Home / Office / Disadvantages of modern smartphones. Mobile phone for a schoolchild: pros and cons What are the pros and cons of a mobile phone

Disadvantages of modern smartphones. Mobile phone for a schoolchild: pros and cons What are the pros and cons of a mobile phone

what are the pros and cons of a cell phone? :) please help) I really need it and got the best answer

Answer from Matvey Karetnik[guru]
1. the opportunity to be always in touch
2. ability to listen to music
3. Possibility of Internet access
4. the opportunity to improve your image (ah, a sophisticated model)
1. harmful high frequency radiation
2. wasting money on traffic
3. development of addiction to SMS, games, etc.
Source: 9 years of work in cellular communications

Reply from Vladimir[guru]
what kind of cell phone, what are the pros, cons, formulate the question more specifically, for me personally the plus is definitely mobility, the ability to be in touch, well, I don’t see any cons for myself, except that I want to change it more often

Reply from Yoehmet[guru]
accessible communication, the ability to contact any subscriber, no connection to a wire, disadvantages, you are also available at any time of the day or night.

Reply from Nastena Trefilova[active]
Mobile phones really affect human health and, according to some data, cause cancer. The chief sanitary doctor of Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, stated this at the end of last week in an interview with the Ekho Moskvy radio station. A new wave of panic due to possible danger cell phones, provoked by a recent study by European scientists, has reached Russia. Phone manufacturers, meanwhile, claim that the issue is in the radiation standards of the handsets, and their products comply with the standards.
Speaking on the radio station "Echo of Moscow", the chief state sanitary doctor, head of the Federal Agency for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Gennady Onishchenko, said that mobile phones really affect human health. "IN in this case there is a certain justified concern, since the radiation that occurs as a result of the use of mobile phones has a certain harmful effect,” he said. And he expanded on the topic: “There is some evidence that cancer is emerging. This depends on the frequency characteristics of the phones and their security. It is no coincidence that we control this issue. There is a special sanitary standard. By the way, our national norm is much stricter than the Western one, which worries our liberals and others, but nevertheless we are holding back for now and saying that there really is a certain justification for the alarm that we are expressing.”
Mr. Onishchenko’s opinion on the dangers of mobile phones was voiced just a month after the results of an authoritative European study on the same problem were announced. A week before the New Year, the results of the REFLEX project were announced, in which scientists from 12 institutes and laboratories from seven European countries studied the effect of cell phones on the cells of living organisms. The study lasted from 2000 to 2004, the cost of the project, the lion's share of which was sponsored by the European Union, amounted to 3.15 million euros. Researchers have come to a disappointing conclusion: electromagnetic radiation generated by GSM cellular devices can cause genetic changes in the cells of the human body.
The longer the cells were exposed to irradiation and the higher the intensity, the more the DNA structure changed. One of the possible consequences of mutations can be cancer. Studies have shown that changes in DNA were observed even at radiation levels of 0.3 W/kg, while the radiation power of GSM phones can reach 1 W/kg. However, a consolation for the owners of the tubes can be considered the fact that the studies were carried out on individual cells, and no formal evidence of the influence of GSM devices on the entire human genetic system was identified.
If mobile phones really harm health, the majority of Russians could suffer significant damage. According to the forecast of the research company IDC, about 30 million cell phones may be sold in Russia in 2004 (analysts have not yet provided final data for the year). And according to statistics from the research companies iKS-Consulting and ACM-Consulting, only in Moscow, based on the results of the pre-New Year’s strike campaign for connecting new subscribers in December, the number of users cellular communication very close to 100%. Throughout Russia, analysts expect to reach a threshold of 65-70% of cellular users of the total population by the end of 2005.
However, mobile phone manufacturers are not inclined to regard the words of the chief sanitary doctor as the beginning of a campaign to combat handsets. As Sergei Sidorov, Nokia's public relations coordinator in the CIS countries, explained to Izvestia, decisions on the certification of mobile phones are entirely within the jurisdiction of regulatory authorities, and until now Nokia handsets have always been certified. The Russian office of Motorola refused to comment on the situation at all, calling Mr. Onishchenko’s words unfounded allegations.

