Home / Office / Gta 5 online robbery pacific standard. The Pacific Standard Job robbery. At the Bank - Crowd Control

Gta 5 online robbery pacific standard. The Pacific Standard Job robbery. At the Bank - Crowd Control

This is already the fifth robbery, in fact it does not present any particular difficulty.
The Pacific Standard robbery in GTA Online is designed for 4 people, each of whom receives a maximum of $1,250,000, but due to the fact that they will shoot at you, this amount will decrease with each hit.

The preparation process is similar to all others, let's not dwell on this and move on to the most interesting thing - the robbery process. Break into the Winewood bank branch, break into the vault, customers and staff, hold out, and then escape with the attendants on motorcycles. This seems healthy, but is it practical? In fact, everything is very, very difficult. ! The reward is worth it but your team is divided into three Units: hacker, demolition, and two on surveillance. We're heading to the bank. As soon as you enter the cut scene starts. After him, those who are on surveillance kill the guards and intimidate the people in the bank. Just hovering at them takes aim or hunting around but doesn't kill one of the blue dots. The bar in the bottom right corner will tell you the fear level - if you've missed the point, then someone from the staff will press the alarm button and you'll be covered. Hacker and demolition move towards storage. The bomb blows off the doors with explosives, one by one, after the second friction - one of the team members "on surveillance" must kill the guards who climb the stairs. The hacker goes to the terminal and opens the door. There will be a colossal gate that will have to open the termozaryadom. The hacker team goes into storage and starts collecting money from the tables. At this time, signal sounds. Better use of heavy weapons such as machine guns and rockets. Being in the bank shouldn't be too long, so you should definitely move in the direction of the motorcycle. When you get to the bikes, there are vests, be sure to use them. Next, you must decide whether to run on a motorcycle or in a car? You should decide on the choice of vehicle, since it will depend on you whether you will be able to commit a robbery in GTA Online or not. Each type has its own characteristics, its pros and cons. Motorcycles are fast, maneuverable, and using them is easier to get on the road, but you are 5 stars required, you can easily be vulnerable, and you are being pursued by the entire state of lawyers. The car is more reliable, durable and safe, but you - all of us together, the four of us and the driver, must be a real Jason Statham in terms of driving a taxi. Have you chosen? The path to the canyon is very long way, plus you control the countdown timer. You will attack, and very hard. Of course, it would be great if you could find a very fast car on the street next to it and use it to escape. Drive to a point into the canyon and then up to the bridge, and then you'll want to parachute out of the cliff, fly with the current and board the boat. Once in the boat's Dinghy, you finally turn off the timer. Head to the sea, to the yellow marker.


As many already know, on January 27, 2017, R* fixed a bug with taking the armored Karin Kuruma from the nearest garage, where 4 bikes were waiting for us. Due to numerous requests from workers, we are posting a video of the Pacific Standard robbery in a helicopter, as well as an alternative option - in an armored SWAT van. And for very professional players, a video of the passage on motorcycles has been added.

Final by helicopter

Basic recommendations:
The helicopter will most likely not appear on the site if you have not completed the Flight School in GTA Online;
In order for the helicopter to appear, you need to get real three stars (they show five at once, but this is not true). To do this, it is enough to kill one cop on the way to the helicopter;
The helicopter spawns much more consistently if only 1 person is traveling towards it;
The bag of money runs onto the roof of the building for convenience and also for safety;
It is advisable to follow a helicopter without armor (it’s faster this way). And to run to the motorcycles after leaving the bank - in armor (another player can run);
The Hacker always takes the money, because... he does not have to leave the bank. At least 1 “human bodyguard” remains with him.

