Home / Game consoles / Powerful radio stations of different frequencies. Review and types of walkie-talkies. Selecting a radio. Origin Motorola Solutions, China

Powerful radio stations of different frequencies. Review and types of walkie-talkies. Selecting a radio. Origin Motorola Solutions, China

A) Receiver sensitivity. The lower the numerical value, the better. U best models radio stations - tenths of a microvolt (µV). The value of the signal-to-noise ratio at which sensitivity is measured is also important (some manufacturers indicate sensitivity at an extremely low ratio, when the signal is simply lost behind noise; for normal operation the S/N must be at least 10 dB).

A radio station with a sensitivity of 0.12 µV, all other things being equal, “hears” approximately 2 times further than with a sensitivity of 0.5 µV. Among CB (27 MHz) radio stations - both Russian and imported - one of the best values ​​of receiver sensitivity (0.12 µV at S/N = 10 dB) .

B) Selectivity. The higher the numerical value (in dB), the better the radio’s noise immunity, therefore, the greater the communication range in the presence of electromagnetic interference.

A circuit with two frequency conversions provides significantly higher actual selectivity than with 1 IF.

The best models of imported CB radios have side channel selectivity of 60-65dB.

Modern models of radio stations have selectivity for side channels at the level of 100 dB (on the mirror channel it drops to 85 dB), i.e. All “garbage” of the ether is effectively cut off (circuit with 2 frequency conversions, use of quartz filters).

B) Antenna efficiency. The most important parameter, affecting the communication range.

For shortened antennas, the main characteristic is the resonant frequency gain (in dB).

For example, the flexible antenna r/s "MaycomSH-27" has a resonant gain of 15 dB, and that of the antenna - 20 dB. This difference in resonant gains results in a difference in range of approximately 20-30%.

The use of more efficient ( , ) antennas will significantly increase the range and operation. Do not use random, poorly matched antennas with any radio stations - in addition to significantly reducing the radio communication range, this can lead to failure of the transmitter.

D) Transmitter power. A common misconception is that “power and range are the same thing.” Two radio stations with the same power can differ in range by, for example, ten times.

Much more important (from the point of view of the influence on the communication range) of power is the efficiency of the antenna, receiver sensitivity, width dynamic range and selectivity of the receiver, the effectiveness of the applied noise reduction circuit. The combination of receiver parameters and the features of the applied noise suppressor circuit (read more about) determine the ability of the walkie-talkie to work with a weak signal against a background of airborne noise.

Power is important in the presence of electromagnetic interference, then increasing the power by 4 times will increase the communication range by about 1.5 times. In the field, to increase the range by 2 times, the power must be increased by 2 4 = 16 times.

When choosing a radio station based on power, decide on the location of its operation: a large industrial city, a small town or a countryside.

The fact is that doubling the power does not lead to the same increase in communication range. It has been theoretically and practically proven that doubling the power leads to an increase in range on average (depending on conditions) by only 1.2 times!

If the radio is operated in conditions of strong industrial interference (city), or in conditions of very rough terrain or dense forest, then increasing the power allows you to exceed the level of interference, overcome obstacles and increase the communication range, or make communications that were previously impossible. In this case, the costs associated with increasing power are justified and lead to positive results.

D) Noise suppressor Any decent radio station has it. The question is his, i.e. in the magnitude of the signal that opens the noise reduction threshold. For the best models of imported radio stations, the noise reduction threshold opens a signal of 0.5 µV, and for radio stations produced by KB Berkut - 0.05-0.07 µV.

In other words, radios produced by KB Berkut, due to the combination of receiver parameters, can operate with a signal much weaker (8-10 times) than is necessary for the operation of the best imported radio stations.

In addition, the new models of Berkut radio stations we offer provide a monitoring function - the ability to quickly turn off (by pressing one button) the noise suppressor for reception weak signal (<0,05-0,07мкВ), находящегося за гранью срабатывания порога шумоподавления.

E) Cost-effectiveness of the radio station. Unfortunately, this is rarely paid attention to when purchasing. But then they often experience certain disappointments, chasing the “most powerful walkie-talkie”... Cost-effectiveness is, of course, the most important parameter of portable radios. So, in the 90/5/5 mode (standby/reception with maximum volume/transmission with maximum power), different models work from 20 to 60 hours, and professional imported walkie-talkies - about 8 hours.

G) Operational reliability: shock, dust, water resistance, temperature operating conditions. The tests carried out show that KB Berkut radio stations operate in any temperature and weather conditions (they were developed taking into account our frosts, in configurations with low-temperature batteries - for example, Robiton Siberia- there are reviews about the stable operation of the production radios KB Berkut series

In our time of widespread mobile telephony, it is difficult to imagine problems with communication. I dialed the number and started talking, but it turns out it’s not that simple. On the territory of our huge country there are still many “blank spots” that are not covered by cellular operators. This is especially true for forests, steppes and mountainous areas. In these cases, good old radio communication will always come to the rescue. Forestry workers, hunters, fishermen, and lovers of hiking in the mountains and valleys cannot rely on cellular communications. We can only rely on the walkie-talkie as a proven and reliable means of communication. This type of communication does not lose its relevance.

We have compiled a list of the best walkie-talkies based on expert assessments and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make a choice that suits your needs and desires. There are many competitors in the global technology market, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend paying special attention to them:

Budget / Inexpensive

  1. Baofeng
  1. ARGUT
  3. Yaesu
  4. Motorola
Standard: LPD/PMR Power: up to 5 W Power: over 5 W Standard: VHF/UHF

*Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Walkie Talkies: Standard: LPD/PMR

*from user reviews

Minimum price:

Main advantages
  • Inexpensive 16-channel walkie-talkie with a power of 5 W and a range of 5 km
  • Durable housing with LED indication of operating modes (reception - green, transmission - red). The design of the device is assembled on a metal chassis. This increases the rigidity of the case and ensures good cooling of the working elements of the radio
  • The preset UHF operating frequency range can be easily reflashed using a computer to license-free LPD and PMR, distributing 8 to each range
  • Separate power settings are possible (two modes) for each channel
  • The built-in flashlight will help in the dark, as well as if you need to give a visual signal for help (SOS)

A modern radio station today is often used for special purposes; it is usually used for construction work, fishing and hunting, as well as for highways, security and special services. The success of all the activities mentioned above will depend on choosing the most convenient and correct device. Today there are many manufacturers of such radios from different countries. The radio station is a technically complex special device that has become very popular in the world, which affects the breadth of the device’s offerings. The rating of the best walkie-talkies and radio stations will help you choose the most suitable model.

