Home / Reviews / The energetic fact is like an assemblage point. Practice: shifting the assemblage point, the secret of teleportation. Communication with the link

The energetic fact is like an assemblage point. Practice: shifting the assemblage point, the secret of teleportation. Communication with the link

A necessary condition for a shift in the assemblage point is the presence of a sufficient amount of free energy. If you do not have enough personal strength to experiment with your perception, then it is better to postpone it until better times. To conserve energy, use a well-thought-out strategy of not doing. To accumulate energy, do tensegrity. And in general, as emissaries like to repeat: “All your difficulties are the result of an unfinished recapitulation.”

How to move the assemblage point?
It's very simple. The assemblage point (AP) usually shifts under the influence of external and internal energy impulses. Therefore, in order to move the vehicle, you only need to use either external energy flows or generate an internal surge of energy.
1. First, try to track the shifts of the TS under the influence of external circumstances, such as strong emotions, fatigue, illness, places of power, plants of power, etc. Feel how your state of consciousness changes throughout the day. This will make you aware that your assemblage point is constantly oscillating between two main states: the place of concern and the center of the mind.
2. It should be noted that the usual position of the assemblage point on the cocoon is determined by “habit”. Therefore, it is not bad to get into the habit of being in a place without pity or at a point of reason. This means that the TS can be displaced by willpower as a result of acquiring “new habits”, such as:
o systematic idleness;
o action of force;
o impeccability, etc.
And although these shifts are small, they give flexibility to the TS and the ability to control the state of one’s consciousness in everyday life. In the morning we got up, shook ourselves - we returned the assemblage point from the depths of the second attention; then moved her to the position necessary to effectively perform daily duties; tired - they did it; then they moved it to a place without pity for making strategic decisions; There was time - we started recapitulating, etc. etc. But do not overexert yourself, because the loss of energy inevitably shifts the TS to a place of preoccupation and indulgence.
Do this: divide all your available energy in half, and in everyday affairs use only one half, and consider the other half as an “emergency reserve” in case of a “nuclear war”.
3. Basic keys to shifting the assemblage point:

Shift within the first attention.

Key 1. Directed internal dialogue.
People attach great importance to words. Our continuous internal dialogue seems to program our perception. Having learned to direct the flow of inner speech in the right direction, you can change your state of consciousness within the framework of this description.

This method is widely and effectively used in modern hypnosis and self-hypnosis techniques, for example, NLP. This is a kind of mental stalking that allows a warrior to control the state of his mind with the help of clear and sober commands.
Key 2. Manipulation of the senses.
1. Vision:
a. Defocus, rotation and squinting of the eyes;
b. Close contemplation;
c. Visualization.
2. Hearing:
a. Listening to silence;
b. Low frequency sounds;
c. Rhythmic music.
3. Smell: smells?

Key 3: Body Manipulation
4. Relaxation - allows you to listen to the internal flows of energy;
5. Actions of Force (Tensegrity): tensions of individual muscle groups, for example, between the shoulder blades, stretching, turning the head, etc., generate bursts of energy that shift the vehicle.
6. Rotation is a very powerful way to make the assemblage point become loose. It is enough to make 20 turns around your own axis and you will immediately feel dramatic changes in perception. At advanced levels, spinning can help one face the barrier of perception, and even penetrate into other worlds.

Key 4. Breathing.
It is convenient to associate the rhythm and depth of breathing with various positions of the assemblage point. For example, in extreme situations, holding your breath together with tensing your abdominal muscles allows you to stop your thoughts for a while, enough to make the right decision by moving the vehicle to a place without pity.

By combining keys 1-4 you can control your state of consciousness in everyday life.

Shifting the assemblage point beyond the first attention.

Key 5. Stop internal dialogue.
Method 1:
g. Distract attention from thinking, assessments, judgments.
(relaxation of the body, deep breathing, unfocusing of the eyes). Focus on perceiving the world with your whole being. Not to think, but to perceive and act.
h. Divert attention from visual images, focusing it or on auditory perception.
(for example, focusing on the background noise that is always present in the ears), or on kinesthetic sensations (power running, walking correctly, squeezing a pebble between the fingers, etc.) This leads to overload and subsidence of the tonal.

