Home / Instructions / Induction lamp: device and principle of operation. Modern induction lamps Induction lamps and diode

Induction lamp: device and principle of operation. Modern induction lamps Induction lamps and diode

Induction lamps are a fairly new type of lighting devices on the market. domestic market. Their popularity is growing, but for many potential buyers, the price of induction lamps seems excessively high. Obviously, in order to assess the feasibility of such an acquisition, it is necessary to take into account the operational characteristics and service life of induction lamps.

The device and principle of operation of induction lamps

The principle of operation of an induction lamp is quite simple: an induction field arises around the induction coil, a discharge appears in the gas filling the flask, and the phosphor converts the discharge energy into a glow. It is obvious that no discoveries hitherto unknown to mankind were required to create induction lamps, and, in fact, this novelty is familiar to everyone, which has undergone modernization. At the same time, the results of the modernization are impressive, because thanks to them, induction luminaires were able to achieve performance characteristics that markedly distinguish them from a number of previously used lighting devices.

An induction lamp is a gas-filled phosphor hermetically sealed lamp with an induction coil connected to it. The coil can be internal or external. The ballast of an induction lamp can also be built-in or separate.

From the point of view of field induction, an induction lamp is a high-frequency transformer, in which the role of the secondary winding is performed by a high-frequency discharge inside the bulb. The primary winding (coil) can be connected not only to a standard 220 or 38 Volt network, but also to a DC source.

Types of induction lamps

The scheme of an induction lamp allows the production of products of various power - from 15 to 500 watts and more, with the most powerful lamps intended for industrial use. The device of the lamps allows you to easily convert an ordinary lamp into an induction one, for which induction lamps are produced with standard lampholders E14, E27, E40. In addition, circular induction lamps are produced.

Complete induction lamps are more common on the market than individual lamps. Kits are also produced for converting ordinary lamps into induction ones, including an induction lamp with a cartridge and a mounting system.

Advantages and disadvantages of induction lamps

Users call the main disadvantage of induction lamps high. The price of a twenty-watt lamp is 700-800, and for some manufacturers it is 1000 rubles.

Concerns about the content of mercury in the lamps of induction lamps are completely unfounded, since the content of this substance in this type of lamp is much less than that of fluorescent lamps and is less than 0.5 mg. In addition, induction lamps are protected by a special amalgam.

Lack of electrodes in induction lamps

This feature is called among the main advantages of induction lamps, so you should elaborate on how it affects the operation of the lamp.

In the presence of electrodes, the lamp bulb warms up unevenly, which leads to the formation around the electrodes over time (the place of maximum heating). In addition, the electrode material during long-term operation is deposited on the inner surface of the cylinder. Such changes lead to a loss of brightness, which is greater the longer the life of the lamp and often by the time of replacement the brightness of the source is less than half of the original. Induction lamps without electrodes do not have this disadvantage.

Luminaires with induction lamps have a number of other virtues:

  • service life - at least 60 thousand hours, for some lamps - up to 150 thousand hours,
  • efficiency = 0.9,
  • comfortable light, no color distortion,
  • no flicker,
  • the absence of a pause between the moment the lamp is turned on and the moment it reaches full power (instantaneous switching on, no “burning up” process),
  • work perfectly indoors and outdoors in the temperature range from -40 to +60 degrees,
  • the warranty period for induction lamps is 5 years,
  • tolerates well, network "jumps".

Specialists also name additional advantages related to the features of the operation of induction lamps and including data on photo-optical efficiency, color rendering index, etc., however, for an ordinary user, in order to draw conclusions about the operation of this type of lighting devices, the above data is quite enough.

The device of induction lamps allows you to install them almost anywhere in the house, cottage or garden plot. If desired, they can replace all lighting devices and this will be economically justified, since in the next few years the issue of maintenance and the purchase of new lamps to replace failed ones will not worry the owners of the house.

If the cost of induction lamps seems too high to a potential buyer, it is advisable to install them in places where maintenance of lighting devices is difficult, as well as where uninterrupted operation of the light source is fundamentally important. In particular, powerful induction lamps installed in the security lighting system of the perimeter of land holdings will significantly increase the security of the territory and minimize the likelihood of unpleasant situations.

How much do induction lights cost?

Prices for induction lamps depend not only on the power of the lamp, but also on additional properties (explosion-proof, moisture resistance, etc.). So, a 40 W household induction lamp with an E27 base costs about a thousand rubles.

Powerful lamps for greenhouses (150 W) cost 11-13 thousand rubles. The price of small lamps for plants with 40 W lamps, installed and not afraid of high humidity, is from 2.5 thousand rubles. An office ceiling lamp with a lamp of the same power will cost 4.5 thousand rubles, and a more powerful one (80 W) costs a little more than 6 thousand rubles.

