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Operation and repair of cable lines. Planned, emergency and urgent cable repairs Replacement of damaged electrical cables by rail

In progress cable lines(KL) damage may occur in cables, couplings or seals. The damage is in the nature of an electrical breakdown.

During routine repairs of cable lines, the following work is performed: inspection and cleaning of cable channels, tunnels, routes of openly laid cables, end funnels, connecting couplings, straightening of cables, restoration of lost markings, determination of the heating temperature of the cable and monitoring of corrosion of cable sheaths; checking grounding and eliminating detected defects; checking access to cable wells and the serviceability of well covers and locks on them; re-laying of individual sections of the cable network, high-voltage testing (for cables with voltages above 1 kV or checking insulation with a megohmmeter for cables below 1 kV), replenishing funnels and couplings with cable mastic, repairing cable channels.

During major repairs of cable lines, the following is carried out: partial or complete replacement (as necessary) of sections of the cable network, painting of cable structures, re-cutting of individual end funnels, cable couplings, replacement of identification marks, installation of additional mechanical protection in places of possible cable damage.

Repair of cables laid in trenches. If it is necessary to replace the cable line or part of it, the opening of the improved coatings is carried out with electric concrete concrete S-850 or electric hammer S-849, motorized concrete concrete S-329, pneumatic concrete concrete S-358.

The covering material is thrown onto one side of the trench at a distance of at least 500 mm from the edge, and the soil onto the other side at a distance of at least 500 mm from the edge. The trench is dug straight, and at turns - expanded to ensure the laying of cables with the required radius of curvature.

Trenches, in the absence of groundwater and underground structures, are dug without fastening vertical walls to the depth indicated below (in m):

In sandy soils................................................... .............................................1

In sandy loams........................................ ........................................................ .........1.25

In loams, clays.................................................... ........................................1.5

In particularly dense soils................................................... ....................................2

Trenches in areas where people and vehicles move are fenced off and warning signs are installed near them, and additional signal lighting is installed at night. The distance between the fence and the axis of the nearest rail on a normal gauge railway track must be at least 2.5 m, and on a narrow gauge railway track - at least 2 m.

Before laying new cables in a trench, the following work is performed: secure the pipes in the trench at places where the route intersects and approaches roads, underground communications and structures; remove water, stones and other objects from the trench and level its bottom; make a 100 mm thick bedding at the bottom of the trench with fine earth and prepare fine earth along the route for dusting the cable after laying; bricks or reinforced concrete slabs are prepared along the route to protect the cable when such protection is necessary. Materials that are susceptible to rotting and decomposition in the ground (wood, sand-lime brick, etc.) cannot be used to protect cables.

At places of intersection and convergence with engineering structures, concrete, reinforced concrete, ceramic, cast iron or plastic pipes are used. Steel pipes are used only for passing a section of the route using the pound puncture method.

The laying depth for cables with voltages up to 10 kV from the planning mark should be 0.7 m. Before laying the cable, an external inspection of the upper turns of the cable on the drum is carried out. If damage is detected (dents, punctures in the turns, cracks in the mouth guard, etc.), cable laying is allowed only after cutting out the damaged areas, checking the insulation for moisture and soldering new mouth guards to the ends of the cable. During repair work, unrolling the cable from the drum is most often done using a winch.

Cables are laid with a margin equal to 1-3% of its length (snake), to eliminate dangerous mechanical stresses during soil displacements and temperature deformations, cable laying with a snake when pulled by a winch is carried out after finishing rolling from the drum during the process of laying the cable to the bottom of the trench. When laying cables in parallel in a trench, their ends, intended for subsequent installation of couplings, are positioned with a shift of the connection points of at least 2 m. At the same time, a reserve of cable ends is provided along the length necessary for checking the insulation for moisture, installing couplings and laying the compensator arc , protecting the couplings from damage in the event of possible soil displacements and temperature deformations of the cable, as well as in case of re-cutting of the couplings if they are damaged.

In cramped conditions with large flows of existing cables, it is possible to place expansion joints in a vertical plane, placing the couplings below the cable laying level. The number of couplings per 1 km of replaced cable lines should be no more than 4 pcs. for three-core cables 1-10 kV with a cross-section of up to 3 x 95 mm2, and 5 pcs with a cross-section of 3 x 95 * 2 x 240 mm2.

