Home / Overview of Linux / Stages of emergence and development of computer graphics. The concept of computer graphics. The main stages of development. History of development of CG

Stages of emergence and development of computer graphics. The concept of computer graphics. The main stages of development. History of development of CG

The history of computer graphics in the USSR began almost simultaneously with its birth in the USA. This collection includes some facts from this story. We hope that the selection will be expanded and supplemented.

We will be very grateful for any historical facts about computer graphics and vision in Russia and will write them down with great pleasure. Send information to our address [email protected] website


First computer rendering

At the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Yu.M. Bayakovsky and T.A. Sushkevich demonstrated the first experience of the practical application of computer graphics when displaying a sequence of frames on the charactron, forming a short film with visualization of the plasma flow around a cylinder.


The first domestic raster display

In the Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, on a BESM-6 machine, the first domestic raster display was installed, with video memory on a magnetic drum weighing 400 kg.

The first diploma work on computer graphics in the Moscowuniversity
Folker Hymer. Translator and interpreter for the L^6 programming language.
An implementation of the L^6 language proposed by Kenneth Knowlton for solving some animation problems is considered.
The world's first computer-drawn cartoon.

Made from a sequence of printouts made on perforated tape using a BESM-4 machine. This cartoon at one time was a big breakthrough in the field of computer modeling, because the picture is not just drawn, but obtained by solving equations that specify the movement of a cat.


The first review on computer graphics was published, then presented as a report to the Second All-Union Conference on Programming (VKP-2).
Shtarkman V.S., Bayakovsky Yu.M. machine graphics. Preprint IPM AN USSR, 1970.
Apparently, this is the first publication in Russian in which the phrase appeared machine graphic arts.


The first motion pictures using a computer
For the SDS-910 machine, a set of subroutines was developed at the IPM for the SDS-910 machine, and a camera was installed for frame-by-frame recording of images displayed on the display screen. With the help of this system, the behavior of a walking robot was visualized, as well as the gravitational interaction of galaxies was simulated.


The first library of graphics programs Grafor
The first version of the library made it possible to display graphic primitives (a line segment, a circle arc, alphanumeric characters) on a graph plotter, and then on a display, and build graphs of functions based on them. Later, the library was supplemented with programs for affine transformations, hatching, screening, approximation and spline interpolation, programs for visualizing two-dimensional functions (surfaces and contour maps), programs for geometric constructions. graphor was implemented on most computers existing at that time in the Soviet Union and operating systems with output to almost all available plotters and graphic displays. The stage of creating a classical graphic library in Fortran ended in 1985 with the publication of the book Grafor. Graphic extension of Fortran (authors - Yu.M. Bayakovsky, T.N. Mikhailova, V.A. Galaktionov; circulation - 40 thousand copies).

The first dissertation in the USSR on computer graphics was defended
A list of several dissertations is given below:

  • Karlov Alexander Andreevich
    Issues of mathematical support of the display with a light pencil and its use in problems of experimental physics
    Dubna, 1972
  • Grin Viktor Mikhailovich
    Software for working with 3D objects on graphic terminals
    Novosibirsk, 1973
  • Bayakovsky Yuri Matveevich
    Analysis of methods for developing computer graphic software
    Moscow, 1974
  • Zlotnik Evgeniy Matveevich
    Development and research of a complex of technical means and methods for designing an operational graphic system
    Minsk, 1974
  • Lysy Semyon Timofeevich
    G1 - Geometric computer software system
    Chisinau, 1976
  • Piguzov Sergey Yurievich
    Development and study of means of graphical interaction between a geophysicist and a computer in the processing of seismic data
    Moscow, 1976


A book by W. Newman, R. Sprull published in Russian Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics(under the editorship of V.A. Lvov).


First meeting of charts

In September 1977, the first meeting of schedules took place in Novosibirsk. The event was announced as a "regional conference", but a fairly representative community gathered, it turned out to be an All-Union one. Some of the reports were selected for publication in the journal Avtometry, which happened in 1978.


The first All-Union Conference on Computer Graphics was held in Novosibirsk in September.

List of the following conferences:

  • Novosibirsk, 1981 (
  • All-Union Conference on Problems of Computer Graphics
    and digital imaging
    Vladivostok, September 24-26, 1985
  • IV All-Union Conference on Computer Graphics
    Protvino, September 9-11, 1987
  • V All-Union Conference on Machine Graphics "Machine Graphics 89"
    Novosibirsk, October 31-November 2, 1989

The first grayscale color raster display Gamma-1.

