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Does the FSB have the right to listen to cell phones? How to understand that your phone is being tapped? Find out the signal strength and unique code

As is known, the Constitution of Russia guarantees the secrecy of communications, which can only be limited on the basis of a court decision. However, in practice, intelligence services can tap the phones of Russians without it, and also without the knowledge of the operators themselves.

According to media reports, free access to any FSB information is guaranteed by new orders of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. They oblige all operators to install special equipment (the so-called “black boxes”), which allows the federal service to listen to any subscriber from remote consoles, obtain data from databases (including about conversations that took place, SMS messages sent, etc.), and determine the location of owners of mobile phones and even turn them off.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications plans to simplify the interaction between telecom operators and government agencies during wiretapping in order to “reduce the load on networks.” For these purposes, the department proposes to make changes to the rules that govern this interaction, Vedomosti reports, citing a draft government resolution published on the unified information disclosure portal.

The Ministry is launching an initiative for small operators. It offers them not to spend money on installing SORM equipment - a system of technical means to support operational investigative activities, but to pay larger networks to do it for them. This will allow, according to an unnamed source of the publication, not only to reduce the load on networks, but also to reduce costs - SORM can cost a company about 10% of the cost of all network equipment.

Representative of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Ekaterina Osadchaya in an interview with the publication emphasized that this is nothing more than a possibility: if the operator wants to pass traffic through channels different operators, then he can purchase SORM independently. Megafon experts who took part in the discussion of the document considered the ministry’s proposal “reasonable and timely.” At the same time, specialists from other operators noted that they were ready to cooperate, but “if this is enshrined at the legislative level.”

“Earlier, the Brazilian media, citing ex-CIA employee Edward Snowden, reported that telephone conversations of Russians are monitored not only by Russian operators, but also by American intelligence agencies. At the same time, we were talking about data in roaming, and the availability of part of the infrastructure, servers of companies abroad. This news caused a wide public outcry, and against this background the working group of the Federation Council decided to call representatives of the Big Four - MTS, Megafon, VimpelCom and Rostelecom - to negotiations to discuss possible ways countering illegal wiretapping.”

Moreover, all these actions occur without the knowledge of cellular companies or other operators. Those who avoid installing special equipment may lose their license.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications itself told journalists that the controversial orders contain no words about limiting the rights to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations and other messages. “These are technical requirements that must be met provided that the legal side of the issue is resolved in accordance with the current legislation of Russia,” explained Kirill Stepanenko, director of the Department for Regulation of Radio Frequencies and Communication Networks.

Meanwhile, back in 2000, the Supreme Court of Russia prohibited operators from providing information about subscribers (including allowing wiretapping) without providing them with court decisions. A case is currently pending before the European Court of Human Rights. Russian system operational investigative measures (SORM), which allows intelligence services to tap the phones of Russians.

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Of course, we can say that honest people have nothing to fear. Wiretapping is a strictly procedural matter, but... What do we know about it?

In Russia, several years ago, a “system of technical means of facilitating operational-search activities” (SORM) was created, the main task of which is to control electronic means of communication, including mobile phones, pagers and computers. The head of the working group on SORM, Sergei Kabanov, said that the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the tax police - “a total of eight entities” - will be able to access the help of this system.

This system operates only with the permission of the court, but there were precedents when it turned out already in court that the “client” was heard many months before the start of the hearings, although law enforcement officials say that only if you are a suspect and serious charges have been brought against you accusations, you fall under the surveillance of the intelligence services.

The government adopted a Regulation on licensing activities to identify electronic devices, intended for secretly obtaining information in premises and technical means. According to this provision, licensing of activities of this kind is carried out by the FSB. Therefore, private installation and even dismantling of “bugs” unauthorized by the FSB are punishable actions, and it may not be your opponent who ends up in Lubyanka, but you yourself. That is, if previously you could calmly listen to what your employees or competitors were talking about, now you must ask permission from employees of the relevant authorities.

Which do you think is better: when your superiors listen to you and you can simply be fired, or when you are in full view of the FSB and you can lose not only your job, but also your career in general?

Technically, given the availability of resources, today it is possible to conduct any wiretapping anywhere, and mobile phones are easier to wiretap than landline phones. Although if information from pagers can be easily digitized onto a scanner screen in text files, it is more difficult to do the same procedure with cell phones.

In offices, computers are connected to work phones, and your digitized conversations are recorded on disk. These files are small in format, so they can accumulate for a long time, just in case. If there is special program, which is easy to install, all conversations can be automatically transcribed into text.

