Home / News / Computer games: pros and cons. Computers - Computers Essay on the ban on the use of computers in school

Computer games: pros and cons. Computers - Computers Essay on the ban on the use of computers in school

The computer is not a toy for children.

And the textbook and simulator - something like this you can continue the phrase written in the title. In fact, you, dear mothers and fathers, are not going to fence off your child with a Chinese wall from the achievements of modern civilization, which include the computer. Only this achievement should be used exclusively for pedagogical purposes, that is, wisely and under strict parental control. Otherwise, the computer will harm the child.

Incidentally, it is also about computer games Oh. The child learns the world around him in the game. Therefore, there is nothing surprising and terrible in the fact that he is drawn to play on the computer. The task of parents is to use this craving for the benefit of the intellectual development of their child and not at the same time cause irreparable harm to his health and psyche. So let's weigh all the pros and cons.

The arguments against computer games are simple. Firstly, they take away precious time, which is better spent with a book in hand or in the fresh air. Secondly, different shooters and scarecrows develop aggressiveness. A teenager who is carried away by them often shows unmotivated cruelty, ceases to distinguish the line between good and evil, well, let alone psychological dependence on a computer, when they spend day and night on it - a day away - written and rewritten, and the number of such addicts does not decrease. Thirdly, sitting at a computer adds work to ophthalmologists. And not only to them - pediatricians, psychiatrists and neuropathologists repeat about the dangers of computer vigils.

Arguments for. Harm is obtained if the measure is not observed. If you work at the computer according to the rules, the benefits will be enormous. Computer "toys" develop logic, resourcefulness, non-standard thinking. Thanks to the computer, the child discovers new qualities in himself, learns to think creatively. The computer is now increasingly used to prepare the child for school. It develops the ability to analyze, attention, visual memory, with its help you can teach a child to read and write, draw, count, etc.

Computer games and programs are designed in such a way that the child is involuntarily forced to adjust his actions depending on the situation.. Thanks to computer games, the child gets a generalized idea of ​​similar situations or objects. Thus, he learns to generalize and classify, begins to think without relying on external objects. And this is the ability to read “to yourself” and count in your mind. The achievements of children in computer games are immediately evaluated by their peers, which increases self-esteem and adds confidence.

And finally, by practicing with the keyboard and mouse, the child develops fine motor skills. and coordinates the activities of the eyes and hands. At the same time perseverance develops. On the computer, the kid is engaged with pleasure, because no child will perceive computer games as an activity.

But, as we have already said, it is important not to overdo it here.. Listen to the advice of doctors, and you will immediately understand how to play on the computer. A 5-6-year-old kid can spend no more than 10-15 minutes at the computer. After that, you need to rest. If a child has vision problems, he should only work on a computer with glasses. Make sure you have good lighting in your work area. The light should not fall on the screen and shine directly into the eyes. The distance from children's eyes to the monitor should be at least 50-70 cm.

Hands should be at elbow level, and wrists should be at the edge of the table(on the base plate). Do not forget about walking, playing sports. Never allow your child to eat or drink at the computer. After class, wash your child with cool water or wipe his face with a damp cloth.

What to play. Games should be chosen with children's perception in mind. The easiest thing for children to perceive is a large color still image with sound. With the smallest, you can safely view photographs and pictures on a computer, accompanied by narration. When drawing on a computer, a child strains his eyesight very much. And that means he's stressing himself. The same can be said about reading text from the screen. Harmful: high-speed moving image and fine details.

Well, in order not to get into a mess, choose the right game and not hit the face in front of the children in the dirt, it would not be bad for parents to understand what computer games are and what the name of their genre means. Adventure (adventure) are usually made out as a cartoon, sitting at the computer can control the action. Arising problems are solved with the help of finds - items that the character finds, overcoming different levels of the game. Here, a balance is important between the complexity of the tasks that arise and the capabilities of the child. If the tasks are too simple, the game will end too quickly, the child will not get satisfaction from overcoming obstacles. If, on the contrary, everything is too difficult, the kid will lose interest in the game.

The strategy involves management. Troops, factories, minerals - it is not so important, it is important that at the same time something needs to be planned and monitored for the current situation. The goal is to score points or win something. These fairly complex games develop perseverance, train thinking for the future.

