Home / Linux Overview / How to make money by participating in competitions. Earnings from various competitions. How to find competitions

How to make money by participating in competitions. Earnings from various competitions. How to find competitions

In this article I will tell you how to find various competitions and how to win them.

Many bloggers hold various competitions on their sites to increase user activity. Sometimes it’s enough to subscribe to the newsletter with new articles from the site, and sometimes to guess the riddle.

It depends on what the site owner comes up with. But most often they hold a universal competition for the most active commentators.

How to find competitions

Anyone can participate in such competitions, unless the conditions stipulate any specific requirements. The most difficult thing is to find sites where these competitions are held, because there are no special services with such a list.

You can manually view all blogs - go to one, look in the top menu for the presence of the “Competitions” tab, and if not, go to another.

One blog can help find others like it through the comments section, where authors of other blogs can communicate. Usually it is enough to click on the commentator's nickname to go to his blog.

It is much easier and faster to search for competitions through a search engine. For example, if you type “blog commentary contest” into Google, you can quickly find a list of all the sites where they are running.

If desired, you can clarify the time frame so as not to be distracted by outdated records. To do this, in the Tools section, select Per month.

But be sure to look through the site you find so that there is definitely a mark about the ongoing competition. It would be a shame to waste time. Usually on the top menu there is a link to a page with a description of the competitions, and there you can see the conditions and prizes.

Terms of competitions

Each time you need to carefully read the rules and follow them. After all, each site owner sets his own conditions, and if you violate them, your victory will not be counted. But in general, we can highlight the basic rules that are prescribed “by default.” If there are no other instructions, it is enough to follow only these:

  • Do not leave monosyllabic comments - write at least a few words. So the phrases “thank you”, “interesting”, “well done” will not win the competition.
  • Leave comments only on the topic of the article.
  • Of course, you cannot use obscene language or insult the author or other commentators.

The duration of the competition is usually a month, from the first to the last day. Results will be posted early next month.

Usually they say there are three prizes, but you can find competitions with one or six winners.

By the way, I do not recommend participating in competitions on a site where you cannot personally monitor the number of comments. Usually, a visual block with a count of comments is placed on the sidebar - who left and how many this month. This is the only way to be sure of the fairness of the competition.

How to win commentary competitions

I often read different sites, and many of them host such competitions. This additionally encourages leaving comments, but other participants are not asleep either - people can show amazing diligence for good prizes. So you can’t do without a good strategy.

  1. First, you need to subscribe to site updates so as not to miss the release of a new article, or use the RSS Feed Reader plugin to google chrome. Thanks to this program, you can instantly receive notification of the release of a new article. Then you will be among the first and won’t miss anything. But you should be careful - not all sites can be tracked with its help.
  2. Come in every day and leave a certain amount comments. Exactly how much depends on the number of opponents and the results of the previous month. I usually look at the results of the previous competition on this site, divide the number of comments from the winner by 30 days and distribute the load evenly. Although it is worth focusing on your rivals - maybe they are more active this month or, on the contrary, less sociable.
  3. Reply to other people’s comments, ask questions, clarify something. Usually other commenters don't mind keeping up the conversation to improve their chances.
  4. In difficult cases, I ask a friend to help - she gets into an argument with me on some issue, and we leave a lot of comments, defending our position. The main thing is not to deviate from the topic of the article, otherwise the dialogues may be erased.
  5. At the end of the month, be more vigilant and monitor the number of comments from your opponents. Usually in the last days a fight begins between the three leaders - who will take first place and who will be content with third.

Adhering to this tactic, I quite often take first or second place in commentator competitions. Although sometimes I retreat when I see that my opponents have clearly taken the lead and I will have to spend too much time to catch up with them.


It’s hard to say exactly how much you can get by participating in such a competition, and even what you’ll get at all. The site owner prescribes rewards for the best commentators in the terms of the competition. And the chances of winning depend on your activity and the number of competitors.

I have participated in many competitions, and on average the range of winnings is from 100 to 300 rubles. Somewhere less, somewhere more, but you can count on approximately these amounts.

In October I participated in only two competitions, and in one I took second place and received 100 rubles.