Those interested in office wiretapping often find equipment via the Internet. There are advertisements of the following nature: “Do you want to know what is happening in your company and at home behind your back? New! A device designed for the legal automatic recording of telephone conversations simultaneously on one or several telephone lines and their subsequent listening, with digital processing.. "According to the estimates of the SmerSh Technics company, which deals with technical means of information security, one set of high-quality professional wiretapping costs at least $100,000, but only international terrorists deserve this; even oligarchs are cheaper.

FSB expert Alexey ORLOV commented on the situation with the purchase of “devices”:

“Listening devices are not sold openly even on the market, only under the counter. And even then, basically, only cheap equipment can be bought this way. Professional listening devices are too expensive. The hardest thing to fight with are professionals, but they are the ones who end up in our field of view, since state secrets can be leaked through these channels. Detective and security agencies are often guilty of illegal wiretapping. In recent years, there have been several high-profile cases related to illegal wiretapping. For example, the story of the security service of the "Most" group, which kept records. negotiations between famous Russian politicians and officials. Or the case of the private security company Sokol UNS, whose head Yu. Stenin was charged under Articles 137 part 2 (Violation of privacy), 138 part 2 (Violation of the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal mail). , telegraphic or other messages) and 201 part 2 (Abuse of power) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Just 3-4 years ago, we received a lot of complaints from citizens about illegal wiretapping. Now there are much fewer of them. The fact that this activity began to be controlled by law enforcement agencies played a role. Today, citizens who are faced with illegal wiretapping can come to the FSB and write a statement or report it on the 24-hour helpline of the FSB of Russia: 914-22-22."

Right to information security and non-interference in private life is guaranteed to residents of Russia by the Constitution of our country. Several articles of the Criminal Code protect the privacy of a person, the secrecy of his correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other messages. According to the law, only law enforcement agencies have the right to wiretap telephone conversations on the basis federal law on operational investigative activities, adopted in 1995. Moreover, in order to install equipment on your phone, operatives must obtain a court decision.

There is also a special order of the Ministry of Communications, according to which law enforcement officers have the right to freely listen to subscribers of telephone exchanges and systems mobile communications. At the same time, operatives are by no means obliged to report to signalmen who and on what basis they are listening. Ordinary employees telephone exchanges and companies cellular communications sometimes they don’t even have an idea how many of their subscribers are “under surveillance” and for what sins. The only people who can monitor the legality of wiretapping are the intelligence officers themselves.

In Russia, intelligence services can tap subscribers' phones using the so-called SORM system (System of technical means for ensuring the functions of operational-search activities). Based on the Law “On Communications,” telecom operators are required to provide them with information about subscribers. But law enforcement agencies are allowed to listen to the conversations themselves only by court order.

However, now it is not only the special services that have the ability to tap phones. There are special spy programs that are installed on mobile phones and allow other people, such as a competitor or a jealous spouse, to spy on you. Parents who want to gain full control over their child can also use such programs.

What features does spyware have?

Under the hood of the FSB. Will the intelligence services take total control of Runet?

Spyware installed on a mobile phone is capable of recording telephone conversations and intercepting SMS messages, and then sending them to the desired address. It can also copy numbers from your contacts list, share your phone's location, and even let the other person hear everything that's going on around you. Thus, it turns your phone into a real bug.

A corporate phone can have a battery with a special chip, which also makes it possible to listen to conversations and transfer data.

How to determine if spyware is installed on your phone?

Typically, such software does not manifest itself in any way and is quite difficult to detect. But there are certain signs that may indicate its presence.

1. The phone dies too quickly

A sign that spyware is installed on your mobile phone may be if the battery drains too quickly. If your phone battery is constantly hot, this is also not a good sign. Of course, the problem may be in the phone itself, especially if it is more than a year old. However, it is still worth checking it for spyware.

2. Oddities in the phone's operation

You should also be wary of a delay when turning off the phone, spontaneous rebooting and turning on the backlight.

You can listen while on-hook mobile phone. The telephone microphone can be forcibly turned on by the relevant persons and then all conversations around the telephone can be heard.
Digital phones of the DECT standard have the same capabilities.

You will not find any noticeable signs on your mobile phone screen or communication quality if your conversations are being monitored. It is impossible to determine the fact that mobile phones are being tapped. If it is easy to detect the fact of covert interference in analog telephone lines, then digital mobile networks work on a different principle and exclude such a possibility.

It is clear that it is impossible to wiretap everyone, either technically or due to the limited number of human resources that can be attracted to this task. It is also difficult to obtain court approval for wiretapping. However, simply to obtain operational information, wiretapping can be carried out without authorization (the results of wiretapping will never be exposed anywhere).

Draw appropriate conclusions.

How to reduce the likelihood of your mobile phone being tapped
. Avoid or minimize sharing sensitive information such as credit card numbers, financial information, passwords.

