Home / Linux Overview / Instructions for setting up smart children's watches Smart Baby Watch. Scrolling and zooming

Instructions for setting up smart children's watches Smart Baby Watch. Scrolling and zooming

Please read these instructions carefully before you start using and setting up your device. Images are presented for visual information and to help you understand the sequence of actions.

If even after reading the instructions you are unable to set up your watch, you can order it from us.
Our specialists will be happy to help you!
You won't even have to go anywhere. The setup procedure takes place remotely.

1. Watch buttons and their functions

2. Preparing the watch for work

  • Make sure your watch is charged. If not, charge it using the USB cable that came with the watch.
  • Turn off your watch by pressing the power button.
  • Using a screwdriver, which is also included in the kit, unscrew the metal cover and carefully lift the battery (do not damage the wire, since the battery is connected to the clock).
  • Insert the card of your operator that you plan to use in your watch into the SIM card compartment. Make sure there are funds in the account, paid mobile internet and the PIN code is disabled.
  • Secure the compartment with SIM card slide it up until it locks into place.
  • Return the battery to starting position and screw on the watch cover.
  • Turn on the clock.

3. Installing the program on your smartphone

Attention! This is very important!

When registering, be sure to select a region "Europe and Africa". If you mistakenly register a watch in another region, it will not be visible in the program! Change the region after registration yourself it is forbidden.
If you accidentally registered in another region, then you need to reset your ID. This can only be done through the seller from whom you purchased the watch. The seller can make a request to the factory and within 24 hours the registration on the server will be deleted. After this, you will need to go through the registration procedure again, but specify the correct region more carefully.

4. Instructions for the main menu

  • Intercom: The watch is connected to the mobile phone The application is able to send a voice message from the watch to the phone after enabling the recording function. The application begins recording, which cannot be longer than 15 seconds. A short press of the SOS button plays recordings for hours. Send Recording: Long press the ON button, you can send a voice message. Remember that one entry cannot be longer than 15 seconds. The application will display a message indicating that the message has been sent (the speed at which the message appears depends on the operation of your operator’s network)
  • Map: Your location in real time Map displayed in mobile application. Map and location loading time is 3 seconds. When the location icon is red, it means the location is determined by GPS, when it is blue, it means the location is determined by LBS (towers). cellular communication).
  • Settings : Clock setting options
    • Set SOS phone number: 3 telephone numbers can be set to send an SOS signal to them. The alarm will be activated 3 seconds after pressing the SOS button. You can call 3 phone numbers periodically. If no one answers the signal, two more automatic attempts will be made.
    • Voice: Typically, the parent phone number is set as the monitoring number. It is possible to control the watch using a mobile phone.
    • No disturbing: rejecting signals and incoming calls at certain times.
    • SMS allerts setting: setting up messages about low device charge, SOS signal, and other signals.
    • Contacts: a list of 10 phone numbers from which you can call the watch.
    • Restore the default work model: resume normal operation.
    • Turn off: You can disable the "OFF" button so that you cannot turn off the watch using it. In this case, the watch can only be turned off through a remote application.
  • Safety area: The smallest radius of the safety zone is 500 meters. The alarm is activated when the wearer of the watch leaves the safety zone. GEO-zone mode.
  • Rewards: Select the red heart icon and the screen will display red hearts and their number. The child can be encouraged or punished by decreasing or increasing the number of hearts.
  • Alarm: In total, you can set 3 alarms at different times.
  • Watch: Send a command if you have lost your watch. The clock will ring for 1 minute so you can find it. Press any button on your watch to stop searching.

