Home / Mobile OS / Floppy disk(s) Fail (40) error, how to fix it. Floppy disk(s) Fail (40) error, remedy What does floppy 40 failure mean in BIOS

Floppy disk(s) Fail (40) error, how to fix it. Floppy disk(s) Fail (40) error, remedy What does floppy 40 failure mean in BIOS

When turning on the computer, an error appeared: Floppy disk(s) Fail (40). This error occurs due to incorrect operation of the Floppy disk (drive), or from settings in the BIOS.
Many do not even know what a floppy disk is. Because this "mammoth" is already a thing of the past. It was replaced by flash drives. To give you an idea of ​​what we are talking about here, see the image below.

Picture 1. Floppy 3.5

If you still have system block the device shown in Figure 2 is installed, pay attention to its indicator. If it is constantly glowing, then try flipping the cable to the other side.

Figure 2. Drive.

Well, if you do not have Floppy, then when you reboot, we go into the BIOS by pressing the key [del] or [ DELETE ](this key is designated differently on keyboards), we find the entry: Floppy Drive A, it contains the value "3'5" 1.44Mb. This value should be changed to None. Then we look for the item advanced bios features and in it under paragraph Check Floppy Drive on Boot change the value to Disable.

That's it, now press the F10 key on the keyboard, a window will appear in which we press the key [Y] and click [ENTER].

This error occurs, as a rule, on old computers on which a floppy drive was once used and still installed. For those who are not aware, a floppy drive is the device where magnetic floppy disks are inserted.

What does floppy disk fail 40 mean?

If, when you turn on the computer during the step BIOS boot This error is displayed, which means that there are problems with the floppy drive. This may be a broken power cable or interface cable, a problem with the drive itself, or incorrect BIOS settings.

How to remove floppy disk fail 40?

In order to get rid of this error, you need to perform several steps. But keep in mind that after that your floppy drive will no longer be detected by the system and you will not be able to use floppy disks. (I don't know if there are people who still use them)

  1. The first thing to do is disconnect the cable from the floppy drive. This applies to both the power cable and the interface cable. This must be done to eliminate the possibility of short circuiting possibly damaged loops. Do this only when the computer is turned off;
  2. Next you need (one of the keys F2, F12, Delete);
  3. Find there a line similar to Drive A, Floppy A. Usually located on the initial BIOS screen or in the “Standart Cmos Features” section
  4. Change the value of this parameter to "None" or "Disabled"

How to fix floppy disk fail 40 error

When turning on the computer, an error appeared: Floppy disk(s) Fail (40). This error occurs due to incorrect operation of the Floppy disk (disk drive), or from settings in the BIOS.
Many do not even know what a floppy disk is. Because this "mammoth" is already a thing of the past. It was replaced by flash drives. To give you an idea of ​​what we are talking about here, see the image below.

Picture 1. Floppy 3.5

If you still have the device shown in Figure 2 installed in the system unit, then pay attention to its indicator. If it is constantly glowing, then try flipping the cable to the other side.

Figure 2. Drive.

Well, if you do not have Floppy, then when you reboot, we go into the BIOS by pressing the key [del] or [ DELETE ](this key is designated differently on keyboards), we find the entry: Floppy Drive A, it contains the value "3'5" 1.44Mb. This value should be changed to None. Then we look for the item advanced bios features and in it under paragraph Check Floppy Drive on Boot change the value to Disable.

That's it, now press the F10 key on the keyboard, a window will appear in which we press the key [Y] and click [ENTER].

This message at the end of the PC test speaks of possible error in the loop connection. A continuously lit indicator also indicates an incorrect connection. The error may also be a mismatch in the type of floppy drive set in "BIOS Setup".


ERROR ENCOUNTERED INITIALIZING HARD DRIVE, Failure Fixed Disk 0/1, Fixed Disk 0/1 Failure, Hard disk(s) diagnosis fail, C:/D: Drive Error, C:/D: Drive Failure, Hard Disk(s) fail (twenty)

not initialized HDD(hard drives). Check hard disk controller installation (for older systems), connecting cables, check hard disk jumper settings, and "BIOS Setup" parameters. But the cause may also be a disk failure, and the hard disk may not be formatted.