The first Gamma display station suitable for active use in cinema and television was created at the Institute of Applied Physics in the Novosibirsk academic city by Vladimir Sizykh, Petr Veltmander, Alexei Buchnev, Vladimir Minaev and others. The resolution of the first station was 256 × 256 × 6 bits, and then continuously increased. The Gamma 7.1 display station provided a resolution of 1024*768 for progressive scan monitor 50Hz and had a video memory of 1MB. In the second half of the 1980s. "Gamma", which was mass-produced, was supplied and successfully operated by the state television centers of the country.


Output of the graphics package Atom.

The development of the package was initiated by Yu.M. Bayakovsky. The Core System promoted by him then (Kaminsky, Klimenko, Kochin) was taken as a basis.


The first special course on computer graphics.

Yu.M. Bayakovsky began to read an annual special course on computer graphics for students of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University. Since 1990, the course has been read as compulsory for students of the second year of study.


First paper accepted at Eurographics 1985

"They broke a window into graphic Europe" - the first report from the USSR was accepted at the Eurographics 1985 conference. However, since Perestroika had not yet begun, the speakers were not allowed to leave the USSR, and the first time the Soviet delegation visited the conference was only in 1988.


Atom-85 package goes to CERN.

The Atom-85 graphics package was released at CERN, where it was actively used (along with Grafor) for illustrative graphics tasks (Klimenko, Kochin, Samarin).


The first Russian company of computer graphics "Drive" was organized. SciVis Conference

In 1989, Alexander Pekar, Sergey Timofeev and Vladimir Sokolov organized the Videofilm computer graphics studio at the VPTO, which a year later became the first independent computer graphics company, moving from under the wing of Videofilm to the Central Pavilion of VDNKh.

Also in 1990, the first conference on SciVis was held, where I was invited by Greg Nilson (without a report yet), but already the following year, 1991, at the 1st Seminar of the SciVis-Dagstuhl series, we presented a report on visualization in High Energy Physics.


In February, Moscow hosted the first international conference on computer graphics and vision GraphiCon"91
The first GraphiCon conference was organized by the USSR Academy of Sciences represented by the Institute of Applied Mathematics named after M.V. Keldysh of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Union of Architects of the USSR and some other organizations with the assistance and support of the international association ACM Siggraph (USA). Among the American guests were the heads of world-class companies that have already entered the history of computer graphics, such as, Ed Catmull, the head of the company Pixar who made with George Lucas Star Wars. Their reports (translated and published by the organizers of the conference in Russian) were also presented by John Lassiter from Pixar, which the day before (in 1989) received the first ever Oscar for computer animation (the film "Tin Toy", shown at the conference), as well as the legendary Jim Clark, founder of the company "Silicon Graphics" for many years the former trendsetter in the field of professional graphics stations.
The first Russian laureate at the international competition PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA in the nominationcomputeranimationbecame a team from Novosibirsk.

<<Фильм Shadow was made by the working group ( Boris Mazurok, Sergey Mikhaev, Alexander Cherepanov) under my supervision on a specialized 3D visualization system Albatross, the main purpose of which is the training of astronauts and pilots. System Albatross was developed at the Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.>> Boris Dolgovesov.

<< ... Moving on to more conventional 3D animation there was "Shadow" from the USSR (commended). Although done on a pretty unsophisticated system, this showed what a bit of humour and good observation of human movement is capable of.>> A.J. Mitchell, The birth of a new art.

The book DER PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA is cited. International Compendium of the Computer Arts. Hannes Leopoldseder. - Linz - VERITAS-Verlag, 1991.


The first festival of computer graphics and animation ANIGRAPH"93 was held.

In 1992, Vladimir Loshkarev, head of the Joy Company, which promotes Russian market packages of graphic programs and equipment, the first scientific and practical conference on computer graphics was organized. Then came the idea of ​​the festival, which combines the technical side, and commerce, and pure creativity. The ANIGRAPH festival was organized with the participation of VGIK, Sergey Lazaruk (vice rector for scientific and creative work of VGIK) became the co-chairman of the organizing committee. The exhibition featured all the largest producers graphic stations. More than 50 works were presented at the creative competition.

Unfortunately, the festival did not live up to its tenth anniversary and was closed as commercially untenable.

The first Russian cartoon with 3D computer graphics.

