Home / Instructions / Monitoring signal quality on Rostelecom TV - what to do?! Rostelecom films: image scattering and how to deal with it Image scattering on TV signal level is good

Monitoring signal quality on Rostelecom TV - what to do?! Rostelecom films: image scattering and how to deal with it Image scattering on TV signal level is good

Those who use satellite television periodically encounter problems during operation. The problem is that when there are gusts of wind and when weather conditions worsen (clouds, heavy rain, snow), the image transmitted by the receiver to the TV begins to crumble into squares and then may completely disappear. And so on until weather conditions improve. It's a long wait. And at this time there is a football match, favorite movie or program on TV. This is where the question arises - how to overcome the problem of image scattering on the TV when weather conditions worsen.

The solution to the problem is very simple. You just need to improve the quality of the signal received by the antenna, transmitted from the satellite.

To do this, you can perform one or several manipulations, each of which will, to a certain extent, increase the signal received by the satellite dish. Obviously, different tricks will lead to different degrees of amplification of the satellite dish signal. Here are the surest means to improve the quality of the signal received by your antenna.

1. Fine tune the antenna to the satellite using a special device. Fine tuning is then needed. when the antenna was initially poorly tuned for reception, or if it was knocked out of direction by a gust of wind.

2. Replacing the satellite dish to an antenna of larger diameter. For Tricolor and NTV+, for example, a 55 cm antenna is often used. But replacing it with a 60 cm antenna gives a 15% increase in the quality of the received signal.

3. Replacing the satellite converter. A high-quality converter is the most important element of a well-built satellite signal reception system. The converter that comes standard with Tricolor and NTV+ does not always provide a high signal and replacing it with a converter, as well as replacing the antenna, gives an increase in signal quality from 10 to 30 percent!

4. Replacing the antenna cable. If you used the initial cable price category, then it has not a copper, but a steel central core, which leads to significant attenuation of the signal transmitted through the cable. This is especially true in those cases. when the cable is 35 meters or more long. Replacing the cable with a high-quality one with a copper central core can improve the quality of the signal received by the receiver from the satellite dish.

Digital television is a modern alternative to standard TV. With this technology, image quality becomes significantly better at the same cost. The essence of this technology is that the signals are a sequence of digital combinations of electrical pulses. Digital technologies provide new opportunities for transmitting and receiving data.

It has its advantages. For example, mobility. There is no longer any need to run wires and cables; all you need is a TV, an antenna, a digital receiver and a power outlet. This is an autonomous system that you can take with you, for example, to the country and watch TV programs with the same high-quality signal as in the city. In addition, digital TV has a large number of broadcasts, and you can also access the Internet, TV guide, etc.

Possible causes of interference

A digital signal is generally reliable and much better than an analog signal, but even it is not immune to various types of interference. In any case, if the quality of the broadcast deteriorates, you will have to find out the reason why this happened. For example, if the TV does not show well and they go on, you need to check the antenna. Maybe it was installed poorly or just went wrong. The antenna can also break due to a large snowball or piece of ice. In addition, the TV may not show well due to interrupted TV cable, failed receiver, etc.

If, when connecting digital TV, the technicians fed the cable into the apartment, and further wiring was done independently (especially if there is more than one TV in the apartment), then there may be a bad contact in the tee. There may also be interference if there is also a computer next to the TV and they are connected via HDMI cable. As a rule, interference on TV begins when the computer is turned on, and as soon as the computer is turned off, the image becomes high-quality again. In this case, interference may occur due to the fact that the computer (or more precisely, a video card with an HDMI port) is not working.

If you live on the top floor and the signal is weak, the nuts on the dividers may have oxidized or burned, the equipment has not been configured, or the optical receiver has failed. There can be many reasons for the appearance of interference, and the easiest way would be to call a specialist so that he can find the true cause and eliminate it.

Communication via the Internet has already crossed the boundaries of exchanging exclusively text messages. Now many messenger programs make it possible to communicate through the transmission of video and audio signals. But unfortunately, various signal distortions that arise for various reasons often prevent you from enjoying this communication on Skype, Agent or ICQ.


First, you need to understand that the instant messaging program itself can neither be the source of interference nor the cause of it. Most often, this happens due to the fault of themselves, who have incorrectly configured their equipment, or due to a malfunction of this equipment itself.