Method 2: Intention of Silence.
Accumulate inner silence in seconds. Constantly force yourself to be silent for at least a few seconds. In the midst of the most restless activity, stop for a moment and think nothing of it. Inner silence must be obtained through consistent pressure of discipline. Try to stop your internal dialogue at least 20 times every day. By accumulating silence over seconds and minutes, you will soon reach the threshold beyond which silent knowledge begins. Sometimes 10-15 minutes of stopped internal dialogue is enough to achieve silence. This threshold is individual for everyone.
Key 6. Intention.
9. Form an unbending intention.
You should start with one single Action of Power, which should be purposeful, precise and carried out with inflexibility (for example, magical passes). By repeating this action long enough, a person acquires an unbending intention, which leads to inner silence.
10. Team Eagle.
The warrior first finds out where the assemblage point might be and then commands it to be there. Any thought or image held in the mind in a state of silence is equivalent to a command that sets the direction of the shift. A warrior must learn to think accurately, economically, and functionally. The warrior must conduct "correct dialogue" - this is not dialogue at all, but detached control of intention through balanced and sober commands given to himself. The command is repeated until it becomes the Eagle Command.
11. Inner Silence + Eagle Command and generates the internal force necessary to shift the assemblage point.
12. To move the assemblage point, one need only have the intention to do so using pure understanding, and then the assemblage point will move instantly, after achieving a certain degree of experience. Pure understanding is the ability to abstract, i.e. the ability to make oneself accessible to the spirit through its awareness.
13. Movement of the assemblage point.
To enter the third attention, it is not a shift, but a movement of the assemblage point that is necessary. Generally speaking, movement is a deeper shift of the vehicle, entailing a transformation of homogeneity and internal connection (pulling the cocoon into a tube). It requires a huge amount of energy to complete. Therefore, it is almost impossible to do it yourself. In this case, external energy sources should be used, for example:
 energy of inorganic beings (stalking by stalkers);
 Earth push;
 main energy flows of large emanations, etc.

P.S. It would seem that if we have a sufficient amount of energy plus the 6 keys described above, the vehicle can be moved anywhere and anytime. Not so. No matter how much energy you have, the Eagle has more of it, and the pressure of external energy flows still limits the freedom of movement of the vehicle. Therefore, you will be able to move the vehicle only where the Spirit allows.

P.P.S. “One of the most successful decisions made by the new seers was the decision not to allow persistent displacements of the assemblage point into any position other than a position of heightened awareness.” (KK “Fire from Within”).
Fixing the assemblage point, i.e. collecting other worlds is only useful for training purposes. Other worlds are no better than ours; Death and flyers also reign in them. The new seers realized the futility of it all. They decided not to fixate on anything. They concentrated all their energy on the only worthy task - on the continuous and inexorable movement of the assemblage point towards freedom.

Everything is determined by perception. It is changeable, like existence itself.
"Becoming a magician is a problem of changing perception. Constantly updating the picture of the world is the key to development"

