Home / Miscellaneous / Update street storm. Update of radar detectors. So, what are the options for updating and retrofitting Street Storm radar detectors now?

Update street storm. Update of radar detectors. So, what are the options for updating and retrofitting Street Storm radar detectors now?

Building radar detectors street storm, we strive to 100% protect the driver from a variety of threats. However, unlike in previous years, the situation is constantly changing, so we decided to open this topic in order to inform you about these changes in a timely manner and offer the best ways to solve emerging challenges.

Most of our models are built on the most modern, technologically advanced ESP (Extreme Sensitive Platform) and HSP (High Sensitive Platform) platforms. It should be noted that detectors from other manufacturers (even world famous ones) use solutions created 15-20 years ago. Street Storm specialists, who created the ESP and HSP platforms in 2012, tried to include in their developments not only outstanding characteristics for detecting microwave radio signals from road radars and modern LISD and AMATA laser meters, but also the possibility of potential improvement in the future with the emergence of new threats . Sometimes this requires updating the detector software, which can be done on all models based on the HSP or ESP platform (via a service or full-featured USB port). In some cases, minor hardware modifications are required. In any case, the specialists of the Moscow service center and regional partner services are happy to help the owners of branded Street Storm radar detectors. If you have difficulty obtaining local service support, you can send the product directly to the Moscow SC at:

Qualitech service company

So, what are the options for updating and retrofitting Street Storm radar detectors now?

Street Storm detectors based on the HSP platform appeared on the market in April 2012 and immediately set a new standard for K-band sensitivity. A striking proof of the high sensitivity of our technology was the detection of the most insidious at that time, invisible to Strelka's competitors. An impulse radar complex operating in the K band was detected from a distance of 150-250 meters. Despite the fact that the degree of protection against Strelka at such a distance is minimal, in relation to all other road radars operating in the K band, the detection range has increased quite noticeably.

The next milestone was May 2012, when a new product was introduced to the market - a radar detector with an integrated GPS module STR-9510. Having a pre-installed coordinate base on board with the possibility of self-updating at home, the detector already then notified about the Strelka radar from 600 meters with a special message RADAR STRELKA on the display and a countdown of the distance as it approached the speed control point.

EX module

An event can be considered significant when a company Street Storm was the first on the market to introduce innovative Strelka radar detection technology from a distance and special alert signal on the display. The first detector to implement this technology was the STR-9000EX, which remains one of the market's bestsellers to this day. This happened in August 2012, and from that moment on, all our models equipped with this feature have the prefix in the name EX or EXT .

Any model on the HSP or ESP platform can be retrofitted with the Strelka Special Radar Alert Module (we call it the EX-module). The cost of retrofitting is 800 rubles.

Service software update

In the winter of 2012, an update was released software for the entire line of models on the HSP and ESP platforms. The new software made it possible to implement 3-level ramp-up mode when detecting the Strelka radar ( ARROW GEIGER) and add Radar detection mode "Robot" with a special alert.

"Robot" (aka Multaradar) has a very low radiation intensity in the K band. Therefore, even at the time of the passage of such a radar, detectors with relatively high sensitivity often recorded this control tool as a weak source with a signal intensity of no higher than 2 points. As a result, there was a chance to take such a response as a hindrance. To ensure that the danger is identified, we have developed a radar detection mode "Robot" with a special alert. If this mode is activated, the detector not only recognizes the signal, but after a second or two, signals the driver with a special sound signal; in models with an OLED display, the inscription is additionally displayed as a running line "RADAR ROBOT" .

Geiger Arrow 3-Level Increment Mode, as well as Robot Radar Special Alert Mode, can be added by updating the software via the USB service port of any model on the HSP or ESP platform. Software update during the warranty period (1 year) - free of charge; if the device was purchased more than a year ago - 300 rubles.
List of service centers in Russia

External GPS module

The most topical issue in 2015, no doubt, will be retrofitting the detector with a module GPS. Since 2013, new types of measuring systems began to appear on the roads in Russia and neighboring countries, some of which are not equipped with a radar at all and cannot be detected by a classic detector. First of all, this is a Russian development complex "AVTODORIA" , which measures the average speed along the route. Other examples: Russian radarless "AVTOURAGAN-VSM" (provides speed determination accuracy of 2 km/h based on video image analysis), complex "ODYSSEUS" and others.