Novosibirsk studio "Albatross" created the first domestic cartoon with three-dimensional computer graphics "Misha - first voyage", which in 1993 was at the box office on Russian TV,


The first computer graphics in Russian cinema.

In film "Burnt by the Sun" the ball lightning episode was produced by the Render Club.


The first attempts to collect and systematize historical facts.
Timour Paltashev. Russia: Computer Graphics -- Between the Past and the Future. Computer Graphics, vol.30, no. 2, May 1996. Special issue: Computer Graphics Around the World.
Yuri Bayakovsky. Russia: Computer Graphics Education Takes Off in the 1990's. Computer Graphics, Vol. 30, no. 3, August 1996. Special issue: Computer Graphics Education -- Worldwide Effort

year 2000

Special issue of Computer&Graphics Vol.24 "Computer Graphics in Russia."

year 2001

Appearance virtual reality in Russia.

The first conference from the VEonPC series was held in Protvino with a demonstration of the first virtual reality installation in Russia created by Stanislav Klimenko's group in cooperation with Martin Goebel (IMK, S.Augustin).


First Conference of Computer Game Developers KRI-2003.
On March 21 and 22, 2003, the first international Game Developers Conference(KRI) in Russia, organized by DEV.DTF.RU - the leading specialized resource in Runet for game developers and publishers. For the first time in the history of the Russian gaming industry, KRI 2003 brought together almost all industry professionals to exchange experience and discuss various problems. About 40 companies from Russia, as well as near and far abroad, operating both in the development and publishing of gaming software, took part in KRI 2003, and the total number of conference visitors, according to various estimates, ranged from 1000 to 1500 people.


First Practical Conference on Computer Graphics and AnimationCGevent-2006.

Inspired by the SIGGRAPH conference, the author of the book "Understanding Maya" Sergey Tsyptsyn and the creator of the site cgtalk.ru Alexander Kostin, the first practical conference on computer graphics CG Event was organized, which became the ideological successor of the ANIGRAPH festival. More than 500 people participated in the first CG Event, and in the subsequent number of participants only grew.


  1. Encyclopedia of national cinema. http://www.russiancinema.ru/template.php?dept_id=3&e_dept_id=5&e_chr_id=416&e_chrdept_id=2&chr_year=1993
  2. "Budget 3D". Computerra. http://www.computerra.ru/video/287273/
  3. First steps digital television in the USSR

The history of the development of computer graphics began already in the 20th century and continues today. It's no secret that it was the graphics that contributed to the rapid growth in the speed of computers.

1940-1970s – the time of large computers (the era before personal computers). They were engaged in graphics only when outputting to a printer. During this period, the mathematical foundations were laid.

Features: the user did not have access to the monitor, the graphics developed at the mathematical level and were displayed in the form of text, resembling an image at a great distance. Graph plotters appeared in the late 60s and were practically unknown.

1971-1985 - personal computers appeared, i.e. the user has access to the displays. The role of graphics has increased dramatically, but there was a very low speed of the computer. Programs were written in assembler. A color image (256) has appeared.

Features: this period was characterized by the emergence of real graphics.

1986-1990 - the emergence of technology Multimedia (Multimedia). Sound and video processing has been added to the graphics, the user's communication with the computer has expanded.

Features: the appearance of a user dialogue with a personal computer; the appearance of animation and the ability to display a color image.

1991-2008 - the appearance of the graphics of our day Virtual Reality. Displacement sensors have appeared, thanks to which the computer changes images using signals sent to it. The appearance of stereo glasses (a monitor for each eye), due to the high speed of which, an imitation of the real world is made. The slowdown in the development of this technology due to the fear of physicians, tk. thanks to Virtual Reality, you can greatly disrupt the human psyche, thanks to the powerful effect of color on it.

Consequence of using graphics

The software architecture has completely changed. If earlier the father of programming Wirth said that any program is an algorithm + data structure, then with the advent of computer graphics on a personal computer, a program is an algorithm + data structure + user interface (graphic).

Programming is now called visual programming, i.e. the compiler gives a lot dialog boxes, where the coordinates are entered and the prototype of the result is visible, and you can change the prototype of the program.

In the 90s, a standard for depicting UML algorithm diagrams appeared, it is used by all textbooks. It allows for object-oriented programs and is capable of simulating multitasking. It is possible to draw the algorithm scheme yourself from ready-made standard forms. Because all programs use graphics (menus, trademarks, all sorts of auxiliary images) they can be done in modern compilers without leaving the compiler. UML is regarded as an international standard. It has 12 groups of symbols (each of the groups with a specific definition) and ways of interconnection between them.

