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How to open a dispute in PayPal. How to open a dispute on PayPal? Managing Google Home itself

Contact the seller. Before using eBay, try to resolve the issue with the seller. Most often, sellers willingly cooperate with buyers to resolve relevant issues

  • If you disagree with the seller, then use eBay.

Identify the item purchased. This is an item you purchased on eBay using PayPal that you are not happy with in terms of quality or condition, or the item may not have arrived at the billing address.

  • Click on "Purchase History" to see recent purchases.
  • You can dispute a purchase on PayPal within 45 days of the payment transaction.
  • Make sure your purchase is covered by PayPal Buyer Protection.
  • Find your PayPal transaction ID. Click on the "More Actions" link next to the purchased item. Select "View PayPal Transaction." The PayPal transactions page for this purchase will open.

    • Copy the unique transaction ID. This will be needed when disputing a transaction on PayPal.
    • Check out the page details. Make sure you are challenging the right deal.
  • Continue with PayPal. Since you used PayPal for this purchase, PayPal will review the dispute. Click on "Continue to PayPal."

    Sign in to your PayPal account. Skip to step 4 if you are already logged in to your account.

    Identify the type of problem. On the Report a Problem page, select "Item Dispute," then click on the "Continue" button

    Enter the transaction ID. This is the ID from step 4. Enter it in the Transaction ID field, then click on the "Continue" button.

    Review the deal details. Review the transaction details to ensure the seller is correct, as well as the amount, eBay item, and transaction date.

    Identify the cause. Choose between “Item not received” or “Item not as described.” Click on the "Continue" button when finished.

  • Enter additional information. From the drop-down list, select the category of the purchased item. Write a message to the seller. Details of this transaction will be sent to the seller for transparency of the procedure.

    • Stick to the facts and use accurate transaction data.
    • Click on the "Continue" button when finished.
  • Wait for the seller's response. You and the seller can exchange messages in the PayPal Resolution Center. Correspondence may be reviewed by PayPal employees in the future.

    • PayPal can also view messages on eBay.
  • Close the dispute. If you and the seller reach an agreement, you can close the dispute on the transaction. Otherwise, proceed to the next steps and file a claim.

    • You have 20 days from the date your dispute opens to escalate the process to a claim.
  • Dispute is a useful tool provided free of charge by PayPal to everyone who used it to make a payment. It is a kind of online dispute between the sender of funds (Buyer) and their recipient (Seller), opened first if the paid item is not received or does not correspond to the description stated during the sale. During the Dispute, if the parties were unable to reach a solution that suits both parties, PayPal is involved as an arbitrator, where they independently familiarize themselves with the arguments of the parties and make a decision.

    What decisions can be made during the dispute?

    If the goods are not received, using a Dispute, the Buyer can return the entire amount paid, including delivery costs. The return procedure can be carried out either by the Seller, voluntarily, or by PayPal, but forcibly, if the decision on the Dispute is made in favor of the Buyer.

    If the received product does not correspond to the description, is damaged, etc., then the Buyer can also return the entire amount using the Dispute procedure, but for this he will need to send the product back to the Seller, in a way that involves tracking the delivery progress via the Internet and providing a number parcels. The cost of sending the goods back is not compensated; this issue is already resolved through mutual agreements between the parties.

    The Buyer can close the Dispute at any time on his own if the parties reach an agreement and the Seller himself returns the funds paid, either in full (full refund) or partially (partial refund) or sends a replacement product.

    Dispute algorithm

    The dispute is opened by the Buyer, providing, if desired, all the information about the current situation, attaching links to photographs (if relevant), etc.

    As soon as a Dispute is opened, an amount equivalent to that paid is blocked on the Seller’s account and remains inaccessible until it is closed. The Seller, if desired, also responds in the Dispute, providing counterarguments.

    In this way, the parties can discuss until they reach a mutual agreement. Then the Buyer can close the Dispute with the wording that all problems have been resolved. If the parties do not find mutual understanding, the Buyer transfers the Dispute to a Claim and then PayPal will act as an arbitrator. This is when the information provided by the parties during the discussion will come in handy.

    PayPal reviews the information provided and makes a decision in favor of one of the parties. If in favor of the Seller, then the blocked funds in his account become available again, if in favor of the Buyer, then the funds are returned to him. If the Buyer, due to certain restrictions imposed by PayPal, cannot accept payments (and this rule applies to residents of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan), then the funds are returned not to the account, but directly to the payment card that was used. Return times vary and average 1-2 weeks.

