Home / Safety / Infrared lamp - heater. Features of infrared treatment: indications for use and possible complications Infrared lamp for the face

Infrared lamp - heater. Features of infrared treatment: indications for use and possible complications Infrared lamp for the face

Infrared rays have a different range, which facilitates their penetration into the human body in different layers. Their length can vary from 780 to 10,000 nm. For medicinal purposes, waves with a length of no more than 1400 nm are used, penetrating to a depth of 3 cm.

Concept of method

Infrared treatment involves exposing affected areas of the body to powerful light. It can be used either as a supplement or as a stand-alone therapy. Unlike IR rays, they do not contain ultraviolet radiation, which minimizes side effects.

During the procedure, narrow direction polarized light is used. The duration of one session depends on the complexity of the diagnosis and the expected result.

On average, one treatment procedure with infrared rays lasts from half an hour to 2 hours.

Long waves of infrared radiation are a source of health and beauty. The video below explains this:

Its types

Therapy using infrared rays can be of two types:

  1. Local;
  2. General.

In the first case, the rays are directed to a specific area of ​​the body, in the second - to the entire body. The duration of the session can be 15-30 minutes and occur up to two times a day. The course of treatment is usually 7-20 procedures.

If exposure to rays occurs on the face, it is necessary to protect the eyes with special pads or glasses.

Pros and cons

Due to its properties, infrared rays are actively used in modern medicine. Their effect on the body consists of the following processes:

  • Stimulation of blood circulation, including the brain;
  • Memory improvement;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Removing salts and toxins from the body;
  • Blocking the effects of harmful fungi and microbes;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • Improving immunity;
  • Normalization of water-salt balance.

With all its advantages, this treatment method also has disadvantages. So, when using broad-spectrum rays, it is observed and in some cases develops. Short beams are dangerous to the eyes. With prolonged use, cataracts, fear of light and other visual impairments may develop.

Indications for testing

The main indications for prescribing infrared treatment are:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system that are degenerative-dystrophic in nature;
  • Complications of injuries, joint diseases, as well as infiltrates and contractures;
  • Poorly healing wounds;
  • Inflammatory processes in subacute and chronic forms;
  • Various vision pathologies;
  • Diseases of the ENT organs (including tonsillitis, for example, etc.)
  • Burns (including) and;
  • , and other skin diseases (including).
  • Hair problems (cosmetology).


The procedure for treatment with infrared rays is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • , having no content outflow;
  • Exacerbation of diseases in chronic form;
  • Availability ;
  • Tuberculosis in open form;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Individual intolerance.

Preparing for infrared treatment

No preparation is required before starting the procedure. If infrared rays are used in the field of cosmetology, the doctor may recommend additional facial cleansing before the scheduled procedure. Also at this stage, it is determined whether the patient has contraindications to the procedure.

In order for the rays to penetrate the skin better and not cause burns, the skin must be lubricated with a special gel. After which the immediate preparation of the treated body area occurs. At the end of the session, the remaining substances are removed from the surface of the skin, and a medicine against irritation and swelling is applied.

How is the procedure performed?

In special institutions

During infrared therapy, no significant heat should be felt. When the treatment is carried out correctly, the patient feels a light and pleasant warmth. Thermal wraps using electric bandages, lamps with infrared rays, IR cabins and other equipment can be used for therapy.

In any case, working with rays warms the surrounding air to 50-60°C, which makes it possible to perform a session for a fairly long time. Thus, a visit to a cabin or capsule is allowed for 20-30 minutes, and with local effects on the body, the duration of the procedure increases to an hour.

This technique can be combined with other physiotherapeutic treatment. In this case, the procedures are prescribed both simultaneously and sequentially.

This video talks about IR treatment:

At home

Most often, a special infrared lamp is used for home treatment with these rays. The area of ​​the skin that is amenable to irradiation is actively supplied with blood, and metabolic processes on it also increase. These changes in the body have a healing effect.

All medical devices that involve exposure to infrared rays on the body have their own standards and operating technologies, as well as limitations. That is why the technology of the session depends on the specific device.

Consequences and possible complications

Complications during therapy with infrared rays occur extremely rarely and are expressed in the following undesirable effects:

  • Temporary visual impairment;
  • Excitability;
  • Anxiety.

When using rays in the field of dermatology and cosmetology, in rare cases the following may be observed:

  • Excitement;
  • Rapid eye fatigue;
  • Migraine;
  • Nausea.

Infrared device for home treatment

Recovery and care after therapy

At the end of the session, a red spot without clear contours may be observed on the treated area of ​​skin (). It goes away on its own, usually 1-1.5 hours after the procedure.

