Home / News / How to install a protective glass on the phone. How to stick a protective glass on the iPhone. Preparation of materials and tools

How to install a protective glass on the phone. How to stick a protective glass on the iPhone. Preparation of materials and tools

Indeed, as Felicity noted, “on the first try, few succeed.” But what if this “time” is the only one? And is there a great risk of getting poorly glued glass with lakes of air underneath it? But you can get excellent results the first time. But this requires an understanding of the essence of the process and appropriate equipment of the workplace.
To begin with, I will describe the essence of the process. Since all objects are plastic, even when handling them, they are easily electrified. And while the old film is peeling off, the screen is rubbed with a napkin, the film is removed from the new glass, the surface of the screen and the new glass are electrified and have time to attract microparticles from the air. Microparticles fall from clothes, head hair ... Yes, you never know why! We do not see them with the normal eye. But by gluing glass or film to the screen, they clearly begin to be seen as air bubbles. And it will not work to remove such a bubble, because the microparticle has already “pasted” into the adhesive layer of glass or film. The air would squeeze out when ironing, but the particle would not. But it also creates some cavity for air.
Therefore, the main requirement is to de-electrify the working volume, to remove electric charges from oneself, from clothes, from glass, from the screen.
For this;
1. Prepare the atomizer. A very convenient bottle (25 - 50 ml.) With a pressure sprayer from under ethyl alcohol (buy at a pharmacy). Fill an empty bottle with half a drop of Farry, preferably distilled water. Read and think about Felicity's addition. Practice spraying thin layers on any object.
2. Choose a table for which you will work. Passing air flows, drafts capable of carrying dust, should not be.
3. Wipe the table surface with a damp cloth with a small amount of Farry. This will remove static from the table surface and remove and bind any remaining dust.
4. Boil the kettle with a spout in advance and put it on the desktop on the electric stove 30-40 centimeters from the working area. So that he gave a trickle of steam passing 40 - 50 centimeters above the table. This steam will remove static from objects in the work area. But don't overdo it. There should be no condensation in the form of rain or showers.
5. Prepare all the accessories on the table.
6. Wash your hands thoroughly and preferably your face with soap a couple of times. When washing your hands, you push yourself through a stream of water (and water conducts electricity), “ground” through the water supply system. And wash away microparticles of skin and fat from your face. Sims will not only get clean hands (which is very important), but refresh themselves before work.
7. Perform all the operations described by the author of the article and use the add-on from Felicity. In 12-17 minutes, if you carefully read the article and recommendations, you will get a beautifully glued glass without air inclusions.
Tested many times by svoimirukami!

Any communication gadget that has a display needs protection. Even if you become the proud owner latest model iPhone, do not ignore the possibility of installing additional coverage on the screen. This will help prolong the life of the device, maintaining its impeccable appearance. The results of mechanical impact (chips, scratches, cracks) appear, as a rule, completely unexpectedly and threaten even very careful people.

The protective glass will take the hit and save the screen. How to stick it on the phone, is it necessary to contact a specialist? Everything can be done at home, but you will need to strictly follow the instructions. The procedure is described below.

The main properties of protective glasses and their purpose

Before sticking a protective glass, consider its characteristics.

Coverage benefits include:

  • not afraid of scratches and damage;
  • reduces impact - even if the smartphone falls with the display down, it will not crack, only the protective coating risks cracking, and its fragments will not scatter around;
  • securely attached to the screen - it lasts longer than a conventional film, the gluing process does not require much experience.

However, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • adds volume and weight to the smartphone;
  • acquisition and gluing is associated with decent costs if you take the coating in a retail store;
  • installation requires special care.

Protective glasses come in different thicknesses, approximately 0.2-0.5 mm. Consists of five layers:

  • oleophobic - thanks to it, fingers comfortably glide over the display, makes it easy to remove prints with a soft cloth, provides protection from moisture;
  • protective - protects the display from scratches and cracks;
  • anti-glare - prevents the display from fading;
  • containment - in the exceptional case when the display is broken, it will contain the fragments;
  • silicone - acts as a mount to the screen.