Relevance of the work . Today mAn abundant telephone has become a part of the life of a modern person. However, more and more often you can hear different opinions about the effect of a cell phone on our body. Therefore, everyone needs to know the positive and negative aspects of a cell phone. Know how to use the phone correctly and within what time frame.

Purpose of the research work : Explore the positive and negative aspects of using a cell phone

Research objectives : 1. Study the literature on this problem. 2. Conduct a survey among peers to determine how they use a mobile phone and whether they consider this device dangerous. 3. Give recommendations on safe use mobile phones.

Research methods : Study of scientific and journalistic sources on this topic. Conducting a survey among students. Analysis and synthesis of information.

The mobile phone confidently walks through life with us and is unlikely to become a legend in the near future. But is everything as cloudless as it seems at first glance? I will not try to convince you to stop using mobile communications and at the same time I will not insist on buying a phone. I'll just tell you a little about him.

I conducted a survey of students in our class to find out whether the children use mobile phones, whether they know about the effects of the phone on the human body, and whether they are familiar with the rules for using cell phones. And these are the results that were obtained.

When asked about having a cell phone, 17 out of 20 people answered in the affirmative.

Of the classmates I interviewed, 15 people use the phone daily, 2 people use the phone less often.

Most of the guys I interviewed (namely 12 out of 20 people) talk on the phone for less than 30 minutes a day.

Exactly half of the students surveyed press the receiver tightly to their ear when talking on the phone. The fourth part is to talk while holding the phone a short distance from the ear. And one person at a time uses special fittings or a speakerphone.

When answering the question “Where do you most often carry your phone?” only a quarter of the students answered “in their briefcase, in their bag”, 4 people carry phones in the pockets of their jackets, shirts, blouses, the majority of cell phone owners in our class, namely 8 people, carry phones in their trouser pockets.

Of the 17 people who have phones, 12 leave the device at a safe distance from themselves during sleep or rest.

7 out of 20 people know nothing about the effect of the telephone on the human body.

The majority of respondents (13 people) believe that improper use mobile phone may cause harm. However, it should be noted that 7 people either consider using a cell phone to be absolutely safe or do not know anything about it.

Absolutely all respondents answered negatively when asked about the use of phones during lessons. This makes me happy!

12 people believe that excessive phone use affects school performance. 8 people are sure of the opposite.

The vast majority (15 out of 17 people who have phones) use it as a toy. And only two guys don't play telephone games.

Even more students (16 people) listen to music on their phones.

And only 9 of them use headphones. Almost the same number of children (8 people) listen to music without using special equipment.

Unfortunately, most of my classmates (14 out of 20) do not know the rules of etiquette when using a cell phone.

The survey showed that cell phones are very popular among students in our class. But I think that the survey results in other classes would not be much different. Most students know both about the positive aspects of using cellular communications and the harmful effects of the phone on the body. However, few people know what consequences can occur as a result misuse phone and how exactly you need to use a mobile phone so as not to harm your health. Then let's figure it out.

Some facts from the history of the cell phone . The real history of cellular communications begins in St. Louis, USA. In 1947, a research laboratory came up with a proposal to create a mobile phone. The device that pioneered cellular communications weighed 30 kg and required a connection to an electrical outlet to operate.April 3, 1973 Through the efforts of engineers, a base station was installed on top of a 50-story building in New York. By the same date, the first mobile phone was manufactured -Creator - Martin Cooper . He is considered the father of the cell phone.

Telephones immediately began to be in demand. So, already 10 years later, in March 1983. there were 1 million cellular users in the world.September 9, 1991 The first cellular operator Delta Telecom appeared in Russia. The weight of the phone was about 3 kg. In the first four years of operation, Delta Telecom connected 10,000 subscribers.

Now in many countries more than half of the population has mobile phones. And in some, on average, there are several devices for each person. So in Russia, as of August 2015, there were over 216 million cell phones with a population of 147 million people, that is, about one and a half phones for each person.

