Home / News / How to buy traffic from an SEO agency and not be deceived. Where to get traffic for affiliate programs How to get traffic

How to buy traffic from an SEO agency and not be deceived. Where to get traffic for affiliate programs How to get traffic


Hello Thebizfromscratch readers! The authors of this blog, Andrey and Dasha, are in touch with you. We have already told you more than once about in various ways making money on the Internet and do you know what conclusion we came to? To earn good money, for example affiliate programs oh, you only need to do 1 action - drive traffic! Do you want to know where to get traffic for affiliate programs? We hope so, because in today’s article, this is exactly what we will talk about.

We won’t describe in the second round all the beauty of making money on affiliate programs. In our opinion, it is much more important to convey to you information that will allow you to achieve a stable and high income, which means we’ll get straight to the point!

Where to get traffic for affiliate programs

Many people mistakenly believe that in order to distribute parterres, the quality of traffic is not particularly important, the main thing is its quantity... Well, everything is learned by comparison. For the sake of curiosity, we conducted the following experiment - within a week we attracted visitors to the affiliate program in two completely different ways: we launched an advertisement on the landing page with our referral link on the box and set up a series of letters so that after subscribing, the person received a message with a link to everything the same landing page as for the book box.

As a result, in the first case, we received a bunch of clicks and a dozen registrations, but, as time has shown, these registrations were empty and did not bring us a cent in the end. In the second case, there were significantly fewer transitions, as well as registrations, however, the further activity of referrals pleasantly pleased us with monetary deductions :) The conclusions suggest themselves: firstly, axle boxes are not the best source of traffic, despite the large number of fast transitions and, in -Secondly, quality is much more important than quantity. Based on this, we bring to your attention our traffic sources for affiliate programs.

  1. Subscribers + properly configured email series

If you are engaged in information business and have a database of many thousands in your arsenal, then you probably have no problems with the distribution of affiliate programs. And if you have just started collecting subscribers, we strongly recommend that you not only create an attractive subscription page, but also properly set up a series of emails after subscription. This is done in the settings of your mailing service... If you are registered on JustClick, then it will be useful for you to read the publication - everything is similar on other services.

If you don’t understand much of the above, don’t panic! Now let’s look at how it all works using a simple example and you will understand where to get traffic for affiliate programs.

Look, the user lands on your subscription page, where you offer to get a working method for making money on the Internet in exchange for a subscription. If a person is really interested in your training materials, then he will not mind becoming your subscriber and getting free access to the methodology.

As soon as he confirms his subscription, the first letter to the specified email, a link to the promised material will arrive. And then the most interesting part begins. You need to set up a series of emails in advance, thanks to which, after some time, the person who has just subscribed will automatically receive another message... In it, we recommend sending a motivating text with a link to the affiliate program.

Just one important note! The topic that attracted the subscriber must coincide with the topic of the affiliate program. Otherwise, it is unlikely that a person who has signed up for a method of making money on the Internet will want to register and participate in programs to combat cellulite.

  1. Free course giveaway

The second option, where to get traffic for affiliate programs, has something in common with the first and has no worse results. Think about it, how are information products created? Conscientious authors simply describe their personal experiences and tell others how and where to start.

So why can’t we talk about some proven affiliate program? Use it, make sure that it is not a scam, achieve visible results and share your knowledge with everyone... Write a brochure detailing the actions taken and insert your referral link in the right places. For greater returns, give away such a course for a subscription, i.e. for free. You’ll kill two birds with one stone: you’ll gain subscribers and targeted traffic catch up. And if you also set up an automatic series of letters, then the chances of getting high-quality transitions increase significantly.

We would like to give advice! As soon as you make such a course and set up a series of letters, run to add to PR or purchase mailings, for example, on the BazaarEmail service. Try to attract as many visitors as possible to your subscription page!

  1. Sending push notifications

You also collect a subscription base and send out a “cannon” with motivating text and a link to the affiliate program 2-3 times a week. Due to the fact that push notifications are read and opened more readily, sometimes there are more clicks than from a regular email newsletter.