All electrical equipment requires periodic repairs

All electrical equipment requires periodic repairs, and repairs are divided, according to the Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations (PTEEP), into current, planned and major. High-quality performance of all types of repairs and maintenance, as well as preventive testing of equipment is a guarantee of long and safe operation of electrical installations and cable lines. In addition to these types of repairs, there is the concept of overhaul maintenance. Inter-repair maintenance includes minor repairs of electrical equipment and operational maintenance. In current repairs, operational maintenance means regular external inspection, wiping and cleaning of equipment, lubrication of moving parts and other work necessary for the perfect functioning of mechanisms, electrical measurements of parameters and checking the characteristics of electrical installation elements. Minor repairs of electrical equipment include tightening bolted connections, adjusting moving parts of electrical equipment, tightening fasteners, replacing small parts and similar work.

Current repairs of electrical equipment

The current repair of electrical equipment depends on what kind of equipment is being repaired: the repair scheme, the list of works, and the frequency of execution change. In general, routine repairs mean replacing gaskets and other parts with high degree wear, washing of injectors and filters of oil systems, cleaning of cooling systems. The frequency and scope of routine repairs determine the timing of major equipment repairs, so it is necessary to record each case of routine repairs, indicating the defective unit and the list of work performed. To carry out routine repairs, it is not necessary to move electrical equipment.

Maintenance varies for electric motors, ballasts and power lines. Thus, the main defect of a cable line, especially one located in the ground, is damage to the insulation. Wires and cables located in rooms with an aggressive environment or installed in violation of the rules suffer from damage to the insulating layer and current breakdowns. In particular, insulation breakdown as a result of mechanical damage to the cable is a constant reason for routine repairs of cable lines. In addition to natural insulation failure, pockets of corrosion and oxidation of the cable sheath may appear in the line. Therefore, for power cable lines, routine repairs include checking connecting couplings, cable terminations, and a number of works are also performed: checking for cable heating under load using a pyrometer, checking cable markings, inspecting cable channels, checking heating and cable terminations. Additional work includes checking cable wells, measuring resistivity and checking the grounding of the screen and armor. In some cases, routine repairs also involve relaying parts of the cable line, as well as reinstalling connecting and end joints, followed by testing the cable line insulation with increased voltage.

Electric motors require a different type of repair. According to the protocol, the first step, as in the case of routine repairs of power lines, is to carry out a visual inspection. If it is difficult, then it is necessary to clean the electric motor of old oil, dust, dirt, and other deposits, and then carry out a visual inspection for damage. The engine is cleaned with brushes, and any remaining dirt is blown out using a compressor. Wiping should be carried out with the electric motor turned off and the residual charge removed. After the inspection, the axial and radial clearances, clamp shields, electric motor mounting, and the rotation stroke of the lubricant ring are checked. Also, the current repair of an electric motor according to PTEEP includes:

  • 1. Check for the presence of lubricating oil in the bearings.
  • 2. Measuring the insulation resistance of the windings with a megohmmeter.
  • 3. Restoration of insulation at jumpers and output ends.
  • 4. Check:
    • - serviceability of grounding;
    • - belt tension;
    • - correct selection of fuse links.

Routine repair of an electric motor depends on the condition of the device, on the type of machine or mechanism in which it is installed, on the duration of operation based on hours/day. As a rule, if there are no special conditions, the procedure is carried out once every two years. The process of flaw detection of an electric motor is carried out during its partial disassembly, special attention - if the electric motor belongs to machines with a wound rotor or machines direct current– is given to the brush-collector mechanism.

Typically, during routine repairs, one or more causes of possible engine malfunctions are identified. This is a break in the supply network or motor windings, loss of stator phase or rotor rods, wear or misalignment of bearings, deformation of the fan casing or its clogging, overload of the electric motor due to low or high voltage in the network, dampness or wear of the winding, misalignment, incorrect connection stator windings with a short circuit to the housing or to each other. These reasons are the most frequently identified during routine repairs of electric motors.

When carrying out repairs, you must remember the sequence of actions. First of all, this is the study of documentation, after which a visual inspection begins. Turning off the engine and relieving the voltage is the next step before partial disassembly. It should be remembered that all small parts must be placed in a separate box. It is important to remember that large electric motors will have to be lifted for repairs, so you should make a list of the necessary tools and materials in advance, or entrust this to the repair foreman. Since routine repairs are carried out less frequently than minor repairs, data obtained during minor repairs should be used when compiling this list. As a rule, all moving parts wear out within two years, and the insulation of the wires is also subject to severe wear. If fault detection of electric motor parts is carried out by detecting chips, cracks, corrosion, and so on, then checking and routine repair of wiring requires measuring the wiring resistance with a megohmmeter. Short circuits, breaks and other damage are detected using appropriate measuring instruments; defects are eliminated by applying temporary new insulation or replacing wires.

