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Products for 3D printer. Final processing of the item

The arrival of 3D printers on the market marked a new era. If earlier products developed on the basis high technology, in the household allowed solving familiar problems, then in the case of three-dimensional printing it is proposed new way application of devices. Of course, it is new only for the average user, since similar technologies have been used in industry and manufacturing enterprises for a long time. But in any case, printing on a 3D printer significantly expands the consumer’s capabilities, which, as practice shows, not everyone is ready to master. This is largely due to the complexity of the technological implementation of the devices, as well as the nuances of their operation.

But the most interesting questions concern the benefits of such printers. What products does it allow you to create? this device? For what purposes can its products be used? And how does a 3D printer work? This important issues, since 3D printing is still an expensive pleasure. Therefore, purchasing the appropriate equipment for the sake of curiosity, to put it mildly, is inappropriate. At the very least, it's worth taking a closer look at your print workflows to see what benefits you can expect from them.

What is a 3D printer?

This is a device for three-dimensional printing, through which it is possible to generate three-dimensional objects that duplicate a previously prepared virtual model of an object. Compared to traditional printers, which output electronic text onto paper, 3D devices provide the output of three-dimensional information, that is, they create objects with real physical parameters. Actually, to understand how a 3D printer works, you should consider the stages of manufacturing solid objects with its help.

Operating principle in general terms

Work begins with creating a virtual template on a computer using a special program. Next, the model is processed programmatically in order to divide it into layers. After this, the technical part of the printer comes into operation, layer-by-layer forming a mass of composite powder for further manufacturing of the item. As the special chamber is filled with material, the printer axis distributes the mass over the working surface. After the formation of each layer, the head of the device applies the adhesive base. This process is repeated until the object designed in the printing program is completed. It is important to consider that manufacturing on a 3D printer can be carried out according to different technologies. Accordingly, the properties of the material used, as well as approaches to the software implementation of the task, change.

Rapid Prototyping Technology

Despite differences in the nuances of the manufacturing process, almost all 3D printing devices operate on the principle of rapid prototyping. In accordance with this concept, production is carried out through the rapid formation of prototypes for preliminary demonstration of the capabilities of the future product. The technology was conceived back in the 1980s with the goal of creating samples and blanks. Today, this method is known as understanding which will answer the question of how a 3D printer works and what distinguishes its function from traditional approaches to making objects. Thus, if during the process of milling and turning material is removed, and forging, pressing and stamping change the shape of the workpiece, then additive manufacturing involves increasing the mass of the material by building it up in layers. In other words, a 3D printer changes the phase state of substances within certain boundaries of space. Today, three-dimensional printing is developing in several directions, among which are stereolithography technologies (STL), thermoplastic deposition methods (FDM) and laser sintering (SLS).

Method of layer-by-layer deposition of thermoplastic

This is perhaps the most popular 3D manufacturing technique. Several factors contribute to the prevalence of FDM devices. First of all, relatively inexpensive plastics are used in the operation of the devices. Simple operating technique is also important, which is especially important when working with such equipment. As a rule, 3D printer technologies of this type involve working with thermoplastics, one of which is polylactide. Among the advantages of this material, environmental friendliness is noted, since this plastic is obtained from sugar cane and corn.

The main element in the printer itself is the extruder, which performs the task of the print head. However, in this part, not everything is so simple, since the element is a complex of individual components. If we consider the term “extruder” in the usual sense, then it will only refer to part of the head in the form of a feeding mechanism. Either way, the printing substrate supplies the plastic to the 3D printer by depositing molten filament. The movement of the mechanical part is provided by an electric motor. As a result, the mechanism directs the thread into the heated nozzle tube, which forms the final object.

Stereolithographic installations

Laser stereolithography technology is widely used today in dental prosthetics. This is the second most popular type of 3D printing printer. A distinctive feature of stereolithographic devices is the production of unsurpassed high quality objects. Such results are achieved thanks to the resolution of the devices, which can amount to a few microns. Therefore, it is quite logical that the work of a 3D printer based on laser stereolithography is highly valued not only by dentists, but also by jewelers. The software part of the device is in many ways reminiscent of FDM analogues, but there are a number of technology features. Despite the fact that the printing principle is called laser stereolithography, the function of such equipment is increasingly based on LED ultraviolet projectors.

Projector models are more reliable than laser ones and are cheaper. They do not require delicate mirrors to deflect the rays, which simplifies the design. At the same time, printing on a 3D printer with projectors is different high performance. This advantage is achieved due to the fact that not sequential, but complete illumination of the layer contour occurs.

Laser sintering

Another type of application of the laser method. In this case, lightweight plastic is used. A powerful laser draws a cross-section of an object on a plastic base, which leads to melting and sintering of the material. This happens with each layer until a completed model is obtained, which is prepared by the program for the 3D printer as a blank. The remaining plastic powder is shaken off the resulting item at the end of the work process. A significant disadvantage of such devices is the creation of objects with a porous surface. On the other hand, this does not affect the strength of the products in any way. Moreover, it is the models produced from such printers that are the most durable. The installation itself has a complex design and, as a result, high cost. At the same time, the manufacturing process is time-consuming compared to other types of 3D printers. As users note, the model formation speed is several centimeters per hour.


The main material for creating models by 3D printing is thermoplastic. In addition to the varieties already mentioned, it is worth noting plastic for 3D printers in ABS and PLA formats. Nylon, polycarbonate, polyethylene and other types also used in industry are also used. At the same time, some installations allow the mixing of materials, as well as the use of auxiliary substances that improve the quality characteristics of the future product. For example, for this purpose they use which, in essence, is the same type of PVA plastic. By dissolving it in water, the user can create complex geometric shapes.

The most exotic material for use in such tasks is metal. To obtain such a product, 3D models are also used for printing on a 3D printer, and the differences in technology come down to the function. With its help, a binding adhesive mass is applied to the places where it is pointed. computer program. Next, the head applies a thin layer of metal powder to the entire working area. That is, the metal does not melt, as is the case with plastics, but is applied and glued together layer by layer in the form of tiny particles.