Despite the fact that the thickness of tempered glass is only 0.2 mm, you can safely glue it, as it perfectly protects the device from mechanical damage.

Advice! To save money, many order protective glasses for AliExpress However, on this site, as in any flea market, it is easy to run into low-quality goods. Before placing an order, carefully study the reviews and characteristics of the model you like on third-party sites.

How to stick protective glass

Initially, the process can be difficult, but after doing it a second and third time, you can safely consider yourself an expert. To save money and practice, order inexpensive protection options, for example, on the same Aliexpress site.

It makes no difference whether we stick the glass on an iPhone, a smartphone of another brand or a tablet. The technology is the same.

Required materials and fixtures

If the phone was purchased recently, then you need to figure out how to stick a protective glass on it. The screen of the gadget is vulnerable to mechanical stress. Even in a soft pocket, we can damage the surface with a key, a coin or a fingernail. A small scratch can lead to a bubble when sticking. The same applies to replacing the old device protection.

Need to prepare:

  • alcohol wipe;
  • dry hydrophilic tissue;
  • liquid cleaner for computer screens;
  • adhesive tape or sticky dust collector;
  • glass.

Protective glass gluing technology

Prepare workplace. Choose a room that is less dusty. The most suitable bathroom and kitchen. In other rooms, there are usually a lot of clothes and textiles, which are a source of small particles of lint in the air. And this will not allow you to perform the procedure correctly.

If the preparation is sufficient, get to work:

  1. Wash hands with soap. Place the device and glass on a clean, smooth surface.
  2. Remove the old cover from the phone screen by grabbing the edge and pulling at an angle of 60°.
  3. Use an alcohol wipe or a cloth soaked in a cleaner to remove dirt from the display. Such a liquid can be bought at a computer store or made by yourself. It is necessary to prepare a solution of 5 parts of water and one part of alcohol, then add a little liquid dishwashing detergent.
  4. Rub the screen to a shine. Remove the remaining villi with tape or a dust collector.
  5. Unpack the glass protection, remove the film from it.
  6. Position the new glass so that the holes are opposite the button and phone speakers.
  7. Run your finger along the center line from top to bottom to secure the overlay.
  8. Expel the remaining air from the middle to the edges, using a credit card or a special spatula, if included.

Advice! Do not press hard on the display to get rid of small air bubbles. They are able to disappear on their own a few days after the operation.

As a result, you should get a perfectly smooth, even surface.

Is it possible to reuse protective glass

Modern glass overlays for iPhone and gadgets of other brands can be applied a second time. It is only necessary to carefully remove the overlay, moisten the adhesive side with a special agent.

Gently wipe it with a cloth soaked in formic alcohol, let the liquid drain. After that, the glass should be re-installed in the right place. Perform light movements from the middle to the edges, expelling the remaining air and liquid. Small bubbles will disappear on their own within a day.

Or 6. This manual will cover the main problems that you may encounter when sticking 2.5D glass. Read our tips carefully and feel free to proceed with the installation yourself.

Compare screen protector sizes for iPhone 6 and iPhone 7

Quite often, manufacturers of protective glasses send prototypes to our editorial office for testing and quality control of the silicone adhesive layer. In this tutorial, we'll stick prototype iPhone 7 screen protectors onto iPhone 6.

iPhone 7 and iPhone 6 differ from each other in the size of the conversational speaker (in iPhone 7 it is longer). If you take a closer look at the photos, you will notice the main difference between the two smartphones. The only problem that you may encounter when sticking glass from one smartphone to another is the centering of the protective glass on the top of the device (relative to the speaker).

To stick the glass on the iPhone 6 in the most accurate way, read the instructions below.

Attention! The protective glass from the iPhone 6 cannot be glued onto the iPhone 7 without the formation of local air particles in the area of ​​​​the earpiece.

Protective glass installation tool kit

As a rule, most of the branded manufacturers of protective glasses for iPhone 6 complete their products with a wide range of tools for high-quality and self installation at home. One such manufacturer is Benks.