A park lamp with a 40 W lamp has increased resistance to external influences, is not afraid of temperature changes and humidity and, accordingly, costs more - 7-9 thousand rubles.

Today, consumers are increasingly choosing energy-efficient residential and industrial lighting products. However, in addition to savings, the quality of the backlight also plays an important role. Induction lamps are a worthy alternative to traditional light sources.

They emit a soft light that is pleasant to the eyes and does not change the objective perception of objects. Let's understand together the device and principles of operation of induction lamps.

The primary source of light in an induction lamp is a plasma artificially created as a result of ionization of a gas mixture by an RF electromagnetic field.

The current generates an alternating electric field, causing the occurrence of a gas discharge in a glass bulb. Excited mercury generates UV radiation, which, thanks to the phosphor, is converted into visible light.

The design of an induction lamp includes three basic functional elements:

  • gas discharge tube;
  • induction coil with ferrite ring;
  • electronic ballast.

Inside the tube are drops of mercury amalgam. The flask itself is filled with a gas with low chemical reactivity - argon / krypton, and its inner surface is coated with an inorganic phosphor.

The induction coil and electromagnet form a high-frequency magnetic field, under the influence of which free electrons are accelerated, collide and excite mercury atoms.

As a result, ultraviolet radiation is produced. With a phosphor, it is transformed into a visible bright glow.

As in simple fluorescent light bulbs, the combination of different phosphors in the coating of the IL bulb gives a glow of various colors. Most often there are devices with a colorimetric temperature of 3500 K, 4100 K, 5000 K, 6500 K

The electronic ballast can be connected to a 12V/24V DC supply or to a 120V/220V/380V sine wave supply.

The starter control system transforms 50 Hz alternating current into direct current, and then into high frequency current from 190 kHz to 2.65 MHz.

This RF current creates a magnetic field. In addition, the starter generates a strong starting pulse that ignites the induction light source.

To provide stable work electrodeless lighting device, the control system can also change the strength electric current and its frequency through the inductor coil.

In order to reduce the scattering of the high-frequency electromagnetic field, the lamps are equipped with ferrite screens and / or special cores.

The main difference between induction energy-saving lamps and other light sources is the absence of filaments and contact thermal cathodes. In induction lamps, electromagnets are located outside, that is, there is no direct contact of the electrodes with an ionized gaseous medium.

This makes the bulb of the lighting device more uniform and approximately equally loaded in temperature.

At long work such illumination, cracking of the glass bulb is not observed; over time, the electrode material does not deposit on the walls.

The absence of incandescent electrodes required to light conventional light bulbs makes it possible to achieve an incredibly long service life of induction lamps - up to 120,000 hours of operation.

In addition, the service life of induction light sources is approximately 2-3 times longer than the service life of LEDs.

Varieties of induction lamps

For the first time, a lamp without contact electrodes was demonstrated by Nikola Tesla back in 1893 at the World's Fair in Chicago. The lighting device presented to the public was powered by the magnetic field of the Tesla coil. And the first reliable prototype of an induction light source was created by John Melvin Anderson in 1967.

Classification of electrodeless light bulbs

In 1994, General Electric introduced the GENURA compact energy-saving lamp with a built-in high-frequency generator in the base.

Serial production of induction fluorescent lamps started in the 1990s.

Today, the leaders in the production of electrodeless energy-efficient lighting devices are PHILIPS Lighting, GE Lighting and OSRAM Licht AGO. The table shows the parameters and cost different models lamps from these manufacturers

Depending on the type of construction, induction light sources are:

  • with a built-in ballast - an electric generator and a lamp are combined in one block;
  • with a separate electronic starter - an external generator and a lamp are separate devices.

Depending on the way the coil is placed, these lamps are also divided into devices with an external (low-frequency) and internal (high-frequency) inductor.

In the first case, a coil with a ferromagnetic rod is wrapped around the cylinder. The operating frequency of bulbs with external induction lies in the range of 190-250 kHz.

They have the best conditions for intense heat exchange with the environment, since the coil outside the sealed bulb easily dissipates the heat generated by the device. The service life of low-frequency devices is up to 120,000 hours.

In the second case, an induction coil with a wound core is located inside a glass bulb. The heat generated is in the cavity of the lighting device, and therefore the lamps with internal induction heat up more strongly.

Their operating frequency is in the range of 2-3 MHz. The resource of such light sources does not exceed 75,000 hours.

By appearance devices with an internal inductor resemble vacuum bulbs. But models with an external inductor have the shape of a ring or a rectangle

Both high-frequency and low-frequency lamps have a large margin of safety and are distinguished by a long service life.