Printer Operation Control

To begin with, it is worth noting the operations that are controlled by the user via a computer. This includes adjusting the temperature of the nozzle and working platform, the rate of material supply and the operation of the electric motor, which ensures the positioning of the print head. All these actions are controlled by electronic controllers. As a rule, modern models of such devices are based on the Arduino system with an open architecture. As for the software language, printers use the so-called G-code, built on control commands for printing equipment. At this stage, we can move on to considering slicer programs that provide translation of a 3D model for printing on a 3D printer into code that is understandable to controllers. I must say right away what it is software is not directly related to the development of graphic models.


The list of main tasks of slicers includes setting the parameters according to which printing will be carried out. The choice of a specific program is determined by the type of printer. For example, RepRap devices involve the use of open source slicers. Among these are Replicator G and Skeinforge. However, there are also many manufacturers who recommend using only proprietary software from specific companies. This, in particular, applies to Cube devices from 3D Systems. As for product modeling, this is done by a special program for a 3D printer, designed for three-dimensional design. Typically, CAD editors are used for these purposes, which, however, require some experience in working with 3D design.

What products can I get?

The range of capabilities of three-dimensional printers is actively expanding, which makes it possible to create products for a wide variety of market segments. If we talk about construction and architecture, then the possibilities of making mock-ups are highly valued here, for which, in fact, the concept of additive manufacturing was developed. 3D printing is also widely used in the engineering industry. Products in in this case can be represented by both consumer products and separate elements for concepts. As already mentioned, the high precision of manufacturing parts was highly appreciated by medical professionals. In addition to prosthetics, a 3D printer is used in the production of models and samples of organs.

Volumetric 3D printing of a material object based on its three-dimensional computer model is a unique technology of our time, which has great prospects in the future. Until recently, devices using it seemed like science fiction, but today they have become a reality and have become available even for home use. Although the cost of 3D printers is still high, and exceeds the price of other computer devices, they are finding more and more practical application not only for applied creativity, but also for various areas of business. The constant development and improvement of this technology has already led to the creation of industrial devices. Which one should you choose?

What is a 3D printer and its purpose?

A peripheral computer device that, using a digital three-dimensional model, creates a material object by layer-by-layer application of quickly hardening material is called a 3D printer. To operate such a device, a three-dimensional computer model is required, made in any of the 3D editors or obtained on a 3D scanner. Today there are several varieties, depending on the technology used:

  • FDM and DIW 3D printers that use the extrusion method, based on forcing molten material through a thin hole in a special device called an extruder (in the first type of printers, thermoplastic heated to the melting limit is applied layer by layer to the cooled surface of the platform, and in the second type, ceramic sludge is applied, which called ink, thick ceramic slurry may be used in large architectural models);

    3D printers using extrusion technology (FDM) produce a model by laying molten plastic layer-by-layer, extruded through an extruder. The print head moves along the X and Y axes, and the print bed moves down the Z axis

  • SLA-DLP type printers that use the photopolymerization method, in which a liquid photopolymer is used, and each layer is hardened by exposure to an ultraviolet laser;

    In 3D printers built on SLA technology, the product is formed in a vat filled with photopolymer resin. Under the action of UV laser radiation acting on a thin layer of resin, it hardens and the base falls down to the thickness of the next layer

  • printers that use a leveled layer of powder bonded layer by layer to create a three-dimensional material object various methods, by applying the glue using inkjet printing (3DP printers) or melting it with an electron beam in a vacuum (EBM), laser radiation (SLS or DMLS, depending on the type of powder) and a heating head (SHS);
  • EBF 3D printers, which use wire that melts under the influence of electronic radiation to produce a material model;
  • printers built on the principle of lamination, or layer-by-layer application of film, in each layer of which the outline of the part is cut out with a special cutter or laser;
  • printers with a point supply of powder melted by laser or electronic radiation;
  • devices operating using the multi-jet modeling (MJM) method, when a quickly hardening material is applied by inkjet printing;
  • bioprinters are innovative peripheral computer devices that are just beginning to be implemented; they use cells of a living organism to form internal organs, and in the future they will be able to create full-fledged material for transplantology (there are already cases of successful manufacturing and transplantation of a jaw for a human and a thyroid gland for a laboratory mouse) .

Video: how the mechanism works

The possibilities for such a unique peripheral computer device are almost unlimited. Today it is already used for the following purposes:

  • rapid creation of accurate layouts in architectural design, design of various mechanisms and machines, as well as in interior and landscape design in order to finalize the project and present it to the customer;
  • production of any parts of complex shape for single or small-scale production, as well as spare parts for the repair of various devices;
  • making models and molds for casting, including the creation of jewelry;
  • construction of buildings and structures of any complexity, for which they use special devices resembling a tower crane, which instead of cables has lines for supplying liquid concrete (such a device allows you to erect 1 floor in 10 hours, which significantly reduces construction time);
  • creation of prosthetics and internal organs for transplantation in medicine;
  • production of models of complex devices for visual aids in educational institutions;
  • creation of geographic information systems, which are a three-dimensional map of the area in color, with an accurate display of the relief;
  • production of household items, various accessories and items for interior decoration;
  • development of packaging and container layouts for marketing purposes;
  • production of housings for experimental equipment - cars, automation systems and various electronic devices;
  • production of advertising and souvenir products;
  • production of exclusive clothing and shoes according to the figure and dimensions of a specific client, obtained by 3D scanning.

This list clearly demonstrates the prospects for the use of 3D printers and their demand in a variety of areas of human activity.

How to choose: parameters to pay attention to

When buying any complex device, you need to clearly define for yourself the purposes for which you are going to use it. This will determine which operating parameters suit you best. Considering that such a peripheral device is not cheap, you should select it most carefully, taking into account all the operating parameters, so as not to regret the purchase later.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of printer based on the 3D printing technology used. The most popular and affordable models today for home use or small business are:

  • FDM printers, which use various types of polymer filament as material, and have fairly good print quality and the lowest price;
  • SLA devices based on photopolymers, which have higher print quality and price, ideal for the production of jewelry;
  • the most expensive of peripheral devices This group includes SLS-type devices that melt powder with a laser; it is impractical to buy them for the home, and they can only be suitable for business, due to their high cost (up to 30 thousand dollars).