Winnings are transferred to electronic money (WebMoney, Yandex.Money) or to your phone balance. I always indicate electronic money, because in my opinion it is more convenient. I can top up my mobile phone myself.

Such income cannot be called stable, because you can spend a lot of time, leave dozens of comments, and on the last day someone else will overtake you.

I comment only on sites that interest me, I try to soberly assess my capabilities and do not chase big prizes - the competition will be too high. It is better to win a little often than to invest all your effort and end up with nothing.

“How can the Internet generate income? Stop sitting at the computer, look for a normal job!” These words are familiar to almost every online businessman: few people believe that social networks bring money.
But those who believe continue to discover new ways to earn money, increasing their income.
Today we will talk about how to make money from a VKontakte group!

How does this work

The bulk of the profit comes from advertising. Public page owners advertise almost everything - from other groups to online stores and large enterprises. For example, online jewelry or cosmetics stores order advertising in women's communities.
But you shouldn’t hope for quick and easy money: in order for advertisers to choose yours among thousands of public pages, you will have to invest a lot of effort and time.

Creation and promotion

Choosing a theme

The method of earning money and potential income depend on the selection of topics. The topic should be familiar and interesting to a wide range of users. At the same time, you must bring something of your own to stand out among hundreds of similar pages.

The chosen topic should be of interest to the creator himself, because he will have to deal with the administration of the public for a long time. Reply to simple question— won’t you get tired of this topic in a week, month, or year?

The most profitable topics include:

  • Humor, quote books, and other entertainment
    The posts here help you relax after a hard day at work: many Internet users prefer to spend their evenings here.
    The competition in this niche is too high - entertainment public sites are a dime a dozen, and many of them have a multimillion-dollar audience. However, fresh ideas and a unique presentation style will quickly hook readers.

    A post in the entertainment community that received more than 800,000 unique views in 8 hours

  • Business
    Most of these communities are engaged in posting quotes and thoughts of successful businessmen. Some call such public pages meaningless dummies, others blindly believe advice and quotes, and are looking forward to the next post.
    One thing is clear - people are interested in how to make easy money, which means VKontakte groups of this format will always have a wide audience.
    To attract more users, it’s worth talking about more down-to-earth people: among your friends there will probably be successful entrepreneurs who have their own businesses. Such unique stories will interest more readers than information about celebrities, which subscribers can easily find without your help.

    Post in a popular business magazine: thoughts and advice from a famous banker

  • Pages intended for a specific category of people are also popular - students, women, young mothers, geeks, and much more. They easily adapt to the interests of the creator: a car enthusiast can create a public page about cars, and an artist can create a page for those who love creativity.

Narrow topics and directions are less profitable - it is unlikely that the community of violinists from Voronezh (may they forgive me) will bring the creator a lot of money.

Naming and avatar

The next step after choosing a topic is choosing a group name. If it captivates potential participants, is easy to remember, and does not require magical pronunciation and writing skills, then you have hit the nail on the head!
A typical mistake of novice online VK businessmen is trying to cram all thematic keywords and phrases into the title. Your page will be displayed during searches, but it is unlikely to attract new participants.
It is better to order a logo from a professional designer: a bright and unique picture plays an important role in promoting the page. If you don’t yet have the opportunity to spend money on ordering an avatar, you can create a simple logo yourself in any graphic editor. For example, a group name written on a single-color background would be suitable.

Logo for a community of mathematicians, created in a common mathematical graphing program


Correctly selected topics and titles are not enough to attract subscribers - you need to fill the page with quality content. An empty feed will scare off potential audiences, even if the topic and description suit them one hundred percent. Before inviting friends and acquaintances to the community, create a couple of dozen interesting and unique posts.
For a business public, these could be collections of interesting books and articles; for an entertainment page, these could be interesting facts.

One of the first posts from the editors' community: a selection of feature articles and podcasts

Don’t forget about creating discussions - the latter help maintain connections between subscribers.


The dream of making millions from a VKontakte group is closer than ever! All that remains is to attract the audience.
The initial goal is to get at least 1000-2000 subscribers.
There are a lot of ways to promote, and each one deserves special attention.

After reaching the first bar, you can start investing in advertising your public by posting posts in large groups. Posts with both an explicit call for entry and hidden advertising that suddenly appears in the midst of the story are suitable. The main thing is to come up with a truly catchy post and post it in a public page whose target audience coincides with yours.