Arcade games split into levels, the reward and the goal is to advance to the next episode or mission. Here the player scores points and bonuses (for example, lives) for finding secret doors, passing speed, etc. In such games, the eye, attention, reaction speed are trained. But they can be recommended to preschoolers only if parents keep track of the time. Role-playing games involve many characters, each of which has its own role. Together, the heroes must find a treasure, treasure or learn a spell. And on the way to the goal, you need to overcome pests and overcome a lot of obstacles. The child must learn how to use the characters correctly.

3D-Action is zatyukannye and overplayed by all yell-shooter-killer. Special effects, three-dimensional graphics create the effect of presence, which, in principle, is dangerous for a fragile child's psyche. The child will not learn anything new from them, unless he develops the motor skills of his hands. But, honestly, you can develop motor skills using less costly methods for the psyche and health. In general, there is little benefit from them, but the harm is obvious. Including from the point of view of morality.

Logic games are puzzles. The main thing is that they are accessible to the child. Here you will find puzzles for rearranging figures, drawing up a drawing, and solving some simple puzzles like “find the extra”. With their help, they teach children counting, reading, writing and other wisdom. And at the same time they train logical thinking, memory, motor skills and other qualities necessary in this life.

Simulators usually explain what is it that they simulate or imitate. These can be simulators of sailing or modern ships, cars, spaceships, airplanes, helicopters, whatever you want. The desire of the child to sit behind the wheel and control the complex mechanism, manufacturing companies have learned to take into account "excellently". What is good, the responses are almost the same as in reality. Even the smallest details are respected. And the child gradually begins to understand: he sharply turned the steering wheel - the car spun in place, if you want to turn to the right, then turn the steering wheel there too, but do not forget to return it to its previous position in time. Reaction speed is what such games bring up. Not bad, right?

Conclusions? Simple. The genre of the game must be chosen in accordance with the temperament and capabilities of the child. Some people like calm games, others - dynamic ones. Focus on research content, developing component. During the game, the kid should take the initiative, try to solve problems that arise, analyze the situation, and draw conclusions. Keep a close eye on the time. Rules first! And keep in mind: the more active and intense the rhythm of the game, the less time it should last. But you can not interrupt the game before the child completes the episode. The proverb “finished business - walk boldly” has not yet been canceled. In addition, the child must get up from the computer with the consciousness of a successfully completed task.

Unobtrusively, but persistently bring to the attention and consciousness of the baby: the computer is good, but not to the detriment of other activities: sleep, food, walking, sports, reading books, etc. The more firmly this is learned, the calmer you will be when the child grows up and adults can no longer control him inside and out. And - most importantly: the computer and communication with its help play only an auxiliary role. The real world is much more complicated virtual reality. Therefore, do not forget to introduce the baby to the real world, let the baby actively communicate with peers, and the computer will be just one of his hobbies.

/  Computer and child

The eternal theme is the computer and the child, the child and the computer. There are both ardent opponents and supporters among loving dads and moms. On the one hand, this device contributes to mental development, but on the other hand, there is a risk of health deterioration and addiction to multi-colored pixels. Not all parents are able to find a compromise, and does it exist at all?

From the article you will learn what positive and negative aspects exist in the communication of a child with a computer and how to find a compromise between them.

Computer: arguments against

The very first and most weighty argument with a minus sign is the load on vision. While working at a computer, overwork occurs and, as a result, visual acuity gradually decreases, and if there are genetic prerequisites, then the decline is rapid. The eyes are carefully focused either on the screen or on the keyboard - the muscles get very tired from such activity. The image on a computer is somewhat different from what we see in life - the lens is constantly at such an angle that the constantly changing brightness of the pixels does not violate the integrity of the image.

Posture also suffers, because most often children sit at the computer hunched over. In the future, this can lead to osteochondrosis and other joint diseases, because the intervertebral discs wear out at an early stage of development. Plus, there is a possibility of problems with the respiratory tract, as the chest is compressed due to incorrect posture.

Another equally important aspect in the development of your child is his mental state, on which the computer has a huge load. The neuro-emotional tension gradually increases, because everything that happens on the screen requires great concentration, a quick response - even if it is a simple educational game.

