Home / Windows overview / How to make money creating vector images. How to make money from drawing at home - ideas for selling talent Where to sell hand-drawn drawings

How to make money creating vector images. How to make money from drawing at home - ideas for selling talent Where to sell hand-drawn drawings

Creativity has been in fashion since ancient times and to this day interest in it has not diminished. Bright and dedicated representatives of art were generously rewarded with honor and universal love of ordinary people. Good artistic skill is something that rests the eye. Almost everyone can gain something from a well-written piece of work.

The role of artistic art in people's lives

The role of art in people’s lives is difficult to overestimate, because it inspires, evokes previously unknown feelings, helps to rethink some categories, and teaches us to understand the author and history as a whole.

Almost all children have been interested in drawing since childhood. After all, this is a simple and very interesting way to spend time. Young children go through the most important stage for them of getting to know the environment, life, nature, and matter. Then they themselves find it true for themselves that visualizing what they see is extremely interesting and unusual, and also simple to the point of genius. But not for everyone this becomes the main hobby, and certainly not for everyone this hobby turns into the main source of income. So, how can a beginning artist make money? This article and the tips below will tell you about this.

How can an artist make money?

What ways are there for artists to make money? There are actually a huge number of them. All options for earning money should first be divided into three main categories, and then each one should be considered in all possible variations and manifestations.

How to start earning money as an artist? The work of a creative person should bring peace, aesthetic pleasure and means for existence and replenishment of possible costs for materials. This list illustrates the three main ways an artist can make money:

  1. To work for someone, fulfilling orders for monetary compensation.
  2. Working for yourself. Finding ways to realize your potential, creating your own name, image and reputation.
  3. Creative implementation related to information technology.

Everyone can choose an activity to their liking. When asking the question of how to make money as an artist, you should understand that today there are many talented people in the world, and with the advent of the Internet, there are many more platforms for development and creative expression. Many employers need workers today. And if a person also has creative potential, he will be in demand more than others.

Having determined the ways to earn money, you can move on to the options themselves. In reality, there are plenty of them, so a truly talented person can easily find applications for his creativity.

How can an artist make money as a hired worker? The occupation of the vast majority of modern brush artists is associated with hired labor and the fulfillment of a wide variety of orders. Below is a detailed description of creative directions for people who want to realize their potential through paid work.


Is it possible for an artist to make money doing makeup exclusively? Of course, yes, and quite a lot! This profession is for those who like to create images using makeup, fine connoisseurs of all colors and their shades, and experts in human facial expressions. This profession can be very lucrative, but it is quite responsible and requires long-term, hard training and a lot of patience. To create beauty looks at the proper level, you need to be diligent and patient, as well as have a good imagination.


This is a profession for those who like to decorate the human body with drawings. In order to become a good tattoo artist, you need to have excellent knowledge of the technique of drawing on the body, because any mistake can be costly. this work requires high concentration and patience.

Creation of a website with offers to create paintings/drawings to order

First, you need to create your own online platform for convenient direct communication with customers, then post your drawings or paintings there, that is, create a portfolio of your work. You can also provide an estimated price for each piece of art. With the help of self-promotion and online communication with potential customers, you can create portraits, drawings, paintings, landscapes to order, while receiving good money.

Reproductions of famous paintings to order

Due to current life circumstances, some artists have become the most important historical figures, and their paintings have become legendary masterpieces that have gained a huge number of fans around the world. There are among them who want to see a reproduction of a work of art that will come to life during their era. Reproduction of legendary paintings can be very profitable for a talented author.

Logos and corporate styles for companies

This profession is for those who have artistic talent, able to hide important meaning in a simple and exquisitely outlined image. It is important to have a good imagination and to be a good psychologist in the field of manipulating people.

How can an artist make money by working for himself?

Illustrating books, creating comics, drawings for children's books - this activity is suitable for lovers of the caricature genre, various cartoons, and connoisseurs of animation. Artists with good imagination and boundless imagination who love children, understand their psychology and share children’s impulses and dreams can create entertaining pictures.

Street painting master

This is definitely suitable for those who love to work outdoors, drawing inspiration from nature, scenery and the beauty of the environment. The visual image of a street artist is often this: a small man with a neatly trimmed beard, a hat slid to one side, and an original scarf carelessly wrapped around his neck. When such a person sits in front of an easel, drawing someone’s portrait from life, squinting his eyes, trying not to lose sight of all the important details and features, you can safely be sure that the artist is trying to create a masterpiece and please the visitor one hundred percent.