5. Instructions for working with other watch functions

  • Send SOS signal
    Press the SOS button for 3 seconds. The screen will display that the SOS signal has been sent and the watch will enter the SOS signal state. You can add 3 numbers to send an SOS signal, and you can also cancel them. The SOS signal will be repeated only 3 times. The watch will send a message to the parents' phone number. They will also send a notification to the application on mobile phone.
  • Alarm after removing watch
    The watch has a sensor located around the hand. The alarm will be activated after 3 minutes if the watch is removed from your wrist. The watch will send a message to the parents' phone number. At the same time, the message will be sent to the application on the mobile phone.
  • Signal about low device charge
    The battery charge is displayed as a percentage on the watch. When the charge level drops below 20%, an alarm sounds. The watch will send a message to the parents' phone number. At the same time, the message is sent to the application.
  • Health
    • Step counting
      The watch has a 3D sensor inside. The sensor can count steps while the user is walking or running. Users can learn more about their fitness with this feature.
    • Sleep quality
      According to the heart rate, the watch can give an assessment of the user's sleep quality. Standard screening times begin at 10:00 pm and end at 7:00 am. Sleep test dates can be selected in the app.
    • Calorie volume
      The amount of calories burned is determined according to the number of steps, quality of sleep and weight. You can enter the number of steps and weight yourself.
    • Counting meters traveled
      Can be customized a certain amount steps on a specific date. The number of steps to be taken per day can be configured.
  • Internal telephone function
    Press the “ON” button to record a voice message. A voice icon will appear when a voice message has been recorded. Briefly press the SOS button to produce your voice message on the watch.
  • Voice message
    The clock needs to set the parents' phone number. Once you have recorded your voice command, dial the number. A one-way voice message will be sent.
  • Shutdown
    You can press the OFF button to turn off the clock. When the Internet on the watch is turned on and working, you cannot turn it off using the button. Only through the application.
  • Speed ​​dial buttons
    The watch has 2 “Speed ​​Dial” buttons. Speed ​​dial 1 calls SOS phone number 1. Speed ​​dial 2 calls SOS phone number 2.
  • Phone book
    You can set up to 10 phone numbers on your watch. These telephone numbers can be dialed using the watch as in a regular telephone. Dialing occurs using control buttons 1 and 2. On most watches, calls are made by long pressing button 2.

6. Setting the clock using SMS commands.

To control and configure the watch via SMS, you must use the password 123456 or 523681. In the examples below, the password 123456 is used.

From your phone, send the following commands one by one to the SIM card number installed in the watch.

6. 1. Command to set your number as the clock settings manager

pw,123456,center,your phone number#

For example: pw,123456,center,+79005556677#

You will receive an SMS in response: ok!

6.2. Setting up a Europe server to send GPS coordinates

How to Set a Quartz Clock

So where do we start? First, a general overview of how quartz watches work.

A quartz watch consists of an electronic unit and a stepper motor, the operation of which is to supply an impulse every second from the unit to the motor, with the help of which the hands move. It is believed that quartz watches are more accurate, since they contain quartz crystal, which is responsible for the pulse frequency, which is why watches are called quartz.

A variety of watches have flooded retail counters; now quartz watches come in different colors and models, with hands or with a digital display, that is, electronic ones. The “perpetual motion machine” of the watch is the battery, so it does not require daily winding of the mechanism; you can forget about this until the battery life expires.

Install exact time in quartz watches

To do this, first of all you need to carefully pull out the crown, and in some watches you also need to unscrew it a little, and then pull it out. Next, using rotational movements, we set the hands on the watch in the correct position, the main thing is that the second hand starts counting from the number 12, and we snap or screw the crown until it stops, thereby putting it in the reverse position.

Setting the calendar in a quartz watch

We pull out the transfer head, stopping at the first click, with slow rotating movements, set yesterday's date and day of the week, as soon as the second hand touches the number 12, again pull out the transfer head until the second click and with rotating movements set the current date and day of the week. To change the date and day of the week, you need to pull the crown again until it clicks and set the correct values.

Following design features, watchmakers recommend setting or changing the date and days of the week before 9 pm and after 4 am. Please note that sometimes you will have to make manual calendar adjustments at the end of each month that does not have a 31st day, i.e. November/February/April/June/September.

If we compare quartz watches and mechanical watches, then mechanical watches lose in that they behave differently under various factors, for example, temperature changes, the number and frequency of spring winding, watch position, wear of parts, while quartz watches are not sensitive to light shocks or weather conditions and other environmental changes. Since the main thing in a quartz watch is the frequency of the pulses, and it is almost always constant, therefore, you can be sure of the accuracy of this mechanism.

Also, some quartz watches have chronometers or chronographs. Chronometers are accurate watches down to the second that do not react to external factors; their accuracy will not be affected by different positions, shocks or temperature changes. Before the watch is released, chronometers are thoroughly tested and the tested product must receive a special certificate; only after this the product can be called a chronometer.

Chronographs are no less accurate watches, but with additional small dials that display not only hours and minutes, but also fractions of seconds, are now common different models with different numbers of counters. If a quartz watch has at least one chronograph, then it should have additional buttons on the side of the case, near the transfer head, to control the chronograph.

Setting the time on a quartz chronometer

It is also necessary to pull out the transfer head, but to the maximum or third position and with slow rotations we set the exact time, as soon as the time is set, we snap the transfer head back.