About 10,000 users have joined the group, and your posts receive over 1,000 unique views daily? It's time to move on to the tastiest part: let's lift the veil of secrecy and find out how to make money on a VKontakte group!


Let's focus on the advertising posts that we talked about earlier.
The customer buys a fixed post space in the public for a certain time - the advertiser does not have the right to place other posts during this period. After the expiration date, the post continues to move down the feed and is then deleted.
The cost of such advertising depends on the duration of these periods, the coverage of the public, as well as the time of day that the customer expects.
For example, advertising in an entertainment public during the daytime costs less than in the evening, and the most expensive posts in 18+ groups are posted closer to midnight.

The most convenient option to get your first customers is to place an ad in special advertising exchanges. These include the official VKontakte exchange, and the Sociate and Plibber resources. To add a public page to the system, you must indicate the cost of the post.

Analyze the prices of competitors' services with similar activity and coverage so as not to charge too much or too little.

If you don’t want to overpay commissions from each transaction to exchanges, look for clients from others, free methods. Place ads on free platforms, make special posts, create a wiki with a price list.
At first there won’t be very many clients, but after a while they will contact you directly. Sometimes you even have to choose between several customers!


In this area, 2 options for earning money are worthy of attention - links to file hosting services and video posting. These ways of earning money are good because they bring passive income - just post a link to a file or video.
In the first option you need to fill certain files to the group: for each download a certain amount will be credited to your account. Of course, this cannot become the main source of income, but as an additional income from your contact group, this option is a great fit.

Video posting is considered a more profitable niche, but first you need to gain a large number of active subscribers. It’s easy to guess that they pay you for views, which means you need to select videos that will be of interest to the majority of the audience.

Videos are taken from special platforms, like ViBoom and VideoSeed. It will cost you around 20-80 kopecks per view. Only public pages with 15,000+ subscribers can post videos. You can monitor viewing statistics directly in the service.

Affiliate programs

You need money, and the owners of an online store or other resource need customers. Then what prevents you from entering into a mutually beneficial agreement?

The affiliate program scheme is quite simple: the public publishes an advertising post with a special link to the resource. The customer pays a percentage of the amount of purchases made by users who follow the link, or a fixed fee for each person registered on his site.
To attract a larger audience, users are often provided with special promotional codes to receive discounts or other privileges.

Video about the Aliexpress affiliate program

Making money on affiliate programs in a VKontakte group is not so easy - you need to pay attention to several factors:

  • You should not advertise video games in a literary circle, or cosmetics in a business public. Analyze the needs and wants of your target audience.
    For example, advertising of bright clothes would be appropriate in youth groups, and training from celebrities would be suitable for businessmen.
  • You shouldn’t advertise things that your audience definitely can’t afford. For example, entertainment groups are full of teenagers who are unlikely to be able to pay for expensive services or goods on their own. Pocket money is only enough for a nice mug or sweets.
  • The selected online store should offer delivery to all cities of Russia, and better yet, to the CIS countries. Otherwise, some subscribers simply will not be able to use the resource and will not bring you income.

Selling goods

Do you know how to advertise and sell other people's products? So why transfer customers to them, and receive only a percentage of each purchase, if you can create your own online store?
You can earn good money by selling goods in a VKontakte group: you just need to be smart and have a small starting capital.
As in the case of affiliate programs, you will have to study the needs of the audience. For example, in a business public you can sell watches, while geeks will like CDs, toys, and souvenirs with their favorite characters. You can buy all these products at low prices in online stores like aliexpress.com. Monitoring discounts and promotions will increase your income significantly!

Choose oversized items that can be easily mailed. These can be souvenirs, piggy banks, jewelry, sunglasses, and other small goods.

In addition to reselling items from other stores, you can start producing and selling your own, unique goods. Young people will willingly pay for T-shirts, covers, and mugs with the logo of their favorite band.

