Home / Mobile OS / How to use handcuffs and how to open them without a key? How to get rid of handcuffs without a key How to get rid of handcuffs

How to use handcuffs and how to open them without a key? How to get rid of handcuffs without a key How to get rid of handcuffs

The party ended with a curiosity: you found yourself handcuffed to a radiator (bed, railing). What to do?

For a movie character, it’s like two fingers: he took the wire, moved the lock for two seconds, and the handcuffs opened. So you look around and in your pockets for an ordinary paper clip. In the end, call for help from at least someone who can bring it.

To check whether this scheme works at all, we took a standard special equipment, put it on and went in search of paper clips. And we succeeded.

1. Get your bearings. If there is a through lock, then the “key” can be inserted from either side. It opens by moving towards the far edge of the lock block.

2. Found a big thick paper clip? Its advantage is that it bends less and does not break during the opening process. Make one end like a key tongue, insert it and twist it in the right direction. It may take 10-15 minutes before you fool the mechanism, but freedom is close.

3. Found a small thin paper clip? Great, you can make an almost duplicate of your original key from it. Our handcuffs have not one plate that secures the teeth of the bracelet, but two - that is why the keys have a double tongue. Something similar needs to be built from a paper clip. Opening handcuffs with such a master key will not be difficult.

Handcuff Lock Lock

If it is activated (the lever is deeply recessed into the hole), then you first need to open the lock (one movement of the paper clip in the direction opposite to opening), and then take hold of the lock itself.

Handcuffs, representing a convenient and reliable way of fixing a person’s hands to any, even quite for a long time, have become popular and in demand today. Surely each of us has thought about the need to ensure both our own safety and the safety of our loved ones.

And handcuffs have firmly taken one of the leading places among various means of self-defense (like, and), which make it possible to quickly neutralize the activity of an attacker, depriving him of his freedom and limiting his actions. And today we will learn how police handcuffs work, how to use, unfasten and free them without a key.

Previously, handcuffs were more like an ordinary piece of iron, which was attached to the wrists or ankles, limiting freedom and causing considerable inconvenience to the prisoner. And the lock was not used: the metal was simply welded at the place of fixation, and a hammer and chisel were required to open it.

Today, handcuffs have undergone changes not only in their design, but also in the method of their fastening. Since standard handcuffs consist of two stainless steel rings (eg.), connected to each other by a welded chain of one or two links, the specificity of their use lies in maximum simplicity.

The ability to change the diameter of the handcuff rings allows you to fix them on wrists of almost any thickness: even the most fragile hands can be enclosed in the handcuff rings without damaging the skin and without the possibility of opening them on their own.

So, to secure the attacker’s hands in handcuffs, you need to perform the following steps in the following sequence:

  1. Before putting on handcuffs, the rings should be fully opened so that your hands can fit into them.
  2. Often, when putting handcuffs on, it is necessary to neutralize the enemy or limit his freedom, since in order to securely fix the handcuff rings on the wrists, the attacker’s hands must be as close to one another as possible. It is recommended to place your hands behind your back - in this position there is the least opportunity for attempting to open the handcuffs yourself.
  3. When putting it on, you should tightly wrap the rings around your wrists: this will not cause harm to your hands, but the fixation will be the most reliable. Only after checking that the material of the handcuffs is tightly connected to the skin of your hands can you slam them shut.
  4. The device is closed automatically, which ensures minimal time spent on neutralizing the attacker. At the same time, when closing, the size of the handcuffs is also formed, which are mainly fixed according to the “shark tooth” principle: a special mechanism does not allow increasing the size of the rings to a larger one.

Now that the handcuffs are on and the hands are fixed, you can check the tightness of their girth and prevent pinching of the hands, however, in modern models of handcuffs this possibility is excluded: the arms can take an oval shape when compressed, which largely follows the shape of the wrists.

Most modern models of handcuffs can also be used to snap on ankles, which increases the possibilities of their use.