Final with an armored car

In case your helicopter does not spawn, and also for those who have just started playing GTA Online, there is a more reliable way using a SWAT van:

Motorcycle final

The video is only for those who are confident in their ability to ride a motorcycle.
With this type of passage, the main thing is don't shoot, because if you shoot at least one cop along the way, they will start shooting at you and you will quickly lose some of your money. So, even if you fall off your motorcycle, it is better to refrain from using your arsenal.
In addition, it is advisable to follow the yellow GPS line and not leave the route.
If you stop along the way, the cops can also open fire on you after getting out of the car.

English version

Helicopter method

General tips:

  • For the helicopter to spawn, you need to have at least 3-star wanted level
    (you see 5 stars from the start, but it's a lie).
    Killing just one cop on your way to the heli should be enough.
  • Helicopter spawns more consistent when approaching alone.
  • Money carrier climbs to the rooftop, so the heli pilot can safely pick him up.
  • Money carrier should be the Hacker, so he doesn't need to walk out of the bank.
Watch the first video
The video shows our first try on this method, so it"s not flawless.
Action starts at 5:30, bikes part starts at 8:25.

Armored van method

If for some reason the helicopter does not spawn for you,
or you"re just not good at piloting it, here is more reliable method:
Watch the second video

Only for those who are confident in their ability to drive a motorcycle.
For this type of walkthrough, the main thing is to not shoot, because if you shoot just one cop on the way, they will start shooting too and you will quickly lose money from the bag. So, even if you fell from a motorcycle, it"s better to refrain from using your arsenal.
In addition, follow the yellow line of GPS and do not leave the route.
If you stop on your way, the cops can also open fire on you, after getting out of their cars.
Watch the third video

Special thanks to the members of CATS crew for the help in the creation of this guide.

The most difficult robbery - but who would doubt it? At its core, Pacific Standard Job is a classic bank robbery with a spectacular chase at the end, but the reward will be appropriate. The maximum you can get $1.25 million.

In this finale, two players will take on the role of controlling civilians, one player will open locked doors with explosives, and the last will have to hack security systems.

Head to the bank, it's best if everyone gets into one car. Along the way, don’t even think about collecting at least one star from the police, otherwise the task will end immediately. Have you arrived? Great. Your path lies through the front entrance.

Once you've entered there will be a short cutscene. Two players immediately begin their work to eliminate the guards and intimidate civilians (just like in the first training heist). You just need to aim at them and shoot nearby, but past. The indicator on the right will indicate what state the crowd is in. If you loosen control, someone will press the panic button and the mission will fail.

At this time, the hacker and the man with the explosives are moving towards the vault. It needs to be installed on the door behind the reception area.

Now the next charge is already on the second door by the stairs. As soon as the door opens, one of the players dealing with the crowd should go to the far end of the building and wait for the guards from the upper floors to arrive and eliminate them as quickly as possible.
Now it's the hacker's turn, he must break into the doors through the terminal. Oh, one more door, and we need a charge again. Here they are dollars! Quickly take the money, because the alarm has already sounded.

It was simple, because the police had already arrived at the bank. The entire team must take positions at the doors. There will be enemies incredibly many, so get ready. It's best if you have a machine gun for people and rockets for cars. But don't stay inside the building for long, otherwise the mission will fail.

As soon as you feel that the pressure of the enemies has subsided, you can go out and fight your way to the bikes. It is better not to use explosives - the streets are narrow, and the explosion can hit your partners.

Keep moving until you find motorcycles. They stand exactly in the same place where you left them.

Now stop. Think for yourself, is it worth running away from the police with the fifth level of search on bikes? But the path is not close. In the meantime, break the boxes against the wall - there is armor there.

Next. The best thing to do would be to find a car and everyone get in it, but only if it will be passing by in the near future. The scheme is this: one player watches the appearance of the car for a while, and the rest stand by the bikes. If there is a car, then they drive it up to the bikes, everyone jumps on them and starts the timer. Then they abandon the motorcycles and get into the car. But remember that the driver must be first-class.

The path leads to the canyon. It will be hard. If anything, we warned you. Lots of police, lots of checkpoints and stuff. You were lucky if the car was fast.