You can sometimes see infrared lamps on sale. They are used for home phototherapy.

Treatment is carried out with light rays that have a healing effect.

Infrared radiation affects the skin, helping to improve blood supply to this area. Metabolic processes accelerate in tissues, resulting in an improvement in general condition. Infrared lamp for home

At home, an infrared lamp is used for the complex treatment of many diseases.

For diseases of the ear, nose and throat

This method is most effective for diseases of the ears, nose, and throat (rhinitis, tonsillitis, otitis). However, in the presence of purulent inflammation, heat is contraindicated.

For muscle pain

Often, treatment with an infrared lamp reduces muscle pain. The rays warm up the painful area and help eliminate discomfort. Warm-up time may vary depending on the complexity of the case. The average duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. However, if you experience discomfort or severe redness of the skin, you should stop the heat exposure.

For joint pain

An infrared lamp is used to solve many health problems. With the help of infrared radiation, you can alleviate the condition of arthritis and other joint diseases. The warmth of an infrared lamp can relieve muscle spasms. It also improves blood flow and helps normalize blood circulation.

With high blood pressure

An infrared lamp helps people who are prone to frequent increases in blood pressure. Infrared rays reduce the risk of developing a hypertensive crisis and prevent the progression of the disease. They improve the condition of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Application of infrared lamps

Non-purulent inflammation of internal organs (kidneys, lungs)

Burns and frostbite

Long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis, sprains)




Pruritic dermatoses

Light applied to the skin relieves some forms of dermatitis, eczema, acne, psoriasis, and cellulite.


Using an infrared lamp you can get rid of many diseases. However, some conditions may contraindicate infrared light.

You cannot be treated with heat if you have cancer, purulent inflammation, or tuberculosis. It is not recommended to use an infrared lamp during pregnancy or with heart or lung failure. Treatment with an infrared lamp is contraindicated while taking cytostatics, hormones and immunomodulators.

An infrared lamp is a unique device that allows you to get rid of many diseases at home and improve the general condition of the patient.

An infrared lamp and lamp are light sources that emit heat in the direction in which they are directed. Operating principle: when connected to the electrical network, the lamp filament is instantly heated and, due to the special design of the bulb, infrared radiation is generated, the temperature of which can reach 75 0 C.

Infrared lamps are classified according to the following criteria:

  • application (medical, heating, drying);
  • depending on the wavelength of light (short-wave, medium-wave and long-wave);
  • designs (incandescent, halogen);
  • shape (regular, in the form of tubes);
  • light (red, white, blue);
  • power (from 50 to 500 W).

The scope of application of such lamps is extensive. They can be used to heat small areas (kiosks, balconies, winter gardens, living spaces, offices, etc.). They are also used for medical purposes. An infrared lamp for treatment has found application for colds, pain in joints and muscles, and lowering blood pressure. Such lamps can be bought at a pharmacy. In paint shops, repair shops, and auto repair shops, infrared radiation lamps are sources that speed up the drying of paints, enamels and varnishes and make coatings of higher quality.

Agriculture is an industry that cannot do without infrared lamps. In livestock and poultry farming they are used for heating and raising young animals. Infrared illumination not only heats, but also increases appetite in calves, piglets, foals, and chicks, which increases weight gain. In addition, the young body of animals and birds is better able to resist disease. In a brooder where chickens or other poultry are raised, infrared radiation also dries the hay, which improves hygiene. Directed heat provides the required temperature conditions. Installing such heat and lighting sources in greenhouses and winter gardens promotes crop growth, because allows you to adjust the heating height of seedlings and seedlings.


A regular incandescent lamp and an infrared lamp have much in common. Structurally, the IR light source is a flask with a mirror amalgam applied to its inner surface. Inside the red, blue or white glass case there is a tungsten filament. The hermetic housing is filled with gas (a mixture of nitrogen and argon in various proportions). For connection to a power source, the heat and light emitter is equipped with an E27 ceramic socket.

Powerful products have protective fittings that protect the source of heat and light from moisture and overheating and can be used in dusty and damp rooms.

Low-temperature models, which include long-wave products, are ideal for use in private homes and apartments, medium-wave models heat the areas of kiosks, shops, stalls and other medium-sized premises, and short-wave models warm up production workshops, warehouses and large premises.


The main advantages of IR radiation sources include:

  • small dimensions;
  • possibility of use for different purposes;
  • high efficiency;
  • instant warm-up;
  • noiselessness;
  • they do not burn oxygen;
  • quick installation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety.