Mobile phones: pros and cons

Based on the study of literature and research, I was able to determine the positive and negative aspects of using a mobile phone.

Let's talk about the advantages of cellular communications .

The main thing is saving time, convenience, the ability to communicate with relatives and friends without direct contact. A mobile phone allows its owner to feel more confident, because at any time you can call and ask for help. Some cell phone models also support the function of tracking the subscriber’s movements - you can always see on the map where the person is located in at the moment(this is especially convenient for parents). Everyone has mobile operator There is a set of services - these are pictures, melodies, help. Almost all mobile phones are equipped with functions such as an organizer, calculator, alarm clock, etc. Mobile phones are both computers and the Internet - in your free time you can go to your favorite sites, check email, see the latest news.

The effect of cell phones on the human body .

Radio communications have been developing for almost a century. The cell phone has become widespread only in recent decades. Such a short period of time is clearly not enough to draw conclusions about its harm or harmlessness. However, there is more and more evidence that they do have a negative effect on our body.

Effect on brain activity

Nowadays, many household things are sources of electromagnetic radiation (TV, computer, microwave oven). But if, while watching TV, we are still at a certain distance from it, then when using a mobile phone our entire head is irradiated. Radiation from mobile phones damages areas of the brain associated with learning and memory. Hungarian researchers presented data on the possibility of developing brain cancer in cell phone users.Based on the results of research by scientists from Norway and Denmark, it was concluded that cellular users are most susceptible to drowsiness, irritability, and fatigue. These people are more likely to complain of headaches. With prolonged and uncontrolled use of the phone, the user may develop psychological dependence.

Effect on vision

Our eye is designed in such a way that it is extremely difficult for it to focus on a minimally sized object. And this is exactly what a cell phone screen is. The eye muscle has to make superhuman efforts to transmit a clear picture to our brain. Recent studies on this matter have shown that two hours in a row of games, looking at pictures, videos daily will be enough for your vision to drop by 12-14% in a year.

Effect on hearing

Surely many of us have noticed a feeling of warmth in the ear after a long conversation. During a prolonged conversation, there is an increase in the temperature of the ear, eardrum, adjacent tissues and the adjacent area of ​​the brain. This is nothing more than the result of the influence of an electromagnetic field. The same call, when used for more than three to five months, can lead to auditory hallucinations. A person who regularly uses headphones for several years accelerates the aging process of hearing by two to three times. Scientists have found that the risk of developing a tumor in the ear to which a mobile phone is usually applied is almost 4 times higher than in the opposite ear.

Effect on the heart, blood

But the most unexpected thing for many was that the mobile device affects the composition of a person’s blood. Swedish physicists have suggested that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones can damage red blood cells - erythrocytes, which leads to weakened immunity and the development of leukemia. The phone can also affect the heart if we carry it around our neck or in our chest pocket. The same electromagnetic waves are to blame. In the case of the heart, they not only increase its temperature, but also disrupt the heart rhythm.

Spreader of infection

It turns out that our mobile phones are a real source of infections.

Samples for bacteria were taken from mobile phones. The results were simply shocking - more diverse skin bacteria were found on the body of the mobile phone than on door handles, keyboards, shoe soles and even toilet seats.

Recommendations for using a mobile phone . The mobile phone has become an important assistant for the modern person. But not everyone knows that it can cause significant harm to our health. To avoid this, you must follow the rules for using a mobile phone:

    Talk on the phone no more than 10 minutes a day.

    Carry your phone in your bag or briefcase

    Listen to music through headphones for no more than 10 - 15 minutes a day.

    Look at the phone display for no more than 15 minutes.

    Do not use your phone in a car, airplane or other types of land or air transport, as this may cause device malfunction.

    Don't leave your cell phone nearby when you sleep.

    Don't leave the feature enabledBluetoothmore than 5 minutes.

    Try not to use your phone educational institutions, because Typically, such buildings block signal reception, and if the telephone network does not pick up, then your mobile phone emits even more radiation than ever.