However, when using handcuffs, you should know that usually when an attacker is detained and until the freedom of his hands is limited with the help of handcuffs, he resists putting them on with all his might. Therefore, they should be used with a clear fixation of the hands; this can be the placement of the hands both in front (this is a less reliable method) and behind, when the hands are located one above the other or pressed with the back of the hand to each other.

This video will show you how to properly put on handcuffs:

How to open and remove handcuffs without a key

A lock built into the welded chain of links is responsible for opening the handcuffs. It may vary depending on similar models, but the main principle of its operation should be considered an increased level of secrecy: the possibility of its unauthorized opening largely depends on this. A key is usually included in the kit, but two keys may also be included. However, if you only have one key, you should make a duplicate of it: this will help avoid an unpleasant situation if the key is lost and difficulties arise in removing the handcuffs.

Most often, the design of handcuffs is such that the lock is located beyond the reach of the attacker’s hands while handcuffed. This is done from the point of view of protecting against the possibility of unauthorized opening of the handcuffs. If the lock is located in such a way that it is accessible from both sides (through lock), then such a lock will have an increased degree of possibility of breaking.

The handcuffs are opened using a key. However, there are several ways to free yourself from handcuffs without using the included key. Let's consider the main stages of “liberation” from them.

  1. To make it more convenient to free yourself from handcuffs, you must first try to make sure that your hands are in front. Of course, doing special gymnastics or yoga will help in this case, but not everyone can have a special physical training for such exercises. And yet, to safely free yourself from handcuffs, you first need to place your hands in front.
  2. Now you need to find an available tool for picking the lock. This can be any fairly hard object pointed at one end: a paper clip, needles, a small sharp nail, or even a match. However, according to numerous surveys of those who have already had experience in opening the lock of handcuffs using improvised means, rigid thin wire is recognized as the most effective, since non-metallic objects can break when opening the lock if the skill is insufficient.
  3. Next, it is recommended to bend the wire at a right angle. This will allow you to penetrate the lock mechanism without causing serious damage to it and at the same time providing the tightest possible grip. The bend of the wire should be done at a distance of approximately 4-5 mm from its end. A flat metal plate can be considered an ideal option for such purposes: when exposed to the lock, it undergoes minimal deformation and is the most durable.
  4. Now, depending on the model of handcuffs, you can proceed to the main goal: opening the lock. Since they differ in the mechanism and fixation device, the opening method differs.

Lock without active latch

The presence of a locking device is determined by visual inspection of the handcuffs. Typically, there is a lever on the flat surface of the underside of the lock mechanism that is recessed into a hole. If the latch is not observed in the hole, it means that it is not active. In a number of models in this case it is completely absent.

And in order to be able to open handcuffs of this model using improvised means, you should imagine the mechanism for burying the handcuffs when they are fixed on the hand. The teeth located on the lower moving part, when they come into contact with the grip, set the lock pawl in motion, it falls and closes the handcuffs. When the key is used, the teeth grip and lift, allowing the lock to be opened.

A homemade grip works in the same way: with its help, the teeth are grabbed and the lock is opened.

This video will show you how to open and remove handcuffs without a key using a paper clip:

Availability of active latch

To open such models, you must first disable the latch, otherwise the lock will slip and will not open. To do this, when the wire penetrates the lock, feel it and turn it counterclockwise. You must act as carefully as possible, otherwise there is a high probability that the latch will operate.

After the latch is neutralized, you can begin to open the lock. To do this, in the clockwise direction you need to move the lock tongue, lift it and you can open the handcuffs.

Complex models

There are a number of models of handcuffs, which are characterized by increased complexity of the lock design. Example - . In such models, the lock is similar to door locks, and working with them is more painstaking.