Basic parameters

When choosing a lamp, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • lamp type;
  • power;
  • cartridge type.

Infrared lamps will replace expensive equipment for drying, treatment and heating. You just need to choose the right source of light and heat. The best products are considered to be from General Electric (USA), Philips (Netherlands), Osram and Sylvania (Germany), which are world leaders in the production of lighting equipment. These companies produce their lamps using high-tech equipment from high-quality materials in compliance with production technology. Therefore, their products can last 6,000 hours or more. Customer reviews indicate that the most popular models are: Rubystar, Thera Red and Halotherm from the German company Osram, Ir from Sylvania.

Video about infrared lamps

In ancient times, even before the 6th century, the Germans treated their babies with infrared light, arranging sunbathing for them right on the roofs of houses. Infrared light was used in the Roman Empire for diseases of the nervous system, lungs, skin, and joints. Today, infrared lamps - ergonomic compact devices - cope with these ailments even more effectively. How does infrared light heal?

Nobel Prize for light therapy

It was awarded to physiotherapist Niels Finsen, a Dane who today is called throughout the world nothing less than the father of light therapy. He founded an entire institute of phototherapy in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, where they defeated a terrible disease even today - skin tuberculosis. To understand what infrared ray treatment is based on, let’s figure out what this phenomenon is.

What are IR rays?

Infrared rays are a part of the solar spectrum that has been shown to have the ability to heat objects, substances, and surfaces. These include the human body. We cannot see these rays, but we feel them well. IR rays were discovered in 1800 by William Herschele, an English physicist. When studying the solar spectrum, he discovered that under the influence of its part, invisible to the eye, the thermometer rises sharply, that is, the temperature rises noticeably.
This part of the spectrum was previously considered empty and colorless. And this “blind” zone passed immediately after the clearly visible red one. Therefore, Herschele called it infrared, since the prefix “infra” means “under”, “below”. Physicists later determined that the power of infrared radiation directly affects the amount of heat we receive during treatment. Different health conditions require different ray powers - therefore, infrared lamps and other devices that are based on this principle can be adjusted in one or two modes.

How does the body react to infrared lamps?

By directing the light flux of the lamp to a certain area of ​​the body, we force it to warm up. Passing through a thin layer of skin, the heat flow becomes more intense. Under its influence, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation becomes more active, and metabolism improves. This gives a very good healing and cosmetic effect.

It is directed against:

  • muscle pain
  • stress
  • rheumatic joint lesions
  • ear-nose-throat diseases
  • problems with veins
  • hypertension

The cosmetic effect of using infrared lamps is the fight against skin imperfections and the enemy of all women - cellulite.

These methods are subject to:

  • acne
  • dull and sagging skin
  • cellulite deposits
  • frostbite and burns
  • overweight

The expansion of pores and activation of blood circulation when exposed to ultrasonic rays work wonders: toxins are eliminated faster, the skin is tightened, and creams, cleansing lotions and oils are absorbed much more effectively.


As with the use of any other medical device, there are contraindications for the use of infrared lamps.

  • pregnancy
  • oncological diseases
  • pulmonary failure
  • heart failure
  • tuberculosis
  • taking immunomodulators, hormonal drugs, cytostatics
  • purulent diseases of the skin or internal organs

To ensure that infrared rays are truly beneficial to you, consult your doctor before using them.

How to carry out procedures with infrared lamps?

Often infrared lamps are used at home, independently. And they can help the patient very well! In order for the treatment to be successful, you need to know how to carry out the procedures correctly.

  1. Prepare a comfortable place for the procedure so that no one disturbs or distracts (avoid drafts and open windows).
  2. When exposed to infrared rays, it is advisable to cover your eyes with protective glasses, a headscarf or a special bandage.
  3. The procedure can be performed lying down or sitting, placing the lamp at a distance of up to 5 cm from the area of ​​the body being treated.
  4. It is necessary to control the time of the procedure (no longer than 30 minutes per session in different areas, depending on the radiation power).

Be careful! If during the session you feel a burning sensation instead of a pleasant warmth, you need to increase the distance from the body to the lamp so as not to get burned.

Infrared irradiation techniques

There are two basic methods according to which infrared lamps are used.

A stable method is used when heating small bodily areas - no more than 10 by 10 cm. Session time varies from 5 to 10 minutes depending on which area you are treating: face, back, throat, ear, etc.

The scanning method is good when a large area of ​​the body is being processed (back, buttocks, abdomen, etc.). In one session, you can treat no more than 600 square centimeters of the body. Each zone takes from 3 to 10 minutes, and the total time of application of IR rays is up to half an hour.