    Use a wired headset to reduce exposure.

    Monitor the battery charge level; if the charge is weak, the level of radiation from the cellular device increases.

    The highest levels of radiation are observed during calls and at the first moment of communication. At these moments, you need to keep the phone away from your head, before you start talking, you need to wait 1-2 seconds.

    Wipe your phones regularly with germicidal wipes.

Phone etiquette rules .

Even the coolest phone does not give you the right to be impolite towards other people. In addition to the rules for using a cell phone, you also need to know the rules of etiquette when using it.

1) There is no need to talk on a mobile phone in libraries, museums, cinemas, theaters, or while waiting for an appointment with a doctor.

2) Using a phone while driving a car may cause an accident.

3) You will act politely if you do not choose loud and annoying music for the ringtone.

4) You shouldn’t shout into the phone, especially if there are people nearby. If possible, you need to move away or leave the room.

5) When you are asked to refrain from using cell phones in an office or on an airplane, do not pretend that you did not hear anything, this may endanger the lives of other people.

6) Do not use your phone during class. This distracts your comrades.

7) If possible, refrain from talking on the phone on public transport. As a last resort, conduct the conversation in a quiet voice.


Thanks to the research I did, we looked at a thing that is already familiar to us - a mobile phone - in a completely different way. I am sure that you need to take care of your health from a young age. Now we know that we need to use a mobile phone wisely, following certain rules. The mobile phone has become an integral attribute of our lives, and we can no longer imagine our existence without it. But whether a mobile phone will become a friend or an enemy to us depends entirely on ourselves.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who does not use mobile communication services. Even the smallest representatives of our society already have a functional gadget connected to the World Wide Web called the Internet. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of mobile phones.

What is a mobile phone?

A cell phone or mobile phone is a device designed to transmit voice information over a distance. This process is carried out through the provision of communication services by cellular operators. Their towers synchronize the devices with each other.

Transmitting voice information is only one of the functions that a mobile phone can have. The device itself is small in size and requires the installation of a SIM card, thanks to which the ability to use communications appears.

Using a mobile phone in everyday life

The telephone in our life serves not only to transmit voice messages. This device can send short messages, access the Internet and synchronize with GPS stations to determine coordinates.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine life without a cell phone. Numerous applications that are installed on the device thanks to operating systems make our lives much easier. A modern mobile phone combines several devices that we use constantly.

The phone can serve as an alarm clock, computer, personal nutritionist or fitness trainer. Thanks to applications, we can control our physical activity, it becomes possible to monitor nutrition and enter all data into special program.

Advantages and disadvantages of a push-button telephone

Some conservative people still use the most primitive communication devices. This is convenient if you only need your phone for communication. Let's list the main pros and cons

  • simple and accessible interface;
  • mechanical buttons for dialing a number or message;
  • the battery holds a charge for a long time;
  • the devices are strong and durable;
  • Older models had strong antennas for communication.
  • limited functionality;
  • there is no possibility to take good quality photos or videos;
  • using the Internet is very inconvenient;
  • small and dim display;
  • there is no possibility to expand the functionality with additional applications;
  • some models are not designed for new three-pin SIM cards;
  • There is no possibility of synchronization with some modern accessories.

Only the most basic disadvantages of push-button phones are listed. From the above we can draw the following conclusion: if you are an active and modern device user, then this will not suit you push-button telephone as the main device of use. And for older people, a phone with buttons is a great option to always stay in touch.

Advantages and disadvantages of a smartphone

The most common phones at the moment. A smartphone is a phone that has an operating system that allows you to install various software on it. Here are 5 pros and 5 cons of phones with an operating system.

  1. It is possible to install applications from any area of ​​interest.
  2. The device has a built-in camera, which is usually of fairly good quality. This function allows you to use your smartphone as a full-fledged camera, video camera or video recorder.
  3. A smartphone can replace a game console. On devices with good characteristics, you can play even the most modern games.
  4. Big screen.
  5. Touch control. The displays respond to several simultaneous clicks, which allows you to zoom in or out the picture, and also allows for comfortable control in games.
  1. Electromagnetic radiation.
  2. Formation of dependence on social networks or games.
  3. Live communication is fading away.
  4. The network does not catch everywhere.
  5. Weak batteries.