Walkie-talkies and radio stations have become an important element for the lives of citizens; the market offers many models that will operate on different frequency ranges. If earlier this device was used only by the police and special services, today it is already available to taxi drivers, food delivery people, cargo carriers, storekeepers, and even mothers who take the device with them when walking with their child.

Walkie-talkies can be divided into professional and ordinary; mainly only expensive radio stations have a display, where you can change the operating settings. The signal quality of ordinary radio stations will be slightly worse, the tuning of an amateur design is weak, but it is simple and fast, and the programming of professional radio stations is too complex, but the result of the work is excellent.

Ranges of work in Russia:

  1. NE band - eleven centimeter, civil band;
  2. VHF range – two-meter, 144-146 MHz, amateur;
  3. UHF range - seventy centimeter 430-434 MHz, with a long operating range.

The most modern professional radios have a frequency of 33-50 MHz, 136-174 MHz or 403-470 MHz, and for truckers a special frequency is 27 MHz. These products have high build quality and are distinguished by a durable, durable body with a metal base, which brings these designs closer to MIL810 military standards. Radio stations of this type are designed for operation in difficult conditions, that is, they are professional and durable.

Walkie-talkies are convenient and there is no need to fight for communication and pay for it, as is the case with a mobile phone; with such a design, several people will be able to communicate with each other at the same time. Keep in mind that buildings, airfields, military bases and even metal deposits can reduce the communication radius; in addition, you should know that ideal conditions do not exist, so the radius will differ exactly from that specified in the instructions.

Today, many citizens cannot find the difference between a walkie-talkie and a radio station, it is believed that they are one and the same thing, that is, a walkie-talkie is just an abbreviation for the word radio station, there are differences, although they are minimal. If you choose a model for yourself, you should buy devices only with a metal base, with a maximum power of 4 Watts, and the battery should be from 1100 mAh.

It would be better not to buy a blister, that is, a set of 2 radios in one blister, where the communication radius can be up to 6, 10 and even 20 km, although in reality it reaches a maximum of 2-3 km in a straight line, and audibility becomes terrible. The frequency must correspond to the place of use; for a forest, take designs of 136-174 MHz, and if it is a city, then 430-440 MHz will be required, where it is better to use only short waves that will even pass through concrete walls.

The range depends on:

  1. Place of use;
  2. Range of operation;
  3. Power;
  4. The quality of the radio station itself is the KSW antenna.

When purchasing, you should also take into account the manufacturer; here you need to know that walkie-talkies from different brands can easily work with each other; not only the brand, the frequency setting, but also the power is important here. Also check the warranty, which may depend on the manufacturer, usually it ranges from six months to one year, remember that if there is damage during operation and water gets in, the warranty will no longer apply.

Keep in mind that it is better not to turn on the radio without an antenna; do not immediately press PTT, as the receiver-transmitter may burn out, which often happens today. Also know that for certain frequencies you also need to obtain permission to use; today it is no longer necessary to have such permission in the city at operating frequencies of 433-434 MHz. Consider which company’s radio station will be better; this is precisely why this article was created, which shows the general characteristics and features of the most fashionable radio stations.

Rating of walkie-talkies for hunting and fishing:

Motorola GP340 is an excellent model, although it may seem simple in appearance, its main charm is its performance characteristics. The walkie-talkie easily works in three bands at once, that is, it belongs to the old VHF and UHF frequencies, to which the LB frequency is also added, and it is lightly loaded. In addition, the device boasts a powerful six-volt transmitter, and the sensitivity of the working receiver is 0.25 µV, 12 dB.

The walkie-talkie is resistant and durable, it will be difficult to put it out of working order, since it is protected from moisture and falling from a height, that is, it is an ideal system. The antenna of this design is removable, so it can be easily replaced if the standard capability is no longer sufficient.

The model stores 16 channels and supports operating mode via a repeater. Such a walkie-talkie can be powered by a modern battery, which is created using Ni-MH technology. The product will last a long time; a full charge will last for 11 hours on average with battery life.

The main advantage of the Motorola GP340 is its durability and longevity; these walkie-talkies can work for years, all you need to do is replace the battery. The quality of the signals is excellent, and the design itself is ideal, its only drawback is the cost. The channels of this design are strictly controlled, and the product itself can answer calls from different communication channels. The radio station is made with signaling support and has not only basic standard functions, but also many others.


  • Frequency range: LB: 29.7-42, 36-50, VHF: 136-174, 300-350, UHF: 403-470;
  • Dimensions with standard battery: 137x57.5x37.5;
  • Weight: 420 g;
  • The operating time with a 5-5-90 cycle is 11 hours;
  • The tightness of the product is high;
  • Shock and vibration resistance;
  • Ideal moisture and dust resistance, where high protection is provided by a special housing;
  • Frequency grid: 12.5-20-25 FM interference and noise 40 dB;
  • Sound distortion 3%;
  • Functional;
  • Autonomous work.

Video review of the radio's characteristics:


  • Sound quality;
  • Durability;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Ease of use;
  • Connection;
  • The model is comfortable;
  • The battery is of high quality;
  • The negotiation range is large;
  • The body is solid here;
  • Design;
  • Communication quality and operating range;
  • Power.


  • The overall weight is large;
  • Product cost;
  • The channel handle is not comfortable;
  • The battery is weak;
  • Big sizes;
  • Few cons were found online.

Bottom line: The motorola GP 340 V/U model will help increase the quality of all communication processes, improve productivity, and provide the user with constant excellent communication quality. The device is distinguished by its level of communication and ease of operation, so you can easily concentrate on your work and not be distracted by interference and its elimination. The average price is 21,000-29,000 rubles, where the cost depends on a number of factors and the store itself. The product is used for hunting, fishing and tourism, by purchasing this model you can safely go on vacation in 2020.