Usually, we “hang” push notifications on our sales pages... Subscribers are not averse to receiving useful materials from us and easily agree to further mailings on them. Also, we get a lot of help in collecting subscribers, eccentrics who, with the help of axle boxes, drive traffic to our sales people. They practically don’t make purchases for us, which significantly reduces sales conversion, but they gain subscribers quickly and in large numbers. At least some plus from axle boxes))

  1. Banner placement

An excellent option where to get traffic for affiliate programs if you have your own developed blog, or an extra thousand rubles in your pocket. Place the banner in a prominent place, leading either to your subscription page or directly to the affiliate program. To increase efficiency, we recommend placing not one, but several banners at once, just come up with different pictures for them, otherwise identical objects located side by side do not look very attractive.

Regarding the extra thousand in your pocket... If the site still does not please you with high traffic, and you really want to drive traffic, order a banner placement service from the owner of a promoted resource. As far as we know, you will have to pay at least a thousand rubles for such pleasure. The more visited the site, the higher the cost.

  1. Social media

And, perhaps, finally, we note no less effective way, where to get traffic for affiliate programs... let's talk about social networks. We would like to point out right away that spreading links to affiliate programs yourself is a rather tedious and ineffective task. How many people can you send the link to? 100, 200 a day? You will have to kill a lot of time, and there is practically no guarantee that transitions will take place, and there is a high probability of an account ban... Therefore, to this method We don’t resort to it very often, only in cases of great need and time.

Well, so we looked at where to get traffic for affiliate programs. As you can see, to attract active referrals, you will have to make a lot of effort. Otherwise, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve a stable income from affiliate programs. We wish you success in all your endeavors and... do not forget to congratulate your other halves on Valentine's Day.

Oleg Shestakov, CEO of the SEO agency Rush Agency, an expert in search engine promotion, tells how to conclude a profitable agreement on payment for traffic and not be deceived.

How to buy traffic from an SEO agency and not be deceived

Oleg Shestakov

What do SEO agencies get paid for?

Historically, SEO agencies have offered promotion to top positions. Moreover, every keyword that appears in the TOP 10 is paid for. For example, for the request “buy green mugs” for the first-third position in the search they will ask for 300 rubles per day, for the fourth-fifth - 200 rubles, and for the fifth-tenth place 150 rubles per day. And these are just abstract non-competitive keywords. For real selling requests, the cost can be measured in thousands of rubles per day.

The principle of operation was simple: the agency takes 30 high-frequency queries with high search demand, 50 medium-frequency ones, and the rest are low-frequency queries that are easy to promote, but will be much less useful. At the end of the reporting period, the contractor shows a table: here are the requests, here are the positions - everything has been completed under the contract. And the business owner grabs his head.

Everything has changed

The fact is that search results have become personalized. Search engines have learned to recognize user behavior and preferences. This means that search results for the same query from different people on different devices will be different.

There is no single top for a long time, so getting to the top lines is not related to business - no sales or results are guaranteed.

The market is evolving, and SEO does not stand still. Search engine promotion with payment for results appeared. In some cases, even for sales. It sounds tempting, but there are many pitfalls in this model: you will have to open access to accounting, hone the design and functionality of the site exactly as required by the SEO agency - this is usually specified in the contract.

There is an alternative - search engine promotion with payment for attracted traffic. The business model is simple and there are fewer risks for both parties.

Transparent scheme or business trap?

When properly drafted, a pay-per-traffic SEO agreement is beneficial for any business. The entrepreneur will increase website traffic and company revenue. And if you work out a contract with an SEO company in advance, you can save from several hundred to several million rubles per quarter.


  • Transparent and predictable results
  • Flexible pricing
  • Cost reduction


  • Unscrupulous agencies
  • Untargeted traffic
  • Quite complex formulas for calculating traffic

Unscrupulous SEO agencies have found a loophole in this scheme as well. They take advantage of the incompetence of customers and weak business competencies in web analytics and complex traffic segmentation. The risk of trusting companies is overpayment.

