Home / Windows overview / What is the word for in Ukrainian? Russian-Ukrainian online translator and dictionary. Russian-Ukrainian online translator proling office

What is the word for in Ukrainian? Russian-Ukrainian online translator and dictionary. Russian-Ukrainian online translator proling office

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The Ukrainian language is a striking example of a language that is familiar and at the same time difficult to understand. The external similarity and “neighborly” relations of the two Slavic countries actually result in a number of tasks that are difficult for spontaneous translation. That is why most representatives of the Slavic diaspora prefer the translator from Russian to Ukrainian from “m-translate.ru”.

This online translator from Russian to Ukrainian has a lot of undeniable advantages. Firstly, it is distinguished by its convenience and ease of use. Abstruse registration, the complexity of the text translation procedure and the need to download auxiliary programs are clearly not his thing. Secondly, the attractive immediacy of translation from Russian into Ukrainian is noted. Copy, paste, translate - and in front of you is almost ready-to-use translated text. Thirdly, the Ukrainian translator available online does not require reference to a location. Mobile and functioning at any time of the day within the wi-fi coverage area, it will help to transform the “message” of a foreign interlocutor into a meaningful text that is understandable to a Russian person in an extremely competent and accessible way. This is how quickly, efficiently and easily “contact” will take place between representatives of two different countries!

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In total, there are 45 million people in the world who know Ukrainian.

History of the Ukrainian language

The Ukrainian language belongs to the Indo-European family, from which Romance, Germanic, Celtic, Indo-Iranian, Baltic and Slavic groups emerged. The Slavic group, in addition to Ukrainian, includes Russian and other languages.

In their development, all European languages ​​were subject to mutual influence, for example, the weakening of unstressed vowels and deafening of consonants at the end of a syllable came to the Russian language from the Finno-Ugric language. Linguists are inclined to believe that the Slavic and Baltic languages ​​have a common ancestor - the language of the tribes inhabiting the lands from the Dnieper to the Baltic Sea. As a result of migrations, the unity of the tribes and, accordingly, the language disintegrated. The Proto-Slavic language began to stand out as a separate language when the “open syllable rule” appeared, that is, ending syllables with a vowel sound. This innovation determined the special sound of the language when alternating vowels and consonants. So the Baltic “kor-vas” turned into “ko-ro-vu”, and “drau-gas” into “dru-gi” (other), etc.

Proto-Slavic remained unified until the 5th-6th centuries. n. e., after which the Slavs began to actively settle in central Europe and form their own languages. The general rule of an open syllable in the formation of Slavic languages ​​was not preserved in any of them, although traces remained in all. All modern Slavic languages ​​differ, not least in the different content of such syllables.

The result of linguistic evolution was the separation of the Proto-Slavic language into three subgroups: South Slavic (, etc.), West Slavic (Polish, etc.) and East Slavic (Ukrainian, Russian,). An important factor in the formation of individual languages ​​was the formation of separate state formations and the penetration of borrowings.

Proto-Ukrainian dialects were divided into several dialects: Derevlyansky, Polyansky, Siveryansky, Ulichsky, Tiversky, etc. The existence of ancient Ukrainian dialects can be judged from written monuments of the 10th-12th centuries, but, naturally, there is no confirmation of the sound of the spoken language. The literary language of that period was Church Slavonic, brought from the Balkans. Cyril and Methodius translated the Bible into this language in the 9th century, but the Eastern Slavs, who retained open syllables, were unlikely to use this language in communication. Scientists cite as an argument the mistakes and clerical errors of that era, which unwittingly brought the Old Bulgarian language closer to the spoken language.

Since the middle of the first millennium, the appearance in the language of features characteristic only of the Ukrainian language can be traced. In all languages, the literary form is developed somewhat artificially, since its development is carried out by educators, writers, etc. In Ukraine in the 10th-18th centuries, the Ukrainianized Old Bulgarian language was used as a literary language. The literary monuments of that time were written in this artificial language. For example, “The Tale of Igor’s Host”, “The History of Time Literatures”, works by Grigory Skovoroda, etc. Over the centuries, the language has changed, approaching a colloquial form, grammar has been simplified, new words and borrowings have appeared.