Be that as it may, a master of painting is a creative person who cherishes within himself all the impulses and beginnings of artistic thought, he is a creator and creator who knows how to convey concrete and abstract concepts with colors and paints. It is very important for him that no one limits him in this, otherwise his talent may dry up. How can an artist working for himself make money? Examples of this type of earnings are described below.

Art dealer

Another answer to how to make money as an artist in modern conditions. This profession is directly suitable for a person who has the means to rent premises or has the opportunity to use his personal property. This is also a good option for where an artist can make money without having any work experience behind them. But art dealers are mostly experienced fans of artistic craftsmanship. They must understand this art and have a good sense of true talent.

People in this profession buy paintings from artists at one price and sell them at another price to gallery visitors at auctions. That is, in fact, they perform a kind of intermediary function. Also, this activity is well suited for those who, in addition to all of the above, want to promote themselves as an artist and connect their professional life with contemporary art. Paintings that are bought by art dealers are subject to strict moderation before being included in exhibitions or shows, because quite high standards for work are set there.

Creating your own works for the purpose of selling on the Internet, on advertising platforms, on your own website

This work is for those who do not want to deviate in any way from their creative worldview. In this case, you need to be ready to create something unique, original, new, and to some extent ingenious. This option is also very suitable for beginners in the art industry who want to find out what they could stand in this environment and what potential buyers of drawings or paintings value.

Contemporary artists experiment with various styles, genres and trends - from classics, expressionism, impressionism to modern pop art, cartoons, caricatures.

How can an artist make a good living by combining his hobby with the IT field?

In the modern world of widespread globalization and the flourishing of a market economy, when marketing, advertising, competition are flourishing, when you need to surprise people, win the trust and favor of consumers, artistic talent is very necessary, and modern technologies are able to bring memorable compositions, graphics, images, pictures into reality. How can an artist who loves to draw and work on the computer make money? For representatives of this type of occupation, the specializations presented below are perfect.

Website creation

When creating websites, you need to be an experienced user of various special programs, and also have originality in work, an excellent understanding of artistic styles. Graphic design is booming today, so it is a decent way to earn a living.

Working with Photoshop

Photography today is also considered an art, especially when this genre skillfully combines the right angle, a lively spontaneous moment and high-quality processing at the appropriate level. Good photography is very expensive, but talented photographers will always and everywhere be in value.

Online training, webinars for those who want to learn

Do artists make money by teaching people how to draw? Naturally! Conducting teaching classes online using the Internet or working on location is also a worthy and well-paid activity that is suitable for those who can and love to teach others how to draw. In order to succeed in this business, you need to master various drawing techniques and have a detailed and consistent approach to work. With the acquisition of experience in this area, it will be possible to prepare and publish specialized educational literature with detailed supporting illustrations, as well as create video tutorials on YouTube, which can also allow you to make a good living.

Now for the reader the question of how to make money as an artist is not so incomprehensible and vague. There is always a place for talented people to use their capabilities.

Many people have probably heard the saying that a real artist must be hungry. Do you agree? We don't! And why, but because most real creators simply do not know how to make money as an artist on the Internet, which “doors” to knock on and where to start. And, in fact, this is pure income from your hobby. Most likely, it's time to change something...

Work for an artist on the Internet

It goes without saying that talented artists on the Internet are a rarity. And it follows from this that the extent to which they are in demand can explain why the category of people in this specialty is the highest paid on the World Wide Web. And this applies not only to those who work in 3D graphics, but also to representatives of ordinary “classical” techniques, such as those who write in watercolor, pencil or oil.

Although, there are some people who graduated from art school, but instead of trying to make money from drawings, they go into other areas. Those. They studied by vocation, but work for money. And this, in fact, is far from uncommon. Parting with your money job is naturally stupid. But at the same time, doing your favorite hobby and also getting paid for it will certainly be pleasant and useful.

Why do people buy drawings and pictures?

Thousands of new projects, blogs, etc. appear on the Internet every day. And their owners need, in addition to unique texts, photographs, pictures, videos. Therefore, there is a demand for such products.
Of course, it is quite difficult to list all the niches for an artist, so we will touch only on the most popular ones where an artist can make money, which from the very beginning will allow you to make a profit, albeit a small one.

What do you actually know?

When choosing a niche for yourself, first decide what exactly you do best: draw landscapes, caricatures or portraits, and what tool are you fluent in? Because all pictures will need to be in digital format.