This model is far from the cheapest, but there are no drawbacks here; the product has a unique transmitter with a power of 5 W. If your employee or partner is located nearby with another radio, the power is reduced when using a special button. There is an opportunity to save on electricity, a charge indicator is installed, and a total energy saving mode that works automatically.

If you take walkie-talkies on a hunt, you won’t be lost there, since the design sends signals across kilometers very quickly and easily. This product is ideal for hunting and fishing, where it will be an assistant for the hunter.


  • PRM range: 108-999;
  • PRD: 146-174, 420-470;
  • Channel pitch: normal;
  • Total network voltage: 6-16 V;
  • Frequency stability 5 ppm;
  • Product dimensions are standard 60x90x28.5;
  • Weight 260 g;
  • Selectivity 12-35 kHz;
  • Power 0.4 W at 8 ohms;
  • F3 radiation. F2.

More details about the technical parameters of the radio:


  • Ease of use;
  • Operation is excellent;
  • Unique product reliability;
  • General settings are simple and convenient;
  • Versatility;
  • Meets military standards;
  • Resistant to moisture, vibration and shock;
  • For hunting, hiking and fishing;
  • There is a built-in decoder;
  • The device is easily programmed by hand, which is done very quickly.


  • The standard antenna is not the best;
  • The battery is not as capacious;
  • The headset plug is inconvenient; you have to try hard to get there;
  • Overall low quality waterproof design;
  • The price is high;
  • There is no lithium-ion battery;
  • Charging takes too long;
  • Management is complex;
  • Heavy model due to the battery used.

Bottom line: The working device is excellent, signals can be sent not far, but they will be of high quality. Be aware that the antenna installed here is not suitable for weak signals, so it is better to buy other antennas that are cheap. The product looks beautiful, this model is durable and only fails when dropped from a great height; if the fall comes from 2-3 meters, there will be no consequences. The cost of Yaesu FT-60R today is up to 10,000-12,000 rubles on the Internet.

Motorola XTB446 is a convenient and portable walkie-talkie, the set of which consists of two models, the design was originally made for hunters. The cost of the design is reasonable, so it is suitable for both experienced hunters and beginners who do not want to invest a lot of money. There is one limitation: the device only works in the PMR range, the power of this transmitter is also low, that is, only 0.5 W.

The characteristics here are excellent, although in many ways modest, this is enough for hunters and they will definitely not be lost with this radio station. The walkie-talkie stores exactly 8 channels in its working memory, which can be easily changed by pressing a button; the number will be immediately displayed on the display.

Thanks to its advantages, the walkie-talkie can easily transmit signals over kilometers; the device supports special coding and works perfectly. Literally all negotiations will be protected from eavesdropping, which is important for work. The radio is literally indestructible, which is ensured by a metal resistant chassis, and this will be immediately appreciated by climbers and hunters, as well as those who engage in extreme sports. The battery is capacious, with this product you can work autonomously for up to 19 hours or even more. The range can be up to 8 km if it is an open place, although in reality the kilometers will be even less.


  • Range: up to 8 km;
  • Power: 0.5 W;
  • Range: 446-446.1 MHz;
  • The device is portable, license-free;
  • Dimensions: 172.7x60.4x32.7;
  • The package contains two radios, two mounts, two working batteries;
  • Total weight: 124.8 g;
  • 8 channels work;
  • One year warranty;
  • Special display.

Video demonstration of the walkie-talkie:


  • Quality of work;
  • Versatility;
  • The communication is wonderful and without difficulties;
  • The model is strong;
  • Audibility;
  • The radio is excellent and serious;
  • Works for a long time, the battery is durable;
  • Ideal signal transmission;
  • The work radius is large even in dense urban areas;
  • Protected from damage, including mechanical.


  • There are complaints that the sound often disappears from the device;
  • The range is good, but the sound coming from the top is too weak;
  • Up signals will dissipate quickly;
  • Noises;
  • There are few negative reviews online.

Bottom line: The walkie-talkie can be perfect for every hunter, the cost of the kit is reasonable, although the product only works in the PMR range, that is, the model is limited. The characteristics here are relatively modest, however, this is enough for many; channels can be easily changed with one click of a button, and the channel number itself will be reflected immediately on the display. The average cost is 5000-6000 rubles or more, where the specific price depends on the online store.

Rating of radios with extreme protection:

Motorola TLKR-T80

ExtremeThe Motorola TLKR-T80 product can be purchased as a set of two radios, the technical characteristics are standard, and the model itself is resistant to moisture and mechanical action. If you drop it on a hard floor or drown it in a river, then there can be no malfunction, that is, the structure will not break for sure. The structure is painted bright yellow, so it can easily be found on the ground or in a snowdrift.

The power of the model is 0.5 W and this is the best achievement of modern PMR radio stations, which do not even need to be registered. The range of action here is not large, but the design is of high quality, resistant to mechanical and other actions. This is an excellent portable radio, and it is designed for use in extreme conditions.

It has a high level of protection from the environment; the body is made of durable special plastic, protected from mechanical action and moisture. There are rubber grooved inserts on the side of this walkie-talkie, so you can easily hold the product in wet, dirty hands. The operating radius of the device is 10 km; thanks to the scanning and monitoring functions of all channels, the air will be clear. The kit contains two belt mounts, a power adapter, straps, and two headsets. Modern products can be not only extreme tourism, but also urban, automobile, sea, and river.

Motorola TLKR-T80


  • Range up to 10 km;
  • Power: 0.5 W;
  • The grid has a step of 12.5 kHz;
  • The device is license-free;
  • Dimensions: 5.7-17.3-4 cm;
  • The equipment is large;
  • Total weight: 140 g;
  • PMR446 standard;
  • The number of channels is exactly eight;
  • The color is bright, Orange;
  • One year warranty;
  • 446 MHz band.

Overview of technical parameters - in the video:


  • Bright clear colors;
  • Durability;
  • Convenient flashlight;
  • Autonomous operation lasts for a long time, and this is an important detail;
  • Equipment;
  • Two walkie-talkies included;
  • Charging station;
  • There is a special headset;
  • The device has a vibration alert.


  • The frequency ranges are weak;
  • The product can easily receive signals from other walkie-talkies;
  • The speaker volume is weak;
  • The range may not even correspond to the declared one;
  • The instructions are terrible;
  • There is a flashlight, but it is low-powered;
  • The plug may not even fit into the radio;
  • The lace unfastens with a small tug.