The modern literary language is based on the Dnieper dialects. The language was formed in the first half of the 19th century. thanks to Kotlyarevsky, Grebinka, Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, Taras Shevchenko. The ancient language, which existed before the 13th century, has changed a lot, but it remains recognizable, and modern Ukrainians can understand it and identify it as Ukrainian.

In terms of its grammatical structure and lexical composition, Ukrainian belongs to the archaic languages, since many words are inherited from Proto-Slavic dialects, languages ​​of neighboring peoples during trade relations, wars, etc. At the same time, the original Ukrainian phonetics and grammar have been preserved.

  • The first mention of the Ukrainian language dates back to 858. The beginning of the existence of the literary form of the Ukrainian language is associated with the publication in 1798 of “The Aeneid” by Ivan Kotlyarevsky.
  • The first Ukrainian poet whose works you can get acquainted with is Pavel Rusin, who lived in Krakow and Vienna in 1470-1517. and sang his love for his native land.
  • “Zapovit” by Taras Shevchenko has been translated into 147 languages ​​of the world.
  • Most Ukrainian words begin with the letter “p”, and the most unused letter remains “f”, with which borrowings begin.
  • First higher educational institution Ukraine – Ostroh Collegium (1576). The second in 1623 was the Kiev-Mohyla Academy. These higher schools were the only ones in Eastern Europe in the 17th century.
  • The modern Ukrainian dictionary contains about 256,000 words. The most lexical matches are with the Belarusian language (84%), Polish (70%), Serbian (68%) and Russian (62%).
  • Ukrainian is the only East Slavic language in which there are 7 cases (the seventh is vocative).
  • There are many diminutive forms in the language, even the word “enemies” has the variant “vorozhenki”. The word “beat” has the most synonyms – 45.
  • The first dictionary and grammar of the Ukrainian language were published in the 20-40s of the 19th century.
  • The Ukrainian dictionary has preserved the ancient Slavic names of the months.

We guarantee acceptable quality, since texts are translated directly, without using a buffer language, using technology

Have you decided to visit Ukraine? This is not strange, because here you can find everything for a great holiday. Magnificent ski resorts and stunning landscapes of the Carpathians, the unique city of Odessa, which is distinguished by its unique mentality and wonderful beaches, ancient Lviv, which hides many secrets and mysteries and, of course, the unrivaled Kyiv, the cradle of Ukraine. Every city in Ukraine has its own zest, and if you decide to travel through the vastness of this country, you will definitely be satisfied and get a lot of good impressions.

During your journey, only one problem may arise; this is the language, which, although related to Russian, still has its own unique differences. In order not to get into an awkward situation, and to be able to speak with any Ukrainian, we have compiled a Russian-Ukrainian phrasebook, which contains a wide variety of words that you will need during your vacation.

Appeals and common phrases

Hello, hiHello, hurry up
Good morningGood morning
Good afternoonGood afternoon
How are you?How are you right?
OK, thank youGood, darling
SorryI'm showing off
GoodbyeUntil bachennya
I don't understandI'm not understanding
Thank youDyakuyu
PleaseBe kind
What's your name?What is your name?
My name is...Mene's name is...
Does anyone here speak Russian?Is there anyone here who will tell you the Russian language?
I'm lostI got lost
We didn't understand each otherWe are not the same one
I love you!I'm kicking you!
How to say this by...How can you tell everything by...
You speak...What are you talking about...
EnglishIn English
FrenchIn French
GermanIn Nimetsky
What's your name?What is your name?
MotherCurses, mom
FriendPryatelka (m), pryatelka (w)