The computer takes the child a lot of free time and, working on it all the time, the baby experiences unconscious stress - this contributes to frequent changes in mood, outbursts of aggression, or, conversely, he becomes withdrawn and uncommunicative.

Games display only the illusion of live communication and do not lead to the formation of communication skills in reality - this is especially dangerous for shy and timid children. The computer makes it possible to go to another world. Such a retreat into artificial reality can provoke a child's dependence on a computer.

Computer: arguments "for"

The outstanding child psychologist Leonid Wenger believed that the computer helps the child's rapid intellectual growth, because the most diverse fantasies of the baby come to life on the screen, from fairy-tale characters to all kinds of installations of letters and numbers. It turns out that the children themselves create a world something similar to the real one, namely their own world - the way they like it. Majority computer programs designed so that the child gets a generalized idea of ​​all similar situations and objects. Through this, important operations of thinking are rapidly developing: classification and generalization.

Also, the child very early begins to understand that the objects on the screen are not the real things themselves, but only their signs. Thus, the sign function of consciousness begins to develop very early in children - the understanding that there are several levels of reality. The importance of such thinking and its complexity are evidenced by the difficulties many parents know when teaching children to count or read “silently”. Working at a computer makes this seemingly easy process easier - at the age of 4-5, modern children are much better at such mental operations.

Not only psychologists, but also parents, together with educators, unanimously repeat that early acquaintance with a computer improves the memory and attention of children. The thing is that they tend to remember only very vivid emotional cases and details, because children's memory is involuntary. This is where funny pixels will help - the assimilation of the material will be more meaningful and long-term.

In addition, along with all thought processes, the formation of motor skills, small muscles, visual coordination takes place, which in the future will allow the baby not to experience problems with complex physical exercises, not to confuse right and left, because when working with a computer, hand actions must be combined with visual processes. on the screen. Plus, the child is engaged with pleasure, sincere curiosity and interest. Cognitive motivation is one of the main factors that ensures a child's good psychological readiness for school.

Compromise in the "communication" of the computer and the child

Let's start with the fact that the image on the screen should be of high quality, so do not save money - it is advisable to purchase a monitor with a high resolution, refresh rate and a good video card, because the very first thing to think about is vision. The body of a preschooler is in the process of constant intensive development - it is at the age of 5-6 that the normal refraction of the eye is formed, so the time at the computer should not exceed 10-15 minutes, at 7 years - 30 minutes. Next - you need to do gymnastics for the eyes, which will improve blood circulation.

Also make sure that the distance from the screen to the eyes is about 50-70 cm. It is also not advisable for a baby to sit at a computer in the dark, as this can contribute to the development of myopia. Position the monitor so that the light from the window does not fall on the screen and, at the same time, does not blind the child.

In addition, as mentioned above, the musculoskeletal system is actively growing, so it is very important to equip the workplace for the baby in the right way: the chair must have a stable back, plus, height adjustment will also not hurt, since the line from the child’s head to the monitor should maintain a strict perpendicular. Make sure that the baby's hands are at the level of the elbows, and the wrists are on the support bar. And do not forget about the active leisure of the child: outdoor games, walks, sports.

And what to do with the psyche of the baby? Firstly, breaks, and secondly, follow the content of the games. A large color image with sound will be best perceived. Worse - drawing, which is quite straining eyesight and the baby as a whole. This also applies to reading text from the screen and games with small, fast-moving elements.

It is also necessary to constantly carry out wet cleaning due to the large amount of dust - with a soft dry / slightly damp cloth or special wipes. After working with the computer, the child's face can be washed with cool water.

Do not allow your child to snack at the computer, because this bad habit may persist in the future. The presence of two children at one computer is also unacceptable, as this drastically worsens the conditions for viewing the image.

Do not forget that all of the above rules are suitable for children without any disorders, genetic predispositions and developmental disabilities.

The interest of children in the computer is huge and your goal is to set the right course, taking into account the preservation of health. To do this, it is enough to follow simple precautionary rules, pay more attention to the child, monitor his leisure. In no case should you punish and encourage the baby through a computer - “if you eat badly, then today you will not sit at the computer” and other similar methods of “education”. Thus, it is very easy to develop a child's addiction to exciting blue screen- do you need it? The computer should, first of all, become an assistant and an appropriate addition in the development of a curious baby.

