Home / Internet / How to design a YouTube channel: a complete guide for beginners. How to properly design a YouTube channel? How to register a channel on YouTube

How to design a YouTube channel: a complete guide for beginners. How to properly design a YouTube channel? How to register a channel on YouTube

Hi all!

In this article I will tell you and show you how to design a channel on YouTube so that both you and your subscribers will like it.

Let's first find out how it can help you.

After registration you will receive completely free of charge:

  • Presentable design,
  • clear organization of video content into playlists,
  • individual approach to your subscribers and new viewers.

Do you understand all this, but don't know where to start? Then read carefully and apply immediately.

How to make a header on the main page?

The main page is the face of the project. That is why there are huge opportunities for its design.

First of all, you need to create the header correctly. To do this, find a picture in jpg format with a resolution of 2560×1440 px and a size of no more than 6 MB.

The entire image will not be displayed. Which part of the image will be visible to users depends on the type of device from which they will watch the YouTube channel. The header layout on PCs, TVs, iPhones, and tablets is different. What is visible, say, on a computer will not be visible through the phone.

The picture should look like this:

This is a block diagram of the header layout for a YouTube channel, use it in your work (image in full size 2560x1440). According to this template:

  • The entire image fits on a high-resolution TV screen.
  • The central stripe across the entire width of the 2560x423 header is displayed on monitors with this screen resolution.
  • The ideal area for placing a logo and text is in the center 1546x423. In this area you can write something or put the main picture. This part is visible on all devices.
  • The central part, together with the symmetrical rectangles located on the sides, is a type of header on tablets.

You can also add up to 5 links to the header. These can be links to your website, social networks. This function must be used.

Instructions for adding your links to the header:

The header also displays the logo at the top right. To change it, you need to go to your Google+ profile and change the icon.

Content for subscribers and new viewers

You can customize different type the main page of the channel, depending on who is watching: a subscriber or just a new visitor.


The trailer must be pre-recorded. This should be a short video that will immediately attract new viewers. Here are guidelines for creating a trailer

Organizing content into sections

You can place blocks of content on the main page of your YouTube channel at your discretion. For each block, you personally choose the content and layout. For layouts, a vertical and horizontal list is possible.


There are quite a few options when choosing a layout, but there are only two layouts:

  1. in a row horizontally
  2. vertical list

You can edit and move ready-made sections relative to each other using the buttons at the top right of each section. (pencil - edit, arrow - move)

Displaying popular and interesting channels

If you want, you can place links to popular and interesting channels on the main page on the right.

You decide for yourself which ones are interesting. Just enter the channel url or user login in the special field.

What are popular is decided by YouTube itself, most likely based on the number of subscribers and views. If you turn off this option, your channel will not be shown in this section by other authors.

Video tab

On this page you configure which videos will be displayed, in what order and in what form.

Sort either by date added or by popularity.

Layout is either grid or list

There are 4 options for choosing rollers:

  2. Liked
  3. Published

Playlists tab

Carefully organize your content into playlists. This will help both you and your viewers better navigate and quickly find the content they are looking for.

On the Playlists tab, you should create thematic playlists for your recordings. Posts with similar topics should be in one place.

The creation process is simple:

There is no urgent need to go through the settings. But there is one interesting setting called auto-adding.

The point is that new videos will automatically fall into the desired playlist according to the rules that you set yourself.

You can use this function, or do everything manually. It's all up to you.

About the channel tab

In the “About Channel” section you can:

  • post a description of the project;
  • provide links to your websites and social networks
  • indicate email and country

Be sure to write a description of your project. The description must contain the correct keywords.

How to properly format videos?

Do you want your video to grab users' attention and encourage them to open it? Then give your videos interesting and precise titles, and create beautiful personalized pictures for them. All this can be done when uploading the video or edited later.

Approach the matter carefully, work out everything down to the smallest detail:

  1. Make an attractive personalized image for your video (minimum 1280x720)
  2. decorate it with your branding
  3. add text
  4. think over the title of your video, make it concise, precise, interesting.

It's best to use the same style of icons for all your posts. Change only the name and some additional pictures.

I created a video icon mockup in Photoshop and always use it.

If you have problems with Photoshop, then use other online image editors.

That's all! , so you don't miss other articles that will help you. Share links to articles on social media. networks and see you soon.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about how to design a YouTube channel beautifully, correctly, and most importantly, quickly! Remember, just recently we published an article about where we already briefly touched on this topic, but now we will pay closer attention to it.

What will we work with? This is your YouTube channel, avatar or channel icon, cover art, calls to action, channel description and links. And before moving directly to the design of the channel, it is worth determining its purpose. Additional traffic to the site, views and earnings from advertising, lead generation or any other. In accordance with the goal that the channel faces, the design needs to be done.

