Home / Settings / How to promote your Minecraft server. Promote the minecraft server in monitoring. Set the server avatar to the main page

How to promote your Minecraft server. Promote the minecraft server in monitoring. Set the server avatar to the main page

The owner of a Minecraft server constantly needs to think, in addition to the technical component of the project, about its promotion among players. There are many ways to attract online to the server, but each of them has different effectiveness and, of course, price.

One of the weakest methods is Spam. And in any of its manifestations, although most often this is published in Minecraft groups. But of course, all this is usually quickly deleted, and people who see it are unlikely to log into the server; everyone is already accustomed to it.

A slightly more effective means is advertising from YouTubers, who, for example, mention your server at the beginning or end of the video. This is also a rather controversial option, because usually the video creator has a lot of advertising, and in each video the effectiveness simply decreases.


Another thing is a specially created platform for Minecraft servers - Monitoring. But even here it’s worth choosing a high-quality site to publish your server and promote, because most of the tops die due to the lack of a concept and development plan.

We present to your attention TMonitoring, a concept for the continuation of the TLauncher line of projects, which players love and respect. Our monitoring used many chips that various reasons others have not implemented, and also having extensive experience in creating a high-quality website, we can expect a natural increase in traffic from search engines. We have quite a lot of categories, and for all of them we will get a share of transitions.

To get to the first positions of our monitoring, you can use more than one method, the free ones are, of course, the votes of your players for the project and completing tasks for achievements, for which points are given.

The second way, which will help you progress faster, is monetary donations in favor of monitoring - purchase a certain amount points to the server. We can say this is the fastest way Minecraft server promotion!

On the main page they can be seen in a special place near the cup icon. The higher you are in the overall server rating, the greater the chance that your server will be the first to be seen by a player and decide to join it. Only you decide how to proceed in our monitoring.

Also, for a monetary donation, you can get a temporary color for your project on the list. This will help you stand out even more to potential users of the server. The choice of colors is wide and all are pleasing to the eye on the main page of the site and in the categories, so there should be no problems with the choice.

We hope you will cooperate with us in various areas, because our partnership is beneficial for both the server and monitoring.


Server promotion on the Source Engine

The first method, which is the simplest and most effective:
Let's say you have a Garry's mod project. There are no players yet, except maybe a few of your friends.
First, prepare the ground so that people have somewhere to go. Look at the list of servers. Do a sofa analysis of which card is the most popular. Which one is played by the most people. You shouldn’t try to go against the system and choose the one that you think is the best. Put the one that people want.
Look at the names of moderately popular servers. Make your own. You shouldn’t look at the names of large projects, since they can give themselves any name and people will still go to them.

It is recommended to indicate several features of your server in the name and somehow distinguish it from other names to attract attention. For my first server I made the following name:
M9K ✔ Rus ✔ Wire ✔ Easy ✔ NoLag ◄ . Based on the results of a survey of some players, I found out that they chose the server precisely because the name caught their eye.

Now comes the delicious part of this method. Go to your competitors' servers. No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. You are unlikely to harm them in any way. Preferably go to half-extinct or low-online servers. In the game settings, you can disable content loading for faster entry, because... sometimes its weight reaches several gigabytes.
Just walk in and walk out. You don't need to write anything in the chat. Everything is stealth. Why do you need to shine and anger the owners once again? This way you can accidentally get problems on your own head.
Now we go to another server, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the tenth. How long will you have patience? And we immediately leave.
Then go to “Friends” > “Recently played together” > Check all the boxes and click the “Add” button

Please note that if you are doing everything from a fake account, then you should take into account the recent steam innovation, which prohibits adding friends without making $5 purchases.

Now we wait about 1 day until everyone who wanted to confirm the application, so as not to get confused in the list of friends. If someone writes in advance why you added it, then you should immediately tag this person somehow, so as not to write to him a second time later.

Next we need to find some kind of software for spamming friends. I haven’t seen one myself, but I’m sure it exists (somehow they sent spam on Steam recently).
We send everyone a message like “Aren’t you tired of this gmoda/kski/L4D/etc project you’re playing on?”
This will immediately weed out the administration, which can do bad things to you :). They'll tell you to fuck off
We communicate with those who responded and slowly, non-aggressively direct them towards our project.

I recommend that before you start praising your server, you find out what doesn’t suit that person on the previous one and whether there is anything at all that doesn’t suit you. This will make it easier for you to retain the potential player and continue the conversation with him.

