Home / Setting / Phone IMEI: what is it for, how to find out and change it? Phone IMEI: what is it, why is it needed, how to find it? What is have a phone

Phone IMEI: what is it for, how to find out and change it? Phone IMEI: what is it, why is it needed, how to find it? What is have a phone

Flashing the device or installing applications from unverified sources may cause the IMEI to reset. The abbreviation means International Mobile Equipment Identity - an international unique identifier for mobile equipment. This code is written at the software level of the communication modules. If the code is erased, it is impossible to make calls through the smartphone. To restore functionality, you need to change the IMEI on the android.

What is it used for?

The IMEI code is a unique identifier for smartphones that work with GSM and UMTS modules. Consists of 15 digits. The first 8 digits mean TAC / Type Allocation Code, the rest - a serial number with a check number at the end.

The code is set at the factory during manufacture, is used to identify the device on the network, and acts as the serial number of the device. With each authorization in the network, it is transmitted over the air of mobile radio communications.

Advice! IMEI can be used by mobile radio operators and law enforcement agencies and block them at the level of the cellular operator.

How to find out the IMEI of the phone?

First, let's find out if the smartphone determines the identifier. Enter the phone mode and enter the code * # 06 #. The IMEI code or codes will be displayed if the device is designed for 2 SIM cards.

If the inscription "IMEI is not defined" appears in the field, then it is reset.

Advice! You can view the IMEI in the settings, in the "About phone" section, it is written in the warranty card, on the packaging, as well as on the smartphone itself, under the battery.

Change ID

I want to warn you that in some countries changing IMEI is prohibited by law. Therefore, a trip with such a gadget abroad can cause some difficulties. Also, if you are a novice user, it is better to leave the idea of ​​​​changing the IMEI, as there is a chance of inaccurately harming the device, or turning your gadget into a brick.

Technically, you can change the identifier. However, the complexity of the change depends on the device itself:

  • on older devices, you can change it using simple programs and manipulations;
  • on new devices (from most well-known manufacturers), to change the IMEI, you need to replace the smartphone chips (processor, controllers, flash memory, etc.), which is not programmatically feasible.

Let's consider two ways to change the Android ID.

Engineering menu

Call engineering menu different for each gadget manufacturer. You can view yours in, on the Internet or in the documentation for your device.

After entering the menu, go through the branch:

Connectivity - CDS Information - Radio Information Phone 1

If the smartphone is designed for 2 SIM-cards, then the Phone 2 section will also be displayed.

On Phone 1, after the letters AT+, enter EGMR = 1.7,"own_IMEI".

In Phone 2 (if it exists), we prescribe EGMR = 1.10,"own_IMEI".

Click SEND AT and reboot your device. If it doesn't work, put a space after AT+.

With the help of Root-rights

To get started, you will need. Then you need to install the Mobile Uncle program (Only works with MediaTek processors). You can see your processor in the "About phone" settings. Now:

Do you know what the serial number of a smartphone is? We will tell you how to find out where it is and how to change it below.

What is a phone IMEI: (from English International Mobile Equipment Identity) - a unique international code that is assigned to all mobile gadgets. It is a 15 digit number. Have a mob. devices, as well as tablets and satellite devices.

The identifier is assigned to the gadget only by special organizations. Previously, it was discovered by pirate methods that the number can be changed using programs on a PC. However, in some regions, these manipulations are considered criminally punishable.

Now it is not considered possible to reprogram the number, it is securely sewn into the microcircuit at the manufacturing plant and it can only be “opened” with special equipment.

What is it for? The number is required to identify the mobile. devices on the network. If the phone simultaneously functions with several SIM cards, then the number is assigned to each. You will need it in case of theft of the gadget.

Knowing it, you can block the device if lost. Now the device is blacklisted by all network operators. And even if the SIM card is changed, attackers will not be able to use it.

Also on Imei you can determine the location of its owner. So, you can easily find your lost device.

If we talk about the structure, then imei consists of 14 digits, imei sv - from 16. Using the first numbers, you can determine the device model, as well as the country of origin. The remaining numeric values ​​display the serial number and check number. Have SV indicates the version of the current software.

Where to find it

Numeric value can be found in different ways:

What can be found by the IMEI of the phone

On certain sites, you can enter the number and find out the following data:

  • see if the device is under warranty;
  • gadget model;
  • Colour;
  • the amount of internal memory;
  • whether the device is stolen/lost;
  • if the gadget is under warranty, the expiration date of the warranty period.

What is IMEI SV

Imei sv - an addition to the imei code used when accounting for billing data. SV stands for Software version software). Its main difference from having an additional 2 digits.

Components of IMEI8 SV:

  1. TAC is the type of location code. Its length is 8 numbers.
  2. SNR is the serial number. The length of the value is 6 numbers.
  3. SVN is the software version number. 2 numbers.

The first part is used to characterize the gadget model and developer. The second determines the serial number of the device, the third is assigned by the developer for the order sequence.