Undoubtedly, the smartphone provides us limitless possibilities in the field of communications. The most important thing is to skillfully use this functionality.

Advantages and disadvantages of a shockproof phone

There is a whole line of super-stable models of devices that are designed for active people. Let's look at the pros and cons of using a mobile phone, which has several levels of protection.

  1. Durable case made of shockproof material.
  2. Moisture-resistant or waterproof.
  3. Durable tempered glass display.
  1. Design.
  2. Limited functionality.
  3. Bulky dimensions.

Capable of maintaining their working condition even after falling down from a multi-story building, but in terms of design and functionality they clearly lose.

Pros and cons of cellular communications

Mobile phones, which have become an integral part of our lives, are constantly near us. Is this good or bad? Let's look at the pros and cons of cellular communications.

  1. You can always call your loved ones and ask questions that concern you.
  2. Communication is possible even over very long distances.
  3. The Internet, which is available 24 hours a day, provides us with the necessary amount of information we need.
  1. Radio radiation, which constantly affects the body, causes damage to all vital systems.
  2. Communication is only available within the coverage area mobile operator. In areas remote from populated areas, you will not be able to use communication services.
  3. Some people become addicted to their cell phone.

Experts recommend using cellular communications no more than 5-10 minutes/day. During this time, the dose of exposure to electromagnetic waves on the body is not critical. Now let's try to calculate how much time we spend per day on communication. The phone is constantly near us, even during sleep. All this time, the body is exposed to radio radiation.

Pros and cons of Samsung phones

New modern models are constantly appearing in the Samsung smartphone lines. The company ensures that its gadgets meet the latest trends in development modern technologies. Let's look at the pros and cons of Samsung phones.

  1. High quality build.
  2. Bright, energy-saving Amoled display.
  3. Interesting new functionality: fingerprint detector, voice control, face recognition, etc.
  4. High level service.
  5. Differentiation of phones by line: budget, middle class, flagships.
  1. High cost of devices.
  2. Expensive repairs if replacement is carried out with original parts.
  3. Over time, Amoled displays burn out.
  4. Constantly coming out updates operating system Over time, they become irrelevant for older devices, so you have to change your phone to a more modern one.

Pros and cons of Android devices

Smartphones based on the Android operating system are the most popular nowadays. This is due to the ease of use of the platform and the simplicity of the interface. The following are the pros and cons of Android phones:

  1. Simple menu, convenient controls.
  2. A large number of programs for any version of Android.
  3. Customization. Any Android phone can be customized by making individual settings at the system level.
  4. Openness of the system. For example, you can make the memory card perform the function internal storage.
  5. Prevalence. You can always choose the right model, affordable and functional in properties.
  1. Updates. Model range changes very quickly, and new versions of the operating system may already work unstable on previous models.
  2. Malfunctions. Android phones most often experience freezes during operation. The loading speed and overall dynamics of the system are at a fairly low level, especially if we are not talking about flagship smartphones.

Despite the existing negative aspects, smartphones based on the Android operating system are gaining increasing popularity among users.

Pros and cons of children using phones

The communications and telephony industry has a particularly strong influence on the younger generation. Even the smallest children already know how to turn on their favorite game on their smartphone. Let's look at the positive and negative aspects of the influence of phones on children.

  1. The child always stays connected.
  2. You can track the exact coordinates of your child using a GPS receiver.
  3. A telephone with Internet access can become an assistant in the educational process.
  1. Electromagnetic radiation causes damage to a child's developing body.
  2. Entertainment applications and games distract from studying.
  3. A gaming addiction develops and the child becomes withdrawn.
  4. Interest in active and intellectual live games is lost.
  5. There is stress and hysteria when there is no opportunity to use the phone or the Internet.