Firstly, we will start with the fact that if you work with 2D or 3D digital graphics, then you can easily get a job at various specialized exchanges, which for the most part have a narrow specialization. Although here I need to warn you that most of them are international, so working as an artist there requires knowledge of the English language. But in order to communicate with customers on these exchanges, a high school level of knowledge will be sufficient, and this will not be an obstacle for you.

Secondly, it’s generally great if you know Photoshop or can draw in CorelDraw. If you haven’t yet thoroughly studied these applications, today there are many different tools that greatly facilitate the lives of artists by helping them convert pictures into digital format.

Below we list some of them:

    1. The simplest one. Make a sketch of the picture on paper, clearly outline its outline. Scan and finish it in CorelDraw or Photoshop on your computer. That's all, this picture can be put up for sale.

Now, directly, we will tell you about some niches where you can earn money as an artist, and you can choose on your own, the main thing is that your soul is in this work:

1. Emoticons and avatars. Someone also creates such animations or pictures for the same social networks, forums or chats. If you have a passion for animation, then you can offer your new products even to large sites or portals that distribute such icons with emotions, i.e. those same graphic images that convey expression in the content (text). The cost, of course, of such products can vary greatly, it all depends on how you can negotiate.

2. Portraits to order. But for this you will need to create at least a small blog, place on it a description of your services, the best samples and set the initial low cost. And then everything follows the same well-trodden SEO path: promotion and promotion of your project in social networks, communities and forums. Such portraits are usually painted electronically from submitted photographs, since reference to a specific territory is not required. Money is usually transferred to or to.

3. Pictures for websites. Here, in first place in terms of sales are headers for web resources of various types. In the next place in the option of how to make money as an artist are original images, among which special attention is given to illustrations of a commercial nature, namely banknotes, household appliances, various symbols, etc. Such orders can be easily found on special exchanges for webmasters; entire sections are organized there for this purpose.

4. Banners for advertising. There are also many relevant exchanges on the RuNet for executing such orders. Successful promotion on the stock exchange and search for orders is guaranteed by your portfolio, which, as usual, includes the work already done, consisting of your images, illustrations and the same banners.
You can create a portfolio, as well as register on the exchange, completely free of charge. Let us add that all such projects are commercial projects, and therefore the exchange will charge you a commission for completing orders, which ranges from 10 to 25%.

5. Logo creation. There are approximately 20 exchanges on the Internet that specialize in this type of business, offering cooperation to experts in this field. This demand is natural, since every day about several thousand firms, companies, etc. are born throughout our land. And each of them requires its own “company logo”.

6. Sale of reproductions. If you have such skills in your arsenal, feel free to go to the popular Deviantart exchange. On the project you place photographs of your works (a noteworthy fact is that the exchange does not care what technique they are written in) and then any user who likes your creations can print them out on a postcard, on canvas, or on paper, having first paid for this pleasure from 25 dollars. Such work for the artist and the opportunity to earn money is ensured by the fact that copyrights are respected throughout civilized society, which is considered the norm for any person using the Internet.

It should also be added here that every author, like a copywriter, must check his works for uniqueness. There are special services for checking images as well as for checking texts, here is one of them. The service is absolutely free, so you can use it, the main thing is not to copy other people's images.

Earning money from drawings - where you can sell them

Selling your works is not difficult, the main thing is to know the “fishing” places. And this, firstly, i.e. exchanges of drawings, illustrations, photographs and other things, on which photographers and artists post the results of their work for sale. The cost is not high and the exchange takes a certain percentage of sales. But despite this drawback, photo banks will be an excellent option for beginners in this field as a starting point. This will make you feel like you can earn money for your hobby.

In conclusion, we would like to add that the question of how to make money as an artist is accessible not only to a narrow circle of professionals, but also to beginners. Specialists in this area are always in demand, and this does not depend on whether you are a painter, an abstract artist, or a graphic artist... Wide opportunities open up for you to make money from creativity, all you have to do is find an order to your liking...
Good luck to you and good earnings!

Not many people know that you can earn a stable and decent income by creating vector illustrations. But this is an ideal option for mothers on maternity leave.

  • This can be done directly from home.
  • This allows you to achieve a stable decent income and be the master of your life.
  • You need very little: a computer, Internet access, a little time, desire and hard work to master the necessary computer program.
  • And even having an artistic or special education is not necessary.

