Home / Mobile OS / Basic settings of the VKontakte group: what they are for and what they affect. Search for VKontakte groups and communities by search and without registration VKontakte find a group without registration

Basic settings of the VKontakte group: what they are for and what they affect. Search for VKontakte groups and communities by search and without registration VKontakte find a group without registration

VKontakte is a huge resource that has “sheltered” millions of Internet users. People find each other, get to know each other, communicate. But the advantage of this site is that, in addition to the direct role of a social network, it also performs other, no less important roles. This is an online cinema, a music archive, a personalized newspaper and even a fan club. The resource space also hosts thousands of groups and publics, and in this article we will tell you how the search for VKontakte communities works.

What are “communities” in VK?

Social networks are designed to unite people. How to do this? Create small online groups that will be of interest to users. There are two types of communities within VK – groups and public pages. They are distinguished by certain characteristics, mainly related to privacy settings. However, for social network users this is not so important.

Why do communities attract people in general? It's simple: useful or interesting information. In fact, each group or public is a kind of blog where text posts, photo and video materials, etc. are published. Community members can communicate with each other by leaving comments on the wall or in discussions. And something unites them general theme– favorite TV shows or musicians, place of residence, interest in news, hobbies... It would take a long time to list all the possible options, but this is not what the article is about.

By becoming a member of the community, you can keep track of all new posts in your News Feed. But the question is: how to find a group that you might like? Let's figure it out now.

Looking for communities

There are very, very many VKontakte communities. And it’s quite easy to get confused in them, even if you more or less know what exactly you’re looking for. But still, the more specifics there are in your request, the higher the likelihood of finding exactly what you need.

So, you can search for a public/group in the following ways:

  • by name;
  • via a specific link;
  • through search parameters in general search;
  • in search engines.

The choice of method will depend on the initial information. Of course, the easiest way to find the right community is if you know its name or, even better, its link. Everything is clear with the link: you type it into the address bar of your browser and immediately go to the desired page.

If you have a name, proceed like this:

1.log into your VK account;

2.go to the “Groups” section;

3.in the “Search” line, enter the name of the community you are looking for, press Enter;

4.look through the list of results matching the request and go to the desired page.

You can also find communities through a general search - this is a line in the site header. The algorithm is the same as on Facebook:

1.enter the name of the community, press Enter or “Show all results”;

2.go to the “Communities” tab;

3. choose what you were looking for.

Everything seems simple. However, in most cases we do not have such specifics, but simply want to find something based on our interests. This is why search by parameters was invented. It's easy to get into it:

1.go to the “Groups” section;

2.open the “Search for Communities” tab;

3.specify the search parameters and select the desired page among the results obtained.

There are not very many parameters, even few. We can choose which format interests us: meetings, publics or VKontakte groups and the country/city that was indicated in the community information. You can also enter a keyword in the search bar. However, this cannot be said that this always helps: interesting public pages often have completely incomprehensible names.

Finally, you can simply use the help of search engines: enter the query you are interested in, adding the VK or VKontakte tag. Surely you will find something useful for yourself. By the way, you can go to the public even without registration, because... These pages are considered public and do not require visitors to have a personal account in VK. But if you find closed group, then you won’t be able to view it: you need to submit an application to join, and then get permission from the administrators.

So, now you know how to find groups on VK that may be of interest to you. And if you are faced with such a task, you will cope with it without any problems.

I created a community (group or public) on VKontakte, but it does not appear in the search and cannot be found by name. What is the reason? When will it appear there? What needs to be fixed?

Main reason

Perhaps in the settings of your group or public the age limit is set to 16+ or 18+, although there is no “adult” content there. Later it turns out that the group is not displayed in VKontakte safe search, and in the iPhone application it does not even open via the link - a message is displayed:

The community likely contains inappropriate content and is not viewable.

The fact is that Apple (iPhone manufacturer) is strict about “adult” materials and requires them to be hidden in applications regardless of the user’s age. Therefore, VKontakte developers are forced to do this in their application. And in a search on the VK website, such a group can be found only by unchecking "Safe Search"- not everyone will notice it, since it is located at the very end of the search parameters.

If you set an age limit in a group, you are voluntarily informing that your group needs to be hidden. Without fully understanding what exactly you are doing, you will not close the group from teenagers, but will only prevent all normal people from joining it.

How to remove age restrictions in a group

If there is no “adult” content in the group, go to “Management” in it and in the “Additional information” settings section, click “Specify age restrictions”:

Then select an option "Under 16 years old" to remove the restriction, and press "Save".

This should solve the problem. But keep in mind that the group may not appear in the search immediately, but after some time.