1. Location.
"Look, listen, perceive.
See the source of perception and increase its luminosity.
Then you will understand the illusory nature of existence."
From a conversation with monk Benedict.
To determine the position of T.S. you will need a stubborn person - a leader (no matter what). These people usually have T.S. more tangible and have greater internal energy.
- Feel the cocoon (luminous shell) of this person.
- Find the place on the energy body with the greatest energy tension. To do this, pass the beam from your right index finger, rest it on the person’s legs and slowly move it from bottom to top. At a certain position you will feel an increase in density (luminosity). It is you who are entering the zone illuminated by the energies of T.S.
- Moving your finger along this stripe, find a lens-shaped surface on the cocoon, which feels like a denser light or a jelly-like spherical surface created by highly coiled energy fields. To say that the TS is located somewhere in physical space is simply stupid, but here there is a place for its projection, and if we are tuned in to the TS itself, then here we feel it in a certain place in the three-dimensional world. If you haven’t found it, then try to develop the intention to look for it or work out the previous arcana.
In the case of vision, we simply see a certain lens-shaped luminous structure (sometimes a flat spot glowing like the sun) on the energy cocoon.
In order to see anything you need your T.S. raise at least to the Vishuddhi chakra (full vision - ajni). To feel you need to raise the T.S. until annahata.
Video example.
2. Movement of the Assemblage Point.
“Where have you seen perceptions change?
Find at least one book where it says this"
From a dispute in a philosophy lesson.
"this is the wrong book"
lesson later.
T.S. in its normal state it is on the surface of the cocoon and “floats” on it. Then both internal sensations and the external world and their energies are perceived.
During sleep or leaving the body, it can go outside. Then a person’s perception is separated from his “body” and internal sensations.
In the process of working with reincarnation or memories, T.S. goes deep into the cocoon, illuminating only the internal fibers, then the outside world ceases to be perceived and we find ourselves completely absorbed in our memories.
Shift T.S. to the left along the cocoon leads to a weakening of the law of this world, it becomes more amorphous and pliable, then to a strip of luminous fog, crossing which the perception of parallel worlds is possible. Now I see these worlds, but some kind of wall, similar to living, icy polyethylene, prevents me from crossing. If an unprepared person goes to the left, then many “random” events begin to happen in his life that are difficult for him to control.
Shift T.S. to the right along the cocoon leads to an increase in the influence of the law of this world, the world becomes more rigid and resistant to influence, then we enter the peak region of this agreement, from which a transition to the region of light is already possible (the path of emperors, founders of religions).
An upward shift leads to an expansion of perception, an increase in sensitivity, vision and the ability to manipulate the etheric, astral, mental plane but a decrease in immunity. On higher planes, immunity is external (this must still be earned).
A downward shift leads to a narrowing of perception, but an increase in immunity and health, connection with the lower worlds. A strong increase in performance, a feeling of oneself like a large healthy animal (due to the fact that perception decreases, a lot of energy arises).
We should not forget that the energy cocoon is multidimensional and many dimensions hardly appear on the three-dimensional model. Offset T.S. according to these measurements leads to a sensation of rotation, accumulation of electrical discharge, mass, etc.
- Using the right index finger, we activate the energy fibers on the cocoon at the top right. we redistribute energy from the area of ​​the assemblage point to this area. We look at the change in perception. Or we look at the change in the perception of the person who is doing this exercise.
- We repeat the same with the left area of ​​the cocoon, lower and upper.
- For consideration of T.S. without fixation - unfixed T.S. - treat patients in psychiatric hospitals.
- For consideration of TS with a large fixation, see the leaders.
Video example.
3. Chakras as places of attachment. Vertical points of perception fixation.
"It's not enough to travel,
need to understand.
And then it will change."
From a conversation with an astral traveler.
T.S. is usually fixed in energy vortexes on the cocoon. These vortices are usually built on the basis of energy entry and exit points. If the assemblage point has shifted to one of the seven chakra ranges, then it is easiest for it to be fixed in the chakra itself. But it is possible to create a vortex based on energy entry and exit points. For example, it is used to work with lower or higher energies than the chakra range. Then a new chakra is created, for example, based on points near the knees to work with the animal form.
Muladhara Fixation on this chakra is a sign of the first caste (workers). The ability to work in three dimensions is developed.
Svadhisthana Fixation on this chakra is a sign of the second caste (merchants). The ability to make contacts is developed.
Manipura Fixation on this chakra is a sign of the third caste (warriors). The ability to fight and transmit impulses is developed.
Annahata Fixation on this chakra is a sign of the first level of magicians. The sixth sense is the feeling of subtle plans. By influencing with your subtle bodies. Bioenergy.
Vishuddha Fixation on this chakra is a sign of the second level of magicians. Working with consciousness - influencing subtle planes. Influencing living things with your consciousness (consciousness changes complex organic molecules).
Ajna Fixation on this chakra is a sign of the third level of magicians. Working with perception. Impact on non-living things with your consciousness (consciousness changes atomic connections).
Sahasrara Fixation on this chakra is a sign of the fourth level of magicians. Deity level.

4. Structure of assemblage points, lassos as suitable for T.S. lines.
"Following the line from this tangle,
you will end up nowhere."
From a folk tale.
In addition to position, perception is influenced by the internal structure of the assemblage point itself. That is, the further we move T.S. from its “usual” place, then the less its internal structure coincides with the structure of the place where it has moved. This leads to T.S. trying to return to his usual place. [like attracts like].
If a person’s assemblage point is displaced, then with sufficiently strong interactions with external perceived energies, the internal structure of T.S. begins to change and this leads to a rather unpleasant sensation of changes in the area of ​​perception. Moreover, if a person “slows down with all his might, trying to remain himself,” then these sensations intensify even more.
Now we are trying to look at the structure of T.S. For some it looks like a rolled head of cabbage condensing towards the middle, for others it looks like an untwisted gyroscope giving out impulses of energy, for others it looks like a whirlpool, for others it looks like a very mobile multi-tentacled star. The last assemblage point is quite difficult to feel, as is the influence of the air element. It's easiest to feel the first and second. When working with the first one, a specific smell similar to sulfur is sometimes felt. People displaced into the earth element have this. The impulse is given by people shifted to the element of fire.
- Consider the structure of your T.S.
- Consider the structure of the T.S around you.
Theun Mahrez discusses the rotation and displacement of the assemblage point. Rotation means a change in the structure of the assemblage point.
Luminosity T.S. determined by an arcana or a group of arcana (forces) that pass through it. At the same time, the internal structure of T.S. plays the role of a filter - a pattern that is projected outward. This is human consciousness. By changing the internal structure at a certain level, you can achieve changes in the external world. Which ones are determined by light (lasso).
5. Vector of perception (attention).
The vector of perception is associated with the word "path". Unlike the 18th Arcana, where this is just beginning to be realized, in the 5th Arcana there is control of other people through this “path”.
Each person has not only a TS, but also its orientation. This is the vector of perception. Rather, it is the assemblage point and the vector of its luminosity. By manipulating the vectors of people's perception at the level of ajna, it is possible to become truly invisible to them. In this case, we divert these vectors of perception away from ourselves.
The practice of managing people is associated with these vectors of perception (spiritual power, which manifests itself in the practices of the 5th arcana.) It is also possible to change the vector of perception of the situation (the group of people creating it).

