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How to make templates on a computer. Creating templates. Create a new document using a template

In addition to the templates that Word offers, you can use Templates that you create yourself. In order to see what Templates Word offers, you need to select in the tab File team Create/ Sample templates.




There are three ways to create document templates: based on an existing template, by modifying an existing template, and by creating a completely new template.

Creating a completely new template can be done in two ways.

The first way is to do the following:

– execute command File/ Create/New document;

– in the dialog box Saving a document enter the name of the Template. File type set Word Template. Press the button ;

The second way is to do the following:

– execute command File/ Create/ My templates;

– in the dialog box Create click on the switch, select a template New document, and press OK;

– add text or pictures that should appear in all new documents; determine the placement of template parts on the page; change the design of symbols; create design styles, macro commands and autotext elements; insert hypertext links into the document;

– in the Save Document dialog box, enter the name of the Template. The default file type will be defined as Word Template. Press the button.

Dialog box Create contains tabs containing user-created templates. When you create document templates, you can place them in these tabs, and you can also create new tabs for them. The name of each tab in this window is the same as the name of one of the subfolders in the folder Templates.

To add a new tab you need to:

– open the program Conductor and select a folder Templates;

– execute command New folder;

– enter a suitable name and close the Explorer window.

If a subfolder is in a folder Templates does not contain any templates, the corresponding tab in the dialog box Create is not created.

While creating a template, you can:

– insert texts and illustrations into the template;

– determine how to place template parts on the page;

– change the design of symbols;

– create and modify design styles, macro commands and autotext elements;

After creating (modifying), the document template should be saved.

Creating a document template based on an existing one is done as follows:

File/ Open, and then open the desired document;

– to create a new template based on an existing template, run the command File/ Create/ Sample templates. Select a template similar to the one you are creating again, set the switch to Sample, and then click the button Create;

– set file type Word Template;

– by default in the field Folder the folder will open Templates. To see a list of templates on a separate tab in the dialog box Create, you need to open one of the folders nested in the folder Templates;

– enter a name for the new template in the field File name and press the button;

– add text or graphics that should appear in all new documents based on this template, and remove any elements that should not appear in the documents;

– make the necessary changes to the sizes of fields and pages, determine page orientation, styles and other formatting parameters;

The file type of a template cannot be changed. To save the file as a Word document rather than a template, you must save the template and then create a new document. Run command File/ Create/ Sample templates, and then select the template from which you want to create the document. Set the switch to position Document and then press the button Create. Copy everything that was created in the template into a new document. Save the new document, first making sure that in the field File type worth the value Word document.

Changing an existing document template is done as follows:

– you need to execute the command File/ Open, and then open the template you want to edit. If in the dialog box Opening a document there is no list of templates, you must select a value Document template in the field File type;

– change any of the inscriptions, pictures, styles, formats, autotext list elements, toolbars, menu settings and keyboard shortcuts available in the template;

Changes made to the content and formatting of the template will be reflected in all new documents created based on this template; existing documents will not be changed. Changed styles will be updated in existing documents only if the checkbox is selected (dialog box Templates and add-ons).

If you save the created template yourself, you can save the drawing of the first page for preview in the window Creating a document, which makes it easier to select documents. To do this, check the box on the tab Document dialog box Properties (File/ Intelligence/ Properties/ Additional properties).

To activate another template and use the formatting styles or AutoText elements it contains, follow these steps:

– open the document to which you want to attach the template;

– execute command Developer/ Document template;

- in the field Document template dialog box Templates and add-ons specify the name of the required template;

– if you need to determine the location of the template located in another folder or on another drive, click the button and in the dialog box that opens Attaching a template select a template;

– confirm the selection using the button.

Questions for self-control

1) What styles are there?

2) Create 2 styles in different ways.

3) Change one of the created styles.

4) Delete the style.

5) Copy the style to a new document.

6) Where are the template files stored?

7) Create 2 templates in different ways.

8) Create a new tab in the dialog box Create and paste the created template there.

9) Change the template.

10) Delete the template.

Routine work in a text editor can easily be minimized if you create templates for the most popular document types. Creating a template in Word takes a matter of minutes, but allows users to save time when performing similar operations: adding headings, details, text blocks and other elements that are repeated from one document to another.