Children today have become so dependent on electronic devices and phones in particular, that in some cases they project the digital world of games onto real life conditions. The cruelty and instability of some children in most cases is associated precisely with gaming addiction.

Modern devices

Modern phones, produced using innovative technologies, have a wide range of functionality. It is very convenient and practical to use one device, which includes the functions of a dozen other devices. The compact size of a modern phone allows you to constantly carry it with you without any discomfort.

Some advanced users change several devices per year. This is due to the fact that new models are constantly being released that have minor differences from their predecessors. The most interesting functional new products in recent years are presented in the list:

  • fingerprint detector;
  • face recognition;
  • voice control;
  • remote control of other devices from your phone;

These are just some of the functions that are present in the functionality of a modern phone. With the further development of digital technologies, devices will become even more powerful and smart.

In conclusion

Considering the pros and cons of cell phones, we can conclude that these devices give us many advantages in terms of communications, and also allow us to use advanced functionality in various fields of application.

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Pros and cons of cell phones Work of a 10th grade student of MKOU Secondary School No. 3 Khurieva Agunda Teacher Tavasieva Lidiya Soslanovna

Introduction Today, a telephone in our lives is neither a rarity nor a luxury, although some fifteen years ago it was difficult to imagine that even small children would walk around with a handset in their pocket. And if at that time someone brave had decided to dream up and imagine that they would have telephones in the near future - touch screen, camera, video camera, radio, TV, Internet, navigator, flashlight... such a person would be looked at as if he were crazy.

Cell phones. Their advantages A mobile phone in a person’s life is an indispensable assistant, it benefits those who value their time and are not ready to waste it. Imagine how much time we would spend looking for something we suddenly need if we didn’t have this wonderful thing in our pocket. Take, for example, car repair and searching for some rare spare part. If there were no telephone in our lives, we would have to go to a bunch of stores and spend a lot of time. And then I called, found out (found where it was cheaper), went and bought it. The benefits of a mobile phone are obvious - saving time and money.

Cell phones. Their advantages How is a mobile phone useful for a person in an extreme situation? Anyone who has found himself in difficult conditions and circumstances (perhaps on the verge of death) knows the benefits of a cell phone. Often it is mobile phones that save people’s lives, protect them from danger and help in difficult life situations. In recent years, cell phones have become an integral part of our lives. And this is not surprising, because the high rhythm of life, the implementation of everyday goals and tasks dictates to us the need to always be in touch and have a faithful assistant at hand.

Cell phones. Their disadvantages As you know, nothing can only bring benefits, so it’s worth talking about the dangers of cell phones. Mobile phones really affect human health and, according to some data, cause cancer. Radio waves from mobile phones damage cells in the human body and change its DNA. This conclusion was reached by scientists working on the Reflex project, the purpose of which is to study the effects of mobile phones on the human body.

Cell phones. Their cons

Cell phones. Their minus: Embryos die... At the Moscow Institute of Biophysics, Professor Yuri Grigoriev made two incubators. I put 63 chicken eggs in each. A GSM mobile phone was suspended above one “bird house” at a height of 10 cm. The phone worked in this mode: on for 1.5 minutes, off for half a minute. Embryonic development disorders began on the third day. Only 16 birds hatched and “listened” to the phone! But they also turned out to be unviable. For comparison: in an incubator where the eggs were not pestered with calls, 51 chicks were born without any problems.

Cell phones. Their downside... children are slow... Alan Preece, head of the biophysics department at the Bristol Cancer Center, gave phones to children aged 10-11 for half an hour. For half they worked in talk mode, for others they were disabled. And then the scientist conducted neurophysiological tests. For those who had mobile phones turned on, all reactions were slow. Another experiment showed that even after a two-minute conversation, the bioelectrical activity of the brain changes in adolescents aged 11-13 years. It returns to normal only after two hours. What does it mean? The child’s mood changes, he perceives the material in class worse if he was chatting on his cell phone during the break.

