Home / Setting / Classmates my page open Yura Zverev Nikolaevich. Find my page in classmates by last name and phone number. Search by educational institution

Classmates my page open Yura Zverev Nikolaevich. Find my page in classmates by last name and phone number. Search by educational institution

The social network Odnoklassniki is one of the largest in Russia. Having created our profile on it, we forget about it for a while, and when we remember, we find that we do not remember the address of our page. What to do in such a situation? Below we will analyze how to find your page in popular Odnoklassniki by last name and phone number, and what is required for this.

Why you need to search for a person by last name and number in Odnoklassniki

In both of these cases, the methods described below will help you. Let's figure out how to find your account on the ok.ru website.

Yandex People service to quickly find my page

Most effective way to find a profile by last name is to use the Yandex.People service. The functionality of the latter allows you to search for the right person not only in Odnoklassniki, but also on Instagram, Vkontakte, Facebook and other social networks.

Do the following:

Restoring access via phone or email

Another way to search for a profile in popular network by last name and mobile phone is to restore access using standard recovery procedure.

After that, it remains to select the confirmation form - via a call or SMS message and restore access. This will help you find my page on the Odnoklassniki social network by number cell phone and last names.

When you click on the mail, you will be prompted to enter the email address specified in your profile. Enter it and click on "Get code".

Enter your e-mail and click on "Get Code"

A letter will be sent to your e-mail, which will contain 6 digits. These numbers will need to be entered in a special field on the site, and you will restore access to your page.

Using a special form in OK

Do the following:

Contact Odnoklassniki support

If none of these methods turned out to be effective for you, we recommend that you contact the OK support.

To do this, do the following:


Above, we discussed how to find my page on the Odnoklassniki network by name, surname and phone number, and what methods will help with this. Good efficiency was shown by the method using the Yandex.People service, which helps to quickly find the right person in social networks. We also recommend contacting support OK, and be prepared for a lengthy correspondence that may take several days.

If you want to view the profile (photo) of another person, without displaying him as a guest”, then about the ways of such viewing on .

Features of working with a personal page:

  1. Each user of the network has an individual "My Page" and contains personal data posted on it. They are open for viewing by unfamiliar users, even those who do not have registration on the network. In this regard, it is recommended to post data about yourself suitable for a general review.
  2. In chapter " Guests" there is information about who visited the page. But not everyone may be displayed here, as users can view the profile. The display of guests is quite rare on Internet resources and is a distinctive feature of this social network.
  3. Messages, alerts, ratings, discussions, and guests are the most used sections. In addition to them, the top panel contains your own name and other data (age, country, city and other information). If the browser does not save passwords even when you click "Remember me", you will have to enter it every time. But usually passwords are saved, and you just need to click on the saved bookmark and then go to Odnoklassniki on your page.

In order to enter the “my page” of Odnoklassniki, you can use the link:

No access to Odnoklassniki

"My page" Odnoklassniki

This page is a personal profile and contains a public view personal information: last name and first name of the page owner, city, age. When visiting the page for the first time, in the top panel you can see the menu " Main". Here is a menu containing a list of friends, groups, photos, videos, games, statuses, events, and more. In this section, which is called the feed, all the events of friends are recorded (new information is always at the top): uploading new photos, making new friends, joining groups and much more.

The bottom panel opens up additional information: friends and events, own photos, groups and videos, the ability to change status and play games saved in personal bookmarks.

By clicking on any item of the additional menu, you can get acquainted with all the information in detail:

  • subparagraph "Friends" show added friends;
  • "A photo" open albums and images;
  • on the right are all Events that are or will be held in the social network in the near future and their own groups.

On the left of the personal page is placed your own photo (avatar) and a button for adding images. The right side of the page is informational. Possible friends are shown there. In addition, on the right side of the page there is a column with friends who are currently online.

How to enter your profile? You can do this by registering with the social network. It's best to make it start page in the browser, and then enter the desired sites through it. You can use the widget to instantly get to the “My Page” of the Odnoklassniki social network. Also, you can make this page your favorite in the browser by clicking "Add to Bookmarks".

My Page Sections

The most important thing on a personal page is avatar. You need to put the most beautiful photo, you can change or edit it by hovering over the avatar with the mouse and selecting the desired function.

