Home / Safety / What program is needed to create a folder password? How to put a password on a folder on a Windows computer without and with programs. Microsoft script for setting a password for a folder

What program is needed to create a folder password? How to put a password on a folder on a Windows computer without and with programs. Microsoft script for setting a password for a folder

Hello, dear readers. I once wrote about how there is nothing complicated about this. But put a password on a folder in Windows 7 standard means it won't work. The system does not provide such an option. This is perhaps one of the biggest omissions of the Windows 7 OS developers. For example, it’s easy. But this is not a problem that cannot be solved, there are ways out and we will talk about two ways to solve this issue. The first method is a little tricky, but requires certain knowledge, although not particularly complicated. But when using it, you can protect folders from ordinary users. not everyone can figure it out. The second method is using third-party software, that is, programs, of which there are many. Let's start from the first and we will put a password on a folder in Windows 7 without programs.

Putting a password on a folder in Windows 7 without programs

We need to create a bat file, the so-called “bat file”, and for this I recommend using . You can, of course, create it in a standard Windows notepad, but it will be . Everything will work, but instead of normal text there will be crocodile symbols. So, open Notepad++, create new document Ctrl + N , set the encoding to OEM 866.

And add this code into it: (See the video below)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 cls @ ECHO OFF title Folder under password if EXIST "Locker" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER:CONFIRM echo Are you going to lock the folder?(Y/N) set /p "cho=: " if % cho % ==Y goto LOCK if % cho % ==y goto LOCK if % cho % ==n goto END if % cho % ==N goto END echo Wrong choice. goto CONFIRM:LOCK ren Private "Locker" attrib +h +s "Locker" echo The folder is locked goto End:UNLOCK echo Enter the password to unlock the folder: set /p "pass=: " if NOT % pass % == enter the password goto FAIL attrib -h -s "Locker" ren "Locker" Private echo The folder has been successfully unlocked! goto End:FAIL echo Incorrect password goto end:MDLOCKER md Private echo Secret folder created goto End:End

cls @ECHO OFF title Folder under password if EXIST "Locker" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER:CONFIRM echo Are you going to lock the folder?(Y/N) set/p "cho=: " if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Wrong choice. goto CONFIRM:LOCK ren Private "Locker" attrib +h +s "Locker" echo The folder is locked goto End:UNLOCK echo Enter the password to unlock the folder: set/p "pass=: " if NOT %pass%== enter the password goto FAIL attrib -h -s "Locker" ren "Locker" Private echo The folder has been successfully unlocked! goto End:FAIL echo Incorrect password goto end:MDLOCKER md Private echo Secret folder created goto End:End

Instead of the words: “enter your password,” set your password. The name of this file does not matter. Save it with bat permission. For example lock.bat is quite suitable. We place it in the directory where the password-protected folder will be stored. For example, on a hard drive. Double-clicking on this “body file” will create a folder in this directory called Private, in which you will need to place . that need to be hidden from prying eyes. Then you need to double-click on the created file. A window will open command line, where you will need to enter the Latin “y” without quotes and press Enter.

After this, the folder will be hidden from prying eyes, and double-clicking on the file will open a window where you will need to enter a password. Agree, not every user will be able to open it and see the password, and most will not even understand what kind of file it is and what it is needed for. I forgot to say that you can put a password on a folder using the 7-zip or WinRar archiver, but then it turns out that we are putting a password on the archive, and not on the folder.

Put a password on a folder in Windows 7 program

For a long time I searched for a suitable program for this case and could not find a normal one. The only thing I liked was Anvide Lock Folder program. A very small program in Russian, which also does not require installation and is completely free, can set a password for a folder in the Windows system. And this applies not only to the seven. In the program window, you need to click on the plus sign and select the desired folder. Then click on the lock and enter the password. For convenience, set a password hint. After which the folder will be hidden on the system.

To see it again, you need to click on unlock and enter the password. As you understand, the program works on the same principle as the first method with a batch file. For me, it’s better to do without programs, but if you need it, you can download it. What do you think? If you know other ways to put a password on a folder in Windows 7, please share. And click on the social media buttons, it’s not difficult for you, right? 😉 If you want to receive bonuses and gifts, then join the lucky team.