Bottom line: The device is high-quality and durable, this radio station is tenacious, as it is not afraid of mechanical and other actions, the power here is good for walkie-talkies of this type. The average price is 5500-5900 rubles in online stores. The main criteria for choosing this design are versatility, workmanship, power, and operating efficiency.


The MIDLAND GXT-1050 model was first created only for winter hunting, as evidenced by the beautiful coloring of the product’s body. Today, builders and special workers have begun to use such walkie-talkies, the design is excellent, although the power is rather weak, but the product is pleasing. It works with the LPD band, has a convenient display with orange working backlight, and has a special headset. Online reviews about this walkie-talkie are only excellent; its price is relatively high, but it clearly meets strict requirements.

The manufacturer indicated that the range outside the city will be 20 km and this is true, although in the city the range is already 2-3 km, which has been tested many times in different cities. The model is durable and works perfectly; there is a universal charger, so the design can be charged even from the car’s cigarette lighter.

To ensure a long battery life, charge it only according to the requirements specified in the instructions. The amazing design is often used both in hunting and in the city and countryside. It is compact in size, can operate on batteries, and if a standard battery is used, it will last a long time. Charging is fast, easy and takes up to 12 hours, and the walkie-talkie itself is literally trouble-free to use. The radio station lasts for years, according to online reviews it works for 3-7 years or more, it has never broken down even in the rain, the design is ideal for hunting, police, and construction workers.



  • Large LCD display;
  • The keyboard is backlit, which is very convenient;
  • Sound accompaniment;
  • Automatic noise reduction, adjustable;
  • Voice activation;
  • The design is waterproof and shockproof;
  • There is energy saving;
  • Scan mode;
  • Radio broadcast control;
  • Scrambler;
  • Vibrate alert;
  • Battery indicator;
  • Group codes;
  • Network call end signal;
  • Range: 433-434 MHz;
  • Number of channels: 69;
  • Weight: 180 g;


  • The build is excellent;
  • The case material is resistant;
  • Operates on rechargeable batteries or AA batteries;
  • The frequency range is wide;
  • The controls are convenient;
  • Has protection from external actions;
  • The price is reasonable for this quality;
  • Many operating modes;
  • Standard excellent charging;
  • The kit contains a special car charger.


  • Terrible headset jack;
  • The standard battery is only 700 mAh;
  • The radio works weakly at high speeds;
  • Charge indicator;
  • Only Ni-MH is used;
  • There is general support for the PMR range and nothing more;
  • The cost is too low, which is strange.

Results: This radio is unique, multiple studies have been done that have proven that 20 km of communication can only be without barriers, and urban concrete buildings will reduce the communication range to 2-3 km or less. Even if your hands are very dirty and wet, then it will be enough to just rinse the product in warm water, and then it will work perfectly, there is one limitation here, that is, when driving in a car at a speed of 35-45 km per hour, the connection will be too much weak.

The average price of a walkie-talkie is 6,700 rubles in Internet stores, where the price can vary greatly. The device is affordable, and its quality is also excellent. The main advantage of such a model is not only how much it costs, but also the quality of work, the company’s reputation and communication power.

The best walkie talkies that are affordable:

Baofeng UV-5R is an excellent walkie-talkie that is suitable for difficult working conditions; even if it falls on the asphalt, nothing will happen to it. Thanks to the bright colors, you can quickly find structures in the grass or snow; the only weak point here is water, since moisture protection is not installed here. The display here is monochrome, that is, it will be brightly lit for work. The radio station is controlled by numerous buttons and a regulator, which is located on the top end. A fairly powerful transmitter is installed, and the antenna is removable, which is an important advantage.

The walkie-talkie is relatively cheap, it is ideal for standard work, the battery has a 1800 mAh battery, so the device will work in moderate mode for up to 2 days without additional charging. The power of the product is 5 W, and the range in urban areas will be up to 2-3 km; the radius will be even greater in an open area without concrete houses.

The operating ranges here are 400-470 MHz and 136-174 MHz, which is quite convenient, since these are the best permitted ranges for the radio station. The radio has already been appreciated by both fishermen, hunters, and numerous special services. The model is an excellent workhorse, multifunctional and of high quality.


  • Power: 5 W;
  • Battery: 1800 mAh;
  • There is a single PTT button in the device;
  • Weight without batteries: 105 g;
  • Battery type: Li-ion;
  • The screen is monochrome;
  • The kit consists of a charger, antenna, clip, battery;
  • The grid has a step of 5 kHz;
  • Dimensions: 95-58-32 mm;
  • Sensitivity 0.16 µV;
  • Protection from dust, moisture and shock.

Video instructions for working with the walkie-talkie:


  • Easy to use;
  • The price is affordable;
  • Versatility;
  • Many functions;
  • The build is excellent;
  • Long-distance communication;
  • There is also a flashlight and radio;
  • Scanner;
  • The battery lasts a long time;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Works great;
  • Quality.


  • Instructions are in Chinese only;
  • The headset is not comfortable;
  • The cable is springless, which is not convenient;
  • The battery does not last long;
  • The chip is too sensitive;
  • The battery capacity does not always correspond to the declared one;
  • There are few downsides to the network.

Results: The radio station is one of the cheapest, has protection from natural factors, works flawlessly and lasts for a long time. The average price of such a radio station is 1700-1800 rubles or more. Having purchased this model, you can safely go on vacation in 2020; this design is truly durable and resistant.

The Voxtel MR950 is a convenient walkie-talkie; if you have little money allocated to purchase a radio station, then this product will be the best solution. For a standard set consisting of two radio stations, the company asks ridiculous money, it works perfectly and easily copes with transmission in the PMR range.

The power here is weak and equal to only 0.5 W, although this is enough for a conversation at a distance of 2-3 km from the interlocutor. And if the conversation is already taking place in an open area, that is, outside the city, then the range of action increases. Two walkie-talkies can store up to eight channels; two encodings are used here; in addition, a headset can be used to increase comfort. A special monochrome screen is complemented by lighting, so that working in the dark is simplified.

The radio is low-power, the range in an open place will be a maximum of 10 km and no more. The display is convenient, there is a special control system and 39 subcodes, automatic channel scanning is installed and there are 15 ringing tones for a person to choose from.