Cell phones. Their minus...and adults' blood boils Hungarian biologist Turocsi asked 76 volunteers to make two calls, 7.5 minutes each. The body trembled with all its fibers: the biocurrents of the brain changed, cerebral circulation slowed down, and blood pressure dropped. Doctors recorded anxiety and stress in the subjects. And Russian professor Igor Belyaev, working at Stockholm University, turned on the phone next to test tubes with human blood. An hour later, the blood in several of them “boiled”! “No, it didn’t heat up,” explains the researcher. “But the blood cells, lymphocytes, behaved as if the person had a very high fever - 44 degrees.” The heat shock effect lasted 72 hours.

Cell phones. Their Pros and Cons As a result, we get: Cell phones are convenient and help us in life But they affect our health Thank you for your attention

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who does not use mobile communication services. Even the smallest representatives of our society already have a functional gadget connected to the World Wide Web called the Internet. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of mobile phones.

What is a mobile phone?

A cell phone or mobile phone is a device designed to transmit voice information over a distance. This process is carried out through the provision of communication services by cellular operators. Their towers synchronize the devices with each other.

Transmitting voice information is only one of the functions that a mobile phone can have. The device itself is small in size and requires the installation of a SIM card, thanks to which the ability to use communications appears.

Using a mobile phone in everyday life

The telephone in our life serves not only to transmit voice messages. This device can send short messages, access the Internet and synchronize with GPS stations to determine coordinates.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine life without a cell phone. Numerous applications that are installed on the device thanks to operating systems make our lives much easier. A modern mobile phone combines several devices that we use constantly.

The phone can serve as an alarm clock, computer, personal nutritionist or fitness trainer. Thanks to applications, we can control our physical activity, it becomes possible to monitor nutrition and enter all data into a special program.

Advantages and disadvantages of a push-button telephone

Some conservative people still use the most primitive communication devices. This is convenient if you only need your phone for communication. Let's list the main pros and cons of push-button phones.

  • simple and accessible interface;
  • mechanical buttons for dialing a number or message;
  • the battery holds a charge for a long time;
  • the devices are strong and durable;
  • Older models had strong antennas for communication.
  • limited functionality;
  • there is no possibility to take good quality photos or videos;
  • using the Internet is very inconvenient;
  • small and dim display;
  • there is no possibility to expand the functionality with additional applications;
  • some models are not designed for new three-pin SIM cards;
  • There is no possibility of synchronization with some modern accessories.

Only the most basic disadvantages of push-button phones are listed. From the above we can draw the following conclusion: if you are an active and modern device user, then a push-button telephone will not suit you as your main device of use. And for older people, a phone with buttons is a great option to always stay in touch.

Advantages and disadvantages of a smartphone

The most common phones at the moment. A smartphone is a phone that has an operating system that allows you to install various software on it. Here are 5 pros and 5 cons of phones with an operating system.

  1. It is possible to install applications from any area of ​​interest.
  2. The device has a built-in camera, which is usually of fairly good quality. This function allows you to use your smartphone as a full-fledged camera, video camera or video recorder.
  3. A smartphone can replace a game console. On devices with good characteristics, you can play even the most modern games.
  4. Big screen.
  5. Touch control. The displays respond to several simultaneous clicks, which allows you to zoom in or out the picture, and also allows for comfortable control in games.
  1. Electromagnetic radiation.
  2. Formation of addiction to social networks or games.
  3. Live communication is fading away.
  4. The network does not catch everywhere.
  5. Weak batteries.

Undoubtedly, the smartphone provides us with limitless possibilities in the field of communications. The most important thing is to skillfully use this functionality.

Advantages and disadvantages of a shockproof phone

There is a whole line of super-stable models of devices that are designed for active people. Let's look at the pros and cons of using a mobile phone, which has several levels of protection.

  1. Durable case made of shockproof material.
  2. Moisture-resistant or waterproof.
  3. Durable tempered glass display.
  1. Design.
  2. Limited functionality.
  3. Bulky dimensions.

They are capable of maintaining their working condition even after falling down from a multi-story building, but in terms of design and functionality they are clearly inferior.