Opening such a lock will require the use of two pieces of wire increased strength. Both pieces should be bent at a right angle at a distance of 3-4 mm from the end. Having pushed them through different sides lock, you need to be able to feel inside the plate that holds the lock, and with one part of the wire move the latch to the left side, and to the right - both parts of the lock plate.

It should be noted that opening this type of handcuffs is extremely difficult, especially if the handcuffs secure the hands. Opening such a lock will require several hours of hard work.

How to make a device with your own hands

There are several options for making handcuffs from materials on hand. To understand the manufacturing principle, you should consider the most popular ones. These are improvised handcuffs made from an ordinary trouser belt and clothesline: these are the materials that should be considered the most durable and affordable.

From a trouser belt

The most popular option for making handcuffs yourself is the option from a regular trouser belt. For this purpose, a belt is used that is sufficiently wide and provides the necessary fixation on the hands. It is recommended to use a belt that is not smooth or varnished to prevent your hands from slipping into the loops.

The main idea of ​​the technique is to fix the hands as rigidly as possible. According to reviews from those who have tried this technique, creating two loops that cross each other, this type of homemade handcuffs is not considered reliable: with narrow hands, with some effort, simply widen the loops to the required width and free your hands.

A more effective method is to position the belt in such a way that the hands are placed inside two belt loops, which are located one inside the other. In this case, after placing the hands inside these loops, the belt is fastened with a buckle, which gives the greatest rigidity to the resulting connection.

From a clothesline

To make handcuffs you will need about 60 cm of rope, which you can buy at a hardware store. They are the ones who have high degree strength, durability and availability.

The scheme for making homemade handcuffs is as follows:

  • make two adjacent loops in the central part of the handcuffs;
  • Now you should thread the second one into one of the loops - this will create a knot in the middle of the rope and two loops at the edges, which will become handcuffs in the final version;
  • The attacker's hands are inserted into both loops, which are then tightened, and the ends of the rope are used to secure the handcuffs around the hands and forearms.

Now the ends of the rope are tied into a strong knot. It is quite difficult to untie it when your hands are fixed in one position and there is no possibility to use cutting objects.

The video below will help you make handcuffs:

Before reading a fascinating and no less useful story, it is imperative to decide on the following: if for some reason you fall into the hands of the police, then completely eradicate thoughts of how to open handcuffs without a key, because the forces of law and order are not to be trifled with, a priori! This article is aimed at overcoming the actions of not quite normal members of society who have handcuffed you and are planning to do something terrible. The information presented will benefit everyone without exception, even girls.

How to get rid of handcuffs?

Did the New Year holidays end in a funny way, if only because you found yourself handcuffed to a radiator? This problem can be solved quite quickly and efficiently if you know some tricks that explain how to open handcuffs without a key at home.

For example, for almost any actor this task will be extremely easy, because he knows that to get rid of the shackles he just needs to find a wire, move the handcuff lock for a few seconds - and that’s it! This means that it would be advisable to do the same, diving into the search for the same wire or an ordinary paper clip. It’s great if you can call someone for help, because another person can not only bring a tool to get rid of handcuffs, but also help solve the problem in practical terms.

It's important to note that this information was obtained as a result of an experiment discussed in the next chapter and, as it turned out, completely answering the question of how to open handcuffs without the BRS-2 key.

Experimental confirmation!

In the experiment, which was carried out to test the effectiveness of the scheme, the specialized police mechanism BRS-2 was used. So, it was put on a person’s hands, after which the experimenters went in search of paper clips. As it turned out during the operation, it is important not to miss three main points:

  • Before you open handcuffs without a key with a paperclip, you should first get your bearings. For example, the BRS-2 has a pass-through lock, which allows you to insert the key from any side. And it opens by moving towards the far edge of the lock block.
  • It should be noted that a massive paper clip will be an absolute advantage, because it bends less and has little chance of breaking. You should form one end of it like a key tongue, then insert it and twist it in the desired direction. Of course, you will need to try for 10-15 minutes, nevertheless, freedom is close, and in the end everything will work out!
  • Only a thin paperclip was found? It’s great, because with its help you can create a real duplicate of the keys! BRS-2 has two plates that fix the teeth of the bracelet, which justifies the presence of a double tongue on the key.