While it is possible to password protect a Microsoft file in a couple of clicks, there are difficulties with folders, since Windows does not have a built-in function to resolve this task. But since this topic is relevant and most users need to protect their data, programmers have created various third-party solutions. To implement them you will need to install the program.

If you still have no idea why you might need this useful feature, I’ll explain. For example, you store any kind of information that is important to you, regarding business, personal life, and so on. Or you have albums with photographs on your computer that you would not like to show to anyone. Any personal folder can be reliably protected not only from prying eyes, but also in the event of theft or hacking, you will thus protect yourself from intruders.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with two ways to set passwords for folders, each of which has its own advantages.

WinRAR archiver

This archiver is installed by users almost immediately when the computer starts for the first time, so it is unlikely that you will need to install it. If WinRar is not installed, go to link and download the Russian version. You can also use the archiver 7zip.

So, let's say you have data that needs to be password protected. First, go to the archiver and find the folder. Select it by clicking on it once with the cursor and click on the function “ Add ».

The window “ Archive name and parameters ", in which you will see that the documentation will be copied and converted into an archive. If necessary, rename the folder. In the " General"or in some cases - " Additionally ", you will find a button asking you to set a password, click it.

A window will open where you will need to enter the same password twice and then click “ OK ».

The most insecure and popular passwords are dates and names. Try to avoid such encryption, otherwise they can easily break it if desired. Set a password consisting of numbers and upper and lower case letters.

The folder is ready and if you want to unzip it, you will be asked for a password.

If you often change the data in a folder or view it, then constantly unzipping and archiving is not only tedious, but also makes no sense, especially if there are alternative methods.

Anvide Lock Folder utility

This little program is free and allows you to set a password directly on a folder. Among its advantages, I will also highlight the fact that the utility is Russian-language, does not require installation (it is launched from a file) and is equipped with a simple interface. After installation, it hides the folder and it becomes invisible until you remove the password from it.

You can download the utility from the manufacturer's website. Go to the archive and click on the installation file.

You can create a shortcut for the utility on your desktop if you plan to use the program frequently. In the meantime, follow the instructions. Accept the license agreement.

You can refuse the updates offered in the next step.

That's all, the interface is open in front of you.

Add a folder that requires a password by clicking on the yellow plus.

Once the documentation is highlighted and confirmed, click on the padlock image.

Enter your password.

If you want to set a hint if you forget your password, answer positively to the next question of the utility.

Enter the text that exactly you will associate with the answer, but you should not write something that an outsider can easily answer.

By confirming your actions, you are blocking access to the folder. If you want to remove the password from it, you should press the lock next to it. Don't be surprised that the folder has disappeared, it's just hidden. If you need to work with it, go back to this program and double-click on the folder, it will again appear in its original place.

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Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

Many people use computers for work and personal communication. To perform their work and solve financial problems, they install various utilities, text editors, and applications. Most of these programs require authorization. To save work results, financial information, and a large number of logins and passwords, it is necessary to restrict access to folders and files to other possible computer users. To do this, you need to know how to put a password on a folder or encrypt an archive using Windows itself or special programs.

Why do you need a folder password?

The access restriction task can be divided into two subtasks. The first of these blocks access to your personal information on your computer or via local network for everyone except you. The second task is to restrict the access of other possible users of your computer to your account. A separate task is data archiving or application software to reduce file size. Speaking generally about protection, a password for folders is required when restricting access to:

  • personal, accounting, tax or other confidential personal and business information;
  • logins and secret codes from personal accounts in online banking, mail utilities, social networks;
  • business secrets, technologies, inventions, developments in all spheres of human activity.

How to password protect a folder on your computer

Classify everything confidential information possible in several ways. The most basic of them are:

  • ability to set a password for a folder using tools operating system Windows – create a key-password for the directory, launch a bat file with a pin code that opens the directory, create document protection using Microsoft Office;
  • use of specialized archiving utilities indicating a secret code to open the archive;
  • protect the folder with a password using special utilities, which make files and directories private secret code and invisible in file managers.