End of work -

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All topics in this section:

CPU Speed ​​135
4. All about memory 139 Memory monitoring functions 139 Memory shadowing, allocated memory 145 Memory caching 163 Memory regeneration 183

Audio 277
8. Keyboard 280 9. A little about floppy 283 10. Serial and parallel interfaces 285 11. Same

Above 1 MB Memory Test
when the option is set to "Enabled", during the RAM test, a memory area over 1 MB is checked (XMS memory area - Extended Memory Specification). This costs additional

BIOS update
(BIOS update). The P6 family of processors (Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Celeron, Xeon) have a special mechanism called "Firmware" that allows you to fix some of the

Boot Sequence
(system boot sequence). The sequence of polling various drives to boot the operating system is determined. These devices are designated either by letters for physical

Boot Up Floppy Seek
(search for the drive when booting the computer). So you can translate the name of this function. But the meaning of the function is much broader, since the BIOS checks if there is a floppy drive, and whether it is

Boot Up Numlock Status
an option that determines in which mode the additional numeric keypad should work after turning on the computer. Enabling this setting turns on the "Num Lock" indicator, and the digital key

boot virus detection
(definition of a virus in the boot sector). The meaning of this parameter is different from "Virus Warning" and is as follows. If this parameter is disabled ("Disabled&

CPUID Instruction
not a very clear option. On the one hand, during the POST test, at one of its stages, the CPUID command is executed to obtain the so-called. "CPU Vendor String" and Family/Model/ parameters

Delay IDE Initial
(delay in initialization of the IDE device). This parameter sets the time interval (in seconds) during which the IDE device will not be polled by the BIOS after power on. Nenu

Drive B
using these options, the user sets the specification, format, one might say, the standard of floppy drives used in the system. It doesn't matter if there is a second floppick in

Flash BIOS Protection
- enabling this option prevents viruses and... inexperienced users from accessing the Flash BIOS. However, the contents of the Flash BIOS cannot be updated. To update the function must be disabled. On the

Floppy 3 Mode
another, not so rare, option for setting floppy drive parameters. When enabled ("Enabled") allows the system, however trivial, to support 3.5-

Halt On
immediately after turning on the PC, during the POST self-test, if any hardware error is found, the system stops loading and displays the name of the device that caused the failure. Will there be

(keyboard). The value "Installed" does not raise questions. If set to "not installed", this option will tell the BIOS to cancel the keyboard check during the startup test, which will

LAN Remote Boot
- this "Phoenix BIOS" option is noticeably different from the "Boot From LAN First" above. The remote boot feature is particularly useful when neither the floppy drive nor the hard drive

Memory Test Tick Sound
an option that allows you to accompany the memory test with periodic sound signals. It is recommended to set it to "Enabled" for sounding the download process, an indirect estimate of the volume of the installation

Option ROM Scan
(scanning optional (optional) ROM). An "optional" ROM is a piece of BIOS that can be located on adapter cards and called through the system BIOS to initialize

Processor Number Features
option to set the automatic reading and output of information about the built-in serial number of the Pentium III processor in motherboard BIOS boards that support its installation. To implement such

Quick Power On Self Test
- (a quick test of the computer after turning on the power). Enabling this setting results in some reduction in the initial computer self-test (POST) time, especially with significant

Turbo functions
AT old times in Turbo XT and early AT computers< TURBO>on the front of the PC was designed to increase the processor clock speed beyond the nominal for the purpose of

Boot Up System Speed
option to select the processor clock speed at boot. A value of "Low" puts the processor into half-clock mode and does not use the internal cache. Truth,

Deturbo Mode
- when this parameter is enabled, the FLUSH# signal becomes active, and after that no data is cached into its internal cache by processors of the Pentium Pro architecture (Pentium II, Deschutes, etc.).

