Home / Safety / Is it possible to restore the history of correspondence in a contact? Restoring a deleted VKontakte dialogue. Extension for Google Chrome - VkOpt

Is it possible to restore the history of correspondence in a contact? Restoring a deleted VKontakte dialogue. Extension for Google Chrome - VkOpt

Once I asked myself this question: is it possible to return it back? remote correspondence with your interlocutor on VKontakte? The question is quite popular among users on VK, since it very often happens that you delete some messages on purpose or even accidentally, and then after a while it turns out that there was important information and it must be restored. I took this issue seriously and found three ways that would help.

Restoring VKontakte correspondence

1. The first method is basically known to everyone, but still I decided to write it for the general pile, so to speak. If you deleted messages, but did not close or refresh the page, then simply click on the “Restore” link.

2. The second option is called email alerts. Its essence is that if you had the necessary checkbox opposite one item in “My Settings” in the “Alerts” tab, then all the messages that were written to you will be sent to you by email, and therefore you will be able to receive copies of the correspondence. You will see the necessary settings in the screenshot below.

3. The third method is to contact VK support service. All information, including user correspondence, is stored for some time in the database, and of course they can be returned if desired. Write to them and pitifully ask them to restore everything, in most cases the support is helpful to users, but there were cases when they refused.

In the end, I want to say that unfortunately there are no other ways right now. Anyone who offers any programs is a scammer.

Modern letters have long since lost their sublimity. Long romantic messages sent by mail have turned into short SMS messages written on social networks or WhatsApp. However, correspondence between people has been and remains an important component of social interaction. Contact, like other social networks, completely preserves the history of dialogues. What to do if for some reason the correspondence disappeared? How to restore correspondence in VK if, for example, the page was hacked and all your dialogues were deleted? Or a classmate accidentally clicked the wrong icon on the phone screen.

Is it possible to recover deleted messages in a contact?

Retrieving old correspondence from the archive is a task only possible when the page with the dialogue has not yet been updated. Then the “Recover” button will appear in place of the deleted messages. After clicking on it, the correspondence will immediately return to its original form. It is very important not to reload the page, otherwise your VKontakte history will be lost forever. Attentiveness, efficiency and accuracy are important here. Before deleting correspondence, consider this step. After all, it will be impossible to resume it, even after a few hours.

Users often advise contacting technical support. I declare with authority - it will not help in any way! Why? Because technical support has no right to return message history. The contact does not yet have a verification system and it is impossible to determine with certainty that it is the true user of the account who requires restoration, and not an attacker. No amount of persuasion will have any effect on them, because before deletion the system warns that the action is irreversible.

Methods for restoring correspondence

Unable to get active action from technical support? Don't despair! There are several clever ways to restore personal correspondence in VK. They cannot be called simple, and none of them gives a 100% guarantee of success. Sometimes it requires special computer skills, but more often it requires patience and time. However, if correspondence has real value to you, it's worth a try:

A multifunctional addition to the VK account greatly simplifies the life of many users. The popularity of the extension has contributed to the emergence of a large number of fakes, so you should only download the application from the official website. If the installation asks for personal data, a password or other suspicious actions, it is better to refuse. Otherwise you will end up with a hacked page!

How to recover deleted VKontakte messages using Vkopt? After installing the add-on, the inscription will appear on the right under the main menu of the page. Next, open the messages and select “Statistics” in the “Actions” menu. Set the required parameters and click “Let’s go!” After some time, the extension collects your conversations with all users. Having selected the one you need, click on the date and time on the right side of the sign. As a result, you will be taken to the beginning of the conversation with the user, even if he was deleted.

Step-by-step guide on how to recover deleted VKontakte messages. Proven methods that provide access to private dialogues and chats. We use a browser extension to scan erased correspondence.

You can recover VKontakte messages using various “unconventional” methods. Programs are offered on the Internet; however, they should be treated with caution as they often contain viruses. There are sites that describe methods for restoring VKontakte correspondence and are ready to help for money. Again, this could be a phishing resource, and its owners are scammers.

The fact is that restoring deleted VKontakte messages from a user’s correspondence is just as impossible as returning burned emails (unlike recovering a VK password). This information is described in detail in the help social network VKontakte.ru.

How to recover deleted VKontakte messages, method No. 1

You can restore a deleted message in your conversation history if you have not yet exited the conversation. You will see "Message deleted" with an orange background. By clicking on the "Restore" button on a message, you can instantly return your remark or the message of your interlocutor in VKontakte correspondence. However, if you delete the message and exit the correspondence dialogue, then, alas, you will not be able to return your VKontakte entries and messages.

Recovering VK messages, method No. 2

The second effective method of recovering messages from correspondence in Contact is quite simple. Your interlocutor’s correspondence is often duplicated on email. However, this only happens when you are not in Online status on the social network. Unfortunately, this way you can only resume individual VK correspondence messages. However, go to your email and try to find everything through the search emails, which came to you from Contact and check if the necessary text is there from messages that you accidentally or intentionally deleted.