Windows tools

Operating Windows systems Different editions have different ways to password-protect a folder on your desktop or disk. For Windows 7 computers that use the NTFS file system, there is a way to protect data at the physical level. To do this, you need to create a key file with the pfx extension:

  • open the “Properties” tab necessary to close the directory;
  • in the top menu go to the General->Attributes->Others tab;
  • in additional attributes, check the content encryption checkbox;
  • select “Encrypt content to protect data”;
  • click “Archive now”, the encryption process will begin;
  • Click “Next” and automatic export of certificates will start;
  • then you need to check the box for the key file extension type - PFX;
  • set the code for the key file;
  • click “Browse”, select the storage location on your computer or flash drive, the name of the key file, move the data to the key file by clicking “Next”;
  • after clicking “Finish” the folder will be encrypted;
  • To open it, you need to click on the key file and enter the code.

Using standard Microsoft Office 2010 tools, it is possible to encrypt created documents. Using this tool, when you try to open any created in Office document You will be required to enter the specified password. To do this:

  • select the “File” tab;
  • further – “Protect document”;
  • In the menu we indicate – “Encrypt with password”;
  • Having entered the secret code twice, click Ok->Save.

Archiving programs

At the dawn of the computer era, archive programs were used primarily to compress folders in order to save space on the hard drive. Now these utilities are used to package information when sending it by mail, uploading it to hosting, storing it, and selling it. Archivers have another important feature thanks to the function of setting a PIN code during archiving. Moreover, any archived file can only be opened by entering a secret code. The most popular archivers, supported by many platforms and hosting sites, are WinRAR, WinZIP, 7-ZIP.

Using special programs

You can restrict access to directories by using special utilities created for this purpose. The graphical shells or sequence of operations in these programs are different, but they are all made in order to lock a folder on the computer, conveniently and quickly set a code word for opening folders, and hide their presence on the disk from any prying eyes. There are paid and free such utilities. They make it possible to block access to directories with any content - texts, music, photos, videos. The most popular on the market are:

  • PasswordProtect USB;
  • Folder Lock;
  • LocK-A-FoLdeR;
  • Folder Protector.

How to make a folder with a password using an archiver

By creating an archive using the popular WinRAR or 7-Zip archivers, it is possible not only to reduce the size occupied by folders with any content by 30-50%, but also to add a code to open this archive. This practice is used when selling information, lessons, etc. via the Internet. Downloading archives from websites or torrents is free, but to open them you must purchase a secret code. Once you create an archive, you can allow new files and folders to be added to it. Modern versions of these products have a number of additional features.

WinRAR archiver

One of the very first and most widespread is the WinRAR archiver. It has several settings before packaging - for speed, compression ratio, work in the background, specifying the name of the archive, where it is saved, and many others. To create an archive you need:

  • Having selected the objects to be archived, right-click and select context menu“Add to archive”;
  • create an archive name;
  • the drop-down list on the right provides the opportunity to select the method of updating the source files and those in the archive;
  • if necessary, check the box “Delete files after archiving”;
  • if you need to block the archive, check the “Lock archive” box in the Archiving Options;
  • press the “Set password” button and enter it twice;
  • It is recommended that after entering the code words, select “Display password at login” and “Encrypt file names”, then “Ok”;
  • To start the process, click “Ok” at the bottom of the main menu.

File archiving program 7-ZIP

WinZIP and 7-ZIP utilities latest version are paid, for their full operation it is necessary to register on the developers’ websites, pay and receive an activation key. If it is available, for everyone who uses archivers, the work of creating an archive is as simple as with WinRAR. To create an archive you need:

  • Having selected the necessary objects, by right-clicking in the menu, select “7-ZIP-Add to ZIP file”;
  • set the archive format, check the “Show password” and “Encrypt file names” options;
  • in the “Enter password” line, specify the code word;
  • Start archiving by clicking the “Ok” button.