Other Possible Causes

  • The community was created quite recently and has a very small audience (few participants, subscribers). For some time now, such groups have not been included in searches in order to reduce the amount of spam.
  • The time a group appears in searches may depend on the frequency of its name (competitiveness). For example, if it is called simply “Dating”, then it may not appear in the search for a long time, but if “Dating in the village of Pochinok” it will appear faster.
  • Not enough content. Create several posts (entries) in the group. At least 5 pieces. Add hashtags to your posts (the # sign and a word indicating the topic of the post - for example, #vkontakte, #interesting), but only a little, no more than 10 (if more, they won’t work).
  • Some material (for example, a photo) was posted in the group, which was recognized by VKontakte systems as intended for adults, or as spam, or there was another violation of the site rules in the group. As a result, the group was excluded from Safe Search, and in order to return it there, you will have to write a request to support agents.
  • There are too many bots or blocked users (dogs) in the group. Remove them from the participants and write a request to the agents asking them to return the group to the search.

When will the group appear in the search?

Why is the VKontakte group not in search engines - Yandex, Google?

Because she gets into search engines(indexed) not immediately, but after some time, sometimes quite long - two weeks, a month. This depends on how quickly search engines find the group (i.e., on the presence of links to it on the Internet), its content and other factors. In addition, Yandex or Google may decide not to show the group in search results at all - for their own reasons.

There is a belief that if you leave a link to your group in the comments below, it will appear in the search. However, this is not true. In fact, you need to be careful.

IN social network VKontakte has a very large number of different communities (see). Starting from entertainment to commercial groups that sell goods and services (see). How can you find among them the VKontakte community that would be interesting to you?

To do this, you can use a special service - “Allsocial”. Now I will explain to you how it works.

What's the point?

What metric do you think can help us determine the quality of a community? This is the growth rate of active participants (see). If a group publishes really high-quality content, it gains popularity very quickly. The result is an increase in subscribers. Therefore, the higher this indicator for a group, the more interesting it is.

And all we have to do is find such a community.

How to find a VKontakte group you are interested in

Let's go to the above service.


Here will be a list of communities that have a very high growth rate.

The growth of participants is the number of participants who joined minus the number of participants who left for the last day.

But there is a pitfall here. Community administrators could cheat participants (see). Therefore, one indicator is not enough.

Let's add one more parameter here - coverage. The corresponding column is in the results.

Reach - the number of visits to the group per day, and the number of posts viewed.

This indicator cannot be increased. After all, bots (see), which are used for cheating, do not know how to view records. And therefore, a community with a high coverage rate can be considered interesting.

How to find the most interesting communities by topic

We return to the service and select the appropriate category in the right menu block. Then we filter the results by clicking the mouse cursor on the “Coverage” column.

We have already written about that, and now we will find out how the search for VKontakte communities works.

If you are tired of the public pages that you constantly read, then you can use the community search to find new groups. You can search among those that you might potentially like or among all communities, including the official and most popular ones on VK.

There are more than 160 million communities on VKontakte, the average user is subscribed to 50-100 groups, but reads only 5-10 favorite public pages.

Thanks to the search for communities, you can easily find publics that will replace your most read groups; we will tell you what you need to do for this in our step-by-step instructions.

How to search for VKontakte communities

Step #1

Log in to your VK profile.

Step #2

Go to the “Groups” section on the main menu panel on the left.

On the right side we see the section menu. We are interested "Search for communities". Click on the option.

The default search options include a filter "by relevance", this means that the search finds communities similar to those you are used to reading.

We scroll through the communities in the search to find new ones that are interesting for ourselves.

Step #3

Another filter in the search parameters - "by number of participants".

Here we see the most popular communities.

Step #4

Let's look at additional filters related to the type of community. We can select a group, public page, meeting, or leave any default filter. Then the search will not filter communities.

Please note that public pages are available to any user, but groups can be closed, with limited access. You can join open groups freely, and you can apply for closed groups.

Step #5

You can also use filters by region - you can select communities of a specific country, for example.

Use Safe Search to exclude communities with 18+ content.

Now you know how to search for new communities and can diversify your daily VK content.

Please upvote if the instructions were useful to you, do not forget to share with friends on social networks and write comments.

Hello friends!

In today's article I will talk about the settings of the VKontakte group. Where to find them and what needs to be indicated in them in order to promote more effectively in VK. In general, the information will definitely be useful, so read below.

What are the settings for and where are they located?

Initially, when you create communities, you immediately go to the VKontakte group settings and there you need to set all the necessary data. In addition, usually the group settings constantly change depending on the tasks, and I’ll tell you where to find them later.

In the screenshot below, I showed where you can get to the settings of your community, namely by clicking the “Manage Community” button under your community’s avatar (in the case of a public page, it will say “Manage Page”.

Basic settings of the VKontakte community

Let's go through the basic settings of the VKontakte community.

Other community settings

Now let's look at the other tabs. “Participants” tab. Here you can see who is in your community, and also, if necessary, remove someone from the community.

These are, in principle, the basic settings of the VKontakte community. You can easily figure them out yourself, but if suddenly you don’t work in social networks at all and you need promotion, then you can safely contact us.

I provide consultations and also help promote VKontakte communities.

I hope you found this article helpful and will share the link on social media. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates to stay up to date with all the events.

That's all, bye everyone!