Home / Reviews / Erkts military personnel without registration. How to learn how to use the personal account of the RF SRC: features of the service. How to get an ERC pay slip for a soldier

Erkts military personnel without registration. How to learn how to use the personal account of the RF SRC: features of the service. How to get an ERC pay slip for a soldier

contractors, the Ministry of Defense has created a service on its website that allows you to find out the amount of allowances and other payments online. Entrance without registration of a soldier completely eliminates the need to go to the accounting department to find out the amount of charges. After creation account certificate can be issued.

If you receive funds from the SRC MO and you know your personal number, enter https://cabinet.mil.ru/ into your browser. The page will open:

Click on the "Login without registration" button and fill out the form provided by the system:

After clicking on “Login”, the system will redirect you to the “Paysheets” section, which displays all payments since 2012.

To be able to use all the features of the service, you need to create a full account. On the page https://cabinet.mil.ru/ mark "Pass registration". You will be offered another form, in which, in addition to the date of birth and personal number, you must enter your own password twice and E-mail address. After clicking on “Go through registration”, go to your email and follow the link indicated in the letter sent from the website of the Ministry of Defense.

Benefits of access to your personal account

Entrance to Personal Area serviceman by personal number does not make it possible to order a 2-personal income tax certificate via the Internet. After registering an account, a table of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of all military districts with addresses and phone numbers is available. You can fill it out and send it by e-mail or fax. To receive a paper form for mailing or in person, please print out the paper form and complete it.

Defense Department Russian Federation not so long ago created on its official website new program intended for military personnel under the contract. With its help, you can view the amount of money accrued for payment in the current month. Let's talk further about how to learn how to use the personal account of the RF SRC: features of the service and important points for the user.

Why was there a need

The need to develop the SRC of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is explained FAQ military personnel and civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense on the calculation of the amounts that are due to them for payment, as well as on when this payment will be made, in what amount, and the like.

In order to simplify this procedure, you can create a personal account on the website of the ERC MO RF. It is an easy-to-use, practical, and, most importantly, free service for the military and civilian personnel of the DoD. It allows you to constantly monitor online the amount of money accrued for payments due to a person in the current month.

The service is constantly updated and improved to ensure that relationships with consumers are as transparent and honest as possible.

Service features

A personal account on the official website of the SRC of the RF Ministry of Defense is a unique opportunity for every military, contract employee, as well as civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense to control the amount of the monthly cash payment.

To enter your personal account on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, you need to drive its address into the address bar of the search engine.

After registering and entering it, a serviceman can independently familiarize himself with information about the amount of money accrued to him in the SRC of the Russian Federation. At the same time, he does not depend on anyone, and can visit his personal account as many times as he needs.

If desired, a person can print or save to a removable media information from a personal account on the ERC MO RF. It can also be sent to your email address (e-mail). This allows, in the absence of a computer at hand, to remember the amount of money accrued to him for payment. Note that the entrance to the personal account of the ERC MO RF can be done at any time of the day or night.

How to register

Creating a personal account on the ERC MO RF and entering it will not cause you any difficulties if you fill out the proposed forms carefully. You will spend a maximum of 10 minutes of your time on registration, but soon you will be able to appreciate the advantages that your personal account in the RF SRC has.

To gain access to the personal account of the SRC RF, you need to register on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. This can be done by any user: both military personnel and civilian personnel of the Defense Ministry. Think of a username and password in advance, this will be required for registration in the RF SRC. You will also need to fill out a personal data form in the RF SRC, namely:

  • military personal number;
  • date month and year of birth;
  • password and its confirmation;
  • valid email.

Note that the service issues a password quality requirement. It must contain at least six characters, but to increase the security level of the RF SRC personal account, it is better to come up with a really complex option. For example, a combination of letters and numbers.

To complete the registration and enter the personal account of the serviceman of the SRC RF, you will need to confirm your decision. How to do it? A letter will be sent to the user's e-mail specified in the questionnaire with personal data. It will contain an active link, by clicking on which you can confirm registration in the RF SRC.

You can also create a personal account for civilian personnel of the ERC MO RF. Registration in this case carried out according to the same principle.

Can I login without registering?

You can get acquainted with the information on the website of the SRC RF without registration. To do this, you need to check the checkbox next to the inscription "log in without registration" and fill in the required fields. However, it is the registered user who gets more opportunities.

And already after the first entrance to the personal account, the serviceman will be able to ask how his payslip is formed.

What to do if the password or login is lost?

If you registered on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, but forgot your password, you can recover it. This is a very simple procedure, however, all forms must be filled out carefully. Click on the "forgot password" button and the placeholder form that appears. In case of any difficulties, contact the service administration.

If a military man serving under a contract has questions about monetary payments or he has revealed inaccuracies in the information in the tables, the website contains the telephone number of the "hot line" of the RF SRC.

A serviceman's pay slip can be obtained either on paper or in electronic form. In the second case, you need to have a personal account on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

A serviceman's pay slip is a document in which you can see the amount of the military allowance and other accruals, as well as deductions and amounts payable “in hand”. The fact is that all employers are required to notify each employee in writing (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • on the components of the salary due for the specified period;
  • on the amounts of other amounts accrued to the employee, including compensation, vacation pay and other payments;
  • on the amount and grounds for deductions;
  • about the amount to be paid.

This is stated in article 136 of the Labor Code.

What to include in the payroll of a soldier

Servicemen instead of salaries receive monetary allowances, as well as other payments. You will find information about all these payments if you receive a military pay slip.