Popular entertainment public store

Public sale

Suitable for those who still haven’t figured out how to make money from a VKontakte group and have decided to change their field of activity, or have simply found a more profitable and interesting job. Commoners shouldn’t use this method of earning money: it’s too risky:

  • Selling the group is prohibited by social rules. networks - if any attempt is detected, you and your creation will be immediately banned. You will have to look for buyers on third-party resources and sites.
  • Honesty is not the best side of people. The buyer may simply not pay, leaving you with nothing. To avoid running into a scammer, ask the potential buyer for an advance payment.
  • To make any profit, the group must be well promoted, and this will require a lot of effort and time. The one-time fee is not worth it!


So we figured out how to make money from a VKontakte group. Let's summarize:

  • Choose a topic that will reach as many people as possible.
  • The name should not be a set of keywords: it is enough to choose one of them - light, beautiful, and memorable. Use other queries as hashtags.
  • Do not use spam to promote your community - this risks not only blocking your account, but also the group itself.
  • Don't go overboard with automated subscriber recruitment—you'll still need active users to sell ads.
  • Create unique content that will interest your target audience and make them subscribe to your blog.
  • Don't make too many promotional posts - subscribers will automatically start ignoring them, and some will even unsubscribe. 1-2 posts a day is enough.
  • Place advertisements for goods and services that will interest your audience. Don’t also forget about accessibility - “Preparing for the Unified State Exam” subscribers certainly won’t buy an expensive super calculator with delivery only in Singapore.

You will learn how you can earn money on VKontakte (VK.com) without initial investment, how much you can earn through the VK network and how to withdraw your earned money.

We welcome our readers to the pages of the business magazine “HeatherBober.ru”! The founders of the resource, Vitaly and Alexander, are with you.

Today we will talk again about ways to make money online. The topic of the article is obtaining a stable income through the social network VKontakte.

This topic will be of interest to anyone who wants to start their own business from scratch or wants to find additional income in their free time.

So, make yourself comfortable - we're starting!

1. Earnings on VKontakte - how and how much you can earn through the social network vk.com

Statistics show that every third inhabitant of the planet is registered in one or more social networks. An audience of several billion consists mainly of young, capable and energetic people with financial wealth.

You can use the VKontakte network exclusively for entertainment, correspondence with friends, finding new acquaintances and interest groups. There is another opportunity - to spend your time more wisely, namely, to use VK to earn money.

Think for yourself: you are still on VKontakte - if instead of corresponding with friends and watching the news, you engage in a more profitable activity, this will bring you not only moral, but also material satisfaction.

You can earn even more on VK if you take special courses on business promotion on social networks and internet marketing.

He managed to build a remote business thanks to the capabilities of Internet marketing and visited 32 countries in 2 years, combining business and travel.

Thanks to the knowledge gained in the free course, we increased the income of our HeatherBeaver project.

If you decide to earn from VKontakte from 50,000 rubles per month or engage in Internet marketing in any other form right from home, we can confidently recommend this training program to you.

Working through VK does not require intellectual effort or complex actions. You also don’t have to get up for work on an alarm clock: you can earn money in VK at any time of the day.

2. Ways to make money on VKontakte - TOP 5 popular

In this publication we will talk about five ways to make money, but in reality there are many more. Perhaps you personally will be able to create your own, even more effective and profitable method of earning money through VK.

We will look at the simplest and most accessible options that even a high school student can use if he has free time and a desire to try himself in commercial endeavors.

Group organizers can take part in a variety of projects: with payment for an action, for an order, for registration in a service, a game, filling out a purchase application, for each visitor attracted to the site by a partner partner.

All you have to do is attach affiliate programs to your VK group and earn money from them automatically.

Step 5. Withdraw your earned money

When working through affiliate programs, there is a savings system with a certain minimum for withdrawal to a wallet (Qiwi, YandexMoney, WebMoney). Conditions for withdrawing money from each account affiliate program different.

If the group’s attendance is small, it is logical to choose those systems where the withdrawal amounts are small. In addition, in many affiliate programs there is such a thing as “hold” - an initial period of work during which payments are not available.

4. Services for making money on VKontakte groups

Now let’s learn more about services for making money on VK. To begin with, we will list the most popular ones, and then compare their pros and cons in the final table. – a serious site for community owners to make a profit;

  • – a service that allows you to earn money from advertising posts on your personal page or in the community;
  • – a resource that allows you to earn money from advertising not only in VK, but also in Odnoklassniki and Twitter;
  • – a project for making money by posting videos in groups.
  • Experts advise starting to work with several services at the same time in order to compare their advantages and disadvantages from your own experience.