    Deadlines for opening and conducting a dispute

    Dispute opens not earlier than in 10 and no later than than 45 days from the date of payment. It cannot be opened before or after this period.

    After opening, within 20 days The dispute must either be closed or converted by the Buyer into a Claim, and then PayPal will handle the case and make a decision. If, after 20 days from the moment of opening, none of these actions have been completed, the Dispute will close automatically and it will no longer be possible to open it again.

    When to open a dispute

    If you purchased a particular product abroad, do not forget that international delivery times can vary significantly and a Dispute opened too early will turn against you, because “everything about everything” is given 20 days. Therefore, if the problem concerns delivery, then it is more advisable to open a Dispute on the 43-44th day.

    If the purchased product is received, but does not correspond to the description, then a Dispute is opened upon the fact. Remember that Dispute is not a panacea and before opening it, you should always contact the Seller and try to resolve all the problems with him yourself.

    If the transaction was carried out on eBay

    If the transaction for which you are going to open a Dispute was carried out on eBay, then this is not a problem - you can open and conduct a Dispute either on the eBay website or on the PayPal website. But eBay, nevertheless, in this case recommends opening and conducting a Dispute on their website.

    Algorithm for opening a dispute on PayPal

    Having finished with the description, just in case, copy what you typed to the clipboard (if composing the text took a long time, the authorization session may be lost and you will have to type everything again) and click “Continue” ( 12 ).

    1. Once logged into your account on PayPal.com, go to the “My Account” tabs ( 1 ) and "History" ( 2 ). Then using the search tools ( 3 ) find the transaction (payment) for which you need to open a Dispute. When the required transaction is found, click “Details” next to it ( 4 ).
    2. Here is detailed information about this operation. Check it out and if this is the transaction we need, follow the link to the “Problem Resolution Center” ( 5 ).
    3. In the “Problem Resolution Center” you need to indicate exactly what situation you are facing. If the paid item is not received or does not correspond to the description, then select the appropriate item ( 6 ) and click “Continue” ( 7 ).
    4. Then you need to clarify the essence of the problem ( 8 ), if the purchased item has not been received, select the first option: “I haven't received my item”; if the parcel has been received, but its contents do not correspond to the sales description, the item is simply missing or damaged, then select the second option: “I received my item, but it is significantly not as described." After the choice is made, click “Continue” ( 9 ).
    5. Now you need to provide additional information regarding the transaction. First, select which product category your purchase belongs to ( 10 ), and then enter any additional information you think is necessary ( 11 ). Unfortunately, PayPal does not have a Russian-language user support service, so you will have to present it in English. Try to present the situation succinctly; if necessary, provide links to photographs, having previously posted them on the network; for this you can use Google Picasa or Imageshack.us, but it is advisable not to use not very well-known Russian-language free services - downloading from them may be blocked antivirus programs. Photos, according to reviews from many users, are an extremely effective argument.
    6. The dispute can be considered open. Please note the date when it will automatically close ( 13 ), unless you close it yourself or transfer it to a Claim. When the Seller responds, you will be notified by e-mail.

    Algorithm for conducting a dispute. Closing, transfer to claim.

    1. You can check the current status of the Dispute, add information or respond to your opponent at any time by logging into PayPal.com and clicking on the “Open Disputes and Claims” link (14) in the “Problem Resolution Center”. On the next page you need to select the desired Dispute (15).
    2. On the next page you need to select the desired Dispute (15).
    3. You are now on a page where all the information regarding the current Dispute is presented. Here you can:
      1. Review the messages that you have exchanged with the Seller. Add information or reply to a message ( 16 ), by typing it and clicking “Review & Post” (preview and send).
      2. Close the Dispute, informing that the problems that have arisen have already been resolved and PayPal’s assistance is no longer required; to do this, you must select “My concerns" have been resolved, I want to close this dispute" ( 17 ) and click “Continue” ( 19 ). We remind you that it will no longer be possible to reopen a closed Dispute.
      3. Convert the Dispute to a Claim so that PayPal can familiarize itself with the situation, review the information provided and make a final decision. To do this, you need to select “I would like to end communication and escalate this dispute to a claime with PayPal” ( 18 ) and click “Continue”.

    Standard Claims Resolution Options

    Let's look at what decisions PayPal usually makes in standard situations if the Dispute is transferred by the Buyer to a Claim. Since you can get from official sources this information very problematic, so here we rely on the experience and stories of other users.