CMOS Memory Size Mismatch, Memory Size Changed, memory size has changed since last boot
- volume physical memory on the motherboard, determined during the POST test, does not match what is stored in CMOS. Or the message is caused by the memory size changing since last

Missing Operation System
- this message, like some others, is not related to the POST procedure. The output of this message ("Missing operating system") speaks, at best, of the absence or on

Press F1 to disable NMI, F2 to reboot
- problems with non-maskable interrupts. There may be an error in the operation of the interrupt controller, although an error may also occur when checking the memory for parity. This is a non-mask stub handler

- indicates a stop in the boot process due to a corrupted or missing boot sector, or master boot record on boot disk. The cause of the error may also be an incorrect setting.

System halted, (Ctrl-Alt-Del) to reboot
- indicates that the download process will stop after a serious error is detected. It is necessary to restart the PC by simultaneously pressing the three indicated keys or by turning the power back on. In

KEYBOARD ERROR OR NO keyboard present
- keyboard error or keyboard missing. All actions are similar. It is also necessary to make sure that no key is pressed when turning on the PC, and also check that the current

Error initializing hard drive controller, HDD Controller Failure, Hard Disk Controller Failure, Fixed Disk Controller Failure, Hard Disk(s) fail (40)
- communication error with the hard disk controller, the hard disk controller is not initialized, controller malfunction. Check the installation of the controller, the connection of the drive, the connection of the

hard disk install failure
- cannot find or initialize the controller or the hard drive itself. The actions are the same, i.e. check all mechanical settings and connections, as well as correct settings in "BIOS Setup"

Configuration error, x Storage Extensions(s) found, configured are y SE(s)
Device List: k1, k2 ... - mismatch of "Server menu - Storage Extensions" settings found communication devices, where: SEs - storage

Auto Configuration This mode, when enabled ("Enabled"), allows the system to independently determine the optimal setting of the chipset parameters. Under Optima

Chipset Special Features
- (special features of the chipset). This option enables/disables all new features introduced in Intel 430 kits (HX, VX or TX) compared to FX. If set to "Disabled"

PCI interface and ISA bus
8 Bit I/O Recovery Time (recovery time for 8-bit I/O operations). The parameter is measured in system clocks and determines what delay the system will set.

Optimization of the main and video memory
CPU Burst Write option to enable/disable burst writing to main memory. In normal mode, a separate address is issued for each written word, in block mode, for the entire packet,

Chipset Special Commands
Drive NA before BRDY When "Enabled" is selected, the NA signal (read below) is set one clock before the last BRDY# signal in each read/write cycle, thus calling

CPU Speed
The material in this subsection is built in accordance with the standard user actions: setting the system bus clock frequency + setting the multiplier (factor multiplied

Turbo Mode (75 MHz)
- a special option "AMI BIOS", intended for the operation of the Pentium II processor at 75 MHz system bus. When setting the option to "Disabled", the standard

ECC, Parity
Dynamic memory devices have one serious drawback - the probability of an error in reading information from a cell. Memory errors are detected and corrected using

X ISA LFB Base Address
- this option has no parameters and is for informational purposes only. Shows the main address of the LFB if ​​the size is set in the previous function. ISA Shared Memory Size - (size of ra

X ISA Shared Memory Base Address
- (base address of ISA shared memory). The option is available when the previous function is enabled. This sets the starting address of "ISA Shared Memory". Optionally installed C8000h,

KB to 1MB Cacheability
option via setting to "Enabled" allows you to cache the last 384 KB from the first megabyte of RAM. In the previous chapter and in the options presented below, are quite fully set out in

Pretty impressive. And here are the values ​​of these options: "PCI Device" - the selected range is given to the needs of the PCI device, "Shadowed" - the selected range &

Cache Extended Memory Area
to use these options offered by the "Phoenix BIOS", caching must first be enabled in the system, for which the integrated option "Cache&q" can be used.