    For group owners, we recommend the services Blogun or Plibber. These are very solid and reliable partners for making money, allowing promising beginning money makers to get promoted and experienced businessmen to increase their working capital.

    The blogger offers its partners more stringent conditions than in other systems, but the earnings here are quite decent. The project is careful in choosing sites for work, but if your community is suitable for it, income will be stable and high.

    Plibber is an ideal start for beginners: there is no minimum wage and, in addition to VKontakte, accounts of all popular social networks are serviced.

    For ease of comparison, we present in table form the characteristics of the main services:

    5. Where to learn how to make money on VKontakte for FREE and with high quality

    It is best to take advantage of special courses in which you will have a mentor. Personally, we received free training from Dmitry Chevychalov on the “” course.

    This guy himself has been traveling around the world for more than 2 years, having organized a successful business on the Internet - his own marketing agency.

    During the training, Dmitry examines in detail the topic of making money on VKontakte from scratch and other options for making a profit using Internet marketing tools.

    6. Conclusion

    It's time to take stock, friends! Now you know that earning money through the VKontakte network is available to everyone. The main thing is to take the first step to organize a very profitable and far from tedious business.

    We would like to wish speedy success and successful promotion to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to everyone for those who want to start working or are already making money through social networks!

    How to make money in social network Odnoklassniki (ok.ru) – detailed guide for beginners with clear examples + review of popular services for making money

    Greetings, friends! The first summer month is coming to an end, but the heat in the blogosphere is not decreasing, but is only increasing every week! So on my blog, some readers have already left more than 1000 comments and are guaranteed to receive a prize of 500 rubles in addition to winning the TOP commentator competition and receiving another 350 rubles. And all this is earnings without investments, earnings from competitions with cash prizes. Such competitions are held on many blogs and give readers the opportunity to earn good money to get started.

    Some readers admitted that participating in competitions and winning them is their main income online, which sometimes reaches 10,000-15,000 rubles a month. This is participation in competitions for the best commentator, anniversary commentary, in some competitive marathons, etc. You should not neglect this type of income, since there is always the opportunity to earn a couple of hundred rubles without particularly straining. True, if you want to earn more than 1000 rubles, then you will have to work - spend your time and energy writing comments.

    But where to write these comments, on what blogs? Where are the best conditions? In order to make your life easier, I decided to create a list of all possible blogs and sites that host various competitions. And just like the most popular competitions are “ Best commentator", then the list was compiled specifically according to him.

    This will help you quickly find blogs or sites that host great competitions with cash prizes. The list will be updated once a month until the 5th. New blogs, new competitions, and new cash bonuses will be gradually added to it, so that you are always aware of what is happening.

    In principle, anyone can make such a list, but for some reason, almost no one does it. In addition, many people have no desire to monitor the relevance of competitions every month. I will take on all this routine work. All you have to do is add the competition list to your bookmarks and update it once a month. This way, you save your time, which you can spend on writing additional comments to win the competition.

    To view and bookmark the list of competition blogs, open the competition table:

    Blog competitions 06/28/15

    As you can see, the blog database is current as of 06/28/15. This way, you will know how current the database is at the time of viewing. As soon as I update it, I will also change the date in the title so that we always understand how recent the information is in the list.

    The list of competition blogs consists of the following sections:

    Blog name- Information about the name of the blog is displayed here with an already built-in link to home page blog. All you have to do is follow it if you are interested in the blog itself.

    Page with competitions– this is a link to the page itself with a description of the competitions. Since it is sometimes very difficult to find a complete description of all current competitions on some blogs and you need it, I decided to post a link to such pages so that you do not waste time looking for them. Just go ahead and read the competition rules.

    Next are columns displaying cash prizes for first, second and third place. It’s also very informative – you can see which blog has the best offers, bonuses and prizes. In addition, at the very bottom of the table the total amount for each place (1, 2, 3) is displayed, so you can see the amount you can earn if you win on all blogs. This is difficult and almost impossible, but information for general development to understand how much money is in the prize fund of all blogs.