Among the main selection criteria are the following:

  1. The type of material used for printing. When choosing a 3D printer, you need to take into account that consumables for FMD devices will cost less than for SLA printers. For those who decide to purchase an FDM printer, there is a large selection of plastics of different colors and types (PLA, ABS, HIPS, PVA and others), but polymer filament made from PLA plastic would be ideal for beginners, since this material is easier to use, and products made from it are perfectly even and smooth. Those who choose an SLA 3D printer will have to purchase more expensive material in the form of photopolymer resins. For non-professional printer models, it is best to buy photopolymer from the Vera, Somos or Tanga series, which are characterized by transparency, high strength, heat resistance and plastic stability.
  2. Printing accuracy. It is higher for SLA printers. The accuracy of model reproduction in extrusion-type devices largely depends on the thickness of the layer that is laid by the printer during printing. This means that the thinner the extruder nozzle hole, the higher the clarity of reproduction of the digital model in a material object. Today, printer models are produced with different nozzle opening diameters from 0.1 to 0.4 mm. At the same time, you need to understand that the smaller the extruder nozzle hole, the more time it will take to make the model. Here everyone must choose for themselves what is more important to them - the accuracy of displaying a 3D model or the speed of printing.
  3. The printable area that determines which maximum size the object can be printed with this printer. It is, of course, possible to produce larger objects, but only in parts, gluing them with special glue. To do this, using the 123D Make program, the digital model is divided into separate parts. But, if you don’t want to do gluing, then when choosing a printer, compare the desired dimensions of the produced layouts with the printing area of ​​a particular model.
  4. Design features. What matters here is whether it is open or closed, and what materials the body and supporting elements are made of. These factors most influence the rigidity of the entire structure, on which the speed of movement of the print head depends, as well as the ability of the supporting parts of the device to dampen vibrations and vibrations from several electric motors responsible for moving the printer head along all three axes (X, Y and Z) and its table along the Z axis. Although the body made of wood may seem like too much of a budget option to some, it absorbs vibrations very well. Supporting structures made of aluminum or steel will be stronger and more durable. It is better to buy SLA printers with a well-ventilated working chamber, which will facilitate faster curing of the photopolymer. And for FDM type devices, especially when working with ABS plastic or nylon, which have high degree shrinkage during rapid cooling, it is better to purchase a 3D printer with a closed body and lining of the working area.
  5. Availability of auxiliary software. 3D printers are high-tech computer devices that require special programs. First of all, the 3D printer must recognize and be able to read all 3D editors and different data input formats. The latter include the STL and X3D languages, as well as the VRML standard. There are many auxiliary programs that allow you to perform a wide variety of actions to prepare for printing and create a material model. These are, for example, slicer programs that allow you to cut an object into pieces to print it in parts (Kissslicer or Cura) or the 123D Catch program, designed to work with a cloud service, and allows you to obtain a three-dimensional digital model of an object from its photographs taken from different angles. The availability of support programs supplied by the printer manufacturer makes working with such technically complex devices much easier. And this fact should also be taken into account when choosing them.

The Best 3D Printers for Small Businesses

Volumetric printing using 3D printers is the most promising area for small businesses today. With these computer devices, which do not require too large financial investments, as for industrial printers, it is possible to establish small-scale production of various goods.

Of the wide variety of printers on the market for these purposes, models that meet the following criteria are most suitable:

  • the print quality must be quite high in order to create unique and realistic models that are interesting for sale, which immediately excludes relatively cheap printers costing up to $1000 from the choice;
  • It is desirable that the printer be adapted for color printing (FDM, DIW, 3DP or EBF printers), which will save time on coloring the product in small-scale production;
  • the device must support work with at least two main types of plastics (PLA AND ABS), which will expand the possibilities of its use and allow the production of products for children (PLA plastic is intended specifically for children's products);
  • the price of consumables used by the 3D printer must ensure an acceptable cost of finished products, sufficient for a normal level of business profitability;
  • the size of the working chamber must correspond to the dimensions of the models intended for production, while it should be taken into account that printers with a larger printing area will cost more.

In any case, the choice of printer will depend on what type of business you intend to do. For the production of small crafts, extrusion-type devices are suitable, and for the production of jewelry or dentures, more expensive photopolymer printers are suitable. The most suitable models for small businesses include the following models:

  • Flashforge Creator Dual, with a working chamber volume of 5.2 liters and two extruders, the printer supports work with three types of plastics - ABS, PLA, PVA and has a printing accuracy of 0.1 mm;
  • 3Dison pro AER from the Korean company Rokit, with a working space volume of 15.3 liters, capable of working with 50 materials, having a high printing speed (up to 1000 mm/sec) and a layer thickness of 0.025 mm;
  • stereolithography 3D printer type SLA model

    Pico 2 from Asiga, an ideal choice for those who decide to go into jewelry making or dental care, the device is powered by a solid-state LED ultraviolet light source.

Which device to choose for your home

Considering the still high cost of peripheral computer devices for 3D printing, it is unlikely to be advisable to buy an overly expensive and sophisticated 3D printer costing 5 - 10 thousand dollars or more for home use. A device priced from $500 to $3,000 will be sufficient. It all depends on the buyer’s demands on print quality and his financial capabilities.

It is best if a 3D printer for home has simple and intuitive controls, a user-friendly interface and an ideal price-quality ratio. All printers in demand today for home use can be divided into the following groups according to price categories:

  • budget models, the most affordable of this type of device, priced from 300 to 1 thousand dollars;
  • mid-range printers ($1–1.5 thousand);
  • quite a high-end device at an affordable price from 1.5 to 3 thousand dollars.