Let's not go far from our instructions. So, to install a protective glass on the iPhone 6S 6, we need:

    Stickers (or tape)

    Wet wipe or alcohol wipe


Adhesive tape and stickers will help us stick the glass using the "Petelek" method. We advise you to use adhesive tape, because. stickers will be needed to remove particles of dirt and dust from under the glued glass. The presence of microfiber in the tools is required. Without it, it is impossible to remove fine dust and stains from using an alcohol or wet wipe.

What to do before installing a protective glass on an iPhone 6? Preparatory work.

First of all, you should determine the location of the adhesive base on the protective glass. In 98%, manufacturers put special inscriptions on the sticker from the side of the protective adhesive film. If you are in doubt about the location of the adhesive layer, pull the spine of the film (but do not peel it off!) And remember in which direction it peels off.

Cut off two small pieces of tape and transfer them to your fingers, as shown in the photo.

Transfer the adhesive tape from your fingers to the protective glass, from the opposite adhesive side. Take the iPhone 6 6S in your hand and attach the protective glass with the adhesive tape pasted. Center the glass over the top speaker and home button. Press it down with your thumb and secure the tape "In tension" on the back of the iPhone case.

As a result, you will get the “Loop” design, as shown in the photo.

For which protective glasses is this gluing method suitable?

Currently, there is a huge amount of accessories for the iPhone 6 on the market, and various options and sizes of protective glass. Our instructions deal with bulletproof glass without the “Pre-Installation Platform”, which interferes with the centering of the glass relative to the smartphone body and the impossibility of using the “Loop” for a quality installation.

Why is it impossible to stick glass on an iPhone 6 with an adhesive platform using the proposed method? Everything is very simple. If you look at the photos, it will immediately become clear. The platform will not allow you to center the glass, as it does not have cutouts for the home button and earpiece.

In the case of Benks, similar design, usually used in the production of 3D glass. We have published instructions on how to glue 3D glass on an iPhone 6.

cleaning iPhone screen 6

We return to the process of gluing the protective glass. First of all, the display should be degreased with an alcohol wipe. To remove dust and dirt particles, carefully, in a circular motion, wipe the screen with microfiber. Make sure the iPhone 6 display frequency is ideal.

Attention! After cleaning the screen, immediately proceed to the next paragraph of our instructions for gluing the protective glass. The display will quickly become covered with dust if the room in which you install the glass is a lot of dust or there is low humidity. We recommend doing this in the bathroom.

Main step. How to glue protective glass on iPhone 6?

Important! Attach the glass, do not press with your finger, to once again make sure that there is no dirt under the glass and that it is centered on the iPhone 6 body.

Press your index finger on the center of the protective glass. When most of the air is out from under it, peel off the tape, starting from the front of the smartphone.

Air under the protective glass on the iPhone. How to remove?

There are many ways to help you expel the air from under the protective glass of the phone. We will consider the most popular of them. Our instruction is most suitable for local (circular) formations of air bubbles under protective glass. All you need for this is short nails.

Locate the closest edge to the air pocket. Gently pry up the edge of the protective glass using your fingernails. Drive the “Bubble” out from under the protective glass of the iPhone 6 into the resulting passage.

    Wait a few days. It is possible that the adhesive base is not in a deplorable state and over time the protective glass will stick over the entire area of ​​the iPhone 6 display. In such cases, we advise you to put the gadget on charge so that its case warms up a little. The temperature of the device will serve as a catalyst for setting the adhesive layer.

    iPhone 6 screen protector peeling off at the edges? It happens, but not often. The smartphone display may be distorted. It's pretty easy to spot this problem. Stick on a protective glass from another manufacturer.

    If item 1 did not help you, contact the store where you purchased the protective glass for iPhone 6 and file a claim for the sale of goods of inadequate quality.


There is nothing difficult in the process of installing or gluing protective glass. The main thing is to carefully read our instructions. If you still have questions, you can ask them in the comments to this article or in our in social networks. 3D glass on Apple iPhone 6 is not suitable for installation according to this instruction. Be careful.

