Home / Miscellaneous / Cooking notebook for recipes. Electronic cookbook. Use "Cooking Notebook" for your recipes

Cooking notebook for recipes. Electronic cookbook. Use "Cooking Notebook" for your recipes

Getting ready for retirement: mastering the Internet Valentina Akhmetzyanova

Program "Cooking Notebook"

You can, of course, save the recipes that interest you to your computer, or you can simply copy them into a notebook. But there is, it turns out, a whole program that allows you to store not only other people's recipes, but also write down your own! It's simply called - "Cooking Notebook", and what pleases especially - it is completely free! You can download it at: http://gotovim-doma.ru/cooknotes/download.php(Fig. 5.17).

Rice. 5.16. Culinary site www.skovorodnik.ru

Rice. 5.17. Program page Culinary Notebook

Rice. 5.19. Language selection

I choose Russian(you can also choose the English version) and press the button OK. The program installation wizard window opens, where we simply press the button Further(Fig. 5.20).

In the next window, we are asked to select a folder for installing the program (Fig. 5.21).

You can select any folder on your computer by clicking the button Review, but I will agree with what is offered by default, I will press the button Further and move on to the next window (Figure 5.22).

Again I agree with the proposed name and press the button again Further. The following dialog box will load, offering placement of additional program icons. I have nothing against the program icon being installed on my desktop (fig. 5.23).

Rice. 5.20. Installation Wizard

Rice. 5.21. Selecting a folder for installing the program

Rice. 5.22. Create Shortcuts

Rice. 5.23. Create an icon on the desktop

It remains to press the button Install. And in the next window, click the button To complete(Fig. 5.25).

Rice. 5.24. Everything is ready for installation

Rice. 5.25. Completing the Installation Wizard

So, the "Cooking Notebook" is installed, you can start filling it with your own cooking recipes.

Execute the menu command in the program window File | New file . A dialog box will open prompting you to enter a name for your cookbook. I called her My cookbook. Ends input by pressing a button Save(Fig. 5.26).

Now let's create partitions by selecting the menu command Recipe | New section(Fig. 5.27).

Rice. 5.26. My cookbook

Rice. 5.27. Choose a section

A text field will appear where you can enter the name of the section, and, if necessary, enter its description - approximately as shown in Fig. 5.28.

Rice. 5.28. Give a title to the section

Rice. 5.29. Recipe for borscht

Similarly, we can create other categories. If you need to split a category into subcategories, for example, the first soups into dairy, vegetable, meat, borscht, mashed soups, etc., select the command from the menu Recipe | New subsection and call it, say, milk soups.

Having created a tree of sections and subsections, you can start filling them with recipes - your own or peeped on the Internet. Choose a menu Recipe | New recipe and, moving from tab to tab, enter your information: Description, Compound, Cooking, Note. You can not only describe the recipe, but also insert photos, for which there is an option in the menu Insert picture. Here, for example, what happened to me (Fig. 5.29).

"Cooking Notebook" is very convenient, and you can replenish it almost endlessly. If you are too lazy to write your own recipes, you can search the Internet and download ready-made, completed cooking notebooks.

It remains only to roll up your sleeves and start, in fact, cooking.

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On the "Cooking Notebook" I came across it by chance a few years ago. The idea, in my opinion, is just great - an electronic cookbook in which you can add a huge number of recipes with photos on your own. Now in my collection there are already about 2600 recipes for all occasions.

In Preview mode

In Edit mode

The interface is as simple and clear as it can be. Through the program, you can create a cookbook with sections and subsections. In mode "Editing" you can insert photos, text, bold and italics, increase or decrease the font size, change the color of the window and font, create tables, and so on. It is also possible to reduce photos to the desired size. Already tested recipes can be rated ("super", "normal", "not very").

"View" it is possible not only to scroll through the recipes in the catalog, but also to view statistics (shows the number of recipes and sections, as well as the ratings of cooked dishes). In addition, there is a very convenient function "Search" , which in a short time finds a recipe by keyword or name.

For ease of use, I have created standard sections in my cookbook like "Snacks", "Salads", "Soups", "Meat", "Fish", "Vegetables", "Bakery" etc. Later I added "Recipes for multicooker", "Home canning", "Children's menu", as well as the section "Mistress Note", where I save all sorts of useful signs and tips.

I take recipes from various culinary sites, and it is important for me that they are from beautiful pictures. It happens that I find an interesting recipe on the Internet, and it does not have a photo, in this case I myself look for the right one. And sometimes on the contrary - I select a recipe for some very appetizing picture. I first reduce the photos to the desired size, and only then insert them into the text - it’s more convenient for me. But you can change the size in the program itself.

For iPad. It contains a selection of the best themed applications for the tablet. We will choose the top apps from each and share them with you. In this collection - six of the best cooking apps.

green kitchen

Green Kitchen is a vegetarian recipe app. Ingredients for dishes are chosen in such a way that they contain a minimum of sugar, gluten and saturated fats. In total, Green Kitchen has about 110 recipes, and all of them are free. You only have to pay for the app itself.


The easiest way is to cook a new dish according to a video recipe. So say the creators of the magazine and app Panna. Every two months, a new issue of the electronic magazine is published with an impressive list of recipes and video explanations for them. Only one dish from each room will be available to you for free.

Jamie Oliver's Recipes

Chef Jamie Oliver's apps are arguably the most popular. Just from looking at the photos, a very pleasant feeling already appears in the stomach. Every week, Jamie's app receives new recipes, which can only be obtained by purchasing a subscription. The cost of one month is $1.99. Not so much for really cool recipes.

Kitchen Stories

What sets Kitchen Stories apart from other recipe apps is that everything is free. The app doesn't cost a dime, nor does all the recipes in it, and there are quite a few of them. Some recipes have an explanatory video in high quality.


We are all a bit of a cook and culinary specialist and I think that every family has its own cookbooks. What they are and where they are stored is another question. Perhaps someone collects culinary magazines, and it is easier for someone to write down the recipe they like in a separate notebook. Of course, both the first and second ways of storing recipes have a place to be, but elementary chance (lost or given to someone and your collection was not returned to you), everything is lost. In addition, even if nothing is lost, it can sometimes be difficult to find the right one recipe in this collection. Of course, you can try to systematize everything, but believe me, it takes patience and time. The hostesses know that often, after a feast, some of the guests will want to repeat your masterpiece and, again, the search for this recipe may be delayed (Of course, if you remember all the recipes, then no problem). And it’s also quite difficult to store pictures and photographs in such notebooks. In our age of continuous computerization, there will certainly be a program - an assistant to a home cook. There are a lot of different notebooks on the Internet, but all of them are not suitable for our tasks.

Culinary Notebook is a program for writing recipes. In fact, you can use Notepad, which is on any Windows computer, to write down recipes. But then you won't be able to insert photos into your recipes. Yes, and such recipes will look dull - solid plain text. Of course, you can use the good old Word to write recipes, but most do not know how to work in it. But even if you are familiar with this editor, the recipes written in Word can already be inserted with photos and hyperlinks - yes, at least that! But there are drawbacks here too. All your recipes will be recorded one after another, in a continuous tape. Here tell me how to get a recipe for our favorite semolina porridge without lumps from a 45-page document?

Program Culinary Notebook was originally conceived as a specialized application for housewives, devoid of all such inconveniences. Your recipes will always be at hand, they will be colorfully designed, and you will always find the recipe you need, as they say, in two clicks! In addition, this program is completely free, Russian-language and, not least, portable.

Price: Free

Russian language: There is

The size: 2.68 Mb

Axis: XP, 7, 8, 10

Program "Cooking Notebook" -