Home / Internet / MGTS office where you can hand over equipment. Mgts office addresses. How to turn off your phone

MGTS office where you can hand over equipment. Mgts office addresses. How to turn off your phone

Landline phones today are no longer as in demand as they used to be. They continue to be used in government organizations, municipal institutions and some companies, but in private houses and apartments they are increasingly being abandoned.

In the capital one of the largest service providers telephone communication is the Moscow City Telephone Network (MGTS). It is quite easy to refuse its services, as well as the services of other telephone operators. The main thing is to act strictly in accordance with the clauses of the concluded agreement.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do when giving up your MGTS landline phone is to find a signed agreement for the provision of services.

It should specify a step-by-step procedure for abandoning the telephone network.

Another way you can get information about the sequence of actions is to go to the company’s website or call its manager for advice.

If an agreement is concluded for the provision of several services at once (telephone communications, television and the Internet), it is necessary to refuse each of them by writing separate statements. If, wishing to refuse to use a landline telephone, the client terminates the entire contract, he will also lose other services specified in it.

How to turn off your phone

Before turning off the phone, you need to weigh all the pros and cons again. If elderly people live in a house or apartment, they can use landline phone, in addition, it makes it easier to call emergency services if necessary.

If the decision to disconnect the MGTS landline telephone has been considered and made, it is necessary to perform a number of actions in a certain sequence.

Need to:

  • find a signed contract for the provision of services and familiarize yourself with the established procedure for refusing it;
  • visit the nearest telephone branch (MGTS office) with your passport and contract;
  • check whether there is any debt for telephone communications, and if there is any, pay it;
  • receive a form to fill out an application to disconnect the service, fill it out carefully, indicating the reason for refusing telephone communication;
  • submit an application form and wait for the service to be disconnected.

The shutdown will occur within a few days (depending on the number of applications submitted). If the phone was connected using an optical modem, after the network is turned off, the technician will take it with him.

Temporary blocking of the service

You can refuse MGTS telephone services for a certain time if you plan to be away from home for a long time. This will allow you to save the number and connection, but block the line for the selected period.

Please note that you will also have to pay for temporary blocking, so using this service is only justified if you turn off your phone for several months.

The cost of blocking is 300 rubles, for each subsequent month you will have to pay another 200 rubles, so it makes no sense to turn off the phone for several weeks.

In order to turn off your telephone device for a while, you need to take your passport and contact the nearest company office to write a corresponding application.

If you plan to be away for a long time, you can alternatively switch to the cheapest rate offered by the company during your absence. To do this, you should contact the organization’s office before the 20th of the current month and make the transition. From the beginning of next month, the line will operate at the selected economical tariff.

Tariff changes are free of charge. You can return the old tariff after returning in a similar way or by calling hotline companies.

Steps to take when moving

Sometimes disconnecting a landline phone is due to a planned move, and it is important for the user to keep the existing number. MGTS provides this opportunity: in order to take advantage of it, you need to contact the organization’s office and submit an application to port the telephone line. The transfer may take from several days to several weeks. This service is paid.

Another opportunity that the company provides to its subscribers is the renewal of the contract for a family member living at the same address.

For re-registration you need:

  • consent of the person with whom the contract was concluded;
  • consent of the person for whom the agreement will be executed;
  • passport of the person for whom the contract will be renewed.

Renewal of the contract is free of charge.

Good day everyone!

My story about the GPON box is most likely similar to all the others, but unlike many, it has a happy ending.

How to breed

One fine day, a friend called me, introduced himself as an MGTS employee and, in a tone that did not tolerate objections, explained that now there was a massive transfer of all subscribers to the new improved GPON technology, thanks to which telephone communications would become much better quality, and at the same time there would be Internet and digital television. Moreover, all translation work is absolutely free!!!

Because I didn’t complain about the connection, my Internet and TV have been connected to another provider for a long time, I still tried to refuse. But that was not the case. It turns out that after the new year, all phones using the old copper technology will be disconnected, and reconnecting to the new technology will cost money.

I knew for sure that none of the neighbors were going to make any reconnections, moreover, many of them did not call at all with such a proposal. It was strange, there were 2 months left before the new year.

After that, I called MGTS several times and tried to find out what kind of work they would carry out in my apartment. We just finished a major renovation, and new wires and holes in the apartment would be completely inappropriate. Several employees explained the operating principle in a confusing manner new technology. One said that there would be no wires, everything in the apartment would remain as is, all work would only be done on the panel on the floor. Another said that they would hang up their equipment and that’s it, there would be no extra wires. The third said that the equipment will need an outlet, but if there is no free one, the master will make a new one without any problems.

