Home / Reviews / Inno Setup – creating installers for programs. Creating a Windows application distribution in Inno Setup Creating a setup file

Inno Setup – creating installers for programs. Creating a Windows application distribution in Inno Setup Creating a setup file

Silent installation is a process in which you sit quietly and peacefully and look at the screen, where the software installation process occurs without your participation, provided that it is visible at all. At the same time, the installer does not bother you with questions like Do you agree with the license agreement? . The installation parameters are used by default. those. those that the installer offers when installing the software in the usual way.

The disadvantages of a silent installation include all sorts of panels in browsers and shortcuts like E-Bay on the desktop, since most often such bonuses are included in the installation by default. But this is rather an exception, although not rare. Read more about silent installation in this article.

In fact, silent installation is a very convenient procedure that saves time and makes life easier system administrator. For example, I use silent install mode after clean install OS.

The silent installation mode is activated using parameters or (as they are also called) keys. If you don’t know what this is, you can fill the knowledge gap with this article:. The procedure can be started in several ways:

  1. From the command line using parameters.
  2. Similarly via a bat file (com file).
  3. Via SFX archive with configuration file.

There are quite a lot of keys. Which key you need to use depends on the installer. Those. any program, in simple terms, is a folder with files, and a special assembler (a system for creating software installers) packs all this stuff into one installation file. And it depends on which collector was used which key will trigger the silent installation mode. The most famous systems for creating installers:

  1. Install Shield
  2. WISE Installer
  3. Inno Setup

You can learn more about SSI and their keys. You can also try to find the required key using special software - Universal Silent Switch Finder or read the documentation on the website of the developers of the program for which you are looking for keys.

While experimenting with silent installation, I came across the following options for starting silent installation mode:

/silent /verysilent /quiet /qb /qn /qr /passive /s /S /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress /s /v" /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress

Keys to cancel reboot:

/norestart /noreboot

Avast antivirus has a silent installation option in the corporate version. According to the developers, the free (Home) version does not have a silent installation. However, if you are familiar with how the InstallShield installer works, you will understand that this statement is not true, since this installer itself supports the /S silent installation switch. This means that all products made on its basis do the same. And Avast Home is no exception.

To start a silent installation of the 7Zip archiver (NSIS assembler), you need to run the installer with the /S key. Place the 7Zip installer (7z.exe) in the root of drive C. Then open the Start menu › Run (or + R) and enter the following command into the form:

C:7 z.exe /S

The archiver will install without dialog boxes and signs of external activity.

However, it happens that the installer is assembled non-standardly and simply does not have the keys to start a silent installation. Such exceptions include Avira Antivir. Quietly, you can only unpack the contents of the installer into a temporary directory (minus one window), and then that’s it. In this case, you have to create special self-extracting archives with instruction files inside. This is where things get a little more complicated.

Silent installation using sfx archives

Above I mentioned cases where the option with keys may not work. The silent installation mode may simply not be provided by the developer. In this case, quite often you can get out of the situation by using sfx archives. Sfx archive is a self-extracting archive.

One of its advantages is that you do not need an archiver to unpack it. In addition, with the help of it you can significantly expand the possibilities of silent installation, and the possibilities of installing software in general.

For example, immediately after unpacking, an sfx archive allows you to run one or more unpacked files, delete files after performing operations, and much more. These operations involve configuration files containing commands (for example, ).

Using commands, you can simulate the silent installation process. Many installers, including the one mentioned in the previous Avira article, can work with instruction files (pick them up), provided that the instructions are located in the same directory as the installer. More information about the instructions (commands specified in the configs) can be found on the program developer’s website or on the corresponding forums.

To give a general idea of ​​the configuration file (for those who are not in the know), below is an example of such a file for the Firefox Portable program

FirefoxDirectory =Appfirefox ProfileDirectory =Dataprofile SettingsDirectory =Datasettings PluginsDirectory =Dataplugins FirefoxExecutable =firefox.exe AdditionalParameters = LocalHomepage =index.html DisableSplashScreen =false AllowMultipleInstances =false DisableIntelligentStart =false SkipCompregFix =false RunLocally = false

It is worth noting that the capabilities and operating modes of programs may change over time. Firefox Portable may no longer support ini files, and future versions of the Avira installer may no longer understand and pick up instruction files. Therefore, when experimenting, it is worth familiarizing yourself with current information about the capabilities of the programs that you plan to use.