Traffic worth paying for

The SEO agency’s proposal sounds something like this: “We will bring you 5 thousand visitors from search. You buy traffic for 50 rubles per visitor, it will cost 250 thousand rubles.” After thinking a little, the entrepreneur agrees. But then it turns out that 3 thousand visitors were not worth paying for. Why?

To avoid being scammed, you should know what to pay for. To do this, you need to go to Yandex Metrica, open the organic channel - search traffic - and understand its structure. You should only pay for targeted traffic that the agency actually attracted.

It is NOT worth paying for:

  1. Traffic from Yandex services. Often the search traffic segment includes transitions from Yandex Maps or Yandex Catalog. All Yandex services should be excluded from the calculations - they have nothing to do with search engine promotion.
  2. Paid traffic. The catch here lies in the fact that often client-side marketers incorrectly mark up purchased traffic from contextual advertising systems and Yandex Market. Before making calculations for SEO, check whether your paid traffic is tagged correctly (UTM tags are used for this). Otherwise, there is a chance to pay a second time for already purchased traffic.
  3. Basic traffic. This is the traffic that was before hiring an SEO agency. Calculated as average monthly traffic over the past year, adjusted for seasonality. Basic traffic is not taken into account only for sites “younger” than a year. The current search traffic indicator is the merit of your marketing department, but not the SEO agency.
  4. Brand traffic. Search queries based on the company brand and website address cost you investments in marketing and PR. It is important to consider all variations in brand wording, including misspellings, and exclude such traffic from the segment for which you pay an SEO agency.
  5. Transitions using non-target and stop words. These are non-commercial words that may accidentally end up in information queries: “how”, “where”, “why”, etc. As well as the names of top managers, stable concepts associated with the company, and the names of popular products. Such traffic is also not paid. This is often around 10-15% of all search traffic.

All this is considered on the shore at the time of preparation of the contract for SEO services. Thus, if an SEO agency attracted 5 thousand users, and the base traffic is 3 thousand, then you only need to pay 2 thousand users - 2.5 times less than the stated price.

We independently calculate paid traffic

When signing a traffic agreement, you should be bound to data from the Yandex.Metrica service. Yandex occupies about 55% of the search market in Russia, so the metrics are representative. Google Analytics does not show at all which keywords from search engines users switched – the quality of traffic remains opaque. Therefore, it is reasonable to evaluate traffic from Google in proportion to Yandex traffic using Yandex.Metrica.

It is important to note that when signing an SEO contract, you should be tied to the average monthly base traffic, since SEO agencies report for their work on a monthly basis.

  • Step 1: Get all the search traffic for the past year

If you do calculations, for example, on the 7th of each month (or on any other day except the 1st), you should take the previous month as the starting point

We are building a segment in Yandex.Metrica - traffic from search engines.

We exclude from the analysis all Yandex services except search engines - they are counted as search traffic by default.

As a result, we get the total amount of search traffic for the year in the table below the graph.

In this case it is 65079 visits.

  • Step 2: Isolate branded traffic from the Yandex search engine

To do this, we build a standard report on search phrases.

Inside the report, we segment the traffic, leaving only transitions from Yandex (since Yandex.Metrica does not show transitions based on keywords from Google - we will calculate brand traffic from Google later).

By scrolling the screen below, we will see all the search phrases that visitors used to navigate to the site from Yandex.

Our task is to find all search phrases that characterize the brand:

  • Company name
  • Site name
  • Company addresses and telephone numbers
  • Name of legal entity
  • Other common phrases that people use to search for a company

Here it is important to take into account all “typo” requests and requests made with the wrong keyboard layout.

After we have found all the brand words - We count the total number of clicks for these words per year. To do this, we add one more condition for search phrases to our segment.

All keywords can be listed using the following construction:

~.*rybaki.*|.*fishermen|.*hs,frb.*|.*fisherman's world.* which begins with ~ and each brand word is framed by dots and asterisks and separated by a vertical line.

In this example, I got a total of 2,478 clicks for branded queries.

Now we know the share of branded search traffic from Yandex - 6% (2478/36963*100%). It is logical to assume that the share of branded traffic from Google will be approximately the same - there is no need to calculate this separately.