SVN number=99. When flashing a gadget, it needs to be changed. The first parts of imei svn must equal the imei number (same digits).

By default, imei sv 00. This means that the device is new. Further, when registering on the network, the code will change automatically.

Is it possible to change the IMEI

Outdated models of devices easily succumbed to changing the number. This was done through a terminal program and by entering a couple of commands. Currently, manufacturers have become more careful to "hide" the number, so the change procedure becomes more difficult.

The number sewn into the device itself cannot be changed using the program. However, there are models of gadgets where you can still change them. This can be done through "hacking" the device and obtaining superuser rights, as well as through the developer's menu.

The process of changing is different on each model of the device. There is no universal instruction. Before the immediate procedure for changing imei, be sure to check how legal your actions are.

Like people, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets and modems that use the cellular network to access the Internet have their own unique “identity document” that distinguishes them from each other. For a person, this can be an identity card, license or passport, while in the case of identifying mobile devices, this means the IMEI code.

IMEI (International Mobile Station Identity) is a unique numeric code used to identify mobile, tablet smartphones and some types of satellite phones.

It can be found in the following locations:

  • By entering numbers on one of the many sites dedicated to the IMEI code. It is usually printed inside the battery compartment (next to the SIM card tray).
  • If the device has a non-removable battery, the numbers will be printed either on the removable SIM card or on the back cover of the device.
  • Alternatively, it can also be displayed on the display of the device, when using special codes or by clicking on the system menus of the smartphone.

The IMEI is used by the GSM network to identify the "correct" phones, so if the device has been stolen, it can be blocked simply by using this number. In case of stolen or lost mobile phones, just call your operator cellular communication and, having provided the number, ask to block the device. Then the code will be placed to the "black list" of blocked devices that can no longer be used.

How to check the phone's IMEI

Checking is simple: enter the numbers in one of the portals containing the list and check it.

The IMEI is tied to your phone and has no permanent or semi-permanent relationship with the user. However, the identification of the latter in the cellular network is assigned to IMI (Internet identifier mobile subscriber) on the SIM card.

EMI structure

The identification number consists of a combination of 15 digits, divided into three parts, and contains information about the origin, model and serial number of the device. First eight digits, called the type allocation code, refers to the model and country of origin of the device. The next six refer to the serial number of the device and are determined by the mobile device manufacturer. The last digit is the control number.

How to recognize him

Finding the universal code for your device is far from a difficult task. In fact, there are several methods more or less applicable to all types of mobile phones or mobile devices.

  1. Delete back phone, lift the battery and find the 15 digit code in the label on the battery compartment.
  2. If the phone's battery is not replaced, a code will be printed on the removable carriage (for example, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPhone 4) or on the cover (such as for iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPad, iPod touch, and Nexus).
  3. Enter the code * # 06 #, the code will be displayed immediately on the phone's display.
  4. In the sales package of the device, find the label with identification data (usually used as a packaging seal) and read the code under the inscription "IMEI".
  5. If you have an Android, just type "Phone settings", open the "Phone Information" section (usually the last menu item) and go to the state. Here, among the various information that you will find, you will also find the code you are looking for.
  6. If you have iOS, click "Settings", go to "General" and click "Info" to view serial numbers, IMEI/MEID and ICCIDs.

Is it possible to change IMEI

As with the MAC address of your network devices, you can change the IMEI for a single smartphone. To do this, you need to have the appropriate tools to flash devices via serial or USB cable. In some cases (such as smartphones) you can flash the code with special software or with firmware or OS versions that are created ad hoc to change the device code.

However, you need to be very careful. Changing this data is equivalent to change the device identification code and is comparable to the use of a false or counterfeit identification card or document. It is also used in case of theft or loss of the device to block it and make it unusable: it cannot be done by modifying it. In most countries it is forbidden to change the IMEI, while in the Law on mobile phones England, owners of tools and devices have the full right to change the data of any of their gadgets.


This video will show you how you can check iPhone by IMEI or serial number.

IMEI is some number that is unique for each device. Used in mobile phones of WCDMA, GSM and IDEN networks, as well as some satellite phones. Derived from the English International Mobile Equipment Identity, which translates as "international mobile equipment identifier".

IMEI is a device identification number, which is also used for authorization on the network and even allows you to find and block the device if it is stolen.

It is very easy to view the IMEI of the phone, and it does not matter what brand your device is, whether it is Samsung, Sony, LG, Alcatel, iPhone, etc., since the differences in this case no. There are no special differences in firmware, be it Android, iOS or Windows Mobile.

There are several methods to find out IMEI. Let's start with the simplest.

First way

This is the most convenient way for the owner of the device, because all he needs to do is just dial the code on his smartphone or phone *#06# . As soon as the user dials the specified number, IMEI will immediately appear in front of him. This method supported by the vast majority of devices, including the iPhone.

Go to the Phone app.

Enter code *#06# .

Here we have two IMEIs:

Why two? The phone uses two SIM cards and needs two IMEIs to register each SIM on the network. If you have a single-symbol device, there will be one IMEI.