Like the passive means of control listed above, systems equipped with radar deserve special attention. "CORDON" , "MERLIN" , "ROBOT" , "PLACES" with ultra-low radiation intensity, which in most cases are installed in the direction in the direction of travel, which significantly complicates their detection from a safe distance.

In these cases reliable protection only a radar detector equipped with a GPS module with an up-to-date coordinate base of stationary radars, which warns the driver about each of them in a timely manner, can provide against all the threats described above. The Street Storm database is updated weekly to ensure highest level protection at any given time.

In an effort to maintain protection at the highest possible level, since July 2014, our company has been offering almost all detector models only with an external or internal GPS module. If the internal GPS receiver is installed at the factory during the assembly process, then the external STR module - GP One can be retrofitted to any model based on the HSP or ESP platform. The cost of retrofitting in the service is 1500 rubles. This amount includes the cost of the module, as well as the refinement of the detector. To date, this service is available only in the Moscow SC. They are also ready to upgrade for regional customers when sending the detector by Russian Post; since the device is compact, the cost of shipping to Moscow rarely exceeds 100 rubles, and we cover the costs of sending it back.
List of service centers in Russia

External Bluetooth+GPS module


External GPS module for Street Storm radar detectors with Bluetooth. Preset coordinate base of stationary radars (Strelka-ST, Strelka-Video, Robot, Cordon, Avtohuragan, Krechet, Mesta, Avtodoria, etc.), warning distance 600m-1200m Depending on the speed of the vehicle and the type of point, a USB adapter for updating the base is included. To update via smartphone, download the application Street Storm BLE(available on App Store and Google Play)(add highlighted links to stores). The smartphone must support the technology Bluetooth Smart (other names are Bluetooth 4.0, BLE, Bluetooth Low Energy) for iPhone, all devices have this technology, starting from the 5th version (iPhone 5, 5S, 5C).The cost of retrofitting 1990r.
List of service centers in Russia

External bluetooth module


Since September 2016, it is possible to retrofit the vast majority of detectors with a built-in GPS or GPS + GLONASS module with an external Bluetooth device STR-BT One. This upgrade allows you to get access to a daily updated database of stationary radars and timely update this database without leaving the car via a smartphone based on iOS or Android. Also note that the smartphone must support the Bluetooth 4.0 protocol (BLE, Smart). Any of our previously released GPS models can be retrofitted Besides STR-9510, STR-9950EX GL, STR-9750EX, STR-9550EX, STR-9350EX. The cost of retrofitting, including the cost of the external Bluetooth module STR-BT, will be 1,500 rubles. Please note that for retrofitting, you need to drive to our service center, having a detector with you.
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Date: 2014-07-30

Dear users, we inform you about what is coming out latest version The following models can be updated - Street Storm STR -9530EX , Street Storm STR -9040EX , Street Storm STR -8800EXT , Street Storm STR -9540EX , Street Storm STR -9520EX , Street Storm STR -8020GPS , Street Storm STR -8020GPS EX , Street Storm STR -9020GPS , Street Storm STR -9020GPS EX , Street Storm STR -9030EX , Street Storm STR -9000EX , Street Storm STR -7040GPS , Street Storm STR -8040EX , Street Storm STR -7030GPS , Street Storm STR -6030GPS , Street Storm STR -7020GPS , Street Storm STR -6020GPS , module, is already available for download.

The new firmware is distinguished by the latest coordinate base of stationary radars.