To create such a popular model, unique latest technologies were used, the body is wear-resistant, the design is simple and convenient. It is one of the latest models from this manufacturer and will be the best solution for extreme sports. The design of the product is elegant and quite simple, and the body of the system is conservative. The sound quality here is decent, there are headset jacks, so this is an ideal radio station.


  • PMR standard;
  • Power: 0.5 W;
  • Range: 446.006-446.094 MHz;
  • The communication radius is 10 km, and in the city up to 2-3 km;
  • The number of channels is 8 exactly;
  • Two types of encoding;
  • Number of codes: 121;
  • Voice function;
  • Channel scanning;
  • There is sound after the device buttons are pressed;
  • Locking the keyboard.


  • Great sound;
  • Battery;
  • Lots of ranges;
  • The battery will last for a long time;
  • Can be used as radio monitoring for a child;
  • The product is perfect;
  • The set consists of two walkie-talkies;
  • For hunting;
  • Many different functions at work;
  • Excellent quality assembly;
  • The antenna is removable and small in size.


  • The radius of work is not what we would like;
  • The volume is low;
  • It is better to replace the antenna immediately;
  • Battery life doesn't last long here;
  • The headset jack is too small;
  • The case is poorly protected from moisture, there are many cracks and holes;
  • Charging is weak.

Bottom line: The model is excellent, it works within a radius of 2 km for the city, even with 5-9 storey buildings located nearby, there may be slight interference, but the interlocutor can be easily heard. And in open areas, audibility will be ideal within a radius of 8-10 km, this walkie-talkie is comfortable, fits easily in the hand, has noise reduction, and its equipment is excellent. The cost of the product is 5,000 rubles, where the price depends on the specific online store, this is an inexpensive, excellent product.

The best special radios:

Motorola CP-040 is a walkie-talkie with an ideal ratio of quality and cost; this solution combines many functions and performance characteristics. The radio station will no longer be just a means of radio communication, it will also be a tool for managing operational functions to ensure the important required communication qualities. The model is quite light and simple, cost-effective, and designed specifically for work in warehouses, industrial companies, security, agriculture and services. Easy to use and requires minimal effort to train employees to use this radio. This model has an ergonomic design, a convenient volume control and a channel selector.

The equipment here is large, with four channels, two programmable buttons for accessing functions, as well as two power levels. Thanks to the operating functions without signal transmission, you can immediately check the channels for conversation. Literally all radio stations of this type have successfully passed the durability test cycle, meaning the design can operate for a very long time. The kit consists of a radio station and antenna, battery and charger, instructions, clips and screws, plug and strap. The product type is standard portable, its dimensions are small, and moreover, this radio station does not require a license.


  • Communication range in the city is up to 2-3 km;
  • Communication range in open areas 10 km;
  • Power: 5V;
  • Works without charging for 13 hours;
  • Number of channels: 4;
  • Number of frequency encodings: 37;
  • Frequency ranges VHF1, VHF2, UHF1, UHF2, UHF3;
  • There is a scrambler, that is, a speech masker;
  • Automatic noise reduction;
  • Channel scanning;
  • Battery charge indicator.

Video review of characteristics:


  • Impact resistance;
  • Protection against moisture and dust is excellent;
  • The controls are simple and easy;
  • There is encoding support;
  • The power is quite large;
  • The antenna is removable;
  • Battery life lasts a long time;
  • Connection quality;
  • Range;
  • Made from impact resistant material.


  • The mass here is not small;
  • Sizes are too big;
  • The design is weak;
  • The cost is high;
  • There are very few negative reviews online.

Results: The communication range here is excellent, the workmanship is ideal, and the product itself has such an important advantage as durability, since it is made of a special material. The average price for this model is from 17,000 to 19,000 rubles, where the cost can vary greatly depending on the online store.

The Roger KP-14 is a walkie-talkie that was first intended for commercial use only. The radio station is a professional one, has a special metal chassis, and the body is made of polycarbonate for durability and protection from moisture, dust, and dirt. The maximum power of this radio is 4 W, it has 16 channels, there is a ban on receiving a number of signals, and it has a large number of operating functions. There is also automatic noise reduction and a battery charge indicator; the device is programmed separately so that it is not possible to change parameters during operation.

Controlling this device is quite easy and simple, and the quality of the transmitted sound will be high, which matters. The antenna here is of a flexible, removable type; if you install other antennas, the model will become an ideal tool for use. The radio has many channels, a large operating frequency range of 420-450 MHz, and has a digital and tonal noise suppressor. It is desirable that the ambient temperature be 5-40C, the device works perfectly, the mass is small, only if repairs are required, it is better to contact specialists.


  • Frequency range 400-470, including LPD 433 and PMR 446;
  • The number of channels is exactly 16;
  • Dimensions: 58-120-35;
  • Weight 275 g with battery;
  • Li-Ion or Ni-Mh batteries;
  • Total operating time 10-24 hours;
  • Frequency total spacing 25 kHz;
  • Sensitivity 0.16;
  • Channel selectivity 65 dB;
  • Output power 4-0.5-0.01 W.


  • The quality is excellent;
  • Assembly;
  • The device is simple and convenient;
  • Works in two ranges;
  • Radius of action;
  • Impact resistance;
  • Protection from moisture and dirt;
  • The antenna is installed removable;
  • The radio is elite;
  • A large number of channels and all the functions are there.


  • The impact resistance is excellent, but if it hits the asphalt hard, it may break;
  • The battery mount is weak;
  • The channel control is not the best;
  • The headset is not durable;
  • The common wire of the microphone easily fails and breaks quickly;
  • The fastening clip is weak;
  • To communicate with other company radios, additional programming of the product is required.

Bottom line: The device is excellent, has a large frequency range, the product is durable and will last 5-10 years without breaking, the main feature here is excellent communication with clear sound. The cost of this device today is 4,800 rubles on average; the price in Internet stores varies greatly.