Setting the date on a quartz chronometer

We set the transfer head to the second position and begin to rotate until the required date; upon completion, we return the transfer head to its original position.

Working with a chronograph on a quartz watch

First you need to start the stopwatch, press the “A” button, the second hand starts to start, to stop the countdown, you need to press the same “A” button again, when you press the “A” button again, the counter will continue counting again, and to reset all parameters you need press the “B” button.


Most watches are brought to us from China from the Aliexpress store. And, it would seem, what could be so complicated about an ordinary watch? However, the presence of only one button or its absence at all, as well as the instructions in Chinese, mislead the average user.

In this article we will try to understand these wristwatches in detail, talk about what functions they may have and how to configure them.

Setting the time and date on a Chinese LED clock with one button

Externally, an LED wristwatch looks more like a bracelet than a traditional watch, but you just have to turn on the gadget and it will light up with bright numbers. Of course, the question immediately arises of how to set the date and time using one button. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, you just need to remember a few simple combinations.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that in the normal state the screen of such watches is always turned off, this is done in order to save battery power.

The LED clock screen turns on only after pressing the button, and it lights up for 2-3 minutes.

After the first press of the button, the clock screen displays the current time: hours and minutes, after the second press - the date: day and month, and after the third press - seconds.

  1. To configure Chinese watch with one button the button must be pressed for 2-3 seconds. After this, the numbers will begin to flash over time, which means you can configure the device.
  2. Short press the button to set the current hour. For example, if in at the moment 11 o'clock, you need to make 11 short presses.
  3. After pressing the button for 1-2 seconds, it becomes possible to set the current minute. If, for example, it is currently 11:42 a.m., you will have to make 42 short presses.
  4. After the next press of the button, it becomes possible to set the date, which is set similarly to the time.


How to set up a touchscreen LED clock without buttons

Setting up a touch watch can be even more misleading, because its dial does not display the numbers we are used to, but blue and white LEDs, which are located at a certain point in time in the right place on the dial, where the white LED is responsible for the hours, and the blue LED for the minutes .

The entire surface of such a watch is one touch button.

  1. To get into the settings of a touch watch without buttons, you should make 10 quick touches on the screen. This number of clicks is provided so as not to enter the settings after an accidental touch.
  2. After getting into the settings, the first thing you can do is set the current hour. To do this, use short taps on the screen to move the white LED to the required position on the dial.
  3. To set the current minute, you need to hold your finger on the screen for a few seconds, and then, by analogy with the white LED, briefly press the blue LED to the desired part of the dial.
  4. The watch exits the settings on its own - you just need to avoid touching the screen for 3-5 seconds.

As you can see, setting up such Chinese watches does not take much time and does not require any knowledge. You only need to set up the gadget once and remember all these simple manipulations.

Since last year’s presentation, the Cupertino team never tires of carefully hinting that future owners of this gadget will have to forget about the dominance of the multi-touch system, which is usual for iOS devices.

– a product designed for a mass, but quite demanding user. Since the latter agreed to part with it, he has the right to receive in return something worthy and not burdened with an add-on in the form of a multi-volume instruction manual. To the credit of Apple engineers, both conditions were met with at least a “good” rating. The gadget has functionality that many flagship smartphones would not be ashamed to acquire. And at the same time, its interface is presented only touch screen and two physical buttons.

Here it is, an insidious pitfall - combinations of presses to activate basic commands, alas, cannot be unambiguously classified as intuitive. Due to the small screen space, you can’t count on visual cues in the form of icons that iOS device owners are used to. You will have to learn and keep in mind what sequence and number of clicks on a specific button corresponds to calling a particular option. There are already about a dozen of them, just the most important ones - it is possible that the representatives of the Genius Bar in the Apple Store are in for hot days and streams of spoiled clients who are having a hard time mastering the new science.

Interface Apple Watch designed in the image of iOS and the navigation elements are identical. The Digital Crown serves, firstly, as an analogue of the Home button, and secondly, due to its size and convenient location, frequently used functions are “hung” on it. The second button, formally called “On/Off,” in addition to controlling the watch’s energy system, is used to perform secondary tasks. The specific combinations known today are:

Go to home screen

Perhaps the most popular action is carried out as simply as possible, with a single confident press on the Digital Crown.

Switch between applications

Double-clicking the Digital Crown allows you to instantly move between the desktop and the last window running application. Repeated gesture to go back.