The structure of the document is as follows. At the beginning of the pay slip, the ERC (single settlement center) shows all accruals:

  • salary according to military rank;
  • military salary (contract);
  • percentage bonus for years of service;
  • monthly allowance for special conditions of military service (contract);
  • monthly bonus for secrecy (contract);
  • monthly bonus for class qualification (contract);
  • Award for Conscientious and Efficient Performance official duties;
  • financial assistance;
  • holiday pay;
  • sick leave;
  • other accruals.

In addition to accruals, the pay slip shows the amount of personal income tax and other deductions. Also, the payroll of a serviceman under a contract or a conscript contains the amount payable, minus deductions, which he will receive "on hand".

How to get an ERC pay slip for a soldier

The pay slip of the military can be obtained on paper in the military unit, in electronic form - on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Russia in the "Personal Account" section.

The payroll of a serviceman under a contract can also be found on the website of the Ministry of Defense. The pay slip service is free. You can get a military pay slip by personal number if you register. The second option is that you have the right to see the payroll of a serviceman without registration.

How to get a pay slip of a serviceman under a contract without registration

Suppose you do not want to register, but you need to get a military pay slip. Entrance without registration is also possible. Click on the inscription "login without registration". Then get the following picture on the screen (see figure below).

In the drop-down list from the top line, select "Soldier". The fact is that the service can be used not only by the military, but also by a civil servant.

Next, enter the personal number of the soldier. Recall that the number format is one or two Russian letters, a dash, then six digits. After that, enter the date of birth of the soldier in the format "DD.MM.YYYY". It remains to enter the code from the picture and click on the "Login" button.

If all the data is entered correctly, then you will receive a pay slip of a serviceman by personal number. If not, the system will generate an error message (see figure below).

How to register in the personal account of a soldier

To resolve the issue of how to find out the salary of a serviceman by personal number, you can enter your personal account on the website of the Ministry of Defense by registration number. But first you need to register.

The registration process consists of two parts: account creation and activation. First, select the inscription "Register". A picture will appear on the screen (see figure below).

Enter your personal information to register. First, select the category "Serviceman", then dial the personal number of the serviceman, date of birth. Enter the password on two lines at once. Next write down the address Email and numbers from the picture. After that, click the "Register" button.

After that, you should receive an e-mail message for registration with a username and password. Follow the link contained in the message and receive confirmation of registration. After that, the registration process is completed, and you can enter your personal account with a username and password.

How to enter your personal account after registration

If you have already registered, getting a military pay slip will be easier and faster. In your personal account on the website of the Ministry of Defense, immediately enter your username and password, then click "Login"

If you entered the username and password correctly, the serviceman's pay slip will appear on the screen.

If you forgot your password, you can recover it. Click "Retrieve password", then enter the personal number of the serviceman, date of birth and code from the picture. You will receive an email with password recovery information.

contractors, the Ministry of Defense has created a service on its website that allows you to find out the amount of allowances and other payments online. Entrance without registration of a soldier completely eliminates the need to go to the accounting department to find out the amount of charges. After creating an account, you can issue a certificate 2-NDFL.

If you receive funds from the SRC MO and you know your personal number, enter https://cabinet.mil.ru/ into your browser. The page will open:

Click on the "Login without registration" button and fill out the form provided by the system:

After clicking on “Login”, the system will redirect you to the “Paysheets” section, which displays all payments since 2012.

To be able to use all the features of the service, you need to create a full account. On the page https://cabinet.mil.ru/ mark "Pass registration". You will be offered another form, in which, in addition to the date of birth and personal number, you must enter your own password and E-mail address twice. After clicking on "Register", go to your email inbox and follow the link indicated in the letter sent from the website of the Ministry of Defense.

Benefits of access to your personal account

Logging into the personal account of a serviceman using a personal number does not make it possible to order a 2-NDFL certificate via the Internet. After registering an account, a table of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of all military districts with addresses and phone numbers is available. You can download the form, fill it out and send it by e-mail or fax. To receive a paper form for mailing or in person, please print out the paper form and complete it.

The personal account of a serviceman is part of the official portal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It was created to ensure interaction with the military on issues of monetary allowance. In addition to prompt information, a system for considering applications has been established, which allows solving the problems that have arisen as soon as possible.

Possibilities of a personal account

Thanks to the appearance of the “personal account of a serviceman” option available on the official website, it became possible to receive timely up-to-date information on the calculations of allowances paid and receive answers to questions of interest regarding the implementation of charges and payments. The following services are provided through the online portal:

  • Regular informing about the assigned monetary allowance with a detailed description of all deductions and payments in the form of a payslip.
  • Ability to save and print the received data.
  • Providing information regarding previous payments, stored in a convenient table.
  • Availability of contact information, which can be used in case of questions.

Registration and login to your personal account

A visit to the personal account of the Ministry of Defense is available to military personnel in two modes: with and without registration.

  • Logging into the system without registration is carried out when choosing the necessary method on the main page of the account. As a result, new lines appear in which the personal information of the serviceman should be entered: type of service, personal number (for civil servants - SNILS) and date of birth. Next, you need to write the numbers from the picture and click "Login", after which it will be displayed main page office.
  • Registration in the personal account of a Serviceman allows you to enter the account using your login and password at the link https://cabinet.mil.ru/RegisterUser.aspx. It consists of two stages: creating an account and authorization. First, data on the type of service, personal number or SNILS and date of birth, desired password, e-mail address are entered, to which the necessary data will be sent. Next, click "Register", and in the window that opens, instructions for activating your account will appear.

It is necessary to activate a soldier's account within two hours by clicking on the link sent to email. The login is also listed there. If the system reported successful activation, in the future you can only use your login and password to log in.