Channels for walkie-talkie, multi-channel

Today in Russia the ranges of use include CB, that is, the civil range, as well as LPD and PMR for inexperienced ordinary radio users. The PMR range can easily be used in the Russian Federation and even abroad, but the LPD range is only in the country, and if the power of this product is up to 0.01 W, then it is not even subject to registration. Modern walkie-talkies can be two-channel and single-channel, multi-channel; the simplest such devices have only one channel for communication. It is very inconvenient to use the most ordinary devices, since there are many such radios, and the airwaves are already polluted.

Most citizens therefore purchase two-channel and multi-channel devices, and for the operation of such channels an additional toggle switch is installed. Multichannel products have a three-digit indicator that displays the channel number and various operating modes of the device.

There is also software with which you can enter operating frequencies into the product. You can also independently record up to 80 frequencies in 25 kHz steps. If the walkie-talkie is located in a place with a large concentration of citizens and the channels are already occupied, then for this device they are also equipped with CTCSS, that is, a tone subcode. With such a subcode, you can quickly create subchannels that will work within one channel.

You should also set one subtone with your interlocutor, and then talk to him on the same channel as everyone else, without interfering with others talking. PMR/LPD radios are placed on the first channel when working, so it is too full, here it is recommended to go to another channel by entering the CTCSS code. Today channel 15 has become relevant; it was created specifically for car owners, often referred to as the truckers channel. It should also be taken into account that for different models of radio stations this channel can be located in various grids; they will be designated by special letters.

What is range

The range of modern walkie-talkies is a difficult issue, since the range is influenced by many factors. The radius of solid, expensive products is up to 19 km, although this value is only for conditions on flat terrain. If a person is located in a forest, then the radius is reduced to 9-10 km, and if these are urban conditions, then it will be equal to 2-3 km and nothing more.

For mountains the situation is more complicated; the radius decreases if a person is located on the side of a mountain pass, and beyond the pass the signal is no longer received. A mountain ordinary easy pass can only be taken by 4-5 watt devices, within the radius of the valley another 1-3 watt devices can work, and the best condition would be a Circus, that is, a valley surrounded by mountains, due to which the signal will be reflected from the mountains, and the communication range will be big.

Which ones are better

Walkie-talkies have a number of advantages, that is, payment for communication is not required, and you can talk until the battery runs out. You don’t even have to wait for a connection, since the message with radio stations is transmitted immediately, in addition, you can communicate with many at the same time. The batteries used in the walkie-talkie will last twice as long as a mobile phone, and you will no longer have to depend on the quality of the operator’s working connection. To buy good products, take into account the brand, in Russia the most real manufacturing companies are Berkut, Granit and Argut, where the first, that is, Berkut has become the most fashionable today.

Russian models have ideal noise reduction and high power; a number of devices are not inferior to foreign ones, since the communication radius is large. The most fashionable foreign radios today will be Motorola, Midland, Kenwood, which use a number of the best modern features, they will work great even if the environment is very noisy. There are also a number of Japanese products from Vertex and Yaesu, which are made on a special chassis, the body here is made of resistant materials, these walkie-talkies are durable, and their design is beautiful. To buy the best products, take into account the popularity of the campaigns and look at the ratings of quality ones on the Internet. When purchasing, take into account the popularity of the models, and not just their price.

When choosing a portable radio, one of the first parameters that people pay attention to is the power of the radio. In particular, this applies to the LPD and PMR ranges.

Despite the legal limits of 0.01 watts for LPD, and 0.5 watts for PMR, most radios have an output power of up to 5 watts or more.

But in fact, this is nothing more than a marketing ploy by unscrupulous sellers. What does the power of a particular radio station depend on and how to determine it? The power depends on the filling of the radio components installed directly in the radio station. In the store, of course, no one will disassemble the radio station and show you what transistors it is assembled with.

To roughly determine the power of a portable radio, just look at the battery. Namely, its tension. In most cases

    3.7V is up to 2 Watts

    7.4V is up to 5 watts

    12V is up to 15 watts

If the battery says 3.7 volts of operating voltage and the manufacturer assures that the radio station produces 5 watts of output power, then this is either a lie, or the battery will be used up much faster.

You can also determine power using special measuring equipment. Which is connected to the antenna output, but in this case measurements must be made on a special matched load. It is unacceptable to take measurements on the antenna.

For radio stations with a large range of operating frequencies, it is also worth considering that you will not have the specified power over the entire range. For example, a radio station has a frequency range of 400-470 MHz. When measuring power in 10 MHz steps, we can see how it changes:

400 MHz

2.5 Watts

410 MHz

3 watts

420 MHz

2.5 Watts

430 MHz

2 Watt

440 MHz

2 Watt

450 MHz

2 watts

460 MHz

1.5 Watts

470 MHz

1.5 Watts

Many people mistakenly believe that the greater the power of a portable radio, the greater the range of such radios. But this is not the main and determining factor. If you take two identical models of walkie-talkies with adjustable power and compare their range, working with a power of 2W and 3W. We will notice virtually no difference in range. But replacing the antennas with more efficient ones increased the range of the radios by several kilometers. The output power of the walkie-talkie directly depends on the power supply; when the battery is discharged, the output voltage drops and with it the output power of the walkie-talkie decreases. Therefore, we recommend that if you plan to use the radio for a long time, it is better to always have a spare charged battery with you.

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Despite the avalanche-like spread and significant reduction in the cost of cellular communications over the past 10-15 years, portable radios have not lost their importance as a convenient and practical means of communication. Especially when used as part of outdoor activities:

    Mobile communications require time to dial a number, wait for a call, and receive a direct response from the subscriber. Walkie-talkies provide an almost instantaneous communication session, which is especially important when coordinating actions, for example, during rescue operations or sports competitions, where every second counts. The speed of transmission of short but important messages is also important when the group is moving in cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles or bicycles. In such situations, the walkie-talkie allows you not to be distracted by the display, not to take your hands off the wheel to receive a message, and to answer the call at a convenient moment. Despite the widespread use of cellular communications, there are still many places where the phone simply does not work. We are talking not only about geographically remote areas like the Far North. In many mountainous regions, the lack of cell tower repeaters often leads to phones losing signal in certain areas - even in populated areas and in popular resort areas. Often in such places there are excellent places for hunting, fishing or mushroom picking, and there are also many interesting hiking routes outside cellular coverage areas. In such cases, only walkie-talkies allow organizing high-quality communication between group members. Using a mobile phone in caves, grottoes and underground galleries is impossible. Organizing radio communications in this case will also be fraught with difficulties, but at least it allows cavers to exchange messages within the range of the signal. Unlike the telephone, radio communication allows the entire group to communicate, and not just individually. Cellular communications have certainly dropped significantly in price relative to prices 10 years ago. However, active use of the phone to communicate with group mates can cost a pretty penny when roaming within the country or when traveling abroad. Radio stations allow you to exchange messages for free. Unlike a telephone, walkie-talkies do not require you to answer a call directly. The person you are contacting can simply listen to your message without being distracted from the current task (picking mushrooms, fording, organizing insurance, skiing, etc.) and respond to it later.