Another breakthrough, which, according to the ancient magicians, had
fundamental significance and about which don Juan spoke in great detail
Thus, there was a discovery made by ancient magicians that the assemblage point
moves very easily during sleep. This discovery also led to
one thing: dreams are caused by a displacement of the assemblage point. The magicians of ancient times saw
- the more significant the shift, the more unusual dreams a person sees, and
on the contrary, the more unusual dreams a person sees, the more significant the shift
assemblage points. Don Juan said that these observations led to the development
ancient magicians in very extravagant techniques of shifting the assemblage point,
such as ingestion of plants that cause changes in condition
consciousness, as well as the use for this purpose of states of hunger, extreme
fatigue and stressful situations. They paid special attention to the development
dream management practices. Thus, probably without even suspecting
In this regard, they created a method that later received the name practice

……- Magicians view dreams as an extremely complex art,
- don Juan said, - the art of deliberately displacing the assemblage point from its
habitual position in order to expand the range of perception and deepen
its intensity.
And he said that the basis of his art of dreaming, the ancient
magicians-seers laid down five features of the energy flow
human beings. Firstly, the ancient magicians saw that those
energy fibers that pass directly through the point
assemblies can be assembled into adequate perception.
Secondly, they saw that if the assemblage point moves to a new
position, then no matter how small its displacement, through its
new, previously unused fibers begin to pass through, thereby
awareness changes, and new, previously untapped fields of energy
are collected into a stable coherent perception.
Thirdly, they saw that when a person sees ordinary dreams, period
the assembly easily moves to new positions along the surface of the luminous
eggs and inside it.
Fourth, they saw that they could make the assemblage point move
to a position outside the glowing egg - in the large outer
And fifthly, they saw that by means of appropriate discipline
during ordinary sleep and contemplation of ordinary dreams, one can develop and
systematically practice purposeful displacement of the assemblage point………

………..Don Juan explained to me what was hidden behind his metaphorical description
developing the ability to control the second attention. Being the result
displacement of the assemblage point, second attention cannot develop naturally
way in itself. It is formed under the influence of intention. So
Thus, first a person must generate the intention to develop the second
attention. In this case, the second attention remains nothing more than an idea. But in the end
eventually the person develops the intention to maintain second attention as
stable controlled displacement of the assemblage point………

………….A particular episode of a random shift in the assemblage point and a person’s transition to the second attention is such a shift as a result of unusual, non-traditional behavior for a person’s normal life. Various spiritual practices, participation in religious rituals and sacraments contribute to such a shift. There are people of first attention whose assemblage point is very easily shifted under the influence of behavior that is unusual for them. We call such people “thin-skinned” or acutely feeling people…………...

…………The assembly point can be moved from its usual location to
surface of the luminous ball to another place on the surface or inside the ball
since the brilliance of the assemblage point illuminates any energy field that enters from
contact with her, then when she moves to a new place, new
energy fields that become knowable. It's perception
known as vision……………..

It usually moves to the left. This direction is the most natural direction of shift. However, some seers may move the assemblage point downward from where it is normally located. The new seers called this movement of the assemblage point a “downward shift.”
“Sometimes seers have to suffer from random downward shifts,” don Juan continued. - The assemblage point does not remain in the down position for long. Fortunately, because below is the place of the beast. So a downward shift goes against our interests, even though it is the simplest thing to achieve.
“The ancient seers made many mistakes in their approach. And one of the most unfortunate was the shift to an immeasurably vast area located below the original position of the assemblage point. Through this practice, the ancient seers became adept at taking on animal forms. They chose various animals as points of reference, calling them their nagual. The Toltecs believed that by moving the assemblage point to certain positions, they acquired the properties of their chosen animals - their strength, wisdom, cunning, dexterity or ferocity.
- Even among modern seers there are quite a few terrible examples of this kind of practice. The relative ease with which the assemblage point moves into lower positions makes them very tempting, especially for those seers who are naturally inclined to shift in this direction. Therefore, it is the duty of the nagual to check his warriors

"Women seers experience downward shifts more often than men," don Juan continued. “But it doesn’t cost them anything to get out of there.” Men stay there for a long time, which is very dangerous.
He also said that female seers have an amazing ability to hold their assemblage points anywhere in the lower region. Men can't do that. Men are balanced and purposeful, but they lack talent. For this reason, the nagual's team must have eight women. They provide the impetus needed to traverse the immeasurable expanses of the unknown. Along with their natural abilities, or perhaps as a result of them, women have exceptionally fierce strength. Therefore they can reproduce the animal form with brilliance, ease and unsurpassed wildness.

In order to operate with the same terms, let's define what is the assemblage point of consciousness.