Options and markings

Currently, companies that specialize in lighting have launched mass production of induction bulbs of various shapes. Design features and design options can be traced in their marking.

The first two alphabetic characters in the cipher determine the type of device (IL - induction lamp), the third indicates the shape. After the letter designation, power is usually announced.

ILK- round induction bulbs. They have high luminous efficacy and a wide range of spectrophotometric temperatures. Suitable for installation in round and oval luminaires.

Such light sources are actively used to illuminate warehouses, spacious production and repair shops, shopping malls, sports facilities.

ILS- lamps in the form of a ball. Made in the traditional form of conventional high power vacuum lighting devices. They create a soft light and light up almost instantly.

Suitable for replacement with energy efficient light sources without the need to change the luminaire itself.

ILS is installed in spotlights for lighting hotels and restaurants, supermarkets, as well as in street and industrial lamps

ILU- U-shaped bulbs. They are devices with a separate generator. They emit bright white light, do not flicker during operation.

They are used to illuminate stadiums, tunnels, subways and highways, advertising stands, signs and other objects.

ILB, ILBC- lamps with an annular shape of the bulb. In them, the generator, coil and tube are combined in a single unit. They generate a soft light that does not dazzle, quickly and easily ignite at temperatures down to -35 °C.

Similar designs are used to illuminate hotels and trading floors, park areas and squares, private garden areas.

Separately, it should be said about induction phytolamps for plants. They differ in the shape of the glass bulb and the color of the radiation.

Different models of induction phytolamps are suitable for lighting green spaces in a certain period of growth and development. Series of such products are designated TIL. The next two letters indicate the specific lamp model.

Induction phytolamps GP and VG are designed to illuminate plants at the stage of vegetative growth. They are dominated by the blue spectrum of radiation.

FL devices are used in the initial phase of fruit formation, as well as to accelerate the formation of flowers. They emit red light.

Light bulbs of the KL model are universal. Such light sources make it possible to control the growth of plantings. They generate rich red light, which is necessary for the full development of plant fruits and abundant flowering.

Marking examples:

  • ILK-40 - a round induction lamp with a power of 40 W;
  • TILPVG-120 is a rectangular induction phytolamp with a power of 120 W, VG model for the initial stage of vegetative plant growth.

The radiation of an induction bulb corresponds to the solar spectrum by 97%, and therefore is excellent for artificial lighting of greenhouse complexes.

Benefits of using IL

Electrodeless lamps generate soft light that is comfortable for the eyes. Color shades are not distorted.

The brightness of such lamps can be changed in the range of 30-100% using a simple filament for devices.

Even after 75,000 hours of operation, induction devices maintain a light power level of 80-85% of the original.

Conventional daylight fluorescent lamps lose up to 55% of their brightness towards the end of their service life. Dark opaque circles form on their flasks over time.

Advantages of using induction electrodeless lamps:

  • Efficiency 90%;
  • service life up to 150,000 hours;
  • light output more than 90-160 lm / W;
  • optimal conditions for visual perception of objects;
  • operating temperature range from -35 °C to +50 °C;
  • color rendering coefficient Ra˃80;
  • high rates of energy efficiency;
  • minimal heating of the flask;
  • unlimited number of start/stop cycles;
  • lack of pulsation;
  • the ability to adjust the intensity of the glow;
  • the warranty period is 5 years.

Manufacturers claim that induction light sources have the best specifications than LEDs and are several times cheaper. The energy consumption of these types of light bulbs is about the same.

Application of electrodeless lamps

Modernized lighting fixtures that do not contain hot cathodes and filaments are used for both indoor and outdoor lighting.

Sphere of use of IL

Electrodeless lamps have built-in protection against short circuit (short circuit) and power surges.

Induction lamps are resistant to vibration loads and accidental shocks, they work stably even at low air temperatures

Due to their high light output with low electricity consumption, they are used in various fields:

  • for the organization of high-quality street lighting;
  • in shopping and entertainment and hotel complexes;
  • in office centers and household premises;
  • for lighting spacious workshops and warehouses at industrial facilities;
  • for lighting greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • for illumination of highways and tunnels;
  • for the organization of explosion-proof lighting at gas stations.

Due to the stability of the parameters, electrodeless mercury lamps are used as precision point sources of UV radiation in spectrometry.

In addition, the principle of inductive excitation of gas is used in the process of transferring energy from external sources to the working environment of lasers.

However, due to the presence of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, induction lamps are not installed at railway stations and airports.

Also, these bulbs are capable of causing interference while working with ultra-sensitive laboratory and medical equipment. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them in rooms with such special equipment.

Street and road lighting

The most efficient road lighting can be provided by street lamps with induction energy-efficient lamps. This type of illumination guarantees comfortable visibility for both drivers and pedestrians.