Radar update process:

The program can be downloaded by registered users in the category of the official web resource. To update, you need to go through the simplest registration (at the top of the screen, the ENTER key), download the update program, unpack the archive and run the Updater _X32 file, after that the detector is connected to the computer, which is equipped with a USB-Mini USB cable, and the detector is entered into the update mode through the setup menu . Then, after the detector is recognized by the computer, the “Update” button is pressed in the program window, then you need to wait for the end. Please note that when connected via USB, the display operates in low brightness mode, this is the norm.

GP-One module update:

AT present version 2 coordinate bases of radars are available to choose from:

1. File STR_GP 1_DB_Updater_ReducedDB, which contains the complete coordinate base of radars, including all types of meters, but except for the Strelka-Model, Strelka complexes and video monitoring modules. This base is recommended for experienced users to use in tandem with models equipped with Strelka radar warning modules with a special signal (models with the EXT or EX index in the name). Thus, the functioning of the detector tandem EX + external module STR -GP One becomes more informative. Also updated software of the device. Now the external module does not disturb with a sound signal while driving at a speed of less than 50 km/h.

2. File STR_GP 1_DB_Updater_FullDB, containing the complete coordinate base of all radars, including all types of meters (Strelka, Cordon, Krechet, Odyssey, Strelka-Model, Avtodoriya, Robot, Avtohuragan, Places, Video control, etc.). Also updated software of the device. Now the STR -GP One external module does not disturb with signals while driving at a speed of less than 50 km / h.

Instructions for updating the module:

1. First, the update file is downloaded for the GP -One module.

2. Installed on the PC after unzipping the files to the Desktop.

3. If Windows 7 or 8 is installed on the computer, then you need to immediately go to the fourth step. When using a computer with Windows XP, you first need to run the dotnetfx35setup.exe program, which installs the necessary drivers.

4. Then the STR-GP is connected to the PC using the included USB cable.

5. After waiting for the computer to detect the plug-in device, the computer automatically detects the module as removable drive and suggests its formatting. You must refuse such an offer by clicking the "Cancel" button.

6. After launching the STR _GP 1_Updater program, the “Connection” button is pressed in the open window.

8. We are waiting for the completion of the update process.

9. The system notifies you of the successful completion of the update.

10. This completes the update, you can close the program and the module is disconnected from the computer.

Note. In order for the update process to complete successfully, you must strictly adhere to the order that is set out in the instructions.

STR-9520EX, STR-9510Plus






1. In order to update the coordinate base of stationary radars or the detector software, click on the "Download" button and download the archive with the program, then unzip it to a location convenient for you on the disk.

2. Install the program on your PC by placing it on your desktop.

3. Connect your radar detector to your PC with the included USB cable.

3.1 Enter the device into update mode (to do this, press the DIM + MUTE + CITY keys simultaneously and hold for at least 2 seconds.) After the UPDATE scrolling line appears on the display, your computer will detect the device.

4. Run the Updater_x32 program. Select the section you want to update by checking the box (detector software, or GPS database, or both software and database) and click the "Update" button.

5. Wait for the update process to finish.

6. After the update is successfully completed, close the program and turn off the radar detector.

Version: 04.15
zip (2.2 Mb)

STR-9540EX, STR-9530EX

Attention owners of STR-9530EX and STR-9540EX models! For your models in the current update, changes have been made to the software and new functions have been added: a new notification algorithm for the Avtodoria meter, as well as a new interference filtering mode "City3". For these functions to work correctly, the following conditions must be met:

  1. For each of the STR-9530EX and STR-9540EX devices, you need to download the software version that corresponds to its serial number. The range of serial numbers is indicated next to the respective download key. Before downloading, please make sure that the serial number of your device falls within the indicated range.
  2. For the correct operation of the City3 mode after the update, you must visit the service center at Moscow, st. Alabyana, d. 12, building 1 for additional revision (the cost of the procedure is 470 rubles).

Attention! For those who became the owner of the STR-9540EX quite recently and who had the City3 mode in the factory equipment, visit the service center for revision no need!


