remote vacancies, and some companies generally keep their entire staff remote. Why? I answered this question in detail in the article. And today I want to answer another equally popular question that I get asked at every meeting, in personal messages and in blog comments. And this question sounds like this: “Where and how can I find remote work? The answer is: on sites where vacancies in various fields are regularly updated. There are a lot of such sites, and today I am sharing with you links that I have been collecting for a long time for personal use.

I note that here are sites for finding exactly permanent remote work, in other words, a business contract or an employment contract, and not for freelancing or part-time work. Mostly English-language sites are presented here, because. The remote work market is just developing.

Websites for remote work

one. . Every day, about 10-20 new remote vacancies are published on the site. Jobs can be sorted by profession: web development, mobile software development, design, Information Security and vacancies not related to IT. You can also filter out jobs with the highest salaries and start-ups. On the site, you can subscribe to the newsletter about new remote vacancies, so as not to miss the job of your dreams.

2. . Another dedicated site. Main categories of vacancies: developers and system administrators, programmers, designers, marketers, customer support staff, copywriters, managers and business consultants, other vacancies.

3. It's hard to believe, but about 100 thousand remote vacancies have been published on this site to date! As the portal itself assures, the most popular remote professions, presented in the form of job search ads, are sales managers, administrative staff, customer service managers, employees in the field of health and medicine. Vacancies are posted on the site in 55 categories. In addition to vacancies on the site, you can read a lot of interesting articles, selections and tips for finding remote work.

4. A nice site with five categories of search for remote vacancies: development, design, customer service, administration, management. Here you can also subscribe to a daily or weekly newsletter with fresh selections of vacancies.

5. Another interesting resource for finding remote work in various fields, but like most sites, IT vacancies predominate. You can filter vacancies by type of work (full-time, part-time, temporary work, internship, etc.), by professional areas, by position level (beginner, leading specialist, etc.), by type of company (startup, small business, medium business, large business, non-profit organization, etc.), by country and by wage level.

6. Nothing superfluous, only vacancies. Lots of vacancies.

7. Jobspresso is a large online platform that aims to help talented individuals who aspire to remote careers meet innovative, forward-thinking companies that offer remote positions. Job listings are moderated and updated on a daily basis.

8. On this site, in addition to the notorious vacancies for sales managers and customer support, you can find a remote position in the field of education, HR, marketing and engineering.

9. One of the few sites where there are really a lot of vacancies in completely different areas from IT to copywriting.

10. The site is especially attractive with an abundance of vacancies in the field of Internet marketing and promotion in social networks.

11. A very large database of remote vacancies. The site has a well-thought-out interface that allows you to store your documents, watch interesting research, and use a special job search guide. The site requires registration.

12. Angel List - a site for finding work in a startup. The resource contains more than 42 thousand remote vacancies. On the site, you can also invest in a startup and create a team for your business. Mandatory registration is provided.

13. Russian site for finding remote work in foreign companies. The site is presented in two languages ​​- Russian and English. The main bonus of this service is the free mailing of your resume to 300+ companies for remote work.

General job search sites, with a section "Remote work"

fourteen. . Yes, yes, the same Headhunter that most of us have used at least once in our lives to find a job. To date, hh.ru has more than 15,000 partially or completely deleted vacancies. And every month this number grows (I checked).

fifteen. . The main job search site in Ukraine, an analogue of our Headhunter. My husband once randomly posted his resume there and two weeks later signed a lucrative contract for remote work with a Ukrainian company.

16. Notorious in Russia and in the world site of professional contacts. Today contains more than 100 interesting remote vacancies.

17. Cool and very unusual job search site. It has a cool modern interface, an original approach to describing vacancies. The Muse is the only online career resource that offers a glimpse into the job opportunities in hundreds of companies while showing the inner workings of organizations. There are not only vacancies here, but also career advice from well-known experts, current articles and reviews, individual career advice from the world's best coaches.

18. A simple and understandable American site with a convenient system for filtering vacancies by professional areas (40 directions), companies, cities and states. At the moment, there are more than four thousand remote positions on the site.

19. Basically, this site contains vacancies from American companies. The range of professional areas is very wide, salaries are on average from $20 per hour and more (in the USA they like to measure salary per hour or per year, but not per month).

20. . About 700 remote vacancies in various professional fields.