Road lights have a strong cantilever mount and are mounted on poles, as well as standard supports. They are used to illuminate park areas and squares, streets and squares, highways and parking lots, embankments, courtyards.

The instant start of the IL minimizes power losses and allows the most efficient use of the lighting system. This makes it possible to organize the backlight using motion sensors.

As an example - the instant start of lighting on highways in places where there is a movement of cars and pedestrians.

In addition, a sensitive motion sensor can be combined with a programmable twilight switch.

The device is configured for specific illumination values. If the light level is insufficient, the sensor will give a command to turn on the lamps.

The possibility of dimming allows you to successfully apply intelligent systems for the effective control of street lighting.

By controlling the brightness of induction lamps with a power regulator and an astronomical timer, real savings in electrical energy can be achieved, as well as significantly reducing maintenance costs.

The introduction of intelligent systems makes it possible to control the state of lighting, measure and analyze data on the energy consumption of luminaires.

Safe industrial light sources

The use of devices based on induction technology is a cost-effective solution for modernizing industrial lighting systems.

Induction lamps are of high build quality and do not require regular maintenance. They significantly reduce electricity consumption and help increase the profitability of production.

Industrial lighting devices have an IP54 protection class, which allows operation even in conditions of pollution and high humidity. They can be installed in unheated and poorly ventilated rooms.

Tempered glass in combination with silicone insulation reliably protects the case from ingress of foreign matter and water.

There are also industrial explosion-proof models of IL. They not only provide high-quality lighting, but also prevent the occurrence of fire hazards. Such devices increase the level of safety in the workplace.

An antistatic polymer coating is applied to the body of induction explosion-proof lamps.

Thanks to this composition, lighting devices are characterized by impact resistance and resistance to sub-zero temperatures.

The special non-sparking coating is not destroyed even in alkaline and acidic environments and is able to maintain its properties for 30 years.

Illumination in greenhouses and conservatories

The spectrum of the induction lamp corresponds to 75% of the photosynthetically active radiation necessary for active growth and long-term flowering of plants.

That is why electrodeless bulbs are used as additional sources in greenhouses and greenhouses, for lighting standard and compact grow boxes, direct, side and inter-row illumination of plants.

The operating temperature of induction lighting devices does not exceed 60 degrees Celsius, which allows them to be located close to green spaces

The use of such lamps in grow boxes makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of cooling tanks.

The use of IL also allows you to pre-design and separately install lighting for each zone of the greenhouse.

To correct and direct the maximum light to the desired sector, optical surfaces - screens are used. They focus the radiation on a specific area.

And with the help of special reflectors, artificial light is evenly distributed over the entire height of green spaces.

IL selection rules

When choosing induction lighting devices, it is important to consider them. design features, operational characteristics, and the degree of safety.

Only if this approach is observed, IL can be considered an appropriate acquisition.

Today, in specialized stores, it is easy to find induction electrodeless lamps with power from 15 W to 500 W. But there are also more powerful ones designed for various production needs.

Oval bulb lamps are available for luminaires with standard E14, E27 and E40 sockets.

There are also special rectangular and ring types of induction lighting devices that can operate both in AC and DC.

It is worth noting that ball-shaped induction bulbs will be larger in size than conventional incandescent filament lamps, since the RF current generator is hidden in the base. This is important to consider when buying.

All induction lamps and electrodeless lamps are subject to mandatory certification.

Therefore, we can say with confidence about their safety. The amalgam is in a sealed flask and, subject to the basic rules of operation, its leakage is excluded.

However, it must be understood that, like standard fluorescent lamps, induction lamps require appropriate disposal due to the presence of mercury compounds and electronic components.

Solid amalgam - an alloy of mercury with other metals - can be reused. Glass from the lamp is also handed over for recycling, but separately from the phosphor.

Luminaires with induction technology do not belong to environmentally friendly types of lighting and are much inferior to LEDs in this criterion.

It must be added that an induction-type light bulb does not reach its stable luminous flux immediately. At the start, it gives out about 80% of the total radiation.

For this indicator to reach its maximum, the electrodeless lamp needs 2-3 minutes. During this time, the amalgam is sufficiently heated and the required amount of mercury evaporates.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Induction lamps are a new generation of gas discharge lamps. The principle of operation of this type of lighting:

What makes lamps induction, features of lamps of this type and scope:

Advantages of using modern induction light sources in industrial enterprises:

Proper installation of induction type lamps in compliance with all standards and norms allows you to effectively use energy saving technology. Today, such light sources are a reasonable alternative to traditional approaches to organizing lighting.

