Home / Office / Disconnect the charger from the laptop. How to properly charge a new laptop battery? Rules for using a laptop battery

Disconnect the charger from the laptop. How to properly charge a new laptop battery? Rules for using a laptop battery

Most modern laptops are equipped with lithium-ion batteries. Such a battery is light in weight and has quite high power, sufficient to provide many hours of operation. autonomous operation device even when its functions are used intensively. However, due to its advantages, a lithium-ion battery is relatively expensive, so users often wonder: how can they extend its service life? One of the most important points The “life” of a laptop battery is the process of its first charging and discharging.

  • After you buy a new laptop, you need to fully charge it. Connect the laptop to the network, but do not start downloading operating system. Wait until the battery is fully charged - the charging status indicator LEDs located on the front or back of the laptop should go out. The first charge of a lithium-ion battery takes a minimum of four hours.
  • After charging is complete, you can turn on the laptop and start working. In this case, it should not be connected to the network adapter, but the battery should be completely discharged (at the end of the battery life, take into account possible data loss). This is done so that the power supervisor chip and the operating system driver, which controls power, record the real capabilities of your laptop battery and set automatic setup relevant parameters.
  • After the laptop battery is completely discharged, it is necessary to carry out another full charging cycle and then you can begin normal operation.

To increase the service life of the battery, it is advisable to constantly keep it charged, using a power connection whenever possible. On some forums you can still find statements that a laptop battery requires 100% battery discharge. In fact this information relevant only for old batteries built on a nickel-cadmium electrochemical system. Nowadays, such batteries are not found in modern laptops.

By the way, the tips for charging the battery for the first time, given above, apply not only to a laptop, but also to any other device that runs on lithium-ion batteries - a phone, a tablet, and so on.

How to properly charge a new laptop battery to ensure maximum use? Modern lithium-ion batteries place quite high demands on operating conditions, but following simple rules significantly increases the battery life. It is important to ensure that the device is used correctly from the first day after purchase.

Charging a new laptop battery

Charging a new laptop battery is carried out according to a special scheme: this is necessary to “train” the battery and prepare it for work, as well as to avoid too rapid discharge in the first days. Immediately after purchase, the battery must be fully charged: they are usually stored in warehouses with an incomplete charge of approximately 60% - this is necessary for maximum preservation of the battery capacity.

The battery must be installed in the laptop, then connect it to the mains without pressing the power button. The first charge lasts about 4 hours, its completion can be seen when the indicator turns off. After this, you can turn on the laptop and use it until it turns off completely. In this case, it must be disconnected from the network. The charge and discharge cycle is then repeated again, after which the battery can be used normally.

In the future, it is recommended to carry out such “training” for the battery once every few months. The calibration process allows you to eliminate any failures in the controller and prevent a decrease in battery capacity due to them.

Rules for using a laptop battery

How to use a new laptop battery? To make it last as long as possible, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Do not allow the battery to completely discharge or store it in a discharged state. The best option is to stop using the laptop when the battery charge level drops to 10-20% or more. Several weeks of storage in a discharged state will lead to the fact that the battery will completely fail.
  • It is necessary to avoid overheating and overcooling the battery: both lead to a rapid decrease in capacity. In winter, a laptop cannot be used immediately after it has been brought indoors from the cold.
  • To increase service life, it is not recommended to constantly maintain the battery at 100% charge. If you work with a laptop at home and use it as a desktop PC, it is recommended to disconnect the battery and store it with a charge level of approximately 60%.
  • It is important to avoid impacts and mechanical damage to the battery. They can cause a short circuit and completely break the device.
Use your laptop in a cool place to increase battery life. Below is a table showing the dependence of the loss of battery charge depending on the temperature in which it was located.

Installing a battery in a laptop

Installing a new battery in a laptop does not take much time. It is necessary to disconnect the device from the network, turn it off, after which it is turned over and the battery compartment cover is opened. On older models it is attached with screws, on new ones it is closed with latches. The old battery is carefully removed, the new one is installed, after which the case is closed in the same way.

If you are purchasing a compatible battery rather than an original one, you need to make sure that it matches the original in size. Even a small discrepancy will render it unusable. If you cannot choose a suitable battery yourself, use professional help: our consultants will select a battery for a laptop of any model, and there will be no problems with installation.

Proper use will ensure that the new battery lasts a long time. stable use with long battery life.

How to charge a laptop battery - correctly

When buying a laptop, you need to know how to charge the battery - correctly.

The first check is carried out when purchasing a mobile computer. After connecting the netbook to the mains, turn it on. Allow its battery to charge fully. Now look at the indicator in the system tray. A battery is considered to be of poor quality if its charge level does not rise above 98%. It is better to abandon such a mobile computer immediately. In general, you need to learn how to charge a netbook battery correctly. In addition, in order to extend the battery life as much as possible, it is not necessary to use it when it is possible to connect the computer to the mains.