Term assemblage point, is now used very often and very often without understanding what it really is. Much confusion arises from what is behind the word assemblage point a word is forgotten consciousness. Therefore, the abbreviation TS is not entirely correct; it would be more accurate to say TSS (the assembly point of consciousness).

What is an assemblage point - described in the books of Carlos Castaneda. The assemblage point is the organ that perceives the world. The assemblage point is like the slider of a radio receiver, and the chakras are like the specific frequencies of the transmitting stations. That is chakras are the position in which the vehicle can be placed. The assemblage point is a certain device, which allows us to perceive the outside world. And each person can independently adjust this perception.

Carlos Castaneda describes the assemblage point as a luminous area located on the surface of the energetic cocoon. When the position of the vehicle changes, a person’s perception changes. With a slight shift in the assemblage point, a person begins to see our physical world as if from a different angle. The simplest example is alcohol intoxication or the influence of recreational drugs. With a stronger shift in the assemblage point, a person begins to perceive other worlds. The assemblage point is fixed both by your consciousness and by external factors. And the main point comes down to the ability to manage your assemblage point.

Therefore, they talk about the attunement effect, in which assemblage points other people affect the position of your vehicle. Thus, they seem to draw a person into their inherent position as a vehicle. They influence each other and, as it were, create the world, not only their own, but also those around them. As a consequence, our world is something between the positions of the assemblage points of all people. In magic it's called Agreement. We can say that the Treaty is formed by the pictures of the world of the people participating in it. Globally, the Treaty is an attunement of all thinking beings.

Castaneda identifies horizontal (right left forward backward) and vertical (top bottom) shifts of the assemblage point. Also, movement is determined assemblage points inside and outside the cocoon. Its usual position is as if on the surface of a cocoon. And this is what gives us the opportunity to perceive the world around us.

Moving vertically the assemblage point is fixed in the chakras, but fixation in other places is also possible, the number of these places is very large. The position of the vehicle affects a person’s perception, as well as the dimension of the perceived world.

For example: when the TS shifts below muladhara, the human appearance may change, and here the shift to the area of ​​animal forms begins. A shift of the TC above the sahasrara chakra also leads to the loss of the human form, but in favor of the angel of such creatures.

Position of fixation of the vehicle on a specific chakra, denotes your Varna (Caste). TS on Manipur or lower, then these are the first three castes. Above this is already a magical perception.

Conventionally, when the vehicle shifts to the left, we move towards Air. Forward, into the element Earth, back into Fire, shifting the assemblage point to the right, we move into Water. In this way a cross of elements is formed.

With deeper shifts of the assemblage point, beyond the cocoon, we can begin to perceive the world from another point, from here we can talk about leaving the physical body.

Therefore, the common phrase is “where is my assemblage point.” It occurs very often, but is much less often correctly understood by those who ask it. This question implies the position of the assemblage point that it occupies most of the time. If a person, with the help of magical practices, has learned to jump from manipura to Vishuddha and hold there for several minutes in order to perform some kind of magical work. This does not mean at all that he is on Vishuddha! This means that he remained in Manipura... Although many such “specialists” run around and tell everyone that they are already on Vishuddha.

This is where the old joke comes from.

Two ShMA adherents meet, and one says to the other:
- I have a TS on Vishuddha, and where is yours?

The point of the joke is that if you have a TS on Vishuddha, you will not have a question about where this or that person has a TS. You will see it.
If a person works in society for 8 hours a day, then all this time his vehicle is on the manipura or even svadhisthana chakra, with the exception of some creative individuals. Poets (anahata), artists (anahata), some scientists (vishuddha), strong speakers (vishuddha) as well as good programmers (vishuddha), etc. But even most of them, when they come home, fall on manipura. Therefore, if a person goes every day for a simple office work, (not to mention physical labor), and in the evening he devotes 2 hours to practicing magic. In most cases, it is very difficult for him to escape from the world of images, from the world of manipura chakra.

For more details, see Castaneda's books:
Fire from Within, The Art of Dreaming

Assemblage point is a term that came into the esoteric environment from books Carlos Castaneda. The term has become popular and even “independent”. Castaneda's books usually contain some interesting and useful ideas for life. For example, such as: a sense of self-importance, stalking, idleness, petty tyrants, assemblage point, etc.

The assemblage point is described as a rounded spot of particularly intense luminosity at a subtle level, about the size of a tennis ball. At this point the perception of every living being is collected and formed. The radiance of the assemblage point illuminates with the light of consciousness a certain spectrum of energy fibers that come into contact with it, and as it moves, new spectra become clearer, becoming cognizable. The “movement” of the assemblage point changes perception, self-awareness and, as a result, behavior. It is believed that during a dream the assemblage point moves spontaneously smoothly and imperceptibly.

The implication is that we continuously recreate reality in our own consciousness by tuning our assemblage point to a specific spectrum of energy fibers. In yoga terms, at this time we “move” through the channels of our subtle body, highlighting with our consciousness the information contained in them.