21. Idealist contains more than 12 thousand vacancies worldwide. A significant part of the vacancies are remote. There is a convenient filter to search for remote positions, including internships, volunteer projects, project work for organizing events, blogging and much more. The job description contains all the necessary information about the job and the company. The site requires registration.

Remote work in the field of IT

22. Remote work for IT specialists: developers, designers, testers, support staff. Jobs are filtered by date - from the most recent to the oldest.

23. And IT again. The site is an aggregator of vacancies, i.е. he collects remote vacancies from different sites, passes them through moderation and publishes them. On this site, you can be sure that the vacancy is 100% remote and does not involve visiting the office even once every few months (as is sometimes the case in some remote positions).

24. Board of announcements about remote vacancies with a focus on digital and IT-sphere.

25. Giant site for job search in the field of IT. More than 60 thousand vacancies worldwide. Of course, there are many remote positions that need to be filtered.

26. Nothing special, just a bunch of remote IT jobs.

27. A good aggregator of remote IT jobs.

28. Incredibly famous site among developers, where IT professionals of all stripes communicate, solve common problems, share tips and finds. The site has a section with remote vacancies, but only for IT specialists. Today there are about 80 remote positions on the site.

29. An interesting resource for designers, which, among other things, contains a section where vacancies for designers are automatically added from all other job search sites. You can filter only deleted items.

30. A very original resource, the target audience of which are female developers. There are no vacancies for men, only for the fair sex, who are not afraid of such words as front-end, back-end, full stack and the like. Moreover, they just do this in life. Wow! The site has success stories of beautiful ladies finding their dream remote job on powertofly.

  • Don't know where to start looking for a job?
  • Are you caught in a vicious circle when the employer requires experience, and experience can only be obtained by working?
  • Do you lose faith in yourself with every failed interview?
  • Do you still let employers choose between you and dozens of other candidates?
  • Are you only invited to companies that you are not interested in?
  • Have you found a job, but there is a feeling that the choice was not made correctly?

A distinctive advantage of our program is application of a coaching approach. You will learn to value yourself, successfully pass interviews, find a job you like!

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We answer all your doubts:

  • Is it expensive for you? Get a 20% discount by bringing a friend and arrange an installment plan with the trainer ().
  • Unsure if this will help you? At the last lesson, you can return all the money, be sure of the quality of the programs!
  • Do you think it could be dangerous? The key principle in the work of trainers is the physical and psychological safety of each participant!
  • Not a convenient day of the week? Attend individual training on days convenient to you!
  • Worried about being late for training after work? The coach will enter your position and allow you to drive up later!
  • Can't come on the first day? We are waiting for you from the second lesson! The trainer will send you the materials first by email!
  • Don't want to work in a group? Work individually with a trainer on a schedule that suits you!
  • Are you afraid of theory and boring lectures? In no case! At least 70% of our training is practice.
  • Are you afraid that the coach will make you do something embarrassing? All exercises - only at your request and readiness.
  • Getting home late? The coach will let you go early with an additional interesting task that you will complete on the way!

What will you benefit from attending this course?

  • You will find out what you are really capable of and can do adequately assess their advantages.
  • You will learn how to write correctly interesting and winning resume.
  • You will be able to understand what kind of work is right for you and create your own job search strategy.
  • You will find your cause of previous failures.
  • You will learn determine if the company is right for you- Still in the interview phase.
  • You learn to ask important questions and determine the veracity of the answers of a personnel service specialist.
  • You will be able to learn to be interviewed.
  • You will be able to practice techniques and exercises that will help you in the future! Here are just a few of them: "Treasure in Me", "Star Trek", "Inspiration", "Harmonious Efficiency", "Pro", "Simulator Applicant", etc.
  • At our intensive, the most optimal ratio of "Theory - and practice"!

You are lucky, because the course trainer Anna Shchaveleva has a successful 10-year experience in HR consulting and recruitment.


Stories and incidents that happened on the group:

Story 1: Resentment against the former boss

An interesting incident happened at my job search training last year.
Participant Irina could not understand what exactly was preventing her from getting a good job. Together with other participants, she began to perform the "Profi" exercise. The exercise was completed, the participants shared their discoveries. The lesson is over.

However, when she came to the next lesson, Irina admitted that she discovered in herself a heavy resentment against her former boss, which she projected at interviews for potential employers, and received refusal after refusal. This realization changed Irina's attitude to herself, to employers and to the image of a suitable job. And the situation, of course, has changed for the better.