Among the most popular printers for 3D printing are the following models:

  • Printrbot Simple, costing $300, which belongs to extrusion printers (FMD), and is sold disassembled - self-assembly of the device will help you better understand its design and understand the operating principle of this equipment;
  • Kino XYZ printing da Vinci 1.0- This new printer Taiwanese company XYZ printing, which has a high print resolution comparable to more expensive devices - 0.1 mm, its cost is about $500 (the work uses layer-by-layer deposition technology of molten plastic - FDM);
  • Cubify CubeX, belonging to the middle price segment, with a cost of $1300, and characterized by high printing quality and the speed of creating models with large sizes, this printer is available in three design options - with 1, 2 and 3 extruders, which allows you to obtain color layouts of computer models, can connect to a computer via a USB connection or Wi-Fi module.
  • Afinia H-Series H479, which has high printing accuracy (0.15 - 0.4 mm), convenient software, which works with inexpensive filament made of ABS plastic of decent quality, such a device costs 1.5 thousand dollars.

Rating of the best 3D printers

The world's most famous expert in the field of 3D printing is foreign portal 3D Hubs, which regularly produces ratings best models printing peripheral devices in various categories. According to this online resource, the following 3D printer models were named the best in 2017:

  1. Original Prusa i3 MK2 produced by the Czech company Prusa Research. This printer is designed for electronics enthusiasts who are new to 3D printing and can assemble it themselves from components since it is sold unassembled. The device is an FDM extrusion model and supports 15 types of plastic, including ABS and PLA, Carbon and Nylon, HIPS and FilaFlex, Bamboofill, Laybrick and others. This model can use up to 4 different materials simultaneously. It has an integrated Z-axis and a heating table with a printing surface made of PEI plastic. A printer of this model has a fairly large print area with dimensions of 250 x 210 x 200 mm, a minimum thickness of the laid plastic layer of 0.05 mm and a printing speed of 40 - 60 mm per second.
  2. BCN3D Sigma R17 (Release 2017). This 3D printer model, released by the Spanish company BCN3D Technologies, is a continuation of the Sigma line of 3D printing devices that is popular all over the world. The new model uses an independent dual extruder, which avoids deformation when changing the color of products, and also simultaneously prints two identical layouts. The modernized device uses new system cooling and updated microchip technology that controls power. All this allowed us to make the printer operate more silently. Sigma R17 has a high printing accuracy of 0.125 mm and a layout area measuring 297 x 210 x 210 mm. The work uses plastic thread from the following polymers: ABS, PLA, HIPS, PET and Exotics, which the extruder extrudes with a minimum layer thickness of 0.05 mm.
  3. Formlabs Form 2 - stereolithographic (SLA) 3D printer produced by the American company Formlabs, equipped with a powerful laser, touch screen and Wi-Fi module. The device has a print area of ​​145 x 145 x 175 mm and a layer thickness of 0.025 - 0.1 mm. This printer runs on liquid photopolymers and accepts resins from other manufacturers. It is equipped with a heated platform and a built-in control panel.
  4. PowerSpec 3D Pro. This model is made in China and belongs to price category budget 3D printers. Its distinctive features are durability, high printing speed and the presence of a dual extruder in the design, which is rare for inexpensive models. 3D Pro supports three types of plastics (PLA, ABS and PVA) and has high printing accuracy. The thickness of the laid layer is 0.1 - 0.3 mm.
  5. OrdBot Hadron. This printer is manufactured by ORD Solutions from Canada. The model is a mechanical 3D printing platform made of aluminum. It has high rigidity, reliability and printing speed (400 mm/s). The principle of its operation is based on FDM technology. The device supports work with two types of plastics - ABS and PLA, and has a print area measuring 190 x 190 x 150 mm. The design of this printer provides the ability to connect a second extruder, servo drive, LCD screen and other equipment, which can significantly upgrade the device after its purchase.

Three-dimensional 3D printing technologies are just beginning to conquer the computer market, and the cost of printers for translating a digital model into a material object is still quite high. But these technologies are the future, and 3D printers will probably soon appear in every home, becoming an everyday addition to a computer. Already today, many models have become accessible to people with average incomes, and are widely used not only in small businesses, but also in everyday life. Using the recommendations outlined above, you can easily choose the right printer for home use or your own small business.

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the concept of “3D” has become firmly established in our daily lives. First of all, we associate it with cinema, photography or animation. But there is hardly a person now who has not heard about such a new product as 3D printing at least once in his life.

What is it and what new opportunities in creativity, science, technology and everyday life do 3D printing technologies bring us, we will try to figure it out in the article below.

But first, a little history. Although there has only been a lot of talk about 3D printing in the last few years, this technology has actually been around for quite some time. In 1984, Charles Hull developed 3D printing technology for reproducing objects using digital data, and two years later named and patented the technique of stereolithography.

At the same time, this company developed and created the first industrial 3D printer. Subsequently, the baton was taken up by the company 3D Systems, which in 1988 developed a printer model for 3D printing at home SLA - 250.

That same year, fused deposition modeling was invented by Scott Grump. After several years of relative quiet, in 1991 Helisys develops and markets technology for the production of multilayer objects, and a year later, in 1992, the first selective laser soldering system is launched at DTM.

Then, in 1993, the Solidscape company was founded, which began mass production of inkjet printers that are capable of producing small parts with an ideal surface, and at relatively low cost.

At the same time, the University of Massachusetts patented 3D printing technology, similar to the inkjet technology of conventional 2D printers. But, perhaps, the peak of development and popularity of 3D printing still occurred in the new, 21st century.

In 2005, the first one capable of printing in color appeared, this is the brainchild of the Z Corp company called Spectrum Z510, and literally two years later the first printer capable of reproducing 50% of its own components appeared.

Currently, the range of possibilities and applications of 3D printing is constantly growing. Everything turned out to be subject to these technologies - from blood vessels to coral reefs and furniture. However, we will talk about the areas of application of these technologies a little later.

So, what is 3D printing?

In short, this is the construction of a real object based on a 3D model created on a computer. Then the digital three-dimensional model is saved in the STL file format, after which the 3D printer, which outputs the file for printing, forms the real product.

The printing process itself is a series of repeating cycles associated with the creation of three-dimensional models, applying a layer of consumables to the working table (elevator) of the printer, moving the working table down to the level of the finished layer and removing waste from the surface of the table.

The cycles continuously follow one after another: the next layer of material is applied to the first layer, the elevator is lowered again, and so on until the finished product is on the work table.

How does a 3D printer work?