The “doing” (in our consciousness) of everyday reality is determined by the stable position of the assemblage point in the spectrum of energy fibers through which the energy familiar to us flows. Consequently, a strong shift of the assemblage point into a spectrum beyond our reality allows us to tune in to perception and interaction with other worlds.

A small child’s assemblage point is still quite mobile, but over time, in order to find support in what is happening, he is forced to rigidly tune into the world around him, which is familiar to everyone. Ordinary thinking, attachment to images, sensations and identifications that are familiar to us, keep us in our current state. This is good from the point of view of the adequacy of behavior, but this same factor makes thinking ossified, dogmatic, and creates difficulties for further advancement in the school of life. A moving assemblage point stimulates the development of flexibility of perception and behavior.

If we compare Castaneda’s theory of fixation and size of the assemblage point with the theory of other teachings, then changing the shape and increasing the size of the assemblage point itself gives an expansion of consciousness when we gain the ability to simultaneously look and react to an immeasurably wider range of sensations.

In other words, the assemblage point is an interweaving of energy fibers, channels to which attention is attached. If there are not enough such interweavings, then there is nothing to grab attention to. When there are stable programs connected with each other at the level of a specific energy center (chakra), the assemblage point can be fixed there.

Most people have a stable fixation of the assemblage point in the same position. Not many people have it “walking”. As Carlos Castaneda wrote: “the essence of magic is the movement of the assemblage point.” In other words, what our attention is focused on is what manifests itself. And what is important here is an intentional change of fixation, according to your own decision, and not like crazy people - chaotically and uncontrollably. The ability to sense and direct the movement of the assemblage point is one of the greatest in the human path. In the esoteric environment, a popular topic is about which chakra a particular person’s assemblage point is fixed on - which chakra he “is on.”

It is believed that true spiritual development begins with the heart chakra (anahata). Although, according to my subjective observation, most confessors, paradoxically, hover somewhere between the third and fourth chakras, and wage their battles (games) precisely in this area, where egoism begins to lose ground.

It may turn out that a person has a constant position of the assemblage point somewhere in the area of ​​the third chakra, but at the same time, during a long war (game) with the ego, a flank was prepared in the area of ​​one of the higher chakras. Then, from time to time, a person begins to shift there, and from the “top floor” of his own being, a wider view opens up to him. A temporary shift to the higher centers gives clarity, and the person wonders how he could have acted so rudely and imprudently just recently. For such a shift of consciousness to higher centers, a contemplative, detached, calm and detached look at habitual fixations is required.

Enlightenment means awareness of any fixations and experiences as external observable phenomena. At a deep level, we only observe what is happening, without taking any personal part in it. The state beyond the fixations of relative “understanding” is the freedom of absolute “understanding.” In other words, the assemblage point itself is only a temporary refuge, a new identification of the false “I”, and attention as such in its absolute aspect is the very sought-after enlightenment.

Igor Satorin

The intersection of theories from different teachings is sometimes a topic for fruitless debate. To avoid this, you should approach the issue practically and build the theoretical part of your own worldview from concepts tested in practice. Theories are generally useful as a relative guide through life.

Assemblage point offset.

I affirm: ON THE human BODY there is an assemblage point. In addition to the assemblage point located on the human body, there is another formation on the human cocoon: at the level of the solar plexus or navel there is a lumen. Through this gap, external rolling forces and blows break into each of us.

Quote: “Returning from the second attention after being hit between the shoulder blades, Carlos each time experienced a strange itching in the solar plexus, which made his breathing shallow and painful. This was gradually tightening his lumen.

With a strong shift of the assemblage point (no matter in what direction), the gap opens so much that the energy storm roaring outside threatens to forever keep the assemblage point in an unusual positionIf this happens, others will perceive you as crazy. External radiation can even destroy the cocoon, which always means the death of a person.

This is when a novice Warrior needs the “shields” of “no-thought” and “doing”; This was the case when the old magician demanded that the young American take up his diary. “Doing” returns the assemblage point, if not to its usual place, then closer to it, and the opening in the cocoon is controlled.”.

The key to magic is understanding the mystery of the assemblage point.

Wikipedia: (English assemblage point) - one of the fundamental concepts used by the esoteric thinker and mystic Carlos Castaneda in his books.

One of the most dramatic features of human nature is the terrible connection between stupidity and self-reflection. It is stupidity that causes the average person to reject everything that does not agree with his reflective expectations. For example, as ordinary people we fail to appreciate the most important aspect of knowledge available to human beings: the existence of an assemblage point and the fact that it can be moved.
(Carlos Castaneda "Wheel of Time")

According to Castaneda's teachings, “assemblage point” is a purely conventional term. “Seers” see the assemblage point precisely as a luminous point on the cocoon of a being endowed with awareness. The position of the assemblage point completely determines a person’s interaction with the world - namely, its position determines which energy flows of the nagual will be involved in ordering and assembling the image of the world accessible to awareness.