Total: brand traffic amounted to 6% of all search traffic for the year, which is 3905 visitors (65079 * 6%).

  • Step 3: Identify non-target words

Here we are guided by the same logic as when assessing branded traffic, only instead of branded words we look for non-target keywords and also isolate them from the general traffic. In our example, let’s assume that this is also 3% – 1953 visitors (this figure is very close to the real one for many projects)

  • Step 4: Get Basic Traffic

Base traffic = (all search traffic for the year - % brand traffic for the year - % traffic for non-target words for the year) / 12

In our example, base traffic = (65079 – 3905 – 1953) / 12 = 4935. Accordingly, each transition from search engines that exceeds 4935 must be paid to the SEO agency. So, you 100% will not pay extra for your own branded traffic and for traffic based on non-target words.

It is important that traffic can and should be periodically recalculated. For example, if a company launches advertising on TV or a powerful PR campaign, then the share of brand traffic grows, and accordingly, the “hidden” share of traffic from Google becomes less than paid traffic - it needs to be recalculated. This will save 7% to 20% of your SEO budget, depending on the reach of your advertising campaigns in other channels.

An SEO agency can also offer to recalculate your traffic. For example, previously the share of branded traffic was 50% - 50 people came for the brand and the same number for commercial queries. Then the situation changed: 100 people came for the brand, 1000 for commercial requests. Accordingly, the share of attracted traffic has increased and you need to pay more for it.

Ideally, base traffic and percentages of commercial and non-targeted traffic are recalculated every month.

How does an SEO company report on attracted traffic?

  • Brand traffic
  • Traffic for non-target words
  • Paid traffic (if any, traffic above base traffic)
  • Final table with the amount of paid traffic and the price per traffic

Before starting work, the agency should be asked to forecast traffic. Naturally, the forecasts are inaccurate, but the error range should not exceed 50%. If an SEO agency is 300% wrong, there is something wrong with them. As a rule, three options for the development of events for the year ahead are provided: realistic, optimistic and pessimistic.

The forecast helps to estimate the costs of SEO and the return on investment.

From traffic to profit

Ask your SEO agency to calculate the approximate return on traffic. To do this, you need to evaluate the conversion of current commercial traffic - this is the percentage of customers who went to the site and ordered a service or made an order in an online store. Suppose 200 visitors visited the site, then with a conversion of 2.5% you can expect 5 orders.

200 visitors x 0.025 conversion = 5 orders

But everyone understands that an application from a client does not equal a sale: the client has changed his mind, the product is out of stock, and so on. Therefore, the percentage of order fulfillment is calculated. Let’s say the fill rate is 70%, then 200 visitors will bring 3 orders.

5 orders x 0.7 fillability = 3.5 orders

We calculate the average check. Let's assume it is equal to 8 thousand rubles. The revenue of three orders will be 24 thousand rubles. With a margin of 30%, the profit is 7,200 rubles. Accordingly, 200 site visitors equal 7,200 rubles. profit.

(8 thousand rubles x 3 orders) x 0.3 margin = 7200 rubles. profit.

Total: 200 visitors = 7200 rub. profits

If you buy traffic from an agency for 10 rubles. per visitor, the cost of attracting 200 visitors will be 2 thousand rubles.

200 visitors x 10 rubles/visitor = 2 thousand rubles.

In this case, the company remains in the black. Because to earn 8 thousand rubles, she spent 2 thousand rubles.

If traffic is sold for 36 rubles, then the company will not earn anything and will even go into the red. Because to earn 7,200 rubles, she will have to spend 7,200 rubles.

200 visitors x 36 rubles/visitor = 7200 rubles.

Advice: When concluding an agreement with an SEO agency, you should always make a basic estimate of the economics of this channel, so that in a year you will not discover the cosmic cost of search visitors.

It is worth considering that an SEO agency receives money both for attracted traffic and a subscription fee. Typically, visible results and profitability appear within 9-12 months of the agency’s work. During the same period, the fee for traffic should exceed the subscriber fee, otherwise this means that the contractors feed the customer with reports and do nothing for the growth of the project.