How an sfx archive can help the silent installation process, I think we have figured it out. Now it's time to move on to the practical part. To create sfx archives, I use the modified 7Zip archiver module. The entire process of creating an sfx archive and using it to launch silent installation mode is described (by the module developer). I will very briefly retell what is written in it, explaining a couple of points.

Let me immediately note that the purpose of the example is to pack the program installer into an sfx archive in such a way that after unpacking it will automatically begin to install quietly. In this article, the 7Zip archiver installer (7z465.exe) will act as a test subject, although you can use any other one, the main thing is to know the silent installation key. For the 7Zip installer, this is the /S key. So, to fulfill our plan we will need:

  1. Module sfх Oleg Shcherbakov.
  2. Archiver 7Zip. We will use it to package the program installer into a ".7z" format archive. The archiver, of course, needs to be installed on the system.
  3. Program installer (as I noted above, in the example I use 7z465.exe).
  4. Archive.7z, which we will receive by packaging the program installer with the 7Zip archiver.
  5. Configuration file config.txt, which will contain instructions for the “behavior” of the sfx archive when unpacking, i.e. in this example it will contain a command to start a silent installation.
    Spell for creating an sfx archive (entered in the console).

For convenience, I put all the ingredients in one archive, which you can download. Also, if you download it here, you can change the archive icon (how to do this).

Please note that the encoding of the configuration file config.txt must be UTF-8.

So, after downloading and unpacking, we get a folder with all this stuff, the following is the list:

  1. Install the 7zip archiver (located in the folder).
  2. We pack the experimental 7z465.exe (located in the folder) into a 7z archive. The output file is 7z465.7z.
  3. Open the console (Start › Run - cmd) and go to the folder with the files: cd C:files (example for the "files" folder on drive "C").
  4. Run the spell in the console:
    • COPY /b 7zsd.sfx + config.txt + 7z465.7z 7Zip.exe
    • 7zsd.sfx is the name of the sfx module.
    • config.txt - configuration file name.
    • 7z465.7z is the name of the packaged 7z465.exe installer.
    • 7Zip.exe is the name of the output sfx archive.

As a result, we get the sfx archive 7Zip.exe, which is an executable file or a self-extracting archive, which contains the config.txt instruction. The contents of the instructions are as follows:

;!@Install@!UTF-8! RunProgram ="7z465.exe /S" GUIMode ="2" ;!@InstallEnd@!
  • ;!@Install@!UTF-8!
    ;!@InstallEnd@! - lines of the beginning and end of the instruction file. These are comments and can be deleted. But the other two are definitely needed.
  • GUIMode="2" - archive unpacking mode without notifications (quietly).
  • RunProgram="7z465.exe /S" is the instruction line that needs to be modified depending on which installer you are using. The line contains the name of the installer, which is packaged in a 7z archive and which needs to be installed quietly + silent installation key.

That's all. After reading Oleg's articles (links above), you can create different archives that perform completely different tasks. Happy experimenting!

InstallShield provides an environment for setting up a project, creating a script, and ultimately releasing a distribution - both in MSI and various virtual formats. This is one of the most famous solutions in the field of creating installers for the Windows platform. There are three editions of the complex - Express, Professional and Premier. The last of them is considered the most functional (see). Not long ago, an updated InstallShield 2014 package was released, which will be discussed further.

Projects can be imported from Microsoft Visual Studio or created from existing templates. When creating a project from scratch, you can choose from several types:

  • Basic MSI project - Windows Installer technology is used, calling InstallScript, VBScript, Jscript scripts, exe and dll files is available.
  • InstallScript Project - InstallScript is used to control installation
  • InstallScript MSI project - joint using Windows Installer and InstallScript to deploy the installation.

In turn, for each of these types there are many additional projects. In general, in addition to installers, the complex allows you to create association modules (Redistributable), as well as modifiers (Transform).