You can create a template in Word in several ways: using a ready-made file as a basis and removing unnecessary details, or starting from the very beginning, adding only the necessary elements. We will look at the second method in more detail.

Step by step instructions


Please note that this method is applicable to more earlier versions text editor Word.

Now you should determine what elements will be in the text and where they will be located. If the letter format is official, then it should contain the company name, logo and details, followed by the text itself, and at the end - the position, data and contacts of the sender.

If you need to protect the template from possible changes by other users, enable protection. Open the “Tools/Protect Document” section. In the window that appears, check the box “Allow only the specified editing method”, and select the “Read only” option from the drop-down list. If some areas require editing, you should mark them with the mouse and click on the “Exceptions” field.

Creating a template in Word is completed; when you double-click on the file name, a new document will open with the fields filled in previously.

Templates allow you to customize all the necessary settings that you want to pre-apply to document layout, styles, formatting, tabs, text template, etc. You can then easily create a new document based on this template.

When you save a document as a template, you can use that template to create new documents. These new documents contain all the text (and images and other content) that the template contains. They also have the same settings, sections, and page layout styles as a template. Templates can save you a lot of time when you are creating multiple documents that need to have a consistent layout, format, and some template text.

How to save a document as a template

The first thing you need to do is create your document the way you want the new documents to look. Separate the text (and images, etc.) down to the template material you want to display in new documents. Next, customize the page layout (margins, sections, columns, etc.), as well as any formatting and styles you want to use.

Once you have the document you need, it's time to save it as a template. Open the File menu and then click Save As.

After entering a name for your template, open the drop-down menu with the name field and then select the "Word Template (*.dotx)" option.

You have saved your own Word template.

How to create a new document based on a template

Once you have saved your own template, you can create new documents based on it. The easiest way to do this is to simply launch Word.

Its pop-up screen shows a bunch of templates that are built-in or downloadable. At the top of the window, click the "PERSONAL" link to display your own templates. Then all you have to do is click on the template you want, and Word creates a new document based on it.

By default, Word likes to save templates in Documents\Custom Office Templates, where they will appear alongside templates you create in any other Office application.

When you save the template, you can choose a different location if you wish. The problem is that if you save it elsewhere, Word may not be able to see it and display it as an option on the splash screen. If this is not very important to you, save them anywhere. You can create a new document based on a template by simply double-clicking the template file.

You can also open the template in Word so you can edit it by right-clicking the file and then choosing Open from the context menu.

If you want an even more organized approach, you can change the default location. This allows you to save templates wherever you want (though they still need to be in one place) and have access to them on the Word splash screen.

From the File menu, select Options. In the Word Options window, select the Save category on the left. On the right, enter the path where you want to save the templates in the Default Personal Templates Location field. Click "OK" when finished.

After all, Word templates are functionally similar to regular ones. Word documents. The big difference is how Word processes these files, making it easier to create new documents from them.

How to create a template?

Beautiful appearance your website will serve as a kind of business card for it. According to the well-known proverb, people are greeted by their clothes, and the template is just such “clothes” for a website. But in fact, the template performs not only a decorative function, it also determines the position of various functional elements on the website.

With the popularization of CMS (content management systems), creating a website has become incredibly easy, and many Internet users rushed to get their own pages on the Internet. To make website creation as easy as possible, CMS developers offer users a certain set of ready-to-use templates. Using such a template allows you to save time on creating a website, but almost completely deprives it of its uniqueness. Some users are ready to come to terms with this, while others are interested in the question - “how to create a template for your website yourself?”

Creating Templates

It is possible to create your own template for each CMS. But after reading the official instructions on the developer’s website, many users are simply lost, since they often do not have even basic knowledge in the field of web programming. You can simplify the creation of a template using special software.

One of the most common, well-known and easy-to-use programs is Artisteer. The program is designed as a visual editor, which simplifies its use. In addition, templates created in Artisteer can be used for such popular CMS as Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, Tumblr and others. The main advantage of Artisteer is that the user does not need to know the basics of web programming.

Using the program is very simple. Creating a unique template consists of several stages.