D800 - DBFF DC00 - DFFF The values ​​of these options are standard: "Enabled" and "Disabled". Enabling any option causes caches

Cache Timing
- if only one asynchronous cache memory module is installed in the system, then "Fast" must be selected. The "Fastest" value is set if there are two banks in the system

CPU External Cache
- (external processor cache). This option enables/disables the use of the processor's external cache (the second-level cache, or "L2"). Any type of cache should only be disabled

CPU Internal Cache
- (internal processor cache). This option enables/disables the use of the processor's internal cache (the first-level cache, or "L1"). It is worth recalling that the internal cache has become a

Internal Cache WB or WT
- a very old option from "AMI BIOS". Well, its meanings are visible from the name: "WB" (Write Back) and "WT" (Write Through). Sometimes a third value can also be present - &

L2 Cache Cacheable Size
- this option sets the size (amount) of cached memory supported in the system. Values ​​can be: "64 MB", "128 MB", "192 MB", "256 MB"

Shadow Memory Cacheable
- (caching "shadow" memory). An option that allows you to enable the caching mode for those memory areas for which the "shading" mode is already enabled. Option wears an integrated (

System BIOS Cacheable
- (caching of the system BIOS area). Enabling this setting causes a region of memory at system BIOS addresses (F0000H-FFFFFH) to be cached. Enabling the bu option

Tag Options
- the option offers two values ​​for selection. One of them, equal to 8 bits, does not imply the use of the so-called. "dirty" bit. The second allocates 7 bits for the tag itself and one more bit for the pr

Tag Ram Includes Dirty
- the value "Enabled" is not objectionable, because the use of an additional "dirty" bit is intended to improve system performance. Well, what about "Disabled"

Video BIOS Cacheable
- (caching of the video card BIOS area). Enabling this setting causes the memory area at video card BIOS addresses (C0000H-C7FFFH) to be cached in the processor cache. Boo parameter

Video Memory Cache Mode
(caching mode for video memory). The parameter is valid only for Pentium Pro architecture processors (Pentium II, Deshutes, etc.), for which the second-level (L2) cache has become internal. K usually

Three different data regeneration methods are possible. Regeneration by one RAS (RAS Only Refresh - ROR). This method was used in the first DRAM chips. Address regenerate

Hidden Refresh
- (hidden regeneration). When set to "Disabled", the memory is refreshed using the IBM AT methodology, using processor cycles for each refresh. When "Hidden Refresh"

Auto Configuration option for automatic configuration of main memory access parameters. The option is usually found under the "Advanced Chipset Setup" or &qu

Video Config
In modern integrated chipsets, memory is divided by various methods. This can happen due to the software division of the main memory under constant

- "Override" (RAS to CAS delay equals 2 cycles) and "Default" values ​​(delay is determined by the "CAS# Latency" bit (196). The option may be called "RAS-to-CAS

Arbitration, Bus-Master
bus master (bus master, master) - a possible mode of operation of the device on any bus, including PCI. To operate in this mode, the device issues a request to the bus arbiter, reporting

PCI Bus Arbitration
The parameter can take the following values: "Rotating", "Fixed". An option with exactly the same name also met with the parameters: "Favor CPU" and &quo

CPU Priority
after the above, the content of this option may not seem strange anymore. The user must set, in fact, the rank of the CPU in the hierarchy of all possible "master"

Bus Mastering
this option was intended not so long ago to enable or disable the operation of devices in the "Bus-Master" mode on the ISA bus. The parameter can take values: "Enabled"

PCI Bus Parking
- option to enable/disable the "parking" mode of devices on the PCI bus. The "parking" mode is one of the varieties of the "Bus-Master" mode. When this mode is enabled ("E

PCI Mstr Burst Mode
- this option allows you to enable high-speed burst mode for information located in the internal write-back buffers of the PCI bus, to which the "master" device has access.

State Machines
- the chipset can have four states, more precisely, by controlling the state of its registers, the chipset can have four modes of controlling specific CPU- and/or PCI-operations. Each

All about the PCI bus
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) - 32-bit bus supporting up to ten external devices, provides for data transmission with a clock frequency of 33 MHz and provides ma

PCI 2.1 Support
(support for the PCI bus specification 2.1). When this setting is enabled, PCI bus specification 2.1 features are supported. The 2.1 specification has two main differences from the 2.0 specification: the maximum

PCI Clock Frequency
- option to set the frequency of the PCI bus. In the above form, this option was introduced on the first "Pentium" machines, and then ported to the 486 systems with AMD processors and PCI bus. Cha

PCI Latency Timer (PCI Clocks)
- (timeout timer for PCI bus). The value of this option specifies how long (in PCI bus cycles) a PCI card that supports the "Busmaster" mode can retain control of a bus.