Let's take a closer look at the following sections:

  • in "Messages" posted sent or received messages. After clicking on the section, a window with correspondence appears;
  • "Discussions"- contains dialogues of friends about certain events;
  • In chapter « Alerts» various notifications are shown, from adding to the list of friends to online games;
  • chapter "Guests" captures every user who visited the profile during the last 30 days. After this time, they are automatically removed from the list;
  • In chapter " Ratings» find all ratings given by any user;
  • "Music" is a service for listening to songs. This is a free feature, but downloading songs is prohibited: you can only enable them when you are on a social network. Separate compositions are available for purchase (the price of one is approximately 20-25 OK);

  • menu " Friends»Shows possible friends that the system has selected according to a specially developed algorithm. It also shows a list of groups, events and friends that are currently online;
  • "Photo" with Contains albums and photos. They can always be changed or deleted;
  • "Groups" show all communities created personally and which are in the subscription;
  • "Games"– service for online games;

  • "Events" allow you to organize your own events and send them to friends. So you can simultaneously invite all your friends to a birthday or other holiday;
  • "Statuses" contains all the statuses ever placed on a personal page. It is not deleted from it, but moved to the specified section of Odnoklassniki;
  • In chapter " Video" there is a large hosting with many videos of various topics;

  • "Present" save the received presents;
  • "Forum" is an online conference;
  • "Score" belongs to the new sections included in full version social networks Odnoklassniki and includes online stores with various services. You can pay in a variety of ways, including: bank card, payment terminals, mobile payment, etc.;
  • "Help" very important for both beginners and more experienced users. Allows you to find the answer to any questions about the network;
  • "Russian keyboard" made to help those people who do not have a Russian layout. In it, you can write in transliteration and change the text into Russian by pressing just one button.

Personal profile settings

On the right side of the avatar (main photo) there is a link "More". It contains an additional menu "About myself". By clicking on it, you can edit your personal data. After entering the required information, pressing the button "Save" will update all entered information.

To recover the password from, you must use the attached phone number or email. Unfortunately, this is not always feasible. If you forgot the login and password from the profile, and the phone and mail are not available, you should contact the support service and provide a link to the page. The two most simple ways find yourself in Odnoklassniki: use the social network site or the Yandex.ru/people/ search engine.

To find your page in Odnoklassniki, you must do the following:

  • The site will show all users with similar data. From the list that appears, select the desired profile, go.

    Important: the data must match those indicated on the page, otherwise the search engine will not be able to find you.

You can contact the site employees if, instead of the profile, click the "This is me" button, then select the "Contact us" item.

Note: You must have a valid email address in order to receive feedback.

Through Yandex

You can find my page in classmates by last name using the search service:

Do not despair when you forgot the data necessary to enter Odnoklassniki, or it became necessary to open the old page. The resource staff will help restore access to the profile and suggest how to avoid such difficulties.

My page on classmates (OK), where can it be?

First you need to try to go to the site itself using the link below, there may be several scenarios during the transition:

  • You got to your page, and at the moment you became a happy person;
  • Odnoklassniki page didn't load, white sheet or it says that access is closed - in this case, you can try to use - anomizer (follow the link);
  • A page has opened where you need to enter your login and password, which you most likely forgot (more on that later);
  • A window has opened for you, where it says that you must enter your phone number and then confirm the unlocking of your account (be careful here - these are most likely scammers!)

Instructions for recovering a password in ok.ru in pictures:

On the home page"OOO" Odnoklassniki, we are looking for a link near the login button - " Forgot your password?” and boldly click on it.

You should have the following page:

Recovery using "Personal data"

To do this, enter your First Name Last Name Age (numbers) City (the data must match your account). After you find yourself, click "This is me" and confirm password recovery via SMS. An example is in the picture below.

We will not consider recovery methods via phone, mail and login, since everything is simple there and you should not have any difficulties.

Restoring with "Profile Link"

If you do not remember your link to your profile, then you need to ask your friends to go to your profile in classmates and copy the link and send you SMS, WhatsApp, Viber in any convenient way for you. Then enter or paste this link into the field that will appear when you click on the "Link to profile" recovery method and continue the recovery procedure.

How to enter Odnoklassniki without a password?

You can enter Odnoklassniki without a password, but only if you have already authorized them before, for this you just need to go to Odnoklassniki, if you see a login form, then you are not authorized. In this case, you need to log in with your username and password, or restore them, there is no other way.