Composition in English For and against computers / Computers: For And Against with translation into Russian

In English. Why We Go To School
Computers are now an essential part of our lives. I can't imagine my life without a computer. There are so many advantages of using a computer.
First of all they make our lives easier. Computers help us at school, university, at work. It's faster to write something on computer, than by hand, it's more convenient to send emails than letters by post. I often use computer in my studies, for example, if I need to read a book I can easily download it from the Internet. I also use the Internet to search for information I need for school.
I like watching movies very much. But I don't like these movies shown at our cinemas and the choice is not so wide. Using my computer I can find any movie I like and moreover I can watch films in English.
Computer and Internet help me to communicate with my friends who live in other countries and find new friends. It would be difficult to stay in touch with them without computer, but with the help of it we can send emails to each other, share photos, music and so on.
But unfortunately some people keep no measure in using computers. Children and teenagers are addicted to computer games and don't have time for studying or reading books. Some of them prefer online chatting to face to face communication with their friends. Computer harms our psychological state and eye sight.
So I think computers are really useful if we don't use them excessively.

Translating to Russian language. For and against computers

Computers are now an integral part of our lives. I can't imagine life without a computer. There are so many benefits to using a computer.
First of all, they make our life easier. Computers help us at school, university and at work. It is much faster to type text on a computer than to write by hand, it is much more convenient to send an e-mail than a letter by mail. I often use a computer for study, for example, if I need to read a book, I can simply download it from the Internet. I can also find the information I need for the school.
I love watching movies. But I don't like those films that are shown in our cinemas, and the choice is not very large. With the help of my computer, I can find the movies I want and, what's more, I can watch a movie in English.
The computer and the Internet help me communicate with friends who live in other countries and make new friends. It would be difficult to keep in touch with them without a computer, but with it we can send each other electronic messages, share photos, music and so on.
But, unfortunately, some do not know the measures in using a computer. Children and teenagers are addicted to computer games and don't have time to study and read. Some prefer to chat with friends online rather than face to face. The computer negatively affects human psychology and vision.
I think that computers are useful in many ways, as long as we don't abuse them.

Class hour: "Computer in the life of a student: pros and cons"


1. Introduce the history of computers.

2. Discuss with the children the benefits of using computers in people's lives and the harm to health.

3. Introduce techniques that restore the body after working with a computer.

4. Development of thinking, memory, attention.


1. Computer.

2. Presentation.

3. Memos for children "Protect your eyesight", "Gymnastics for the eyes", prepared using a computer.

The structure of the health lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

2. The history of the origin of the computer.

3. "Discussion swing".

6. Workplace equipment.

7. Acquaintance with the "golden rules" of working with a computer.

8. Conclusions.

Used Books:

1. Zhuikov E. A., Leonova L. N. "Schoolchild at the computer" Moscow 2007;

2. ;

3. ;

5. .


1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: The computer has firmly entered the life of modern people. But many scientists "trumpet" about its harm to health. Today, at the health lesson, we must decide for ourselves: is the computer our friend or foe?

2. "The history of the origin of the computer."

During the story, the teacher shows the slides.

Slide 2: From the moment of appearance on Earth, man has still been forced to constantly count. The inhabitant of the Stone Age managed with the simplest calculations. How to split a dead mammoth? How many roots to stock up for the winter? Did the primitive man have a personal computer? Yes, each of us always has it at hand! These are ten fingers. And when they are not enough, then the toes. Counting on fingers is simple and convenient. Only the results of calculations are difficult to store. And then there were lines on the walls of the caves, notches on the shafts of spears, knots on the ropes, pebbles, bones.

Slide 3: The first counting device of antiquity was the abacus, translated as "dust" or "fine sand".

On a special board, pebbles were laid out in a certain order and, so that they would not roll, they sprinkled the board with sand. The famous ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras considered counting on the abacus obligatory for mathematicians.

Slide 4: Gradually, "computers" improved.

The bones for counting were strung on threads. The resulting "beads" were pulled onto a frame. Got the bills. Only on modern accounts, which are sometimes used now, are metal knitting needles.

