Home / Instructions / How to set a delayed start in a multicooker. Delayed start in a multicooker: advantages and how to use. What is the use of the function

How to set a delayed start in a multicooker. Delayed start in a multicooker: advantages and how to use. What is the use of the function

Who hasn’t dreamed of having a delicious and healthy breakfast waiting for him in the morning, and a fragrant dinner when he comes home from work in the evening? After all, you don’t want to get up early, and cooking is a long process. That is why manufacturers provide a delayed start function in multicookers. Although this household appliance has become a part of people’s lives, not many people know how to use delayed start.

What is the use of the function

In the current pace of life, many people are practically deprived of the opportunity to cook. But you won't last long on snacks. And the delayed start function simplifies the task. It delays the start of cooking for a specified period. The delayed start varies among different manufacturers, but does not exceed a day.

To do this, prepare all the ingredients, put them in a bowl, and set the timer according to the instructions. This mode can only be set to those programs that operate automatically and have cooking time and temperature programmed in them. Using the delayed start, you can prepare both breakfast and dinner. How does this work?

How to use delayed start

Everything is much simpler than it seems. It's easier to understand with specific examples. To prepare breakfast, you need to add all the ingredients in the evening: cereal, water or milk, butter, salt and sugar, if it is porridge. Mix everything with the special spoon that came with the kit. It can be wooden or plastic. Next, you need to select the appropriate program for the dish. Before starting, turn on the timer and set the required time. Only after this can you press START and calmly go to sleep.

Place food in the bowl in advance

Keep in mind that if the dish should be ready in 7 hours, then the timer should start after 6 hours, because the cooking process itself will also take time. If the dish does not have time to prepare in an hour, then the time should be set so that the timer turns off at the end of all cooking.

Important! Do not leave ingredients that quickly spoil without refrigeration in the container for a long time, even though it closes tightly and maintains the temperature for some time. To do this, they are placed frozen.

The function is very practical and convenient. Prepare the ingredients for the dish when you have time for it, and then just enjoy the result. Now you don’t have to get up earlier than everyone else and drag yourself to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. And in the evening you can go home slowly, knowing that a freshly prepared aromatic dinner is already waiting for you at home. And how to feed the family, the question has been resolved in advance. Even if there is no family, this does not mean that you should not eat fresh home-cooked food.

Delayed start in a multicooker

The multicooker automatically switches to the HEAT mode as soon as cooking is completed. This will not allow it to cool down, even if you are a little late from work or sleep a little longer. This mode is fully automatic and does not need to be turned on. Heating temperature is from 40 to 80 degrees, depending on the model.

Delayed start in multicookers of several models - features and differences

The function may differ in multicookers from different manufacturers. The minimum delay is 10 minutes, and the maximum is 24 hours. Before starting use, do not be lazy to read the instructions.

Delayed start in the Redmond multicooker

Multicooker Redmond

The equipment of this manufacturer is equipped with autonomous timers that do not depend on or affect each other. The first one can be programmed for morning time, the second one for evening time. To start the function, you will have to prepare in advance, place all the necessary products in the bowl, start the timer, indicating the time for which breakfast or dinner should be ready.

Important! Indicate not the start of cooking, but the time at which the process ends.

To run the function you need to follow the algorithm:

  1. Press the MENU button.
  2. When you press DELAYED START, both evening and morning timers will appear. The multicooker will save the set parameters; you will not need to constantly enter the same information.
  3. Set the cooking time by pressing TIME SETUP.
  4. Set the desired time, it is worth considering that one press equals +1 hour.
  5. Start the program by pressing the START button.

The kitchen assistant will prepare a tasty and healthy dish, and then keep it warm using heating. But you shouldn’t count on this program, because constant heating can spoil already cooked food. If there is little liquid in the prepared dish, it will be dry or, worse, burnt.

Delayed start in the Polaris multicooker

Multicooker Polaris

Some Polaris models also provide the ability to start cooking when the owner needs it. Sleep mode lasts for such units throughout the day. After cooking is completed, the multicooker does not turn off, but maintains the temperature, constantly heating the food.

All necessary products are washed, peeled and cut. If the start is delayed for a long period of time, then it is better not to use raw meat and milk.