Do not use Cell Phones for conducting business conversations. Or, for this purpose, use specially prepared mobile phones and spatial noise systems.
. It is more difficult to intercept a conversation conducted from a moving car, since the distance between it and the intercepting equipment (if it is not in the car) increases and the signal weakens.
. Use communication systems in which data is transmitted at high speed with frequent automatic changes of frequencies during a conversation (for example, GPRS).
. Turn off your mobile phone completely if you do not want your location to become known to anyone.
. You should not have your phone repaired in dubious workshops.


Technical capabilities today allow Jews to listen to everything.
The recording equipment is configured and automatically responds to certain words,
(and absolutely all conversations are constantly recorded and stored for a certain time)

For example, you say on the phone: killer, TNT, kill, liquidate, etc. and all this, previous ones
(which were recorded and stored in a database) and future conversations are already recorded on the hard drive.

If your phone is tapped, it is forced to be put on transmission. Technically, you can be heard if the microphone is not covered and you are nearby.
Any RF field LED located near the phone will blink, thus registering the RF field and notifying you that the phone is in transmitting mode. Such indicators are sold and installed in almost all car phone holders. When listening, the indicator will flash quite long time. When the phone is registered, the blinking continues for about ten seconds.

remotely turning on the microphone of a mobile phone and turning it into a portable device for listening to conversations carried out by its owner or people around him. To date, only one case is reliably known,
when intelligence agencies used a similar technology, called the “roving bug”, however, since there is already a sanction from officials of the US Department of Justice, there is no doubt that this new product will soon receive the widest use.
Moreover, there are no problems on the technical side: as counter-terrorism security consultant James Atkinson states, “The FBI can have access to mobile phones and remotely manipulate them without any physical contact.”

According to the expert, "any recently produced mobile phone has a built-in tracking device that allows eavesdroppers to pinpoint someone's location within a few feet."

Information about the existence of a secret FBI program became public after mention of it appeared in a federal court ruling, which was considering a case against representatives of the famous Genovese mafia clan. To monitor the suspects, the FBI remotely used their turned on mobile phones, which transmitted all their conversations to the intelligence agency's listening station.

“The device operated regardless of whether the phone was on or off, and intercepted conversations within its accessible radius, wherever it was located,” federal judge Lewis Kaplan stated in his decision, who found the FBI’s actions fully compliant with American laws.

The judge refused to grant the request of the defendants' lawyers, who demanded that the mobile wiretapping materials be declared illegal and excluded from evidence.
The roving bug program was reportedly deployed by the FBI under a court order after all other methods of eavesdropping and surveillance had failed.
FBI officials declined to say anything about the program, saying only that the FBI "does not discuss sensitive surveillance technologies" but that "all electronic surveillance is subject to a court order and ongoing legal oversight."

IN Lately The question of how to check a phone for wiretapping is becoming increasingly relevant. Indeed, in the world of progressive technologies, along with the active use of computer equipment, telephones, radio and the Internet, various spy applications and programs are created that can damage office equipment and communication devices. Today it is not difficult to independently check whether the phone is wiretapped. How to do this is described in the article. This does not require any special skills or assistance from specialists.

Distinctive features of wiretapping

Cell phone wiretapping itself has its own characteristics, by which it can be easily distinguished. It's quite easy to access another person's phone. And if you suspect that your own device is being tapped, then it is better not to hesitate and send it for diagnostics.

Detectives and other specialists know exactly how to check a phone for wiretapping, but since you can do it yourself, it makes no sense to spend money on the services of other people. Of course, such diagnostics cannot guarantee a 100% result, but the presence of an extraneous network will certainly be detected.

Signs of attachment to a listening device

Not every person knows how to check a phone for wiretapping, but you definitely need to remember the main signs of attachment to a listening device. These include the following factors:

  1. The battery drains quickly. This symptom cannot always be called an accurate indicator, since in most cases it is present in devices on which many applications and games are installed. It’s a completely different matter when the phone is not in the hands of its owner all the time and there is no running programs. If, in a calm state, a mobile device is discharged in just an hour or two, then this is the first signal that there is wiretapping on it.
  2. The device automatically turns off, reboots or turns on the backlight. If all of the problems listed are not related to disruptions in the operation of the system, then there is a high probability that interference is being created on the side. When the phone is still tapped, nothing new or unnecessary is displayed on the screen, but periodic glitches may occur during operation.
  3. During a conversation, extraneous sounds are constantly heard. The presence of other connected networks prevents the subscriber from calling another number, since this takes many times longer than without wiretapping. In addition, as soon as a special listening program is connected to a telephone conversation, minor interference and a very noticeable echo of both voices are observed. Sometimes there are situations when one subscriber hears only himself, but not his interlocutor.
  4. Cell phones interfere with radio, TV, and stereo systems. Even when turned off, the phone may make noise when approaching any other devices.
  5. Literally half an hour after replenishing the account, an impressive amount of funds was written off for no reason. If such a problem is detected, you should immediately call the operator to clarify the circumstances. If his mistake is not here, then we can assume that along with the funds, all the information it needed about calls and messages was sent to the listening program.