Dismantling during routine repairs of the electric motor must be carried out by fixing the positions of the coupling halves relative to each other and relative to the pin. You can fix it by making marks with a core (bit) or a chisel. Groups of gaskets are tied together and labeled where they came from so that they can be placed again in the same order after installation. Covers, flanges and other parts are marked with a core so that after assembly it does not become clear that there are distortions. Reassembly and selection of parts takes a lot of time. It is also necessary to follow the rule for removing the electric motor from the bed: to do this, the winch clings to the eye bolt; grabbing the bearing shaft or shield can lead to breakage. After this, dismantling, inspection, replacement of small parts, restoration of large ones, replacement of bearings, brushes and oil are carried out, according to the protocol. The results are entered into a technical report with the signature of the foreman and the seal of the electrical laboratory that carried out the tests and measurements before, during and after the repair, or, if it is carried out on its own, with the seal of the organization. In ballasts, special attention should be paid to the serviceability of contacts.

Scheduled repairs of electrical equipment

Scheduled repairs of electrical equipment are included in scheduled preventive maintenance, as well as average repairs. The first is routine maintenance, which is carried out regardless of the condition of the equipment, the second - most often once every two years, along with routine repairs. Preventive maintenance is “a system of work to maintain electrical equipment and other elements of electrical installations in normal (working) condition.” IN regulatory documents The system of planned preventive maintenance is called the “PPR system”, and it is divided into between-repair maintenance, current, medium and major repairs.

Average planned repairs, in contrast to current repairs, involve disassembling equipment and its individual components, measuring defects, and drawing up an inventory of defects. Among other things, this type of repair includes checking drawings, making sketches, and testing individual electrical equipment components. Unlike routine and minor repairs, planned repairs are sometimes carried out in a repair shop if the dimensions and fastenings of the mechanism allow it to be moved.

Scheduled repairs of electric motors include all routine maintenance items, and in addition - a number of special works. These include coating the windings with varnish, completely disassembling the electric motor, replacing the winding insulation, as well as washing, drying and impregnating it; washing metal parts of the electric motor and bearings, refilling liners; changing flange gaskets, checking and setting clearances; Welding and sharpening of sharpening points at electric motor shields.

After all these operations, at the end of the scheduled repair, the electric motor is assembled. The test is carried out at idle, then, if everything is in order, under load. At this point the repair is considered complete. Starting equipment also goes through all stages of current repair, after which it is necessary to carry out three types of work specified in the PTEEP. This:

"1. Complete replacement of all worn parts of the device; 2. Checking and adjusting relays and thermal protection; 3. Repair of casings, painting and testing of equipment.”

To ensure that planned repairs are not carried out too often and not too rarely, the organization needs to create a schedule for its implementation. You can order this from specialists, but for small organizations it is enough to use the reference book by A.I. Foot and mouth disease, published in 2008, which is called “System for maintenance and repair of power equipment.” In addition, you will need passport data from the manufacturer for each electrical facility. The annual schedule, which is filled out in tabular form, contains the following data:

  1. Name, type, power of equipment, year of manufacture and manufacturer. Information should be provided as briefly as possible.
  2. Inventory number of the unit (system).
  3. Resource standards between current and major repairs.
  4. Date of last major overhaul.
  5. Date of last maintenance.
  6. Monthly list of planned repairs.
  7. Annual equipment downtime.
  8. Annual working time fund.

As an example of repair planning, you can take a three-phase transformer and calculate the repair frequency for it. The directory states that this type of electrical equipment (oil transformer, two-winding, power 1000 kVA) has standards under which major repairs are carried out:

T-1 = standard resource/number of hours per year = 103680/8640 = 12 years.

Thus, if a major overhaul of equipment was carried out in 2014, then the next time it will be carried out in 2026, and current repairs, if, for example, it was carried out in 2013, in 2016, three years later. All this data should be entered into the table. If electrical equipment is newly installed, then the date of commissioning work is indicated in the “date of last repair” column. When calculating the annual equipment operation and annual downtime, labor intensity, calculated in man hours, is sometimes entered into the column. The calculation here must be made based on the number of pieces of equipment and labor intensity standards for repairs. The labor intensity of repairs is calculated using labor intensity coefficients and the base rate.