There are several options for getting started with InstallShield, one of them is to use the step-by-step setup wizard (Project Assistant), which starts automatically when you create a new project. More detailed configuration is carried out in the installation designer window. The settings are grouped as follows:

  • Installation Information - a table with general information about the project. Here, in particular, you can select the default installer language. In total, InstallShield supports more than 30 localizations.
  • Organization - Includes the installer design, a list of features and components that will be presented to the user to choose from during installation.
  • Application Data - Application data such as files, modules, and dependencies. Some components can be installed locally, others must be downloaded during installation.
  • System Configuration: shortcuts, resources, configuration files, services, etc.
  • Server Configuration - server configuration in accordance with the installer's requirements. This includes IIS settings, component services, SQL scripts for SQL Server, Microsoft Windows Azure, MySQL, or Oracle. Using Microsoft Web Deploy, you can download dependencies, run scripts, and perform tasks on the server.
  • Behavior and logic - scripts, actions, files for installation, etc.
  • User Interface ( User interface) - installer design, including dialog design, images, text and other data. Design themes are available to choose from, very flexible customization of existing dialogs, even down to dragging and dropping each element. The line-by-line editor allows you to work with localizations.
  • Media - managing environment variables, setting up product updates and releases, patches.
  • Additional Tools: file dependency scanner, MSI debugger and direct editor designed to view the project structure in table form.

The scripting language for creating installers is InstallScript, which is similar to the C language and allows you to create custom actions (Custom Actions). Thus, scripts help when calling dll libraries, launching applications, VBScript, Jscript, InstallScript scripts and many others. etc.

To edit code in InstallShield, an editor with syntax highlighting and autocompletion is used. In addition, the Custom Action Wizard can be used to create actions.

Summary. Undoubtedly, InstallShield is one of the leading products on the installation complexes market. Its greatest strength is its flexibility, which allows you to create numerous types of installers for deployment on a computer or server, with scripting support. Home use may be deterred by the fairly high license price for each edition, starting with InstallShield Express ($649).

Setup Factory

Indigo Rose Software Design has been producing development products since 1991. Among them are MSI Factory, TrueUpdate, Visual Patch and related solutions. Setup Factory is another complex that allows you to create fully functional scripted installers - but, unlike MSI Factory, independent of MSI. In this case, the resulting distribution can be run under any version of Windows, starting with XP. Alternative distribution options are available - installation from CD or DVD media, web installer with the ability to download dependencies. LZMA/LZMA2 compression formats and files larger than 2 GB are supported.

The Setup Factory installation environment uses a simple, flexible and powerful scripting language based on the LUA language. This allows you to use conditions, functions, variables, tables, and other tools when writing a script.

A traditional step-by-step wizard is provided to create the installer. It consists of the following stages of working with the project: filling in general information about the installer, choosing an architecture, file location, style and theme, installation languages, library composition.

Alternatively, you can go straight to setting up the installer project yourself; a simple editor interface is provided for these tasks. A list of tasks is available in the left column of the application window; it is divided into sections: files, settings, visual options, actions, resources and uninstallation.

Scripts are managed through the Actions section. All actions are divided into several stages, in chronological order: startup, installation process and errors at this stage, completion of installation and shutdown.

To create actions, users are provided with the Action Wizard and Code Wizard add-ons. In total, about 360 scripts are available, and each action is carefully documented in a well-structured help. In parallel with this, the main work with the code is carried out in the editor window. Code highlighting and line numbering are available; you can use the built-in Setup Factory tools to check the script for errors.

The functionality of the installer is expanded due to resources. In the corresponding Resources section, you can specify dependencies (.NET, Visual Basic, DCOM, JET, MDAC, Windows Installer, Visual C++, etc.), install global functions and connect plugins for working with the clipboard, archives, FTP. In addition, additional extensions are posted on the developer forum.

The convenience of the project editor is noticeable when working with localizations: you can not only add an interface language, but also import or export data to XML. Every aspect of the installer is customizable and available in preview mode: dialogs, button labels, text formatting, fonts, and much more. etc. The appearance can be changed using pre-installed themes. Moreover, not only “native” styles are used (Windows 7, Windows 8, etc.), but also various MSStyles modifications, which can be downloaded separately.

Finally, it is worth noting such an aspect of Setup Factory as security. Installation can be restricted using a serial number, all keys are stored in an MD5 hash. During installation, the data security and expiration date of the distribution are checked.

Summary. Setup Factory allows you to use the extensive scripting capabilities of the LUA language. All actions are well documented; the user can use the setup wizard at various stages of work, from creating to publishing the project. The functionality of the installer can be expanded with add-ons. The installer interface is carefully configured and it is convenient to work with localizations.