The disadvantage of this method is that it will only promote SOURCE games or some other games, but only Steam ones

Promotion of any game project, incl. and on the source engine

VK. No spam in groups. It's sad. We will act smarter, but preferably we need several cartoons (several accounts) in VK. Fortunately, they are cheap if you buy them. We do the same as in the first method, but a little differently:
We go into groups of other projects, preferably those that have almost rotted or never got off the ground.
We look at the list of participants, open those who “liked” in a new tab (by the way, a life hack, if anyone didn’t know - you can click on the wheel to open the link in a new tab). Personally, I wouldn't target those with 18+ personalities on Ava. Their opinion is often difficult to change. Also take into account the contact limit - you can write personal messages to 50 people not from your friends list every day. Don't waste attempts on those you doubt.
We write them a message of the same type as in the first case. Are you tired of the project or something like that? Here you can be even more specific, because everything is done by hand. You can even write the name of the project so that your message seems less suspicious to them.
Thus, we are slowly driving these people into our own public/group, where, by the way, you can post some kind of entry that you just want to repost (memos, fake competitions)

Get VIP Points and your server will be at the top of our rankings. The more VPs you have, the higher your server is in the ranking!

But be prepared to increase the player limit, because the number of people wanting to play on your server will increase sharply. On average, a server with 50-100 slots in the “TOP” is filled with players in a few hours.

How does this work:

The more VPs (VIP Points) your server has, the higher it is in the list of servers on the main page. The higher your server is on the list, the more potential players will join it. If you have more VPs than everyone else, you take first place in the ranking (TOP) and get the maximum number of players from monitoring.

Order VIP Points right now!

VPs also automatically increase the server rating, which makes it even more attractive!

The cost of the service is:

57 rub. for VPs for 5 days 69 rub. for VPs for 7 days 130 rub. for VPs for 15 days 245 rub. for VPs for 30 days

Attention! VPs expire 5 (7, 15 or 30) days after payment, depending on the selected period.

For example: You bought 8 VPs September 1st, and then bought more 9 VPs September 3rd.


2. Highlight the server in the list with a bright color

You can also order the server line to be highlighted in yellow (for a month), which will highlight it among other servers. According to statistics, dedicated servers attract up to 70% of potential players among other servers on the list. It works especially successfully for new servers, who cannot yet afford to purchase TOP positions, a combination of a small number of VPs (1-5 VPs) and Allocations.
By the way, when ordering the allocation service, +1 VPs are credited free of charge for a day!

The cost of the service is:

150 rubles per highlighting the server in bright yellow (+1 VPs Free)

300 rubles per highlighting the server in BLACK (+3 VPs Free)

Attention! In TOP1, the highlight color will be replaced by the default image. In other words, TOP1 will not be highlighted in yellow. This does not mean that there is no service. It remains with your server. That is, as soon as it is in any other position, it will be automatically selected.

3. Set the server avatar to the main page

Set your server Avatar and highlight it graphically in the list!

Setting up an avatar is done on your server page.

Price 99 rubles for a month (30 days).

If you have 10 VPs or more - Avatar Free

General information about promotion on our monitoring

Monitoring traffic is from 4,000 to 11,000 unique users per day. And from 9,000 to 25,000 views. What can increase online servers. See the Yandex.Metrica informer below (click to see a pop-up window with details).

Ordering VPs is a voluntary donation for the development of monitoring.

Monitoring does not guarantee the online availability of problematic servers, servers with unpopular versions, launchers, or other situations where visitors may not be able to access the server.

[Quick promotion] Order TOP1 for 2 hours.

You can raise your server to the TOP monitoring for 2 hours, having received 5 VPs more than the server in TOP1 (+ your existing VPs). This, of course, is not as effective as VPs for a week, but if you guess the right moment, you may have time to increase online.

Price: 250 RUR.

Attention! We are as honest as possible with the administrators of servers registered for monitoring. Order this service only when you know exactly what you are counting on and know the features of the maximum traffic flow to the site. For example: there is no point in ordering it after 21:00 (MSK Russian Federation Time), early in the morning, on weekdays until 16:00 MSK RFT. It is much more profitable to order real VPs! Because with VPs the server will be in the TOP for a week, two or a month. What Online actually guarantees, in contrast to the two-hour TOP, where if you make a mistake with the time, you may not get anything. However, on weekends it remains quite in an efficient way fast promotion.