How to properly set up a YouTube channel yourself

While working on the design, you will not need any special knowledge or complicated software. By following the instructions in our material, you can get your YouTube channel in proper shape in just 20 minutes. Also, throughout the article we will use examples of successful channels with good design, to make it easier for you to understand what you should strive for.

As an icon, it is better to use the company logo or a stylized image of the channel author, but we do not recommend using a photograph, because due to the large number of halftones, when reduced, the image simply mixes into a color mess and becomes difficult to distinguish. Therefore, the simpler and more concise it is, the easier it will be remembered by the audience and due to this it will be more recognizable.

You don’t have to look far for an example; the Marvel universe uses its classic logo as an icon.

He's the channel cover. The scope for creativity increases from the size of a small square to a huge canvas that spans almost the entire width of the screen. It is at this step that you need to do the design in accordance with the purpose for which the channel was created. What can the background for the channel header tell?

Uniqueness. A channel dedicated to travel and life.

Scope of activity and call to action for SEO courses.

Or, for example, about the release schedule on the channel, like DC.

You can also place a phone number, website address and other information on the cover of the channel that will help bring new clients to the business or increase the number of subscribers. Simply put, tell us who you are, what you do and how to find you.

You can quickly create a cover on the website; there is even a cover format for YouTube channels.

Let us remind you that in order to be able to add a channel description, you need to enable the “Overview” page view option in the settings (gear next to the subscribe button). After this, the channel menu will appear, in which we go to the “About the channel” section.

Click on the “ ” button and write a short text, no more than two paragraphs on behalf of the author of the channel, about what viewers can see on the channel, as well as several good reasons (free, unique methodology, etc.) why you should choose to watch Your channel.

Also in this section you should indicate the address email, if you want to sell advertising on the channel or collect leads. As a country, you need to indicate the one in which your target audience is located.

In the same section “About the channel” you can indicate the links that you saw in the lower right above the “Subscribe” button.

The links you create have one feature: the first link on the channel displays the full text. Therefore, here you can specify either the keyword by which the site is promoted, or a call to action (get a free cost estimate, download a presentation, etc.).

YouTube channel main video

Main video YouTube channel can be configured in such a way that regular subscribers will be shown one option, and those who do not subscribe to you will be shown a so-called channel trailer, which can be recorded separately. So, let's go to the "Video" section.

To install a channel trailer, you need to click on the button in the middle in the “For new viewers” ​​tab and select any video uploaded to the channel as a trailer.

After this, for any user who is not your subscriber, this trailer will be launched by autoplay when visiting the channel.

To install a video for your regular viewers on the main page of the channel, you need to go to the tab for subscribers, click on the pencil in the upper right corner of the section and then on the “Recommend Content” button.

Then, we also select the video that will automatically launch when our favorite subscribers come to the channel.

You probably already noticed that all this time the “Add section” button loomed at the bottom. So, if you click on this button, a section with a video will be added according to a certain principle, which will be shown on the main page of the channel. You can select any type of content from the list in the figure as a section.

The selected type of content can be shown on the channel in any of two ways: in a horizontal row or in a vertical list.

In addition to all of the above, you can create playlists and add videos to them, both from your channel and from others.


Well, friends, as you can see, we figured out how to design a YouTube channel on our own and did it quite quickly. See you soon!

A nice and properly designed YouTube channel is the key to your success. In this episode you will learn how to properly design your YouTube channel.

The very first thing that catches your eye when entering the channel is the logo (avatar) and background design. Let's start with them.

By the way, you can download ready-made psd layouts from us:

So let's get started. First, let's do the avatar, and then the background.

YouTube channel logo (avatar)
Everything is quite simple here, after you have created your channel on Youtube, go to Google account+ and there we update (upload) our logo. After a small update, the changes will take effect and your picture will begin to appear on the channel.

YouTube channel background design
This stage is somewhat more difficult, since in order to display your background correctly, it must be large in size and adapted to all types of devices. But this problem can be solved in 3 ways:

  1. Do it yourself;
  2. Download the finished layout;
  3. Order on freelance.

In this article we will look at point 1 and learn how to do the design ourselves, which is always useful when working with YouTube. On at the moment There are 2 sizes that fit the design of the background image.

The minimum size is 2048 X 1152 pixels.
The maximum size is 2560 x 1440 pixels.

We have prepared a template for you, with marked boundaries of the so-called “safe zone” - within which your background will be displayed on all devices. And what is located abroad will adapt to different devices.

This psd template, with fields within which you can safely place your image or add a text description. Open it in Photoshop and start editing. After making the changes you need, save in jpg (jpeg) or png format so that the size does not exceed 4 MB.

Examples of cool YouTube channel designs

A selection of beautiful, cool, and most importantly properly designed YouTube channels.

Masha and the Bear


Lady Gaga

Hello friends. Vasily Blinov is in touch and today we will start making high-quality design for the channel on YouTube.