    The decision is made in favor of the Buyer:

    • If the goods are not received and the Seller cannot provide a number to track the progress of delivery of the parcel via the Internet (tracking number). For example, if the parcel was sent in a way that does not provide online tracking.
    • If the tracking number provided by him does not work, it displays incorrect information or shows that the parcel has been returned to the sender.
    • If the received goods do not correspond to the description, if the Buyer was able to convincingly prove this fact (preferably with a photo), he sent the received goods back and can confirm this by providing the tracking number of the parcel.

    The decision is made in favor of the Seller:

    • If he provided a tracking number, it is clear that the parcel has been sent and is in the process of delivery.
    • If the Buyer's claims regarding the goods received are obviously unfounded and the Seller has proven this.
    • If the product does not correspond to the description, it is extremely minor.
    • If during the Dispute, if there is a controversial situation, the Buyer does not present his arguments or give reasons for them or simply ignores the discussion.

    Negotiations with the seller when conducting a dispute on Aliexpress do not always lead to the desired result. It often happens that sellers underestimate the amount of compensation or refuse to refund money at all. The Aliexpress administration helps resolve such a conflict. The time frame for consideration of a claim is not regulated and may drag on indefinitely, depending on the complexity of the situation.

    How to convert a dispute into a claim on Aliexpress

    An aggravated dispute is the transfer of the dispute to the Aliexpress court under the control of a mediator. The decision made by the Aliexpress mediator is final and is not subject to further consideration.

    In order to convert a dispute into a claim, you need to click the “Escalate Dispute” button. It becomes available if the seller rejects the buyer's demands. If within 15 days the conflicting parties are unable to reach mutual agreement, the dispute automatically goes to mediators. Once you have converted a dispute into a claim, you will have to be patient. answer all questions from the mediator and, if necessary, provide the required evidence. The process of considering an aggravated dispute occurs according to the principle: “Only the mediator asks questions!” The parties only respond when asked.

    Statuses of aggravated dispute

    An aggravated dispute can have several statuses:

    • Initial familiarization or clarification of a solution (Processing);
    • Waiting for other party`s response;
    • Waiting my response;
    • Waiting for both party`s response.

    During initial review or clarification, the time frame may take from one to several weeks. The response time for seller and buyer is usually limited to 7 business days. Although Aliexpress notifies both parties of the status of the aggravated dispute over email, the buyer is advised to independently monitor the status of the claim. IN in this case ignoring cannot be tolerated, since if the buyer does not respond within the prescribed period or does not provide the required evidence, the dispute will be closed in favor of the seller.

    Monetary compensation is discussed in several stages. At the first stage, the buyer will have to reconsider the seller's offer. To view the proposed compensation amount, click the “View seller solution” button.

    You can refuse the offer by clicking the “No Thanks” button. This action will not be reflected in the dispute history. In this case, you will have to wait again for the decision of the Aliexpress mediator. When answering the mediator’s next question, the buyer can provide additional evidence by clicking the “Respond Now” button.

    If you accept the seller's decision, the dispute and order will be automatically closed, and the agreed amount will be paid to the buyer within the regulated time frame.

    You can view all the actions of both parties in the history of the dispute.

    How to cancel an aggravated dispute?

    If you decide to cancel an aggravated dispute, click the “CANCEL ARBITRATION” button. After this action, the order will be automatically closed, and the money will be transferred to the seller in full. Please note that re-sending the goods by the seller is not grounds for closing an aggravated dispute, because the final result will be known only after receiving the parcel. The dispute is closed only if the problem is resolved in your favor. For example, you received a parcel delayed in transit, the received product fully corresponds to the characteristics declared by the seller. Re-shipment of the goods is expected without closing the aggravated dispute.

    Decision on the claim

    A decision in favor of the buyer in case of escalation of a dispute can be made in the following cases:

    • The seller agreed with the buyer's request;
    • The decision on the claim was made by the Aliexpress mediator.

    And in the first. and in the second case, the buyer will receive appropriate notification on email address. IN personal account in the “Operations” section, opposite the corresponding order, information about the closed dispute and the amount of compensation will appear. Details of a closed dispute can be viewed by clicking on the “View data” link.

    Your order status will also change. If until now the status was “Pending confirmation”, then after the dispute is closed in favor of the buyer with a refund, the status will be “Payment processing”.

    You can find out at what stage the refund processing is in the “Payment” tab on the order page. In the “Refund Information” section, the fact of the refund being made and the status of this refund will be indicated. According to Aliexpress regulations, refunds are made within 7-10 business days.