    If you want to add your blog to this list, write to my support service and if everything is fine, then within 2 days it will appear on the list, thereby you get additional traffic to your blog and new commentators who did not know about you yet or your competition! You can do this here - write to support service!

    This project is beneficial to two parties - readers and commentators who want to earn money from competitions and the authors of the blogs themselves who are placed on the list. If I have a fairly large database of such blogs, I’ll create a separate competition page on my blog so as not to bother with online tables.

    Guys, I’ll tell you that making money in competitions by commenting on articles is not as easy as it seems, but it is absolutely possible. Last month I myself won more than 1000 rubles on various blogs without being particularly active. On only one, on the last day, did I compete for first place and win 300 rubles; in the rest, I simply wrote comments every other day on articles that were interesting to me, and responded to comments from other readers.

    On some blogs I won with ten comments left. This is even funny, since writing 10 comments takes only 5-10 minutes. And for this I received 200 rubles.

    Yes, the money is not big, but choose 10 blogs and set a goal - to win all the competitions that are held there. Thus, a good amount is already obtained. For example, on my blog, for first place the winner receives 350 rubles, somewhere 500 rubles, and somewhere 200. On average, first place gets 300 rubles. If you win 10 blogs, you get 3,000 rubles plus a bunch external links to your blog or resource and little traffic from these blogs, since most readers are wondering who this person is who is so diligently commenting on the author’s blog.

    In general, I think you have already understood all the benefits of participating in commentator competitions, as well as the benefits of the database of blogs where these competitions are held. Please look at the table and, if you wish, send me addresses of blogs that are not in the table. I understand that no one wants to compete with themselves, but still, if possible, write. I do this not for myself, but for all of you, my readers!

    I also ask blog authors to look at the table and check the correctness of the entered data. If you have any comments, write to the support service. If you didn’t find yourself on the list, but would like to get there, also write to my support service!

    Let's create a single database of all possible blogs with competitions together. Let's help each other! That's all for me today! I hope you like the idea. In addition, if you have suggestions on what else can be added to the table, useful information, links, formulas, etc. – write in the comments or to the support service!

    On this note, I end the article and wish you excellent earnings online, so that you feel like a free person and can afford to live the way you would like, and not as your salary allows!!!

    Blog competitions. 06.28.15

    And lastly, the Kryakozyabra competition. Today is a word with 16 letters:

    m p t i o r a t v e r m o o k

    I think you’ve all heard that both organizers and participants “make money” from competitions on the Internet. But how to do this? And what is the general use of organizing competitions on the Internet? This article should give you the answer to this question.

    The essence of the competition is clear to everyone: there is some condition (most often, this is writing an article) for which a prize is given. The prize is, in most cases, money. The point is clear. But not only money can be an advantage of participating in the competition. This is also:

    1. "Name". Still, your material (especially if it is interesting) will most likely be noticed by someone. And this is a huge advantage for you, especially if you are a beginner. Your reputation as a copywriter or blogger (if you have a blog) will grow and you will begin to be at least somehow “recognized” at forum and blogger “parties”.
    2. “Experience” of communicating with colleagues in the “shop.” Other bloggers or forum users will comment on your articles, and you will comment on their articles. This will begin what many call “blog friendship” or “forum friendship.” And this, I tell you, is very useful things.

    And if everything is clear with participation in the competition: there is an opportunity to win money, then from the organizer’s side everything does not look entirely clear... It is the “organizational side of the issue” that I want to consider further.

    What is needed to successfully organize a competition

    1. Budget. First of all, you need money. No one will participate in your competition for three rubles! Participants need motivation! And money in this case motivates the best. You can take money from your own pocket, if you have it there. And if they are not there, then you need to look for a sponsor who would give them to you. Most often, in the niche in which you are organizing a competition, there are more or less large companies. So you can ask them for money. But at the same time, you need to give them something in return. Most often this is the insertion of links or banners in the articles of the competitors.
    2. Idea for a competition. It must be there. Most often, a topic is invented on which to write an article or complete some task. Without an idea there is no competition.
    3. The purpose of the competition. Everything must be done for the sake of something. Most often, everything is done for the sake of PR of their resources and the resources of sponsors.

    But organizing a competition is not enough, you need people to participate in it (the more people, the better). This is done by promoting the competition. I have listed the most common tools below.