In an interview, Elena explained what it takes to master a profession, how to start earning money, and how to make a stable income. She also shared a secret of how to create vector images can become a source of passive income.

What is a “vector”, and where are vector drawings used?

The easiest way to explain this is the difference with a raster image.

Example bitmap- this photo. Opening it on the computer screen and zooming in at maximum, we see a dense grid and multi-colored pixels. They are in no way related to each other. You can remove, replace, recolor one pixel, and the picture as a whole will not change. Such an image cannot be enlarged indefinitely without losing quality.

Vector image is pure mathematics. Each point has its own coordinates. When drawing vector objects, the program takes into account the distance between adjacent points, tilt angles, curvature, direction, and so on. Vector images can be enlarged an infinite number of times without losing quality.

The scope of use of vector images is huge. With their help it is created form style: logos, business cards, leaflets, decorative elements for the design of printed materials, illustrations, avatars, icons, website navigation.

How to receive passive income from the created vector images?

This can be done using photo banks or stocks.

Stock is a virtual bank of images. In a regular bank, you can deposit money into an account and receive interest over time. The drains are arranged in a similar way.

You drew a picture, went through moderation, and the bank sells it for you. Magazines or come to the site, look at illustrations on the desired topics and choose what they need.

One stock vector illustration costs from $0.25 to $5. It would seem that $0.25 per download is a penny price for a week’s work. But the catch is that some images can be downloaded hundreds or thousands of times. I have drawings that have been downloaded several hundred times, and this is not the “coolest” result. Therefore, stock is a very good option for generating passive income.

Can people without art education create vector images and make money?

Art education is absolutely not a panacea. I myself did not study the design package at the institute, but after graduating, on my own. There are a lot of people like me. The lack of specialized education does not prevent you from reaching a good level of earnings, especially when working with wastewater.

What do you need to learn how to create vector images from scratch?

First of all, own a graphics package: either Corel Draw, or Adobe Illustrator, or both. To do this, you need to take courses or study the package yourself. The information is there, it is not closed, and if you find such a course from a specialist you trust, there is no reason to refuse it.

I also have an online course on the Corel Draw program, which helps you start with the basics and master the creation of complex multi-page documents, talks about the features of preparing a vector for printing and for the Internet.

What qualities will be useful if you do this professionally?

  • Perseverance and attention to detail are absolutely necessary.
  • A beautiful vector image requires extreme composure and the ability to achieve the result you are aiming for.
  • You need adequacy of perception: you need to evaluate yourself sensibly, look at the work of your colleagues.
  • You need to be able to analyze. Take the time to understand the demand for vector images and how this market works.
  • If you work at home for yourself, then this is maximum concentration and the ability to organize yourself. The ability to find time and achieve maximum results in a minimum of time.

What is the expected income at the initial stage?

In the pictures: vector drawings by Elena Agosta

On The initial stage needs to be laid for about six months. At this stage, earnings will be minimal.

Now I cooperate with several foreign stocks. It took me a couple of months to register, fill out all the necessary documents and tax forms, and wait for response letters. During this time, I created the required number of papers for the initial exam. All newly registered stockers go through it. Both registration and preparation for the exam require a lot of time.

I withdrew my first $100 only after six months. I had 30 jobs. To be honest, this is very little. Experts say that stable earnings begin when there are 100-150 combat jobs.

How much can you earn?

You can potentially earn anywhere from two hundred to a thousand dollars a month. Of course, this is all individual and depends, among other things, on your employment.

For eight hours a day you are busy with hired work. If you spend the same amount of time working at home, you can qualify for the same salary as in the office. If you do this as a hobby, then the earnings will be appropriate..

I would also like to add thatThe earnings of an illustrator on the stock market depend, among other things, on the ability to be flexible, quickly change in accordance with trends, and also work for quantity without sacrificing quality.

What designs are in demand on stock today?

In the pictures: vector drawings by Elena Agosta

It's quite difficult to say. The market for vector illustrations is very dynamic and changes very quickly.

If we talk about stylistics, then a lot depends on the abilities and manners of the artist himself. illustrator.

If we talk about the theme, then we need to take into account seasonality. It is clear that Christmas trees and Christmas tree balls are needed for the New Year, and all sorts of hearts are in demand for Valentine’s Day.

Although there are off-season themes. Topics of family, communication, business. Portals for mothers and children consistently buy illustrations depicting a family, mother and child. Fashion magazines buy images of girls drinking coffee or shopping.