Every owner of a brand new smartphone wants to protect the gadget from scratches, chips. Especially for this, accessories, protection elements have been created to extend the life of the device, and on for a long time keep the original appearance. Films were especially popular some time ago, but today we are concerned about another question - how to properly stick a protective glass on a phone. It is now more commonly used to ensure screen security.

For some users, the difference between traditional film and glass is not yet clear. The latter is also flexible and quite elastic. But still, this material is stronger, it is hardened with high quality, it becomes super strong, able to protect the display from many damages. It is worth using this element for people who regularly drop their smartphone, or for those who are afraid of damaging the monitor. The special coating strengthens it and helps to stay intact even when falling from a great height. So in case of a serious blow, the fragments under protection will not scatter.

Such an accessory is more expensive compared to the same films, because the characteristics are more significant. It should be borne in mind that the protective glass cannot be “fitted” to the smartphone and pasted, so it is necessary to specific model choosing a finished product, for example, for Xiaomi Redmi 4, it is important to find an accessory made just for it. In the cabin, you will have to pay extra for installing this element, so the question of how to stick a protective glass on the phone at home is very relevant. Naturally, you can do this yourself.

The coating typically has a thickness of 0.18 to 0.33 millimeters. In some cases, it adds additional weight to the gadget and makes it more cumbersome. The accessory has about five layers:

  • silicone part - responsible for a stronger fixation of the accessory on the gadget;
  • containment layer - delays the fragments so that they do not crumble during a serious impact;
  • protection - ensures the strength of the material;
  • anti-reflective layer - thanks to it, the device is comfortable to use even in bright sunlight;
  • oleophobic layer - allows you not to leave prints on the phone monitor.

The coating does not affect the sensitivity of the touch element, does not distort anything. Numerous protection benefits have helped her to become so popular, plus she does her job well.

How to glue protective glass on your phone and all stages of preparation

You must follow the instructions. The procedure does not take much effort, does not require additional costs, but it is better to prepare the necessary devices in advance. For an independent and proper coating sticker, you will need:

  • alcohol wipe (available at the pharmacy);
  • not a hard dry rag;
  • a special liquid that is used to wipe displays and TVs, it is sold in stores, but you can also make it from alcohol, water and ordinary dishwashing detergent;
  • adhesive tape or a special dust collector;
  • protective glass directly.

You need to prepare any card made of plastic, if there was no professional spatula in the kit to stick it correctly.

It is important that the working area is not dusty. It is better to do this in the bathroom or in the kitchen. You should wipe clean the table with napkins on which you will glue. Wash your hands several times.

Instructions: how to properly and accurately stick the protective glass on the phone

Are tools, materials collected, workspace, hands clean? Then we start:

  • Prepare your phone screen. Remove the old coating, slowly hooking the edge. Any film will peel off easily.
  • Clean the surface with an alcohol wipe or rag, moisten it with a display cleaner. Walk well over the entire area to remove dirt. The screen is rubbed to a shine.
  • If there is still dust, then tape will come in handy.
  • Remove the protection from the packaging, if necessary, removing the films. It is important that all elements of the screen match the glass accessory (buttons, speakers). The coating must be correctly and evenly combined with the gadget. Be sure to hold the protective glass by the edges to avoid leaving marks. You can wear medical gloves.
  • You need to stick the protection like this: move your finger in the center from top to bottom. After using a special device or a card, the remaining air is eliminated, they must be moved to the edges from the center. It is better to stick without bubbles, but if they are still there, do not worry. Usually the air will disappear after a few days. So don't put too much pressure on the screen.

If you followed the instructions, you will get a smooth, clear finish without imprints. The display has become cloudy - it is poorly cleaned. In this case, you will have to repeat the procedure correctly.

Is it possible to re-glue the protection?

When the installation procedure is carried out incorrectly or you just want to remove and rearrange it to another phone, this question arises. If the surface of the accessory has not worn out, then you can stick it on a second time.