Here we come to the last and final heist in GTA Online, the name of which is the “Pacific Standard Heist”. This is one of the most difficult and memorable robberies. This is due to the fact that this time your team will have to rob the Pacific Standard Bank. Also, the cost of preparatory missions will now be a fairly tidy sum - $100,000. So your team leader will have to fork out a lot before the main heist.

"Pacific Standard Heist" - Mission #1 - Vans

Pacific Standard Bank has a special system for marking money with paint bombs in case the vault has been compromised from outside. You will need to disable the paint bombs using a special transponder, which will be located in a certain mail van.

Your team will have to find these vans with the help of special application on the phone - Trackify. When you launch the application, you will understand that it is a kind of radar with many red dots on it. These points are the vans and among them is the one you need.

Launch the app and then go searching for mail vans. To be more precise, you will have to take a photo of the vans' license plates. As soon as you do this, Lester will hack the database necessary for the case and look up the van numbers. Having finished punching the numbers, he will point you to a van with the required transponder. All that remains is to drive up to the van, steal it and bring it to Paige. Having reached the specified point in the van, the mission will be considered completed.

"Pacific Standard Heist" - Mission #2 - Signal

After searching and finding the required transponder, you will need to tune the equipment to the same frequency at which the paint bombs in the Pacific Standard storage facility operate. Avi Shvartsman will help you set up the transponder.

After starting the mission, your team will need to arrive at the meeting point with this person, which is located along the eastern highway in front of Paleto Bay. You can all go in one car or everyone in their own personal transport - it doesn’t matter, since there are no divisions into roles in this mission.

While you are driving to the rally point, Lester will inform you that plans have changed dramatically. The thing is that Avi Schwartzman was tracked down and surrounded by government agents on a small island off the coast. After such unpleasant news, you will need to stop by the rental shop on Inesco Road and rent four jet skis for your team. There is no need to turn around, since the salon is located along the way.

Saddle up the SeaShark and sail on it to the island indicated on the mini-map to help the right specialist. As soon as you get to the island, land on it and start clearing the area from the police. Be careful, as there will also be helicopters on the island, which it would be advisable to get rid of.

As soon as you break through to the hut with Avi Shvartsman, a cutscene with boarding the boat will start. All you have to do now is sail the boat to the release point. By the way, there are only four seats on the boat, so one of the players will have to use a different means of transportation.

Swim east along the narrow river. You can use the bridge as a guide - swim under it and continue moving forward. One way or another, you will be able to swim to the Alamo Sea. Now your main task is to break away from the police chase. We recommend that you do not go ashore with a specialist until all your wanted levels have dropped.

Having gotten rid of the tail in the form of police, you can land at any point on the coast and transfer to land transport. All that was left was to bring Avi Schwartzman intact to the drop point on Grapeseed Main Street. As soon as you get there, you will be shown a cutscene in which Paige, Lester's assistant, will take the previously accompanied specialist and your transponder to reconfigure the device.

"Pacific Standard Heist" - Mission #3 - Hacking

Your next preparatory mission will be based on stealing the equipment you need from rival robbers. At the beginning of the task, you need to get a van, which will be located at Lester's factory. Let one of you go for the required vehicle, and at the same time three other players will show up in Vinewood on the territory of their rivals and begin to clear the place.

As soon as the three players get rid of their competitors, players with Lester's van should arrive at the site so that you can transfer the equipment from the enemy van to yours. After loading the equipment into your white van, your team will have to split up: the first group gets into the enemy van and acts as bait, and the second group gets into the interior of the white van and tries to drive it into Lester's factory.

So, the black van must take the enemy's eyes off the white van so that it can safely reach the drop point. Leave the alley and head to the Vago lane in Vespucci to burn the van there and blame the Vagos. At the same time, a white van will be driving towards the factory. The third preparatory mission will be completed as soon as the white van arrives at the drop point, and the black one is burned (or blown up) in the indicated alley.