Pros and cons of cellular communications

Mobile phones, which have become an integral part of our lives, are constantly near us. Is this good or bad? Let's look at the pros and cons of cellular communications.

  1. You can always call your loved ones and ask questions that concern you.
  2. Communication is possible even over very long distances.
  3. The Internet, which is available 24 hours a day, provides us with the necessary amount of information we need.
  1. Radio radiation, which constantly affects the body, causes damage to all vital systems.
  2. Communication is only available within the coverage area of ​​the cellular operator. In areas remote from populated areas, you will not be able to use communication services.
  3. Some people become addicted to their cell phone.

Experts recommend using cellular communications no more than 5-10 minutes/day. During this time, the dose of exposure to electromagnetic waves on the body is not critical. Now let's try to calculate how much time we spend per day on communication. The phone is constantly near us, even during sleep. All this time, the body is exposed to radio radiation.

Pros and cons of Samsung phones

New modern models are constantly appearing in the Samsung smartphone lines. The company makes sure that its gadgets meet the latest trends in the development of modern technologies. Let's look at the pros and cons of Samsung phones.

  1. High quality build.
  2. Bright, energy-saving Amoled display.
  3. Interesting new functionality: fingerprint detector, voice control, face recognition, etc.
  4. High level of service.
  5. Differentiation of phones by line: budget, middle class, flagships.
  1. High cost of devices.
  2. Expensive repairs if replacement is carried out with original parts.
  3. Over time, Amoled displays burn out.
  4. Constantly released operating system updates eventually become irrelevant for older devices, so you have to change your phone to a more modern one.

Pros and cons of Android devices

Smartphones based on the Android operating system are the most popular nowadays. This is due to the ease of use of the platform and the simplicity of the interface. The following are the pros and cons of Android phones:

  1. Simple menu, convenient controls.
  2. A large number of programs for any version of Android.
  3. Customization. Any Android phone can be customized by making individual settings at the system level.
  4. Openness of the system. For example, you can make the memory card act as an internal storage device.
  5. Prevalence. You can always choose the right model, affordable and functional in properties.
  1. Updates. The model range is changing very quickly, and new versions of the operating system may already work unstable on previous models.
  2. Malfunctions. Android phones most often experience freezes during operation. The loading speed and overall dynamics of the system are at a fairly low level, especially if we are not talking about flagship smartphones.

Despite the existing negative aspects, smartphones based on the Android operating system are gaining increasing popularity among users.

Pros and cons of children using phones

The communications and telephony industry has a particularly strong influence on the younger generation. Even the smallest children already know how to turn on their favorite game on their smartphone. Let's look at the positive and negative aspects of the influence of phones on children.

  1. The child always stays connected.
  2. You can track the exact coordinates of your child using a GPS receiver.
  3. A telephone with Internet access can become an assistant in the educational process.
  1. Electromagnetic radiation causes damage to a child's developing body.
  2. Entertainment applications and games distract from studying.
  3. A gaming addiction develops and the child becomes withdrawn.
  4. Interest in active and intellectual live games is lost.
  5. There is stress and hysteria when there is no opportunity to use the phone or the Internet.

Modern children have become so dependent on electronic devices and phones in particular that in some cases they project the digital world of games onto real life conditions. The cruelty and instability of some children in most cases is associated precisely with gaming addiction.

Modern devices

Modern phones, produced using innovative technologies, have a wide range of functionality. It is very convenient and practical to use one device, which includes the functions of a dozen other devices. The compact size of a modern phone allows you to constantly carry it with you without any discomfort.

Some advanced users change several devices per year. This is due to the fact that new models are constantly being released that have minor differences from their predecessors. The most interesting functional new products in recent years are presented in the list:

  • fingerprint detector;
  • face recognition;
  • voice control;
  • remote control of other devices from your phone;

These are just some of the functions that are present in the functionality of a modern phone. With the further development of digital technologies, devices will become even more powerful and smart.

In conclusion

Considering the pros and cons of cell phones, we can conclude that these devices give us many advantages in terms of communications, and also allow us to use advanced functionality in various fields of application.