SetupBuilder is a tool for rapid application development and configuration. With its help, you can create scripted installers with a compact kernel of 160 KB in size. These can be web, CD/DVD distributions, running under any Windows OS 9.x and higher. Among key features SetupBuilder is listed as certified Windows support 8 and Windows Server 2012 - which guarantees compatibility and correct installation.

It should be noted that there are two editions of the application to choose from: for developers (Developer) and professional version (Professional). The list of features is significantly between these editions, with the peculiarity that SetupBuilder Developer is more functional. It includes graphics editor dialogs, debugger, compiler, update generator and other components.

When creating a project from scratch, you can use the wizard, but it essentially doesn’t solve much. The Project Editor consists of the following sections: Project Definition, Installation Details, Setup Appearance, Setup Requirements, and Script Logic.

Project Definition - setting up general information, variables, installation profiles. It is worth noting the Web-deployment subsection, where you can activate the web update or web installation functions of the product. Also, one project can include several versions of the application (Releases).

Installation Details - definition of the contents of the installer, including files, folders, registry keys, services, drivers, environment variables and other elements.

Setup Appearance - setting up the appearance. For determining appearance installer - including dialogs, text content, buttons, fields, etc. - a visual editor is used. Other settings, such as localization and installer style, are specified separately in the project settings (Project - Settings).

Setup Requirements - checking dependencies, access rights, system and other files.

Script Logic - access to the installer script. It uses its own IDE to work with scripts, and also has a built-in visual debugger. SetupBuilder uses the SetupScript scripting language, and, in the case of the Developer edition, comes with about 500 pre-installed functions. In addition to using SetupScript, during installation you can access the Windows API or connect the necessary DLLs.

The SetupProtect function, available in SetupBuilder Developer, is responsible for security. It allows you to use serial numbers and subscription keys for a certain period of operation. In addition, a digital signature of the distribution is available.

Summary. SetupBuilder allows you to create installers, web installers and updates using scripts and Windows API capabilities. Among the most notable aspects of this complex are close support for Windows, visual editing and debugging of the project, multilingualism and protection against unauthorized use.

Visual Installer 2014

Visual Installer is a complex for creating Windows installers in visual mode and with script support. The created distributions can be distributed on CD/DVD, USB media and via the Internet, in the form of self-extracting archives.

There are two versions of Visual Installer - standard and professional. In the latter case, the project additionally includes a project manager and SamLogic Selector, a utility for determining system dependencies at startup. In addition, the professional version allows you to work with 64-bit applications and involves working with scripts.

First, Visual Installer prompts you to specify the distribution format of the distribution and set basic settings. Alternatively, you can import existing projects from Visual Studio / Visual Basic environments into the program and continue working based on the existing project.

Further work is carried out directly in the editor. At the bottom there are tabs for navigation between sections. The sections File list, Registry, INI Files and Components define the structure of the installer, including files, directories, registry keys and other components. Separately, we can highlight the visual component. So, when setting up the installation wizard, a selection of dialogs is provided (Dialog Boxes tab): entering the license key, selecting components, license text, etc. The design of the installer is determined in the corresponding Design tab: these are color, background, fonts, images and sound.

Additional installer options are available in the Specials menu section. Here you can specify dependencies (operating system version and .Net Framework), without which installation will not be possible. Installer options such as silent installation, digital signature and password protection.

Visual Installer provides for the creation of multilingual distributions. Managing localizations, compared to other installation systems, is not very convenient: all files are stored in LNG format in an external file that must be edited manually in a text editor.

Scripts available in the Pro version can be used before and after installation. The scripting language allows you to use variables and commands described in the reference book, control the process of creating files, folders, shortcuts, and other components, and launch external MSI and other programs. A simple editor with support for IntelliSense autocompletion is used to edit scripts.

Finally, the following point should be noted: the encoding is displayed incorrectly in the dialogs and not all active buttons work when pressed. This problem observed in Windows 8.

Summary. A fairly simple and somewhat outdated installation complex, where, nevertheless, scripts and a visual project editor are available. All settings are made on the basis of blanks; the installation order cannot be changed.