"Pacific Standard Heist" - Mission #4 - Convoy

In the next preparatory mission, you will need to intercept a truck containing thermal charges from a convoy of the military security company Merryweather. With the help of these thermal charges, you can break into the Pacific Standard Bank vault.

So, having started the mission, your entire team will have to get into the Insurgent and go to the ambush point, where you will attack the convoy with the truck you need. All you need to do is go to a point on the map.

As soon as you approach the ambush site, we recommend that you first get rid of the enemy helicopter that will hover over the convoy. Stop your SUV somewhere in front of the bridge and let one of the players shoot down the helicopter. After shooting down the helicopter, get into the Insurgent and continue on your way.

Having gotten rid of the annoying helicopter, the convoy will no longer pose much of a challenge. Just attack him with a frontal attack and kill the guards. Then you can split up: one player continues to drive the Insurgent, one player gets behind the wheel of a truck with thermal charges, and the other two get behind the wheel of an enemy SUV with a mounted gun.

As soon as you start moving with your convoy, Merryweather militants will attack you. You need to continue to move forward, but at the same time fight off opponents, among whom there will also be helicopters. However, this shouldn't be a problem since you have an armed SUV.

Continue to break through the militant barriers and move towards your intended goal. One way or another, Merryweather will lose track of you and then all that remains is to deliver the truck to the point marked on the map, or more precisely, to deliver the thermal charges to the same Page. Once you put the truck in the garage, consider the mission complete.

"Pacific Standard Heist" - Mission #5 - Motorcycles

The escape vehicle plays a fairly important role in a bank robbery. In this final, fifth preparatory mission, you will obtain escape equipment for your team - four motorcycles. Since we will be getting motorcycles, your road lies straight to eastern Los Santos, to the biker club Lost MC.

You need to pick up sports motorcycles, not just the ones you like. Once you reach the club's territory, start clearing it of annoying bikers. You can either completely clear the club, or try to immediately steal the equipment necessary for the robbery - do as the situation dictates.

After you get on the motorcycles, you will need to take them to the alley indicated on the map. But not everything is so simple, since bikers from the Lost MC club will hunt for your heads. Get rid of the chase and drive the motorcycles to the drop point. That's all, actually. As soon as all four motorcycles are in place, the mission will be completed. Now let's move on to the main event - the Pacific Standard bank robbery.

Pacific Standard robbery

Well, now we have reached the most important part - the robbery of the Pacific Standard Bank. The mission will be quite complex and this time your team will need to split into roles: Bomber, Hacker, and two players who will control the hostages and security in the bank.

Your first task will be to simply get to the Pacific Standard bank. You can do this however you wish. As soon as you get to the bank, your entire team will go inside, put on masks and get to work. This is where your team will be divided into roles.

The hostage team's job is to control the crowd and prevent people from pressing the panic buttons. Keep your sights on the cashier so he doesn't want any trouble. If necessary, you can shoot next to him. At the same time, the Exploder and the Hacker will make their way to the bank vault using thermal charges and hacking the control panel through a small mini-game with password guessing.

As soon as the vault door is opened, the group of Hacker and Exploder will still need to break through the grated door with a thermal charge. The last obstacle will open - take the money and go up to the upper level of the bank to exit the building.

Having reached the exit with the money, you will notice that law enforcement services will come for your heads, and the wanted level has risen to five stars. Your task now is to ensure that the whole team can get to the escape point, where the motorcycles from the previous mission are located.

Having reached the motorcycles, your team will have a long journey to the Raton Gorge, where an inflatable boat will be prepared for further escape. Get ready, because this is the most difficult part of the robbery. You can take the Leicester route, which also includes a skydive, or take the boat the way you want. The Pacific Standard heist will be completed once your boat crew escapes the cops by boat towards the Pacific Ocean.

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