Any displacement of the assemblage point leads to the fact that some of the previously involved energy flows pass into a passive state, and some of the previously passive ones become activated and become available for awareness.

A slight shift in the assemblage point leads, relatively speaking, to a change in the point of view of the familiar world; a strong displacement leads to ending up in one of the other worlds. According to Castaneda, the concept of the assemblage point is absolutely universal and applicable to all aspects of human interaction with the world without exception.

It is the position of the assemblage point that determines the tonal that is perceived by the awareness of the owner of this position of the assemblage point as a holistic image of the world. Therefore, it is clear that carriers of awareness can at least somehow interact with each other if there is at least consistency in the positions of their assemblage points.

The assemblage points of all modern people are located in approximately the same area, which gives their owners more or less the same perception of the world that is familiar and familiar to everyone since childhood. Insanity is a random and uncontrolled displacement of the assemblage point. As (according to Castaneda) don Juan said, crazy people create chaos out of chaos; a magician, unlike a madman, controls the shift of the assemblage point and opens up new worlds. The main content of magic is conscious control of the movement of the assemblage point. The key to magic is understanding the mystery of the assemblage point.

The degree of mobility and the position of the assemblage point determine different types attention:

* First attention corresponds to the everyday stable description of the world; rigidly fixed assembly point.

* Second attention corresponds to attention trained to perceive several different descriptions of the world; the assemblage point takes several positions.

nbsp; * Third attention corresponds to the highest state of development of attention, in which there is complete awareness of energy fields and free movement of the assemblage point to various positions.

In order to talk about the consciousness of Mages, it is necessary to talk about the Assemblage Point. It is an organ that is available to any person and is outside the zone of perception for people with three-dimensional consciousness. Functionally, the Assemblage Point is similar to a television channel switch. If you watch TV, then the world you perceive corresponds to the television channel that is on. When you switch the channel, you find yourself in a completely different world, corresponding to the program schedule broadcast on this channel.

Returning to the computer model of the world, we can say that the Assembly Point assembles a program for us from the information array, in accordance with some rule. The Assemblage Point also exists in crystals (living, or better yet whole), plants and animals, however, only a rational being (as we understand it) is capable of consciously operating this organ.

Magicians say that the Assemblage Point “assembles” the world. Accordingly, for each individual, other people and objects are external. As a result, a picture of the world appears, or a program that is the resultant of all Assemblage Points. Mages call this picture of the world the Treaty. We can say that a number of programs are simultaneously scrolling on the computer, and by manipulating the Assemblage Point, you can move from one program to another, or travel between parallel worlds.

Magicians distinguish several types of movement (functioning) of the Assemblage Point, including vertical movement (relative to the human energy cocoon), transverse movement, and movement perpendicular to the cocoon - outward or inward. The “energy cocoon” here refers to the extension of the body along dimensions that are beyond the limits of ordinary perception. Example: there is a ball on a plane. For a flat man - an inhabitant of a two-dimensional world - the ball represents a point (the point of contact with the plane). Two balls standing on a plane can interact at a distance of two radii, which will be incomprehensible to a flat man, because there is a large distance between two points in his world. To explain distant interaction, the little man will introduce the concept of “energy fields.” When the Assemblage Point moves in verticals, the structure of the person himself changes.

Imagine that we are projecting a fountain pen onto a plane. In a perpendicular position, on the plane we will see a round spot; when the projection angle changes, the shape of the object’s projection will change. Thus, by moving the Assemblage Point vertically, a person seems to change his appearance. At the same time, the downward movement of the Assemblage Point changes the appearance of a person towards the animal nature (remember the shadow theater, where the actor’s hand can portray a wolf). When the Assemblage Point moves upward, a person is perceived as an Angel (superhuman being). The Assemblage Point is fixed stably in some position with the help of external energy. On the human body there are seven vertical zones of possible fixation of the Assemblage Point (they are also called Chakras). These zones correspond to seven frequency ranges in which energy exchange occurs with the planet’s organism. Depending on the caste, this exchange occurs in a more or less high-frequency range (the higher the caste, the more high-frequency energy channel is used). The higher the Chakra is involved (as the place of fixation of the Assemblage Point), the higher the level of human consciousness (the number of perceived dimensions of space). When the Assemblage Point moves across the cocoon, the Agreement, or the principle of assembling the world, changes. In other words, a person moves into a parallel world.

The very concept of an assemblage point was introduced by ancient seers. Like other names, this is a purely conventional term, but there are no special reasons to abandon it or replace it with another. Seers see the assemblage point precisely as a luminous point on the cocoon of a being endowed with awareness (where, in fact, this name comes from). But only new seers were able to understand what they actually saw, and, having understood this, they made the greatest discovery that they themselves had not fully appreciated.