It is not recommended to store a completely discharged battery separately from the computer. It is better to recharge it by 40-60% before removing it. Even if your mobile computer is used most of the time at home, try to connect the battery to it at least once every two to three months

And if you take care of purchasing a spare battery in advance, then in the future you won’t have to search all the stores in search of similar model, and the netbook will be able to go without the need to recharge for quite a long time

How to properly charge a netbook battery.

The standard of quality and popularity in laptops today is the lithium-ion battery (Li-Ion). They are large in volume and light in weight. The disadvantages of this type of battery are its high cost and relatively small temperature range for operation. To battery lasted longer, you need to charge the laptop correctly the first time

Will need

- charger;
- socket;
- laptop user manual

Make sure that the laptop has a lithium-ion battery. This characteristic can be found in the user manual or on the computer box. The manufacturer designates the battery type with the letter combination Li-Ion.
A new laptop usually has an uncharged battery or a partially charged one. The Li-Ion system does not have the “memory effect” characteristic of earlier manufactured devices. Also, the next generation of batteries - lithium-polymer (Li-Poly) - are not subject to this effect. But in order not to disrupt the system, you need to charge the laptop correctly the first time.
Without turning on the computer, connect the charger to it and leave it to charge overnight for the first time. This way, you are guaranteed to get a maximally charged battery. If you couldn’t resist and turned on the laptop, after 10-20 minutes when charging for the first time, the battery icon may show 100% readiness. Turn off the computer, remove the battery, wait a few seconds. Reinsert the battery. Connect your laptop to the charger. The battery may become very hot when charging.
In order for the battery of a new laptop to reach its maximum capacity, it must be “trained”. After overnight charging, disconnect the power supply from the network and work on the computer in offline mode until the battery is completely discharged. Reconnect your computer to the network overnight. Perform these manipulations several times (3–5) to properly develop the battery.
It is worth keeping in mind that a new battery charges and discharges faster. The actual battery life on your computer may not initially correspond to the specifications specified by the manufacturer. Don't rush to the store: after a few full charges, the battery can easily withstand the specified time

Again in short sentences:
1. Without connecting network adapter, completely discharge the laptop (netbook) (until the laptop itself turns off)
2. Without turning on the laptop, put it on charge and charge until full + keep it on charge for a few more hours. For example, from 12-14 hours or more
3. Disconnect the charger and work on the laptop until it is completely discharged.
4. Repeat this cycle 3 times (but no half-charges, only until full)
For prevention, carry out a cycle 2-3 times a year: discharge - charge (3 times). Then even the “lousy” battery cells will behave satisfactorily.

It is not necessary to disconnect the battery to protect it, because... It’s quite difficult to spoil it if you use it correctly

Laptops have long become an indispensable attribute of every modern person - a pass to the magical world of the Internet. We use them to work, play and communicate from anywhere on the planet. And if you're like most people, keep your laptop plugged in at home and at work. But in vain.

If you want to squeeze maximum energy out of your laptop's batteries, unplug it as soon as the indicator shows 100 percent charge. And even a little earlier.

The head of Cadex Electronics, Isidore Buschmann, is confident that ideally you need to charge the battery to 80 percent, then turn it off, wait until the charge level drops to 40 percent, and turn it on again. This technique will extend the life of your battery up to four times.

The reason lies in the voltage level of each element of the lithium polymer battery. The higher the charging percentage, the higher the voltage level. The higher the voltage level, the higher the load on each element. This load results in a reduction in discharge time. According to the Battery University website, if a laptop can produce 300-500 discharge cycles when charging to 100 percent, then when charging to 70 percent, the number of these cycles increases to 1200-2000.

Buschmann knows this well, as his company sponsors Battery University. In addition, he claims that it is not only constant connection to the network that shortens the life of the battery - temperature also plays a significant role in this process. Overheating can cause battery cells to expand and cause bubbles to form. Such a battery will not last long.

To avoid these troubles, it is better not to close the laptop lid or keep it on your lap.

Buschmann admits that his advice to keep charge levels between 40 and 80 percent is easier said than done. Constantly keeping the indicator under control during operation is not very convenient. “But it’s not that hard to at least charge it to about 80 percent every time. And when you're going on a trip, stop charging a little short of 100 percent,” he says.

Some users have adapted to calculating the time it takes the computer to discharge from 80 to 40 percent and set a timer. They do the same thing over time as the batteries charge.

A complete discharge and charging cycle of the battery makes it possible to calibrate the device. This procedure must be carried out once a month. Only in this case, after a large number of incomplete charges, will it be possible to count on correct and correct work functions to indicate the exact time remaining until the laptop is completely discharged.

It is also worth noting that lithium-ion batteries last an average of three years. After this, it would be advisable to replace the battery with a new one. Therefore, you should not fanatically follow recommendations on how to extend the life of your laptop battery. First of all, you should use the laptop in a way that is convenient for you. That is, fully charge the battery before the trip, and do not panic when the battery is completely discharged. Follow the recommendations given if possible.