Protect and hide a folder using a BAT file with a password

One of the options for closing a directory with code is to create an executable file or bat file, which is created in any simple text editor, for example – Notepad. This file is created in the folder that needs to be password protected. The text of this utility is available on many resources on the Internet. It looks like this:

title Folder Private

if EXIST "Compconfig Locker" goto UNLOCK

if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER

echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)

if %cho%==Y goto LOCK

if %cho%==y goto LOCK

if %cho%==n goto END

if %cho%==N goto END

echo Invalid choice.

ren Private "Compconfig Locker"

attrib +h +s "Compconfig Locker"

echo Folder locked

echo Enter password to unlock folder

if NOT %pass%== YOUR_PASSWORD goto FAIL

attrib -h -s "Compconfig Locker"

ren "Compconfig Locker" Private

echo Folder Unlocked successfully

echo Invalid password

echo Private created successfully

Your steps to create a directory locked with a secret code will be as follows:

  • one of the items in the template of this small utility is the line Your_password, instead of which you must enter your PIN code;
  • save this file, rename it to locker.bat;
  • click on it, the Private folder is created;
  • you need to transfer all the information you need into it;
  • then run the locker.bat bat file again, answer "Y » to the question “Are you sure you want to lock the folder”, and the directory with your information will become invisible;
  • To access it you need to run the bat file locker.bat and enter your code.

Create an account with access rights

During installation, Windows OS creates an administrator account that has all configuration and settings rights. For other computer or laptop users, you must create accounts with limited rights. At the same time, you create your own profile with the desktop view, launched programs, documents, pictures, etc. If several people work on the computer, it is possible to create such a user profile for each of them. Each account can be assigned its own access rights to functions, applications, and local network.

Create a shared account

The account with administrator rights created during installation will be the main account on the computer. This will create system files and folders for saving documents, photos, videos, and music. By default, all files saved by the system will be placed in them. All system users who log in under this main account will have general access to all information. If you close the main account with a secret key and create your own accounts for other users, no one will be able to access this information.

Setting the code

A reliable method of protection is to close your account with a password. To do this you need:

  • click Start->Control Panel->User Accounts;
  • select the one you need in the list of Accounts;
  • indicate “Create a password”, enter it twice, create a text hint and save;
  • then in the main menu, select the item “Changing the order of users logging into the system”;
  • uncheck “Use the welcome page”, and when enabled, the classic login will be offered using login and pin code.

Locking a folder with a password

You can restrict access to a directory to other users of a computer or local network using simple procedures with its properties. To do this you need to take the following steps:

  • hover the mouse over the selected object, right-click and select Properties->Security->Edit;
  • then you need to add to the list of local and network users for whom we are closing access;
  • By clicking “Add”, enter the user name in the window and click “OK”;
  • select this user from the list, put a checkmark in the “Deny” column;
  • Click Apply->Ok.

How to encrypt a folder with a password using special programs

Programmers different countries Many third-party software products have been created that provide the ability to hide or simply restrict access to files, utilities and applications to different users or uninvited guests on your computer. These utilities differ in their graphical shell, design and cost. There are free utilities and paid applications. The choice depends on your preferences. Paid utilities have regular updates that increase the level of secrecy of the information stored with their help.

PasswordProtect USB

Using the PasswordProtect USB utility will provide the ability to quickly and easily hide your confidential files and folders by selecting an item in their properties menu. To do this, after downloading and installing this program, which is compatible with Windows 10, on your computer, you must do the following:

  • hover the mouse over the selected object and right-click to open the menu;
  • press the Lock with Password Protect USB button;
  • in the window that opens, enter the code word twice and confirm your actions;
  • after that, a sign indicating its protection will be visible on the icon;
  • When you try to open it, the utility will prompt you to enter a code.

Folder Lock

The Folder Lock utility is capable of protecting a directory with any information on a PC with Windows 7, 8, 10. To use its capabilities you must:

  • download, install and run the program;
  • enter the PIN code in the text field, click OK;
  • by clicking “Add”, select the desired folder, or drag it into the utility window;
  • After that, it becomes locked and can only be opened using a code.


This free utility, easy to use, suitable for users (newbies) who are not experienced in programming. This utility hides the presence of a folder on your computer. After downloading, installing and running the utility:

  • Use the “Lock a Folder” option to select the desired object;
  • Using the “Unlock selected folder” option, open the directory with passwords;
  • change the main pin code – “Change Master Password”.
  • to open a hidden one, run LocK-A-FoLdeR;
  • Click “Unlock selected folder”, enter the code.