After much persuasion, I gave in. We don't really need a phone, but let's have it anyway.


A couple of days later two masters came. The craftsmen are not from MGTS itself, but from a contracting organization involved in the installation of boxes. They showed me the equipment - a regular router, and placed it in the place where they decided to hang it. I felt sick, that place didn’t suit me at all. I decided to abandon this idea and said that I had changed my mind and I didn’t need anything. To my surprise, the masters supported my impulse. They told me that it was all complete bullshit and I was great for refusing.

The next day, MGTS ripped off all my and my husband’s phones. They suggested hanging the box in another place. And they reminded that, they say, otherwise the phone after the New Year can be thrown in the trash as unnecessary. I had to agree.

Another master came. I littered the landing, ran a cable into the apartment, made a poor Soviet socket that dangled from the wire, and hung up the router. And at the same time he offered to test it Internet MGTS for only 50 rubles per month.

What did we get

  • damaged repair
  • equipment belonging to MGTS, for which we bear full financial responsibility in case of damage or loss
  • increase in electricity bill, because The router naturally consumes electricity
  • lack of telephone connection if there is no electricity in the apartment
  • phone not working: you call the clinic, but end up in an apartment
  • Slow internet with constant connection dropouts
  • Wi-fi is only in certain parts of the apartment, it doesn’t reach the entire area

Attempts to return everything as it was

When it became clear that we didn’t need this stuff, I called MGTS with a request to pick up the box and turn on a regular phone for us, even if only until the new year. I received a complete refusal to do this, they say, you agreed, you signed the acceptance certificate, that means that’s it, now you can’t refuse.

I had to write an official complaint asking to turn off this nightmare and take back my equipment. Surprisingly, in response to a written complaint, I received an official letter in which I was told the same thing as they had told me over the phone.

It turns out that you can very easily refuse this box, but MGTS is doing everything possible to prevent you from doing this.

How to refuse

We go to the website of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and read a lot there.

I will quote the most important:

If, after transferring a subscriber to the provision of communication services using GPON technology, a claim is received from the subscriber about disagreement with the provision of services using such technology, MGTS OJSC resumes providing services to the subscriber using the old “copper” technology.
Thus, switching subscribers to GPON technology should be carried out only with the consent of the subscriber.
If there is no interest in communication services based on GPON technology and disagrees with the proposed conditions for their provision, the subscriber has the right to refuse their provision while maintaining the opportunity to receive telephone services using the old technology.

My second complaint was not so mild, and it was not a request, but a demand.

Happy ending

Within a few days after receiving the second complaint, MGTS contacted me to agree on a date for the technician to arrive. The master carefully disconnected everything, cut off unnecessary wires, and removed the box. As a keepsake of GPON, I still have 2 nails and a hole. And this is after a fresh renovation!!!

The master was also sincerely surprised that I didn’t look like such a fool, but I succumbed to such a scam. "Deceived, right?" He said that in the last few months all his work has consisted of removing these boxes, and not at all repairing phones.

After all the work, they gave me a signed certificate of delivery of the equipment, and left the instructions for the router as a keepsake.

So, don't be afraid to stand up for your rights. If you were scammed into installing a miracle box, then it’s not too late to return everything back.

Currently, many people no longer have any need to use a landline home telephone. Communication with loved ones, acquaintances and work colleagues is mainly maintained through cellular communications, A mobile phone Today almost every person has.

At the same time, people are already accustomed to the fact that smartphones and other similar mobile gadgets make it easy to organize video calls, receive and transmit documents, and also communicate through many different social networks.

As a result, the landline phone remains almost unused for a long time, except that you can make a call from it to your cell phone, which is suddenly lost in the vastness of your apartment.

However, even when the outdated device is not used, you still need to pay for the phone regularly. All these and many other reasons lead to the question of how you can disconnect a landline phone from MGTS.

Below is a guide to quickly and reliably solving the problem with minimal time and effort.

Preparatory activities

Before officially canceling MGTS services, it is advisable to prepare well and competently so that the procedure does not subsequently cost the unlucky subscriber additional time and money.

You only need to carry out a few preliminary steps:

  1. B - first of all, you should carefully study the contents of the signed contract between the client and the company providing telephone services. It will also indicate the most correct way to disconnect. Typically, MGTS in this contract with its subscriber carefully spells out all the circumstances due to which they disconnect the client from their services;
  2. At the second stage, it is recommended to visit the official resource of the Moscow telephone company", where the numbers of consultants are indicated. Next, call one of them and verbally clarify how to refuse their services, what documents will need to be brought to their office and how much time and money the whole procedure will take;
  3. At the final preparatory stage, you should visit the nearest office in the city to make sure that the subscriber has no debts for the communication services provided and, if necessary, pay. You must keep the receipt.