Wholesale is cheaper

It is logical to ask for a discount for the volume of users attracted from search engines. For example, if you buy the first 10,000 visitors from an SEO agency for 10 rubles, then 15,000 visitors can cost 8 rubles per click, 20,000 - 7 rubles, and 30,000 or more 6-6.5 rubles per click. This is a logical scheme and SEO agencies rarely refuse to work with discounts for the volume of attracted traffic.

Do you want to earn income from your website, but have little traffic? Well, we need to develop, and somewhere ourselves get target visitors so that they generate conversions and bring profit from affiliate programs. Free traffic to the site from various sources is an excellent way out for a young resource. But where to get it? How to find the sweet spot of visitors? I present to you a selection of methods. Make yourself comfortable and let's begin! I'll take it free traffic to website and blog from other, more popular, resources. What does this give?

  1. A free backlink with the required anchor (a chance to increase the TIC, PR).
  2. Speed ​​up indexing of posts (the faster a post is indexed, the less chance thieves have of copy-pasting your content).
  3. It turns out .
  4. And, in fact, the influx free traffic to a blog or website– the most important goal for monetization.

Where do I get free traffic to my blog?

The topic, of course, is a hackneyed one, but curiosity in this matter does not fade away. Everyone wants to make money from precious visitors. The first way to attract the target audience is social media for bloggers. Here I leave announcements for each article and thereby ensure an influx of visitors. By the way, it is advisable to make each announcement unique, so I personally use the Generating the Web text multiplier. There is nothing complicated: just machine rewriting. In the following posts I will tell you how to work with it. Now let’s learn more about where to get traffic from.

Free visitors from microsites

Microsites– these are sites that consist of approximately 5-20 pages. They easily reach the TOP for mid-frequency queries. The main point is to find keywords with low competition and good traffic, bring the site to the TOP positions and then direct traffic from it to your main resource. By the way, you can do no less than on a multi-page site (be sure to see the details in the link)! And the costs for them are minimal: you can get by altogether. Now this is a real trend in the field of promoting Internet projects, and there is almost no competition in it!

Free traffic from social networks for bloggers

  • Grabr.ru. A very simple social network where it’s easy to get free traffic to your blog. There is no moderation (only the first post is checked), and the influx of visitors is quite large.
  • Webice.ru. Traffic also comes from here, but less, and the first 10 announcements are moderated, and the rest are not checked. Registration by invite. To learn how to get an invitation code for registration, read the article “I’m giving away webice invites.”
  • Competent articles and blog in general. Useful content, good linking within the site, a 2nd level domain (for example, in ), paid hosting - all this affects positions in search results and, consequently, the growth of free traffic.
  • Postpr.ru – place announcements there too, you can’t go wrong! Visitors come consistently if the announcement is interesting. I have never had any problems with moderation.
  • seogang.ru and seominds.ru – 5-10 people a day come from them after posting an intriguing text.
  • bloggers.su is a fairly popular community of blog owners. There is a forum, the ability to publish news and other equally significant services. By the way, you can post an announcement from your blog there only after writing at least 1 message to the forum, which, by the way, has a resource evaluation section. Ask for an assessment of your resource, receive valuable advice and at the same time good free traffic to your blog or website. And don’t forget to write down the address of your brainchild in your accounts created during registration: you can hope that the link from your profile will be open for indexing.

Free traffic from mass social networks

Are you registered on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook? Then there is the opportunity to leave links to your blog. For example, I have a group, unpromoted, it’s true, but some traffic comes from it when I post something cool and give the url of the post. Also, develop your Twitter account and gain followers. Tweeting every new article is a surefire way to speed up indexing.

Free traffic from SEO forums

On the following forums to which I provide links (by the way, they are SEO-related) we write the blog url in our profile and signature. These resources have a “Blogosphere Digest” section, where you can post announcements of posts, and a “blog evaluation” section is also available, where you can ask questions about design, content, promotion and other things. By the way, before creating new topics, be sure to read the section rules.