It is interesting to note that correspondence can be duplicated in SMS messages that come from VKontakte as notifications. However, in in this case you will not be able to restore the text of the interlocutor, since the message data only contains information that someone wrote to you in a personal Contact.

There are several simple tips, which will help you in some cases recover messages from VK correspondence.

  • Save important correspondence and individual messages to a file, do backup copy messages in a separate text file and store this information in a cloud service such as Dropbox. After this, it will be easy to get back your lost messages.
  • Do not recklessly delete VK messages; this is not always beneficial. Even if you quarrel with a person and in your hearts click on the “cross”, thereby deleting all messages, think: what if the correspondence contains passwords and other information for accessing services, etc.

Method number 3

There is another way to restore correspondence. It doesn't always work, but it's better to try it - maybe you'll succeed. To quickly return messages, you can try the VKopt extension for Chrome browser. There are also versions of this add-on for Opera and other browsers.

[Extension not available]

Once you have activated the extension, restart Chrome and then proceed to recover deleted VK messages.

Attention! You can use VKopt only at your own risk. If you may have very valuable information stored in your correspondence confidential information, we advise you to refrain from installing VKopt, since there is no guarantee that this extension will not steal data.

New items will appear in the VKontakte menu, in the Messages section. If you go into a chat with an individual user, you will also find new options there.

The message recovery function itself is available in the lower menu, under the list of all VK conversations. Click on the wheel icon and select the "Search for deleted messages" option.

The plugin will scan the contents of the account and display the correspondence that it was able to find.

Question - Answer

My VK account was hacked, and as a result, all correspondence was deleted. Could you tell me how to restore at least some of the dialogues?

When using the capabilities of the social networking site VKontakte, according to statistics, most users are faced with the problem of deleted messages or entire correspondence that urgently need to be restored. In this article, we will tell you about the most convenient methods for restoring lost dialogues.

It is worth immediately noting that today there are many different types of programs for the VK website that provide potential users with a guarantee of restoration of any correspondence. However, in practice, none of these additions allows you to do anything that cannot be done with the basic tools of the resource in question.

Because of this, in this article we will only touch on standard features that you may not know about.

In order to avoid additional problems during the instructions, make sure that you have available full access to the page, including the current phone number and mailbox.

Method 1: Restoring the message in the dialogue

This method consists of using the ability to instantly recover a deleted message within one conversation. However, the method is relevant only if you decide to restore the lost message immediately after it was deleted.

As an example, we will consider a situation consisting of writing, deleting and instantly recovering letters.

Please note that the letter may not be at the top of the list in terms of freshness, but somewhere in the middle of the entire correspondence. But despite this, the message can also be restored without problems.

As you can see, this method is relevant only in a small number of cases.

Method 2: Restoring the dialogue

This method is very similar to the first one, as it is only suitable for those cases when you accidentally deleted a dialogue and decided to restore it in time.

This cannot be done if, before deleting the correspondence, you were provided with a notification that it was impossible to restore the dialogue in the future.

After completing the actions, the dialogue will return to the list of active conversations, and you can continue communicating with the user.

Method 3: Read messages using E-Mail

In this case, you will need access to the mailbox that was prematurely linked to your personal account. Thanks to this binding, which you can do by special instructions, if you haven't done this before, you need to email box Copies of received letters will be sent.

In addition to the above, in order for messages to successfully arrive to your email, you will need to correctly set the E-Mail notification parameters.

  1. After you have verified that you have a valid email link, open the main menu of the VK website and go to the section "Settings".
  2. Using the navigation menu on the right side of the page, switch to the tab "Alerts".
  3. Scroll to the very bottom of this page, right down to the block with parameters "Email Alerts".
  4. On the right side of the point "Alert Frequency" click on the link and set as a parameter "Always notify".
  5. Now you will be provided with a more extensive list of parameters, where you need to tick all the items that you would like to receive notifications about changes.
  6. Be sure to select the selection next to the section "Private messages".
  7. Further actions require you to go to the mailbox that was associated with the page.
  8. Copies of emails are sent only when your personal profile is offline.

  9. While in mailbox, check the latest incoming emails received from « [email protected]» .
  10. In the main content of the letter there is a block with which you can quickly read the message, find out the time it was sent, and also respond to it or go to the sender’s page on the VKontakte website.

You can set up messages to be sent to telephone number, however we this process We will not touch upon this due to the requirements for payment for services and the minimum level of convenience.

By doing everything clearly according to the instructions, you will be able to read messages that were ever deleted but forwarded as an email notification.

Method 4: Resending messages

Last possible way Recovering messages from a deleted VKontakte dialogue is to contact your interlocutor with a request to forward the messages you are interested in. At the same time, do not forget to clarify the details so that the interlocutor has a reason to waste time resending messages.