PCI Parity Check
some powerful chipsets, primarily server systems, provide the ability (through "Enabled") to control the data flow on the PCI bus by parity. At the same time, they are controlled as an address

PCI Preempt Timer
- (purge timer for PCI bus). At first glance, this function is similar in meaning to the "PCI Latency Timer" function, even some confusion is possible, although in this case something n

PCI to ISA Write Buffer
- in the "Enabled" state, the system, without interrupting the processor, will temporarily write data to a special buffer for subsequent data transfer to the most suitable mode

Peer Concurrency
- (parallel work or, literally, equal competition). This parameter enables/disables simultaneous operation of several devices on the PCI bus. When this option is enabled, an additional

Init AGP Display First
- when set to "Enabled", the display connected to the AGP-card becomes the primary one in the system. If "Disabled" is selected, then the tone will be set by a PCI card or even ISA.

Multiple Monitor Support
- option to support multiple monitors. There is nothing supernatural in this function. It's even similar to the "Default Primary Video" option, but... This option sets which graphics

Onboard FDC Controller
- an option that determines whether to use ("Enabled" - by default) or disable the floppy drive controller located on the motherboard, i.e. built-in (onboard). "

Onboard Parallel Port
- this option allows you to disable ("Disabled") the use of the built-in parallel port, automate the process of allocating the required resources ("Auto") or install databases

Onboard PCI IDE Enable
- (enable the integrated IDE controller). This parameter controls the enable/disable operation of each of the two channels of the IDE controller installed on the motherboard. Maybe pr

offboard pci ide card
this "AMI BIOS" option is to enable the IDE interface located on the expansion PCI card. In this case, if an external PCI IDE controller is defined at the initial stage, then the automaton

Secondary Master ARMD Emulated as
Secondary Slave ARMD Emulated as - ARMD (ATAPI Removable Media Disks) are hybrid drives (eg ZIP drives). They are removable, they can be used as floppy

PS/2 Mouse Function Control
- (PS/2 mouse port function control). The permission of this parameter gives IRQ12 only for the PS / 2 mouse port, at the same time it confirms the presence of a mouse with a PS / 2 interface in the system. Otherwise

USB controller
option to enable / disable installed on the motherboard USB controller. Enabling a USB controller only makes sense if you use the appropriate peripherals. At the same time, the system

USB Keyboard Support
- a similar function, intended in this case to support a USB keyboard. When using such a keyboard, USB controller support must first be activated. If the USB

Resource allocation configuration functions
In 1993, Compaq, Intel, Phoenix, and Microsoft developed the Plug & Play concept to make PCs even smarter.

Configuration Mode
"AMI BIOS" option using "Plug&Play" technology in general configuration of system resources. Can take the following values: "Use BIOS Setup" - the main

Reset Configuration Data
- (reset configuration data). It is recommended to set the option to "Disabled" provided that all connected peripherals and their configuration are constant. When setting "Enabled"

- (how resources are managed). If "Auto" is selected, the BIOS will automatically assign interrupts and DMA channels to all devices connected to the PCI bus and these options will not appear

- (interrupt USB bus). The parameter enables/disables the assignment of an interrupt for the USB bus controller. Since the system may not have enough free interrupt, enable this parameter only

TypeF DMA Buffer Control1(2)
- very interesting "AMI BIOS" option. A normal DMA cycle takes 8 bus cycles, and in this mode it takes only 3 (which, of course, speeds up the access much). However, it is necessary

16-bit DMA channel
- select 16-bit DMA channel. Options are: DMA5 (default), DMA6, DMA7. Basic parameters are set. But there are other BIOSes, and hence the different names for similar options:

X Interrupt
- possible values: "IRQ3", "IRQ4", "IRQ5", "IRQ7", "IRQ9", "IRQ10". Audio Output is a very interesting additional o

The keyboards of the first "personal computers" used the 8048 microcontroller. In later models, the 8049 chip with built-in ROM memory or some other

KBC Input Clock
keyboard controller clock frequency control. The parameter sets, in other words, the speed at which the CPU communicates with the keyboard controller. Thus, the parameter

Keyboard Reset Control
- option to control the restart from the keyboard. When the option is set to "Enabled", there is a standard ability to restart the computer when using a set of keys +

Typematic Rate Setting
- (set character input speed). This option may allow you to eliminate not entirely correct keyboard modes. First of all, you need to set the value of the option to "Enabled" (

X Typematic Rate Delay (msec)
- (repeat delay in ms). This option adjusts the second time characteristic - the delay before the auto-repeat of the pressed key, which can vary from 0.25 to 1 sec., i.e. delay value

Serial, Parallel Port
Serial interface Attention!!! With not quite correct behavior of the "mouse" (unstable work, jumps, uneven movement) over

UART2 Mode Select
the presence of such an option in "BIOS Setup" means that the motherboard supports the IrDA function. The option itself is "subordinate", since its activation is directly related to the

X RxD, TxD Active
- option to set the polarity of signals for receiving/transmitting the infrared interface. It is worth mentioning that "RxD" means receiver (receiver), and "TxD" means transmitter (transmitter). For

IR Duplex Mode
- option to select full duplex or half duplex mode of the infrared port. The default is "Half". Another meaning is naturally "Full" (duplex)

Parallel Port Mode
(parallel port operation mode). Naturally, this option cannot be active if the use of the parallel port is disabled. This parameter allows you to set the operating modes of the parallel port in

X ECP DMA Select
- (DMA channel selection for ECP mode). The parameter is activated only when the "ECP" or "ECP+EPP" mode is enabled. Can take the following values: "1" (or, for example, "DMA

IDE Prefetch Buffer
(IDE prefetch buffer). The built-in IDE interface supports a prefetch mode, which speeds up reading from the disk buffer, reducing the computer's bus occupancy time. On the SiS496 controller

IDE Secondary Slave UDMA
these options allow you to set the mode of operation of each of the four hard drives in the system that support the Ultra ATA (Ultra DMA) specifications. If an EIDE disk is installed in the system (especially an IDE disk),

Large Disk Access Mode
"Phoenix BIOS" option to control access mode to large capacity disks (more than 1024 cylinders and 16 heads). The option associates disk access with how the operating system

Video, AGP
AGP -2x Mode defaults to "Disabled". "Enabled" is selected only if the graphics card supports AGP 2x mode. AGP

The VL-BUS bus, proposed by the Video Electronics Standard Association (VESA), was originally intended to increase the speed of video adapters. The first tire standard would

Embedded SCSI BIOS
- this option allows (via "Enabled") to copy the SCSI BIOS of the controller to the system BIOS. The advantages of such a solution are obvious. Otherwise, the BIOS of the SCSI controller will be the system

- (terminators of the built-in SCSI LVD controller). This parameter enables/disables connection of termination resistors (terminators) on the built-in SCSI controller with LVD signaling. "Phoen

- (onboard SCSI SE controller terminators). This parameter enables/disables connection of termination resistors (terminators) on the built-in SCSI controller with SE data transfer. Can accept

SCSI Controller
- SCSI controller support option. There is nothing unusual about this option, unless you point out that it was intended for ISA boards as well. First of all, the SCSI controller occupies one ISA server.