First treat the adhesive layer of silicone with formic alcohol. It is worth removing the glass, clean the side with the adhesive base with a damp cloth. Wait until all the excess drains and dries, after which it will be possible to re-stick the coating on the phone, trimming it with the holes. The whole sequence of actions is described earlier. Note that it is easier to install the protective glass correctly than the usual film. Its density is higher so that wrinkles and waves will not appear. Although it is more difficult to remove the glass element from the display, for this you need to take a card, put it under the cover and swipe it.

Now you know how to properly stick a new protective glass on your phone. Installation instructions are suitable for all mobile devices. The only thing to remember is that for each model of the device, its own protection is selected, suitable in size and shape. If you have any questions, ask in the comments. Be sure to subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss the most interesting.

How to ideally stick, stick, glue a protective glass on the screen of a mobile, smartphone or tablet at home.

From the article you will learn how to glue a protective glass on a smartphone, iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 7, Xiaomi, so that later you do not have to get rid of the air bumps that have appeared under the glass.

How to properly and accurately stick a protective glass on the screen of a Samsung smartphone without bubbles: instructions, photo video

  • Any device that is used daily needs protection. And if you are the owner of an ultra-modern gadget, then neglecting the possibility of installing a protective coating on the display can cause chips and scratches on the screen.
  • Such additional protection will help keep the gadget attractive for longer, as well as extend the period of its active use. Even high-end devices that have a special screen protector need additional protection in the form of glass. After all, the most durable glass from which the display is made can be scratched by sand and keys.

Protective glass is a reliable barrier against scratches, bumps, chips. After installing an additional means of protection, various defects in the display of the gadget are not terrible.

If you follow the instructions, you can cope with this difficult task at home on your own.

Protective glass is a reliable barrier against scratches, bumps, chips.

How to glue the protective glass on the smartphone screen?

  • A beginner may think that the process of gluing protective glass is complicated. But with a little practice, you will become a real expert in this matter.
  • There is no significant difference in which device screen you will install a protective coating on. It will be an iPhone, smartphone or tablet, the procedure does not have significant differences.
  • In order not to have to carry out the procedure of gluing the protection several times, an inexperienced person should start not from the screen, but from the back of the gadget.

The fact that the screen of the device needs protection should be considered immediately after its acquisition, because the display is very sensitive. Various mechanical damage can occur even if the device is constantly in your pocket.

There is a possibility of scratches from coins, keys, or simply from the fact that the owner of the device scratches the display of the gadget with a fingernail. If there are minimal scratches on the display during the gluing of the protective glass, no manipulation will save you from the appearance of bubbles.

That is why if you decide to remove the old protective glass and replace it with a new one, then you must proceed with extreme caution.

  • alcohol wipe
  • dry wipe
  • special liquid for cleaning TV or computer screens
  • scotch
  • protective tempered glass

Step 1:

  • Let's start the process of gluing protective glass with the preparation of the workplace. In the room where you will deal with the protective coating, you need to carry out wet cleaning.
  • Thus, you will reduce to a minimum the amount of dust and micro-garbage floating in the air. You can avoid the appearance of air bubbles if the process of gluing the protective glass takes place in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • If you glue the protective glass in the bedroom, you will have to spray water from the spray gun so that the textiles available here in large quantities do not attract debris particles and do not complicate the procedure.

Step 2:

  • Hands should be washed with soap. It is also worth having wet wipes with you in case, despite cleaning, dust particles get on your hands or on the work surface. You can remove them without getting up.
  • We have all the tools, fixtures, protective glass necessary for work on a clean work surface.

We have all the tools, fixtures, protective glass necessary for work on a clean work surface.

Step 3:

  • We remove the old protective glass from the phone screen by slightly pulling the edge at an angle of 60 degrees.

Step 4:

  • We clean the phone display with a microfiber cloth or regular alcohol. It is important to remove all dirt left after the old protective glass has been removed.
  • You can use a special cleaner, which is sold in hardware stores.