© Vladimir Molodozhen, facebook

How are wearable radios used by tourists, climbers and simply outdoor enthusiasts? There are a lot of application options, so we will focus only on the key ones:

    Walkie-talkies are an excellent tool for coordinating actions within a hiking group or mountaineering team. Even simple models with a relatively short signal range make it very easy to find the optimal place to park or ford. Scouts can constantly be in touch with each other, clarifying which of the best places for a camp or crossing is best. In addition, they will not need to return to the rest of the group, wasting precious time on this - they just need to get in touch, and the team will simply move to the parking area or ford. Similarly, radio stations can be used simply for route reconnaissance. In bicycle touring, walkie-talkies allow the group leader to quickly talk with the leader and assess how far the “tail” of the lagging participants has stretched in order to make a decision - to continue moving or to make a halt to wait for the rest. In rock climbing and mountaineering, walkie-talkies are actively used, for example, to communicate with a leader who has hidden behind an inflection, as well as to communicate with the base camp. Radio stations help when organizing a canopy crossing or rescue operations. With their help, participants can effectively coordinate their actions over long distances, especially in background noise - they do not have to shout over the noise of water and wind. Walkie-talkies are convenient in tourist life. For example, a group member who left to pick mushrooms/berries or photograph landscapes can stay in touch with the camp and be in time for dinner. Also, walkie-talkies will be of great help for photographers who want to take a beautiful group photo against the backdrop of a picturesque landscape. By communicating via walkie-talkie, he can quickly adjust the position of the group in the picture. Walkie-talkies are an effective means of emergency communication. If one of the participants is injured, the others will know about it almost instantly, which will simplify the final decisions and save a lot of time. Also, using a walkie-talkie, you can get in touch with rescuers, of course, if you first find out the frequency at which they operate in the given area. Finally, many portable radios are capable of operating in the FM range, i.e. like a regular radio. This helps not only to diversify field life by listening to music, but also sometimes to learn useful news and weather forecasts. The use of walkie-talkies is not limited exclusively to camp life. Ordinary skiers and snowboarders who ski within the resort often use portable radios to communicate with their friends. They are more ergonomic to use than telephones - walkie-talkies provide instant calls and ease of use while wearing gloves or mittens. Plus, they don’t “die” as quickly in the cold as most modern smartphones. For the same reasons, a walkie-talkie is a must-have item on the equipment list of any freeride and ski touring enthusiast.

About the radio frequency range

Most of the existing radio spectrum is allocated for use by various military and government agencies, and only a small part is officially authorized for use by individuals and commercial organizations. Monitoring compliance with radio traffic standards in Russia is carried out by the federal service RosSvyazNadzor, and the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) regulates and distributes the radio frequency spectrum for use.

In order for you to contact a correspondent, your radios must operate on the same frequency, which must either be entered manually or use the same channel within the same range. For civil unlicensed (i.e., not requiring special permission) radio communications in Russia, two different bands have been allocated:

On short waves (HF)- at frequencies 27 MHz ( 26.975-27.855 MHz). Known as CB (an abbreviation for "Citizens Band" - "civilian band" and read as "CB"). Radio stations capable of operating on these waves require large antennas, otherwise - when the antenna is geometrically shortened - the quality and range of communication drops significantly. Because of this, despite the good performance of CB radios in forests and rough terrain, their portable versions are not widely used. They are most popular in mobile communications - stations are installed in cars, trucks and small boats.

    PMR(“Private Mobile Radio”, i.e. radio communication for private use) - broadcasting is carried out at frequencies of 446 MHz ( 446.0-446.09999 MHz), so this range is often referred to simply as PMR446. It is dedicated specifically to satisfy everyday needs in radio communications. In Russia, the use of PMR for commercial purposes is officially prohibited. There are 8 frequency channels allocated in the PMR range, which are easy to find on the Internet. LPD. It stands for “Low Power Device”, that is, a frequency range for low-power devices. Broadcasting is carried out at frequencies of 433 MHz ( 433.075-434.75 MHz), so this range is often referred to simply as LPD433. Unlike PMR, here the frequencies are distributed over as many as 69 channels, so users of LPD radio stations will not have difficulty finding an unoccupied channel for communication, which can be important, for example, in a ski resort. There are also portable radios of standards FRS And GMRS, but they are prohibited for use in Russia.

When choosing a frequency range, ask what radio stations your possible companions use on hikes, trips, and trips. Thus, some walkie-talkies cannot be coordinated with the PMR frequency range, since its channels are distributed with a step of 6.25 KHz, which is not found in most amateur models.

Advice from Clattermusen! It’s also worth coordinating the operation of radio stations in advance before leaving. Determine a communication channel, not only a basic one, but also an emergency one, in case the main frequency for negotiations is busy.

Walkie-talkies operating in the LPD and PMR bands provide good communication quality over relatively short distances (on average 2-3 km), and work well in dense urban areas. Since they are aimed at the broad masses of consumers, they are distinguished by a fairly wide variety of choice of models, ease of use, relatively low cost, and no permits are required to operate them.

Also, the advantages of PMR and LPD radio stations include their very compact and lightweight bodies, as well as the ability to operate from different power sources - built-in batteries or from AA/AAA batteries. Due to their small plastic cases and limited set of functions, radio stations aimed at operating in the LPD and PMR bands received their slang nickname among radio amateurs - “soap boxes”.

Unfortunately, the signal from such radios weakly bends around obstacles due to the short wavelength. Therefore, they only work well in line-of-sight conditions. That is, when the signal path encounters a minimum of obstacles. Therefore, in a dense forest, the radio communication range can be significantly reduced. And in mountainous terrain, it is completely impossible to achieve stable communication within the PMR and LPD ranges if an insurmountable terrain in the form of a spur or ridge gets in the way of the signal.