How to find IMEI on iPhone? In the same way: enter the desired combination and see the result.

IMEI in front of you.

Second way

Let's find IMEI through the phone menu. To do this, go to the settings.

We find the section "About the phone" or "Information about the phone" - usually it is the last one in the menu, or the penultimate one.

We see IMEI.

Above is an example based on Samsung, and this is how the page looks on a Huawei smartphone:

Third way

IMEI can be found on the phone box. This is usually the sticker on the back of the box. Looks like this:

Fourth way

The IMEI is also on a sticker that can be found under the phone's battery. Of course, you can use this method only if it is possible to remove the battery, and many modern smartphones no such prerogative.

If 2 SIM cards are supported, there will also be two IMEI on the sticker.

Fifth way

IMEI is indicated in the warranty card by the seller when selling the device. This option is suitable if, for example, the phone was stolen and there is no box. Please note that IMEI is not in every case indicated on the warranty card.

The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) is a unique 15-character number that each mobile device has. In particular, these are smartphones, satellite phones and tablets.

International Mobile Equipment Identity can only be assigned to a device by an authorized organization. An example would be the British Approvals Board for Telecommunications (BABT).

Back in 2002, it was found out that with the help of some types of software it is possible to replace the IMEI of any device with a different number. By the way, in some countries (Belarus, Great Britain, Latvia) such actions will be criminally punishable. In Russia and Kazakhstan, harsh penalties were also applied against "craftsmen" reprogramming IMEI.

In modern times, it is believed that without replacing or reprogramming microcircuits, it will not be possible to change the identifier. It is sewn into the device at the factory in a ROM chip.

What is it for?

This code is stored in the firmware of your smartphone. The main purpose of IMEI is to identify the gadget in the cellular network. Acts as the serial number of the device when authorizing the device on the network. If your smartphone supports several SIM cards at once, then, accordingly, it will have several such identifiers.

Therefore, you can block network access for a lost or stolen phone by simply telling your carrier's support specialist the IMEI. And even if the attackers decide to use this device by replacing the SIM card, it will be useless for them. After all, the phone will be on the “black list” of all telecom operators (as you remember, the device is authorized on the network by this identifier), which will deny it access to their services.

Note that the IMEI on the network is determined by the gadget itself (which is why the phone is searched for by it), and not by its owner. The owner of the device and the SIM card helps to find out another number - the International Subscriber Identity (IMSI, International Mobile Subscriber Identity).

Another important task of IMEI is to help track the location of the phone. This facilitates the work of law enforcement agencies: thanks to the identifier, the police will quickly find out where the stolen device is located.

What is the phone's IMEI yet? This is the same combination of numbers that will help you personally learn more about your gadget (its model and place of assembly).

Where to find IMEI?

Having understood what the IMEI of a phone is, it will not be superfluous to decide where to find it on your gadget. By default, it is indicated in four places at once:

  1. In the device itself. Regardless of the model and manufacturer of the smartphone, you can find out the identifier by clicking on the symbols *#06# on the dialing screen.
  2. The second location is a place under battery phone.
  3. You will also find the IMEI next to the barcode on the branded box of your gadget.
  4. The last location of the identifier is the warranty card. The IMEI sticker must be glued there by the seller.

What is the IMEI structure?

We found out what the IMEI of the phone is. This is a combination of 15 characters. Consider its structure based on the classic example - 35-222200-333333-4:

There are also the following versions of the identifier:

  • 35-222200-333333-44. The code is decrypted in the same way, with the exception of the last two digits (44). The latter are SVN. This is the number of the software that is installed on your gadget.
  • 11-222222-333333. New type identifier. It differs from those presented in that it contains an 8-character TAS (11-222222).

Identifier verification by check digit

Finding a phone is not the only thing that can help the owner of the IMEI gadget. You can also use the ID to find out if the device is genuine or counterfeit. To do this, you need to use the Luhn algorithm:

Let's take "have" 35-209900-176148-2 as an example. So, according to Luhn's algorithm:

  1. Add even symbols: 5 + 0 + 9 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 8 = 30.
  2. Convert odd: 3 = 6, 2 = 4, 9 = 9, 0 = 0, 1 = 2, 6 = 3, 4 = 8.
  3. Add up the resulting numbers: 6 + 4 + 9 + 0 + 2 + 3 + 8 = 32.
  4. Addition: 30 + 32 = 62.
  5. The nearest round number is 60.
  6. We consider: 62-60 = 2.
  7. The control number is also 2. That's right, the product is genuine!

How to track a phone by IMEI?

Many are wondering if it is possible to independently find a missing or stolen gadget by IMEI. Unfortunately, everything is not so simple here:

How to track a phone by IMEI? Alas, it is impossible for a private person to do this. But you can protect your device from intruders and help yourself in your search by activating the “Find iPhone” or “ Remote control"Android".

Now you know what IMEI is. We also know how it can be useful to the user.

Phone IMEI: what is it, why is it needed, how to find it?

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