  1. By pressing the FUNCTION button, select the mode that is suitable for the dish. This multicooker already has ready-made programs: fish, soup, cereals, and others.
  2. Set the program start time by pressing the corresponding button on the display – PROGRAM.
  3. Set the time on the timer (you can add both hours and minutes, which allows you to more accurately set the start time of the cooking function).
  4. By pressing the TIME button, set the cooking time.
  5. Use the START button to start the standby mode in the multicooker.

At the programmed time, the multicooker will “wake up” and start working. When it has completed its task and cooked the food, it will beep and go into warming mode. The timer will start counting down. This way it will be possible to determine how long ago the multicooker completed the cooking process and how long it took to heat the dish inside the bowl.

Hot porridge for breakfast

You cannot delay launch for some modes:

  • Yogurt;
  • Pasta;
  • Heating;
  • Fast cooking;
  • Bakery.

Delayed start makes life much easier for many people; the main thing is to correctly calculate and set the hours and minutes. Other models of multicookers from different manufacturers work on the same principles. All the necessary information can be found in the instructions.

Important! The built-in clock in the multicooker must be set correctly.

Using the delayed start function, they prepare porridge with water and milk, meat and other dishes. Now many multicookers, thanks to special applications on your smartphone, you can turn it on remotely. It is worth pouring all the products into the bowl and using the gadget, turn it on.

But a delayed start cannot be replaced, because while a person is sleeping peacefully or solving his problems, she will make sure that everyone is well-fed exactly at the set hour.

Delayed start (delay) and temperature for the heating function in the multicooker.

Many modern models of multicookers are equipped with features such as delayed start (delayed start) and heating. Do you know what exactly these functions offer owners of multicookers, how to enable them, and how to set the correct delay settings on your device? If not, then this article is just for you.

Delayed start in a multicooker

What is the delayed start function and how to use it correctly? Imagine that you want to have delicious food for breakfast, be it porridge, omelette, yogurt, bread or any other dish, but in the morning you simply don’t have time to prepare it. No problem. A multi-cooker-steamer can cook almost without your participation, just as well as a professional chef. You just need to put the finished products in it in the evening and set the delayed start timer in accordance with the instructions. The device will start cooking exactly when you “tell” it through the settings.

This function will be no less useful in the evening if you put food in the morning. Just imagine. You decided to try some interesting recipe, for example, baking, but after work you simply don’t have the energy to cook. We prepare food in the morning or even in the evening, if the device allows you to delay the start by 24 hours, after which we simply adjust the timer according to the table or according to an already worked out scheme, and wait for the result when we get home! When you enter your apartment, you will be greeted by the delicious aroma of the finished dish. Please note that the delay in a multicooker applies only to automatic programs with microprocessor-based cooking time setting. These are Pilaf, Buckwheat, Milk porridge, etc.

How to enable delayed start?

Let's look at specific examples.

1. Breakfast

Let's say you want to get milk porridge by 7 am. We put in the groceries at 10 p.m., do some basic calculations, and find out that there are 9 hours left until 7 a.m. We will need this data at the final stage. If you need porridge in a slow cooker with a delay, then put the cereal, sugar, salt, milk and butter into the pan, then mix with a wooden or special spoon. Metal, as you know, cannot be used. On the multicooker panel, click “Menu”, and then select the Milk porridge program. Next, click on “Timer” and set it to 8 hours. Why 8 and not 9? It's simple. In nine hours everything should be ready, but the device needs an hour to prepare. So, in accordance with the program, the equipment starts at 6 and by 7 already serves you hot porridge.

2. Dinner

Everything is similar here. We put in the food at 9 am and expect it to be ready by 7 pm, that is, in 10 hours. We will prepare steamed cutlets with a side dish. Remember that the insulation and temperature in a multicooker allow the equipment to work like a thermos, as a result of which frozen semi-finished products can be stored in an unthawed state for a long time, and the milk will not sour. So, put the cutlets in the container and the side dish in the pan. Select “Menu” and Buckwheat mode, which in this case more preferable. Next, press “Timer”, subtract an hour from the calculated cooking time and set it to 9 hours. When you come home, everything will be ready.