    Ordering goods and services on the Internet is associated with some risk, because the user may receive a defective product, poor-quality services, or lose money due to fraudulent activities. This system helps protect the client from fraud and get back the money spent. For this purpose, a dispute on PayPal is used. With the help of a dispute, the customer, independently or through arbitration of the service, is able to resolve disagreements with the seller. Every buyer should know when and how to open a dispute, the rules and features of the procedure.

    What is a dispute?

    Users of the PayPal payment system are given the opportunity to fully or partially return their funds. In the process of disputes on the popular resources eBay or PayPal, as well as other similar ones, it is possible to resolve problems that have arisen between the customer and the supplier online without bureaucratic obstacles. The procedure begins with a discussion of conditions that suit both the merchant and the consumer. If it was not possible to achieve a result, a company employee begins to deal with the process.

    Reasons for opening a dispute:

    • The ordered product was not delivered. If the track code provided by the seller is not trackable or the package does not arrive within the allotted time, this is a reason for a refund.
    • Product mismatch. Differences in color, declared parameters, functionality, etc. are also reasons for opening a discussion.
    • Defects. Discovery of a manufacturing defect or damage during delivery is a reason for dialogue. The consumer may qualify for either a partial or full refund provided that the order is sent back to the supplier.
    • Failure to perform services.

    The maximum duration of a dispute on PayPal is 20 days. After the allotted time has passed, unless escalated, the dispute will automatically close. The user of the system can open a dispute for each transaction only once, which is taken advantage of by scammers. A client who agrees to stop the process without compensation for some reason will not be able to get his money back.

    Rules of procedure

    Whether the dispute is opened on eBay or PayPal does not matter, since the payment service belongs to the marketplace. You can start a dispute on two sites at once, but after accepting one, the second one will close automatically. A dispute is opened after a certain period of time after payment. The time frame for opening a dispute on eBay is 45 days, and on PayPal 180 days. However, the time it takes to prepare products for shipment and delivery should be taken into account. It is recommended to start the process 43-44 days after payment. A consumer who fails to start a dispute within the allotted time will no longer be able to open it.

    Possible solutions:

    • Full refund including shipping. The result is possible if the ordered product did not arrive within the allotted time or there were problems with tracking via the track code. Funds are returned by mutual agreement or forcibly after escalation.
    • Partial or full compensation. Suitable for defective items or products not as described. To receive a full refund, the customer must return the purchase; return shipping is usually not refunded. For minor defects or differences from description, it is recommended to request a partial refund.
    • Self-closing. Once a compromise is reached, the dialogue ends.
    • Transfer to "Claim". If the consumer and supplier were unable to resolve the issue, the dispute is escalated. Intervention by company employees is possible only within 20 days after the opening of the discussion. The claim is considered by arbitration, evidence and correspondence are studied, and a decision is made.

    You should not give in to sellers’ persuasion to temporarily close the dispute without compensation. In this way, the scammer is only trying to steal funds.

    What will you need?

    To successfully complete the process, strong evidence is required as the system strictly monitors baseless disputes. The account of a PayPal user who has opened a large number of debates may be blocked on suspicion of fraud. When opening a “duel”, you should provide the seller and the system with all available evidence.

    What you can use:

    • Number . If a product is not delivered on time or its location is unknown, the supplier or system employee will be able to verify this using a code. The parcel number is communicated by the merchant after dispatch.
    • Photo. Product photographs are the most common evidence. It is recommended to take photographs of the parcel, the unpacking stages, and any defects found. Pictures are especially relevant if the product does not correspond to the description.
    • Video material. If the package is expensive, you should record the unpacking process on camera. First, the integrity of the packaging is inspected, then it is opened and the product is examined. This is the most compelling evidence that allows you to return funds in case of attempted fraud.
    • Correspondence. also needs to be added to the dispute during escalation.

    Opening a dispute

    A dispute on PayPal begins in much the same way as on eBay.