Power Down Functions
Hard Disk Power Down Mode - this option sets the conservation (power consumption) mode, which will enter the hard disk after the end of the set period of inactivity

Hard Disk Timeout
- To use this option, the "Power Management Mode"(336) option must first be set to "Customize" (or "Power Savings" to "Enabled"). Dan

standby timeout
- to use this option, the "Power Management Mode"(338) option must first be set to "Customize" (or "Power Savings" to "Enabled"). Dan

System shutdown functions
After G3 Enable - this option allows (if set to "Enabled") as a result of switching power saving modes to enter the G3 state, which, according to the method,

System enable functions
AC PWR Loss Restart - (restart after power failure). Enabling this setting allows the system to turn on automatically after a power failure. Otherwise

X KB Power On Hot Key
- when "Hot Key" is selected, the "KB Power On Hot Key" field is activated. The user is offered a choice of one of the options for starting the system using "hot keys &

X LAN wake-up mode
- the option is available when the previous option is enabled. Through this option, "Phoenix BIOS" allows you to turn on the monitor ("On") when you turn it on remotely. Otherwise - "Off"

The first company that began to use built-in controls in mass models of motherboards was the company "ASUSTeK". One of the leaders in the production of maternal products

temperature monitoring
- option to enable ("Enabled") the function of temperature monitoring of the system. Fan Monitor Section Chassis Fan Speed ​​CPU Fan Speed

X CPU Critical Temperature
- possible options: "Disabled", "45C", "50C", "55C", "60C", "65C", "70C", "75C". Thermal Sensor State

MPS 1.4 Support
- support for MPS 1.4 mode (Intel Multiprocessor Specification). This option only appears in the BIOS of motherboards that allow multiple processors. The parameter specifies the operating

MPS Version Control For OS
- similar option with the following values: "1.4" (default), "1.1". With the same parameters in the "AMI BIOS" options "M

Spread Spectrum Modulated
- (distribution of the modulated spectrum). During the operation of the clock generator, a phenomenon such as electromagnetic interference (ElectroMagnetic Interference - EMI) may occur. Physical interface

Server Menu
EMP Password - a server board (for example, C440GX) must have a port called EMP (Emergency Management Port - emergency management port), which is a

COM Port Address
- possible options: "Disabled", "3F8" - usually the address of COM1, "2F8" - usually the address of COM2, "3E8". After specifying the address

System Event Logging Submenu
Along with the configuration submenu of the console, the BIOS of a server motherboard may contain a submenu with the characteristics of various system events. User (administrator) set row

Mark Existing Events
- the purpose of this option is quite simple, but the applicability? The user is prompted to set attributes for all entries in the log; whether they are intended to be read or not. by default

X Pre-Boot Events
- Fixed errors during POST testing. To work effectively with these menus, it is necessary to rationally use the "On Next Boot" option to clear the log. Choosing l

Password Checking
- "AMI BIOS" option, similar to "Security Option" for "Award BIOS", with the only difference that the "System" value corresponds to the "Always" value, but

BIOS Reference Data
Currently, most of the motherboards are equipped with BIOS manufactured by the following companies: - AWARD Software International Inc. (part of Phoenix since 1999)

Version 2.50: AWARD_SW j262 TTPTHA 01322222 KDD ZBAAACA aPAf lkwpeter t0ch88 t0ch20x h6BB j09F Version 2

When turning on the computer, an error appeared: Floppy disk(s) Fail (40). This error occurs due to incorrect operation of the Floppy disk (disk drive), or from settings in the BIOS.
Many do not even know what a floppy disk is. Because this "mammoth" is already a thing of the past. It was replaced by flash drives. To give you an idea of ​​what we are talking about here, see the image below.

If you still have the device shown in Figure 2 installed in the system unit, then pay attention to its indicator. If it is constantly glowing, then try flipping the cable to the other side.

Well, if you do not have Floppy, then when you reboot, we go into the BIOS by pressing the key DEL or DELETE(this key is designated differently on keyboards), we find the entry: Floppy Drive A, it contains the value "3'5" 1.44Mb. This value should be changed to None. Then we look for the item advanced bios features and in it under paragraph Check Floppy Drive on Boot change the value to Disable.
That's it, now press the F10 key on the keyboard, a window will appear in which we press the key Y and click ENTER.
Many users have a different BIOS version, so the names of the items may differ. Item Example Check Floppy Drive on Boot may be called Boot Up Floopy Seek