Slide 5: In the 17th century, the remarkable French scientist Pascal invented the first calculating machine, which was called an adding machine. She performed any arithmetic operations. One of the copies of this machine was presented to the Russian Tsar Peter the Great by the great mathematician Leibniz. Multiplication in it was carried out by repeated addition, division by repeated subtraction. It was a great invention for its time. The main drawback of the adding machine - moving the wheels, setting numbers, memorizing intermediate results - all this had to be done by a person.

Slide 6: In the 20th century, the mechanical adding machine could no longer keep up. Where is the exit? Electrical energy is what helped create completely new computing machines. So it's time for the computer. The word "computer" comes from a Latin word meaning "to count, calculate". They counted 1000 times faster than mechanical calculating machines.

Slide 7: But how huge computers were! The rooms in which they were housed looked like gigantic halls filled with white cabinets. Several tens of thousands of vacuum tubes processed a huge number of digits. But the lamps were replaced by transistors, and computers became the size of a room. And the current personal computers with chips it is easy to place on a desk and even in a trouser pocket. The first personal computers appeared in 1976 in the USA.

Teacher: Undoubtedly, the computer has greatly facilitated people's lives. Here and now during

the story of the guys we used the computer. It was very comfortable and spectacular. But

listen to the guys who just got sick thanks to the computer.

3. "Discussion swing".

The class is divided into two teams. Team captains are given cards with the words: "for" or "against".

Team members stand against each other, throw a large inflatable ball, depicting a "swing" and call the words "for" and "against". Two trained students are entered into a table on a computer, and the results are shown on the screen.

Arguments "For" using a computer:

Material in preparation for lessons

Useful information


Composition of music, poetry

Mail, Internet communication

Library at home

medical examination


Shopping, information on the Internet

Chess games

Drawing, etc.


Visual impairment

Postural curvature

Avoidance of live communication

Not familiar with the real library

Harmful radiation

Lots of aggressive games


Errors in calculations

Machine failure, etc.

Teacher: What conclusions can be drawn from this table?

Children's opinions are heard.

Teacher: That's right, our life cannot be imagined without a computer.

Today, in a health lesson, we will discuss in more detail the three lines of the table: damage to vision, curvature of posture and fear of live communication.

4. Acquaintance with exercises for vision.

Children are handed out the Memo "Gymnastics for the eyes."

a) Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 5. (Repeat 4-5 times).

c) Look at the index finger of the outstretched hand, at the expense of 1-4, then look away at the expense of 1-6. (4–5 times)

d) At an average pace, do 3-4 circular movements with the eyes to the right side, the same amount to the left side. After relaxing the eye muscles, look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. (1-2 times)

e) Sitting at the table, relax and slowly move your eyes from left to right. Then right to left. Repeat 3 times on each side.

e) Slowly look up and down, then vice versa. (3 times)

5. Introduction to posture exercises.

Computer exercises

a) Raise your right hand and lock it behind your back, bend back. Change hands.

b) Clasp your hands in front of you and stretch forward. Then spread your arms to the sides, relax.

c) Raise your arms up, bend at the elbows and massage between the shoulder blades with your fingers.

d) Perform tilts to the right and left, putting your hands on your belt.

e) Lean your back against the back of the chair, clasp your hands from below (behind the back of the chair) and pull your shoulders back.

e) Head tilts forward - backward, right - left.

g) Slow rotation of the head to the right and left sides.

6. Workplace equipment.

    Furniture should be appropriate for the height of the child.

    The chair must have a solid back.

    The child should sit at the monitor at a distance of at least 50 - 70 cm.

    The table on which the monitor stands should be placed in a well-lit place, but so that there are no glare on the screen.

    To humidify the air in the room, it is recommended to put an aquarium.

7. "Golden rules" when working at a computer.

So, we sat down to work at the computer. Modern monitors have become safer for health. But... even the most modern equipment will not help to avoid diseases if used incorrectly.

But there is an informal “Code of Golden Rules” that will help prevent diseases and get the most out of working at a computer.

You need to make a reservation right away that these rules will not help if you do not follow them in the system for all family members.

Following simple advice Instructions for proper landing at the computer can prevent the appearance and development of health disorders.