In general, there is room to use your imagination. It depends on your interests, abilities, and how quickly you find your client.

Where can I learn vector graphics?

  1. Corel Draw:

Felt Academy of Elena Agosta – newsletter on graphic design and training in the CorelDRAW program from Elena Agosta and her educational YouTube channel

Official Corel YouTube Channel. Free lessons for different difficulty levels.

  1. Adobe Illustrator:

LITUSPRO - video blog about design with Adobe Illustrator training course.

Demiart – archive of unique lessons, textbooks and forum.

Hello, Yana)
Thank you a million for your advice, thoughts and wisdom!

So I have a question. Largely thanks to your posts and books.
Not long ago, I finally found an activity that was at the crossroads of whether I like it, it works out, I want to do it. And this activity turned out to be drawing.

Here I must say that by education and profession I have nothing to do with creativity. However, I have always been drawn to doing hand-made things, sculpting, painting, knitting. As a child, I loved art lessons, I liked to draw. But in such a way that she draws directly - then no. I tried it recently and was hooked.
And now the third month has begun, I try to draw every day, when I follow the textbook, when I copy, when I just draw all sorts of doodles - zentangles - mandalas. I understand that I want to develop in this. And somewhere in the depths of my soul, a small flame smolders - what if I manage to change my unloved job to something related to creativity.

And now, actually, the question. It is clear that first practice, basic things, study-study-study. And now it’s too early to talk about anything specific. But I have very little idea what’s next. Just draw, look at the work of others and go by experience? If you really set a goal to change your profession, then where should you start moving? What do people who can draw become? Stockers, designers, illustrators? What are the directions? There are probably a lot of them, but maybe you can at least outline some of the main points) Thank you!

There are all sorts of doodles here) (http://happy-real-life.livejournal.com/) the magazine does not need to be shown.

It's never too early to ask yourself what exactly you want to do. Because the answer (partly) determines what is best for you to develop in yourself, what is worth working on.

There are really a lot of directions: illustration, drawing and selling originals, selling souvenirs with your pictures (and a separate question is whether you want to make them yourself). Stocks, writing and illustrating books, graphic novels, illustrations for magazines. And if you like to draw ornaments, or something similar, then there is also the opportunity to draw patterns for fabrics, scarves, carpets, wallpaper, etc.

I suggest starting by collecting the maximum possible applications drawing.
Dear readers, write what I haven’t mentioned yet?

Then - look on the Internet for examples of everything mentioned, and listen to your feelings: what gives you the feeling “this is how I would like it” more.
You need to collect more of these directions, and then narrow the circle: what do you like more, and what do you like even more?

And here it is very important point- honesty! We like to watch many things from others, and we even feel some envy that someone has broken through with this. But when you look at the question honestly, it becomes clear that you don’t like doing this yourself. And the thought that I will do this every day for many years is rather depressing. These are the things we like in others. This is wonderful and useful, but it is not suitable for trying to live on it.

It is advisable to narrow the circle to several areas. Preferably no more than ten. And preferably very specifically formulated. For example: “Draw pictures for T-shirts and sell T-shirts with them, which will be printed by other services” or “draw originals and sell them, regularly exhibiting in galleries.”

As you go, studying samples of what other people are doing, try to read from their websites exactly where they are sold. Some are standing in the markets, others are licking the online store. Still others walk through galleries. Everyone has their own, and many people may really like some of it, or vice versa. You need to try all this on yourself. Could you imagine going to nice shops and offering your goods to a commission? Or write to publishing houses and editors and offer them your drawings? Or is it easier for you to just work on some store and hope that strangers from some platform will flock to it?

In general, when there are very few options left, you have to try. Because Only in practice does it become clear how much you really like the work. Well, in this phase it will become clear what skills you are missing, what you still need to learn, what to extract from materials and tools.

I wish you success in finding your dream! :-)

Every person sooner or later thinks about earning extra money. The first thing that comes to mind is to make a business out of your favorite hobby. And this is quite real.

If you are a good drawer and, by the will of fate, you sit at home or want to earn extra income, you may have already wondered how to make money by drawing. Indeed, this hobby can be used not only for moral satisfaction, but also for very real income.

Nowadays, selling your creativity has become much easier than before, and you often don’t even need to leave your home. All that remains is to understand the details, weigh the risks and move from plans to actions, and the magazine Reconomica will be happy to help you with this.