Maultalk.com– the most visited SEO forum, from where you can receive simply gigantic free traffic to your blog or website. After registration, your account will not be activated immediately: after about a week or two. That's how it was with me. Then you will need to write 15 messages before you can open your threads, but believe me: it's worth it! Free traffic to a website or blog from there is crazy. Just by communicating there on SEO topics, sharing your experience or asking questions, you can get visitors. The more active you are on the forum, the more people will want to visit your resource.

I simply list the remaining forums:

  1. Armadaboard.com
  2. Bgtalk.ru
  3. Make4you.net
  4. Bestmasters.biz
  5. Webmasters.ru

In general, there are a lot of ways to get free traffic to your blog, but they require a lot of time. Here I have described only a few, but in other posts I will reveal other ways to receive visitors, and, therefore, monetize my project.

Websites need traffic like a person in the air. And the higher it is, the greater the chances. And this factor does not depend on the type of Internet resource.

If there are no daily visits, the resource will be nothing more than text content that only the owner uses. In such cases, the question arises - where to buy traffic to the site so that it matches the quality and price.

High-quality traffic to the site is a key condition for resource growth. The modern Internet marketing market offers a huge number of options for attracting traffic to sites. Also, the success of advertising campaigns is based on a successful choice of site. A regular partner (advertising network) is selected according to the following criteria:

  • promotion and coverage of the resource with traffic;
  • modern technology;
  • operational changes, timely launch;
  • profitability.

A few years ago, contextual advertising was not classified as competitive for each position. But the obsession of advertisers to get to the top has become the reason that contextual advertising in platforms such as Google, AdSense and Yandex.Direct has now become unreasonably expensive.

What are the differences between expensive and cheap traffic?

The creators of websites that need real visitors do not understand what kind of traffic is most suitable for them, expensive or cheap. If we assume that the cost of a click will be up to five rubles, can this be considered a sufficient amount?

Over or underpriced traffic is considered relative. High-quality traffic to the site must be purchased, guaranteeing a good income from its purchase. For example, the owner of the site participates in an affiliate program for anyone involved in handicrafts (in the case where the traffic is conducive to earning money without a personal resource).

Background information:

  • The minimum order on such an online resource can be from a thousand rubles;
  • the commission will be 20% (a minimum of two hundred rubles is taken from each order);
  • get traffic (regardless of the resource) recommended at three rubles per click;
  • this will cost ~2.5% conversion (25 minimum orders per thousand visitors).

The income is calculated, from which a net amount of 2000 rubles comes out. (what the platform owner is guaranteed to receive). This means that for each click on a purchased link, you earn two rubles.

These are only approximate calculations to understand the meaning of the benefits. You can only buy traffic to a site whose real visitors will generate a certain income through testing.

Traffic buying sites

Contextual advertising

Contema- is an exchange of convertible traffic, where services are paid from five rubles. Presented in several formats (contextual, poster, banner), many topics, Internet statistics, CPA modeling;

ContextBar – has a fixed price per click – three rubles (regardless of targeting settings);

Dmitry Smirnov, the author of the blog, is in touch with you as always, and in this article I want to tell you about where I get so much traffic for affiliate programs, information products, binaries, and so on... Do you think from the blog? Yes, all these blogs are bullshit!

I’ll be honest, about a month ago I just realized that a blog is not particularly serious, which is why many large information businessmen, the same Boriska, stopped writing on their blogs often, and use it only for the brand, and the money is dripping in! In fact, yes, the blog brings me 60,000 a month, but purely on context and advertising, only 20,000 rubles a month. Friends, these are pennies! I spend 20,000 rubles just on pills, so to speak, and in an evening in a cafe I spend 30-40 thousand, I can’t do less.

If we talk about a car, let’s say servicing a Mercedes is not very cheap! If the gearbox breaks, repairs up to 300,000 rubles, steering rack 100,000 - 150,000 rubles, gasoline 20,000 rubles per month, insurance about 40,000 rubles. Rent of housing let's say 14,000 rubles per month + food 20,000 rubles per month + let's say there will be a girl + let's say clothes and so on + subscription fees, in short you need to earn at least 200,000 - 300,000 rubles per month.