It is recommended to carry out no more than 1-2 procedures per day, so as not to trigger unwanted processes in the body caused by excessive exposure to heat: photoaging of the skin, increased drowsiness, fatigue, uncontrolled expansion of pores, and so on. Infrared lamps can be a great help if used correctly!

To illuminate small areas, you can use infrared incandescent lamps, which have not yet found widespread use in everyday life, but have been used for quite a long time in poultry farming, livestock farming and greenhouse vegetable growing.

A traditional infrared (IR) heater is a stand-alone device, which at a minimum includes:

  • heating element;
  • reflector,
  • cable;
  • automation or temperature control system;

An infrared lamp is structurally no different from a conventional halogen incandescent lamp and usually has a bulb whose glass is painted red. The power of infrared lamps starts from 125 watts, and household products are equipped with a conventional screw base for an electric cartridge of the “E27” form factor.

The only mandatory condition for using these emitters is– the cartridge for the IR lamp, due to the high operating temperature of the bulb and base, must be ceramic, not plastic.

The main advantage of lamps compared to emitters is their compactness and versatility. They can be connected in any room if it has regular electrical wiring, while infrared heating devices used in industry and agriculture require compliance with certain safety standards.

Models of IR emitters

Lamp IKZK 250W

The most widely used for infrared heating are lamellas made of pressed transparent glass, painted throughout their mass in different colors, denoted by the abbreviation “IKZ/IKZS/IKZK”.

The letter “Z” in the designation indicates that the inside of the bulb has a mirror coating. The most common are lamps with a red (“IKZK”) or blue (“IKZS”) bulb. The heating element in these lamps is a tungsten or carbon filament. If the lamp bulb is not painted (transparent) (“IKZ”), then it can be used not only for heating, but also for lighting.

A typical representative of this group of infrared emitters can be considered the IKZK 220-250 R127 lamp, which has the following technical characteristics:

  1. Electrical power consumption– 250 watts.
  2. Maximum heating temperature external surfaces – 500 C.
  3. Form factor– reflective (with mirror coating), with “E27” base.
  4. Infrared range 3.5-5 microns.
  5. Resource (mean time between failures)-6.5 thousand hours.
  6. Supply voltage 220 volts.

In addition to conventional infrared lighting and heating devices, specialized products are also produced, the effect of which is primarily aimed at heating a limited area or volume.

These include:

  1. Ceramic infrared lamps“ECZ/ECX” with a heating element made of nichrome or fennel, which is enclosed in a ceramic housing (manufacturers “Elstein”, Germany, “Ceramicx”, Ireland).
  2. Infrared emitters with tubular halogen heating element"ECS/ECP/ECH", in a quartz glass case and a rheostat wire heater.
  3. IR illuminators, in which various types of IR lamps or emitters are installed, and the device itself allows you to direct the flow of IR radiation in the desired direction.

Selection and Application

The radiation of infrared devices with a glass bulb is closest to the solar spectrum, only it lacks the ultraviolet component.

The choice of one or another type of emitter depends on:

  1. Purpose of the heated room(bedroom or children's rooms, garage, greenhouse) and the function performed (simple heating, raising young animals and poultry, cultivating greenhouse crops).
  2. Purposes of use– temporary heating of a local area or constant maintenance of temperature at a given level.
  3. Heating object– people, animals, plants, technology.

The power of the device can be in the range of 125-500 watts and is calculated according to the amount of additional heat required at the place of use. Typically, IR emitters are used for local heating at the rate of 1 kilowatt per 10 square meters. To heat large areas, several interlocking sources are used.

Medical uses of IR lamps

Today, when self-medication is quite common, medical devices with IR lamps can be found in most pharmacies and institutions that sell medical equipment. These devices are used for home phototherapy sessions.

It is generally accepted that IR radiation, acting on a local area of ​​the skin, improves its blood supply and accelerates metabolism in the subcutaneous tissues, which contributes to a general improvement in well-being.

  1. Treatment of colds(acute respiratory) diseases, in case of complications with rhinitis or tonsillitis, as well as for the treatment of otolaryngeal diseases.
  2. For pain relief and muscle spasms.
  3. Treatment of joints when pain of arthritic etiology occurs.
  4. To reduce high blood pressure and prevention of stroke and heart attack.

However, when using this type of device at home, you need to remember certain precautions. Some diseases do not allow the use of infrared radiation not only as a therapeutic, but also as a prophylactic agent. They are contraindicated for patients with cancer, tuberculosis and the presence of a purulent inflammatory process.