Numbers and numbers

Dates and times


Public places

How much does a ticket to... cost?How many koshtuye quotes to...?
One ticket to... pleaseOne quotation until..., be kind
Where does this train/bus go?Where is the direct route/bus?
Please can you show on the mapPlease can you show me the mapi?
Do you have any rooms available?Don't you have any rooms?
How much does a room cost for one person/two people?How many koshtuye kimnata for one person/two people?
Is breakfast/dinner included?Is the snidanok/vecherya included/a?
Give me the billDite rahunok
How much does it cost?Skilky tse koshtuye?
It's too expensiveTse is expensive
Okay, I'll take itOkay, I'll take it
Please give me the packageGive, please, package
Table for one person/two people pleaseTable for one person/two people, please
Can I see the menu?Why can I look at the menu?
What is your signature dish?What kind of brandy strain do you have?
Please give me the billDaite, be kind, rahunok
How much does it cost?How many things do you cost?
What is it?What's wrong?
I'll buy itI'll buy it all
Do you have...?What are you saying...?
A little, a littleTrochs
JuiceOvochevy sap
Pepperwill rub
Ice creamMorozyvo



Greetings, common expressions - a list of phrases and words that will help you communicate in general topics, the words collected here will tell you how to start a conversation, how to ask what time it is, introduce yourself and introduce your family, as well as other useful phrases in communication.

Numbers and numbers - here is the translation of numbers and numbers, as well as their correct pronunciation.

Shops, hotels, transport, restaurants - phrases that will help you easily find a bus stop, train station. station, find out where this or that route goes, order a hotel room, a dish in a restaurant, and the like. In general, a list of words and phrases that are necessary for any tourist.

Tourism - words with which you can explain to any passerby what exactly you are looking for, be it a hotel, an architectural monument, or any attraction.

How to get there - translation of words indicating direction and distance.

Public Areas and Landmarks - Correct translation and pronunciation of municipal facilities, landmarks, churches, etc.

Dates and times - translation and pronunciation of days of the week and months.

 If you need to quickly translate text from Russian into Ukrainian, free online translators will help you. These translators will translate any text from Russian into Ukrainian in just a few seconds, and without any effort on your part - you don’t even need to open a dictionary.

1. Simplify the text for translation as much as possible
To achieve the highest quality translation into Ukrainian, you should simplify the text being translated as much as possible: remove rarely used and introductory words, exclude jargon words and abbreviations, break complex sentences into several simple ones, etc. Of course, simplification should only be done if it does not distort the original meaning of the text. If you are translating a document or literary source, you should not use simplification.

2. Check the text for errors
If the text contains errors or typos, it will not be translated correctly. Be sure to check the Russian text before translating for spelling, punctuation, stylistic and other errors.

3. Check the text for sentence endings
At the end of each sentence there must be a sentence ending mark (period or signs: “!”, “?”). If such a sign is missing or placed by mistake in the wrong place, the automatic translation into Ukrainian may be incorrect.

Translation from Russian to Ukrainian Google Translate

This version of Google Translator supports translation into Ukrainian. The translator is already configured, all translation directions are selected. All you have to do is paste the text.

Russian-Ukrainian online translator pereklad.online.ua

A simple translator from Pragma. This online translator is optimized for translating texts from/to Slavic languages, and the Russian-Ukrainian translation in most cases is of very good quality.

One of the advantages of this Russian-Ukrainian translator is its support for a large number of translation topics. By choosing the most appropriate topic for text translation, you can make the translation more effective. This is especially true when translating Russian technical texts with rarely used words.

Problems with encoding when translating from Russian to Ukrainian? Use this online translator on the official page.

Russian-Ukrainian online translator perevod.dneprcity.net

Translator of texts from Russian to Ukrainian from the site perevod.dneprcity.net. To translate large texts, divide them into parts of 500 characters.

Russian-Ukrainian online translator perevod.bizua.com.ua

Another free online translator for translating texts from Russian into Ukrainian. The online translator automatically detects the language of the entered text and allows you to translate it into 8 languages. Also, you can choose the topic of translation.

If you encounter problems with encoding during Russian-Ukrainian translation, try entering the text directly on official page translator

Russian-Ukrainian online translator Proling OFFICE

Translator from a leading developer in Ukraine software for machine translation. Support for Russian and Ukrainian languages. Spell check.

Russian-Ukrainian online translator ImTranslator

Online translator ImTranslator in a special version for translating texts from Russian into Ukrainian. The translator supports 35 languages, has a built-in dictionary, virtual keyboard, the ability to pronounce text and print translation results.