So, now you know that to enable delayed start you need to use three buttons: Menu, Timer and Start. The Menu will help you select the desired mode, the Timer will help you select the delay time, and Start will start the program. Please note that the timer must be set taking into account the cooking hour, even if the dishes will be cooked for much less time. After cooking, the temperature will be taken care of by the heating mode, which I will discuss below. During the waiting period, the Timer button will glow green. When the multicooker starts cooking, a red “eye” will appear on the “Menu” button.

Heating mode in a multicooker

Imagine that you set a delayed start program, but overslept in the morning, or were late at work in the evening. It would be logical to assume that cold food will be waiting for you upon arrival. But no! To please busy users, manufacturers have provided an extremely useful heating mode, which automatically turns on after cooking is complete. Depending on the model, the heating mode can operate from 1 to 24 hours. As for the temperature of the modes, it does not in any way affect the heating temperature, which is at the level of 40-80 degrees, depending on the model. Let me note once again that the heating mode in the multicooker is fully automatic and does not need to be turned on with any button. But read the instructions carefully! If heating is designed for an hour, and you are delayed for two, then the dish will be waiting for you cold.

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Multicooker functions- these are her capabilities. Knowledge of programs and multicooker functions will allow you to properly organize therapeutic dietary nutrition, including for pancreatitis, nutrition for children, and prepare tasty and healthy food.

Multicooker functions

I bought a slow cooker! AND…

I forgot about the stove for several days!

This truly miraculous device has replaced my steamer, oven, and even frying pan.

It’s even easier to cook in a slow cooker; dishes turn out faster and tastier. Caring for the multicooker, of course, should be gentle (the pan contains a non-stick coating), but it is easy to clean.

What functions does a multicooker perform?

A multicooker is a wonderful kitchen appliance, the purpose of which is to prepare dishes in automatic mode. Microprocessor control of the multicooker. The control of the cooking process is based on the use of an intelligent microprocessor. The microprocessor allows you to control the temperature inside the multicooker, the volume of liquid evaporated, maintains a certain pressure inside the device and determines the optimal cooking time depending on the mass of loaded ingredients.

Often, the functions of a multicooker are confused with programs (modes). The number of multicooker programs varies by model from 3 to 8. The most functional multicooker currently is the Redmond RMC-110 - 55 different programs.

Main programs (modes) of the multicooker:

  • buckwheat,
  • pilaf,
  • milk porridge,
  • bakery,
  • stewing,
  • steaming.

What functions does the multicooker perform?— automatic heating, evaporation, frying, delayed start. As well as functions corresponding to the names of the program - stewing, steaming, baking.

Delayed start is my favorite multicooker feature.

What is delayed start?

  • You need to prepare a hot breakfast. You put all the ingredients in the slow cooker tonight and turn it on. The miracle cooker will start cooking in the morning, while you are still sleeping. Breakfast is ready for you when you wake up!
  • You come home from work, a delicious, freshly prepared and hot dinner awaits you at home. In the morning, you put all the necessary products into the multicooker, turned it on and went to work. The multicooker did not start cooking immediately, but at the specified time, upon your arrival.

Note. Delayed start is applicable to the following programs: “buckwheat”, “pilaf” and “milk porridge”, i.e. those programs for which the cooking time is set by a microprocessor.

How does the Panasonic multicooker delayed start function turn on? I will explain with examples.

Example No. 1. Breakfast. Milk porridge should be ready by 7-00 am. I put the food in at 22-00 (in the evening) = 9 hours before meals.

  1. In the multicooker pan I put: milk, cereal, salt, sugar (if necessary, then butter), mix with a special or wooden spoon;
  2. On the control panel of the multicooker, I select the “menu” button, set it to “milk porridge”;
  3. On the control panel of the multicooker, I select the “timer” button and set the start time for cooking: 9h-1h (for cooking)= 8h. Your multicooker will connect in 8 hours, i.e. at 6 o’clock in the morning and by 7 o’clock the porridge will be ready.

Example No. 2. Dinner. I put the groceries in at 9-00 (in the morning). Steamed cutlets with garnish should be ready by 19-00. It turns out that food is added 10 hours before meals.