Pivot table

ApplicationNSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) Inno SetupIzPackExcelsior InstallerWiX ToolsetClickteam Install CreatorActual InstallerCreateIntallAdvanced InstallerInstallBuilderInstallMateInstallShieldSetup FactorySetupBuilderVisual Installer
DeveloperNullsoftJordan Russell, Martijn LaanJulien Ponge et al.ExcelsiorMicrosoftClickteamSofteza DevelopmentNovostrimCaphyon LTDBitRockTarma Software ResearchFlexera SoftwareIndigo RoseLindersoftSamLogic
PlatformWindows, POSIXWindowsWindows, Linux, MacOS+WindowsWindowsWindowsWindowsWindowsWindowsWindows, Linux, Mac OS+WindowsWindowsWindowsWindowsWindows
Pricefor freefor freefor freefor freefor free€49.00 / €119.00 (Pro)$89 free (Free) / 2000 rub. (full version) from $399from $995from $89from $649 $395 $299 (Developer) / $169 (Pro) $129
Scripting languageNSISInno Setup Script, PascalJavaWindows InstallerGenteeVBScript, JscriptJava, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, C/C++, .NET/Mono VBScript, Jscript, PowerShellInstallScript, PowerShellLUASetupScriptVisual Installer
Project Editor + (add-ons)+ (add-ons)+ (add-ons)+ + (add-ons)+ + + + + + + + + +
Importing projectsEclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Netbeans, Apache Ant NSISVisual StudioVisual Studio, Eclipse, Visual Basic, etc. Visual Studio, Visual Basic, etc. Visual Studio, Windows Installer, etc. Visual Basic, .NET, Windows Installer, etc. .NETVisual Studio, Visual Basic
Multilingual + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Compression typesZLib, BZip2, LZMABZip2, LZMA/LZMA2raw, gzip, bzip2, 7-Zip SFXnot indicatedMSZIPzipper/differentiatornot indicatedCAB, 7-ZipLZMALZMALZMA/LZMA2ZlibLZMA/LZMA2LSZipZIP
Serial number/password protection + + + (Pro)+ + + + + + + +
Selecting components during installation + + + + + + + + +
"Silent Installation + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Command line + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Extensions+ + + + + + + + +

Main functions

  • creating a single EXE;
  • splitting the installer into disks;
  • several types of program installation (full, custom, minimal);
  • possibility of uninstallation;
  • compression functions (deflate, bzip2, 7-Zip);
  • comparison of version information, replacement of files that are used during installation by the installer;
  • creating shortcuts in a specified location;
  • password-protected and encrypted installations;
  • silent installation and removal;
  • creating registry entries and INI files.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • free distribution;
  • Russian language support;
  • convenient and intuitive interface in the form of a Wizard;
  • integrated script engine in Pascal language;
  • possibility of multilingual installation.


  • manual editing of scripts.


Install Creator. Free app to create your own unique installers various programs. Allows you to use custom icons, write values ​​in the registry, automatic installation fonts, downloading data from servers.

Install Wizard Creator. Simple free program, with which you can create application installers. The operation is performed in several steps: specifying a name, adding files, pressing a button.

Work principles

To create a single installation file for the program, run Inno Setup, click on the “File”, “New” button and launch the Wizard.

Creating an installation file

In the next window, provide basic information about the application: name, version, developer, Homepage etc.

Then in a special field you need to enter an exe file that launches installed application, and also add a list including all its components and files.

If a license file exists, specify the path to it in the next window. It is also possible to create a Readme.txt, write a message, or leave the lines empty.

  • installation file name;
  • a place to place the compiled file;
  • installer shortcut.

In the last window you need to leave everything as it is, which will simplify the installer script.

After specifying all the necessary parameters, the program will create an application wrapper.

Application file

Inno Setup will help you create a full-fledged professional installer that will have the necessary protection and a number of mandatory functions.

If you decide to start distributing your programs, then you cannot do without an installation distribution. Nowadays, almost all programs have an installer, usually called Setup.exe. In this article we will look at an example of how to build an installer for an Access application and look at some features that you need to know.

As mentioned earlier, Access does not allow you to make an executable file that can run without Access. But at the same time, Microsoft suggests using the package to solve the problem Microsoft Office Developer, which includes a license to distribute the program Microsoft Access runtime. I will dwell on this in more detail.