The timing and dates of planned repairs of electrical equipment are coordinated with several structural divisions of the organization: the instrumentation and automation service, repairmen, departments for servicing related equipment, departments that use this equipment according to their schedule, and power engineers.

Overhaul of electrical equipment

Major repairs of electrical equipment are carried out quite rarely, since electrical installations have a large reserve of electrical strength, and moving parts - mechanical strength. On average, repairs of this type are carried out every five to fifteen years, with a period of five years being set for objects with a long service life. Unlike scheduled repairs, each machine undergoes complete disassembly, cleaning, lubrication, replacement of defective components and parts, some of which must be replaced as planned, regardless of condition. After complete disassembly and renovation, the electrical equipment is reassembled, tests are carried out to show compliance with the manufacturer's standards and tests, usually with increased voltage. The need for major overhaul of the equipment indicates that the electrical facility needs to be brought to full functionality. technical characteristics moment of release from the assembly line. In addition to repairs, when replacing worn parts, electrical equipment is usually also modernized. Major repairs can be carried out both in the repair shop and on site, depending on the technology.

When carrying out major repairs of electrical equipment regarding electric motors, special attention is paid to the removal and installation of the rotor. Among other things, the rotor shaft is replaced and balanced. The windings are also completely replaced or substantially repaired, the fan and flanges are changed. The engine is cleaned, reassembled and repainted. To help repairmen, back in the early 80s, Standard Technological Maps were issued, which are used for major repairs of substations and switchgears. They indicated a list of necessary equipment, the procedure for major repairs for each unit and the norms of controlled parameters, acceptance testing schemes and the composition of the team. Now, due to changes in regulations and a wide variety of electrical equipment, technological maps are available for each type and type of equipment, and they are also compiled by experts - employees of electrical laboratories - if necessary.

According to PTEEP, before major repairs of electrical equipment, a number of works must be carried out:

“Before electrical equipment is taken out for major repairs, the following must be in place:

a) statements of scope of work and estimates are drawn up, which are updated after opening and inspecting the equipment;

b) a schedule of repair work has been drawn up;

c) the necessary materials and spare parts have been prepared, according to the scope of work statements;

d) technical documentation for reconstruction work scheduled for implementation during the period of major repairs was compiled and approved, materials and equipment were prepared for their implementation;

e) tools, fixtures, rigging equipment and lifting and transport mechanisms are completed and in good condition;

f) workplaces for repairs have been prepared, the site has been laid out, indicating the locations of parts and components;

g) repair teams are staffed and trained.”

The frequency of major repairs of electrical equipment is approved in accordance with PTEEP by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the organization. Both the duration and frequency of repairs can be increased or decreased. To do this, you need to conduct an inspection of the equipment, draw conclusions, develop a technical justification, which is then sent for approval to higher organizations. Also, approval of technical documentation is required for the modernization of components or entire units during the overhaul of electrical equipment.

In order to avoid unscheduled shutdowns, after a major overhaul, electrical equipment is checked in accordance with PTEEP: “The main equipment of electrical installations, after preliminary acceptance from repair, is checked in operation under load within the time period specified by the manufacturer, but not less than 24 hours. If there are no defects in operation, During this time, the equipment is put into operation. If defects are detected, major repairs are not considered complete until they are eliminated and the unit is checked again under load within the next 24 hours.” To avoid malfunctions in the operation of electrical equipment during major repairs, technological units associated with the main equipment are also repaired. At the same time, following the repair schedule, the enterprise must be provided with materials, spare parts, tools, and related consumables. Accounting for these materials must be carried out through general warehouse accounting, but at the same time, the intended use is legally defined (PTEEP, clauses E1.5.9 and E1.5.10), and responsibility for their safety and intended use rests with the person responsible for electrical equipment.

Besides technical repair and restoration of electrical equipment production capacity, the Rules require that several other conditions be met. This includes cleanliness of the premises, new painting of mechanisms, functioning of lighting and ventilation, thermal insulation, installation or repair of enclosing railings, viewing and working platforms, stairs, sockets and switches. All this must be reflected in the repair technical documentation in accordance with the rules. When summing up the results of a major overhaul, the quality of the technical reporting documentation is also assessed.

According to the rules (PTEEP, E1.5.14), “in All work performed during the overhaul of major electrical equipment is accepted according to an act, to which technical documentation for the repair must be attached. Acts with all applications are stored in equipment passports. About the work... a detailed record is made in the equipment passport or a special repair log.”