At a time when the use of LED lamps is widely promoted, there are equally effective alternative systems. The less hyped induction lamps that have recently begun to appear on the market are also showing very decent results.

Such lamps are in no way inferior to diodes in terms of basic lighting characteristics, but their cost is two to three times lower.

Principle of operation

Despite the fact that the basic principle of operation of such systems was invented in the last century, until recently it was not embodied in lighting devices.

The essence of the operation of such systems is to heat the gases pumped into the flask to the state of plasma. Such a high heating is achieved under the influence of magnetic induction - the bulb is braided with a spiral of wires, forming a magnetic field. This produces high intensity light.

Ring device

Since there is no direct contact of the gases with the electrodes, the burnout effect is minimal. Thanks to this, such lamps can last about ten years, practically without losing their brightness.
By and large, new induction models are well-known fluorescent lamps (LL), only improved. They eliminated the main disadvantages of LL: flickering, sensitivity to frequent switching on, rapid resource burnout, instability to voltage drops.

Induction lamp models differ in the location of the ferrite rings - outside on the bulb (external induction) or inside the base and bulb (internal induction).

Lamp device

At the moment, they are much less common than LED systems, but many models have already been put into mass production. This means that in the near future they can become a real competitor to the market leaders.
The main limiting factors for their spread is the specific shape of the bulb, for which the shades and reflectors of standard fixtures are not suitable. However, modern compact models are quite suitable for installation in conventional fixtures.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main benefits that induction lamps can provide include:

  • bright and clean light output;
  • high light output (about 80 - 90 lm per W - depending on the lamp power);
  • efficiency and economy (consume 80% less incandescent lamps);
  • quick start - there is no start delay (like fluorescent ones, for example);
  • insensitivity to frequent on-off;
  • the ability to use them in conjunction with a dimmer;
  • high duration of trouble-free operation (about 60-150 thousand hours) in environmental conditions from -40˚ С to +50˚ С;
  • minimal loss of glow brightness throughout all years of operation;
  • large power run-up - from 15 to 400 W;
  • slight heating;
  • different colors of light.

They have induction lamps and a number of disadvantages:

  • potential toxicity in case of damage to the flask with gases in which mercury vapor is present, although in much smaller quantities than with conventional LL;
  • the need for special disposal;
  • large dimensions of the flasks and the need to use special lamps;
  • not suitable for lighting places equipped with fine electronics (gas stations, airports, etc.) due to electromagnetic radiation that can disrupt the operation of devices;
  • due to the presence of electromagnetic and UV radiation, it is not recommended to install them closer than a meter to the heads of standing people;
  • low mechanical strength of the flask;

the high cost of production, and, accordingly, the high cost.

Options for using induction

Lamp appearance

These lamps are produced different types and forms. Models with the most common plinths are offered, so replacement should not be a problem. What distinguishes them from most analogues is only the massive design of the luminous element itself - a braided bulb and large ferrite rings, which actually provoke magnetic induction.

Sufficiently dimensional induction lamps are ideal for interior lighting of large objects (production shops, warehouses, storage facilities, etc.). Industrial induction luminaires provide high luminosity with relatively low energy consumption. As already mentioned, in terms of consumption, such systems are comparable to LEDs. But LED-lamps of similar power will cost the owner many times more.
In addition, induction lighting systems spread light in all directions, as a result, it is scattered throughout the room more evenly. For diodes, the dispersion angle is much narrower. Therefore, with comparable power, the luminescence efficiency of LED systems will be lower.

Due to their resistance to temperature changes, they can also be successfully used for outdoor lighting - illumination of roads, industrial sites, recreation areas and common areas.
An induction street lamp will provide a uniform high-intensity luminous flux, and even with adequate color reproduction. Thanks to the contactless energy exchange scheme, it is able to work for many years without human intervention. And this is an important component of the overall economy. After all, it is known that the maintenance of high street lamps is not cheap. It requires the involvement of special equipment and a team of workers with access to work at heights.

Bispectral flasks

Another plus of such lamps is that they emit ultraviolet, which is as similar as possible to the natural one emitted by the sun. Therefore, such systems are ideal for artificial illumination of plants. There is even a separate line - phyto - lamps. It is recommended to regularly illuminate covered greenhouses with them, since even through the transparent glass of the partitions, the natural flow of ultraviolet radiation does not reach the seedlings.
Such lamps are successfully used to ensure the normal flow of photosynthesis in seedlings in greenhouses or in house plants located in shaded areas or in apartments on the north side of the building.
Under the influence of radiation from induction phyto-lamps, the vegetation of plants improves noticeably, a noticeable increase in yield is observed. Crops get sick less and become more resistant to pests, as the ultraviolet light coming from the lamps gently disinfects the upper soil layer.