You must understand that the login and password were created for your security, so take your data seriously and always write it down on a separate piece of paper so that such situations do not arise.

What to do if you are asked to send SMS?

It is advisable to start with you need to try to enter classmates from another computer or from mobile phone, in order to check if your account is really blocked or is it still a virus on your computer?

If you are also asked to send SMS, then most likely you were hacked and SPAM was actually sent from your account. To unlock, you need to do as it says there, that is, enter your phone number and confirm it, but in no case send a response SMS, you just need to enter the code that will come to your phone.

If you successfully logged into your page from another computer or mobile device, then we can say with confidence that this is a virus that can be cured.

We remove the virus with our own hands:


  1. Go to the folder with the installed operating system, usually this C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
  2. We open the hosts file with notepad, and if we find lines where the address odnoklassniki.ru or ok.ru is used, then we boldly delete these lines and save our file.
  3. Next, we simply restart the browser and, just in case, clear the cache, this is done by pressing ctrl + shift + del in the new Opera and Google Chrome browser.

How not to lose your access to classmates?

There are a huge number of sites on the Internet that promise you access to classmates without a password, somewhere they ask you to send SMS and pay for this service, somewhere I promise to hack your account again for money.

It happens that the site is very similar to classmates, and you enter and do not suspect that your data will be stolen and used for other purposes, not excluding fraud and spamming to your friends and relatives. But in no case, do not see these tricks of scammers. Be vigilant and attentive, be sure to look at which site you are on, you can enter data only on the site of classmates ok.ru.

What to do if pictures, videos, records and messages are not displayed?

This is a very common problem, for this you can try:

  • To get started, restart your browser, to do this, just close it and start it again.
  • If it doesn’t help, download and open classmates through another browser - for example, Opera, Google Chrome, Amigo, if you do not have such browsers, then look in Google or Yandex.

If you still didn’t manage to get on your classmates page, then write in the comments or ask questions using our button on top

In itself, the search for people in classmates is not difficult. And it's free. Consider two options: you are registered in a social network and not registered.

Find a person by last name and first name

The easiest search is to enter the name of the person you are looking for in the search box on the top right row. Maybe it will show up right away, in the drop-down list, as in my case 🙂

If this does not happen (which is for sure) we will continue.

Search by criteria

In addition to the name, indicate various criteria such as gender, age, place of residence.

Good to know.
The more parameters you specify, the more narrowed the search result. I would not recommend immediately indicating all possible criteria (and there are, as you can see, decently), but I would start by indicating the city and approximate age.

Search by educational institution

And here is a search by educational institution, in this case school is indicated. And since the main search criterion is the name "Julia" (it is in the largest field on top), the search result will be all registered on Julia's classmates who studied (or study) at this school.

Search by place of residence

And this is a search with an indication of the place of residence. See how many Julias are in Moscow!

Good to know.
Add criteria gradually. Then the results will be filtered. For example, if the name (Yulia) and place of residence (city of Moscow) in addition to indicate the age, the results will be much less!

Search for people in classmates without registration

If you do not have registration in OK or you simply do not want to go through authorization, then a special service from Yandex will help you.

Go to people.yandex.ru

Enter your first and last name and select Odnoklassniki

In my case, there were 18 people. If you get much more results and you don't want to see them all, then set Extra options e.g. city

How to find a person by phone number in classmates

This question is among the most popular. Unfortunately or fortunately, there is no such criterion as searching in classmates by phone number. The only thing you can try is to enter the phone number in the search field, and also in search engine and, if a person indicated his phone number in public access, for example, on a forum, then you can find it. But, here's how lucky. The same goes for searching by login.

How to find a person in classmates by id

If you know the profile ID, then finding a person is easy. Paste https://ok.ru/profile/XXXXXXXXXXXX into the address bar (where XXX… is the ID) and press ENTER. You have landed on a person's page.

Well, that's all, these are the basic principles of searching in classmates. I really hope that the article helped you and you found the one ... who you wanted to find!

Well, if the search was not successful, do not be upset.

You need to understand that it is not always possible to find your former classmates, fellow students, childhood friends, and here's why.

Firstly, not all residents of our country (and the entire CIS) are registered with classmates.

Secondly, your childhood friend could not indicate his real name, change his age, etc.