The multicooker also works as a thermos; frozen semi-finished meat/fish products do not thaw quickly, and cold milk does not sour.

  1. I place the cutlets in the steamer container and the side dish ingredients in the multicooker pan.;
  2. On the control panel of the multicooker, I select the “menu” button, select a mode - for example, “buckwheat”;
  3. On the control panel I select the “timer” button, set the start time of cooking: 10h-1h (for cooking) = 9h Your multicooker will connect in 9 hours, i.e. at 18-00, by 19-00 both cutlets and side dish will be ready to them.

Note. At the end of the program, the multicooker automatically switches to the “Warming” program.

The food will remain warm for 1 hour.

Thus, in order to enable the “delayed start” function you use three buttons:

  1. “MENU” - select the “buckwheat”, “milk porridge” or “pilaf” mode;
  2. “TIMER” - set the delay time. Most often, this is the time from turning on the multicooker to eating and minus 1 hour.
  3. "START"
  • While the waiting period is in progress, the green eye on the “TIMER” button is lit.
  • After turning on the multicooker in cooking mode, the red eye on the “MENU” button lights up

Multicooker modes PANASONIC SR-TMH18

The program is milk porridge.
Using this program (mode) you can prepare any milk porridge, even semolina. In this mode, fast-cooking cereals are prepared. To cook milk porridge in a slow cooker, use the table below. However, I like less viscous (more tender) cereals. To do this, I put less grains than indicated in the table. For example, 2/3 of a multi-glass. I don't change the rest of the ingredients. In addition, you can add any fillers (dried fruits, cinnamon, etc.) to the porridge. The porridge is cooked for an hour and simmers. The milk does not boil away, does not burn, the taste is like from a Russian oven. The program is indispensable for diet and nutrition. I would especially like to note that using a multicooker, and this program in particular, allows you to properly organize children’s nutrition. Busy parents don’t always have time to cook something so healthy and tasty, not occasionally, but regularly.

Program - buckwheat.
This program (mode) is used for cooking any cereals (buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, oats, oatmeal, any slow-cooking cereals). Unlike the previous program, the cereals are boiled in water. The boiling point is higher. In this mode, you can cook cereals with meat, or cook two dishes at a time. For this, a steamer container is used, on which semi-finished products are laid out - fish, cutlets, meatballs, etc. And the side dish is cooked in the multicooker pan.

Program - pilaf.
This program speaks for itself. You can make excellent pilaf, but in order for the rice to be truly fluffy, you need to understand that there are different types (varieties) of rice. From one variety we make porridge “mash” - the rice boils soft, and from the other we get crumbly rice, this rice for pilaf. Unlike the previous mode, in the “pilaf” program, at the final stage of cooking, the evaporation and drying mode is turned on, which makes the cereal crumbly.

You can cook other delicious dishes in this mode. Baked potatoes are especially delicious.

Program - steaming.
This mode is the most important for ensuring dietary nutrition. Steamed dishes are much healthier than similar ones obtained by frying in a frying pan. Steamed dishes preserve vitamins and other useful substances, the level of fats is significantly reduced.

Steamed dishes are useful for absolutely everyone: leading people healthy image life, for baby food, in following a protein diet for weight loss. I would especially like to note the importance of this program for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system.

Program - stewing.
The most functional mode. In this mode, food is simmered at temperatures below 100 degrees, but for a long time. All the ingredients are placed in the multicooker pan, the mode is turned on and you can go about your business, forgetting about cooking for a while.

Using this program you can prepare:

  • cabbage soup or borscht, broth or any soup;
  • jellied meat or aspic;
  • meat dishes: boiled pork, ham, meatballs with sauce;
  • drinks: compote, fruit drink;
  • dairy drinks: kefir and fermented baked milk;
  • ketchup

Within the framework of this project, we will consider only dietary options for dishes in the “stew” mode

Program - bakery.
Using this mode, you can cook dishes in some cases - as in the oven, in others - as in a frying pan.

  • Like in a frying pan: potato pancakes and cheesecakes turn out very tasty, but this is also beyond the scope of our project. But you can fry it into soup.
  • Like in the oven: manna, cottage cheese casserole, charlotte, julienne, muffins and biscuits. You can bake goose, chicken or duck. You can even bake bread.