Folder Lock Lite

A paid version of the utility that can protect files and disks is Folder Lock Lite. It has a free trial period of 30 days. Its cost is 39.95 USD. This utility works on the principle of setting a master password, which is entered twice the first time you launch it. After adding files or folders, the utility hides their location on the disk. You can detect their presence by re-launching the utility and entering the master password.

Folder Protector

Unlike many other utilities, Folder Protector uses encryption to protect folders. It has paid and free functionality for users with different requirements. After downloading, installing and launching, the steps required for protection are:

  • specify the target directory for blocking access;
  • Enter the secret code twice, click “Protect”;
  • it will be encrypted, an executable file will be created;
  • To decrypt it, you need to run this file from the utility.


Recently I needed to password protect a folder on my computer and to do this I had to go through a bunch of programs. As a result, I chose a few worthy of attention and decided to tell you about them. Also, there are “classical” encryption methods, which will be discussed at the end of the article. I think many people will be interested in this topic, and for those who are too lazy to read, there are a couple of videos in the article.

Setting passwords using programs

This method will appeal to most of you. It makes it easy to hide folders from users' eyes. But this theme has a drawback - in order to remove the protection, you need to run the program every time. I found three programs worthy of attention.

Free program Anvide Lock Folder

After installation, a folder with shortcuts appears on the desktop.

  • The folder to which you want to restrict access must be moved to the program window or click on the plus sign and select it manually
  • Then click on the folder and press “lock”
  • We come up with a password, enter it twice and voila - the folder completely disappears from Explorer!

You don't have to enter a password hint, but don't forget it! To enter a closed folder yourself, you need to:

  1. run the program
  2. click on an item in the list
  3. click on “open lock”
  4. enter password.

The interesting thing is that the “attacker” will not be able to find your data on the computer and, even knowing the password, will not understand where to enter it 🙂 Even if he boots from another operating system, he will not find anything!

To get to the settings, click on the “wrench”, there are several convenient options there.

Set a password to launch and change program settings. Check the boxes “Close access to all folders after exiting the program” and “Forcibly close access to folders.” The latter will be needed if the files in your directory are occupied by another program and ALF will not be able to set a password.

To make this option available, click “Customize” and specify the location of the “unlocker.exe” file (usually in “C:\Program Files\Unlocker”). This is a program for the usual way. You will need to install it.

Remember, before reinstalling Windows You must open access to all folders!

Paid feature – Password Protect USB

Do not pay attention to the “USB” prefix, the program works with different drives. The program has a 30-day trial period and a limit on the size of protected data - 50MB.

Right-click on the folder and select “Lock with Password Protect USB”

The presence of this item in the context menu distinguishes Password Protect USB from the free ALF. If the password setting window does not appear automatically, then click the “Lock folders” button in the program and manually find the folder on the disk. Then set a password and, if desired, a password hint.

The work of “Password Protect USB” is somewhat similar to an archiver, because... the folder is hidden in a file with the extension “.___ppp”, which, with a little effort, can be deleted. I think this is the only, but very significant, minus of the program. On the other hand, these files can be transferred to a USB flash drive and reinstall Windows without fear. Then install “Password Protect USB” again and select “Search for Locked Folders...” at the very bottom.

By clicking on the “.___ppp” file, “Password Protect USB” is launched and a password request to remove protection appears. You can also manually check the items and click the “Unlock folders” button:

After work, don't forget to set your passwords again!

In a nutshell, I’ll introduce you to another wonderful free program – Hide Folders. Works like “ALF”, i.e. The folder is completely hidden. We also transfer the directory to the window, or press the plus sign and select it on the computer ourselves.

Then press the “Hide” button, thereby turning on the operating mode, and check the folder box, and in the status column it will be written “Hidden” (hidden). To remove protection, uncheck the required items in the list, or click “Unhide” to turn off the program for all folders.

An important difference is that one common password is set for all folders, which is asked when the program starts.