The transition to a graphical interface was forced by the fact that a person perceives 80% of the data through a picture, and only 20% through the mind, feelings, etc.

The first computers did not have separate means for working with graphics, but they were already used for obtaining and processing images. By programming the memory of the first electronic machines, built on the basis of a matrix of lamps, it was possible to obtain patterns.

In 1961, programmer S. Russell led the project to create the first computer game with graphics. The creation of the game ("Spacewar!") took about 200 man-hours. The game was created on a PDP-1 machine.

In 1963, the American scientist Ivan Sutherland created the Sketchpad software and hardware system, which made it possible to draw points, lines, and circles on a tube with a digital pen. Basic actions with primitives were supported: moving, copying, etc. In fact, this was the first vector editor implemented on a computer. Also, the program can be called the first graphical interface, and it was such even before the appearance of the term itself.

In the mid 1960s. there were developments in industrial applications of computer graphics. So, under the leadership of T. Mofett and N. Taylor, Itek developed a digital electronic drawing machine. In 1964, General Motors introduced the DAC-1 computer-aided design system, developed in conjunction with IBM.

In 1964, a group led by N. N. Konstantinov created a computer mathematical model cat movements. The BESM-4 machine, executing the written program for solving differential equations, drew the cartoon "Kitty", which for its time was a breakthrough. An alphanumeric printer was used for visualization.

In 1968, computer graphics experienced significant progress with the advent of the ability to store images and display them on a computer display, a cathode ray tube.

In the late 60s and early 70s, new firms began to work in the field of computer graphics. Previously, customers had to install unique equipment and develop new software to perform any work, but with the advent of various software packages that facilitate the process of creating images, drawings and interfaces, the situation has changed significantly.

Over the decade, systems have become so advanced that they have almost completely isolated the user from software-related problems.

In the late 1970s, there were significant changes in computer graphics. It became possible to create raster displays that have many advantages: output of large data arrays, a stable, non-flickering image, work with color. For the first time it became possible to obtain a color scale. Raster technology in the late 70s became clearly dominant. The most significant event in the field of computer graphics was the creation of the late 70s personal computer. In 1977, Apple created the Apple II. The appearance of this device caused mixed feelings: the graphics were terrible, and the processors were slow. However, personal computers stimulated the development process peripherals. Of course, personal computers have evolved as an important part of computer graphics, especially with the introduction of the Apple Macintosh in 1984 with its graphical user interface.

Initially, the scope of the personal computer was not graphic applications, and work with word processors and spreadsheets, but its capabilities as a graphics device prompted the development of relatively inexpensive programs in both CAD / CAM and more general areas of business and art. By the late 1980s, software was available for everything from control suites to desktop publishing. In the late 1980s, a new market direction arose for the development of hardware and software systems for scanning and automatic digitization. The original impetus for such systems was to be created by the Ozalid magic machine, which would scan and automatically vectorize a drawing on paper, converting it to standard formats.

However, the emphasis has shifted towards the processing, storage and transmission of scanned pixel images.

In the 90s, the differences between computer graphics and image processing are blurred. Computer graphics often deal with vector data, while image processing is based on pixel information. Just a few years ago, each user required a workstation with a unique architecture, but now workstation processors are fast enough to manage both vector and raster information.

In addition, there is the possibility of working with video. Add audio capabilities and you have a multimedia computing environment. The growing potential of personal computers and their huge number - on the order of 100 million - ensures the steady growth of the industry in the industry. Graphics are increasingly penetrating business - today there are virtually no documents created without the use of any graphic element.

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After studying the material in this chapter, the student should:


  • the history of the development of software tools for working with graphics;
  • areas of application of computer graphics;
  • classification of computer graphics, types of presentation of graphic information;
  • main types of graphics description, their advantages and disadvantages;

be able to

  • understand graphic formats;
  • navigate in the environment of various digital graphics and use it optimally;
  • apply the acquired knowledge for the development of graphic programs;


  • necessary terminology;
  • information used in practical work with digital images.

The concept, history of development, areas of application and types of computer graphics

The concept and history of computer graphics

Computer graphics (machine, digital graphics) is a field of activity in which computers are used as a tool for creating images, as well as for processing visual information received from the real world. The result of this activity is also called computer graphics.

History of computer graphics. The first computers did not have special tools for working with graphics, but they were already used for obtaining and processing images. By programming the memory of the first electronic machines, built on the basis of a matrix of lamps, it was possible to obtain patterns.