If you have time, then it is quite possible to prepare such a tool yourself. The recipe is the following:

  • We take 5 parts of water and one part of alcohol.
  • In the resulting mixture, add dishwashing liquid (a little).
  • With the resulting mixture, rub the phone screen until it shines.
  • The remaining dust particles or particles of micro-garbage are removed with a piece of adhesive tape.

We remove the old protective glass from the phone screen by pulling a little on the edge

Step 5:

  • We take out the protective glass from the package. We find the film and remove it.
    The protective glass must be positioned so that the center button and speaker line up with the holes in the glass.
  • Swipe your finger from the center to the bottom edge, thus securing the patch surface.
  • We take a credit card or a special spatula, which is often sold complete with protective glass. We pass over the glued glass, not pressing hard on its surface, and remove small air bubbles.
  • A few days after the completion of the procedure, very tiny tubercles will disappear on their own. However, it is necessary to ensure that the display cover has a smooth, perfectly flat surface.

Why tempered glass is better than special display film

Why protective tempered glass is better than a special film for the display:

  • Protective glass does not affect the color reproduction and sensitivity of the gadget
  • Tempered glass - reliable protection of the original glass of the gadget from falling and other mechanical damage
  • Glass at home is easier to stick, since bubbles remain under the film from dust particles of any size
  • It is almost impossible to determine the presence of a protective glass on the screen
  • The gadget does not become heavier in the presence of a protective glass, the dimensions remain the same
  • The protective glass has an oleophobic coating that serves as reliable protection from mechanical damage
  • The glass surface is pleasant to the touch.
  • Unlike film, tempered glass does not come off accidentally, as it is fixed firmly and securely.

If you have purchased a high-quality coating, then such a protective glass can be re-glued to a smartphone, iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 7, Xiaomi. For repeated use, after careful removal of the coating, it will be necessary to treat the adhesive side with formic alcohol.

  • The napkin is moistened with a special agent, and the glass is gently wiped. After that, you need to leave the gadget for a while so that the liquid is glass.
    Protection is set in the same way as described above.
  • The main thing is that the holes for the center button and the speaker match. Air and liquid residues are again expelled with a credit card or spatula.

From the video you will learn an easy way to equip your gadget with a tempered glass protective surface without resorting to the help of a specialist.

Video: How to stick a protective glass on the screen

Video: glass on Xiaomi Redmi 4X

How to properly and accurately stick a protective glass on the iPhone screen without bubbles: instructions, photo video

Protective glass is selected in accordance with a particular brand of phone. Therefore, no pre-treatment of the protective coating is required, unlike conventional film.

The protective glass is glued on the front side of the gadget, in the same sequence as the film. You just need to take into account some of the nuances:

  • All manipulations should be carried out with care.
  • Strong bending can cause cracks in the glass
  • Glued glass can not be smoothed, the main thing is to expel the formed air bubbles

Protective glass is selected in accordance with a specific brand of phone

How to ideally stick a protective glass on a tablet without bubbles: instructions, video

The video instruction will help you to correctly stick the protective glass on the tablet.

Video: How to stick a protective glass on a tablet

How to remove air bubbles from under protective glass: tips

  • It is better to carry out all manipulations in a room with a limited amount of textiles (in the bathroom, in the kitchen).
  • Bubbles that appear after gluing are removed by smoothing the surface of the protective glass with a flat object (for example, a credit card).
  • If air bubbles still remain, it is better to repeat the glass gluing procedure. But before that, the screen of the gadget must be wiped with a special wipe, which comes with a protective coating.
  • Micro-garbage from the protective glass is also removed with this napkin. In the absence of a special napkin, a computer one is used.
  • When gluing the protective glass, it is better to hold the device with your left hand. Hold the edge of the protective surface with your thumb.
  • Stick on carefully. Make sure that air does not get under the protective coating and that the integrity of the protective accessory is not violated.
  • If air bubbles remain under the glass, then it must be lifted over the edge, and then carefully lowered so that no air enters.

Now you do not have to look for information on how to glue a protective glass on a smartphone, iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 7, Xiaomi, because we have collected all the answers in one article.

Video: How to stick a protective glass on the iPhone screen