I don’t know how you can dream of earning 20,000 rubles, although I was previously happy with 4,000 on the Internet! But incomes are growing, expenses are growing, there’s no escape!

What does a blog give?

The blog gives me authority in life, especially on the Internet. This is a source of trust in you, greater safety paid services, people are not afraid to pay, it’s gaining a subscription base, attracting clients to affiliate programs, and only then a pretty penny from Adsense. But more of such a concept as “create a blog and earn 500,000 a month from it”, well, that’s all, excuse me..... There are no such thoughts! I will buy sites, but again, for other purposes, not for contextual crap.

I realized a long time ago that it is traffic that can generate a huge amount of money, and traffic is such a thing, it is always needed, and it will not go out of fashion.

Let’s take the same olymptrade affiliate program, where that month I leaked 50,000 traffic and received $1,000 in my WebMoney wallet! Is it bad? Or take the Vinograd affiliate program, where I leaked 9,000 traffic and earned 50,000 rubles, or Timofeev, where I already leaked 80,000 traffic and earned 89,000 rubles, or a weight loss affiliate program, or any! Now I understand why many people start working as traffic managers, and more and more go into the information business and client base, rather than writing for 4 blogs in order to later receive an AGS.

It’s better to earn money, and then spend it conscientiously on buying a thousand-man site, and then again, and then there will be 10 sites, and so on... But from scratch, fuck it.... I’ll do all this again, thanks to Yandex!

How to get additional traffic?

Remove all paid banners from your blog, some bro ber bro, line, ban, rotaban. It's all such pennies! Create subscription landing pages in wppage, broadcast wherever you can, gain a subscriber base, a series of letters immediately sells and you immediately receive money!

Next, why don’t your free landing pages with information products have paid comebackers with voice? And why don't you still use push notifications? Why is there no subscription form on your blogs for anything, and no subscription form for push notifications? Why do you use Nolix to earn pennies without inserting your subscriptions there?

You know what system I have. A person switches to a subscription service about making money from copywriting, when he is about to leave, he is transferred to another subscription service, and then, trying to leave, he is transferred to a binary options affiliate program. And along with everything else, I have a pop-up form of push notifications everywhere on every paid landing page!

Get traffic to your site?

Why did you forget about subscribing, and why don’t you use social networks? Why is there no VKontakte comment form on your blogs? Is it really difficult to understand that if they leave 10,000 comments, they will leave as many as 10,000 backlinks to you on their pages, and their friends will see this in their feed! Social traffic the most alive! Don't think only about traffic from search engines.

Is it really difficult to get traffic? I have a base of 20,000 on one service, the total was 60,000, on another 3000, on another 5000, and 9000 partners on glopart. I didn't invest a penny!!! And there would be no problems with investments! Now there are so many mutual PRs, both paid and free, so many different great services, collect as much as you want!

How do I get traffic to projects, namely:

I found myself a partner! I immediately launch it using the 3rd day mailing list, immediately launch it via push notifications and immediately launch it via partners. If the affiliate program is white, then I additionally write a blog post and additionally hang banners. But, I’m making a separate landing page, where a person must subscribe first, and only then received a series of letters saying they need to buy something. Additionally, I put the affiliate program in the comebacker everywhere and, accordingly, for my mutual PR!

Traffic flows and money is earned! Additionally, I buy advertising in mailing lists through bazaremail or glopart to make the most money! That's it! In the morning you wake up and look at the letters “selling goods”, 200 of them each. And what kind of second site from scratch can we talk about? Would I really exchange this for 1 year of hemorrhoids, and then the second resource will go to the bottom! Fuck it, I need it!

Of course, you can whine that you don’t have such traffic sources. Well, okay, who canceled dozens of mutual PRs, social networks and various subscripts? Just through this you can reach 100 - 200 subscribers per day and earn 2 - 5 rubles per day with three zeros from the series! See for yourself, laziness is all yours!!!

For two days guys the traffic was pouring! Just like that!