One of the main reasons for interference is a poor connection or low throughput communication channel. More often, this problem occurs among those who are trying to obtain or overeat an image interactively. All that can be advised in this case is to switch or change the provider that provides low-quality services.

To check equipment, you can use standard programs that are available in any installed system. To find such a recording program. In Windows XP, you need to go to the “Start” panel, then “All Programs” => “Accessories” => “Entertainment” => “Sound Recording”. IN Windows system 7 it is much easier to find this program. In the Start panel, you just need to type the word “Sound recording” into the search and the system will immediately return the desired result.

Owners of wide-format screens really liked not only the HD channels, but also the built-in film library from Rostelecom. Now you can while away the evening with the same great pleasure as the diagonal of your TV. But a review of your favorite cinematic works can lead to various kinds of unpleasant situations. After all, a receiver (STB) is not a stainless steel railing, the price of which, although much higher, but a rather complex piece of hardware with its own software, so it is not surprising that failures periodically occur here too.

« What should I do if, when ordering or watching a film from my collection of ANY film, it begins to “pixelate” and disintegrate into squares?»

For example like this:

Regular channels show normally, but movies start to glitch? This happens when the settings on the STB are reset (reset to factory default or reset). In 90% of cases, if problems arise when ordering (previewing) any film, even from the “Mine” collection, a banal reboot of the console helps on nutrition (!). This means that you need to unplug the power plug from the set-top box and plug it in again:

Also try checking for updates for your set-top box at « System settings» , if it is not possible to reboot the console:

  ...I change my set-top box (STB) / modem / place of residence, will the films I bought remain in my collection? 

Yes, the films will remain in the collection.

  …is one film more expensive than another? 

The cost of a film is equally proportional to its novelty and relevance. The most expensive ones - the release of which in cinemas has barely been completed. There are films that are shown simultaneously with cinemas.

  ...only one movie is glitchy? 

This is a general problem, specifically a movie file. “Here and now” cannot solve the problem - don’t order or buy this film just yet.

  ...the movie won't rewind? 

In order for rewind to work in the film, you need to buy it. In trial viewing mode (the first 5 minutes of the film, if you don’t buy it right away), rewinding will not work.

...the film is showing, but the quality is unsatisfactory?  

In case the film slows down, shows in fragments and/or the sound lags, in the menu of each film there is a special button in the form of a road sign with exclamation point inside. Select it and specify the category - poor sound or image quality. The information will be sent to technical support, where measures will be taken to correct this “bug”.

Digital television differs favorably from analog television in the absence of the latter’s characteristic interference in the form of “snow” on the screen and ghosting of the image, however, if there are problems with the signal, much more unpleasant and annoying symptoms are observed: the picture freezes, crumbles into squares and signal loss. This problem applies to almost all types digital television: terrestrial, cable, satellite. On this page we will primarily consider the problems of receiving over-the-air digital data, although in many cases the causes of the problem are similar.

Weak signal from antenna

The most common cause of the above problems is weak signal from the antenna. In this case, signal dropouts, as a rule, do not have any specific periodicity and can appear at any time. Weather may also affect image quality. Very often, a TV viewer begins to look for problems in the TV or digital set-top box, however, most often it is the antenna. If the receiver fails, most often it happens all at once: the device simply stops working. For antennas and cables, a gradual development of the problem, as well as periodic loss or weakening of the signal, is more typical.

Therefore, if the digital TV image begins to freeze or stutter, then first of all you need to check the antenna and cable. Cheap Chinese cable, which is most often used when installing antennas, quickly loses its characteristics, which causes problems with signal reception. Poor contacts or poor-quality plugs may also be the cause. If the antenna does not have a built-in amplifier, then there is nothing special to break in it. In active antennas, their amplifiers often fail, especially after a thunderstorm.

Intermittent signal loss

If problems with TV signal reception occur with a certain frequency, once every few minutes, then there are two most likely reasons: re-reflection of the signal from other buildings or the antenna getting into the broadcast zone of several towers at once. Re-reflection occurs most often in cases where the antenna is installed on the wall of a house and is solved by moving the antenna to the roof. If the antenna falls within the coverage area of ​​several television transmitters, it is worth finding an option to install the antenna in such a way that one of the transmitters is covered by some obstacle.