The use of 3D printing is a serious alternative to traditional prototyping methods and small-scale production. A three-dimensional or 3D printer, unlike a conventional one, which displays two-dimensional drawings, photographs, etc. on paper, makes it possible to display three-dimensional information, that is, to create three-dimensional physical objects.

On at the moment Equipment of this class can work with photopolymer resins, various types of plastic threads, ceramic powder and metal clay.

What is a 3D printer?

The operating principle of a 3D printer is based on the principle of gradual (layer-by-layer) creation of a solid model, which is, as it were, “grown” from a certain material, which will be discussed a little later. The advantages of 3D printing over conventional, manual methods of building models are high speed, simplicity and relatively low cost.

For example, creating a part by hand can take quite a lot of time - from several days to months. After all, this includes not only the manufacturing process itself, but also preliminary work - drawings and diagrams of the future product, which still do not provide a complete vision of the final result.

As a result, development costs increase significantly and the time from product development to mass production increases.

3D technologies make it possible to completely eliminate manual labor and the need to make drawings and calculations on paper - after all, the program allows you to see the model from all angles already on the screen, and eliminate identified shortcomings not during the creation process, as is the case with manual production, but directly during development and create a model in a few hours.

At the same time, the possibility of errors inherent in handmade, is practically excluded.

What is a 3D printer: video

There are various 3D printing technologies. The difference between them lies in the method of applying layers of the product. Let's look at the main ones.

The most common are SLS (selective laser lamination), NRM (molten layer deposition) and SLA (stereolithography).

The most widely used technology, due to the high speed of constructing objects, is stereolithography or SLA.

SLA technology

The technology works like this: a laser beam is directed at a photopolymer, after which the material hardens.

The most suitable photopolymers can be used different materials. Their physical and mechanical characteristics can differ greatly from each other. However, no manufacturer has yet managed to create a truly durable material. The strength characteristics of the resins are comparable to epoxy resin.

After hardening, it can be easily glued, machined and painted. The work table is in a container with photopolymer. After the laser beam passes through the polymer and the layer hardens, the working surface of the table moves down.

SLS technology

Sintering of powder reagents under the influence of a laser beam - also known as SLS - is the only 3D printing technology that is used in the manufacture of molds for both metal and plastic casting.

Plastic models have excellent mechanical properties, thanks to which they can be used for the manufacture of fully functional products. SLS technology uses materials similar in properties to the brands of the final product: ceramics, powder plastic, metal.

The structure of a 3D printer looks like this: powder substances are applied to the surface of the elevator and sintered under the action of a laser beam into a solid layer that corresponds to the parameters of the model and determines its shape.

LCD technology

Until recently, around 2017, photopolymer 3D printers were expensive. However, the invention of printing based on permeable LCD matrices changed the situation radically. As of mid-2019, you can purchase a good quality photopolymer 3D printer for about 30,000 rubles.

The LCD matrix for a 3D printer is a screen similar to a screen cell phone. By itself, such a matrix does not emit light. It can only change the degree of light transmission in different areas. This is how the image of the print layer is formed. But the radiation source is located behind the LCD matrix. Thus, to create such a 3D printer, it was only necessary to replace the emitter lamp with a source of ultraviolet radiation. Let us remember that the vast majority of photopolymers harden under the influence of UV radiation.

DLP technology

DLP technology is a newcomer to the 3D printing market. Stereolithographic printing machines today are positioned as the main alternative to FDM equipment. Printers of this type use digital light processing technology. Many people wonder what the 3D printer of this sample prints with?

Instead of plastic filament and a heating head, photopolymer resins and a DLP projector are used to create 3D shapes.

Below you can see how the 3D printer works video:

When you first heard about a DLP 3D printer, what it is is a completely reasonable question. Despite the intricate name, the device is almost no different from other desktop printing machines. By the way, its developers, represented by the company
QSQM Technology Corporation has already launched the first samples of high-tech equipment. It looks like this:

EBM technology

It is worth noting that SLS/DMLS technologies are far from the only ones in the field. Currently, electron beam melting is widely used to create three-dimensional metal objects. Laboratory studies have shown that the use of metal wire for layer-by-layer deposition in the manufacture of high-precision parts is ineffective, so engineers have developed a special material - metal clay.

The metal clay used as ink during electron beam melting is made from a mixture of organic glue, metal shavings and a certain amount water. In order to turn ink into a solid object, it must be heated to a temperature at which the glue and water will burn out and the shavings will fuse together into a monolith.

EBM 3d printer: how it works

It is noteworthy that this principle is also used when working with SLS printers. But unlike them, EBM devices generate directed electronic pulses instead of a laser beam to melt metal clay. It must be said that this method provides high quality printing and excellent rendering of small details.

Today, only industrial printers using EBM technology are sold. Here's what one of them looks like:

The video below clearly demonstrates the capabilities of a 3D printer adapted for electron beam melting:

HPM technology (FDM) HPM

Makes it possible to create not only models, but also final parts from standard, structural and high-performance thermoplastics. This is the only technology that uses production-grade thermoplastics to provide unparalleled mechanical, thermal and chemical strength to parts.

HPM printing is clean, easy to use and suitable for office use. Thermoplastic parts are resistant to high temperatures, mechanical loads, various chemicals, and wet or dry environments.

Soluble auxiliary materials make it possible to create complex multi-level shapes, cavities and holes that would be problematic to achieve using conventional methods. 3D printers using HPM technology create parts layer by layer by heating the material to a semi-liquid state and extruding it according to computer-generated paths.

For printing using HRM technology, two different materials are used - one (the main one) will consist of the finished part, and an auxiliary one, which is used for support. Filaments of both materials are fed from the bays of the 3D printer into the print head, which moves depending on the change in X and Y coordinates, and fuses the material, creating the current layer, until the base moves down and the next layer begins.

When the 3D printer has completed creating the part, all that remains is to separate the auxiliary material mechanically, or dissolve it with a detergent, after which the product is ready for use.

Interestingly, these days not only automatic desktop HPM printers are popular, but also devices for manual printing. Moreover, it would be correct to call them not printing devices, but pens for drawing three-dimensional objects.