New diet recipes:

New on the site - recipes for preparing carrot cutlets in a slow cooker. I unexpectedly discovered this recipe and am sharing it with you. It turns out that carrots, after heat treatment, acquire very useful properties and... slow down the aging process :) About this

You will find all the recipes for the multicooker on this page.

I hope the article about multicooker programs and functions was useful. Knowledge and ability to use all functions of a multicooker will allow you to quickly prepare tasty and healthy food.

Delayed start in a multicooker is an excellent function for busy people, because before leaving for work, you can load all the ingredients necessary for a dish into the multicooker, and a ready-made hot dinner will be waiting for you when you come home. :smile:

Delayed start varies from one hour to 13-24 hours. For example, in the morning at 7 o’clock you put everything in the multicooker, set Delayed start to 19.00, that is, the time needs to be set to 11 o’clock. At 18.00 the multicooker will start working, and the dish will be prepared in an hour. But it depends on what recipe and what mode you choose.

Let's look at a delayed start using the Panasonic multicooker as an example.

Clarification. Delayed start launches the program an hour before the due date you need. But if the sensor program considers that the dish is not ready, the cooking time is extended. Therefore, to avoid troubles, set the timer on the Buckwheat and Pilaf modes 1.5 hours before the time you need.

Let's look at a delayed start using the Kambrook multicooker as an example.

Delayed start in the Kambrook multicooker is not possible in all programs, but in such programs as “Settings”, “Rice”, “Beans”, “Porridge”, “Soup”, “Stewing”, “Steamer”, “Fish”.

Press the “Menu” button, select the program from the above that you need to prepare a dish in a multicooker and press “Start”. And then, by pressing + or -, set the required time after which the multicooker will start cooking the dish.

The delayed start range is from 2 hours to 23.50.

Let's look at a delayed start using the Polaris multicooker as an example.

Delayed start in the Polaris multicooker works on such programs as “Soup”, “Dessert”, “Stewing”, “Steaming”, “Multicook”, “Beans”.

Click on the desired program. Click on “Timer”, you will see the words “Delayed start” on the screen. Now, using the “Hours” and “Minutes” buttons, select the time you need to delay the start.

Let's look at a delayed start using the Vitesse multicooker as an example.

In the Vitess multicooker, the delay start function is not provided for the Yogurt, Frying, Baking,

Meat, Bake, Dessert, Pasta and Reheat.

Select the necessary program by pressing the MENU button. If you need to change the default cooking time, press the COOK TIME button.

Press the DELAYED START button and use the “+”/“-” buttons to set the desired start delay time. Press the START button.

When the set delay start time has expired, the selected cooking program will start automatically.

Let's consider a delayed start using the example of a multicooker"Philips"

The delay start function is available for all functions except the Roast and Reheat functions.

First select the desired program, then press the DELAY START button and select the time

(at which time you want the dish to be ready) by pressing the “HOURS” and “MINUTES” buttons. Time is possible

adjust in 10-minute and hourly intervals.

Example: You want to have your rice ready at 9 am. Place rice and water in the bowl, select program

“RICE/BUCKWHEAT”, press the “DELAYED START” button. Press the CLOCK button to select 9 o'clock. Click "START".

The “DELAYED START” indicator will light up. At 9 am the rice will be ready and four short beeps will sound, indicating that the program is finished.

Delayed start recipes

Milk porridge in the milk porridge mode of the same name. Usually the ingredients for porridge are laid in the evening, and a timer is set for the morning. A little trick - to avoid milk souring, boil it for 1 minute on the “Steam” mode. A lot has been written about milk porridges, a lot of recipes have been given in the ““ section, read, choose.

Rabbit in a slow cooker on delayed start

We will need:

rabbit carcass

2-3 heaped tablespoons of sour cream

1 onion

5-6 cloves of garlic

2-3 sprigs of rosemary.

We cut the rabbit into portions. Cut the onion into half rings and the garlic into slices. We combine everything, add sour cream and salt. And marinate for several hours. We put it in the multicooker, select the “Pilaf” program, set the delayed start by setting the time (press the “Timer” button). Since our rabbit was marinated in advance, and will also wait in the slow cooker for its fate to be cooked, there will be enough time in the “Pilaf” mode for it to become soft.