Let's briefly consider the process of sending a message on behalf of a potential interlocutor.

In addition to this method, it is important to note that on the Internet there is special application VkOpt, which allows you to pack the entire dialogue into a capacious file. This way, you can ask your interlocutor to send just such a file, thanks to which all letters from the correspondence will be available to you.

Hi all! It often happens that correspondence in VK is deleted. There may be a failure on the server of the service itself, you can delete the correspondence yourself, someone else can delete it, and so on.

In a word, how to recover deleted messages on VK? You will have to use one of the methods below. If they don’t work, then, unfortunately, nothing can be restored.

How to recover deleted messages on VK - where to start?

First, you need to make sure that everything is in order on your computer or tablet (depending on where you are on the VKontakte social network). You need to check your Internet connection - often correspondence may suddenly disappear if there is a network break. For it to appear, it is often enough to simply restart the device, restore the Internet and the messages appear again.

Next, you can try disabling the web filter or antivirus software entirely. They can block some elements on the browser page, including VK messages. After disabling the above, you need to press the “F5” key and refresh the page.

In addition, take care to disable browser add-ons such as “Adblock” or “NoScript”, which can also filter the content of the Internet pages you open. It often happens that correspondence in VK is not deleted, but is hidden from you precisely because of these above-mentioned things.

Often the information itself on the browser page simply freezes, so you will need to clear its cache and log in to VKontakte using your login again.

It also happens that correspondence with a user is lost directly in your account. Then it is enough to click on the desired user in the list of dialogs and use the “Search” button to enter the desired word or phrase, then press “ENTER” and look at the result. Lost messages may well be found.

How to recover deleted messages on VK - other methods.

By default, in VK settings, sending notifications or notifications is disabled. If you once turned it on, then restoring correspondence will not be difficult. The option to send alerts by email must be enabled. All you have to do is go to your mail and look at the letters there. You will need to find a list of incoming contacts and find the desired message chain among it.

If a message was deleted from the correspondence and you, in turn, immediately realized that you want to restore it, then there is almost always a button such as “Restore” right in the message window. By clicking on it, the original dialogue will be restored, everything is very simple.

Another method is very banal - you can ask the user with whom you were corresponding to send you copies of all the necessary messages. He will be able to do this either directly through VK, or send messages to you by email.

Another surefire way is to write a message to VK technical support with a request to restore the correspondence. Not necessarily right away, but they will answer you quickly enough and most likely restore all messages. It’s easy to use their help - find the appropriate item at the bottom of the page and click on it.

Deleted VK messages may not be restored - there is such a risk!

Official technical support VK may not be able to restore your deleted messages, especially if the period of their deletion is long enough. But it’s still worth trying.

In addition, I would like to draw your attention to various third-party programs and services for restoring deleted messages on VK - do not try to use them under any circumstances. The fact is that all such offers lead either to the theft of your page, or to the theft of personal data and siphoning money from you. Install this software to your computer in the form of separate programs or applications and browser add-ons is extremely unsafe and not recommended.

In addition, you cannot restore deleted messages on VK via a tablet or smartphone using the “Recover” button in the usual way. This can only be done by texting from a computer, so even immediately after deletion, restoring messages from mobile device won't work.

In addition, you will not be able to recover deleted messages even if you have disabled email notifications.

It is impossible to restore VK messages using even programs specially written for this - this information is confirmed both on the official website of the social network and when contacting technical support.

Thus, we see that it is quite difficult to recover deleted messages in VK, and in some cases it is completely impossible. Therefore, before you are about to delete another correspondence, be sure to think about the possibility of restoring it.

Another way to restore correspondence in VK

Another way to restore correspondence in VK is to retrieve your browser cache. This will not restore the correspondence in its full form, but you can read the lost information and copy it somewhere without any problems. In order to use this method, you need to go into your browser's cache, find the necessary pages and download them.

If you have configured automatic cache clearing or if it doesn’t work at all, then this method won’t work either. Otherwise, you can find the necessary data without problems.

Cache settings work differently in different browsers, so it’s difficult to advise anything specific here - look for the instructions for your browser and try to restore the information. In some cases this works. The cache is recorded regardless of the changes made, and the last pages you visited before the changes were made can be stored on your computer in compressed form.

On at the moment There are no current methods for restoring correspondence in VK. Of course, the Internet is full of various tips and special programs, applications and utilities for this matter, but I once again do not recommend that you contact them. Because you will not only lose your personal data and page, but you may also end up with a serious amount of money. Fraudsters are developing various ways taking money from citizens, therefore, on such a popular issue, there are certainly a lot of solutions and viruses that allow you to access a user’s page or even his computer remotely.

Concluding today’s article, I would like to hear your opinion or maybe you have any additions to today’s question - how to recover deleted messages on VK.