Since such systems practically do not heat up during operation, they do not dry out the air. This means that you can use less powerful lamp models and install them closer to the planting sites (hang them on long wires, for example).

Thus, thanks to the use of phyto - lamps, you can regulate the germination and yield of cultivated crops with your own hands.

Light therapy

For illumination of plants it is ideal to use bispectral induction flasks. They generate a light flux simultaneously with two spectra: warm red and cold blue. This creates optimal conditions for the growth of stems and leaves (at a temperature of 6400 K) and for flowering (2700 K). These phyto-flasks look like this:

This combination allows you to liken their glow to the sun's rays. Under their influence, photosynthesis in plants occurs as efficiently as possible. Normal vegetation is achieved even in fully enclosed greenhouses. So it’s not without reason that such a line of lamps in the name has the postscript “phyto” - this is a kind of light growth stimulator.
We recommend installing an induction over a home greenhouse, and observe the result. We are convinced that in the near future you will reap the benefits of "light therapy" with your own hands.

The choice of induction lamps for greenhouses is justified in many ways:

  • they generate the most acceptable type of radiation for plants;
  • they shine very brightly and at the same time are very economical, therefore they can be used over large areas and work continuously;
  • they do not heat up, which means they do not affect the temperature regime inside the greenhouses;
  • can work for a very long time, without any human intervention;

Efficiency and payback

Everything is fine, but it is far from always possible to find a suitable IL model in our stores. You ask, is it possible to make induction with your own hands? Theoretically, one can take fluorescent lamp with a ring-shaped flask. Directly on the bulb, make a winding consisting, for example, of 8 turns, and at 90 degrees to it, make 13 turns around the ferrite ring. And then start applying current to it, with a frequency of about 2-3 MHz.
However, the effectiveness and safety of such a model would be questionable. In addition, it will be quite difficult to choose the number of winding turns to provide the necessary glow parameters. Therefore, it is better to purchase ready-made products.
Most likely, you will have to place an order on foreign trading Internet sites. We have IL appeared relatively recently, and they are used mainly in large industries. Therefore, the population is little familiar with them, but in vain. In many areas of everyday life, they can come in handy. They are reliable, efficient and durable. The minimum warranty period of five years also says something.

Induction lamps will pay back the purchase costs within 1-1.5 years. It all depends on what power model you choose, how often and for how long it will work.

In addition, the use of inductors indirectly affects network congestion - they are noticeably reduced. After all, consumption, and hence the load on the wiring, will be minimal - even if large areas or the same farms for plant breeding are illuminated.
This is especially true for greenhouse complexes with old electrical networks designed for a small load. Also, when designing, when economical phyto-lamps are laid in a new facility, you can use less powerful PTS, and wires with a smaller cross section. This will reduce the cost of the lighting component of the project.


Summing up what has been said, we can say that induction-type lamps are more suitable for lighting large indoor spaces or spacious outdoor areas. The presence of electromagnetic and UV radiation accompanying the glow, the large dimensions of the flasks - force them to limit their use for domestic needs.
Rather, these are promising production luminaires that can effectively perform their function at minimal cost to the owner. Installed on outdoor facilities or under the high arches of industrial premises, they will not cause harm to workers.
The most successful example of their application is the use of induction phyto - lamps for lighting greenhouses. Maintenance personnel are exposed to minimal radiation, and at the same time, the intensity of the vegetation of plants, their yields increase significantly, and fertilizers are not needed.

Choosing lamps above the desktop for the kitchen

They force consumers to look for new technical means of providing such an important function. Some time ago, a transitional stage took place from classic incandescent lamps to mercury and sodium devices. Such devices are used to this day in different versions, but their operation is accompanied by significant drawbacks. In particular, they have serious restrictions on use and high requirements for the technical organization of the installation with further maintenance due to the toxicity of the working environment. Sodium models, in turn, are characterized by a bias in the color spectra of the glow. The induction lamp is deprived of the two indicated disadvantages, which may well replace both full-fledged mercury models and devices with a sodium base.

The device of induction lamps

Despite the many differences in the direct workflow, induction devices still belong to the segment of common ones. The main feature of such lamps is the absence of electrodes. However, this difference is also conditional. The basis of the design is also a flask that contains plasma - it acts as a generator of light energy. In addition, induction lamps are complemented by a gas cylinder, which is located next to the magnetic coil. Electrodeless such devices are called for the reason that direct contact of the working element with the gaseous medium is not provided. Also, the absence of classic metal electrodes inside the cylinder increases the operational life of the device. As practice shows, lamps of this type are not disposed of until the moment when the resource of the phosphor is used up. This corresponds to approximately 100,000 operating hours of the device.