Often in the description of a radio station you can find inflated communication range parameters, for example, 10, 15 and even 18 km. Often the manufacturer is not deceiving you, but this value is indicated for ideal conditions - when the signal is received in line of sight in good weather with minimal interference. It is almost impossible to encounter such conditions in real hiking and climbing practice, so when purchasing a walkie-talkie, never rely solely on the indicated maximum reception/transmission range - check what the distance is in practice. This can be gleaned from tests, reviews, and also from savvy consultants.

When are PMR and LPD radios used?

Despite its shortcomings, “soap boxes” are an excellent tool for the situations of intra-group communication described above - finding a place for a camp, establishing a crossing, communicating with a leader, etc. It is also an excellent option for organizing communication over short distances for mushroom pickers, hunters and fishermen . LPD and PMR radios are also recommended for skiers and snowboarders who want to stay connected within the resort without being too far apart, but don't want to use a phone. At resorts with a relatively small difference in altitude, for example, in Sheregesh, their use is more than justified. You can also give a classic “soap box” to children who ski with you within the same slope/lift. For large ski resorts in the highlands, it is advisable to look for more powerful radio models, especially if riders want to establish connections at a considerable distance from each other.

In addition to being cheap, PMR and LPD radios are distinguished by their compact size and weight - qualities that are always in demand among outdoor enthusiasts.

One of the most important advantages of point-and-shoot cameras is their simplicity - any beginner will be able to understand their work, using all their functions 100%. Also, the experience of their operation will allow you to present exact requirements when purchasing a more advanced radio station in the future and make an informed choice.

About amateur dual-band radio stations

Today, dual-band or “dual band” radio stations are becoming increasingly popular, capable of operating not only within the framework of LPD and PMR standards, but also in the range of so-called 2-meter radio waves - at frequencies 137.0-174.0 MHz (VHF).

It is within this range that the rescue services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations operate. This means that in case of an emergency it will be much easier for you to contact them. However, the frequency and call sign of the rescue radio will need to be clarified in advance - different regions use different frequencies for emergency communications. In addition to rescuers, an army of radio amateurs also communicate on VHF frequencies, who can also receive your emergency signal and call for help.

Advice from Clattermusen! I recommend writing down all important frequencies on a piece of paper and sticking it with tape directly on the radio body so as not to forget. In a critical situation, little things like this can save a life. Better yet, write emergency frequencies into the memory of all radios in the group.

The advantages of dual-band radios also include their generally high quality of performance. Many models are made in particularly durable and often waterproof cases, which is undoubtedly a plus for outdoor activities. Amateur “dual band” radio stations from the upper price category are assembled from high-quality components and based on receivers that have greater sensitivity and provide more stable and high-quality radio communications in comparison with budget analogues. But remember that the breakdown or loss of an expensive radio station has a significant impact on your budget and nerves.

Operating on the air on 2-meter frequencies requires going through the procedure of registering your radio station. If you break the law, you will face a fine and confiscation of the device. In practice, within your own tourist group, far from civilization, you can freely communicate without fear of a visit from representatives of competent services. But you definitely shouldn’t get carried away with broadcasting without the appropriate permission within the city, and especially near strategically important objects! Also, when traveling by air, if your dual-band radio is not registered, it is advisable to check it in your luggage with the antenna removed, so as not to raise unnecessary questions from customs control officers.

Another disadvantage of amateur “dual band” radio stations is that they are somewhat difficult to master if a beginner does not have at least minimal amateur radio experience. Owners of such walkie-talkies, who do not have sufficient skills, unfortunately, use only a small fraction of their potential.

When are dual band radios used?

Dual-band radio stations are used in situations where it is necessary to ensure stable radio traffic in mountainous and rugged terrain, as well as to cover a larger range of bands on which communication can be carried out.

As a rule, such walkie-talkies are used for communication sessions with a mountain camp, rescue and weather services, as well as with other groups of tourists and climbers. Most often, a group only needs one “dual band” radio station for long-distance and emergency communications, and for “internal” communication they use the lightest and most compact “point-and-shoot” devices. Sufficiently powerful dual-band radio stations are also in demand by skiers and snowboarders when a group needs to organize communications within a large ski resort. In addition, thanks to two bands at once, they have a large range of channels, among which it will not be difficult to find one unoccupied for your communication.

Radio power and range

The power of a radio determines how well it can transmit and receive a signal through electromagnetic interference. This is especially evident in rough terrain, where an increase in power can give a small but noticeable increase in the operating range of the radio station. However, one cannot expect a radical increase in communication range and quality following an increase in power. But the “gluttony” of the walkie-talkie will increase greatly. Therefore, portable radios with a power of 5 W became the “golden mean”.

The effective operating range of a walkie-talkie depends much more on the quality and length of its antenna. Therefore, for “long-distance” and emergency communications, it is advisable to have a separate antenna, which is tuned to a certain broadcast frequency. “Setting up” is quite simple - along with the antenna, the kit includes a paper template, according to which it is cut to length.

LPD and PMR radio stations are legally limited in power by 0.01 and 0.5 W, respectively. But in the vast majority of cases, these radios are much more powerful in practice, since in order to pass certification they are simply set to the legally permitted power level.

Necessary accessories

Certain accessories can greatly improve the usability of your radio. One of the most necessary - PTT- remote microphone with transmit/receive button. It allows you to answer calls faster, as well as place the radio itself in a place protected from cold and moisture, for example, in the valve of a backpack or a compartment for a hydration pack. In winter, especially in frosty weather, when going out for long periods, it is better to keep the radio in the warmest place; the batteries can be carried in the inner pockets of your jacket. Then the batteries will not freeze, and the radio will not suffer from condensation, which will certainly form if you constantly transfer it from heat to cold. In addition, carrying a walkie-talkie in your chest pocket may pose a risk of injury if it falls on it.

© snowboardmountaineer.com

“Sport Marathon” presents a wide selection of the most popular radio stations among Russian outdoor enthusiasts - from easy-to-use point-and-shoot radios to advanced dual-band walkie-talkies. See you in the store!