Pork with kiwi on delayed start in a slow cooker

We will need:

600 grams pork neck

1 onion

barbecue seasoning

Let's start with the marinade. Cut the onion into half rings, grate the kiwi, put it in the chopped meat, add seasoning and salt, pour over lemon juice. We put it in a multicooker, “Pilaf” mode, delayed start for as long as you need. Pork with kiwi can also be cooked in the “Baking” mode, here.

Roast in a slow cooker on delayed start

we need:

500 grams of beef

1 onion

1 carrot

1 can of canned champignons

handful of prunes

1 tablespoon tomato paste

1 glass of water

a little vegetable oil for frying

Cut the beef into thin strips, chop the onion, grate the kiwi, mix everything and leave to marinate for at least an hour, or even overnight if you cook in the morning. Don't forget salt and spices. In the morning, fry the marinated meat. Set the “Pilaf” program, select the time you need and turn on delayed start.

Beef in a slow cooker on delayed start

We will need:

500 grams of beef

bell pepper

50 grams of gin (or vodka)

onions (if you want, but without them is also good).

Mix the coarsely chopped meat with all the ingredients and leave to marinate for one hour or more. Maybe overnight. In the morning, fry bell peppers in a slow cooker and add beef. Turn on the “Milk porridge” mode, set the time by pressing the timer, turn on delayed start.

Chicken with potatoes on delayed start

We will need:

chicken meat, you can fillet, but preferably thighs


vegetable oil

Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, place chicken meat, potatoes on top, and salt. Turn on the “Pilaf” mode, select the desired time with the timer, turn on Delayed Start.

Zucchini with filling on delayed start

We will need:

young zucchini with soft skin

minced meat (can be served with rice, like for cabbage rolls)

2-3 tablespoons sour cream

Most modern multicooker models have this useful function, as a delayed start function. This feature expands the capabilities of the device and increases comfort. It is ideal for those who like to have breakfast, lunch or dinner at home, but do not have time to prepare full meals. Thanks to the delayed start function, you can get freshly prepared porridge, omelette, pilaf or any other dish at the right time. To do this, just put the necessary ingredients in the bowl in advance, select the most suitable program and the time by which you would like to receive the hot dish. The multicooker can handle the rest on its own, and will do it no worse than a professional chef.

The delayed start mode will be especially useful in the morning if you put the necessary products in the bowl in the evening. If the device allows you to delay the start of the program by at least 12 hours, then you can prepare breakfast the night before. To do this, all parameters can be set using the table that is in the instructions for the multicooker, or you can calculate the time yourself. You can do the same thing in the morning, and when you come home after work, you will receive a freshly prepared, aromatic dinner. It should be said that the delayed start mode only works with preset automatic programs.

How to enable the delayed start function

The easiest way to figure out how to enable delayed start is with a specific example. In order to get freshly cooked porridge at 7 am, you need to do some simple calculations. For example, if products are placed at 22 o'clock, then until 7 o'clock there will be 9 hours left from this moment. This data will be required at the final stage. First, you need to put cereal, butter, milk, sugar and salt into the bowl, then mix the ingredients with a special wooden or plastic spoon. Most often, such spoons are included in the multicooker kit. After this, on the control panel of the multicooker, using the appropriate button, you need to select automatic program“Milk porridge” or another if you are going to cook another dish. Next, use the “Timer” button to set the time to 8 hours. Please note that it is not 9 hours, but 8, since it will take 1 hour to prepare the porridge. Thus, the program will start at 6-00 and by 7-00 the aromatic porridge will be ready.

Consequently, to enable the delayed start mode you will have to use only three buttons - “Menu”, “Timer” and “Start”. In some models, these buttons may be called slightly differently, but finding them will not be difficult. The “Menu” button will allow you to select the appropriate cooking program, the “Timer” button will help you set the delay time, and the “Start” button will activate the delayed start mode. For those dishes whose cooking time is less than an hour, it is still recommended to set the timer based on this hour. If the dish is ready earlier, the mode of maintaining the temperature of the finished dish will automatically turn on, which will keep it hot until the desired time.