Microsoft Access runtime is a version of Access that allows users to run, but not modify, an Access application. It only makes sense to install Microsoft Access runtime instead of the full version if you need licensing integrity, and the client running your database does not have an Access license. In this case you will have to buy ODE (Office Developer Edition). Then, along with its purchase, you receive some additional tools and most importantly RIGHT install for clients, along with the database you developed, also the Run-time version of Access. In this case, there will be no claims against the client regarding illegal use of Access. Otherwise, each client needs to buy an MS AAccess license.

The ODE package includes a “distribution creator” that includes your MDB and Run-time version in the distribution. All the libraries necessary for creating Run-time are already included in the full version of Access (even without ODE). But there is one BUT (this is for those who are concerned about licensing “cheat”):

If you do not buy it officially, then clients will still not have the right to use even the Run-time version.

The following thought may arise: What if you find out what files Access needs to work and include them in the installation distribution? It is possible, but this does not solve the problem with the license. In addition, you will have to create a rather complex installation program with checking the existing components and installing/registering the missing ones. Moreover, in the latter case, it is possible to even destroy the system if performed ineptly.

In general, if we consider real situations with the sale of applications on Access, then only a few developers (we are talking about Russia) actually buy license packages. As a rule, these are those for whom “at a certain level of business development, the question of whether to buy or not to buy loses its relevance” - or, more simply, who can afford to buy a license package for $600 - $1000. It’s interesting to then listen to them swear on forums about the operation of such programs. As far as I understand, there are the same “jambs” as in the pirated versions. Therefore, I will not urge you to use only free or pirated versions of Office for your programs, but I would not recommend using a licensed one either (see above).

I wonder what full version Access can be launched in runtime mode by setting command line key /runtime. For example, create a shortcut on the desktop, right-click on it, in the dialog box that appears in the object field, write something like this: (this is for Office 2000 - XP, but for 2003 you will need to fix it instead of Office10 - Office11)

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE" "D:\Bases\My Database.mdb"/runtime

and in the “Working folder” field:

Now let's launch the application through this shortcut. The Access project window will open, but the Access shortcut and standard toolbars will no longer be there. This is runtime mode.

For first-time developers, distributing Access applications through the Microsoft Office Developer suite may not be an option. After all, it costs money, and not little. We'll look at another method, using a free installer Inno Setup. Of course, there are others that are paid, for example InstallShield, and free installers. They differ in ease of use and the size of the distribution kit created.

Inno Setup- freely distributed installer for Windows programs. English versions appeared back in 1997, now Inno Setup is translated into several languages, and installers can be created in more than 20 languages. Inno Setup is superior to many commercial installers in terms of features, stability, and size of the files it creates.

Main characteristics:

  • the program can compare file version information
  • move used files
  • register DLL/OCX/FNT/TLB and standard libraries
  • install fonts
  • checks whether certain programs are active
  • creating shortcuts for quick access (for example, through the start menu or on the desktop)
  • writing to ini files
  • built-in machine for writing scripts in Pascal language
  • supports multilingual installation
  • installation and uninstallation by default
  • all code is available (Borland Delphi 2.0-5.0)
  • password protection for setup
  • in case of cancellation during execution, all actions will be returned to their original state
  • supports all 32-bit Windows versions(95, 98, 2000, 2003, XP, Me, NT 4.0)
  • creates the creation of one exe file, which greatly simplifies the installation process of your program
  • standard Windows 2000/XP interface
  • user-centric (e.g. full, minimal, custom)
  • all uninstallation tools
  • file installation: built-in support for "deflate", bzip2, 7-zip LZMA compression files

Also, starting from version 2.0.6, Inno Setup includes full support for MBCS. In more early versions the last property is not included. But it does not support Web installation.

The peculiarity of creating an installer in Inno Setup is that installers are created using scripts - simple text files ASCII, reminiscent of .INI files. Scripts are easier to edit than, for example, working with the Installshield interface. Scripts have the extension ".iss" (inno setup script). It specifies all the installer parameters, and during installation, the program associates itself with these files. The script is divided into sections, the names of which are written in square brackets. Within sections there are keywords and instructions that the compiler can read and execute.

Comments begin with a semicolon at the beginning of a line and can be placed anywhere in the script. Comments in a block are not possible, as is placing a comment in the middle of a line. The latter is allowed by the compiler, but subsequently, when executed, leads to an error.

; -- Sample1.iss --
; Demonstrates copying 3 files and creating an icon.

The order of the sections does not matter. All of them (except ) are arbitrary. A keyword is assigned a value using an equal sign (=).