    What to do:

    • Log in to your system account. The user is recommended to open a dispute both in PayPal and on the trading platform.
    • Go to the “My Account” section.
    • Enter the “Operations History” tab. Select the required translation from the list.
    • Click the “Details” button located at the bottom of the transfer.
    • Go to the Resolution Center.
    • Select the type of difficulty encountered. The user will be prompted to open a discussion or deal with the unauthorized translation. The first option is selected.
    • Indicate the reason for the dispute. There are only two options: the product was not received and the product does not match the description.
    • Fill in the fields on the page. The number of fields depends on the selected reason, but the essence is the same: you need to describe the problem and provide evidence. A client who has not received the ordered product needs to write a message in English, select a product category, add correspondence with the supplier, and indicate the solution that suits you. If the product does not comply, photo and video material, features of the problem, and the amount of compensation required are added to the above fields. Evidence should be posted on English-language hosting sites; only a link is added to the system.
    • Now you need to click the “Continue” button.

    The user who provided all important information and the person who started the dispute is sent a message containing the entered data and the date the process is closed. Disagreements must be resolved within 20 days, and then the system will deal with the dispute.

    Conducting the process

    After creating a dispute on PayPal, you just have to wait for the merchant’s reaction. The supplier may agree with the claims and return the required funds, offer its own solution to the problem, or refuse a refund. The system notifies the customer about the seller's response using a message that contains a link to the “Problem Resolution Center” section. The “Open Disputes and Claims” tab contains all the data on current disputes.

    In the window that opens you can:

    • Communicate with the seller, view messages sent previously.
    • Add information necessary for the discussion.
    • Escalate and send the dispute to PayPal for review.
    • Close dispute.

    Possible solutions during escalation

    If the merchant refuses to accept the consumer's terms and conditions, the only solution is to escalate the dispute to a "Claim". Such an appeal is considered by arbitration and can be accepted not only in favor of the customer, but also of the supplier. If there is insufficient evidence or the requested amount is large, the service will refuse the user or reduce the amount of compensation. Refunds must not exceed 80% of the product price.

    A successful outcome for the buyer is possible if:

    • The product was not received or the seller cannot provide an online tracking code for the package. This also applies to delivery methods that do not provide a track number.
    • There are problems with tracking. If the seller specified a non-working track number, the parcel was returned to the sender or is sent to another country, the funds are returned to the customer.
    • The product is not as advertised. A client who provides photographs as evidence can claim 20–80% of the cost of the product. The full amount is refunded after the ordered item is sent back to the seller and the delivery number is confirmed.

    Arbitration takes the side of the merchant if:

    • The tracking number provided by the supplier is working and the package is moving.
    • The buyer's claims are not substantiated taking into account the evidence provided by the seller.
    • The product differs slightly.
    • There is no buyer activity. If the user who opened the dispute ignores the seller’s messages, does not comment on controversial issues, or refuses to provide evidence, the decision is made in favor of the supplier.

    Such a system allows you to protect the interests of all parties to the transaction. The PayPal payment service helps the buyer return funds sent by a dubious merchant. Suppliers are also protected from unfounded attacks and attempts to deceive.

    Creating a “Claim”

    It is the consumer's responsibility to know how to escalate the debate if no compromise has been reached. The evidence must first be assessed and the compensation sought must be determined. If a user creates groundless disputes, his account may be blocked by the security system. In this case, the client’s account is frozen until the circumstances are clarified.

    To create a claim you need:

    • Log in to the PayPal payment system website.
    • Enter the “Problem Resolution Center” section.
    • Go to the “Open Disputes and Claims” tab.
    • Select what you need.
    • Click on dispute escalation.

    Before starting this procedure, you should read all new messages from the seller, review the information and add new information if necessary.

    Refusal to receive and dispute

    The merchant is responsible for the quality of the product, its packaging and delivery. Damage during shipping often causes disputes, but everything needs to be handled correctly. If there is a suspicion that the order was stolen on the way or broken, you should contact the head of the post office and open the package in his presence. If the parcel is damaged or stolen, documents for refusal of receipt and return shipment are filled out.

    The user is informed of the arrival of the goods not only by the tracking number, but also by a notification delivered to their home. It contains all the information: weight, name of the recipient, type of parcel, etc. It is important not to sign the form without examining what you received.

    Having the process of opening a package filmed on camera will not only help you get a full refund, but also save on return shipping if the item is broken. When a refusal is issued, all costs for sending the package to the merchant are borne by the post office. The buyer only has to open a dispute, provide photo or video evidence and provide the tracking number for the return shipment.

    Refund time

    Money sent for the item is frozen and credited to the seller's account 45 days after payment, unless a dispute is opened. Compensation is transferred to the PayPal client from blocked funds. However, the transfer takes several days. Depending on the bank used, the return time ranges from 2 to 30 days. Unfortunately, it is impossible to speed up the procedure.