    Rule one: before working at the computer, be sure to do a warm-up. The warm-up can be general, dance, for the eyes. It is not difficult to learn warm-ups, it is more difficult to control their independent application.

    Rule two: when you work, sit relaxed.

    Rule three: change your position more often, take a break from work. The time frame for working at the computer varies depending on the age of the child. In addition, from sitting at the computer for a long time, the so-called chest syndrome occurs.

    Rule four: fingers should be light and relaxed. So that prolonged work on the computer does not lead to the appearance of the disease, it is enough to follow simple recommendations for organizing the workplace and work schedule, in particular, take short breaks during which to perform a set of exercises for the hands.

    Rule five: take care of your eyesight when working at a computer. Visual impairment in children increases from 4% in the 1st grade to 25% at the exit from school. This phenomenon is called "computer vision syndrome". Workplace should be adequately lit. You need a good monitor, its correct settings and the use of high-quality programs. Special nutrition for the eyes. Gymnastics, warm-ups for the eyes.

    Rule six: finished the lesson - do a warm-up.

8. Conclusions.

Teacher: The health lesson is coming to an end. Our "Debating Seesaw" will soon stop. What conclusions did you guys draw for yourself?

Children throw the ball to each other in a circle and say one short sentence each:

The computer is essential in modern life.

Care must be taken when handling it.

Be sure to take care of your eyesight.

You need to be "friends" with the computer, but don't forget about your friends.

Don't forget about posture exercises when working on the computer, etc.

Teacher: That's right, the computer makes our life easier, and not only by helping children study. It provides invaluable assistance in medicine, literature, art. Without it, modern life is hard to imagine. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to live in harmony with him. Today we got acquainted with the simplest exercises that help maintain and strengthen health when working on a personal computer.

Self-analysis of educational activities

    The topic of the educational event was chosen and proposed by the student-trainee and agreed with the class teacher during the period of practice from 11.02.2013. on 6.04.2013. in MOU secondary school No. 4, Rtishchevo. It was this topic that seemed to us the most suitable for students in grade 5, because it more fully shows the place of the computer in the life of a student. This topic is fully consistent with the interests and level of development of the class team, as well as the age and individual characteristics of students.

    The objectives of the educational event are formulated clearly and concisely. They are fully consistent with the general concept, goals and objectives of the plan of educational work of the school and the plan of educational work of class teachers, in view of the fact that in this school and in this class.

2.1. The implementation of the educational goals of the event was successful. The educational value of the event is undeniable. During the event, such components of the personal culture of the individual as: personality development, culture of behavior, culture of communication, tact, culture of expressing thoughts and emotions, respect for work, collectivism are formed.

2.2. The implementation of the development goals of the event was successful. The development of thinking, attention, memory, perception of students was ensured, speech activity and the development of the creative forces and abilities of the individual were ensured.

2.3. The implementation of the educational goals of the event was successful. There was a systematization and generalization of knowledge already known to students. They received new knowledge about the dangers and benefits of using a computer in everyday life.

    The choice of the content of the educational event was fully justified. I think that the degree of novelty of the material was at an acceptable level. And although there was not quite a lot of new material, its relevance and attractiveness for schoolchildren is undeniable. The student-trainee used additional methodological literature in preparation, and also used the Internet.

    During the preparatory phase, the activities of the organizer were efficient and orderly. In preparation for the lesson, only a student-trainee was involved, who, however, managed to arouse students' interest in the preparatory period, understanding the significance of the upcoming work, and also form a positive attitude towards it.

    The practical implementation of the lesson was successful. The timely (planned) start of all stages of this event was ensured. The time allotted for its implementation was used as rationally as possible.

    The methodology is traditional. Collective work was combined with individual work (although there was relatively less individual work), the students showed activity and emotionality during this lesson, the guys worked very well together, the interaction between them was successful.

    The effectiveness of this lesson is, in my opinion, on high level. The set goals were achieved quite successfully. The relationship between students and trainee students that arose during the lesson can be considered trusting.

    I think that the communicative and organizational literacy of the student manifested itself at a high level during this event. I managed to organize and set up active work and open communication of all students. The children actively answered the questions of the teacher, everyone wanted to make a personal opinion when answering the questions asked.

    During the lesson, no significant shortcomings were identified.