According to PTEEP, equipment newly introduced after repair is tested in accordance with the “Standards for testing electrical equipment and devices of consumer electrical installations” Appendix 3. These standards are a tabular appendix, which indicates the types of tests, names, standards and provides instructions for their implementation. Thus, when carrying out a major overhaul of electrical equipment in terms of, for example, determining the conditions for turning on a transformer, the Standards state: “Transformers that have undergone a major overhaul with complete or partial replacement of windings or insulation are subject to drying, regardless of the measurement results. Transformers that have undergone a major overhaul without replacing the windings or insulation can be put into operation without drying or drying if the oil and winding insulation parameters meet the requirements of Table 1 (Appendix 3.1), as well as subject to the conditions for keeping the active part in the air. The duration of work associated with depressurization should be no more than:

1) for transformers for voltages up to 35 kV - 24 hours at relative humidity up to 75% and 16 hours at relative humidity up to 85%;

2) for transformers with voltages of 110 kV and more - 16 hours at relative humidity up to 75% and 10 hours at relative humidity up to 85%. If the transformer inspection time exceeds the specified time, but not more than 2 times, then a control drying of the transformer must be carried out.”

Thus, when accepting major repairs of electrical equipment, several types of control are carried out: compliance with the schedule; availability of necessary materials; repair of associated units; filling out technical reports; compliance with safety regulations; restoration of working condition. Major repairs are the starting point for the next repair cycle.

In accordance with the requirements of RD 34.20.508 “Instructions for the operation of power cable lines. Part 1. Cable lines with voltage up to 35 kV,” current repairs can be emergency, urgent and planned.

Emergency repair-repair, in which, after disconnecting the cable line, the voltage along high or low voltage cables, including temporary hose cables, or when the backup line to which the load is transferred is unacceptably overloaded, and there is no possibility of further unloading or consumer limitation is required.

Urgent repairs - repairs in which receivers of the first or especially important second category are deprived of automatic backup power, and for receivers of all categories, the load on the remaining cable lines causes their overload or limitation of consumers. Repair teams begin urgent repairs of cable lines at the direction of the energy service management during the work shift.

Electricity receivers of industrial enterprises are divided into the following groups:

Group 1 - three-phase current receivers with voltage up to 1000 V, frequency 50 Hz;

Group 2 - three-phase current receivers with voltage above 1000 V, frequency 50 Hz.

1st category of power supply- receivers, an interruption in the power supply of which may entail a danger to human life or significant material damage associated with damage to equipment, mass defects of products or prolonged breakdown of complex technological process production.

Scheduled repairs - repairs of all cable lines not listed above, which are carried out according to a schedule approved by the management of the energy service.

A plan - a schedule for repairs of cable lines is drawn up monthly based on entries in the walk-through and inspection logs, test and measurement results, as well as according to data from dispatch services.

Major repairs of cable lines are carried out according to an annual plan, developed annually in the summer for the next year based on operational data.

When drawing up a capital repair plan, the need to introduce new, more modern types of cables and cable fittings is taken into account. It is planned to repair cable structures and all work related to the serviceability of lighting, ventilation, and fire-fighting equipment. The need for partial replacement of cables in certain areas that limit throughput lines or that do not meet the requirements of thermal resistance in changed operating conditions of the network with increased short circuit currents.

Cable line repairs can be simple, which do not require much labor or time, or complex, when the repair lasts several days.
TO simple repairs include, for example, such as repair of external covers, painting and repair of armor tapes, repair of metal shells, repair of end seals without dismantling the body. The listed repairs are carried out in one shift by one team (unit).

Complex repairs include those repairs when it is necessary to replace large lengths of cable in cable structures with preliminary dismantling of the cable that has failed.

Let us consider in detail the technological process of repairing a high-voltage cable that failed during an emergency in winter, since it is during such repairs that the electrician’s working conditions are the worst. A diagram of the technological process for repairing a cable that failed in winter is presented in Figure 2.

Signal arrival

The signal is sent to the RES dispatcher on duty on the computer. Upon receipt of information about operational disruptions, the duty dispatcher of the distribution zone must:

Repair of power cable with installation of a coupling

There are quite a few reasons why cables, connectors, and terminations can fail. These are: various mechanical damage, installation defects, soil settlement, corrosion of the metal sheath of the cable, manufacturing defects, insulation aging and others. In accordance with the requirements of the relevant documents, all cable lines must be subject to repair (routine or major).