Let's break down the entire registration process step by step, dividing it into two stages. At the first stage, I will tell you how to beautifully design home page channel, and on the second - about the design of the videos themselves, so that they bring new viewers, subscribers and are remembered with a unique style.

First of all, I think, you need to think about your unique style (design) not only for the channel header, but also for future and existing videos, so that they are somehow remembered by the audience, and they immediately recognize them by their appearance.

If possible, it is better to make a technical specification of how you imagine the design of your channel, and turn it over to professional designers who can do it beautifully. Or do it yourself for the first time; I will provide you with video tutorials.

Still, designing a channel on YouTube is not a permanent matter; after a while you will discover new ideas, understand what subscribers like and don’t like, and improve your channel in terms of design and quality of videos.

Design of the main page of the channel on YouTube

Let's start with appearance the channel itself, the setup of which can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. Creating and installing an avatar.
  2. Creating and installing a header.
  3. Creating playlists and customizing their display on the main page.

We could also add here, which we did in the previous lesson. They are also displayed on the main page and play a small role.

Channel icon

1. The first is the channel icon or avatar. It could be your photograph, a project logo, or just some kind of picture. Remember that it will appear under all your videos, in the header, comments, similar channels, search, subscriptions, statistics sites, advertising, etc.

Instructions -

You will find all the details on how to do it correctly in a separate instruction.

Background image

2. The background (header) of the channel plays a more informational role for visitors; it usually complements the information about the channel. Shows visually whose channel it is and what it’s about. In a separate instruction, I will tell you how to make a header and why the size of the picture must be 2560 x 1440. I will also give you a bunch of ready-made templates to make it yourself.

Instructions -


3. In the next step, we will make a channel trailer, which will be shown to new viewers who have not subscribed to the channel. It will need to tell and show in detail what the channel is about and make it clear what the person who subscribes to it will receive.

But we’ll get into it a little later, when we start filming, editing and uploading videos.

Instructions -

Creating and organizing playlists

4. The last thing we will configure for the main page is the location of the playlists, but first we will need to create them. This is done so that it is convenient for the subscriber to view your videos, divided into separate sections.

Instructions -

Now that we have designed the main YouTube page, all that remains is to prepare the design for future videos.

Making video recordings on the channel

Not everyone has the patience to take YouTube so seriously that they can also create videos. For many, the design of the main page is enough, but the video is uploaded in a clunky way, making a simple installation.

I suggest making all the blanks for the design of each video, then just insert new material into them and you’re done.

Corporate identity (channel logo)

5. The channel logo, so you understand, is an icon that appears in the lower right corner when watching a video.

Instructions -

Screensaver (icon, preview) for video

6. Background icons for videos are also an important part of the design. It's worth making several design templates for video screensavers. A beautiful and, most importantly, catchy icon plays a big role in promoting the video and the entire channel.

As you can see in the screenshot, the video on the left has a video icon, and the three on the right simply have a frame taken from the video itself. They look much worse. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to this point.

Instructions -

Video intro (intro) at the beginning of the video

7. This and the last step are not so important, you can do without them, but these video intros have many advantages.

Please note that absolutely all films and TV series have an initial video, from which you can immediately understand who made this film or what kind of series it is. Any channel on YouTube is like a TV series, as new episodes (videos) are constantly uploaded to it. Therefore, it will be cool if you make your own unique intro.

Instructions -

End screen

8. The splash screen at the end of the videos plays a slightly different role. It is usually done so that the viewer starts watching other videos that are announced at the end of the video, or does a simple action. For example, I subscribed to a channel, another social network. network, etc.

For example, I sometimes use the end screen as a navigator for video tutorials. A person immediately watches the next lesson, rather than looking for it somewhere in a bunch of videos.

If you don’t make an intro, then YouTube, as soon as the video ends, offers you to watch similar videos, and the viewer may leave your channel.

Instructions -

When you complete all these 8 points, you can consider your channel 100% complete. All you have to do is not be lazy and process each new video.

Designer services and how much does design cost?

All that remains is to tell you how much it costs to design a channel on YouTube and where you can find a designer. Prices, as always, are different, someone can make a background banner for 300 rubles, and someone for 5,000.

You will essentially need to order:

  • logo;
  • hat;
  • a couple of templates for video icons;
  • preview;
  • end screen template.

A simple design will cost you approximately 2 - 3 thousand rubles. For a preview, you may have to contact specialists skilled in video editing separately, but any designer can do the rest. You just need to think through and write down what you want to see.

You can find specialists at. Just register, create a task and choose the designer you like.

Or you can contact my designer, I’ll post a link to him here a little later.

I hope you liked this article, subscribe to blog updates and ask your questions in the comments.

That's all for me today, let's move on to step-by-step lessons for each design item. I wish everyone good luck!