If you suspect the operation of eavesdropping systems, it is recommended to contact law enforcement agencies. Based on the fact that modern devices operate according to innovative principles; only special equipment can better understand them.

It is necessary to remember that you can install wiretapping on every phone, regardless of its cost or year of manufacture. Of course, the very first models lend themselves to this only after installing bugs, and not using a network or the Internet, since they do not have operating systems, but even these cases are a cause for concern and contact the authorities.

More details on how to check a phone for wiretapping in Russia will be discussed below. This information will make many people think about the state of their device. Every person needs to check their phone, since it certainly won’t make things worse, but it wouldn’t hurt to make sure there’s wiretapping.

Number combinations

Wiretapping of a mobile phone, or rather its presence, can be freely checked by dialing a certain combination of numbers. They are few known, but each is valid. The best combinations of numbers are:

  1. *#43#. This number allows you to see call waiting information.
  2. *777# (for Ukrainian subscribers). The combination shows the current balance and operator menu.
  3. *#06#. The code automatically displays a window where the IMEI data is displayed.
  4. *#21#. This code helps you check your phone wiretapping in just 5 seconds. This number allows the user to find out who, besides himself, receives notifications about calls and SMS to this number.
  5. *#33#. IN in this case displays information about the services that support the mobile device and the devices from which they originate.
  6. *#62#. The combination shows the number to which calls and data are forwarded, if available.
  7. ##002#. This code is used to disable call forwarding and configure calls to be accepted only by the owner of the phone.
  8. *#thirty#. A set of numbers provides information to clearly identify the numbers from which incoming calls are made.

All these combinations make it possible to provide your phone with reliable protection from connecting to unknown networks that cause harm. In fact, there is nothing difficult about checking your phone for wiretapping. The combination of numbers is available to all subscribers. But you should keep in mind that not even all operators know about it, so you shouldn’t check your device too many times.

Hidden codes for iPhone

Owners of devices from Steve Jobs probably guessed that they had hidden functions, or rather codes. Thanks to them, you can view a lot of information: from signal strength to the forwarding status itself.

The phone allows you to:

  • hide your own phone number (#31#);
  • find out the signal strength (*3001#12345#*);
  • familiarize yourself with the unique code (*#06#);
  • determine the point where messages arrive (*#5005*7672#);
  • bar calls and call standby mode.

Hide number

At the same time, how to check your phone for wiretapping, you should also know how you can hide your number. To do this, you just need to dial the combination given above and call other people's numbers as an unknown subscriber.

Find out the signal strength and unique code

Sticks and dashes are now the embodiment of signal strength, which lacks precision. After turning on the field mode, you need to dial the number indicated above, and then hold down the power button. When the screen goes dark, you need to press the center button and wait until it appears Homepage. The number in the upper left corner will indicate the signal strength.

To determine the phone code, just dial *#06#. The settings will immediately appear there, where the required item will be present.

Where do messages come?

Each SMS message, before reaching the subscriber, passes through a special center using an identification number. You can recognize it using the combination *#5005*7672# and the call button.

Call barring and call waiting

This mode makes it possible to block calls both incoming and outgoing. "Waiting" allows you to hold the current or incoming call. You can perform interesting manipulations with the following combinations:

  • *33*PIN# - enable call barring;
  • #33*PIN# - disable the previous ban;
  • *#43# - call in standby mode;
  • *43# - turn on standby mode;
  • #43# - disable waiting;
  • *#21# - forwarding.

Eliminate the possibility of eavesdropping mobile device A few tips from experts who have encountered similar problems more than once will help:

  • Do not transmit confidential information over the phone;
  • For business negotiations, a cell phone is not the best way;
  • a conversation carried out in a car on the move is much more difficult to listen to due to noise and frequency changes;
  • There is no need to take risks and trust your phone repair to an unfamiliar company with dubious customer reviews.

Knowing how to check your phone for wiretapping, you don’t have to fear for the integrity and safety of the device, as well as for yourself. Now it is clear that this is not so difficult to do, so you should not immediately turn to specialists who will carry out diagnostics for a long time. The help of specialists will be required only if the wiretapping is serious and it cannot be removed using simple combinations.