Hints consist of one or more parameters and their options, as well as flags flags. The parameter, in turn, consists of a name followed by a colon : and meanings. Parameters, options and flags are separated from each other by semicolons ;

Let's briefly look at the main sections:



contains instructions on the behavior of the installation routine, as well as how it should look. The AppName, AppVerName, and DefaultDirName keywords are required. All others - as needed
This contains the setup files
shortcuts (icons)
The ratio of components to the type of installation routine
allows you to create new empty folders
writes to INI files
the first action during installation, systax corresponds to the section
allows specific changes to the text
makes an entry in the register
executes other programs after the data has been successfully installed, but before the dialog box is closed
allows additional actions in setup
sets the setup type
last operation during uninstallation. This way the folders and/or files will be deleted
the first operation during uninstallation. Systax corresponds to section
contains information about the language. generally not used

Inno Setup works inside a script with various predefined constants, which usually contain paths. Writing method: (Name). Some constants such as (app) and (group) can/should be predefined by the user. Anyone who wants to define the constants themselves should turn to Alex Yackimoff's preprocessor.

Here are the main Inno Setup constants:



(win) directory path/ Windows folder C:\Windows
(sys) path to the Windows system folder, specifically the System32 folder C:\Windows\System or C:\Windows\System32
(app) path to your own application (program)
(pf) path to program folder C:\Programme
(cf) path to shared data C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien
(dao) corresponds to (cf)\Microsoft Shared\DAO C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Microsoft Shared\DAO
(src) path to the installation routine folder at the time of setup R:\
(group) group of programs for the start menu

So, let's look at the problems that need to be solved (we'll define only the minimal ones). Our installer should do the following:

Unzip files to required locations
Create a folder in the program directory (folder “Cop” - for storing backup copies bases)
Create an application launch menu in Start - All Programs, as well as an icon on the desktop

This is the required minimum. But, of course, this is not all the possibilities of Inno Setup. It’s not for nothing that many developers use it. But in this article I will limit myself to only this; those who wish to study the program’s capabilities in more depth can refer to help system. There are many links on the Internet both to the program and to translations of the help. For example, Inno Setup 5.1.6. and the help for it you can download here... English website of the program http://www.innosetup.com

First, try experimenting by creating an installer using the wizard, and then studying the structure of the resulting script. In principle, I think there is no need to describe in detail what to press where. Inno Setup is so easy to learn that it can be learned without any problems, which is called the “scientific poking method”. Here, for example, is an installer script that performs previously defined tasks (all distribution files are located in the D:\Setup directory.)

AppName=My program
AppVerName=My program. Version 1.0.
AppPublisher=MyProgram, Inc.
DefaultGroupName=My program

Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "Create a shortcut on &Desktop"; GroupDescription: "More shortcuts:"

Source: "D:\Setup\Server.mdb"; DestDir: "(app)"; DestName: "Server.mdb";
Source: "D:\Setup\license.txt"; DestDir: "(app)";
Source: "D:\Setup\readme.txt"; DestDir: "(app)";
Source: "D:\Setup\Log.JPG"; DestDir: "(app)";
Source: "D:\Setup\Log.ico"; DestDir: "(app)";
Source: "D:\Setup\Base.mdb"; DestDir: "(app)";

Filename: "(app)\MyProg.url"; Section: "InternetShortcut"; Key: "URL"; String: "http://MyMySoft.ru/"

Name: "(app)\Cop"

Name: "(group)\My program"; Filename: "(app)\Base.mdb" ;WorkingDir: "(app)";IconFilename:(app)\Log.ico
Name: "(group)\Program website"; Filename: "(app)\MyProg.url"
Name: "(userdesktop)\My program"; Filename: "(app)\Base.mdb" ;WorkingDir: "(app)"; IconFilename:(app)\Log.ico;Tasks: desktopicon

You can download an example of how it all works below.

  • Contact "Interface" for additional information/on purchasing products


Most users who are not particularly familiar with computers are interested in what Setup is and what its functions are. Sometimes the answer to this question is quite simple. However, in many cases, this component is associated with many problems on the computer.