The pens are made in the same way as printers using layer-by-layer fusion technology. The plastic thread is fed into the handle, where it melts to the desired consistency and is immediately squeezed out through a miniature nozzle! With proper skill, you get the following original decorative figures:

And of course, just like the technologies, the printers themselves differ from each other. If you have a printer that works according to SLA, then it will be impossible to use SLS technology on it, i.e., each printer is created only for a specific printing technology.

Color 3D printing

This technology is the only one of its kind, which allows you to obtain objects in the entire available range of shades. It is noteworthy that the coloring of products occurs directly during their manufacture. With its help, photorealistic objects are obtained. This is what arouses genuine interest in it on the part of designers.

Often, gypsum-based powder is used as the starting material. Brushes and rollers form a not very thick layer of consumables. Next, using a movable head, microdrops of an adhesive-like substance are applied to the required areas (before this, it is painted in the desired color). It resembles cyanoacrylate in its composition. A finished multi-colored object is created layer by layer. The final treatment of the product with cyanoacrylate provides it with shine and rigidity.

Industrial and desktop color 3D printers

The modern market offers various multicolor 3D printers. With their help, colorful objects are created at home. Most units are intended for professional use.

Professional color printing on a 3D printer is carried out using:

1. Zprinter rulers from the famous brand 3D Systems. These devices can create large, multi-colored objects. Equipped with 5 cartridges and an automatic powder loading system. The technology is almost 100% automated, so setting up or controlling the printing process is not necessary. The models weigh about 340 kilograms. The cost ranges from 90-130 thousand dollars.

2. Full-color 3D printer Мсor Iris. Multi-colored products are created by gluing together individual pieces of paper. This unit from Mcor Technologies Ltd creates three-dimensional photorealistic models with good strength indicators. Can generate up to a million colors. Costs 15 thousand dollars.

Desktop models for home use:

1. Color 3D printer 3D Touch. This unit operates using FDM technology. The model can be equipped with one, two or even three extrusion heads. Works with ABS or PLA plastic. Weighs no less than 38 kilograms. Cost - about 4 thousand dollars.

2. Three-color 3D printer BFB 3000 RANTHER - the first color printer that was released onto the market. Today its value is about 2.5 thousand dollars. A standard plastic thread is used as the working material. To work you will need a thread of three colors.

3. One of the cheapest models is РroDesk3D. A system of five cartridges is used to create products. It is possible to work with PLA or ABS plastic. The printer is equipped with a system automatic settings. It costs only 2 thousand dollars. Unfortunately, it cannot boast of high print resolution.

Applications of 3D printing

3D printing has opened up great opportunities for experimentation in such fields as architecture, construction, medicine, education, clothing design, small-scale production, jewelry, and even in the food industry.

In architecture, for example, 3D printing allows you to create three-dimensional models of buildings, or even entire neighborhoods with all the infrastructure - squares, parks, roads and street lighting.

Thanks to the cheap gypsum composite used in this case, the cost of finished models is ensured. And more than 390 thousand CMYK shades allow you to realize in color any, even the most daring, imagination of an architect.

3D printer: application in construction field

In construction, there is every reason to assume that in the near future the process of constructing buildings will become much faster and easier. Californian engineers have created a 3D printing system for large-sized objects. It works on the principle of a construction crane, erecting walls from layers of concrete.

Such a printer can build a two-story house in just 20 hours.

After which the workers will only have to carry out finishing work. 3D House 3D printers are gradually gaining a strong position in small-scale production.

These technologies are mainly used to produce exclusive products such as art, role-playing game figures, prototype models of future products or any design parts.

In medicine, thanks to 3D printing technologies, doctors have the opportunity to recreate copies of the human skeleton, which allows them to more accurately practice techniques that increase the guarantee of successful operations.

3D printers are increasingly used in the field of prosthetics in dentistry, as these technologies make it possible to produce dentures much faster than with traditional manufacturing.

Not long ago, German scientists developed a technology for obtaining human skin. In its production, a gel obtained from donor cells is used. And in 2011, scientists managed to reproduce a living human kidney.

As you can see, the possibilities that 3D printing opens up in almost all areas of human activity are truly limitless.

Printers that create culinary masterpieces, reproducing prosthetics and human organs, toys and visual aids, clothes and shoes are no longer a figment of the imagination of science fiction writers, but the realities of modern life.

And what other horizons will open up for humanity in the coming years, perhaps this can only be limited by the imagination of the person himself.

3D printing based on the technology of layer-by-layer growth of solid objects from various materials. Three-dimensional models are printed from plastic, concrete, hydrogel, metal, and even from living cells and chocolate. In this article we will present brief overview most popular materials for 3D printing.

ABC plastic

ABC plastic is known as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. This is one of the best consumables for 3D printing. This plastic is odorless, non-toxic, impact-resistant and elastic. The melting point of ABC plastic is from 240°C to 248°C. It is sold at retail in the form of powder or thin plastic threads wound on bobbins.

3D models made of ABC plastic are durable, but do not tolerate direct sunlight. Using this plastic you can only get opaque models.

ABC plastic for 3D printing


Acrylic is used in 3D printing to create transparent models. When using acrylic, the following features must be taken into account: this material requires a higher melting point than ABC plastic, and it cools and hardens very quickly. In heated acrylic, many small air bubbles appear, which can cause visual distortion of the finished product.

Products printed from acrylic


Currently, test samples of 3D printers for printing with concrete have been produced. These are huge printing devices that painstakingly, layer by layer, “print” building parts and structures from concrete. Such 3D printer can “print” a residential two-story house with a total area of ​​230 m2 in just 20 hours.

For 3D printing, an improved type of concrete is used, the formula of which is 95% the same as that of conventional concrete.

Products printed with concrete


Scientists from the University of Illinois (USA) printed biorobots 5-10 mm long using a 3D printer and hydrogel. Cardiac tissue cells were placed on the surface of the biorobots, which spread throughout the hydrogel and began to contract, setting the robot in motion. Such hydrogel robots are capable of moving at a speed of 236 micrometers per second. In the future, they will be launched into the human body to detect and neutralize tumors and toxins, as well as to transport drugs to their destination.