The principle of operation of models with an external generator

All induction-type lamps work in one way or another in conjunction with a generator. The most common devices that are operated with the connection of an external electronic device that generates current at a high frequency. Energy flows through the winding of the coil, which is equipped with an induction lamp, after which the lamp lights up. Atoms of the gas, excited by electricity, fill the lamp cavity, emitting photons with waves whose length corresponds to the particles of the plasma filling the lamp.

As a rule, such lamps contain mixtures including argon and mercury. The first gas is added just to simplify ignition at low temperatures. This function is appropriate if the mercury pressure is not enough to generate a discharge that activates induction lamps. The principle of operation of such devices is in many respects similar to luminescent devices for the reason that in both cases the possibility of a phosphor is assumed, which provides the formation of ultraviolet radiation.

Features of devices with an integrated generator

Luminaires powered by an external separate generator are often not supplemented with a phosphor coating. For this reason, they only scatter the light produced by the ionized gaseous plasma. According to the general classification, such models can be attributed to gas-light lamps. By the way, street induction lamps are often made exactly according to this principle - with an external placement of an electric generator. This is due to the high service life and increased reliability of such devices - accordingly, they are more resistant to damage and other external influences.

Main characteristics

One of the main characteristics of lighting devices is light output. IN this case the nominal value is about 80 lm / W. Manufacturers also in some versions seek to increase the power of fixtures, but this affects the reduction of the working life of the devices. By the way, according to manufacturers, the average operating range varies from 80 to 100 thousand hours. In recent years, users themselves have increasingly paid attention to the time waiting for switching on and off of lighting devices. In this regard, the induction lamp has an advantage even in the environment of gas-discharge analogues. So, the time of complete cooling of the lamp after is only 5 minutes. As for color reproduction, induction models correspond to mercury lamps in this characteristic, since they contain almost the same filler.

Operational properties of induction lamps

Among the operational features, the ability of lamps to dimming, that is, changing the radiation intensity in a wide range from 30 to 100%, stands out. This possibility, by the way, expands the options of systems intelligent control, which can be applied to the same outdoor appliances. Another distinguishing feature follows from this advantage. The combination of the device with automatic power control systems and an astronomical timer provides the possibility of optimal adjustment of the luminaire in terms of energy savings. In addition, induction lamps offer extended range. The user can choose soft and natural light for living spaces or cool lighting for outdoor systems. It also provides for the possibility auto tuning in some models.


The high stability of the operating parameters of gas-discharge lamps allows them to be used even in highly specialized areas - for example, in spectrometry, which also requires induction-type devices to be used in pumping laser installations for gas excitation. But most often, such models are still used in more familiar conditions. For example, to provide indoor home and outdoor garden lighting. A separate niche is occupied by industrial induction lamps, which are characterized by high power and longer service life. Street communications, tunnels with highways, production and storage facilities, stadiums and parking lots are equipped with such equipment.

How much does an induction lamp cost?

Technologically, the process of manufacturing induction lamps is quite complicated and unsafe, if all the requirements for the organization of production are not met. This determines the narrowness of the segment in which these products are sold, as well as the high cost at which induction lamps are sold. Prices in the primary class vary in the range of 4-5 thousand rubles. This level significantly exceeds the cost of LED models. Even in premium lines, LED lamps for domestic use are estimated at 2-3 thousand rubles.

The price tags for specialized and industrial induction-type devices are also impressive. In particular, ITL induction lamps for outdoor use are available for an average of 10-15 thousand rubles.


Equipping large areas with induction lighting can be expensive - especially when compared to traditional spotlights. Nevertheless, in the long term, such lamps justify themselves both in terms of financial performance and ease of maintenance. In addition, the induction lamp provides high-quality light. If standard halogen or even not ideal in terms of the perception of their radiation by the eye, then gas-discharge induction models can adjust the glow parameters for specific needs. Moreover, both the color rendition and the degree of radiation intensity are regulated.

Induction lamps (IL) are an electrodeless gas-discharge lamp, the light source of which is plasma (ionized gas). These lamps are considered upgraded fluorescent lamps.

The device and principle of operation of IL

Induction lamps differ from conventional lamps in the source of ignition, since they do not have incandescent electrodes. The plasma that fills the lamp and makes it glow is due to electromagnetic induction in the gas.

The main components of IL:
  • discharge tube . The IL flask is filled with mercury vapor with a mixture of argon. For the visibility of light, its surface is coated inside with a phosphor;
  • induction coil . The coil represents the primary winding of the transformer, the secondary coil of which is the cavity of the bulb;
  • high frequency electric generator . The generator is needed to power the coil.

To increase efficiency and improve electromagnetic compatibility, it is important to reduce dissipation; for this, some ILs are supplied with cores or ferromagnetic screens. When creating more perfect characteristics, the lamps can be equipped with both.