Translating text from Russian into Ukrainian is very simple - just paste the text in Russian into the online translator and click the “Translate” button. In just a few seconds you will receive a ready-made translation into Ukrainian.

[+] Expand the translator ImTranslator [+]

For proper operation translator, you need to enable frame support in your browser.

For the translator to work correctly, you need to enable support in your browser JavaScript.

Translation from Russian into Ukrainian

Russian and Ukrainian are very similar languages. In most cases, knowing only Russian, you can understand Ukrainian text, and, conversely, knowing Ukrainian, you can understand Russian. But there is definitely a demand for online translators that allow you to translate texts from Russian into Ukrainian.

The Ukrainian language, like Russian and Belarusian, originated from the Old Russian language. Modern Ukrainian is a mixture of several dialects influenced by other Slavic languages. Machine translation of texts from Russian into Ukrainian usually turns out to be of high quality.

If you need professional Russian-Ukrainian translation, use the translation exchange. This is a fast, efficient and inexpensive way to translate texts with high quality.

    1 write

    write, write

    1) write, write, write, ( about a lot.) to write, to write, to write to someone, to write to someone, to write, to write. [As if he had left, saying that he would add it (Crim.)]. Learn to write, learn to write. Learn without outside help - learn to write self-recorders (self-propelled). Monograms - please write, sharpen. - in verses - verse. - take dictation - write to your voice;

    2) (with paints) paint, paint, write, write, ( about a lot.) pomalyovuvati, paint, write, write (farbami);

    3) (draw patterns) measure, measure. Writer ( adj.) - pissy. brethren - writing. -my machine - shorthand, self-writing, Drukarsky typewriter. Written -

    1) scriptures. As it is written - as it is written. He speaks as if in English - to speak, read a language from a book, take a language from a sheet. - written by verses - verses, verses of scriptures;

    2) (paints) paintings, writings. [The picture is painted on the canvas].

See also in other dictionaries:

    WRITE- I’m writing, you’re writing, Doctor of Science. not used, not used (to write). 1. same as without additional Draw on paper or other material any. graphic characters (letters, numbers, notes). Learn to read and write. The boy already knows how to write. Write letters. Write in ink... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    WRITE- WRITE, pee, pee, joke. write something, draw letters, writing, verbal signs. The boy learns to write. We write with a pen, the Persians with reeds. Chinese with a brush. | Compose, express your thoughts, describe events in writing. Some write better in poetry... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    write- write verb., no., used. max. often Morphology: I write, you write, he/she/it writes, we write, you write, they write, write, write, wrote, wrote, wrote, wrote, writing, writing, written, writing; St. write 1. When you write... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    write- Write down, scribble, write out, scribble, draw, enter, enter (in a notebook, book), mark; compose, compose, paint, depict. Write quickly, sweepingly, neatly. Drop me a message. I jotted down my thoughts on paper. So… … Dictionary of synonyms

    write- history verbalization write music existence / creation write an answer verbalization write the truth verbalization write an essay existence / creation ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    write- WRITE, oh, oh, WRITE, oh, oh; nesov., without additional, iron. 1. Urinate. 2. Be afraid. write with boiling water (or blood, plasma, turpentine, etc.) be in which l. extreme emotional state (usually laughter, delight). I don’t care what to write... ... Dictionary of Russian argot

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    WRITE- WRITE, oh, oh; imperfect (colloquial). Same as peeing. | Sovereign pee, oh, oh. II. WRITE, write, write; written; writing (colloquial); imperfect 1. what. Depict on what n. graphic signs, their combinations. P. letters. P. legible. The pen does not write... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    write- I pi/sat ayu, ay; nsv. (St. popi/sat); decomposition To emit urine; urinate. II write / write /, write / write; pi/joking; pi/sleigh; san, a, o; nsv. 1) (literally write) what To depict on paper or other material what l. signs (letters, numbers, etc.);… … Dictionary of many expressions

    write- (write) what and about what; what about whom; to whom (obsolete to whom). 1. what (create some kind of verbal work; reveal the content in full). Write stories. Write a dissertation. Write interesting things. One summer your wife said... Control Dictionary


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