Thus, you should understand what Setup is and understand what to do if problems arise with this file. It is worth noting that this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Language norms

First of all, you need to understand that this is a translation of the word. Quite often it is he who provides assistance to the user and makes it possible to understand the meaning of the operation. What is Setup? To get the answer to this question, you should consult an English dictionary. This word translated means “installation” (noun) or “install” (verb). In other words, something that installs on a computer. It is worth noting that without this component it is difficult to imagine the operation of the operating system. Is Setup really that important? This should be found out. Especially when the computer systematically produces various errors.

For computer What is Setup?

In addition to the main translation, there is also a computer interpretation of this application. It is most understandable for modern users. It is worth noting that “Setup” means a program designed to install something. Its main component is Setup.exe. In other words, it is an installation or executable file. What happens on the computer after startup. What characterizes Setup? For example, among the executable documents, you can select various applications, games (installing them), and launching settings. There is also Bios Setup. This is the name of the settings that make it possible to work with the computer. In other words, with the universally popular “Bios”.

It is impossible to imagine a computer without “Setup”. When these files are not present, the user will not be able to execute various commands. It will be impossible to install content and programs. Setup.exe is present in every application or game. It helps launch the installation program, which allows you to quickly install the required content into the operating system. To activate this feature, you need to double-click on the executable file.

Rules of circulation

It is worth noting that the Setup.exe file needs special handling. Especially when it comes to installing a game that was downloaded from the Internet. You need to figure out what helps in this difficult matter. First, you just need to close all third-party applications to avoid possible failures. Next, you can go to the folder containing the executable file. To start, you will need to double-click on “Setup.exe”. With the operating room installed Windows system 7 and higher, the computer will ask the user for permission to start the process. A window will pop up on the screen with basic information about the manufacturer-creator, as well as the location of the document. There you will need to answer “Yes” to launch, or “No” to cancel the installation of something.

When confirmation is complete, a window will appear with easy navigation. First, the system will greet the user and notify that it will be installed. Then you need to follow all the instructions in the “Installer” and complete the process. After this, the specific application will be installed. It is very important that you never move Setup.exe from the root content folder. It is also not recommended to uninstall it or uninstall it even after installation on your computer. This may cause applications to stop working. It is worth noting that “Setup” is also an application that is required not only to install something, but also to launch it. All shortcuts contained on the desktop that are involved in activating programs end up with an address with the “exe” extension.


Among the executing processes you can sometimes find “Setup”. It is worth noting that some users are wary of this. Setup works and monitors running and running processes. Thus, it acts as a kind of filter. If you disable it, the operation of the operating system becomes uncontrollable. In other words, it is impossible to install and launch applications and games normally. Therefore, there is no need to try to engage in this amateur activity. Sometimes this process takes a lot of computer resources.


Let’s say a previously safe “Setup” can become a real virus. IN in this case he may be somewhere in operating system and encrypted under an ordinary executable file. Such computer infections often attach themselves to applications that are most needed. The virus is activated continuously after the required program is launched. It is worth noting that an antivirus is not always able to cope with the problem. Initially, detecting a virus that is disguised as “Setup.exe” is quite difficult. If you suspect that your computer is infected, you will have to close all applications and scan the system for the presence of infection. In this situation, an antivirus will come to the rescue. The following programs work well with Setup:


If the scan confirms your concerns, there is no need to rush to remove the threat. It must be remembered that after this you will not be able to launch the application that contained the virus. To carry out effective and proper treatment of your computer, you need to seek help from service center specialists. They will find and neutralize the threat without causing harm to the user’s files and documents.


There is another fairly common scenario. We are talking about the presence of a special spy on the computer. It is capable of encryption in processes such as Setup. This infection is designed to detect and steal user personal data. For example, addresses and Email, numbers bank cards, logins and passwords for pages, etc. It is worth noting that it is not particularly pleasant to identify a spy on a computer, especially when it is encrypted under Setup.exe.

Using an antivirus in this case is not always effective. You will need to additionally download and install a special antispyware program. For example, SpyHunter. It is freely available and easy to use. You need to launch the application, and then start checking. When the results are obtained, you can safely remove the threats. Don’t forget to visit the task manager and then end the Setup.exe process. Next, you should restart your computer. The “Setup” will again appear in the dispatcher, but you shouldn’t be afraid of it either.

Thus, the article addressed the question of what Setup is. As you can see, this is a very important file. Sometimes it can bring a lot of problems. To avoid trouble, you should simply watch what is installed on your computer and downloaded. It is recommended to always run only processes that are trustworthy.