The use of infrared radiation is not recommended for women during pregnancy, patients or those suffering from chronic pulmonary or heart failure. It is strictly forbidden to use infrared phototherapy while taking immunomodulators and hormonal drugs.

Beurer IR lamp

For medical use as a local heater or during phototherapy sessions, the most common are various models of IR devices:

  1. Beurer (Germany), costing 1100-2900 rubles (depending on the power of the emitter and the availability of adjustment).
  2. "Medisana IRL" (Germany), which can be bought for 2000-2150 rubles.
  3. Spotlight IR emitter “Sanitas SIL45” (Germany) with a power of 3000 watts, which has a built-in timer and power regulator (price about 3000 rubles).
  4. The well-known “grandmother’s” reflector “Clear Sun”(“Minina”), which does not have any special design refinements, in which blue IR lamps are used - the price of this “miracle” is 1300-1700 rubles (including the emitter).

According to user reviews, the medical use of IR emitters is quite effective.

Below are the most interesting statements about the benefits and effectiveness of these devices:

Anna-Your muse (city not specified)– “...treatment with the Beurer IL30 IR Lama helped me get rid of acne. Don’t be sorry for the money spent; given its high price, it will definitely come in handy more than once in the future.”

"gizmal" (Astrakhan)– I was sorting out the closet and came across a “Minin” reflector (with a blue lamp), long forgotten and not used. And then my husband got an earache... After three days of warming up, everything went away. The reflector is easy to use, and the blue lamp costs pennies.”

"Devushka" (city not specified)– “...I was treating a skin rash under such a lamp in the hospital. But it is not small, but big - the Sanitas SIL45 floodlight). It disinfects and dries the skin well – it helped!!!”

Household use

Infrared lamps and emitters are successfully used in rural farmsteads for heating young poultry, piglets, lambs and kids. In addition to heating, these devices have a positive effect on the health of newborn animals and excellently dry the bedding.

When using the product “IKZK-250” in a pigsty, when raising piglets, the following scheme is recommended:

  1. For warming baby pigs from birth to 7 days, the heater lamps are suspended at a height of 0.5 meters from the floor.
  2. Aged piglets 2-3 weeks, the height is increased to 0.75 meters.
  3. Upon reaching three weeks of age, the device is placed at a height of 1 meter, while the heating area of ​​one lamp is 1 square meter.

To heat chickens and ducklings, it is advisable to equip the emitter with a simple power regulator (a Chinese model can be found for 150-200 rubles).

Typically, for heating poultry, Russian electrical appliances “IKZK 220-250 R127” are used, which can be purchased for up to 200 rubles, or German ones – “OSRAM SICCA 250W E27” costing about 500 rubles.

In rural areas, where power surges and surges are common, it is advisable to provide power to IR heaters (to increase their service life) through the UZL 300/500 protective device

When using IR devices for heating animals, certain rules must be followed, which will not only improve the conditions for their cultivation, but will also make the process safer:

  1. Temperature in the heating zone should be equal to 25-32 degrees, it is adjusted either by changing the height of the suspension of lighting fixtures or by adjusting the power of the infrared light source itself.
  2. Frequent switching on and off is not recommended lighting devices.
  3. The surface of the flask under livestock conditions, should be wiped periodically, otherwise the settled dust will lead to overheating of the device, and it will burn out.

The effectiveness of using IR heaters in livestock and poultry farming is not only scientifically proven, but also confirmed by numerous reviews:

Sergey_Krym (Feodosia)– “...the IKZK-250 light bulb has been in service for three years now. Like new, although I use it all the time.”

Nadezhda (Krasnodar region, Crimean region)- “...I bought some kind of 500-watt light bulb in the department where “everything is for snakes and turtles.” It heats great, but is it good for chickens?”

"Lulu" (Buryatia)- “...I heat the chicken coop with a thermal red light bulb (it’s called “IR - 250”)...the heat is light, the light is not bright, but soft, warm and soothing.”

Use in greenhouse crop production

To heat a small greenhouse, you can also use infrared lamps located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other.

When growing seedlings, as they grow, it is advisable to raise the lighting fixtures to different heights. Dignity this method is the combination of heating and lighting.

Application in the repair industry

When performing body repair work, they are often used, and often of the floodlight type. The advantage of these devices should be considered the ability to change the angle of incidence luminous flux and the distance from the IR lamp to the surface of the painted part.

This technology came into repair production from the assembly lines of the Audi AG and Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW AG) factories, where drying chambers are equipped with lamp emitters.