Secrets of the lock blocker and some interesting nuances

Most common in the area Russian Federation are BRS-1 and BRS-2. In addition, their locks can be endowed with both simple and complex shapes. You need to know that most handcuffs have a specialized lock to control the degree of tightening, which serves as a lock blocker.

So, if the lock is activated (the lever is deep in the hole), first you need to open it, and then start working directly on the lock. The lock opens with one movement in the opposite direction. In addition, there are known models of handcuffs with rigid coupling of bracelets instead of chains. In such cases, the owner’s hands are given the bare minimum of freedom. But it is almost impossible to open these handcuffs, but with the maximum amount of effort, anything is possible in this world!

It is important to note that the process of solving the problem of how to open handcuffs without a key is divided into several stages, regardless of the chosen tool for eliminating the “shackles”. In addition, there is a classification of methods for getting rid of handcuffs depending on whether the owner is a beginner, an amateur, or maybe even a pro.

Preparatory stage

How to open handcuffs without the BR S key? Let's look at this:

  1. First you need to ensure that your hands are in front. It should be noted that this stage is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, even if you have never done gymnastics or yoga.
  2. The second operation, naturally, is to find a tool for picking the lock. Above, we discussed in detail an experiment with a paper clip, which can easily be replaced with wire, a pin, or a watch tie. In addition, the most savvy people managed to open the lock of handcuffs even with ordinary matches. However, if possible, it would be advisable to find an extremely thin and rigid tool, which will help to fully grasp the lock and avoid breaking the tool at hand.
  3. The third operation is to make a mark of three to four millimeters from the end, for example, of a wire, after which it is necessary to bend it at a right angle. The ideal material, of course, is platinum, because it has a minimal degree of deformation when interacting with the lock, because the force is directed along the edge.

Classification of lock opening methods

The easiest way to solve the problem of how to open handcuffs without a key, if you are new to this matter, are bracelets without an active latch, which, as a rule, is located on the plane of the handcuffs below the lock. As noted above, the exception of the lever being recessed into the hole indicates that the latch is inactive. In addition, some models of handcuffs do not contain it at all.

In any case, the process diagram is as follows: the teeth of the moving part contact the grip, as a result of which the pawl falls and the handcuffs close. The key lifts it and the mechanism opens. This means that it is possible to fake the pawl manually, by moving the wire between the teeth and then grabbing it.

If there is a lock, it will not be so easy for beginners to disable it, but amateurs can do it this operation without much difficulty by turning the tool counterclockwise. It is important to note that extreme care must be taken when turning to prevent the lock from re-engaging. Only professionals in this matter will be able to open the BRS-2 handcuffs, because their lock has a particularly complex structure. The corresponding process is described above.

How to open handcuffs without a key? Current issues

As a rule, in the process of getting rid of handcuffs, problems arise associated either with the inability to find the necessary tool, or with going inside. It is important to note that the latter is not relevant for the BRS-2 model, since it is endowed with its through type.

In addition, there are BOS handcuffs, the distinctive feature of which is (i.e. they do not have a chain between the bracelets). IN in this case The owner’s hands become numb and very painful in a short period of time due to limited movement. So, even if you have a key in your hands, it is not always possible to open the lock. There is only one consolation: such handcuffs are not widely used in society, probably because of their extreme cruelty.

In the opening diagram of the BOS model, the blocker is marked with a red rectangle, and the directions of influence are marked with green arrows. The plate to be affected is indicated by a short red line. When it is in the place marked with a dotted line, the latch is considered open.

When summing up such an extraordinary story, it is important to recall a very standard, but very effective truth: the best method of getting rid of handcuffs is to prevent them from being put on.