3D printed hydrogel biorobots


Some 3D printers use regular A4 paper as the printing material. Since paper is an accessible and inexpensive material, paper models are inexpensive and accessible to users. Such models are printed layer by layer, with each subsequent layer of paper cut out by the printer and pasted onto the previous one. Paper models print quickly, but cannot boast of durability or aesthetics. They are ideal for rapid prototyping of a computer project.

3D models printed from paper


In modern 3D printing, gypsum materials are widely used. Models made from gypsum are short-lived, but have a very low cost. Such models are ideal for making objects intended for presentations. They can be shown as a sample to customers and clients; they perfectly convey the shape, structure and size of the original product. Since gypsum models are highly heat resistant, they are used as casting samples.

3D model printed from plaster

Wood fiber

Inventor Kai Party has developed a special wood fiber for 3D printing. The fiber consists of wood and polymer and is similar in properties to polyactide (PLA). The combined material allows you to obtain durable and solid models that look like wood products and have the smell of freshly cut wood. Currently, the innovative material is used only in RepRap self-replicating printers.

3D model printed with wood fiber


In 2006, two Canadian professors received a grant to develop technology for 3D printing ice figures. Over the course of three years, they learned to create small ice objects using 3D printers. Printing occurs at a temperature of -22°C; water and methyl ether heated to a temperature of 20°C are used as consumables.

Ice printed figure

Metal powder

No plastic can replace metal with its pleasant soft shine and high strength. Therefore, 3D printing very often uses powder made from light and precious metals: copper, aluminum, their alloys, as well as gold and silver. However, metal models do not have sufficient chemical resistance and have high thermal conductivity, so fiberglass and ceramic inclusions are added to the metal powder for printing.

3D printed metal powder jewelry


Printing with nylon has much in common with printing with ABC plastic. Exceptions are higher printing temperatures (about 320°C), high water absorption capacity, longer curing times, and the need to evacuate air from the extruder due to the toxicity of nylon components. Nylon is a fairly slippery material; to use it, the extruder must be equipped with spikes. Despite these disadvantages, nylon is successfully used in 3D printing, since parts made from this material are not as rigid as those made from ABC plastic, and sliding hinges can be used for them.

Nylon filament for 3D printing

3D printed nylon products

Polycaprolactone (PCL)

Polycaprolactone is similar in properties to biodegradable polyesters. This is one of the most popular consumables for 3D printing. It has a low melting point, hardens quickly, provides excellent mechanical properties of finished products, easily decomposes in the human body and is harmless to humans. In addition, it can be used in several 3D printing technologies at once: SLS, ZCorp and FDM.

Polycaprolactone for 3D printer

Polycarbonate (PC)

Polycarbonate is a hard plastic that is able to maintain its physical properties under conditions of extremely high and extremely low temperatures. It is highly opaque, has a high melting point, and is convenient for extrusion processing. However, its synthesis is associated with a number of difficulties and is not environmentally harmless. Used to print heavy-duty models in several 3D printing technologies: SLS, LOM and FDM.

Polylactide (PLA)

Polylactide is the most biocompatible and environmentally friendly material for 3D printers. It is made from biomass residues, sugar beet or corn silage. Having a lot of positive properties, polylactide has two significant drawbacks. Firstly, models made from it are short-lived and gradually decompose under the influence of heat and light. Secondly, the cost of producing polylactide is very high, which means the cost of the models will be much higher similar models made from other materials. Used in 3D printing technologies: SLS and FDM.

Polylactide filament and products printed with polylactide on a 3D printer

Polypropylene (PP)

Polypropylene is the lightest of all existing plastics. Compared to low-density polyethylene, it melts worse and resists abrasion better. At the same time, it is vulnerable to active oxygen and deforms at low temperatures.

Polypropylene for 3D printing

Polyphenylsulfone (PPSU)

This material came to 3D printing from the aviation industry. It practically does not burn, is characterized by heat resistance and high hardness. Reminiscent of ordinary glass, but superior in strength. Used in 3D printing technologies: SLS and FDM.

Low Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

This is the most common type of plastic in the world, from which PET bottles, canisters, pipes, films, bags, etc. are made. In 3D printing, low-density polyethylene is an unsurpassed leader. This material can be used in any 3D printing technology.

3D printed polyethylene shoes


British scientists presented to the public the first chocolate 3D printer, which prints any chocolate figures ordered by the operator. The printer applies each subsequent layer of chocolate on top of the previous one. Due to the ability of chocolate to quickly set and harden when cooled, the printing process proceeds quite quickly. In the near future, such printers will be in demand in confectionery shops and restaurants.

Chocolate printer at work

Other materials

There are 3D printers that are designed to print clay mixtures, lime powder, food, living organic cells and many other amazing materials. We can only guess what materials will be used for 3D printing in the near future.

I received questions about how to buy it correctly. I share my experience.

The first printer is like the first woman: every real boy should have one, but at school they didn’t tell me which way to approach it. I’ll tell you a secret here, just don’t tell anyone!
And choosing the first 3D printer is as pointless as choosing the first woman, unless you are going to die with it on the same day. All sorts of fashionable features such as auto-leveling and dual extruder guarantee the feeling of a green schoolboy on a date with a well-educated young lady: you can walk in circles for a long time and still not get the main thing.

We're talking about printers. entry level for $150 - $300. For real majors who buy a technologist, programmer, circuit designer and massage therapist complete with a printer, completely different rules apply.

Rule No. 1 You need to buy China in Russia

Because European components may be of better quality, but a beginner most likely will not understand the difference. And due to inexperience, anything can be broken. Well, well Russian production at a multiple of the price.

But the main “but” is that our Russian customs legislation considers a $200 printer to be industrial equipment and imposes an import and export duty of 30%. This is not a toy or a controllable model. He has the right, but does not always use it.

I personally bought a printer for a child for educational purposes. And you take it to get acquainted with additive technologies, and not for import substitution. But customs is against it. Although lately doesn't get angry.

That’s why smart Chinese send us printers from Russia, so we don’t have to deal with customs (this is a separate extreme). The main thing is to find on aliexpress.com a smart Chinese seller who offers shipping from Russia, and not from China. It doesn’t matter how they do it, what matters is that they can do it - it’s been verified.