Shutdown procedure

If no special obstacles or difficulties arose at the stages of preparatory activities, then, with a high degree of probability, the entire process of terminating the contract should not cause problems.

The algorithm consists of the following steps:

  1. Taking with you all the prepared documents at the stage of preparation for the operation, including your passport, contract and receipts for payment of debts, come to the nearest MGTS office;
  2. In the office, write a statement of refusal in the established form, where to write the reason why the subscriber refuses communication services, and also attach the required documents;
  3. Ready. Now we can only wait for the results of the review and approval of the application. Basically, this takes no more than a few days. In the event that the subscriber is notified of the refusal, he will need to contact the office again to find out the reasons and then eliminate the obstacles that have arisen.

Note: many MGTS clients additionally have Internet access, and the company equips the subscriber with a modem.

The disconnected device itself is the property of the provider, so in this case it will be necessary to wait for the organization’s technical specialist to arrive to dismantle and remove the device.

What if you still need wired Internet?

In case of using a combined tariff plan After successfully implementing all the points of the above instructions, the Internet, of course, will also be turned off. If access to the global network is still necessary, then you can switch to another tariff in advance, or sign a contract with another communication service provider.

Temporary refusal of MGTS services

To do this, you will need to make a personal visit to the company’s office. You must take your passport with you. Fill out the application form at the office.

This tariff suspension service costs 300 rubles, so it is advisable to use it only if there is no need for a home telephone for a long period of time. Reconnecting to the system does not require additional financial costs.

Landline telephones have not been in demand for a long time. This device remains only in municipal organizations, government agencies and some firms. If you decide to give up your home telephone line, including a Rostelecom or MGTS telephone, it is quite easy to do so.

Let's look at the specifics of this procedure and find out how to refuse a landline telephone from MGTS or another organization.

How to refuse a landline phone

MGTS - Moscow telephone exchange, the services of which can be canceled using the same algorithm as other landline networks. First of all, find an agreement with the company, study the terms and obligations of the parties. The document indicates how you can refuse a stationary device.

In addition, you can go to the official website of the company. However, you won’t be able to disconnect only via the Internet or remotely, since you need to come to the office in person. But on the site you will find the necessary data to contact the manager or provider, conditions for refusal, switching to another tariff, renewal of the contract and other important information.

Fill out the appropriate application at the company office. Take your contract and passport with you. If the device is connected using an optical modem, the modem will be taken over by the master after disconnecting.

Remember that you will not be able to turn off the phone until you pay the debt, if any. After submitting the application and paying the debts, you will be disconnected from the network within a few days.

How to turn off your home phone temporarily

To turn off the device temporarily, you need to come to the office with your passport and write a corresponding application. In this case, the line will be blocked for a certain period, but will not be disconnected. However, this service is paid, which will only pay off if it is disconnected for several months.

There is no point in disconnecting the device for several weeks or days. The cost of this service in MGTS is 300 rubles, and for each subsequent month you will have to pay another 200 rubles.

If you are leaving and want to save money or reduce the cost of services, you can temporarily switch to the cheapest tariff. To do this, contact the organization’s office before the 20th of the current month and from the first of the next month the line will operate at the new economical tariff.

Changing tariffs in MGTS is free of charge. You can return the old tariff or switch to another by calling the company manager or come to the company and write a corresponding application.

How to draw up and renew a contract

You can renew the contract for a family member if you live together. IN in this case you need to come to the office and provide the passport of the applicant and the person for whom the re-registration is being made, an application from the former subscriber and the written consent of the future subscriber, certified at the passport office or by a notary. Re-registration is done free of charge.

To connect to the network and draw up a new contract, you can leave a request on the company’s website. In addition, on the website you can find out whether it is possible to connect a telephone in your place of residence. The application is considered for up to five days, and then you need to come to the organization’s office, provide your passport and write an application.

In both cases, the passport of the future subscriber must contain registration according to this place where the telephone line is installed. Or you need to provide an agreement establishing the right to the occupied space.

Is it possible to keep a phone number when moving?

Modern companies allow and organize the transfer of a telephone line from one place to another. However, the number cannot be transferred if the new site is not served by this station. In addition, if the place is located in another region, maintaining the number is not worth it.

In other cases, you need to contact the company’s office and write an application to transfer the telephone line. The transfer takes from several days to several weeks. In addition, this service is paid. Please note that it is much easier to issue a new telephone number.