Watch a video on working with the described software

How to set a password for archived files

If you need to hide a small amount of information, for example, several documents, then I recommend not to bother installing programming masterpieces, but to limit yourself to any of the well-known archivers. I mean, the easiest way is to archive the file with your favorite archiver with a password. In this case, when from the archive you will need to enter a password. Personally I use . To place files or a folder in a password-protected archive, you need to select them, right-click and select “Add to archive”:

Next, click “Set password…” and enter your one and only password twice (in older versions you need to go to the “Advanced” tab). The “Encrypt file names” option will not allow your household (or whoever you are encrypting from) to see what’s inside the archive, let alone get files from there :)

You can delete source files manually or check the box on the “General” tab - “Delete files after packaging.” With a complex password (from 8 characters with large/small letters, numbers and special characters), it is almost impossible to crack such an archive at home. But this method has disadvantages: it is inconvenient to work with large amounts of data, it is problematic to store and run programs from the archive, and the possibility of simply losing data if the archive is deleted;)

There is another slightly more convenient way using archiving. By default, Windows has ZIP folders. This is when a zip archive is displayed in Explorer not as a file, but as a folder. You can work with such a directory almost as if you were working with a regular one. Please note that in file managers such as Total Commander or FAR, the archive will still appear as a regular file.

The trouble is that when installing WinRAR Windows Explorer displays zip archives as regular files. Instead, you can use the program 7-Zip, it does not disable zip folders.

Built-in Windows tools to restrict access

In Windows 10/8/7, you can restrict access to files and folders even using built-in tools. If your drives are formatted in NTFS system, then you can set access rights for individual files. But this will only make sense if each computer user has his own account in the system and it does NOT have “Administrator” rights.

That is, in the folder properties we will indicate those users who can use it. If a person does not have rights, he will not receive access or identification will be made. So, to do this, right-click on the folder or file in Explorer and select “Properties” - “Edit”

Here you need to click “Add” and enter the logins of users to whom you will deny access. Then click “Check names” to make sure there are no errors:

If you need to close it for everyone, then write the username “Everyone”, the system will understand. Then you need to check all the boxes in the “Deny” column and click “OK”

Now these users will not be able to access information when they log in to their account. But they will be able to open access if they log in with administrator rights, for example.

You can also remove all users from the access list and add only the ones you need. But most likely, an error will be thrown when trying to delete at least some element, because by default they are inherited from the parent directory. Therefore, you will need to go through the buttons “Advanced -> Change permissions...” and uncheck “Add permissions inherited from parent objects”

The system will ask you to “Add” or “Delete”. If you choose the first, then you yourself will be able to delete elements from the list, and if the second, then the inherited rights will be deleted. Now you can go back to setting permissions and adding only those people who will have access. Naturally, the checkboxes now need to be checked in the “Allow” column.

EFS encryption

Windows 7/8/10 also has encrypted file system EFS, which allows you to encrypt data at the physical level. Only those who have the key file will be able to access them. It is added to the storage once and you work with your data as usual, but others do not, and no password will help them.

To encrypt a folder, you need to right-click on it, select "Properties -> Other" and check the box “Encrypt content to protect data”

To regain access to encrypted data under a different user or after reinstalling the system, you need to double-click on the key (file extension .pfx), enter the password and finish importing the key into the storage:

Do not lose keys and passwords in any of the described methods! Recover something using email(as usual) it won’t work!

Each of us from time to time has a need for hiding personal information on PC. Various files or folders may require confidentiality and should not be accessible to other users. This need has arisen for me more than once, and in this material I will describe various methods - how to put a password on a folder, list auxiliary programs that can easily password protect the required file, and also describe their basic functionality.

Popular archivers WinRAR or 7-Zip are installed on the computer of the vast majority of users. It is their functionality that I propose to use in setting passwords on folders to protect your files. If you do not have these programs installed, download one of them from the official websites WinRAR or 7-Zip.

Instructions for WinRAR

To understand how to put a password on a folder using WinRAR, look at how this process visually looks like:

Instructions for 7-zip

  1. Working with an alternative archiver 7-zip just as simple.
  2. Highlight necessary files or folder, right-click, and in the menu that appears, select “7-zip - Add to archive.”
  3. Set the archive format to 7-zip, check the “Show password” and encrypt file names checkbox.
  4. In the “Enter password” column, enter the required combination of letters (numbers).
  5. And then confirm the changes by clicking “Ok”.