If you do take it from abroad, keep in mind that everything related to 3D printing will be subject to a 30% duty. Some hit, but most missed.

Rule No. 2 Which 3D printer model is better to buy?

There is not yet a clear leader in the primary educational level, such as Lego in primary robotics. Therefore, the “I would have cheated” selection technique is successfully used: if, looking at the photo of the printer on the seller’s page, such a thought comes to mind, then you can take it. Difference between different models not fundamental: they all print, and the print quality is sufficient for a beginner and not enough for industrial production. Everything else is a matter of taste and color, and you won’t understand until you try it. It is for testing that the first printer is taken.

Rule No. 3 How to choose a seller

As already stated in the first rule, the seller must be smart. And, in general, that's all. This is all that can be reliably established. Everything else is unreliable.

One the parcel is coming long, others quickly. Basically, this is our customs and post office. All parcels arrive in Moscow, but for customs clearance they can be sent to Bryansk or somewhere else. Of course, then again through Moscow. If you take delivery from Russia, delay due to customs is excluded.

Sellers usually ship within a week, and if they are late, the money will be returned to you automatically. For some, the printer arrives safe and sound, while for others it is damaged and incomplete. The Chinese are also slapdash and may also run out of proper packaging. You can't predict this. Film the entire process from receiving the parcel to taking inventory of its contents, this will really help you get compensation, if anything.

The seller gives some valuable advice on assembly and configuration, but does not answer others. Don't count on technical support, this is DIY, which translates into Russian as "do it yourself."

Neither reviews, nor the number of orders, nor the seller's promises are the decisive factor in choosing a seller. The seller may change unnoticed. Reviews may refer to a different product. They know how to cheat.

It's a lottery, accept it and don't suffer if something doesn't go as you wanted.

Rule No. 4 What to take in the kit

There is little point in choosing the “+ three packs of plastic as a gift” option. This is not a gift, it is included in the price. In Russia, plastic is no more expensive, look for Russian specialty online stores and buy it cheaper if you need it. Chinese plastic can be both good and bad.

Dial various spare parts It doesn’t make much sense, but if you really want it, you can take it. The nozzles become clogged and can be cleaned and replaced. The heating elements burn out. The end stops are acting up. Etc., this is how you can navigate according to your taste. You can’t guess what you really need, so ideally it’s convenient to buy a second printer of the same type for spare parts, yeah.

You definitely need to get the firmware. It's free, you just need to ask the seller to send you drivers, firmware and bootloader, as well as Arduino IDE suitable for them. It all weighs around 10MB, so the email is fine.

You definitely need to get a programmer. There are posts like “the printer worked for two days and stopped.” It's a broken firmware. Or the bootloader has crashed. More like both. The bootloader is the first part of the firmware that runs the main part. To write a bootloader to the printer board, you need a programmer. The main firmware is written to the board without a programmer.

Rule #5 Forget about technical support

Vendors don't make 3D printers, they sell them. If the seller happens to have someone on staff who understands and has time, they will tell you something. But 3D is a whole science, a million nuances and a billion options, so they definitely won’t give you a course of lectures. Read the Internet and don't be upset by the Chinese. Everything can be solved, you just need to find it. If you don't have time, you shouldn't take it on at all.

Rule #6: Argue

There is no need to confirm receipt on Ali when receiving the parcel. You do not confirm the fact of receipt, but the completeness and functionality of the item. So check it out. With feeling, with sense, without haste.

Yes, they will write to you and ask you to hurry up. The answer is simple: you need more time to check.

If time runs out, you need to open a dispute. Reason for the dispute: possible defects. “Maybe they are not there, we need to figure it out.”

If you can’t turn on/start something and the Chinese doesn’t help, you need to call Ali’s arbitrators. To do this, you need to outline in great detail what you expected to receive (how it should work in your opinion), what you did for this and what did not work out. You also need to prepare high-quality photos and videos. You need to make notes on the photo for clarification. The video needs to be of sufficient quality for easy viewing.

Uploading a 500 MB video through the great Chinese firewall is not easy, almost impossible. Therefore, it must be squeezed. This can be done on YouTube, there is a good squeezer there.

The return of money depends on the quality of preparation of the evidence base. Therefore, you need to make it a rule to film every significant step. We received a cake made of cardboard at the post office - it was the Chinese fault, it was packaged poorly. Got the wires mixed up and everything burned out? The Chinese are to blame - there are no instructions, the wires are not marked. The main thing is that from the other side of the firewall you can understand that you made every effort. To do this, film the process of receipt at the post office, the opening process, etc. etc. And so that it looks very much like the truth.

And in conclusion, I will give my case on the dispute.

On the second day the printer did not turn on.

As it turned out later, if you drag the axes back and forth by hand, the motors operate in generator mode and the board is not protected from this. No need to move the motors with your hands (quickly).

Opened a dispute.

The Chinese suggested trying to update the firmware.

The Chinese did not have firmware. He suggested looking on the net.

I sent a video of the unsuccessful firmware process. More precisely, the first firmware found was not even compiled. The Chinese did not understand anything about this, so this was enough.

I wrote in a dispute that the board does not work, the firmware is not uploaded.

The Chinese offered to send a replacement board.

I indicated that the printer is for the child’s birthday and the payment will not arrive in two weeks.

The Chinese offered express shipping. I agreed.

After receiving and checking the track, I closed the dispute.

After the fifth or tenth try, I found the firmware for which I was able to select the IDE version for compilation.

I couldn't flash it. There was still the possibility of a bootloader crashing.

There are several bootloader options for the Melzi board. After 10 - 20 times, a suitable bootloader was found, and normally it might not work the first time.

After flashing the bootloader, the main firmware is loaded without problems.

I adjusted the settings in the firmware for my printer and everything has been working without problems ever since. No problem at all.

Three weeks later the second payment arrived.

The child is delighted. He prints with pleasure. This is what I typed yesterday:

Good luck, and may the filament be with you! :)

And yes, cashback really works. I checked and use this. Now there is a promotion and they are giving even more. I withdraw to Megafon and you can also pay to Ali from your phone account (MTS and others). So in reality Pryusha comes out to less than 10 thousand rubles.