  1. Launch the program, select one of the ready-made source templates, open a template previously downloaded from the Internet, or create an empty one.
  2. In the main program window you will see an open template. Each of its elements can be edited to your own taste. You can change everything - the sizes of buttons, fields, menus, their shape, color and fonts.
  3. The main work begins with the Layout tab. Here all the basic parameters of the future template are set, the main menu, blocks, site header and much more are placed, the main color and fonts are selected.
  4. In the "Page Styles" tab, you can edit the layout of an individual page on the site, also changing its content.
  5. After editing the page, you need to fill it with content. For this purpose, the “Page Content” tab is provided. With its help, you can add various posts, articles, images and much more to your pages.
  6. The "Menu" tab will allow you to edit the main menus of the future website. Here you can edit both vertical and horizontal menus for the site.
  7. Using the "Header" tab, you can edit the site header.
  8. To save the results of your work and get the finished template, you need to go to the "Export" tab. Here you can select the CMS for which the template was created and check the box next to "Archive": the program will create a Zip file, completely ready for export to the CMS.

Besides special programs There are also online constructors, but they have somewhat limited functionality.

Artisteer allows you to quickly create a unique template for any popular CMS. The only exception is the Ucoz system, popular in the CIS. You can find methods for creating templates for Ucoz in the article.

As I already reported, this article was first published on the Computerra-Online website on July 26, 2006. Now it is possible to place it on your home site.

Read, try, and if you have any questions, ask in the comments. And, of course, criticize and/or complement.

Quite often, in the course of our activities, we create documents of the same type: acts, orders, letters, contracts, coursework... All these documents, as a rule, contain some text or graphic elements: headings, details, logos, etc., repeating in every document.

An inexperienced user, when creating another document, is either forced to use and edit an already existing document containing these elements, or simply copy certain elements, again, from an old file, into a new document. Moreover, realizing that in this case editing is inevitable.

Sample defines the basic structure of a document and contains document settings such as AutoText elements, fonts, assigned keyboard shortcuts, macros, menus, page setup, formatting, and styles.

(From Word Help)

This routine can be reduced to a minimum if you create a document based on a template. Sometimes patterns are also called “fish”. However, no matter what you call it, templates really allow you to significantly increase your work efficiency.

A template can be created in two ways: by taking as a basis a document with all the elements present, or by starting from scratch, including the necessary elements yourself.

I'll tell you how to create a template from scratch, because this way it will be easier to understand the whole process rather than modifying an existing file. As an example, we will create a simple formal letter template.

So let's get started.

  1. Let's create an empty document.
  2. Let's save it right away. Let's go to the menu File(File) and select the command Save as...(Save as...). The Save Document dialog box will open, in which we need to select in the field File type(Save as type) Document template (*.dot)(Document Template (*.dot).
  3. By default, the Templates folder will be opened, where all templates are saved. Give the file a name and click Save.

  4. We determine which elements (text and graphics) and where exactly will be located in the document.

As a rule, all official letters contain elements such as: name of the organization, logo, details. The text of the letter itself may contain a polite address to the recipient of the letter and, in fact, the text of the letter itself. At the end of the letter is the name of the position of the head of the organization with his signature.

Let's take this letter structure as a basis.

We will place the name of the organization at the top of the document, centered. To do this:

Thus, we created a permanent (unchangeable) part of our template, the so-called “header”. Now let's move on and create the fields into which you will later enter your data.

On the left side of the template, under the “header,” double-click and type the name of your city, for example: Moscow. Then, in the opposite (right) part of the template, double-click again and insert the date where the cursor blinks. To do this:

If you have this text (read: field) displayed as regular text without shading, then I recommend doing such shading. This will allow you to later easily identify the required fields in the document to enter your data.

To do this, go to the menu Service(Tools) and select the command Options(Options) and on the tab View(View) in group Show(Show) select from the list field shading(Field shading) option Always(Always).

Below you can additionally insert a similar field for the recipient’s address and position.

All we have to do is insert a welcome message to the recipient of this letter, the text of the message itself and the sender’s signature at the bottom.

Try to insert these fields into your template yourself, based on the instructions given above.

For example, you can take a look at the screenshot of the template I created.

Now, to use this template to create a letter, you need to go to the menu File(File) and select the command Create(New). The Task Pane will appear on the right, in which you need to select the option General Templates(On my computer). A window will open with available templates. Select your template and click OK. A new document based on your template will be loaded into Word. Add your data to the fields and enjoy the automation.

And if you have questions, then ask. I will try to answer them.