Hello Siri

Nothing new - to call the talented assistant, you use either a voice command with the familiar text “Hey, Siri”, or pressing the Digital Crown and holding the button. The stated communication time is less than a second.

Zooming and scrolling the screen

The Digital Crown is called a “wheel” for its ability to turn, and “digital” for its complex system of interpretation of its rotation. It is almost indispensable if you want to scroll through the contents of a window without blocking your view with your finger. The second most important function is image scaling, which by default is intended for navigation applications, but the potential area of ​​​​use is much wider. Apple bluntly states that the Digital Crown is a revolutionary invention that has yet to be mastered and loved.

Universal Access

Of course, this is a useful settings section, but there is no need for hourly access to it - set it once and forget it. Therefore, to access it, a sequence of 3 clicks in a row on the digital wheel was selected, so as not to be confused.

Turn Apple Watch on or off

Working with the gadget begins with a single press on the flat button located under the Digital Crown. To turn it off, you need to press and hold it until the watch turns off.

Access to your contact list

The function is definitely one of the most popular, so a simple gesture is reserved for its activation - one click on the power button, provided that the device is already turned on.

Apple Pay activation

Double clicking on the shutdown button (not to be confused with the Digital Crown) launches the application for working with the proprietary payment service. After completing the activation procedure, you can use Apple Watch for payments at retail outlets as long as contact with the iPhone is maintained and the watch has not left the owner’s wrist.

Taking screenshots

Apple Watch– a device for collecting, not processing data, so frequent sending of information to a smartphone or to the cloud is a priority. To quickly save data on the screen, you must simultaneously press both physical buttons and the image will be saved to a file in memory.

Context menu

One of the confirmed use cases new technology Force Touch is an access to this kind of objects in iOS. As a rule, there is no place for a separate icon on the clock screen - using an imperious, strong pressure instead of a light click, we force the system to perform the desired action.

This list of commands is nothing more than the basics, the minimum required to work with Apple Watch. To interested users, as the assortment of thematic software You will probably have to devote time to studying other combinations. However, the example of a MacBook with a single USB-C port has already proven that Apple does not see problems with the introduction of new standards, and those who want to keep up with the times are destined to study, study and study.

1. How does the SOS button work? It has 2 functions: SOS mode and answering the phone. SOS mode: For the SOS mode to work, you need to add up to 3 main numbers to the “SOS/Family Numbers” list in the application settings. After the numbers are entered, hold the button pressed for a few seconds and the watch will start calling the first number from the “SOS/Family Numbers” list. If the number is busy or not available, the watch will immediately start calling the second number, if the same story - to the third, and so on in a circle until one of the relatives picks up the phone. Off-hook mode: At incoming call, by briefly pressing the button, the handset is picked up.

2. Button 1. Add function. In the latest firmware, when you briefly press this button, a picture with two clocks appears and the inscription add. This is a mode for synchronizing 2 to 10 hours with each other to exchange voice messages. In practice, we were never able to activate it :) to disable this mode, you need to send an SMS with the code “pw,123456,makefriend,0#” (WITHOUT quotes) to the watch. If you replace 0 with 1, the function will be active again.

3. Button 2. Phone book function. When you press it briefly, the phone book opens; numbers are entered into it through the application settings. Also, after selecting the desired contact, holding down button 2 makes a call to him.

4. Button 1 and 2. There are 3 additional ones. The functions of these buttons are: Call, Increase conversation volume, navigate through the phone book. Call: When you hold down button 1 or 2 for several seconds, the watch will start calling the first or second number from the SOS/Family numbers list. BUT!!! While the "Add" function on button 1 is active, calling the first number will not work. Increase conversation volume During a telephone conversation, you can adjust the conversation volume by pressing buttons 1 and 2. Navigate through the phone book While in the phone book, button 2 is responsible for moving.

5. Power button. There are 3 functions: Turn the clock on/off, Send a voice message, hang up. On\Off clock: While the watch does not have a SIM card, the button turns the watch on and off. Send a voice message After the SIM card is installed and the watch has Internet access, the ability to turn off the watch is disabled. Then, when you hold down the button, a microphone with a timer appears on the screen, this indicates that a voice message is being recorded (maximum 15 seconds). Once you release the button, the recorded voice message will be sent to your phone in the Setracker application (in the Voice messages/chat menu). Hang up: After the end of the telephone conversation, by pressing this button you can hang up the cabin.

Thank you for reading these instructions! I hope this helped you understand your GPS watch!