Serial number

Update Program

KM13110400001 - KM13110402020

Version: 04.15
zip (2.2 Mb)

KM13110705556 - KM13110707070

Version: 04.15
zip (2.2 Mb)

KM13110810606 - KM13110811605
KM13110812606 - KM13110812615
KM13110811606 - KM13110812565
KM13110812566 - KM13110812605
KM13110812616 - KM13110812625
KM13111015454 - KM13111015853
KM13111015854 - KM13111017453
KM13111017454 - KM13111017473
KM13111209596 - KM13111210595
KM13111211596 - KM13111211605
KM13111210596 - KM13111211595
KM13111211606 - KM13111211615

Upgrading your radar detector. This guide is intended for users of Windows-based computers.

STR-9950BT, STR-9750BT,

STR-9550BT, STR-9950EX GL,

STR-9750EX, STR-9550EX, STR-9350EX

2. Before connecting to the computer, press and hold the PRG button on the detector. After connecting, release the button.
When updating models STR-9950BT, STR-9750BT, STR-9550BT, instead of the PRG button, press and hold the volume control before connecting to the computer.

STR-7010BT, STR-6000BT, STR-9900EX GL,

STR-9030EX GL, STR-8040EX GL, STR-8030EX GL,

STR-7040EX GL, STR-7030EX GL, STR-6030EX GL,

STR-9540EX GL, STR-9540EX, STR-9530EX,

STR-9520EX, STR-9510Plus, STR-9040EX GL,

STR-9040GPS, STR-9030GPS, STR-9020GPS,

STR-8040GPS, STR-8030GPS, STR-8020GPS,

STR-8010GPS, STR-7700GPS, STR-7100EXT,

STR-7040GPS, STR-7030GPS, STR-7020GPS,

STR-7010GPS, STR-6600GPS, STR-6030GPS,

STR-6020GPS, STR-6000GPS

1. Download the archive with the software, extract all files from the archive and save them on the desktop of the computer.
2. Connect the detector to the computer. On all detectors, except for the STR-9540EX GL, press and hold the DIM, MUTE and CITY buttons for a couple of seconds until the word UPDATE appears on the detector display. On the STR-9540EX GL detector, the Update mode is entered by selecting the corresponding item in the Settings Menu.
3. We are waiting for the computer to see the connected equipment and offer to format it. We refuse the offer.
4. Run the program (downloaded file UMSPTUpdater_vX_X_A_.exe, instead of X_X - Current version), in the program window, click the Update button.
5. At the end of the process, close the program, turn off the detector. When connecting the detector in a car, it is recommended to reset it to factory settings (via the menu).


For your convenience, the ARROW item has been added to the update interface. If you want to download the full database, which includes Strelka complexes, then you need to leave a checkmark in this field. If you use an external GPS in tandem with our detector equipped with a module for determining the Strelka complex with a special signal (models with the EX or EXT index) - you can uncheck the box and the Strelka radars will not be uploaded to the updated database.
1. Download the archive with the software, extract all files from the archive and save them on the desktop of the computer.
2. Using the included USB cable, connect the GPS module to the computer.
3. We are waiting for the computer to see the connected equipment and offer to format it. We refuse the offer.
4. Run the program (UMSPTUpdater_vX_X_D.exe, instead of X_X - the current version), in the program window, click the Update button.
5. At the end of the process, close the program, disconnect the module from the computer.




1. Download the archive with the software, extract all files from the archive and save them on the desktop of the computer.
2. Connect the detector to the computer. Press and hold the DIM, MUTE and CITY buttons for a couple of seconds until the word UPDATE appears on the detector display.
3. We are waiting for the computer to see the connected equipment and offer to format it. We refuse the offer.
4. Run the program (downloaded file UMSPTUpdater_vX_X_E.exe, instead of X_X - the current version), in the program window, click the Update button.
5. At the end of the process, close the program, turn off the detector. When connecting the detector in a car, it is recommended to reset it to factory settings (via the menu).