    When making purchases on eBay or Aliexpress, it is important to follow some recommendations. Tips will help you save and return money if the product was not received or turned out to be defective.

    Need to remember:

    • The dispute must be opened in a timely manner. You should not wait for the last hours allotted for a transaction. You need to create a dispute 1-2 days before the end of the operation. If the product is being tracked but time is running out, it is recommended to initiate proceedings. After receiving and checking the goods, the dispute can be closed.
    • The dispute should be concluded after receiving compensation.
    • Chat with the seller in advance. Most suppliers are reasonable people who are ready to compromise. You can resolve the situation by talking with the merchant.
    • Gather evidence before escalation. For the “Claim” you should stock up on photographic material.
    • The requirements must be reasonable. Demanding 100% compensation for non-conforming goods is a lost cause.
    • Track codes must be verified. Before starting a discussion, it is important to make sure that the item is truly untraceable.

    Bottom line

    Resolving disagreements is an integral part of trading with foreign platforms. The user will more than once encounter fraud attempts, delivery delays, defects and language barriers. It will help you get out of a difficult situation without losses. payment system

    Detailed instructions for opening a dispute on PayPal are presented in the video:

    This will help you figure out how to open a dispute on PayPal. detailed instructions presented in the article. The buyer can open a dispute if the goods have not arrived or an item has arrived that does not correspond to the description stated during the sale. While the dispute is ongoing, the parties must find a compromise. If it is not found, then PayPal is involved, which acts as an arbitrator.

    Instructions for opening a dispute on PayPal

    To open a new dispute, you will need the following.

    1. Go through the authorization procedure in the PayPal system. You will need to enter the username and password that you received during registration.
    2. Go to the “My Account” tab.
    3. Select the “History” section.
    4. Use the search to find the transaction for which you want to open a dispute.
    5. Press the “Details” button after the required operation is found. You will see information regarding the operation performed.
    6. Check if the transaction is in dispute.
    7. Follow the link “Problem Resolution Center”.
    8. Indicate what situation occurred. If you did not receive the item you paid for using the Paypal system or you find that the item does not correspond to the description, you must select the appropriate section and press the button to continue the operation.
    9. Clarify the essence of the controversial issue. If the item has not been received, select the “I haven’t received my item” section. When the description of an item does not match, you need to select the item located second in the list. The same item should be selected when you received an empty package or the product was damaged in transit. After selecting a section, click the button to continue the operation.
    10. Provide additional information regarding the transaction. To do this, you need to select the category to which the purchase belongs and enter the required information. After entering, click "Continue".

    After this, the dispute is considered open. You need to pay attention to when the dispute will be closed in automatic mode, unless you perform this action yourself. You also have the opportunity to convert a controversial issue into a claim. Once the seller responds to your dispute, you will receive a notification by email.

    As additional information on the dispute, you can attach photographs confirming your words. After you have described the essence of the dispute, it is worth saving the text to a buffer: if writing the text took a long time, the authorization session may be lost, and you will need to re-enter the data.

    Important! PayPal system on at the moment functions only in English, so it is necessary to express the essence of the problem in English. The presentation should be short and concise.

    You can open a dispute no earlier than 10 and no later than 45 days from the moment you made the payment. Once you open a dispute, you have 20 days to close it or convert it into a claim. If a decision is made to transform, then the further procedure for considering the case and making a decision on it is carried out by the PayPal system. If you do not make one of the decisions within the specified period, the dispute will be closed automatically and you will not be able to open it again.

    It is advisable to open a dispute on the 43rd day after the item was shipped but not received by you. This is due to international delivery times. If you receive a non-conforming product, you need to open a dispute after the fact.

    Decisions that may be made during a dispute

    In the event that the buyer has not received the goods, a dispute will help to return his money. This amount also includes delivery charges. The money can be returned by the seller on a voluntary basis, as well as by the payment system in question, but the procedure will be forced. To do this, it is necessary that a positive decision on the dispute be made in favor of the buyer.

    If the buyer received a product that does not correspond to the stated description, it is damaged or missing from the parcel, then it is also possible to return the money spent. However, in this case, you need to send the damaged item back to the seller. The sending method must provide for tracking the shipment via the Internet. You need to provide the seller with the parcel number. Who will pay for the return shipping is decided by the parties during the dispute.

    When the parties have reached a solution that suits both of them, the buyer has the right to close the dispute at any time. They may agree that the seller will fully or partially reimburse the costs of paying for the goods or send a replacement for the defective item.