Repair of power cable 0.4-6-10 kV

Routine cable repair can be:

  • Urgent- repair of power cables and installation of cable couplings or other types of work that are carried out in the event of deprivation of automatic backup power to receivers of category I or especially important category II, while receivers of all categories are overloaded or limit consumers. Urgent repair of cable lines 0.4 kV or 10 kV carried out by the repair team during the working day. The basis for its implementation is the instruction of the energy service management.
  • Emergency- repair of 10 kV or 4 kV cable lines when the cable line is disconnected and deprived of voltage to consumers of all categories without the possibility of supplying it via high or low voltage cables or temporary hose cables. The need for emergency repairs also arises when the backup line is heavily overloaded and limiting consumers is required. Emergency cable repairs are carried out immediately and continue until the cable line is put into operation.
  • Planned- repair of 0.4 kV cable lines, as well as any repair of 10 kV cable lines, in cases not indicated above, carried out according to a pre-drawn up plan approved by the management of the energy services. This schedule is drawn up monthly, taking into account the entries in the inspection and walkthrough logs, the results of measurements and tests, and information from dispatch services.

When performing cable repairs, there is a need to carry out such type of work as installation of cable joints. What is it and what is it used for?

Installation of cable couplings: connecting and end joints

Cable sleeve is a device used for making connections, branching cables, as well as for connecting them to various electrical equipment and power lines.

Installation of the end coupling required when connecting cables to overhead power lines or to outdoor and indoor devices.

Installation of couplings is necessary when connecting two cables.

Installation of cable sleeve is carried out after preliminary cutting of the factory insulation at the ends of the cables. In this case, the outer jute cover, armor, cushion made of paper or fiber, which is located under the armor, insulation (general and each core) are removed. Installation of cable sleeves for paper-insulated cables, a moisture test is required. If moisture is detected, then the cable section is cut out, is replaced with a new one and The coupling is being installed on the cable.

Failure of cable lines can lead to different reasons, from natural wear of insulation and mechanical damage to the cable to errors in calculations and incorrect actions of maintenance personnel. In turn, damage to cable lines often leads to emergency situations, fires, fires and damage electric shock. To prevent such consequences, you need to regularly measure the insulation resistance of cables. There are two ways to solve this problem:

  1. Provide a staffing schedule of specially trained people with the clearance group necessary to implement maintenance and repair of cable communication lines and power cables.
  2. Entrust such work to professionals by concluding an agreement for Maintenance cable lines.

Repair of power cable lines

If the power cable is damaged, the power supply through it is stopped. In this case you need:

  • Determine and eliminate the cause of cable damage so that when power is supplied after repair work, the already repaired section does not fail.
  • Using special instruments, find the location of the cable damage.
  • Repair the cable line. Depending on the extent of the damage, it may be local or require replacement of the entire section of the cable line. Cable workers perform the necessary mechanical work on the cable route (open/close the trench, install couplings, cut/strip the cable, etc.). At the same time, they actively interact with electrical laboratory workers, who indicate the problem area, perform ongoing monitoring and final checks before applying voltage.

Installation and repair of power cable lines 10/ 6/ 0.4 kV must be carried out by trained specialists with appropriate approvals. To eliminate the damage, you should cut the cable in the damaged area and install a connecting cable sleeve. It is used for reliable connection, termination or branching of power cables, as well as for their connection to overhead power lines and electrical devices.

In the process of cutting a cable, all its layers from the outer sheath to the phase insulation of the current-carrying core are sequentially removed with some shift. This is done to further strengthen or restore the insulation or replace the damaged area with an insert. Installing a coupling is a complex and responsible job that allows you to restore the properties of a cable line lost due to damage. Such operations are performed by electrical installers-couplers who have undergone special training and received permits to carry out such work.

Repair of communication cables

First of all, broken connections are switched to functional pairs, and electrical measurements and a thorough inspection are carried out to determine the area of ​​damage. The cable route is inspected, inspection devices are opened, rupture zones are checked, and air pressure is determined. If the problem area is located within the viewing device, after removing the coupling, this gap is dried.

If individual pairs of cores are damaged, the plinths are opened and viewed from the inside. The conductors are soldered, burrs and solder sagging are smoothed out, the conductor or pin is insulated, the pin is adjusted and other repair operations are performed. The plinth can be dried with hot air or washed with cable mass. Broken terminals require replacement. Upon completion of the repair, the operation of the connections is checked.

Repair of fiber-optic communication line (FOCL)