In 1961, programmer S. Russell led the project to create the first computer game with graphics. The game space war was created on the PDP-1 machine.

In 1963, the American scientist Ivan Sutherland created a hardware and software system Sketchpad , which allowed you to draw points, lines and circles on the tube with a digital pen (light pen) light rap ) - one of the tools for entering graphic data into a computer, a kind of manipulators). Basic actions supported primitives - moving, copying, etc. In fact, this was the first vector editor , implemented on a computer. Also, the program can be called the first graphical interface, and it was such even before the appearance of the term itself.

In the mid 1960s. there were developments in industrial applications of computer graphics. So, under the leadership of T. Mofett and N. Taylor, the firm Itek developed a digital electronic drawing machine. In 1964 General Motors introduced the DAC-1 computer-aided design system, developed in collaboration with IBM.

In 1964, a group led by II. II. Konstantinov created a computer mathematical model of the movement of a cat. The BESM-4 machine, executing the written program for solving differential equations, drew the cartoon "Kitty", which for its time was a breakthrough. An alphanumeric printer was used for visualization.

In 1968, computer graphics made significant progress with the advent of the ability to store images and display them on a computer display, a cathode ray tube.

Applications of digital graphics

scientific graphics- the first computers were used only to solve scientific and industrial problems. In order to better present the results obtained, they were processed graphically, graphs, diagrams, drawings of the calculated structures were built. The first graphics on the machine were obtained in character printing mode. Then special devices appeared - graph plotters (plotters) for drawing drawings and graphs with an ink pen on paper. Modern scientific computer graphics makes it possible to conduct computational experiments with a visual representation of their results.

business graphics- an area of ​​computer graphics designed to visually represent various indicators of the work of institutions. Planned indicators, reporting documentation, statistical reports - illustrative materials are created for them using computer graphics. Software business graphics are included in spreadsheets.

Design graphics used in the work of design engineers, architects, inventors of new technology. This type of computer graphics is an indispensable element of CAD (design automation systems). By means of design graphics, it is possible to obtain both flat images (projections, sections) and spatial three-dimensional images.

Illustrative graphics- drawing, drafting, modeling on a computer screen. Illustrative graphics packages are applied software general purpose. Illustrative graphics software tools are called graphic editors.

Artistic and advertising graphics popular largely due to the development of photography, advertising and television. With the help of a computer, printed materials, various kinds of promotional products, cartoons, computer games, interactive and video tutorials, slide and video presentations. Except graphic editors, for these purposes, graphics packages are used that require large computer resources in terms of speed and memory. A distinctive feature of these graphics packages is the ability to create realistic images and moving pictures. Obtaining drawings of three-dimensional objects, their rotations, approximations, removals, deformations are associated with a large amount of calculations. The transfer of the illumination of an object depending on the position of the light source, the location of the shadows, the texture of the surface requires calculations that take into account the laws of optics.

computer animation- Creation of moving images. The artist creates on the screen drawings of the initial and final positions of moving objects, all intermediate states are calculated and depicted by the computer, performing calculations based on the mathematical description of this type of movement. The resulting drawings, displayed sequentially on the screen with a certain frequency, create the illusion of movement.

Multimedia– Combining a high-quality image on a computer screen with sound. Multimedia systems are most widely used in education, advertising, and entertainment.

Scientific work. Computer graphics is also one of the areas scientific activity. In the field of computer graphics, dissertations are defended, and various conferences are held. At the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (VMiK) of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov operates a laboratory of computer graphics.

Types of computer graphics

Computer graphics can be divided into categories according to the ways of setting images. The three main categories are raster, vector and 3D graphics.

2D graphics (2D- from English. two dimensions two dimensions) is an image on a plane that has a length and a width. Two-dimensional computer graphics are classified according to the type of representation of graphic information and the image processing algorithms that follow from it. Usually computer graphics are divided into vector and raster, although they also separate fractal image representation type.

AT raster graphics Every image is considered as a collection of dots of different colors. In vector graphics, an image is a collection of simple elements: straight lines, arcs, circles, ellipses, rectangles, fills, etc., which are called graphic primitives.

  • Primitive(graphic primitive) - the simplest geometric figure.
  • Vector editor is a program for creating and editing vector images.
  • Fractal (from lat. fractus - consisting of fragments) - a structure formed from irregular individual elements which are similar to the whole. Such an object can be described with just a few mathematical equations.