Briefly, its essence boils down to the fact that a person’s interaction with the world is completely determined by the position of the assemblage point: namely, its position determines which energy flows of the nagual will be involved in ordering and assembling the image of the world accessible to awareness. Accordingly, any shift in the assemblage point leads to the fact that some of the previously involved energy flows pass into a passive state, and some of the previously passive ones become activated and become available for awareness. A slight shift in the assemblage point leads, relatively speaking, to a change in the point of view on the familiar world; a strong displacement leads to ending up in one of the other worlds.

So, for example, you can monitor the behavior of a student during an exam, struggling to solve a difficult problem when it is impossible to use a cheat sheet. If a student has even the slightest insight into the essence of the task and has even modest knowledge of the subject, intense concentration on the task can lead to a shift in his assemblage point to a position that engages energy flows associated with what in human reality is commonly called creativity, which will allow him to solve this problem, which a few minutes before seemed completely hopeless.

If a student, as they say, is not even in the woods, but at the same time, for some reason, it is absolutely impossible for him to fail the exam, and in addition, his potential abilities as a magician are above average, then there is a non-zero probability that in that the moment when he especially intensely desires to fall through the ground, there will be such a strong shift in the assemblage point that it will simply assemble another world; For those present in the audience, it would look as if the student had simply disappeared into thin air, and for the student, it would have looked as if he had suddenly found himself in a completely unfamiliar place.

The ancient seers focused mainly on penetrating all the worlds they could reach, for which they were subject to (partly fair) criticism from the new seers. However, the fate of the new seers is much more unenviable than the ancient ones...

The most important secret of the concept of the assemblage point is its absolute universality and applicability to all aspects of human interaction with the world without exception (which, as can be repeated, is completely determined by the position of the assemblage point). It is the position of the assemblage point that determines the tonal, which is perceived by the awareness of the owner of this position of the assemblage point as a holistic image of the world. Therefore, it is clear that carriers of awareness can at least somehow interact with each other if there is at least consistency in the positions of their assemblage points.

So, I repeat, the assemblage points of all modern people are located in approximately the same area, which gives their owners more or less the same perception of the world that is familiar and familiar to everyone since childhood.

Madness is a random and uncontrolled displacement of the assemblage point. As (according to Castaneda) don Juan said, crazy people create chaos out of chaos; a magician, unlike a madman, controls the displacement of the assemblage point and opens up new worlds. The main content of magic is conscious control of the movement of the assemblage point. The key to magic is understanding the mystery of the assemblage point.

In your books.

One of the most dramatic features of human nature is the terrible connection between stupidity and self-reflection. It is stupidity that causes the average person to reject everything that does not agree with his reflective expectations. For example, as ordinary people we fail to appreciate the most important aspect of knowledge available to human beings: the existence of an assemblage point and the fact that it can be moved.

Carlos Castaneda "Wheel of Time"

According to Castaneda's teachings, “assemblage point” is a purely conventional term. “Seers” see the assemblage point precisely as a luminous point on the cocoon of a being endowed with awareness. The position of the assemblage point completely determines a person’s interaction with the world - namely, its position determines which energy flows of the nagual will be involved in ordering and assembling the image of the world accessible to awareness. Any displacement of the assemblage point leads to the fact that some of the previously involved energy flows pass into a passive state, and some of the previously passive ones become activated and become available for awareness.

A slight shift in the assemblage point leads, relatively speaking, to a change in the point of view of the familiar world; a strong displacement leads to ending up in one of the other worlds.

According to Castaneda, the concept of the assemblage point is absolutely universal and applicable to all aspects of human interaction with the world without exception. It is the position of the assemblage point that determines the tonal, which is perceived by the awareness of the owner of this position of the assemblage point as a holistic image of the world. Therefore, it is clear that carriers of awareness can at least somehow interact with each other if there is at least consistency in the positions of their assemblage points.

The assemblage points of all modern people are located in approximately the same area, which gives their owners more or less the same perception of the world that is familiar and familiar to everyone since childhood. Madness is a random and uncontrolled displacement of the assemblage point. As (according to Castaneda) don Juan said, crazy people create chaos out of chaos; a magician, unlike a madman, controls the displacement of the assemblage point and opens up new worlds. The main content of magic is conscious control of the movement of the assemblage point. The key to magic is understanding the mystery of the assemblage point.

The degree of mobility and position of the assemblage point determine different types of attention:

  • The first attention corresponds to the everyday stable description of the world; rigidly fixed assembly point.
  • Second attention corresponds to attention trained to perceive several different descriptions of the world; the assemblage point takes several positions.
  • The third attention corresponds to the highest state of development of attention, in which there is full awareness of energy fields and free movement of the assemblage point to various positions.