To create light radiation, three physical processes are combined:
  1. electromagnetic induction.
  2. The glow of the phosphor during interaction with the gas.
  3. Electrical discharge in a gas.

Thanks to everything, an electromagnetic field is formed inside, which ionizes the mixture with which the flask is filled. Due to ionization, ultraviolet radiation is generated, and the phosphor converts it into light. To create a high-frequency magnetic field, a gas cylinder of a lamp is placed next to the coil. The lamp is called electrodeless due to the fact that the gas plasma does not come into contact with the electrodes, due to their absence inside the balloon. Thanks to this, induction lamps have improved parameter stability and a longer service life.

After the end of the service life of the IL, it must be properly disposed of due to the presence of harmful mercury vapors inside.

Classification and application of different IL

Lamps based on electromagnetic induction are distinguished by the shape of the bulb, the different way of installing the ballast (generator) and electromagnets (coils).

Induction lamps due to different placement of the induction coil:
  • IL internal induction . In lamps of this type, the magnetic cores and the coil are located inside the tube (flask).
  • IL of external induction . The inductor in these lamps is placed around the bulb. Since the coil is located outside the bulb, it easily dissipates the generated heat around. Bulbs of this type are more durable.

Induction lamps due to different generator installation:

  • IL with separate ballast . Lamps of this type have an external generator and are remote devices.
  • IL with built-in ballast . The lamp and the electric generator in these ILs are placed in one common housing.
IL execution options:
  • Round lamps (ILK) . These energy-saving lamps have high light output and a wide range of color temperatures. The uniformity of illumination is enhanced due to the annular shape of the bulb. Large illuminated area due to the sufficient radiated surface of the ILC. Suitable for oval and round luminaires. It is widely used in lighting devices for warehouses, production workshops, shopping centers, sports and public places.
  • Ball-shaped lamps (ILS) . These induction lamps are made in the traditional form of high power incandescent bulbs. Thanks to this, induction lighting modernization can be carried out by replacing a traditional light source with an energy-efficient one without changing the lighting device shell. These lamps are instantly ignited, have an enviable luminous efficiency and a rather soft light.

They are installed in industrial, street lamps, as well as in spotlights and other devices for lighting hotels, supermarkets, streets, etc.

  • IL with a U-shaped or annular shape (ILB, ILBC) . In these lamps, the bulb, generator and coil are placed in one design. They have a quick start, easy to start at low temperatures (-35ºС). Emit non-dazzling soft light. They are used in hotels, supermarkets, as well as in private homes.
  • U-shaped IL (ILU) . These light bulbs with a separate generator, emit white bright light without any flicker. Most often used in industry in induction lamps. They are also used in office and shopping centers, for lighting highways, stadiums, subways, tunnels, billboards and other objects.


ILs are performed in different forms. Similar design features can be traced in the marking of these lighting devices. The first two letters in the lamp code "IL" indicate that this lamp is induction, the third letter concerns the shape, after the letters the power of the lamps is indicated. they are produced in different power, the minimum is 15 W, the maximum standard power is 500 W, but there are also industrial induction lamps with higher power. Suitable for any lighting fixtures with E14, E27, E40 cartridges.

Many induction phytolamps are produced, which differ in the shape and color of the luminous flux. Each model of light bulbs is used to illuminate plants at a certain period of their development.

A series of phytolamps is designated as TIL (induction phytolamps), they are designated by two letters:
  • VG and GP models are designed for use in the initial phases of vegetative plant growth. IN luminous flux These lamps are dominated by the blue spectrum.
  • FL lamps are used in the initial stages of flowering. They emit a red spectrum light flux.
  • CL models are unique lighting devices that allow you to control the growth of plants. These lamps emit the maximum red light output required for fruit and flower development. It is recommended to use light bulbs of the TILkl series together with VG models at the maturation stage and with FL at the color formation stage to accelerate these processes.
Examples of marking induction lamps:
  • ILK - 60 - a round induction lamp with a power of 60 W;
  • TILPfl -150 - a rectangular induction phytolamp with a power of 150 W, model fl (for flowering).
  • Long service life.
  • Great energy saving potential.
  • No flicker.
  • Excellent color rendering.
  • No electrodes.
  • Instant ignition.
  • Safety and environmental friendliness of lamps.
  • Wide choice of powers and range of color temperatures.
  • Large flask sizes.
  • unconventional features.
  • High sensitivity to temperature.
  • Different design features from different manufacturers.
  • High price for the IL+EPRA kit.

However, induction lamps are not afraid of dampness, power outages, mechanical stress, as well as frequent switching on and off. Therefore, they are used almost everywhere.