My name is Stepantsova Olga Aleksandrovna, I am 22 years old, I live in the city of Blagoveshchensk.

Many of us loved to be creative as children: some played a musical instrument well, some made crafts, and some liked to draw. Talent exists within every person, and it goes without saying how important it is to discover and realize it.

It is known that drawing has a positive effect on the nervous system, which means that the entire body will benefit.

By being creative, you can not only have fun, but also make money, while spending a couple of hours a day on it!

First publications

I always loved to draw and did it often. I just sat with a piece of paper and a pencil wherever and whenever I wanted, because I liked it and got better every time.

And for a person engaged in creativity, it is necessary for his work to be seen and appreciated by as many people as possible, so I decided to publish my best works on social networks.

Now this is one of the the best ways show what you are capable of, and look at others, learn new things. By the way, I used A4 paper and simple pencils. The cost of this did not ruin me, especially since the pencils lasted a long time.

My drawing.

Earning money idea

One day I was trying to figure out what to give my friend for her birthday, and an idea popped into my head - why don’t I draw her? A handmade gift from the heart is greatly appreciated.

I put all my skills into my work, received a lot of praise and was inspired. At the same time, this was my advertising, and the idea of ​​​​making such gifts to order was thoroughly ingrained in my head. I had to improve my skills using the Internet (studying facial anatomy, drawing techniques).

After browsing the Internet, I realized that you can and should make money from this, and most importantly, drawing a portrait did not take much time and was a pleasure!

First profit

After the donated drawing, several people appeared who wanted to buy a portrait for money, or even not quite a portrait, but something more unusual. For example, one guy asked me to draw a robot for him.

By the way, drawing a portrait from a photo is very convenient, because the photo is constant, the person does not change pose, as can be the case when drawing from life, in addition, you can work when it is convenient, and focus only on the customer’s deadlines.

Of course, the first orders were among friends, but this gave good experience and a small profit. When the first wave of orders passed, I realized that it was necessary to do more advertising and focus on people I didn’t know (after all, I redrawn everyone I knew). To do this, I promised quick completion of the work (all this is on the page social network) and sat down to draw as soon as someone contacted me.

What did this lead me to?

Starting once with simple, unsightly drawings, I came to good skills and a constant income.

Having experience in drawing, you can find many options for different part-time jobs:

  • In addition to portraits, there are sketches for tattoos, and people are also interested in them.
  • A good imagination will serve as a tool for creating funny cartoons.
  • And if you film the process of creating a work, you can make money by watching it on the Internet, because such videos are often popular.

And this is also my drawing.

Many have seen artists painting portraits on the street, and why not? All paths are open!

Let's calculate the income

Based on the final result, I can say that the main cost is time for training and improvement, and I do not take into account the purchase of paper and pencils, rubber bands, and sharpeners.

At the initial stage, the portrait cost 250 rubles (for a beginning artist), after a while the final price was established - 500 rubles.

If we take into account that, on average, by the second month I painted one portrait a day, we get an amount equal to 15,000 rubles (and this is far from the limit), despite the fact that the work was done in my free time and took 2-3 hours a day .

The cost can be increased, but left adequate in relation to your abilities. Sometimes there were two orders a day, and sometimes none.

Not everything is as simple as it seems

When buying a finished product, the client has no idea how much effort was spent on making him find you and want to cooperate with you.

Drawing is not as difficult as it seems, but making your work in demand is a more serious task.

One way or another, you have to communicate with people, and it would be nice to be able to do it correctly (be polite, tactful, win over, create a positive conversation).

If you like to draw and want to try to earn some money, then I want to give some tips and recommendations that helped me:

  • One of my favorite expressions, which I often used as a guide: for every artist there is an art connoisseur.

This is true. There will always be a person who will like the character of your work, your drawing style and the author's zest (and everyone has it).

  • The customer likes to see all the information at once.

For example, when visiting your page, he should find answers to all the questions he is interested in: price, deadlines, format, drawing technique, examples of your work. This will increase the likelihood that he will want to order from you.

  • There is no need to be afraid of anything.
  • Creating a portfolio.

You don’t need to write a lot about yourself; your works will say the best about you. Design your drawings beautifully, and people will definitely like them. There is no need to post all the works; choose the brightest, most special and catchy ones in your opinion.

  • Pay attention to your competitors.

Draw conclusions for yourself (regarding cost, quality of work).

  • Successful people overcome their laziness and fear. Don't be lazy and everything will work out!