    How to promote the competition

    1. Review on blogs. On blogs on your (or related) topics, ask resource authors to review their competition. If it is worthwhile, then bloggers will do it for free.
    2. Topics on forums. The same can be done on thematic forums. The main thing is to make an enticing announcement and do not forget to keep the forum thread active.
    3. Social promotion of the competition. This is done through tweets, likes and likes. It works like a charm! Tested more than once.

    Imagine that the competition is in full swing, articles are being written, tasks are being completed. But here a logical question arises: “Why should I organize a competition at all? After all, I pay the winners money. What good does this do me?” But there is a benefit, and with the proper approach, it is not small.

    What good is a competition for the organizer?

    1. Target visitors. Most often, bloggers who maintain more or less thematic blogs participate in competitions. So, this fact will give you a flow of targeted visitors. Namely, they will click on advertisements, order your services and become your regular readers.
    2. Increasing the number of backlinks. The conditions for writing an article indicate that there must be a direct back link to the website of the competition organizer. And, it’s clear that the more participants, the more backlinks to your resource! And this is the growth of the link mass, which turns into growth of TIC, PR, growth of positions in search engines and so on.
    3. PR You will acquire regular visitors for yourself and your resource will become even better and more PR-rich. Well, I think you yourself will find how to benefit from this.

    Today I told you about how you can make money by participating and organizing competitions on the Internet. As you can see, this “theme” works, and I wish you good luck in conquering new heights and making big money on the Internet!

    If you have any questions for me, ask, I will try to answer. Have a nice day!

    Opinions and reviews

    Participants in competitions can also benefit from them - although only a few will be able to receive prizes or monetary rewards, everyone else can attract attention (this is especially true for competitions for bloggers and webmasters, when this way traffic is attracted to the site and new subscribers are added).
    The exact opposite: Forex competitions for trading on demo accounts. In my opinion, it's a waste of time.

    Well, why is it empty, if you take prizes in several such competitions you can win $1000 or even more. Naturally, you must have a good understanding of Forex.

    rinatt, of course, this is a waste of time for you, since you have not yet participated in competitions, or simply did not take prizes. I participated and won prizes, and made good money in competitions, so I will say that this is not a waste of time, and if you take this issue seriously, you can earn quite decent money in competitions.

    Once I was invited to a forum to participate in a competition. It was a women's forum and it lasted a month. I managed to take a prize, though not first, but it was still nice. True, I wasn’t completely sure that I would be paid, but I was paid.

    Well, how do you read messages like that, apparently you read the quote to which I responded. I participate all the time, but I choose the ones that suit me in time and so on. And there were victories and prizes, here are the biggest prizes, 2k$, were here - _http://forum.roboforex.ru/showthread.php?t=431&p=11313&viewfull=1#post11313
    Everything was paid fairly!

    The topic is about “How to make money from competitions on the Internet?”, and not about the advantages of this type of earnings. I know that many people are interested in this topic, so share useful information. If you have personal experience with competitions, it would be great to hear about your experience.

    After reading this topic a couple of weeks ago, I started googling, and to my regret I didn’t find anything interesting on the Internet, I took part in some small competitions, but I didn’t have much success, I received from one to five dollars, but I’m still searching, maybe someday I'll find something interesting.

    I agree with this. Many sites have competitions, and if the prize fund is good, then why not participate? I participate everywhere and almost always take prizes. True, I don’t think it’s that much good earnings, because the competition lasts a long time, but you always want to eat.

    Stupid question! I mean, how? Just take it and participate. In any case, you won’t lose anything. I personally have already made a lot of money in competitions on the topic of bookmaking, but I haven’t lost anything. In general, I think the topic is stupid. Here you need to act, not ask how (everything is clear, you just need to participate)

    By the way, yes. It’s faster to take it and try it than to discuss something else here.

    In fact, various competitions on forums and websites have a positive effect. After all, this can be called a bait for new visitors, besides, the participants begin to show their activity, which means the forum and the site come to life.

    Thank you very much for the article!! To be honest, I’m also going to organize a competition in the near future for my subscribers and visitors to my website. Everyone will be able to participate: both boys and girls. There will be cash rewards.