Story 2: Motivation for work

Participants usually come to job search training with a specific request, for example, how to write a good resume, or how to successfully pass interviews, or decide on a profession, etc. But once a man of 32 years old came to our group (we will call him Dmitry). When all the participants expressed their expectations, Dmitry modestly said that he had simply lost the motivation to work. And I came to the training because the name and content of the program for some reason responded internally.

This is how he explained his presence. And he was not wrong! In the process of exercises, including the use of a coaching approach, he unexpectedly discovered the meaning - for the sake of which he should stay at his job. And most importantly, he was able to formulate the result until which he would be able to feed his motivation and developed a detailed plan to achieve the desired result!

Be careful when using this course.
And then later, what good, you have to work :-).

First of all, the course is intended for people who have a certain work experience behind them, but for one reason or another found themselves unemployed. It is also necessary for novice professionals with little or no experience at all. This does not mean that top-class specialists will not find anything useful for themselves here. It's just that the problem of finding a job is always more relevant for people who are at the beginning of their labor achievements. Superprofessionals, on the other hand, usually do not look for work - the work itself finds them. The reasons are clear: with experience comes fame, reputation, extensive connections in the business environment. Recruiters from recruiting agencies and competing firms hunt for highly qualified specialists. The situation is different for yesterday's graduates and middle-level specialists who need to PROVE their professional worth. Well, if it is necessary, then we will prove it. The course will teach you how to convince the employer that you are exactly the specialist that he has dreamed of all his life.

1 reason.

“But why do you need to deal with nonsense,” one psychologist colleague told me confidentially over a glass of tea, to whom I informed about my decision to write a series of articles on finding a job. “Instead of stupidly sitting at a computer and typing in the wrong texts, let’s better train staff in one commercial company - the money seems to promise good ones ...”

I objected, in the spirit that, they say, look - how many intelligent people cannot find work today or work hard for a penny. And not because they do not have professional knowledge and skills, but because they do not know how to present themselves correctly and do not know how to defend their interests when dealing with employers. And what is the current situation in our labor market? People are constantly driven out, people are dragged from one place to another. Anger, dissatisfaction accumulates, uncertainty in their power. Not to mention the fact that the transition to the category of "unemployed" causes psychological stress, material and family problems, which many cannot cope with. An exhaustive answer was given to my timid arguments: “Today there are a lot of books and magazines that have advice on finding a job. Who needs it - buy and read.

Preoccupied with this thought, the next day I visited the nearest bookstore. Indeed, the choice turned out to be not sickly: “Find a job you like”, “How to find a job”, “Quick job search” ... The book “Job Search” (from the series that “... for dummies”) looked the most solid. . She was paid for.

I returned home with mixed feelings. On the one hand, there was the disappointment that my original ideas turned out to be completely unoriginal. On the other hand, I felt significant relief. This is what happens when you suddenly find out that some kind uncle has done for you the work that hung like a stone around your neck ...

With reverent awe, I opened the purchased book. I read it - and cursed dirty. Helpful tips for finding a job looked like this:

  • To get a good job, first get hands-on experience!
  • Energize yourself for your job search!
  • Be enthusiastic and know how to present yourself!
  • Before passing the interview, organize yourself in advance and calm down!
  • During the interview, restrain your impulses and try to look your best!

No, I do not argue - the advice is wonderful. The whole point is how to do them? Move on:

  • If you experience problems when communicating with the employer - sign up for a psychological training!
  • If you want to successfully pass psychological testing - buy a book on psychological tests!

For some reason, I remembered the instruction that I once happened to read in a New York hotel room: “In order to turn on the TV, insert the plug into the power outlet ...” (I would never have guessed it myself) Yes ... I wanted to I would like to look at a person whom such advice helped to find a job. Tormented by vague forebodings, I carefully looked at the cover of the book. So it is - the author's surname is American. This book was not written by our man and not for us. How often do we mindlessly adopt Western developments and standards of behavior, forgetting the old proverb: "What is useful for a German, for a Russian ..."

In general, I had no choice. I had to turn on the computer and pour out my own experience and knowledge of the labor market onto the carrier. Also, out of the kindness of my soul, I wanted to talk about the psychological aspects of unemployment, about the tricks and tricks of employers and recruitment agencies, and about what they can be opposed to. The result is the following treatise.