Hiding a folder using a bat file with a password

Create a folder that will be password protected. Then we create a text document in this folder with content similar to this one (go and copy the contents of the file into your file using copy-paste):

Although this method is not characterized by increased reliability, and an experienced user can always look into the bat file, nevertheless, this option can be considered as one of the alternatives to setting a password on a folder with files.

Setting a password for a directory using Microsoft Office 10

Tools Microsoft versions Office 2010 (or later) allows you to encrypt documents created in this product.

How to put a password on a folder using Windows tools

If you are not a retrograde, you use NTFS, not FAT 32, and users log into your computer using their (and not your) account (without administrator rights), then you can use the method below to set a password for the directory.

Its essence is to indicate in the folder properties those accounts that will have access to it. If you account If a person does not have the necessary rights, he will not have access to the directory or will be asked for a password.

  1. To do this, in Explorer, right-click on the folder (file) and click “Properties”, go to the “Security” tab, then click “Edit”.
  2. Click on “Add” and enter the logins of people to whom you will deny access.
  3. To check the correctness of the entered logins, click “Check names” (the correctly entered login will be underlined).
  4. If you need to block everyone, then type the word “Everyone” (without quotes), click “Ok”, and put the necessary checkboxes in the “Ban” column, click “Ok”.
  5. After these steps, all users (except administrators) will not be able to access this folder.

How to protect a folder with a password using auxiliary programs

Below I will provide a list of auxiliary programs that make it easy to set passwords on folders, and also describe their functionality.

LocK-A-FoLdeR. This program Absolutely free and a great option for beginners. It has a minimal interface and a simple password system. The “Lock a Folder” option selects a folder for the password, the “Unlock selected folder” option opens a folder with passwords, and the “Change Master Password” option allows you to change the general password.

Instead of using encryption techniques, LocK-A-FoLdeR simply hides the folder from anyone who might have access to it. To use the folder again, you need to run this program and click on “Unlock selected folder”.

Folder Protector. This program uses encryption to protect your folders. You need to run it, specify the folder to which you want to close access, enter the password twice and click on “Protect”. The folder will be encrypted. It can be decrypted using the main program, as well as using a small executable file that will be created after encryption.

The Folder Protector program has a semi-commercial basis (the free functionality is very wide) and can be recommended to many users.

Password Protect USB. This product is very popular, although it is based on a paid version. Its functionality is similar to the programs described above; just click on “Lock Folders”, specify the path to the folder, and enter the password twice.

You can go the other way, because the Password Protect USB program is built into the Explorer menu. In Explorer, right-click on the desired folder, select “Lock with Password Protect USB”, enter the password twice and click on “Lock Folders”. Now, when I try to log into this folder A window will pop up asking you to enter a password.

DirLock. The functionality of this program is similar to the previous ones; after installation, the “Lock/Unlock” option will appear in the Explorer menu. If it does not appear, you need to run the program, and in its options select Add “Lock/Unlock” Context Menu.

Now, to encrypt a file, you just need to right-click on it, select “Lock/Unlock”, enter the password twice, and then click on Lock. The procedure for gaining access to an encrypted file is similar - after launching it, you will need to enter the required password.

You can see how it works here:

Anvide Lock Folder. This free program will help you how to put a password on the folder http://anvidelabs.org/programms/asf/.

Launch the software, click on the plus in the main menu, use Explorer to find the folder for which you need to set a password and click on the image of the lock at the top. Enter the password twice and click on “Close access” (you can create a password hint). The folder will become hidden, and to access it you will need to launch Anvide Lock Folder, select our folder, and then click on the image of the open lock. Then you will need to enter a password and click on “Open access”.

IoBit Protected Folder. A paid program for setting passwords, it has a simplified interface. After launching the IObit program, click on “Add”, select the required folder, enter the password, and confirm. To unlock, click on “Unblock”, enter the password, and get access to the file. It's simple.


As you can see, there are a large number in various ways put a password on required folders and files. The simplest and most accessible one allows you to use the capabilities of the archiver, while the more complex ones involve the use of specialized programs with similar functionality. All these techniques can significantly limit the access of unwanted individuals to your folders, thereby achieving complete confidentiality of your data.