IN lately Various compact mobile devices have become very popular electronic devices, allowing you to use all the services and entertainment of the Internet without being “tied” to a specific place - smartphones, tablets, communicators and, above all, laptops.

Of course, in order for mobile devices to be fully mobile, they must be equipped with their own power sources.

This is especially true for the most energy-consuming mobile devices– laptops. The energy source for almost all modern laptops is lithium-ion batteries.

Lithium-ion batteries have replaced nickel-cadmium batteries and have almost completely conquered the mobile device market due to a number of advantages, including:

  • long service life;
  • light weight;
  • compact size;
  • lower cost;
  • short charging time;
  • longer operating time on one charge;
  • lower price.

However, there are certain nuances in the operation of lithium-ion batteries that must be taken into account if we want the laptop to serve us longer without replacing the battery, because the cost new battery can reach a third of the cost of an entire mobile computer. So, let's find out how to charge a laptop correctly.

Secrets of proper charging

Figuring out how to properly charge a laptop battery turned out to be not so easy. There are a lot of opinions on this matter. As you know, everyone knows how to play football, treat any disease and raise other people's children. Nowadays, this list of “general knowledge” can be added to the knowledge of how to charge a laptop battery.

You hear so much about this, including completely opposite opinions. For example, that the battery must certainly be charged only after it has been completely discharged, or, conversely, that the battery must in no case be allowed to discharge below a certain limit. So who should we believe?

It would seem that it would be easier to just take and read the instructions from the manufacturer, which necessarily accompanies the product. The only problem is that the instructions, as a rule, in this aspect are laconic to the point of indecency. Sometimes information about charging is limited to the fact that for this the battery must be connected to the mains. Nothing to say, valuable information.

There is reason to think that this state of affairs is by no means accidental: income from the sale of components and spare parts can sometimes exceed the profit from the sale of the main product.

For example, we can recall an unadvertised, but by no means secret, fact: the lion’s share of the profits of printer manufacturing companies is not generated by the printers themselves. Maximum profit is derived from the sale of cartridges and consumables.

Of course, the percentage of profit from the sale of batteries relative to the total turnover is not so large, but if we are talking about turnover in billions, then even a fraction of a percent will amount to millions and hundreds of thousands. Since we can’t count on help from manufacturers, we’ll turn to specialists for help.

  1. Before we talk about properly charging a laptop battery, we need to touch on general operating issues. For a lithium-ion battery, the temperature regime is important, the optimal ambient temperature is +15-25 degrees, the limiting temperature is +5-45 degrees.
  2. Under no circumstances should you use a battery that is cooled below zero degrees Celsius. If a laptop or battery is brought in from outside, be sure to let the device warm up for at least an hour.
  3. When using a mobile computer at temperatures of 30 degrees or more, it is advisable to use special stands. In addition to the passive effect - providing an additional path for cooling air. Such stands can be equipped additional cooler, powered by battery power and connected to the device via a USB drive.
  4. As for how to produce charging the laptop battery correctly, here experts are almost unanimous: both those who advise completely discharging the battery and those who suggest keeping the power source constantly charged are equally mistaken.
  5. The optimal battery charge level is 40-80%. Maintaining the charge level within these limits can increase the service life of the element by 3-4 times, up to 1200-1500 full discharge-charge cycles.
  6. There are no problems with tracking the lower charge limit; all you need to do is set up the appropriate notifications. But how to catch the moment when the laptop is 80% charged? After all, even special software that limits the charge level will be useless if charging takes place in the off state (and this is exactly how it usually happens).
  7. There is no clear answer to this question. Some recommend using timers, for example, in mobile phone, in order to record the battery charging time and use these values ​​in the future. Agree, this is also not the most convenient way.
  8. In any case, it should be taken into account that the charge level and (in particular) the remaining time until the battery is discharged, which the computer “shows” to us, may differ from reality. To clarify the picture, an operation called “ battery calibration».
  9. To calibrate, it is enough to continuously work on the laptop from the state of the power source " fully charged"to the state of "complete zero" (although it is better to stop at 2-3% and complete the work as usual). A full charge-discharge cycle every couple of months will not cause much harm to the battery.
  10. This point must be taken into account when starting to work with the device. To charge a new laptop, place it correctly without turning it on and charge it overnight. After this, when you turn on the device, 100% of the charge on the screen will be guaranteed to correspond to 100% in the energy storage.
  11. You can also use special calibration programs that, without human intervention, “drive” the computer for a couple of hours and perform a calibration.

Does this advice make any sense at all? After all, the optimal charge limits (40-80%) leave the user with less than half the possible operating time of the device, that is, depending on the tasks performed, 1.5-2.5 hours. Is there any point in mobile computer, which is capable of being mobile for a couple of hours at best?